{orthcoming meeting by listing it in the “Cominz Events†column of The Liberal. It’s low in cost. Tele- ï¬pne TUrner 4-1261. ls attendance slipping? Then gmind your members of that The Thornhill School TEACHER’ OF BALLET LIMITED CLASSES Register early to ensure enrolment Evening classes Tuesdays and A Thursdays 19 Grandview Ave.. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 Thornhill V Marguerite Boyle DENTIST 55A YONGE ST‘ SOUTH Tl’rner 4-1511 Richmond Hill ¢ Dentist Ansley Building. Yonge Street THORN HILL Norman A. Todd, BA. 7! Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUrnex 4-1462 Registrations Accepted After Labour Day AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue. Thornhlll Ardill Block. Yonge and We ton Streets « Aurora, Ontario Telephone Aurora 406 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHILL Francis Block - AVenue 5-1772 lVENINGS - Tuesday and Fri. 7-9 Barrister, Solicitor Public 85 Centre W [ THORN‘HILL 1A Colborne AVex Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public 93 Yonge Street. Richmond Hill Evefy Thursday afternoon 7 TUrner 4-1551 Richmond, Hill Toronto Office â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" lND BY APPOINTMENT .ï¬arrlster. Solicitor & Notary Public 55 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill, Ontano Office TUi‘ner 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1863 Office Hours: 9.30-5 and by appolntment j: Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries N. Mathews, ).C. K. Stiver. §.A. B. E. Lyons. A.A. Jos. Vale. Q.C. 100 Main St.. Newmarket. Ont. Phone 120 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. J Phone We. 2343-4 Dr. M. J. Walker Under the instruction of Barristers, Solicitors. etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 85 Richmond Street Wegt EM. 6-8929 Thursday morning, Richmond Hill ~65 Yonge St. S. 'l‘UrneI‘ 4-1652 Thursday afternoon, Maple Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public OFFICE HOURS: Daily 9 am. to of Dancing BALLET ~ - TAP II. Rabinowitch, BA. Thomas 0. Fraser Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Dr. W. J. Mason 65 Plaxton & Deane Doris Pollock Floyd E. Corner BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Stuart P. Parker LILLY AUSTEN Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Barrister. Solicitor. etc. Rates for insertion in Blisrsection are available at The Liberal office phone TUrner 4-1261. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Oï¬'icn AVenue 5-1300 Evenings by Appointment Richmond Theatre Block Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY T. C. Newman AVenue 5-2181 MUSICAL William Cook and Walsh DENTAL lEGAL AVenue 5-1667 AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 and Wellingâ€" and Notary Thornhill Above Harley’s Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 10 mm. - 12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 p.11 Evenings: Monday to Thursday. 6 pm. - 8 pm. _ .9: by appointment Dr. J. P. Wilson 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill By appointment TUrner 4-1422 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill 41 Yonge Street South Richmonfl Hill Oï¬ice hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesdays Tuesday 8.: Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 Dr. E- A.'Crawford Ofliée hours 9 am. to 6 ‘pm. also day and evening appointments 106 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1631 Dr. Jag. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Dr. Cameron Cowan onice Ham-é 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 p.m4 by appointment MAPLE PHON.‘ Obstetrician a; Gynecologist WRIGH] & TAYLOR GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile. Liability Hail. Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance a Specialty King City " Telephone 28 Dr. Wm. D. Howe Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass, etc. Life (Confederation Life Associa- tlon) 19 Centre St. W. Richmond Hill TUmer 4.1219 Office TURNER 4-1271 Residence TURNER 4-1303 Dr. R. J. Steele Funeral Directors Ambulance Service RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1311 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE R. M acN aughton Dr. R. A. Bigford W. SCH URM AN 1 General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Phone TUmer 4-1652 Res. TU. 4-1986 Toronto Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. GENERAL INSURKNCE Fire, Automobile, Farm. etc. LIFE INSURANCE Jack Walkington J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) By appointment Richmond Hill. Ont. 