..._--...° of the Canadian War Brides’ will be held on Wednesday, August 26, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Betty Rollinson. Garden Ave., Langstaï¬, c1w8 of AUGUST 26 _â€". 1:139 ngxp _me_etlné A: LL- n-,, of nine papers. Not only does Shirley top her class, she also joins the ranks of those students who may be said to stand among the highest in the province. Shirley plans to train as a nurse at Toronto At the recent Upper School De~ partmental Examinations. Miss Shirley Barnes, of the Richmond Hill District High School, heads her class with the record of eight ï¬rst class honours. and one second class honours, standings for a total NEWMARKET : Three delegates attending the A.C.W.W. confer- ence in Toronto were guests of the local W. I last week. They repres- ented Ceylon and the Netherlads. _Later the three ladies toured York hCounty attended by Mayor Joseph Vale and Mrs. Vale. _ Shirley Barnes Richmond Hill High School Student Has High Honors In Departmental Exams STOUFFVILLE : Council will pass a by-law to prohibit corner park- ing. t o . t WXBRIDGE : Township tax rate has been boosted 5.6 mills. The county rate, school rate and town- ship rate have all increased. at the time of his death was min- istering at Pine Orchard. Left to mourn the loss are his widow and two brothers. PICKERING : Julie Hawkins. 12. Guild Road, Pickering. received both a reward and an official com- mendation after she turned over to the authorities a $70 bag of silver found on a road here last Satur- day. The money had been lost by a collecting agent. NEWMARKET : Funeral services were held in Trinity United Church on August 17 for the late Rev. Robert Riddeil McMath, 61, who had served in the ministry for 31 years. He retired as minister‘of New- market United Church in 1942 and He had undergone an emergency operation. He was on his way to see his wife at Musselman's Lake when he was flung to the ruï¬ed road. STOUFFVILLE : Somersaulting in the air when his motorcycle hit a pot hole on the 9th line two miles north of here last Friday, Newton Madill. 24, of Stoufl‘ville. was rush- ,ed to Toronto East General hospi- tal where he died the next day of head injuries. Police said the Orange auto col- lided with one driven by Frank Payne, 18. of Boon Ave., Toronto. He is charged with dangerous and careless driving. Mrs. John Orange, 37, of Pine Grove, a passenger in a car driven by her husband. was thrown part way through the windshield by the impact. She died in Humber Memorial Hospital from multiple throat cuts and a possible fractured skull. Mr. Orange was treated for cuts to his face and shoulders. WOODBRIDGE:A woman was killâ€" ed and four persons were injured last Sunday in a head-on collision between two cars on the Wood- bridge Road, two miles south of here. SCARBORO : A set of traffic lights is to be installed at the intersec‘ tion of Eglinton Ave. and Kennedy Road. It is hoped that the num- ber of accidents may be reduced at this point. ’SIBBALD’S PT. : Among the in- teresting relics recently added to the museum in the County Park here are instruments used by Geo. Everest, in his attempt to climb and survey Mt. Everest. AURORA : As part of its safety campaign, the Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the La- batt Safe Driving Clinic. STOUFFVILLE : Town Council has approached the township of Whltchurch with a request for 50 acres in which to expand village boundaries. ‘3 MARKHAM : Village council has passed a by-Iaw to establish a Memorial Centre at Morgan Park. WOODBRIDGE : The Dept. of Highways has announced that ten- ders have been let for resurfacing of portions of No. 7 Highway be. {tween Woodbridge and Highway ' No. 27. thefts in resort areas hit here when Bonnie Boats Co. were robbed of over $1200 worth of outboard mo- tors. JACKSON’S PT. : The wave of WESTON : Mr. Wm. McGillivray, pioneer resident of Vaughan Twp., passed away here recently. He was in his 98th year. News from Next Door Coming Events Of all papers written 85.6% were successful. Among those trying less than nine papers, honourable mention should go to Mr. Quintin Wight with three ï¬rsts and two seconds out of ï¬ve, and Mr. Bert Moorby with two ï¬rsts. one third. and a credit out of four. Miss Marion Frazer with two ï¬rsts, two seconds, four thirds, and a credit. Miss Melba Baker with one ï¬rst three seconds, two thirds and three credits. Mr. Ross Baker with one ï¬rst. ï¬ve seconds. one third, and three credits. Western Hospital. -â€" it would apâ€" pear that Shirley's should be a brilliant career