Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1953, p. 4

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A dumber of residents of Thom- hill and district enjoyed pleasant holidays during the past two weeks. Included in these vacation- ers were Mr. and Mrs. W. Smock and daughter of Riverside Boule- vard who visited with Mrs. Smook‘s parents in Matheson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Deaka and son, of Fairlea Ave. A warm welcome to the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. White and their children Barbara and Perry who moved last week into their home on Thornhill Ave. The former occupants of this home were Mr. and Mrs. R. Gralnger and family. Figure drawing will be featured for the coming fifteen week course at the Daub and Sketch Club commencing on September 9. Reg- istration for these classes under the direction of Gerald Scott must be made before September 15. For further information call Mrs. Grant at AV. 5-2209. Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Eigie of Yonge Street are now home fol- lowing their five-week tour across Western Canada. During this trip they made several stops. one of which was a week’s stay at Baan where they visited with their son Wallace. The Thornhill Nursery School will this year be situated in a new location, on Elgin Street, and will be opening on September 8. Thornhill Athletic Association During the past two months or so, the members of this organiza- tion have been very busy selling tickets on a power lawn mower. the proceeds of which will be used to aid them in their Athletic pro‘ gramme. Due to rain the draw was filstponed until August 11, when 1‘. Morgan Boyle drew the win- ning ticket in Thornhill Park. The holder of this ticket was P. Lech of 8th Ave. in Woodbridge. Daub and Sketch Club' 'filomhfll Nursery School TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Thornhill And District News 5. ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE V- A- WILLOUGHBY Authorized Sales, Service, Parts and Repairs For: REPLACEMENT MOTORS AVAILABLE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICE EM. 3-5881 BA. 1-5487 FOR 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE LELAND - DELCO - HOOVER TELEPHONE EM. 3-5881 E HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. HYDRO CON VERSIONS B1}? 'to 7 Bronze Medallion: Jean Lak. The following list of boys and girls who are mainly Public School students, have successfully passed the Red Cross Test which is a swimming test with emphasis on what to do around the water in case of an accident. This applies to accidents taking place in both winter and summer. Bronze Cross: Gwen Glen. Bar to Bronze Cross: Jean Lak. Instructors: Sonya D. Zinkan. Red Cross Juniors: Pat Vlassofl’, Marion Robinson, Carol Neeland, Jim Mc- Ghee. - Intermediate: Bill Osmond. Seniors: Jean Aitchison, Gwen Glen, Elizabeth Meade, Carol Rh chan, Bob Lyon, Phillip Howe, John Hanna and Bruce Barker. Swimming Meets On Monday, August 24, the pro- gramme will consist of synchron- ized swimming by the girls of the Thornhill Swimming Club. These girls will emphasize strokes, and figures as well as an exhibition to music. For this very interesting and entertaining evening a slight charge will be made of 25c for ad- ults and 10c forzchildren. The T. A.R.C. trophy will be‘ presented during thisfievent. ‘ Intei‘mediate: Bruce Barker. Bob Lyon. Jim Angig‘, Jun_e yahoqen. wlil‘énze Medâ€"alllon: Auti Leino, Heather Bell, Josellne Lewis, and Eleanor Glen. These annual events will take place this year at the Thornhill Swimming Pool on August 24 and 26. Elementary: Phillip Howe, Bruce Barker, Bob Lyon. John Hanna, Doug Jackson, David Ince, Jack Butler, Bob Thompson. Jim An- gier, Ellene Simpson and Helen Fraser. The playground children are re- minded of the weiner roast to take place in the Thornhill Park on Friday, August 21, at 8 p.m. Swimming Pool News Life Saving Last Thursday evening a group of interested spectators witnessed the Life Saving tests of the fol- lowing boys and girls. Next Tues- day evening another group will be tested and a cordial invitation is extended to all who would like to watch the group being put through this all-important test. Ghee r In the afternoon 45 children en- joyed a party featuring relay races and refreshments. enjoyed a vacation at Sauble Beach near Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. S. Turnpenny of Riverside Boulevard spent two weeks at Six Mile Lake near Port Severn. Playground Activities The closing day of the Play- ground. August 14, was devoted to competitive sports including high- jumping, broad-jumping, quoit throwing and races. Winners of high jumping were: Pee Wee, 7 and under, girls, Gail Howe and Wendy Williston; boys. Brian Lenn‘ox and Teddy McGhee. Juniors, 8-10: Girls, Wendy Sow- don; boys, Terry Williston and Paul Clements. Senior: girls 11 and up, Marion Fraser and Wendy Sowdon; boyshBob McGhee and Jim Mc- Broad jumping: Jr. Girls, Do- rothy Hill and Lynn Edwards. Sr. girls. Vivien Clements and Pat Vlassoff. Senior boys, Bob Mc‘ Ghee and Phillip Howe. Quoits: Pee Wee girls, Loretta Wooley and Wendy Willlston. Pee Wee boys, Brian Lennox and Ted- dy McGhee. Junior Boys, Rich- ard Elliott and J. Perry. Jr. Girls, Lynn Edwards and Beverley By- ford. Sr. boys. Nelson Edwards and Jackie Buckler. Sr. girls. Hel- en Fraser and Marion Fraser. Races: Junior girls, Lynn Ed- wards and Wendy Sowdon; Jr. boys, Richard Elliott and Paul Clements; Sr. boys, Nelson Ed< wards and Jim McGhee; Sr. girls, Marion Fraser and Vivien Clem- ents. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest in the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. 0n; representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thornbill. For'the Wednesday evening pro- 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND SONS YONGE ST. STEELES Ann O'Brien and Margery Stev- ens are having two week’s holidays at Camp Miniyowe. This vacation was awarded to these two girls by the Doncaster Mission. Mission Picnic The Doncaster Mission is holding its annual picnic on Saturday, August 22. Those planning to at- tend are'requested to be at the mission at 9.30 am. and to bring Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith of Morgan Ave. on the birth of a daughter. its ann August tend ax mission L. S. Norman Seeley R.P.S., vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Seeley of Seccomoe St. last week. He is at the moment stat- ioned at Halifax, NS. Mr. A. See- ley is recovering from his recent illness. Personals Mrs. A. Bragan with daughters Jo-Anne, Gwennie and Carolyn, and Mrs. Bragan's mother, Mrs. Davis of .Morgan Ave. vacationed last week at Black River. Udora. Mrs. T. Stevenson and son H. Stevenson and daughter, Miss A1- 1ce Stevenson of Willowdale Ave., are on a motor trip to Prince Ed- ward Island for the next two weeks. Mrs. Gill Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Watts of Glen Cam- eron left on Friday by plane for Essex. England where she will stay with her aunt. gram, the boys and girls will be competing for trophies including the two presented by the Thornâ€" hill Lions Club for speed swim- ming and the Dr. Wesley trophy for diving for boys,16 and under. An added attraction this year will be a Life-Saving race for which medals will be presented by the Royal Life Saving Society. Both these programs will commence at 8 pm. All those who have attend- ed the swimming meets of other years will agree that these two dates, the 24th and 26th are ones that we should all remember, for that is when we will have the op- portunity of seeing what the sea- son’s lessons have done for our Thornhill boys and girls. Make a point now to attend both these evenings at the Thornhill Pool. A lively game of “Hearts” follow- ed, in which Mrs. Lund and Mrs. Harold Snider were declared win- ners. Lunch was served by the hostess and plans were made to meet at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Thompson, September 2. Mrs. Douglas Cossey returned home last Sunday after a most en- joyable visit with her relatives in Belfast, Ireland, and also with her school teacher who is 75 years old and is now living retired. Twenty of Mrs. Cossey’s school mates held a party in her honor and presented her with beautiful Irish linens: The trip also included quick vis- its to London, Paris and LeHavg-e. And of course she could not leave Ireland without kissing the Blar- ney Stone. Mrs. Cossey is looking forward to the visit that her niece in Ireland is planning to make in March of next year. Birthday Greetings The ladies of Elia W.A. complet- ed two quilts August 12 at a quilt- ing bee held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Darlington. On