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhm AVenue 5-1379 INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. MEDICAI Roy V. Bick Maple 71R4 INSURANCE TUrner 4-1551 AVenue 5-1311 EM. 3-0311 PHONE 3 Ernie Brock 8: Son Telephone MAyfair 114546" Helen Simpson Lynett, J. F. Lynett For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. D' trict 251§YONGE ST. (at St. lements) elephone 11 Maple, Ont. Pumped Out and Rep‘ If it’s sanitary work we Out of town day or 11 emergency service Maple 721-23 SANITARY CONTRACTORS Septic Tanks, Disposal Plants. Slaughter Houses SAIOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 3.11;. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 3.111 Leave Maple 3.00 p.m. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 p.m. Kenneth G. H enders BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE Thornhill Veterinary Clinic DR. H. E. PALMER DR. F. W. WALKER HOURS: 2 pm. - 4 p.m. 7 p.m. - 8 p.111. Telephone AVenue 5-2252 Telephone TUrner 4-1432 General Insuranc Phone 82 Dry.†W. Allan Ripley Ken '& Clarke Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for .the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales a specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one. Milliken P.O.. ph. Agincourt 52w3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big - too small Veterinary Surgeon Small Animal Practice Elgin Mills Sideroad West Maple 171r2 ., Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. '. J. SMITH & SON OPTOMETRIST Consultation by Appointment Willowdale Office: - 4969 Yonge St, Stop 8A BA. 1-5327 Coaches For All Occasion: Telephone King 56 GENERAL BUSINESS REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etcl INSURANCE Paper Hanging Spray Painting Phone TUrner 4-1931 213 Oak Ave., Richvalo Arthur G. Broad, D.C. J. Aldridge Dr. Cicely Wilson ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Pqinting Interior and Exterior VETERINARY SURGEbN Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street OPTOMETRIST Fire. Automobile. etc. TUmer 4-1671 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-2062 VETERINARY CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIUNEERS REAL ESTATE R. [1. Kane By Appointment and Repaired work we do it. day or night Centre Street Richmond Hill Maple, Ont. Painting, Paperhanging, etc. ‘Your home deserves the best’ M. BERYL BARROW Chartered Accountant 18 HlGHLAND PARK BLVD.. NEWTONBROOK AV. 5-1167 . Richvale, Ontario Phone Maple 54R33 or AV. 5-2441 Free Estimates Clubine & Alexander PLASTERING CONTRACTORS The Community Church, Lake Wilcox held a corn roast in the church grounds for the Sunday School children on Thursday night. is the subject ofw much pléased comment by the people. Corn Roast Driving around the Lake on Sunday afternoon we were struck by the many improvements taking place in the area. The new road is attracting people and many new homes are being constructed. The ï¬ne building built by Mr. and Mrs. E. Davison last year to house a general store and the Lake Wilcox Post Office is an asset to the com- munity. The Postal Department has now installed 116 mail boxes and there is room for more when these have all been subscribed for. Painted an attractive green with a grey tile floor the new newpost of- ï¬ce is a great improvement, and Mr .Hunter of Hunter’s Coal Company, Lyons Ave., Toronto. who has maintained ‘a summer home at Wilcox Lake for many years. suffered a heart attack on Saturday afternoon while spending the week-end at his cottage. His doctor has recommended a long rest. Improvements At Lake Suffers Heart Attack During the business session, two members were chosen for the sick committee for two months, Mrs. A- Jones and Mrs. N. Payne. The committee would appreciate being notiï¬ed' of anyone sick in the community. April 26, 1954. is the date set for the short course. Mrs. M. Palmer was appointed the ,convenor of historical research and current events. Mrs. E. Kyle was in charge of study of the Hand- book, giving a short history of the The regular monthly meeting of Maple W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Wills Maclachlan, on the evening of August 12. Previous to the meeting the ladies were shown Mrs. Maclachlan‘s hobby room where she spins and weaves woollens. The beautiful work was much admired. The ladies saw combings from the pet dog, wash- ed ,carded, spun and knit. Members of Maple United Church who took part in the pa- geant were Forrest Ollver. Wlll- ism Oliver. Mrs. R. Ramsay, Miss Margaret Ramsay, Mrs. Jack Yorke, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Crook. Those who attended were Mrs. F. S. Rumble, Mrs J. Leece, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Donald Allen. Mrs. Edward Kyle, Mrs. A1- fred Jones, Mr. and Mrs Norman Payne and family. Mr. Sand Mrs. Earle Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jennings. Maple WJ. A. Rollinson OAK RIDGES &'LAKE WILCOX NEWS Many members of Maple Brpnqh of Women's Institute