in her chosen pro- fession. It was because of her decision to enter nursing that Shir- ley could not be persuaded to try for a university scholarship. Honourable mention for a high percentage of honours standing out of nine or ten papers tried goes to: Council met at Vandorf last Tuesday when the 14 northern municipalities which form the re- mainder of the county after amal- gamation discussed the Davis es- tate which has been offered as a county seat. The present county building on Adelaide St. E. in Tor- onto will probably be turned over to the.Metropolitan administration as part of the settlement of the present county's assets. Warden Asa Cook of York coun- ty council has stated York county park on the shore of Lake Simcoe will be retained by the county ra- ther than signed over to the Tor- onto metropolitan administration. He said the county has already spent $20,000 on a road into the park and planned to develop beaches, refreshment stands and amusements there. York County Plans To Retain New Park First hiscovery of the ï¬re was by Mr. Mel Parisi. Carrying their two small children, Mr. and Mrs. Parisi fought their way through smoke and flames from their up- stairs apartment to safety below. Their eldest son, John 20. leaped out a second story window on to a marquee and slid to the ground A neighbour, Mrs. D. J. Ducharme, who lives in a separate apartment above the store, also escaped. "I woke up choking with smoke and saw it swirling into our bed- room," Parisi said. “I shook my wife, Eva, and ran to the front room to awaken John. Eva ran to A 2-hour ï¬re which broke out in the early hours of last Friday morning completely gutted the in- terior of Parisi’s Family Store lo- cated on Yonge Street here in the village. The ï¬re of undetermined origin is believed to have broken out in the stock room and spread throughout the store. The total loss is estimated at $50,000 which sur_n_ walcovered by insurance. VOLUME LXXV. NUMBER 3. Pictured above is the burnt-out prem- ises of Parisi’s Family Store which was destroyed in an early morning ï¬re last Friday. Fortunately the k 2-hour ï¬re which broke out in * early hours of last Friday rning completely gutted the in- ior of Parisi's Family Store lo- ed on Yonge Street here in the age. The ï¬re of undetermined gin is believed to have broken . in the stock room and spread managed to es their upstair: smoke. Rio the blaze. the children and snatched Paula three, from her crib. I couldn’t wake John, so I grabbed Mel, six from his bed and started down the stairs. I intended to go back for John but when we reached the street we saw he had leaped from the window", he said. Parisi family Local Store Suffers $50,000] Fire Loss , _ ___-°_.- Mrs. Torrey belongs to the local group which has a name of its own, "Come and Join Usâ€. There are 18 members. Mrs. Spencer lives in the fruit section of Michi- gan where peaches are an import- ant crop. On her farm a field of two acres of sour soil has been turned into a very profitable blue- berry patch. From the N. E. corner of Wyom- ing came Mrs. Elizabeth Grenier who is post mistress at Devil’s Tower, president of the local Home Extension Clubs. a historian of the state of Wyoming and county his- torian, and a member of Devil’s In the United States the W0- men‘s Institutes are known as Groups of Home Extension and are not confined to rural membership. City clubs, and country women who have retired to small cities, find these groups congenial. Mrs‘ A. H. Torrey, Flint, and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer. South Haven, who are past presidents of the Home Ex- tension of our neighbouring state of Michigan were U.S. delegates. The delegates included Mrs. D. Elema-Bakker and Mrs. Dethmers, who came from Middlestun. Hol- land, and who told that in their country, when the son of the fam- ily marries, he takes over the farm, and the parents retire. Mrs. Ele- ma's son has taken over the re- sponsibility of her 150 acre farm, where barley. oats, sugar beets. peas and potatoes are the chief crops. Mrs. Elema is president of the National organization of Dutch Women's Institutes. While on this continent she has visited Dutch settlers who are living in such isolated places as Dawson Creek and Lyn Lake. Many of these Dutch families are finding their new homes very lonely, so differ- ent from their own little land where neighbours are near, but they tell Mrs. Elema that for the same income earned in Canada as earned in Holland‘. they can give their families a better life in this country. This refers to