Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1953, p. 8

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Telephone TU. 4-1650 |N$TALLED - SOLD - SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thornhi" AVenue 5'1333 That's #19 Famous and Fabu- lous CANE! And, this year, there's Features‘and curac- Dion: galore. The 1953 edition of"Conadiona",starringVicror Barge, Darvas and Julio, the lunds, and the beauty and wonderment of "Dancing Waters." There's a diamond Teston THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs.. August 20, 1953 New Work â€" Alterations â€"- Repairs Spray & Paint Contracting TORONTO AUG. 28 -SEPT. 12, 1953 Spraying Orchards, Brush, Weeds, Whitewashing Painting â€" Spray and Brush Interior and Exterior *TELEVISION * Jain: Iouedietus émefia’y 417/9191! my 127/7702? / Free Estimates Gladly Given PLUMBING & HEATING "SALAM’ ' TEA BAGS Roger Proulx CALL ANY TIME display never beFore shown to the public. . . spine-chilling ihrills, and laughs, on two great new Midway rides . . . the famous Welsh Guards Band . . . a full-scale ice show. Yes, there's something diFfen en? every minute of U155 year‘s . . . 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill Maple 7212133 Mrs. Tice and dafighter-from the United States are enjoying a holiday with Mrs. Hahn, Hunts Lane. Bruce Blackburn. John Elson, and Doug. Smith, returned from Camp Borden on Saturday. after spending seven weeks with the Cadet Trades Training Camp. Sorry to hear Carter of Hunts with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and-children, formerly of Stop 24 Yonge St. are now occupying the former home~ stead on Hunts Lane. Mr .and Mrs. Leech and son, along with Mrs. Tice spent Sunday visiting friends in Guelph, Ont. Sorry to hear that Mr. George Carter of Hunts Lane has been ill Mrs. Cartwright of Mill Road, who suffered a heart attack last week. is coming along nicely in the Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Lenton of Mill Road held a party for her daughter Mary on Friday, August 14, on the occasion of her 7th birthday. Gail Masters, Susanne Austin. Cynthia Craigie, Janet Taylor, Sharon Hamilton. Sonya Sutclifie and Norma Lenton. all had a wonderful time at the party. . Mrs. Petcofi and granddaughter Margaret of Mill Road are vaca- tioning at Orr Lake, Ont. Birthday Mrs. H. Acreman 'was at the scenic caves near Collingwood one day last week. Mr .and Mrs. Ray Jones have re- turned to Ottawa after a visit with relatives and friends here and in Toronto. ‘ On Sunday of last week, Mrs. Ted Jones had a visit from her sister, Mrs. Leonard Flowers of Midland. The stay was intended to be brief, but Mrs. Jones perâ€" suaded her guest with her family to stay for several days. Mr .and Mrs. Ray Jones, Danny and Glenn spent a week with her father, Fred Lee. During her visit there, Mr .and Mrs. Len Bagg were also visitors. Mr. Moddle, son of Rev. Moddie of Aurora, was in the pulpit at Church on Sunday. Mrs. Smith brought her guest, Mrs .Carson. Mrs. Dean, who spent the past week with her brother and sister- in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fisher, was also renewing acquaintances in Church. Miss Jessie Peppiatt is spending a brief holiday with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Deverell. Birthday congratulations to Char- lie Baker. A recent visitor of Mrs. Elizaâ€" beth McBride, was her neice Mrs. Robert Robinson, Walpool, Sask. Mrs. Robinson, who was the former Margaret Thompson. was born in King City. and lived in the house now occupied by the Belknap fam- ily. When she was 15 years of age she left with her father, Joseph Thompson, to live in Winnipeg. This is her first visit to her old home in all these years. Mrs. Rob- inson has a family of seven child- ren. She is visiting Miss Ella Mcâ€" Bride in Toronto. Mrs. Colin Stewart attended a reception held by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Babb, at their home near Stratford, recently. The reception was held to honour their daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Clark, who were married at a quiet ceremony in Toronto on July 18. The bride was the form- er Miss Jean Babb, who has often visited her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Phillipson are in Maple, and are staying in the apartment of Mr. and Mrs. H. It has been announced by High- ways Minister Doucett that the first gasoline and service station on Highway 400, will be erected this year at the interchange. King Side Road and the Barrie Highway. The contract and lease was award- ed to the Shell Oil Company, which will build a gasoline station, with equipment capable of clear- ing the roads of stalled cars, and making emergency repairs. There will also be rest rooms and a restaurant where a minimum .of 20 persons may be served. The colours of this station, and three others which