attended Canada Day on Friday and Saturu day. August 21, 22. A program in honor of the Triennial conference of the Associated Countrywomen of the World held in Maple Leaf Gardens was presented before 12,- 000 women on August 21. They witnessed something that will long be remembered. Phone ’ TU. 4-1791 Mr. Philipson (formerly of King) is acting manager of Maple branch of the Bank of Commerce, while Mr. H. Bryan is on vacation. Mrs. Philipson is enjoying a stay here also. WJ. Canada Day Mr. and’MrssWilliam "Weir add family and Miss Marion Watson are holidaying at Beaumoris, Muskoka. DECORATING "nu "no. u .LVILL'CCIC‘y. Mr. and‘Mrs. Frank Fostér mot- ored to St. Joseph’s Island last week and visited with Captain and Mrs Percy Kent. Mr .and Mrs. Lorne Wells and Loren are vacationing on Keeway- on Island, Beaumoris. Muskoka. Mrs. Arthur J. Wells spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells and week-end vlsltors were Mr and Mrs. George Bailey. Mrs. J. Pollack has returned af- ter spending two weeks in Camp Borden with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rowe and‘Mrs. H .McFeeley. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Chemera and son David, Mrs. A. E. Johnson and Miss Evelyn Johnson, all from Rochester visited over last week- end with Mr. . and Mrs. Ernie Hemphill. Mr .and Mrs. Melville White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth White mo- tored this week to Rochester spending a few days there. * Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brice spent the‘ week end in Winnipeg, Man., with friends. They travelled by motor on the Trans-Canada High‘ way through Northern Ontario to return by way of the U.S.A. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE TUrner 4-1261 OORRESPON DENT MAPLE NEWS Telephone 'Miss Catharine Bull. Toronto. was a guest for the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bull. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders, Freda and Eric enjoyed a motor trip to Lake Placid and other points in New York State last week. 1 Mrs. C. L .Stephenson and Miss Anne Stephenson were guests on Saturday at the marriage at Mark- dale. Ont., of Miss Muriel Graham to Blair Ashmore, Anne was solo- ist. rSumIay o be’d eaten bis ï¬w’t up 4. bis brown bread and turn!) o [It’d 159,10?an poorman from Dcm’undy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ash spent the week-end with relatives in Port Hope. 1 TberemzcewasamanfmmDerdmtdy 0 who ate tulip: ï¬vm Monday to Mr .and Mrs. Jack Blyth and Mn, and Mrs. Alec Gallagher en- joyed a mbtm trip over the week- end. Tuesday is the ï¬nal day for re- ceiving tenders for the addition to the school. Three new stores are going up just south of the school on Yonge street at Oak Ridges. One will house the business of the Fuller Dry Goods and two will be for sale when completed. Personals The company drilli g-dor water at the school at Oa Ridges is down some 200 feet tat time of writing) and Is hopeful of striking a good supply this week. The Oak Ridges Bantams coach- ed by Gordon Rowe and managed by Walter Geary have reached the play-offs in the Ontario Baseball Association. They played Newcas- tle at Oak Ridges last night. There is a possibility that Oak Ridges will bring home an Ontario cham- pionship. Drill For Water In Play-offs cy. Sa turned ville w rie, f0) Mr and Mrs Roy Cook, Kathy, Mr and Mrs Donald Watson, at- tended the wedding in Victory Gosâ€" pel Church at Haviland, on Sat- urday. August 22, of Miss Norma Turner and Mr Donald Cameron. Miss Turner is a sister of Mrs Crook. Community and School Club‘ The opening of the fall term of Maple Community and School Club will be at Maple Public School on Wednesday evening. September 4, at 815 p.m. Everyone welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gudot, Nan- cy. Sandra and Ronnie have re- turned after vacationing at Hunts- ville with Mr. and Mrs. John Per- rie, formerly of Maple. Miss Betty Campbell left on a trip to Detroit. Windsor and Royal Oak, visiting with her uncle and aunt. Mr .and Mrs. William Little and friends. ' Mrs. Andrew McCluï¬key of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campal in Sher- wood. Mr .and Mrs. Gerald Walker and twins Garry and Barry of Montreal who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Orland Downey have rev turned home, taking with them Marilyn Downey for 'a vacation. Best dressed and decorated ve hicle, Beverley Taylor who rep- resented Little Bo-Peep. Socials Soap Boxes, Barry and Myrna Lloyd, Barry Boeckner and David Langelle. Tricycles, 7 yrs. and under. boy! Larry Wilson, Charlie Joyce, Chris Moore. Girls. Kathy Rumble, Lynda La Raivere. There were 120 name’s on the roll call. Dorothy would like at this time to thank the mothers, and especially the M.R.A., and all those