the work- ing class. Professional men and women have more difficult con- ditions to overcome. Eight delegates to the triennial conference of the Associated Countrywomen of the World, were present at a meeting and picnic of the King City W. I. which was held at the home of Miss Blair Burrows on Tuesday afternoon, August 11. King W. |. Is Hostess To Delegates Of. A.C.W.W. Under the direction of Chief A. Stong, the local brigade went into action quickly, playing streams of vater from ï¬ve bases on the blaze. At the height of the inferno flames On escaping from the building the Parisis immediately turned in the alarm for the Richmond Hill Brigade. . Only the quick and efficient res- ponse of the Richmond Hill Fire lgrigade averted what might have een a disastrous loss to part of the village’s business section. Mrs. Ducharme who heard Parisi shout followed the family down the stairs. All were in night attire. The Parisi’s other daughter, Phyl- us. 16, was away from home at the time. bis-#3 WEWL 'In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials managed to escape before being~traï¬ged in their upstairs apartment by ï¬re and smoke. Richmond Hill ï¬remen battled the blaze. VISIT EDDY PLANT The stafl‘ of the Langstaff Card Co. visited the plant of the E. B. Eddy Co. at Hull. Que., last week. The one day tour included the visit to the plant and surrounding areas. The King City ladies Were de- lighted to have had the honour of entertaining the visitors to Can- ada. On their return to TorontO, the delegates from Holland drove to Holland Marsh to see the result of the Drainage Scheme and they stopped for a short time to visit one of the Dutch families who live near the Church. , V_r_. The delegates were pleased to have been present at the picnic and expressed their thanks to the president, Mrs. Austin Rumble, and to their hostess, Miss Burrows. From Kentucky came Mrs. Eliza- ‘beth McGrath whose home is the capital city, Frankfort, in the Blue Grass Country, and Mrs. P. A. Jones of La Centre. These ladies will He remembered for the pretty brooches that they wore, and for their soft voices. The brooches were perky cardinals, or red birds as they called them, which repre- sent Kentucky. These brooches are carved and coloured by handicraft groups in the mountains of Ken- tucky, and are sold as souvenirs of the state. Mrs. McGrath gave some interesting ideas about the activities of the groups with whom she works. Home industry and handicrafts are important to the mountain women, and to the farm women who have come to live in the towns. Some of the accomp- lishments of the Kentucky women are in learning glass etching, tex- tile painting, basket making. They make table mats of heavy Indian Head cotton, and attractive sewing kits like minature sunbonnets, and they establish memorial libraries, and increase their knowledge by reading and study groups. Canadians, as she had become ac- customed to being called “Green- eer" at home. Mrs. Edna Percival, of Lusk, was‘her travelling com- panion from Wyoming. Mrs. Per- cival is vice president of the Bur- eau of Home Makers Extension. Both ladies wore a large felt bison on their dresses as the emblem of their state. Tower Home Acres Club. Mrs. Grenier’s father was born in On- tario, and her husband was born in Montreal. She was delighted to hear her name pronounced by The Parisis have taken up tem- porary residence in Toronto. Immediate plans are under way for the complete renovation of the premises. In the meantime Mr. Parisi is preparing to hold a ï¬re sale of what merchandise was sav- ed. ‘shot out of the front of the store and a heavy pall of smoke hung about the area. Although no ï¬re- men were injured several of them did suffer slight effects from the heavy smoke. It is believed the ï¬re had started early in the even- ing and remained undetected until 3 am. - The proceedings were viewed by a large crowd of townspeople who were awakened by rthevsmoke and sirens. The North York and Aur- ora Brigades also~responded and stood by in case the ï¬re showed signs of spreading. The Parisi apartment was dam- aged by the smoke and water as‘ was the bakery next door. ‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1953 â€" Photo by Stefaniuk :, Liberty; hi a†Thing, The Liberal member-elect in York Scarboro, Frank Enfield, al- so led in his riding, getting 174 of the soldier votes. Conservative Stanley Schaiz iééé1ve&"i6'2‘ Elected Liberal candidate in York Centre, Al. Hollingworth. polled 111 soldier votes, Roy Thompson, RC, 50, Wm. New- combe, C.C.F. 17 and David Kash- tan, L.P.P. 1. Three ballots were spoiled making the total vote in York Centre 182. In North York, Jack Smlth, win- ning Liberal candidate. received 55 votes, C. A. Cathers, P.C.