September 23 another quilting bee will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Snider. Jolly 7 Club The members of the Jolly 7 Club met at the home of the presi- dent, Mrs. Howard Lund on Wed- nesday of last week. Each lady an- swered the roll call by suggesting a plan for next year’s programme. This {week we ektend best wishes to Mrs. 0. Church on the occasion of her birthday, August 21. What I thrill! Bony 5, legs fill out; ugly hollows fill up; neck m) or scrawny; body loses half-starved, sickly loo 2 Thousands. who never could ' before, are now proud of shapely. had y-looking bodies. They than): (he speck] vi (Jr-building and flesh-building tonic. Ostru. ts tonics. stimulants, invi§ora- tors. iron, vitamin B1, calcium, enrich 1) 00d. improve Ippefite and digestion so food give: you more strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Mrs. L. Savard, Managami Hui ts. OIL, writes, "I gained 16 lbs. Tired . nervousness gone, too.” Another user, Mrs. More Go on. Cap Chat, P.Q., writes, "I burned 13 bs. Health fine. My rundown hnn_ d gained 15» lbs. New pep?“ Elia United Church, Sunday, August 16. 1953: Public worship 9.45 am. Guest preacher, Rev. Mr. Morris. Downsvlew. Ella W.A. The regular meeting of the Women's Association of Elia Un- ited Church was held at the home of Mrs. Zeron on Tuesday, August 4, with Mrs. Law in the chair and 18 ladies present. Mrs..Lewis Get- good read the Scripture lesson and, with the assistance of Mrs. Percy Davidge of Toronto, also took the topic on the subject of “Humility.” On Thesday afternoon, Septem- ber 1, the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Paul Snider. Don't fear gening reall fat. Sta when you've ained the 5. 10. 5 or 20 bs. you wish. IN oney back if you're not delighted. Cosh little. New “get-acquainted” size only 606. Refuse substitutes. Ostrex has given re- sults when other tonics failed. Try famous Osh'ex Tonic Tablets for new vigor apd added mama-mmaudmm Most of the business of the meeting was in connection with the bazaar to be held at the church on Saturday afternoon, November 21. Skinny men,women gain 5L19L1~5 lbs. lunch Get New Pep, Too. Be Thrilled With Results - or Pay Nothing CONCORD CORRESPONDENT M13. Raymond Stuart R. R. l Maple Telephone Maple 110 MRS.‘H. MIZEN 3’7 Seccomoe Ave. Phone: AVenue 5-1570 at 9.8 swim Doncaster Corrfspondent: lawn-s" suits planning 1 to be n. and t: . and to b) and towels‘ St when 20 bs. you t delighted. 1" size only 1101'3 The characteristic red color of blood is the result of a combina- tion of iron and other substances obtained from food, all very neces- sary to good health. To ensure the requisite supplies of this im- portant mineral, foods rich in iron should be eaten. Iron is most easily accessible in the variety meats â€"- kidney, heart, brains or tongue â€"â€" eggs, shellfish, cheese, dark green vegetables and whole- grain cereals. We have just returned from Stratford Shakespeare's new home this side of the Atlantic. We saw Richard III, and the scope and vi- olence of it left us breathless. Here is Richard as Shakespeare saw him, as history sees him, as Mr. Guin- ness portrays him, a malevolent cripple, a hypocrite, a monster of evil and intrigue. In facial ap- pearance Mr. Guiness’ Richard was not grotesque, and neither are the portraits of this Plantagenet which are to be found in London’s Tate and National Galleries. And it is this business of faces and history that leads me to speak of a book in our Library that is immensely and curiously interesting. It is Josâ€" ephine Tey’s “Daughter of Time" and it too deals with Richard 111 but not in the familiar or accepted way. Miss Tey’s hero is a Scot- land Yard Detective, with a mark- ed talent for physiogonomy, a med- ical student’s knowledge of bone structure and facial characteristics, and a terrifyingly acute memory. He is a fracture case in a hospital room. Immobile and desperate for diversion he enlists the aid of a friend. The friend, knowing his interest in faces, brings him a ser- ies of reprints of famous people, among them Richard III. He can- not reconcile the face with the monstrous crimes linked to this man’s name. He decides some re- search is in order. Carefully he chips away at the historical struc- ture, until, at the end of the book, the baleful tyrant, the “bloody dog“, the murderer of the Princes in the