are contemplated for the near future at cloverleafs, will be green and white, irrespective of the familiar colours used by the oil companies who will own them. Visit From Winnipeg When the school children begin to ask about the ONE. it is time for the Women's Institute to make reservations for a bus, or buses. to take the members and their fam- ilies to the annual expedition to the Exhibition grounds. At the meeting which was held at the home of Miss Blyth Burrows last week, it was decided to change the day of the community visit to the Exhibition to Music Day, and this year that day falls on Thursday. September 3. Last year three buses were required to carry the passen- gers from this village. Mrs. Len Robb has been in charge of re- serving the transportation, and making the required reservations for the past seven or eight years, and she will look after the arrangeâ€" ments for Music Day. She asks that everyone who intends to go to the Exhibition with the group must let her know of their plans by September 2, at the latest. The bus will leave King Corners at 1 o'clock and will return at night, after the Grand Stand perform- ance. Anyone who dreads the trip to the Ex. because of the parking and difficult transportation. will never drive their own car to the grounds again after they have once gone in comfort with the_commun- ity group. Service Station NORTH RICHVALE Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2238 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING. ONT. HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gonnley, Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 CORRESPONDENT KING CITY NEWS Phone King 55R“ “Through The Years." f Mr. Hill gave his daughter in ‘marriage. The bride‘s handsome gown of Coronation lace, was fash- ioned with a lace bodice and scal- loped peplum over a bouffant net ’ skirt. which touched the floor. The all white bridal ensemble was completed with a net illusion veil, finger tip length, which was fast- ened to a dainty net headdress. The cascade bouquet which the ‘bride carried, was made of white gladioli and stephanotis. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Inch will live in Toronto, while Mr. Inch is attending Osgoode Hall. Later, the young couple left on a motor honeymoon to the Mariâ€" times. For travelling the bride wore a silk shantung suit of toast shade, with a paddy green hat, sequin trimmed, and matching green and tan accessories. At.the reception, the guests were received at the home of the bride’s parents. The bride’s mother wore a gown of dusty rose lace and crepe, with hat and accessories of navy blue, and a shoulder corsage of Sweetheart roses. Mrs. Inch, mother of the groom, chose Alice blue lace, with deeper blue acces- sories, and a corsage of red roses. The best man was Mr. George A. C. Simpson, Hamilton, and the ushers were Mr. James P. L. Inch, Oakville, and Mr. Ronald Warren, Belleville. INCH ~ HILL The wedding of Miss Agnes Jeanne Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, Nobleton. to Mr. Douglas Lyman Lee Inch, son of Lt.Col. and Mrs. G. P. Inch. Hamil- ton. was solemnized on Saturday afternoon, August 15. in the Angli- can Church, Nobleton. Rev. W. A. Westcott. Malton. performed the ceremony. and the wedding music was played by Miss Frances Agar. Nobleton. Before the service and during the signing of the register, Miss Nancy Lymburner, Hamilton, sang “The Lord's Prayer" and The attendants wore matching ballerina length gowns of turquoise net over toast taffeta, with head- dresses of turquoise net trimmed with pale toast ostrich feathers. They wore turquoise shoes. Their yellow toned gladioli and mums, and English ivy, were carried in natural straw baskets. The maid of honour was the bride’s sister, Miss Shirley Hill. The brides- maids were Miss Audrey Inch. sister of the groom, and Miss Phyl- lis Trusdale, both of Hamilton. Mrs. Alexander and her daugh- ter, Miss Mary Alexander. will sail this week for England, where they will make their home at Tiverton. Devonshire. They will be joined by Mr. Alexander in the spring. A younger daughter. Betty has been at school in England since last year. Mrs. W. McDonald. postmistress at King City, is visiting friends in Owen Sound this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Alexander have sold their home on the 3rd. con. south. Sail For England Bryan while the Bryans are away on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip- son lived in King City until fifteen years ago, when Mr. Phillipson was manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. After leaving this village, Mr. Phil- lipson was transferred to Toronto. and then to St. Catharines for several years. This is their first return to the district since 1939. and when Mrs. Phillipson called on friends in the village on Mon- day afternoon. she expressed