; Phlox, annual, 2nd Mrs. Crutchâ€" yr. Phlox perennial. Mrs. Crut- ¢her. Mrs. Wm. Dean. Miss Clu- bine. Petunias. frilled, Mrs. K. James, Mrs. Poulter. Petunias, not frilled, Mrs. K. James, Mrs. Crutcher. Petunias, double. ï¬rs. Crutcher. Rose. 1 specimen, rs. Healey, 3rd Mrs. E. Leusby. Rose. '1 hybrid tea. 3rd Mrs. Skippon. Rose 1 spray polyanthus, Mrs. Mar- tin ale, L. Riley. Mrs. Crutcher. Sc osa. Mrs. Gribble, Miss Shaw, Miss E. Welsh. Snapdragons. Mrs. Crutcher. Mrs. Poulter. Sweet Peas Miss Shaw. Mrs. K. James. Ver- benas, Mrs. Martlndale, Mrs. Limes. 1 spike. Mrs. Crutcher. Delphinium, annual, Mrs. Wm. Dean. Mrs. Gribble. Delphlnium, perennials, F. Teasdale. Marigolds, African. Mrs. Poulter, Miss Shaw. Marigolds. French, M-ra. Healey, Mics 'haw, Mr . rumhei. Nastur‘ Wis, Miss esh, Mrs. Mizen, Mrs. Martindale. Dahlia, 1 large, Mrs. Wm. Dean, Mrs. Mizen, Mrs. Skippon. Dahlias, ï¬any type; L. Riley. Mrs. Wm. ean. Mrs. Mizen. Gladiolus, 1, any variety, Miss H. Welsh, L. Ril- ew. Miss‘A. Thompson. Gladioli. 3 A.V., Mrs. Heaiey. Mrs. Teasdale, ‘Mrn. Gribble. Giadioii, 8 varieties, Mrs. Teasdale, Mrs. Skippon. Asters, single. and Mrs. Grat- eher. Asters. double, Mrs. K. James, Mrs. Wells. Mrs. Crutcher. Calendulas. Mrs. Crutcher. Caman flons. Mrs. Crutcher. Cosmos, Mrs. Crutcher. Mrs. Wm. Dean, Mrs. Henley. The following are the results of lhe show: Mr. and. Mrs. D. Boyd of Rich- mond Hill judged the flowers and Mr. Lummis of Willowdale judged the fruit and vegetables. The show was open from 4 to 9 pm. and several hundred people viewed the beautiful arrangements of flowers. . Last Saturday the Thornhill and District Horticultural Society held its annual show in the Thornhill United Church Sunday School Hall. Over 200 entries of flowers. fruits, and vegetables adorned the two halls, ‘G‘Ij Mr. & Mrs. Doug. Boyd, Judges Thornhill Horticultural Show at THE LIBE’RAL. Mahmoud Thaw. August 20, 1953 W. 8. 000K. Editor Egyptians, who hadn’t been introduc- ed to the wonders of toothpaste, used a stout vine with a burr attached to get their ï¬sh. For catching tuna, deep-sea ï¬sher- men tend to rely on a herring or mackerel with bones removed. Muskies are said to be enamored of big minnows, while trout may go for flies and bass for the speckled or leopard frog. As for the garden-vari- ety worm, obtainable via the nocturnal ex- When anglers tire of telling tall tales about the big ones they have landed, they can always retreat to a discussion of what bait brings the best results. They’ll have to go at some clip, though. to match the yarn from an Ontario camp, where one youngster is reputed to have caught a 141/2 inch small-mouth bass, using tooth- paste on his hook. R .D. LITTLE 8: SUN LTD. W An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 W“‘"‘-‘"‘9 Wption Rate 32-50 per year; to the United States $3 00; 5c Single Copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associaan NIHSH-IUMI’ (ONSUl Telephone TUrner 4-1261 ’ "Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa" FORD-MONARCH DEALER IN TU. 4-1116-7 RICHMOND HILL 1 Cline liberal Flower arrangement for lunch- eon table, Mrs. K. James. Mrs. Mizen. Flower arrangement for dinner table. Mrs. Bellinger, Mrs. Crutcher. Mrs. Shaw. A line ar- rangement. Mrs. Gribble. Mrs. K. James, Mrs. Crutcher. Modernistic Pears, Mrs. R .Simpson. TrFof Salad Vegetables, Mrs. Gribble. Display of Garden Herbs, E. T. Pherrlll, Mrs‘ Gribble. 6 quart bas- ket of potatoes, Mr. Martlndale, Mr. Nicholson, Mrs. Crutcher. Hubbard Squash, Mr. Ness; Mrs. P. Bone. Segg. 3. Decorative Arrangements Potatoes, cobbler, ,A. Martindale, Miss E. Welsh. L. Riley. Potatoes, AO.V., Mr. Ness, Mrs. Crutcher. Cabbage. Mrs. Butler, Mr. Henley, Mrs. Crutcher. 3 small red Tom- atoes, Mr. Teasdale, Mr. Healey, A. Martindale. 3 large peppers. Mrs. Gribble, E. T. Pherrill. Mrs. P. Bone. 1 vegetable marrow. Mrs Poulter, Mrs. P. Bone, Mrs. Mizen. Beans. yellow. Mrs. Gribble. Beans. green, Mrs. Gribble,. Mrs. Crutcher, E. T. Pherrill. Beets, Mrs .Crutcher. Mrs. Butler. Mr. Nicholson. Carrots, Mrs. Crutcher, E. T. Pherrill. Mr. Healey. Corn, Mrs. Crutcher. Cucumbers, Mrs. Gribble. E. T. Pherrill, Mr. Teas- dale. Onions, Spanish, Mrs. But- ler. E. T. Pherrill, Mr. Ness. Onions A.O.V.. A. Martlndale. L. Riley, Mr. Ness. ‘Crutcher. Mrs. Poulter. Zinnias. ‘mammoth. Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. Poulter, Mrs. Crutcher. Zinnlas, pompom. Mrs. Gribble. Mrs. Poul- ter, Mrs. Crutcher. Zinnias. any variety, Mrs. Wm. Dean, Mrs. Wells. Miss Shaw. Cleome, 2nd Mrs. K. James. 1 to 6 stems of any other annual, Mrs. Crutcher. 1 to 6 stems of any other perennial, Mrs. R. Simpson, Mrs. Crutcher. An African violet, Mrs. Poulter, Mrs. Wm. Dean. Foliage plant or Coleus. Mrs. L. Pherrlll, Mrs. Skip- pon. Mrs. E. Leusby. Flowering plant, Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. Mizen. Tuberous Begonia in flower pot, Miss Shaw, Mrs. B. Anderson. Section 2 â€" Fruits and Vegetables J. E. SMITH. VM.P., Publisher Fishermen's Bait And then there‘s the artiï¬cial lure in the shape of the mermaid. This. it may be safely assumed, should hook more ï¬sh- ermen than ï¬sh. In an age of Substitutes, however, ar- tiï¬cial lures provide stiff competition for minnows and worms. Many anglers are swinging to the “eelet†â€"â€" an artiï¬cial edi- tion of the small eel â€"â€" for all-round effic- iency. The “daredevil"-red-and-white striped sp00n â€" is popular for snaring pike‘and muskies. The crazy crawler plug equipped with wings and plug, which “pops†when it hits the water is also in demand. cursion into the backyard, he serves on general purpose duty for any and all com- ers. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor ANTICIPATING THAT LUNCH PAIL School days will soon be here again and that lunch pail will be a daily rite once more With a few basic nutrition rules. mother can exercise her ingenuity to introduce variety and change in menu. Prov- incial and local health departments have a variety of suggestions for lunch boxes so that nutritional values may be kept in mind while whipping up those tempting mid- day meals that keep the youngsters happy. Vase of mixed flowers. E. 'I'.0 Pherrill. An arrangement suit- able for a breakfast table, 2nd E. T. Pherrill. Sec. 5. Juniors 1 Vase of flowers, Alvin Thomp- rson. Collection of vegetables, Al- vin Thompson. Patricia Atkinson; Collection of flowers, Patricia At‘ kinson. A‘Ivin Thompson, Speci- men entry in show, Mrs. W‘m. Dean {in one large dahlia. Special ex- hibit, Mrs. Crutcher, for the Cor- onation arrangement. Show basket of flowers, Mrs. Martindale. Mrs. Crutcher. Basket of large zinnias. Mrs. G. Crutcher. Basket of pom pom zinnias, Mrs. Butler. Basket of petunias, Mrs. Martindale. Mrs. Crutcher. Mod- emistic arrangement, tints and tones of one color, Mrs. Martindale. Mrs. K. James, Mrs. Mizen. Vase of mixed flowers. Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. Mizen. Sec. 4 New “953 Members Collection of tuberous begonias, Miss C. Shaw. Miniature pool ar- rangement. Mrs. Mizen, Mrs. S. Skippon, Mrs. Gribble. Arrange: ment in original container, Mrs. W. Thompson. Mrs. Bellinger. Miss C. S. Shaw. A Coronation arrangen ment, Mrs. Crutcher. Mrs. Bell- inger. Cofl'ee table arrangement, Mrs. Robt. Dean, Mrs. E. Leusby, Mrs. Mizen. arrangement, Mrs. Lucille Pher- rill, Miss C. Shaw. Mantle arrange- ment, Mrs. Robt. Dean. Mrs. Bell- inger. Mrs Gribble. Corsage and man‘s bouttoniere, Mrs. L. Pher- rill, Miss E. Welsh, Mrs. Mizen. Miniature arrangement. Mrs. F. Harrison. Miss E. Welsh, Mrs. Mi- zen. Old fashioned nosegay. Mrs. H. A. Harris, Mrs. Gribble. Moder- nistlc arrangement of gladioli, Mrs. Gribble, Mrs..Healey. Mrs. Crut- cher. EM. 6-3166 Kan-0w .U DI‘I’ ,mcuunom UREA. At one point Councillor Lennie suggested that the board proceed with the construction of the $540,- 000 purely academic school. He felt that a gymnasium and prac- tical options could be added at a later date. Deputy-Reeve LeMas- urler wondered if it would not be better for the board to erect a 15' room school and add to it as re' quired. In the matter of the cost of the Iii-acre school site, water and a road into the new school, Mr. Kin- nee stated nothing had been added for these items. However the board hopes to make a sufficient saving between the estimated and actual cost of construction to cover these items. Regarding the impact of the pro- posed debenture issue‘ Deputy- Reeve LeMasurier stated. “These additional debentures will raise our over-all debenture debt to a point wher ewe could well be unab- le to sell future issues to cover needed public school expansion." Continuing, the speaker remarked, “I have serious doubts that the other councils would be willing to ï¬nance a gymnasium without the ~assistance of a provincial grant.†Trustee Smith estimated it would take six years to completely ï¬ll an 890-pupll school. “The Board has estimated," remarked Mrl Kin- nee, “that our total Thornhill en- rolment will reach 800 puplls with- in ï¬ve years.†‘ Flnnnclll ' In the matter of accommodation three of the four trustees present felt an 890-pupil school would not be necessary for several years. A majority of the school board have asked for approval of an BIO-pupil school. Trustee Smith: “Only 300 to 400 pupils will be accommodated in the new school in the ï¬rst year.†The Board hopes to have the school built by September 1954. Councillor Clark advocated that the Board arrange a schedule of outdoor sports until such time as the province restores its system of grants on gymnasiums, and Markham’s ï¬nancial situation is stabilized. Accommodation Deputy-Reeve LeMasurier won- dered if the board had received any expression of opinion from the oth- er’councils. “No,†replied Trus- tee Smith, “but judging from our ï¬rst joint meeting, I’d séy Vaugh- an Township would be opposed to anything on which the provincial government won't pay a grant.†Chairman Kinnee ruled out any possibility of the Thornhfll chfld- ren using the Richmond am gym. And he reported that the present gymnasium is now operating ‘at full capacity. “I realize $180,000 is a lot of money,†stated Mr. Kinnee. "But physical‘education is a must if we are to have a complete edu- cational system at Thornhill." Council felt that in the ï¬nal an- alysis, if a choice had to be made the ratepayers would prefer prac- tical options to a gymnasium. Councillor W. Clark felt “$180,000 is a lot of money (proposed cost of the, gymnasium). I think gymnasâ€" iums are quite a'luxury at that ï¬gure. The main question is, how much can people actually pay?†"Therefore," replied Counéiifer Lennie. "Couldn't you expect that a similar condition would arise at Thornhil)?" The sensible thing to do is to make friends with life; to convince ourselves that nothing can harm us unless we give our consent. It has always seemed to me that one of the ï¬nest. passages in literature is the speech that Socrates made to the judges who had just condem- ned him to death, "Know this, 0 Judges, that no evil thing can be- fall a good man." There is nothâ€" ing from outside which can crush a man's soul if his inward life is (Continued from page 1) and a gymnasium, Councillor Lennie questioned, “Are a large number of students attending the present High School taking prac- tical options?" Mr. Kinnee: "Yes." New High School cause friction, perhaps in our oc- cupations or even in our homes. The one foolish thing to do is to try and escape from liie instead of meeting each day with courage and hope. I have long been con- vinced that here lies the appeal of alcohol. It offers a means of es- cape. A man who had got himself into all kinds of trouble through ln'temperate habits said: "Two glasses of whiskey and I feel a lot better: four or ï¬ve glasses and I wouldn't call King George my ï¬rst cousin." We do not want to sneer at a man like that but we know that he is seeking a means of esâ€" cape which is terribly disappoint- mg. u-mmmmmmmmnmmmm; There‘ are situations we cannot alter and we had better accept them. The old proverb runs: “What cannot be cured. must be endured." There are things which Paul had more than his share of rough experiences. He was the object of bitter and fanatical pre- judice and hatred. He never knew when ‘some violent storm would drive him to loneliness or suffering but he had discovered the secret of inward peace. Some people are suspicious of life; maybe they even hate it. They have suffered so many setbacks and frustrations that they expect trou- ble and invite it. We once heard a woman say: “Only children and tools are cheerful; other people know better." It is unfortunate when people become so bitter. um“unumummunammmlmunummnuuumhuman-i TODAY’S QUOTATION § There is a striking passage in Paul's letter to the Philippians. “I have learned." he writes, “in what. soever state I am, therewith to be content. This is what Dr. James Reid calla: “Making friends with life." MAKING FRIENDS WITH LIFE Our quotation today is by Alice Hegan Rice: “Often the people to whom we complain are struggling with a burden greater than ours" Ralph Peterson Wilcox Lake, was given a 30-day sentence by Magistrate Hollinrake in York County Court last Thursday morn- ing for failing to remain at the scene of a fatal accident at Elgin Mills last month. At any rate whether I am per- mitted to run or not I would like to thank all the fans for their sup- port during the past years when we have struggled to keep the sport alive here. 1 ï¬nd the wrestling fans of Rich- mond Hill and district ï¬ne people and darn good sports. Perihaps they do get a little noisy and excited but Ohat's what they pay their mon- ey for and as far as I'm concerned they are just as well behaved as a lot of hockey and baseball fans and better than some I have seen. Now in regards to the opinion of some people in authority who seem to feel that the average fan is I cheap drunk and hoodlum I have this to say. Although this letter is primarily for the fans, I would like to thank Mr. W‘ J Taylor the reeve, Mr. Jack Smith our M.P. and also Mr. J. Rice for their consideration and efforts on my behalf. If after this coming §how the council decides that they wish to stop the wrestling in the local ar- ena, and that the village does not need the revenue derived from these shows, I will certainly stop the wrestling because after all, I didn't mind so much being closed up as the way it was done. I know that last Tuesday was a very quiet night with no incidents reported. and I have made‘ extra precautions that there will be none in the future. ./ But I certainly do feel that at least the council should have given me a chance to do something about these conditions. After all I am paying for the use of the arena and I am sure that they wouldn't close up any other business without a heating. No one regrets more than I that these events took place. and es- pegially on a wrestling night. Mr .Taylor the reeve, told me Wed. morning that both police con- stables\ reported drinking, ï¬ghting and profane language on at least two occasions and there was a prosecution in one ease. I am also certain that when the council voted to .close up the wrest- ling they acted in what they felt was the best public interest. Mr, Rice, during the discussion, made several remarks that I will not take the space t6 repeat here. although I must say that although they were said, I am sure that Mr. Rice did not actually mean them for what they sounded. 1 think perhaps that he was trying to make me feel a little better and that there was nothing personal in the letter he had just handed me. I was completely dumbfounded and asked Mr. Rice for an explan- ation. In all fairness to Mr. Rice. he did try to explain that there had been a lot of trouble and in- formed me, that I had been warned previously by the police constable. which was not true, as I had pos- itively not recelved any warning either verbally or in writing that we would be closed up if the drink- ing, loud noise, 'prOfane language, etc.. did not ceaSe. Last Tuesday evening. August 11, at the local Arena. Mr. .I. Ripe, member of the Village Council and Chairman of the Parks Committee. handed me a letter telling me most abruptly and with absolutely no warning that the Council had de- cided I _could no longer promote wrestling shows in the Arena. Re: Richmond Hill Wrestling Fans Dear Mr. Editor: l I had seen some inmates of the ‘institution out on the verandah and asked the lady how often she was able to go there. "I have never been out on the verandah," she said, “I have a spinal disease which prevents my being moved." This seemed a cruel condition and I. asked, “How long have you been here?“ “Twenty-six years." I thought of twenty-six years and all that had happened in my own life in so long a time. “Do you mean to tell me". I said. “that you have never been out of this small room in twenty-six years?" “I have neVer been over the threshold since I was brought here, twenty-six years ago,†she answered. There are time when conversation seems out of place and this was one of the . It seemed to me that any- thin I might say whuld sound for- mal and insincere. Then that wo- man said something that I never want to forget. "It only comes a day at a time and God is so good." Twenty-six years of almost contin- uous suffering â€"â€" the nurse told me afterwards that she WAS Sel- dom out of ,pain for more than a few hours at a time â€" and yet to talk about the goodness of God. . Several years ago, at the request of a man and his wife living in California, I went to see a lady liv- ing at the Home for lncurables in a Canadian city. More than thir- ty years previous to this these people had been children together playing happily in an Ontario vill- age. Some strange malady, un- forseen in childhood, had laid this woman aside. I found her in a somewhat bare room and made known the reason for my visit. I told her that her distant friends had not forgotten her;.that they were thinking about her and pray- ing for her also [handed her some money they had sent for her com- fort. I want to repeat here. something I wrote in a book several years ago. My excuse for doing so Is that it is true in every detail. secure. Once the; ;:uth has been grasped a gateway has been open- ed to peace and tranquility and supreme satisfaction. “Dear Mr. Editor†SENTENCED 30 DAYS Sincerely, Ed "Red" Garner The report of the project under- taken in gathering cottons and woollens was given. Committees were appointed (or bazaar to be held in November. .E‘or “Wooll- ensf' Mrs. Docks and. Miss Deborah Davidson. Aprous. Mrs. J. Harris- on, convenor. Mrs. R. Ball, Mrs. H. Stephenson. Mrs. H. M. Duff, Mrs. Jesse Bryson. Baking, Mrs. R. Julian and Mrs. F. Con~‘:h!o. Touch and Take â€" Mrs. Burbidge. Mrs. Jackson. Can“). noun a. Marian Bishop, Ethel Burbidge. Final arrangements were made for delegates attending jhe A. C. W.W. in Toronto on Friday, Aug- ust 21 and for the bus tfip to see the pageant on Saturday, August 22. Vellore Sr. w. I. is to have a Short Course on Frozen Foods on Friday, September 11. in Vellore Hall, at 8 pm. This is an open meeting to all women of the com- munity. The Vellore Senior Women‘s In- stitute held an evening meeting on August 4. at the home of Mrs. E. Carson. with Mrs. Kyle presiding; The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. The Roll Call was “What makes a good farmer’s wife." The minutes were read and adopted and the treasurer’s report given. Council reiterated its stand to maintain the" ban on juke box dan- cing on Sundays and a resolution by councillor Legge and councillor McCan-on passed unanimously that the ban be upheld. Deputy-reeve TimBers was absent from the meetâ€" ing. Sr. W. 1. Meeting “Well. I'll repeat what I said be- fore, this type of dancing which I saw there on Sunday night only brings rill-raft,†stated councillor McCarron. “I told you before that'you‘ll be a lot better of! in a few years withâ€" out this type 0! folks", councillor Graham stated. “You have a lot different crowd there on Sunday night than you do on Saturday night.†Clerk Craw- ford told Mr. Patrick. “The trouble all smg in the cabins,†protested Mr. Patrick. “There‘s a lot different type of people: playing golf than hang ar- oun dance halls on Sunday;" added the reeve. “That‘s our own stand in the matter, anyway. regardless of complaints,†said Reeve Mc- Laughlin. “Everyone doesn't view this as you do from a business angle, for me, I‘ don‘t approve of Sunday dancing." declared Reeve McLau- ghlin. ‘ Mr. Patrick contended that peop- le played golf on Su'nday at Wilcox Lake. "It‘s ca'used ill feeling at the lake. I’ve got a big investrhent there '$150,000, and I can’t make it operate just with picnics; you're taking away the recreation,†stated Mr. Patrick. “There may be huité a (1mm:- ence of opinion there," stated Resvg McLaughlin. Mr. Poner who was brought to the meeting by Mr. Patrick as a witness to his contention of a well conducted .dance place. stated that he thought the dancing was a good thing to keep the youth away from drinking and gambling. “At least we know where they are." he said. "We’re only upholding the Lord's Day.†said councillor Legge. “You are making out that we have a bad element." said Mr. Patrick. "But we’re very strict. you’re driving the young people out on the roads." ‘_râ€"v “We're not having any trouble. there's no drinking, we don’t stand for it. I promised to pull ofl‘ my juke box and I did, but others op- ened theirs," Mr. Patrick stated. Stewart Patrick. owner and op- erator of Glendale Pavilion at the south side of Musselman‘s Lake appeared before Whitchuroh TWp. Council recently to request 'council to reconsider its ban of Sunday dancing in the township. Mr. Pat- rick contended that the report of council's‘ action would lead the public to believe that the lakeside pavilion was-'breegiing bad people. W. Mortson, and the Richmond Hill Dairy. all of Richmond Hill; Acme Bertrand Co., Toronto: C. A. Maynard 5: Sons, Unlonvllle; Maple Lions Club. Woodbridge Branch Canadian Legion. North York Vet- erans' Club. L. Flaska. Unl'onvllle; H. Lenhnrdt, Langstaï¬; Britton Plumbing. Co.. Newtonbrook: Un- lonvllle Veterans‘ Club, York Bulld- ing Supply Co., Newtdnbrook; An- onymous, Thornhlll. Much credit is due the above public-spirited people. who have contribut‘ad much to property im- provement and community spirit. Pavilion Operator Wants Sunday Dance Floyd Perkins, Sheppard & Gill Eprqlger C0,, Butler & Baird, H. Prizes for 'the Garden Competi‘ tion. and additional awards for ex‘ hiblts at the Fair were made poss- ible by ‘donations from the follow: ing: Prizes will be 'awarded at a Fair and picnic to be held at the Union- ville Arena on September 5, An in- teresting programme will start at 2 pm. with the judging of exhibits. followed by games and sports for young and old. and many other ac- tivities. concluding with a family picnic. Barbara Soulhwell. Richmond Hill; Donna Sproule. Richmond Hill: Ruth Harding Richmond Hill: Dawn Wilson, Thornhill: Eliza- beth Duncan. Thornhill; Christine Mai-son, Milliken: Sheila Miller, Richvale; Bill Bailey, Richvale; Frank Calder. Maple. V. J. O'Malley. Veterans' Land Act Settlement Officer in Mark- ham and Vaughan Townships, spon- sored another successful Junior Garden Competition this year. In spite of unfavourable spring wea- ther, a very good showing was made by all. the children, especial- ly the prize-winners, who are as fol- lows. VeteransAffairsDept. To Hold Ann. Picnic VELLORE NEWS “Hurricane At Pilgrim Wednesday & Thursday â€" August 26 & 27 Please note last complete show, Mon. & Tiles: August 24 & 25, 8.30 pm. Please nofltie’ Hurricane At Pilgrim Hill†Please note last complete Show 8.30 pm. Telephone TUrner 4-1212 q r 7* w -â€"â€"- ~--~ | mDANE CARI!!! - Pf?!» JOHNSON - PETER GIAVI‘ ‘ Monday & Tuesday â€" August 24 & 25 " - I Apache Vengeance ONLY â€" Saturday, August 22 â€" ONLY ms is "mum countyâ€: M-G-M merr'ily presenn “Hawks In The Sun PETER [AWFURD Thursday & Friday â€" August 20 & 21 answers love quc "YOU FQR ME" ‘i\--\\ susrsusz‘ ‘ mmum \ " {I ERGEMM-Mmflmhv 3g; [MSW . MM note: last complete show, Thurs., Fri., August 20 & 21,'8.30 p.m. 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 pm. Saturdays & Holidays â€" 6 p.m. me Nave/9’ 7‘7"†flames Anew W" 5’†C'o/or Plus Plus STARRING _. Ulllhbllf you’re 1.. looking for the ‘ answers to your love questions... 5y ï¬Ã©ï¬‚/WWZOR W 9 1w; 5535 Plus ...unleashed by a man who is half white...ond a "cry beauty who is all woman! ROBERT YOUNG ' ‘ JANIS CARTER JACK BUETEL In MEER @616 YOUNG I M W-M’s 03am