Tower, emerges a different man. And strangely enough, he proves to the satisfaction of the reader that “Truth is the daughter of time”, indeed. For students and lovers of Shakespeare, there is a slim little volume which also deals with spec- ulation. It is “Sergeant Shakes- peare" by Duff Cooper. This fresh and lively exploration into the car- eer of William Shakespeare, sol- dier, was inspired when Duff Coo- per was himself a soldier in the First World War, and one of his fellows, a Sergeant Shakespeare, was killed by a bomb. Duff Coop- er reflected that William Shakes- peare must have been a young man at the time of the Armada. He reread the plays and was impress« ed by the prominence of the mil- itary theme in them. In the 37 plays soldiers occupy a high place, and throughout there is a curious preoccupation with the military. So â€" was Shakespeare himself not asoldier and a sergeant at that? Miss Tey is one of my favourite authors. She began to write as a young girl and wrote steadily until her'death a year ago. After a first novel. she turned to the play, and in 1932 wrote “Richard of Bor- deaux” which made theatrical his- tory. In 1939 she took to crime, and in this she found a medium as disciplined as any sonnet. Among her books on our Library shelves are “The Franchise Afiair", “To Love and be Wise”, and the “Sing- ing Sands." About Books And 112 Markham Rd. Torridheat, Quickheat, Gurney Furnaces and burners By the Thomhill Librarian For free estimates & expert workman- ship ELECTRICAL & HEATING CONTRACTOR James Johnson Corner N o. 7 Hwy. and Dufierin St. CONCORD - ONTARIO Phone AV. 5-2409 RICH AND RED MADILL BROTHERS CALL Reading Bouillon Rom TIRES for Sale Ilere.’ W. 1. members will billet A. C. W. W. delegates on Tuesday night of next week. This week several members will perform in the pag- eant at Maple Leaf Gardens. Mrs. James Spencer has been granted the privilege of meeting the train from Montreal on Thurs- day afternoon of this week to wel- come four ladies from Quebec who are coming to Toronto to attend the ‘Dominion of Destiny' pageant in Maple Leaf Gardens on Friday and Saturday. In the party will be Mrs. Edward Fortim and Miss Col- ette Juertim of Magog. Miss Dos- tie of Scotchtown and Mrs. Morim of Beebe, Quebec. On Tuesday of last week, Mrs. James Hood entertained at tea in honour of her aunt, Mrs. Annie Plant who has been her guest. Ap- proximately 20 neighbours and friends were present. Mrs. Plant will return to her home in Prest- wick, England, early in September. W. 1. Activities A.C.W.W. Visitors " Mrs. Sfiedcer is herself a native of Quebec and speaks French flu- ently. “V-ffié pageant is being presented as a final climax of the ten day Barbara Richards is holidaying with her aunt on Georgian Bay at presnet. 7 Grace Rodick and Dorothy Hood are at Young Peoples Camp at Pentanguishene thjs wegk._ Mrs. Arthur Jex of Poit Credit is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton. The Bake Sales being held each Friday at Don Mills Road and No. '7 Highway by the Reid home will continue until August 28. So far, $235.00 net has been realized for Brown’s Corners Church building fund. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hooper; Dorothy, Mary and Charles are on a motor trip at present. Mrs. Geoi'ge Kelly is on a métor trip east with her sister and neph- The Epeaker at Brown’s Corners Church last Sunday was Mr. Mod- dell of Aurora. Rena Miller played the organ in the absence of Mrs. English. Mr. Moddle will be guest speaker on August 23 as well. Janet Craig is spending a week’s vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Laud- er Hamilton of Colgan. Mrs. L. C. Secrett has returned from a holiday with friends in Virginia. Mrs. Tim Patterson is able to be about again after a recent opera- tion. Bake Sale Guests of Mrs. Lauder Hamilton of Colgan one day last week were Miss Rhea Scott, Mrs. Douglas Hood. Mrs. N .Reid, Mrs. E. Wal- ton and Mrs. Walter Craig. The community sympathizes with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Craigie in the loss of their possessions when the house owned by Albert Duncan (3rd con. of Markham) in which they were living was burned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hood and their children have been .holidaying at the Putnam cottage, Stoney Lake. Congratulations’to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Christiansen on the birth of a son, Philip Edwin. The new home being built in Buttonville between the Arnott and Baker homes belongs to the Kelly family, OORRESPORDENT: Mrs. RaS'mond Stuart. R. R. 1, Maple Correspondent: Mrs. F. 3. Lea! R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Agincourt 335.12 BUTTONVILLE TU. 4-2089 EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Maple 110R3 world triennial conference of the Associated Countrywomen of the World. At both the Friday and Saturday performance, Mrs. Ray- mond Sayre of Ackworth, Iowa, world president, will address the meetings and greetings will be brought by delegates from mem- ber nations all over the world. Tickets are still available at Maple Leaf Gardens for Institute mem- bers who are unable to attend the pageant on‘Friday and also to the general public, particularly the school children, who would like to see the whole history of Canada enacted in this one wonderful pag- eant. Birthdays I Best wishes for a happy birth- day are extended Mr. James Whee- le1-~ August 22, and Mrs. Don. Mit- chell, August 23. Mrs. John Ash of Concord was 80 years of age on Wednesday of last week and to celebrate the oc. casion, a supper party was held last Saturday night at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash of Edge- ley. Also present was her hus- band and their other son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash of Concord and Miss Marian Middle- ton of Carrville. Mrs. Ash is in good health and received many good wishes on her birthday. The President of Legion Branch No. 375 Canadian Legion, Comrade J. D. Sanders, 115 Richmond St., Richmond Hill, has advised that Exhibition tickets for this great annual reunion are now available to all Veterans of Richmond Hlil and District and their families, by applying to above mentioned and to the Secretary, Comrade Doug. Sanders, 114 Carrville Rd.; lst vice president Steve Arbon, May Ave.; Comrade Lloyd Boddy, Spruce Ave., Richvale, on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday evenings. Miss Linda Keffer of Concord spent three days last week as the guest of Miss Jean Ash. Jean and Patsy Knowles of Concord spent a few days recently at the home of the former’s aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Witney in Elora. ATTENTION VETERANS Warriors’ Day, C.N.E. Saturday, August 29, 1953 The chairman of the Poppy Trust Fund, Comrade Frank Titshall, May Ave., Richmond Hill, would appreciate information of any vet- eran or member of family who may be ill or in immediate need. Do not delay its the sfipply is limited. THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill Clare DeLuxe 30 Inch Range with the Big, B I G Oven, automati- cally clock controlled. Gas saving centre-simmer burner. Light illumin- ates cooking top. Price . . . . . . $282.25 This is only one of the many fine quality Gas Appliances from which you can choose at Superior Propane Limited. OUR REPRESENTATIVE WL CALI. ‘S-P’ 6A8 RANGE Wag-fig“ TO CHOOSE A BEAUTIFUL, NEW P.0. Box 210 Maple SUPEIROR PROPANE TH! IILI. TELEPHONE Forced warm air furnaces, oil fired (or coal) completely installed with duct work- etc. Aero Silver-flame Oil Burners for converting your present coal furnace. (Terms arranged) 94 Benson Ave. COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Your New TELEPHONE BOOK ;. GOING TO PRESS! » NOW is the time to make any last-minute changes in your present listing in the alpha. betical section. If your listing aquatic? 5 Is your listing correct? Rentals from $8 to $12 per year For a mall extra charge, additional listings may be included in the alphabetical section. For example: Ball our Business Office as soon as you “11’ we’re toady to do to press! DON GIIFEN (1) Your own name and ruldenoo HEATING (3) Your own name and after-hour number under your business llatlng. (4) Your name with two or more numbers when mu can be reached any time. (2) Your office number under ygur own llama: To each new ‘S-P’ Gas User During August Stouflville Creamery Phone Stouflville 186W This Ten Piece, All Purpose number If the telephone where you live In listed under another name. Combination Kitchen Set Polished Rosewood Handles and A bsolutely Free Shinlesc Steel with PHONE or WRHE COMPANY OF CANADA Phone TU. 4-1542 tglgphonq ’Phone 97-98 LIMITED

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