surâ€" prise at the growth of King City. Mr. Phillipson will be acting man- ager at the Maple Bank for the next two weeks, during Mr. Bry- an's absence, and expects to settle ianoronto later in the summer. Cartoon DOUBLE FEATURE AUGUST 25 & 26 hes. 8: Wed. “IN THE CIRCUS ARENA” (Color) All Star Cast “PRETTY BABY“ Cartoon ‘ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN’ Cartoon ‘AARON SLICK FROM PUNKIN CRICK” (Color) Dinah Shore Alan Young AUGUST 27 8: 28 Thurs. & Fri. “DAKOTA LIL” (Color) Marie Windsor George Montgomery waning AUGUST 20 8: ’1 AUGUST 22 & 24 Sat. & Mon. Betsy Drake Dennis Morgan Thurs. & Fri Jose Ferrel- Kim Hunter News News Mrs. J. V. Greer of Sovereign, Sask.. and son Jack Greer of Re- gina motored east to Sarnia and Maple where they spent a few days at the home of Mrs. E. H. Marwood. Pat and Bob. They left Sunday for the return trip to Regina. Mrs. Jack Greer and son Johnny have been staying with Mrs. Marwood, Mrs. Greer's mother, since July, and are now returning home to Regina. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Leece on Sunday, Augâ€" ust 16, were Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Martin, Marilyn and Robert, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oliver of Kenmore, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davidson, Karâ€" en, Nancy and Harold from Schom- berg. This being a family reunion, a picnic lunch was enjoyed on the lawn of the host and hostess. Prizes will be given for the best decorated vehicles. Everyone is in- vited to come to Maple Park for the programme and to see the work the children have been doing at summer school. Mr .and Mrs. Alex Forrest have moved to their new home in Lind- say. Summer School Parade A parade of decorated doll car- riages, wagons, tricycles and bi- cycles, will be held at Maple on Friday. August 21, at 6.45. The parade will leave Maple Post Ofâ€" fice at 6.45 and continue to the Park. Mr. and Mrs. Allen and Brian spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker at Willow‘ dale. Mr. and Mr_s. George Miller of Friendly Acres are holidaying at Roseneath. Rice Lake. Mr .and Mrs. Edmund Harris have returned after enjoying their vacation at Triple Bay Park, Mid- land. A meeting to' arrange teams, etc. of Maple Ladies Bowling. will be held in Maple Firehall on Tuesday, August 25. at 8 pm. Any lady in- terested in bowling this season. please attend meeting. Bowling will be at Richmond Hill Alleys. Personals Mrs. Charles King of Brampton and Mrs. Isaac Watson left Tues- day. August 11, by bus for a trip to the West. They expect to be away one month. YONGE STREET NORTH StflWide20%Eiscount on all Merchandise M ow ms connnsronfimrr Your Brand Name SPURT MEN'S SHIRTS Sizes 14 to 171/2 ALL COLOURS Your Brand Name MAPLE NEWS Extra SpeCIa/ Buys on Odds and ends ‘Sale Now In Progress Telephone SHIRTS OB BRAIGIE m can? 70. M BOB’S GIGANTIC TO MEASURE, MATCHED, FITTED DRAPES Straight, Curved tracks in- stalled Bed Spreads, Slip Covers, etc. For Fine Work call Maple l9J Receiving the guests in the gar- den, the groom's mother was dress- ed in navy sheer, with navy acces- sories and wore a corsage of red roses. Leaving on their wedding trip the bride wore a pink suit with navy accessories, Upon their re- turn, Mr. and Mrs. Robson will re- side in Maple. Guests at lhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Snider last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mc- Dowell of Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fierheller. Edgeley; Miss Kay Davidson. Meaford: Mrs Her- bert Snider and Miss Jean Snider of Richmond Hill; and Mr and Mrs. Lynn Snider and Douglas of Bayview. mating ROBSON-BOTTRELL On August 1. 1953, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Milne, sister of the bride the marriage was sol- emnized by Rev. C. H. Bowman, Maple, of Marjory Bottrell to Mr. Edmund Ross Robson, son of Mrs. H. Robson, Maple, and the late Mr. H. Robson. The bride wore a dress of hya- cinth blue lace. with matching ac- cessories and corsage of deep pink roses. She was attended by her sister Amy Milne who wore a gown of dusty pink faille with a corsage of pink roses and blue corn flowers. Karen Davidson returned home on Sunday after spending a week with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John Leece. The groom's brother. Charles Robson of Richvale was best man. ART SEWING RUTH DELBROCCO BA. 1-2444 BUT IT WON’T KEEP YOU WARM! Tllrner 4 - 1851 Richmond Hill Eiectrical Shop 12 Yonge St. N. Telephone 'I‘Urner 4-1761 numbing 8 Heating ELECTRIC WIRING New Work Box 206 FEDURAS STETSUN FURNACES AND OIL BURNERE and SOCKS JONES COAL C0. ANDREWS 8 GRAY RICHMOND HILL 206 Phone TUrner 4-1879 TIES lmitution may be flattery- RICHMOND HILL HOUSES AND FARMS OIL TREATED Alterations Richmond Hill ~ Repairs

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