‘, 39, and Donald Scott, C.C.F., 51. Four ballots were rejected making a total vote of 148 for North York. The soldier vote in the ridings of York North, York Centre and York Scarboro made little change in final election results, the Liberals polling a majority of the soldier vote in all three districts. Soldier Vote .In Three Yorks Mï¬ks‘SuALittIeChénge Results . __- .«...v..uuuv Since turning his atten‘tion to automobiles. he has had consider« able experience with almost all types of Continental and North American cars, and has managed shops in both England and Canada. In his own business, he is assisted by a licensed mechanic and a help- er. Mr. Paget is ably assisted on the home front by Mrs. Paget, a dau- ghter and a ï¬ne new son. The Pagets believe Canada is a land of opportunity for enterprising peop- le and since coming to Canada in During the war, he travelled all over England, from airï¬eld to air- ï¬eld and for a period of ï¬ve years was on loan to the British Govern- ment for the purpose of experi- ment and further development on aircraft. It was during this period that Mr. Paget had the privilege of ï¬tting the ï¬rst radar receiver in a British aircraft. Afterwards he was requested to do considerable work on the Lancaster-Lincoln bomber, the world’s largest. Dur- ing his apprenticeship, he was also associated with Lockheed Hydraul- ic and Borg and Beck Clutch Co. Wide Experience . Coming to this country from England 1949 with excellent refer- ences, Mr. Paget brought a wealth of experience with him, covering all types of internal combustion motors from single cylinder ones to high power 24 cylinder aero- plane engines. Working backwards from big to small, he learned his original engineering trade at the Armstrong - Whitworth Co. plant at Coventry, England, where. he was apprenticed to all the intrica- cies of aeroplane mechanics. Government Work “Yes, on the whole, I think British cars are here to stay,†said Derek Paget, English car specialist and proprietor of Paget’s Auto Service at Elgin Mills, when interviewed re- cently. . Within two years, Mr. Paget has developed his business into a rapidly growing concern featuring the Austin car ag- ency, and has established an excellent repair and service centre offering an exclusive service for the ever-increasing number of English-car operators. , Arrived In 1949 [1949 mi: Anfprnricu’na ..... 1.. x.-- They arrived too late to save the home. Firemen said the ï¬re was caused by an overheated coal stove left burning by the family when they left earlier in the day. Loss was estimated at $6,000. Aurora ï¬remen, called to the scene by neighbors, who saw smoke billowing from the home, lost their way on back roads before ï¬nding the relatively new community. Local Deaier Forsees Big Future For Small Autos Mrs. Lewis and her ï¬ve children, age 5 to 16, were in Toronto when ï¬re swept through their home at Humber Trails, a small community west of here. The father, a car- penteri was at work in Markham township. Police were still attemp- ting to locate the family two hours after the ï¬re was out. A line of clothing hanging near their home is all the property left to the family of Percy Lewis and his ï¬ve children after ï¬re burned their six-room home to the ground last Tuesday. LineOfWashing All That Is Left After King Fire g7 Rejected Ballots Markham TWp. votes, C.C4F. Arthur Elliott 44, and Social Credit, Stephen Thorlakson 6. Twenty ballots were rejected mak- ing a total vote of 346. When asked why he chose the Austin franchise, Mr. Paget said that the main reason was that it was the only one of the continent- al cars for which good service could be .obtained across North America. He added, “I feel that the Austin will stand up in performance com- parable to large cars and this should make it most adaptable to Canadian motoring conditions.†He concluded that since these cars have low cost parts schedule and the fact that parts are made here and possibly in the future the cars may be. the Austin is a good small car for Canada. Speaking‘ of Canadian roads which differ vastly from the Brit- ish road system. he said, "On the whole, British cars stand up quite comparably with our larger cars. And if they are properly driven and care is exercised, ‘they Mill traverse extremely bad roads.