who helped in any way with the summer school. Winners of the prizes given for best decor- ated doll carriages were.7 yrs. and up. Margaret Scott, Beverley Mab- berley; under 7, Sharon Clegg. Lynda Cooper, Lynda Ingram. Carol Anne Saigeon. Honorable mention Evelyn Palmer. Kiddie Cars, Marilyn Rumble, Carl Moore, Marilyn Rumble. Wagons, Wayne Simmons. Bicycles, John Rumble, John Jackson. The school has been carrie this last seven weeks, with Dorothy Jarrett as supervisor‘ has endeavored to teach the c ren both physical and constru work. Maple Su ed by the IV. ï¬nale Fridal ade of heat carriageg. t1 die cars; so: Jarrett woul appreciation who acted a greatly to t evening. Maple An interesting of birds and anil ed by Mrs. H. Jac by Mrs. W. Nob] rett. The meeti by a social half Maple Summer Institute oodless 5 our A.C The meetin social half 11 a Summer 5. Dle Summer 19.1 'riday evenin beautifully ( Ls. tricycles, f, soap boxes would like t‘ a, beginning and the sma I.W.W. Con: M.R.A ast 11 animals H. Jackson Noble am meeting w LA. came to a grand evening with a par- fully decorated doll :ycles, bicycles, kid- boxes, etc. Dorothy like to express her 0 the tow townsmen clowns which added : enjoyment of the iing with Adelaide small beginning to Conference. : contest on calling mals was t :kson. “1‘ e and Mrs “E was co houn School r School, 5 . came to ‘ 1 carried on ‘, with Miss >ervisor. She :h the child« constructive carried on calling 5 conduct- [t was won In D. Jar- concluded on the like at mothers, sponsor- a grand h a par- ted doll les, kid- Dorothy ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE If: you too have 'a hfgh ambition and can qualify, the RCAF offers you top Air Crew training â€" commissioned rank Like all the young Air Crew Officers, you’ll be brimful with a sense of accomplish- ment and responsibilityâ€"a professional man â€" a Canadian ambassador of goodwill and _competence wherever you go! r M A . Enrol m the RCAP as an Au Crew cadet . . . receive your training, promotion and wings r. . . and embark on an adven. turous career in the nation’s most important business- defence of freedom! “The Garden Tractor Man" WE SERVICE EVERYTHING WE SELL Yonge Street North. RICHMOND HILL, ONT STAN TROYER Stanley Burns end at Wasaga ] Jane and Gor Philadelphia U. with their grand Mrs. W. Green. to return home Ont.‘ with St. Stanley end at VV Jane at Mr. an family 01 Saturday weeks hc Ont. Mr. 31 Toronto of Yong August birthday Mrs. F. Davis 0 who at the pres Lockwood Clinic Mr. and Mrs. C on Thursday. EHjoying a f boys spent the mend Theatre Social Notes A speedy Mrs. F. Davis who at the pr Grant 1 Blackburn Lowery 3] attended Wayne L: Birthday Miss "1:135 XUUR TARGET 9 9 FREEDOM! 9 '9 Yongehurst is: NORTH RICHVALE MAKE YOUR Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2238 and Mrs of Yon: TUmer4 4124 23 M. Baker enjoying 2 Burns and visited .ambert Party Fryer Burns spent last ;aga Beach. 1 Gordon Russell .a USA. are s grandparents. M1 a full eour; the evening ' recovery vis of You present tin Bill Michael party the August lparents. Mr. The children September 3 Earl Lambert from 1 a week family, Mrs‘ Jvery is wi: Yongehurst at time is in Toronto. P. Holmes. f Bob J Dawson gust 20 course 1 occasion :1 Lambert at- in honor of 10th birthday. Ist 20. After a next ‘arry Sc Rd :e meal at the I and ; holidaï¬v Bathurst ickering. as from Holmes Sunday. [1 from staying left ‘xt two Sound. :1 Skip George wished week‘ and plan l the Rich- and her thé THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 27, 1953 IT Phone TUrner 4-1313 Ks : snag stock BACK "ug. m5 ~ 1:: \ T . u. n†E L, F. .A. M .T. u. , A P Lick “By the way it’s time to fill your coal bin†AS A MATTER OF FACT NOW is the perfect time to buy “Blue Coal†NOW while we have a good supply of “Blue Coalâ€. NOW while you can save on “low off season prices." “Blue Coal,†the best coal you can buy . D. RAMER B SON râ€"-- 3 RC 3 i»? ' Please 5 ' Moltâ€"en l NAME( ' STREET gm...w } BDUCA'I L..__. Old Man Winter with dependable heat that only “Blue Coal†can give. l NAME (Hem Print). l ' STREET wnnassm. ! cm... 3 R.C.A‘F. Recruiting Nnit, ’ 1207 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone; PR. 6659 a; PR. 6650 I Please nail to m. walnut obligation, [all particular: Harding [ Mel-mu requircmnuudmubrg:mwudlabkMIchCAJi If you are 17 but not yet 25, single, and have junior Matriqu lation, the equivalent or better, see the Career Counsellor at the address in the couponâ€"or mail the coupon today! unsuquâ€" Candidate: should take with them to thc' Recruiting Unit ' (1) Birth Certiï¬cate (2) Proof of Education EDUCATION (by 3nd: and province) -0pportum°ty for advancement â€"all the thrills of the new era in supersonic aviation. DECIDE IIOW! JOIN THE AIR FORCE Richmond Hill