Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1953, p. 3

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HILLCREST MARKETERIA YHINK OF THE .FOOD YOU’ll INJOYI No matwr what rate you payâ€"you‘ll get superb full-course Innis every day! 1â€"â€" 509 vs NOWâ€"even If you're going NEXT SPRING!â€" OFFICIAL AGENT FOR CUNARD LINE 'HINK OF THE MONEY YOU‘lI. SAVE! Go NOWâ€"it'a "Thrift Sea- Ion"â€"and.ahip travel is a better haw than ever! Richmond Hill AYLMER CHOICE Green Gaze Tomato Juice 290 Plums CLARKE’S FANCY â€" 48 oz. fl" W .5», “That what you get for playing poker durinq lunchl' THE LIBERAL OFFICE Phone TUrner 4-1261 FREE DELIVERY - TWICE DAILY ON ALL ORDERS OVER $5.00 'AV. 5-2101 Cupboard Doors FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL Loughlin Home Supply Co., Ltd. 2F°r230 â€" Dealers In â€" LUMBER â€" PLY WOOD â€" DOORS OPEN TILL 7.30 EVENINGS SATURDAY 4.30 P.M. Stop 21A Yonge St., Richvale Frames & Sash YHINK OF All. THE FUN You'u. HAVE I Aboard ship, everything'o right around the corner to fit you; own idea of fun! THINK OF HOW RESTED YOU’lL FEEL! Nothing quite like a seq voyage to ease out tension. You'll arrive feeling fine! STOKELY’S Golden Cream Style NUCOA Margarine Corn 16 oz» estimate. .Do it today. We Can Supply Everything in the Building Line what more could you ask? Come in to see us soon for advice and an speed, and service â€"â€" We feature economy, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1531 2-29c 29c Storm Sash Mrs. Phillips has four daughters and a daughter-in-law who share her enthusiasm for Women’s Insti- tute work; they are Mrs. John Julian. Woodbridge. Mrs. Robert Ball, Hope; Mrs. Robert Julian and Mrs. Roy Phillips, both of Vellore, who are all members of the Vel- lore Institute, and Mrs. Leslie Glass, Laskay, who works with the Laskay Institute. As each of her daughters and her daughter-in-law will be attending the Canada Day Pagent which is to be held in Maple Leaf Gardens at the end of Mrs. John Phillips has been a member of the Women's Institute for 25 years, and will enjoy to the utmost her active part in the AC.- W.W. pagent to be held soon in Toronto. An enthusiastic member of the Vellore Institute before she came to King City to live nine years ago. She transferred her membership to the local Institute group at that time, and has been one of the faithful and valued workers with the King City Insti- tute ever since. 25 Year King WI. Member To Take Part In A.C.W.W. Pageant The council was of the opinion, they had already co-operated with the school board by extending Henderson Ave. Councillor Len- As the council will likely have to face the same problem in the fu- ture, Reeve Timbers agreed they should adopt some definite policy. “Where a new road has to be built into a school site I feel the con- struction of such a road should be assessed to the people of that in- dividual school district," stated Reeve Timbers. In calling for a forthright policy decision by council on the matter Deputy-Reeve A. LeMasurier re- marked, “I believe last year's coun- cil did agree to such an arrange- ment.” In hex-king back to last year's verbal agreement, Reeve W. Tim- bers felt council had signified its willingness to do the necessary work on the road, but that no def- inite decision was made as to how it should be paid for. Councillor A. Lennie felt that following the lead of Vaughan Township, which already has built roads into the Charles Howitt and Powell Road Schools, Mark- ham had agreed to build a road in- to the Henderson Ave. school. Councillor W. Clark: "If the province won't pay a grant then I don’t know how we can ask the whole township to help bear the cost of a road to serve one partic- ular school section.” The first request to be dealt with by council was from the Board of School Area No. 1 Markham and Vaughan, who have queried coun- cil regarding the extension of the east-west road known as Drury Avenue into their Henderson Ave. school. The township has at the request of the school board al- ready extended the north-south road known as Henderson Ave. The province paid a subsidy on this ex- tension. On this new road which the township road department es- timates will cost approximately $1100 to grade and gravel, Road Superintendent A. Buchanan re- ported that the Department has signified that as it has already paid subsidy on Henderson Ave., it will therefore not pay a subsidy on the extension of Drury. By unanimous expression of op- inion members decided where new roads have to be built into any school property the township will build such roads and in turn charge the total cost to/the school area concerned. The members felt that the only fair and equit- able way is for the ratepayers to be served by any new school to bear the cost of any road that might be required. It is not ex- pected that this latest ruling will affect most schools as the usual procedure is to build a school on already existing township roads. Henderson Ave. Public School As the result of discussion on two separate cases of building roads into school property, Mark- ham Township Council on Monday set a definite policy regarding the construction of any such roads. Markham Makes Decision On The Cost Of Building Roads Into School Sites To H‘u‘c’tion '01? Old Twp. Off ices‘ BA. 1-7 500 on roads and culverts, Councillor McCarron said that these matters were being investigated, and added that more was being done for the Wilcox Lake area than had ever been done befom In reply to his criticism of the police force regarding the lack of a charge in the case of a stabbing in the area, Clerk Jack Crawford stated that the victim had with~ drawn his charge. Speaking of Mr‘. Sharpe’s additional criticisms Speaking of trafiic violations, Mr. Sharpe stated that police ig‘ nore parking ofiences and make no attempt to curb the speeding past the Oak Ridges School. “Why is it we can’t get anything done by our police?” he continued. A well-known ratepayer in the Lake Wilcox area. Bob Sharp, al- most caused an open break in the Whitchurch Township Council meeting recently when he accused the council of neglect and mis- treatment in the administration of public services and law and order at Lake Wilcox. Much of Mr. Sharpe's agitation seemed to be directed against Councillor E. L. McCan-on. Wilcox L Resident Blasts Whitchurch Council For Neglect eant. Mrs. Phillips is one of the local ladies who will be taking part in the Canada Day Pageant which will bring the International con- vetion of the A.C.W.W. to a close. On Saturday evening she charmed her daughters when she paraded in the old fashioned black satin gown, with basque and train, of the early days in Canada, and the little white lace cap, that she will wear in the Red River scene of the pag- On Saturday evening, Mrs. Phil- lips invited the five ladies of her family to visit her. She surprised and pleased them. when she pre- sented each of her daughters and her daughter-in-law with a Wo- men’s Institute pin, which they will proudly wear as members, and when wearing will remember their mother, and her pleasure in the Institute. this week, Mrs. Phillips decided that this was the time to give them a souvenire to wear, so that they may remember this import- ant year in the life of this women's organization that was born in Can- ada, 60 years ago. The township has received a copy of a letter sent to Vaughan township, and written by a Mr. H. B. Stewart, in which the writer requests that the Richmond Hill District High School Board hold a public meeting of the ratepayers concerned before making any final decision as to the type of high school to be built in Thornhill. pay. All township road employees with a year or more service will receive two weeks’ holidays with The Ontario Municipal Board has notified the township of a public hearing to be held on August 31 concerning the application of H. B. Duthy for permission to sub- divide a parcel of land on lot 18, concession 6 Markham township. Markham will study a copy of 3 Pickering Township by-law cov- ering the licensing of‘swill feeding piggeries. One of the main pro- visions of the Pickering by-law is the payment of an annual license fee of $100 for all swill feeders. Other Business The members have finally receiv- ed official notice through their solicitor that the Ontario Munici- pal Board has turned down Mark- ham's by-law designed to prohibit the swill feeding of hogs within the township. In its brief, the Board gave no specific reason why it had turned down the by-law. 0n the recommendation of‘the building committee, the township will auction ofl‘, subject to a re- serve bid, their old Unionville township offices and adjoining metal garage in the latter part of September. In the ensuing dis- cussion with building committee chairman C. Hooper, Deputy-reeve LeMasurier insisted that the mon- ey realized from the sale should be “as previously promised to the public, applied to the overall de- benture debt." Doncaster Ratepayers Mr. C. Russell appeared before council on behalf of the Doncaster Ratepayers to request the members investigate two unfinished base- ments located on Glen Cameron Ave. Mr. Russel reported one of them is open and apparently ab- andoned. "This open excavation presents a safety hazard to our children," stated Mr. Russel. Also on the same street is another base- ment, which according to all re- ports, is being prepared for living quarters contrary to the township by-law. Council has delegated Building Inspector Ross Norton to investigate the matter. Swill Feeding Similarly the township has agâ€" reed tovbuild for the Markham District High School Board, at their expense. :1 small bridge and footpath. as an extra access into the board's new high school. Old Twp. Offices nie agreed that the normal pro- cedure would be for the school board to assume the responsibility of any new road they might re- quire. Markham High School The cemetery on the Dalziel farm was started in the year 1832 and is located about 42 rods from the 5th concession and about three rods from the line fence between lots 1 and 2. It was started in the year 1832 on the death of Christina Dalziel, wife of Rev. Andrew Bell, one of the first missionaries of the Presbyterian Church in Upper Canada. There are eight graves in the cemetery, the last burial having taken place in October 1900 on the death of Janet McLean Dal- ziel, Mrs. Dalziel’s mother. Records left by the late Dr. T. E. Kaiser indicate that land for the Townline Cemetery was pur- chased in 1859 for the sum of £40. Here are interred members of the Kaiser, Fisher, Stong and other pioneer families. Burials ceased to take place in this cemetery a number of years ago and the grave- yard was conveyed, in 1908, by deed to the trustees of the Meth- There will be no more burials in this plot so the graves are sur- rounded by a concrete wall with the inscription “Dalziel Pioneer Plot 1828.” Mr. Dalziel plans to have the plot registered so that it will be forever in the name. On the McCleary farm is the burial plot of the Brown family, Mrs. McCleary's people. This neat and beautiful sacred spot is sit- uated along the jog of No. '7 highway as it passes through the centre of the village. 1810 Date One Of Oldest Graves Vaughan Mennonite Cemetery Edging the new Barrie Highway on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer are the graves of the Crosson family, one of the first families to settle in the district. Likewise along the north line fence on the farm of Nelson Peelar rests the remains of the first mem- bers of the Smith family who set- tled there 150 years ago. In olden days, before the set- tlers had the opportunity to estab- lish a community cemetery. fam- ilies interred their departed loved ones on a high and peaceful spot on their own property. Head stones marking their graves can, in many ins_tances, be seen to this day. Phone TUrner 4-1313 Lick Old Man Winter with dependable heat that only “Blue Coal” can give. “By the way it’s time to fill your coal bin” AS A MATTER OF FACT NOW is the perfect time‘to buy “Blue Coal” NOW while we have a good supply of “Blue Coal”. NOW while you can save on “low off season prices.” This merchandise is still in good condition and real savings are available to one D T0 BE HELI] RIGHT ON PREMISES . D. RAMER 8 SON There Are Bargains Galore For Every Member Of The Family PARISI’S FAMILY STORE YONGE STREET SOUTH ‘Blue Coal,” the best coal you can buy . Ties, Shirts, Underwear, Shoes, Trousers, Sports Jackets, Overalls, Jeans, Jewellery and Rubber Boots SALE STARTS 9 A.M. SHARP, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21ST FOR DAD & BROTHER NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDSâ€"ALL SALES FINAL The preparation 0? good foods with a minimum of effort and ex- pense is of special concern to Mrs. Elwood. ‘ Mrs. Charles Elwood, Marjorie Elwood to thousands of home makers, with her husband, became a resident of Richmond Hill sever- al months ago, The Liberal had the pleasure of meeting her this week. Mrs. Elwood is a graduate of the University of Toronto and has specialized in household science. “I think,” she said, “We have picked for our home one of the finest suburbs of Toronto. It is certainly most homelike and the folks we have had the honour of meeting, so far, are, indeed splen- did and friendly neighbours.” MarjorieElwood Cooking Expert Living In Village odist Church, now Edgeley United Church, who kindly applied the in- come from the sale of buildings to a fund for the upkeep of the cem- etery. Last year the Young People's Fellowship Group pledged to be- stow their attention upon the up- keep of this little cemetery. The Mennonite Cemetery, sit- uated in the north half of Lot 7, Concession 4, Vaughan Township, at present contains about 300 graves. The oldest with inscrip- tion on it is Henry Smith, died October 10, 1823, although there are quite a number marked with flat field stones, not even bearing a date, which it is presumed may have been buried ten or twelve years previous to that date. Burials continue to take place in the little cemetery and each year a number of folks return to the community to visit the graves of their forefathers ( N ext Door to Scanlon’s Bakery) Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Tliurs., 'Au’éust 20, 1958 Thomhill. Ont. THORNHILL P.O.. ONT. NEW METHOD Your BNS Manager is a good mm to know. In thmoud Town & Country Chemical Supply See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Yonge Street At Woodde Avenue (Just North of Steele's Comm) FOR MOTHER & SISTER Shoes, Mocassins, Sandels, Nylon Hosiery, and Lingerie AND TILE LINES Chemically Cleaned AND RE-CONDITIONED Hifl he is G. H. Bawden. SEPTIC TANKS N0 PUMPING â€" N0 DIGGING RICHMOND HILL PHONE AVENUE 5-1671 AVenio 5-1148

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