†Mr. Paget also had several in- teresting things to say regarding the English cars in Canada. When asked about English small cars and the Canadian driver. he stated that the small cars, while they have ‘higher compression, have not the motor power to take high grades at low speeds in top gear, making it necessary to use the gears more. He added that many Canadian mo- torists try to drive the English car as they would a high powered Am- erican car, hoWever, they are be- coming more accustomed to the small cars and are now reaping the beneï¬ts of big gas mileage and re- duced, low-cost repairs. ~All have had previous ex- perience in the garage busin- ness and emphasize the com- petent work of their licensed mechanic. They will sell B. A. Products and as a special opening offer are giving one gallon of gas free with every 10 gallons sold. Own home and establishiggï¬aa cessful business. Small Cars in Canada The garage at Stop 14A Yonge Street, formerly B & B Motors, has been taken over by Ross Motors. to hexoperated by Ross Urwin, Val and Morris Charland of North York Township. 1949, this enterprising couple has lived'in a tent_while building their escaped uninjured. After striking the car, the bus careened through the ditch and grazed a farm house causing considerable damage. The 37 passengers in the bus and the residents of the house Mrs. Good who remained at home with an infant son was rushed to Brockville. The injured were taken to Brockville Hospital. Mr. Good and his family were on their way to New Brunswick to spend their vacation with friends. Twin sons who were in the car with their family were uninjured. Boyle Dr. Residents Injured On Vacation Trip Harold Good of Boyle Dr., his 11-year-old son George and his mother-ln-law, Mrs. Cromier were injured early Tuesday morning wheh a C01- onial Coach bus went out of control on No. 2 Highway near Brockville and crashed into the Good‘s car on a narrow shoulder where they had stop- ped to rest. Free _0pening Off er Grinnell. Dave: E. C. c; E. L. c; Geom. c; Chem. c. *Hill. Edward: E. C. I; Hist. 11. Hood. Isobel: E. C. III; Hist. c; Bot. III; Zo. III; Chem. 111. Baker, Ross: E.C. II; E. L. II; Hist II; Alg. III; Geom. c; Trig. I; Phys. II; Chem. II; Fr. A. c: Fr. C. c. Barnes Shirley: E. C. I;’ E. L. I; Hist. 1; lo. I; Chem. I; L. A. I; L. C. I; Fr. A. II; Fr. C. I. Brumwell, Jean: Bot. e; lo. 0. Dedlow, Clark: E. C. c; E. L. c; Alg. c; Geom. c; Chem. III. Dodds, Bill: E. L. c; Alg. II; Geom. c; Trig III; 20. c. *Ewart, Tom: Bot. c. Fowler, Douglas: Alg. c; Geom. c; Trig. 111; Phys. c: Chem. III. Frazer, Marion: E. C. III; E. L. III; Hist. I; 20. 1; Chem. III; L. A. c; L. C. II; Fr. A. II; Fr. C. III. Baker, Melba: E.C. II; EL. 1; Hist. II; Geom. III; Trig. c; 20. II; Chem. 111; Fr. A. c; Fr. C. c. Fr. A. â€"â€" French Authors Fr. C. â€" French Composition G.A. â€" German Authors G. C. â€" German Composition Archibald, Ken: Alg. III; Geom II; Trig. II. Announce Upper School Examination Results R. H. District" High School In opening the discussion Reeve Timbers, who acted as chairman of the gathering, called on Trus- tee Dean to present the facts and ï¬gures he obtained from the De- partment of Education on two dif- ferent types of secondary schools. Both schools would feature prac- tical options but no gymnasium. In taking his lone stand on the ‘ n taxmg ms lone stand on the board as to the type of school to be built, Trustee Dean stated, “I have endeavored to act as an intermed- iary between the ratepayers_nnd Addressing Chairman Kinnee, Reeve W. Timbers asked, “Would the school board accept the coun- cils’ ruling?" Mr. Kinnee: “My individual recommendation to the board would be for them to accept the decision of the councils.†Dean Reports 4. A purely academi'ch2v'i-class- room school. to accommodate 810 pupils at an estimated cost of $540,000. In each of the four cases a max- imum sum of $540,000. would be eligible for basing the provincial grant. Will Accept Decision Once tlie collï¬nwcll; have reached a decision Markham will relay the councils’ feelings to the school board. 3. A 31-room academic school, with practical options. It would.accommodate 890 pupils and cost an estimated $675,000. v7- r..r. 2. A 29-r06m school-,wacademlc with practical options, to accom- modate 850 pupils at an estimated cost of $650,000. -u My vavubu all ï¬nal decision reached at Tuesday’s j Township council Hill District High and four represei School Board, Ch ham’s two representatives Trustee and Trustee C. Smith, who repres Markham and Vaughan. 