Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1953, p. 6

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“GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND" GILBERT ,j DON TAYLOR & LEO GENN ZLUS SHORT SUBJECT & CARTOON 'tarring §§This set may be purchased on these 'easy terms $51.00 2", down & $14.25 per month R0 X Y Sl'he new 1954 Victor Townsman is a good buy now Priyeis $2 Antenna Richmond Hill Most stores charge from $70. to $85. for a 30’ antenna. We charge $50.00 and guarantee the antenna for 1 year. We charge absolutely nothing for service for three months. Most stores charge for this service. We are able to give immediate service. You are not obligated to keep any set you try from us. :Most stores charge mileage plus charge for call which is excessive when serviceman comes from a distance. Our charge is $3.50 to our customers. STILL THREE DAYS TO Thursday, Friday, Saturday BEFORE BUYING FIND OUT THESE THINGS: Tune-up and Brake Specialist Well‘ equipped to service English cars Repairs to all makes of cars . 'Electric Fuel Pumps, Starting Motors, and Generators rebuilt. Good, Clean Work Guaranteed 61 CROSBY AVE. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1764 '- B1 ANNOUNCEMENT H'HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Thurs., August 20, 1953 Monday, Tuesday â€" August 24, 25 STARTING MON-DAY, AUGUST 17 So why not SAVE MONEY AND BUY FROM US Will operate Maltby’s Cities Service Repair Shop, South Richmond Hill ARE YOU IN THE MARKET FIIR TELEVISION ? I. How much it is going to cost for service during the warranty period. 8. How long are you going to wait for service; after you’ve purchased a set immediate service is very important to you. 4. Will you have to keep the set you pick out at the store? Will you be completely satisfied with the set you pick out? How can you be sure? 5. How much will it cost you for service after the warranty period has expired? 1. How much the antenna will cost including r INSURANCE. YEREX ELECTRIC Sand â€"- Loam â€"â€" Gravel Top Soil â€" Fill or Fertilizer prompt delivery FRED BROOM Sr. DALTON HICKS (IN TECHNICOLOR) Plus Selected Short & Cartoon TU. 4-1552 THEATRE MARKHAM . . $289.95 . . . 50.00 BA. 1-4144 SEE THIS OUTSTANDING PICTURE August 20-22 $339.95 Mrs. R. Stewardson, No. 7 East and her sister, Miss A. Sutterby, returned last‘week from a very. pleasant month’s vacation spent with their niece, Mrs E. Brown- less, her husband and baby son in Calgary. They arrived in Calgary in the midst of the Stampede cel- ebrations, and were much impressâ€" ed by the colourful parades and clothes worn by young and old, bright shirts and ties by men and boys and very colourful blouses and skirts by women, and everyone Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf of Garden Ave. and their grandson Paul, re- turned recently from a most en- joyable motor trip to Vancouver. At one point on their journey they were surprised to see a huge black bear on the roadside. and were much relieved to see it amble off into the bush as their car approa- ched. They were also impressed by the rocky terrain in the Cobalt district, and the flat country of the prairies where the road is visible for miles ahead. The second accident within three days to children of Mr. and Mrs. D. Morrison, Briggs Ave., occurred on Tuesday, August 11 when their small daughter Lynda caught her foot in the car door as it was be- ing shut. Although very painful, x-rays showed no bones broken and Lynda is now able to wear her shoe. On August 8, her sister Julie received a cut on her hand which required 15 stitches to close. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. B. Mountjoy, No. 7 East, on the birth of a son July 28. Following the/ sports. tables were set up under the trees and delicious refreshments of sand- wiches, cake, coffee and ice cream were served to the guests by mem- bers of the staff, bringing to a close a very enjoyable day. During the afternoon, Jim Ber- enson, a patient, gave a nice ren- dition of “Danny Boy" which was much appreciated by his fellow patients and guests. Friday. August 14. was the an- nual sports day for the patients of the Ontario Hospital at Langstafi. Starting at 1.30 pm. and contin- uing until late afternoon, the pat- ients. staff and their friends had a most enjoyable time. Races in which the patients took part in- cluded sack, potato and spoon, three-legged and obstacle. The tug of war was won by the patients of the A1 corridor. A walking race for staff members’ wives was won by Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Wark and Mrs. F. Ross. Staff members' children winning prizes were Bobâ€" by Clark, Lorrie Clark, Bobby At- tridge, Sheila Morris, Priscilla At- tridge and Norma Hamilton. After a walk around the garden, the ladies left for home. express- ing their thanks to Mrs. Kajola for a most enjoyable afternoon. A’ball game played by the staff against the patients was won by the staff with a score of 19 to 15. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent on Wednesday. August 12, by the executive members of the Langstaff Home and School Assoc- lation and their children at the home of Mrs. E. Kajola, Uplands. The early part of the afternoon was spent in the swimming pool, which both adults and children enjoyed very much. Later, delicious re‘ freshments were served by the hostess on the spacious lawn over- looking the garden. Wednesday, Thursday â€" August 26, 27 Floor Sander To Rent Phone AVenue 5-2101 GILBERT ANGELA ROLAND in CLARK “MIRACLE or FATIMA” PLUS SHORT & CARTOON CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. T. MATHEWS LANGSTAFF NEWS SATURDAY MATINEE 2.00 P.M. 2 SHOWS. NIGHTLY 7 & 9 RM. Phone AVenue 5-1455 6N COLOR) Miss Barbara Baker was the maid of honour and was gowned in a dress of mauve net over taffeta, with velvet jacket. Miss Beverly Hilts of Dunbarton, as flower girl, dressed in yellow taffeta. All wore matching flower bandeaux as headdresses and carried nosegays of yellow roses and mauve sweet peas. ' A reception followed at St. Luke’s Reception Hall, Thornhill, and the couple left by car for God- frey, Kingston and Gananoque, Ontario. Arthur Jones was his brother’s best man ,and ushers were Thomas White and Grant Frederickson. Given in marriage by her father the bride chose a gown of French imported lace over white satin, and net, and her finger tip veil of tulle illusion was caught in a coronet of seed pearls. She carried a bou- quet of red and white roses. Trinity Anglican Church, Thorn- hill, was the scene of the recent wedding of Marguerite Eleanore Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan H. Clark, Langstaf‘f; and Clayton Charles Jones, son of Mrs. Jones and the late Edward Jones of Langstafi. Rev. S. A. R. Wood officiated and soloist was Miss Pat- ricia Errington. Ricky and Billy Chenery. grand- sons of Mr. and Mrs. R. Chenery. Garden Ave., are very happy about the arrival of a new baby sister re- cently. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. O. McIlwain, Tommy, Linda, and Brian, who recently moved into their home on Garden Ave A welcome also to Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield and Dianne, re- cent newcomers to Garden Ave. Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Glassey, Garden Ave., were Mr .and Mrs. W. Bath of Rockwood. and Mr. and Mrs. O. Dinger, Joanne and Billy of Tucka- hoe, N.Y. Barbara Glassey spent two weeks with her grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. W. Bath, Rockwood. Mr .and Mrs. J. M Patterson, No. 7 Highway, spent a pleasant week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Yeats at Callendar Bay. Mr and Mrs. F. Anderson of Rochester, N.Y., spent Saturday with Mrs. M. Holmes, Langstaf’f Road West, before proceeding to Midland for a week’s vacation. Much wild life was seen on the journey between Calgary and Lake Windermere. and snapshots were taken of a mother bear and two cubs walking down the middle of the highway, between the two lines of traffic, also of a bear cub at the open door of their car beg- ging for tid-bits. Bears are a com- mon sight on the highway and signs are posted asking travellers not to stop to feed them. Milk in Calgary costs 40c a quart and raspberries 75c a pint, reports Mrs. Stewardson Mrs. W. Robinson of Bobcaygeon is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W Henderson, Garden Ave. Mrs. F. Iris. daughters Sharyn, Gail and Catherine, are visiting Mrs. Iris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doner, Garden Ave. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. E. Willett and family, Langstaff Road West, on the death of Mr. Willett's brother last week. wearing white “Stetson” hats. Af- ter a few days in Calgary they mo- tored to Lake Windermere in B. C. where they spent a week and visited the famous hot springs, also Johnson Canyon and Banfl’. waking JONES - CLARK Mrs. G. A. M. Davison spent the week-end of August 14, with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young at Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Pilkington, Sabiston Subdivision have been enjoying two weeks holidays. Mr. Eric Moore and his parents, Mr .and Mrs. E. Moore and his sis- ter and family from the West en- joyed a trip to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. Robért Stiver who had a birthday on Augâ€" ust 14. . Mrs. Walker and Miss Walker of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mrs. J. Champion on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Conley and family of Orillia are visiting her parents} Mrriand Mrs. N. Ogden. Wélcome to Mr. and Mrs. ’Carl Andersen who have moved to the Osuchowski Farm. Miss Dorothy Miller of Phila- delhpia, U.S.A. is visiting her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lublstyck. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Appleton, Mount Joy spent Wednesday at the home of their son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Appleton. Mr. and Mrs. G. Tomlinson, Rich- mond Hill, called on friends in the village on Wednesday revening: Fred Deacon and Jane McConnell of The Thousand Islands were vis- itors last week at Mr. Donald Dea- con’s. Miss Judy and Tommy Goldspink are holidaying at the Turners for two weeks. Mrs. Clara Philips and daughter Miss Barbara Philips, and her mo- ther, Mrs. S. Allen, motored to Montreal and Ottawa, where they enjoyed a week's holiday visiting friends. Terry Greatrix of Timmlns, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. Poll- ard, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Free- man of St. Catharines, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Pollard this week. Mrs. Larry Diéney and daughter of Pickering visited her father, Mr. L. McMullen on Wednesday even- iug. Mr. and Mrs. Greenhaugh re- ceived a letter last week from their daughter, Miss Audrey Greenhaugh who has been in Colorado for about 13 months. She says the temper- ature there is 90 in the valleys, but spoke of being up on the moun- tains on a picnic and playing in the snow. Audrey expects to return home in the early fall. Mrs. James Anderson of Bran- don, Man., arrived by plane last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hefiord. Mrs. L. Rainey spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David McKinla'y, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin and family are holidaying at Lake of Bays. Mr. J. Conway of Cleveland. Ohio, was a visitor this week with his sister, Mrs. E. Braithwaite. Monday night the girls of the Unionville team, all played an ex- ceptionally good game, winning the game from Cedar Grove girls who stand second highest by a score of 1512. Miss Anne Murdock did some fine pitching throughout the entire game. Mrs. Crozier of Prince Albert is visiting her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Milner. We are sorry to hear of the ill- ness of Mr. D. Dawson in Sunny- brook Hospital. We hope he will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strickland attended the Shakespeare Festival at Stratford the past week. and re- port it as being very fine, with crowds of 1500 per day attending. Misses Sylvia Strickland and Marie Gayman spent this week-end at Georgetown with Mrs. H. M. Stewart. We were pleased to see Rev. Butt, who is away for a month's holidays back in the village on Monday. Congratulations to Lawrence Gayman, who while holidaying at Prospect Lake, caught a 4% 1b. pickerel. 7 Mrs. Robert Burrows is enjoy- ing a holiday at their cottage a; Prospect Lake. Mrs. M. Ormston of Sonia is having a holiday with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex,McInnis. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ince on theybirth of a son at Markham Nursing Home on Sun- day. . Visits Chicago Vernon Trunk has just returned after two weeks holiday in Chicago where he visited his father and brother. He also visited friends in Washington and other points. Mr. Earl Bratton left on Tues- day to spend several days at White Sulphur, Virginia. While there he will attend the Sun Life Sales Con- ference. Sympathy of her Unionville friends is extended to Mrs. H. Shearn and family. Victoria Ave., on the death of her sister, Mrs. Latter of Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen and Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Allan are spending a few days in Callendar. Sun Life Conference in Virginia Mrs. E. Bratton and family are visiting this week with friends at Senaca Falls, New York. Visit, Callander Mrs. H. H. Powers spent a few days at the first of the week with her sister. Mrs. Fred Reesor, Port Perry. Mr. Powers, going on to visit friends in Gooderham. Mrs. G. Phippen has now taken a position with the Reader’s Digest, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. James Weir and Elizabeth visited last Sunday with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Weir in the Schomberg district. Mr. Noble of Uxbridge is reliev- ing at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce for two weeks. CORREPONDENT: MRS. LEN. RAINEY, UNIONVILLB UNIONVILLE NEWS Phone Unionvillo “2) (Seal) Schedule “A” To By-Law No. 5 Year Principal Interes} Total 1954 $600.00 $599.67 $1199.67 1955 600.00 444.00 1044.00 1956 700.00 408.00 1108.00 1957 700.00 366.00 1066.00 1958 800.00 324.00 1124.00 1959 800.00 276.00 1076.00 1960 900.00 288.00 1128.00 1961 900.00 174.00 1074.00 1962 1000.00 120.00 1120.00 1963 1000.00 60.00 1060.00 Read a third time and finally passed this 13th day of August, AD. 1953. 7. The said debentures may con- tain any clause providing for reg- istration thereof authorized by any Statute relating to Municipal de- bentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. 6. The said sum of $8,000.00 so borrowed and interest thereon and the said debentures shall be and the same are hereby made a charge upon the school-house property and premises and on the real and personal property vested in the said Board of Trustees of the R0- man Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill and upon all the Separate School rates of the said Board to be hereinafter imposed until the said debentures and each and every one of them together with all interest thereon shall have been fully paid and sat- isfied. Read a first and second time this 13th day of August A. D. 1953. J. C. BETTLES, Chairman THEO Van WIERINGEN, Treasurer 5. During the ten years, the cur- rency of the debentures, the res- pective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule “A” hereto shall be levied and collect- ed annually by a special rate suf- ficient therefor over and above all other rates in the same manner and‘from the like persons and pro- perty, by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School rates are levied, raised and collected for the said period of ten years. 4. The Chairman and Treasurer of the said ard shall sign and issue the sai debentures, and the debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said Board. The interest coupons at- tached to the debentures shall be 51' ned by the said Treasurer and hi signature thereon may be writ- ten, stamped, lithographed or en- graved. 3. The debentures as to both principal and interest shall be ex- pressed ln Canadian currency, and shall be payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 2. The debe tures shall be dated as of the firt day of September, 1953, and shall be payable in ten (10) annual instalments on the first day of December in each of the years 1954 to 1963 inclusive, and the respective amounts of princi- pal payable in each of such years shall be as shown in Schedule “A” hereto annexed. 1. That for the purposes afore- said there shall be borrowed the sum of $8,000 and debentures of the Board of Trustees of the R0- man Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum computed from the first day of September, 1953, and hav- ing coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest annually. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: NOW THEREFORE the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property rate- able for Separate School purposes in the said Village of Richmond Hill according to the last revised assessment roll is $254,402.00. s ................ .s wagomw. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill is $34,- 507.55 and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears. essary to raise during the respec- tive years of the said period of ten years the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule “A” hereto to pay the yearly sum of principal and interest as they be- come due; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in ten (10) annual lnstalments of the respective am- ounts shown in the second column of Schedule "A" hereto which is hereby declared to be and form a part, of this by-law; A By-Law of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Rich- mond Hill to raise by way of loan the sum of $8,000.00 for the pur- poses hereinafter _mentioned. WHEREAS the Board of Trustâ€" ees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Rich- mond Hill require to borrow the sum of $8,000.00 for school purpos- es, namely: to build and equip a two room portable school and for such purpose to issue debentures there- for bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by- law; Mrs. Deckart of Toronto visited the past week with his sister, Mrs. Cribbett. Mrs. G. G. Maynard has been at- tending meetings at the Royal York this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Walker (nee Betty Hill) on the birth of a son. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. W. Thornloe on the birth of a son. Mrs. Thornloe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown. AND WHEREAS it will be nec- $8000.00 600.00 700.00 700.00 800.00 800.00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 1000.00 THEO Van WIERINGEN Treasurer J. C. BETTLES, By-Law N o. Chairman Takes Only a Few Moments to In- stqllfâ€"Makes your: 1929-53 Chevrolet auielor than filer he’ll-1:9. luv. Valve Silencer . . . Identical to original equipmentâ€"It half the price. Smootth polished alloy steel piston rod, large fluid ca- pacity and quick-acting valves absorb mad shocks. Give "new car" ride con- trol. Replace worn shock absorber. 1.89 You Can Feel the Improvement "MOTO-MASTER" MOTOR CONDITIONER Sizes %‘ 6-pc. set; drop forged, milled and tempered Iron-n selected noel. Excel- lent general purpose IeQ. Sizes %" to l.” Extremely tough, lightweight box- end wrench set; cleanly broached 12- point socket openings. 45 deg. off- set. 12 openings. Forged from Ielacted uni and heat treated. X’Set {nâ€" tludes universal joifit, valve grinder. speeder handle and popular size sockets. 10.85» AS ABOVEâ€"hut in usent metal box . . . . . . . . . . 12.33 Open-End Wrench Set 1/2" SQUARE DRIVE 33-90. SOCKET WRENCH SE'I', Richmond Hill GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE ON Motors, Washing Machines, Radios, ~ Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters and all other appliances 6-P0. WRENCH SET PERFECT” MATGHED SHOCK ABSORBERS BRAND NEW It is unlawful to ride bicycles on the sidewalks in the village. Any offenders will be prosecuted BICYCLISTS Richmond Hill Police Force Valve Silencer Get rid of power- Mealing sludge and carbon with this “10-minute engine tune-up." Renoru power and improve. performance of slug- gish motors. Enjoy increased pep and power. Seal. leaks perm- nently. lo-oz. can . . . .8. Removea run and scales; cleans o u! cooling system. 20-02. . . . . . _3Q zo-oz.‘ . . . .39 LIQUID sown ENGINE WELD -â€" Repair; water leaks . . . . . . . .n Icer . . . . . . . HAD. FLUSH ~ . LGCUYER ATTENTION RICHMOND HILL Save Up To 5096 ‘0‘ moot po'pnlar an. Expertly tuned to give I maid "Boom-Boom-Boom" de’ep throat“ :umPIIng pine. hzinmad b n Ford V8” V ‘â€" Olds. 6 1938â€"50 Plymth Dodge TAIL and EXHAUST PIPES Chevrolet DeSoto 1936â€"52 (moat Dodge 1935-38 (mot! 1939-52 Ford "A" (comp. an’y) Ford "V8" 1932-52 Oldnmobile 1936-52 (moot) Plymouth (nanny models) â€"at prices that save you up to Chryl, DeSoto Gown!“ MUFFLERS and PIPES Leaky Mufflers Are Dangerous â€"REPLACE WIT- as“. 06m? Sinai; natal container . 1-pc. not: 34" hexagon drivu. Includ- lng six lZ-poipt agckau from 36" to 1-looIs-ln-1â€"powerlul double lava action gives ZOOO-Ib. bulldog grip. Holds all nhapu, round. square or Irregular. 1-inch “2,10 10-inch .1.” DYNATONE MUFFLER :.eo to L85 “Hollywood Type Boom-Boom” SOCKET WRENCH SET 1935-39 4.0! 4.1. 1940-52 (most) 4.80 4.). For can and truck: not "ob! enqulro lor prices Orlglnal qupment Guilty IIIOIO-‘fllflSIER VlSE-GRIP WRENCH 1929-32 1933-52 1935-39 1940-48 1949-52 Phone TUrner 4-1381 MUFFLEHS 1 929-32 1933-36 1931-52 (mm) ( mo») (most) P. G. Hill ....... L35 50% Tall Illicit! Manor (moat) 2.7. 8.4' 4.40 4.20 8.0. 4.3' 3.0. mmmtmtt

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