4 School Types The councils concerned will be asked to study the following four Mark? C0I Dean‘ different school types in prepara- thy 0 tion to voicing an opinion at a joint meeting Markham will call within the near future. The four school types are: 1. A 27-room purely academic school and gymnasium at an es- timated cost of $720,000, which will accommodateï¬lo pupils. Differ Tru Thorn took 1 feelin matte ties! that I â€" 75-100% II â€" 66-74% 111 -â€" 60-65% c â€" 50-59% E.C. â€"- English Composition E.L. â€" English Literature Hist. â€" History Alg. â€" Algebra Geom. â€" Geometry Trig. â€" Trigonometry & Statics Bot. â€" Botany 20. â€" Zoology Phys. â€" Physics Chem. â€" Chemistry L. A. â€" Latin Authors L. C. â€" Latin Composition Markham Township will shortly request the three coun- cils, namely, Vaughan Township and the Villages of Rich‘ mond Hill and Woodfbridge, which along with Markham com stitute the Richmond Hill High School District, for an ex- pression of opinion as to which of four different types of school they prefer to be erected at Thornhill. This was the ï¬nal decision reached at Tuesday’s joint meeting of Markham Township council and four representatives of the Richmond Hill District High School Board, Chairman M. Kinnee, Mark'- hnm’c +urn van“.._.._L_L.-,,, m ___ 7 Decision To Be Made From 4 Different Type Schools The Liberal Want Ads Phone Turner 4-12 61 TO SELL. RENT OR HIRE HELP . . . . . USE THE WANT ADS THAT ARE STILL PRICED TO MAKE ANY TRANSACTION PROFITABLE HOME PAPER or THE ousrmcr’swce 1313 Vlassoï¬. Larry: E. L. c; Geom. c; Trig. II; Phys. II: Fr. C. c. Wight, Quintin: Alg. II; Geom. II: Trig. I; Z0. I; Phys. 1. Those students indicated * are grade XII students trying one or more Upper School subjects. Uren. Janet: E. C. c; E. L. III; Hist. 11; Alg. II; Trig, III; Phys‘ III; Chem. 1; G. A. c. Smith, Eleanor: E. C. III; E. L. II; Hist. I; Zo. II; Chem. c; Fr. A". c; Fr. C. c; G. A. III; G. C. c. Smith, Shirley: E. C. II; E. L. c; Bot. III; Zo. c; Chem. 111. Snider, John: E. C. c; E. L. c; HiséilIII; Alg. II; Geom. III; Phys. c; em. II; Fr. A. 0; Fr. C. c. Tomlinson, Bob: Algicr'fi'igs‘ Chem. c. Miller, Bob: E. C. III; E. L. H: Geom. III; Trig. II; Phys. III; Chem. III. . Moorby. Bert: Geom. III; 'Bot. I: lo. 1; Fr. A. c. Nichols. Lillian: E. C. c; E. L. c; Bot. II; 20. I; Chem. III; L. A. c; L. C. III. Selby, Roger: E. C. c: E. L. c‘ Alg. c; Geom. c; Trig. III; Zo. II; Chem. III; Fr. A. III; Fr. C. c. Sharpe, Gordon: Hist Zo. c; Fr. A. c. McCauley, Terry: E. L. I; Alg‘ III; Geom. II; Trig. 0; Chem. c; Fr. Maxwell, Elizabeth: E. C L. I; Hist. II; 20. II; Che) Fr. A. c; Fr. C. c; G. A. III: James. Mary Lou: E. C. II; E. L. c; Hist. c; Geom. II; Trig. III: 20. III; Chem. c. Keï¬er, Reta: E. C. II; E. L. H1 Geom. c; Trig. c; 20. III. . Kell, John: Alg. c; Trig. II; Phys. II; G. C. c. Large, Peter: E. C. II; E. L. III; Chem. 0; Fr. A. c. 'ustee W. Dean and H. Collar}! represents School Area No. 1 A major part of the evening was spent in discussing the proposed gym and the inclusion of practical options. Chairman Kinnee reported that of all the new high schools built in the province since last Febru. ary’s decision by the Department of Education to dispense with fun- ther grants on the soâ€"called ‘frills', all but one have been built along lines similar to those advocated by a majority of the Richmond Hill board ,i.e., academic classrooms (Continaed on page 2) kuwhlllcll‘u Deputy-Reeve A. LeMasurler then queried, “Has the board any objections to the holding of a pub. lic meeting?" “No,†replied Trusv tee Smith. “but the time element is very important, and we reafly don't know what would be accomp- lished by such a meeting," he add- ed. Gym and Options ‘Markham Township.†Councillor A. Lennie felt Mr; Dean‘s brief “was certainly wor‘ thy of consideration.†Differs With Dean Trustee C. Smith, a resident of Thornhill for the past seven years, took issue with Mr. Dean as to the matter of a gymnasium and prac- tical options. Mr. Smith stated that he had conferred with the chairman (K. Richan) of School Area No. 1 regarding the inclusion of a gymnasium in the new school. and that he had been informed “the school area board certainly favors a gymnasium." Puhlie Meeting Referring to the diï¬erence in opinion as between Trustees Dean and Smith. Councillor Lennie reg marked “The only way to resolve the matter is to hold a public meeting." Trustee Smith, "We feel public meetings don’t get any- where. They are not very produc- tive." Councillor Lennie: "I would cen- tainly challenge that statement." ; Chem. VIII: A. III; G. C. c; Bot. o: