ANNOUNCE NEW mnusmv coM (um um News f'rom Next Door AURORA : Competing with some of the largest suppliers in the pro- {winca the Thompson Furniture Co. was awarded the contract for sup- plying the York County Home with new bedroom and dining room furniture. UXBRIDGE : J. J. Robinette, Q. C. of Toronto, will represent 18- year-old Roger Corbett when he womes up for trial in September for the murder of his brother. STOUFFVILLE : The floodlights were lighted for the ï¬rst time at the Memorial Park last week when several innings were played under Mrtiï¬cial light. Miss Bertha Palmer a well known citizen in the village all her life. and member of one of Richmond Hill’s Pioneer families passed away at her home {m Aug- ust 26 after a lingering illpess. BARBIE : Polio claimed its ï¬rst victim here last week. Donald Tom- linson, 32-year-old RCAF veteran died in Toronto Isolation Hospital. His daughter Patsy is recovering from the same disease. NEWMARKET : One hundred Speeders appeared in Magistrate’s Court on charges of speeding laid by the town police. Police have laid 900 charges for traffic offenc- es jn the town during the last month. NEWMARKET : Council has voted $500 to the Chamber of Commerce for publicity and celebrations on the official opening of the new Main Street. Local merchants and citizens have subscribed $600. SCARBORO : Reeve Oliver Crock- ford ~lias announced that he is not planning to retire from political life despite rumours that are cir- culating that he was retiring. AURORA : A $1500 drainage pro- ject for the arena has been unan- imously approved by towr} coun- cil. RADFORD : One of the oldest andmarks in West Gillimbury, the residence built and occupied by the Woods iamily for nearly a cen- tury was destroyed last week by ï¬re. ORILLIA : A prediction that Or- illia's vote on city status will car- ry at the next municipal election was rrlade by Mayor Cramp in a recent radio address. NORTH YORK : Members of the present York County Council. who represent 14 northern municipal- ities decided recently to advertise the position of the County Clerk. NORTH YORK : Barker Field, one of the nation’s oldest civil airports will be closed on December 1 to make way for a new subdivision. Aero Activities and Leavens Bros. are forced to seek new locations. WOODBRIDGE : Laurie Harris, second manager of the arena has resigned his position. As yet no reason has been established for this action. ALBION TWP. : George Holtby, who resigned the deputyâ€"reeve- ship to contest the reeveship was acclaimed l‘eeve recently. Although the new organ has replaced the old one, the forepart of the oak case hold- ing the gilded show pipes is still to be retained, the lower part being cut to accommodate the new Hammond model. Installed during the incumb- ency of the Reverend Shank- ]in in the mid 1870’s, the or- gan was considered to be one of the best in the area and remained so for many years. Subscription money raised by some of the church workers whose descendants still attend the church was used to purch~ ase the organ which gave such good service and pleasure. This past week has seen the removal of one of the hisâ€" toric links of the past from St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. The old pipe or- gan, which has been in service for the past three-quarters of a century, has been dis- mantled to make room for a new electric model. Richmond Hill council ap- pointed -J. Ross Scrimger, Centre Street West. to replace Mr. Albert S. Barber, form- er chairman of the Planning Board, for the balance of year. Mr. Barber is moving to King Township at the end of this month. his resignation received by council at Mon- day night’s meeting. Mr. Scriinger has been secretary of the Board since its incep- tion. Councillors expressed their deep appreciation of Mr. Bar- ber’s enthusiasm for the work 0: the Board and compliment- eL. him on his untiring efforts on behalf of the welfare of the village. MISS BERTHA PALMER PASSES WEDNESDAY Resigns From Planning Board Church, Organ Replaced After 75 Years In preparation for the develop- ment, the land in front of Maple Park was purchased and ex- cavation was made for a basement. The ditch along Keele Street was deepended and 15-inch steel pipe placed up to the hall property to provide drainage. Last week the hall was moved onto the new site and raised, ready for building the new basement wall. The lot on which the hall stood was sold. The committee appreciates the help it has received, particularly the work done by Douglas Welles- Last Spring the Trustees of Maple purchased the Hall from a Committee who had managed it under a Trusteeship. Another Committee was then appointed by Maple Trustees to decide remod- elling arrangements and to have a plan made of same. Their report and plans were presented to a public meeting held on May 1 when a representative from the Department of Agriculture ex- plained how the work could be carried out under the Community Centres Act. A motion was pas- sed at the meeting approving, in general, the plans as presented and instructing the Provisional Com- mittee and Village Trustees to proceed with the arrangements under the name of Maple Com- munity Centre. Last week Maple Concert Hall was moved from its orig- inal site on Keele Street, across the road from Miller Florists, to Maple Community Centre where it will be the nucleus for an enlarged Community Hall. This move climaxes months of consideration by the Managing Committee in charge â€" Eldon Wade, Dr. C. Reeds, George Bailey, Lorne Wells, W. H. Noble, Deputy-Reeve A. Rutherford and Councillor John Perry of Vaughan Tp. council who were appointed by Vaughâ€" an counml. Council passed a by-law bringing the project under the Community Centres Act. A traffic tie-up that stretched from Highway 88, Bradford, back to Barrie on the new Barrie high- way occurred on Sunday night be- tween 8.30 and 9.30 pm. within a three mile radius of highway 88. Three separate collisions, one involving five cars, another three cars and another two cars had the traffic so congested that Provincial Police ,trying to get to the scenes of the accidents, had to use the Additions-& Improvements To Maple Community Hall To Cost Between $45,000 - $50,000 Mr. Cook, who has been con- nected for the past quarter of a century with R. D .Little and Son has‘had ample opportunity to mas- ter the many features of the car business. In his ï¬nal capacity he was Service Manager for the Lit- tle ï¬rm. A native of this locality Mr. Cook is married and has two children. Traffic Tie-Up Hinders Police Reaching Scene Of Accidents Messrs. Norman Cook and Sid- ney Hunt, successors to Bradshaw Motors, Yonge Street North here in Richmond Hill will officially commence operations on Tuesday, September 1. Both these young men who have gained invaluable experience in the ï¬eld of auto mechanics plan to carry on the business under the trade name of Hunt and Cook Motors. Mr. Hunt, also formerly on the staff of Little’s as a mechanic, learned his trade in the army dur- VOLUME LXXV. NUMBER 9. Two local young men well versed in the automobile trade will short- ly be commencing the operation of a new business enterprise. Commun. Centre Prop’ty Covers 6' Acres Hunt & Cook Motors Grand Opening Tuesday New Business Enterprise Sidney Hunt The Community Centre com- prises over six acres of land front- ing on Keele Street for 340 feet, and with proper development should make an ideal Recreational Centre, which can be enjoyed in some way by everyone in Maple and surrounding community. This should be a great boost for the betterment of Community life, for both young and old, in the district. Being situated in a village at hard working, busy people, surrounded by a prosperous farming district, the committee feels confident that this undertaking can be carried out very successfully. It is the hope that each person will do his part- The old hall is 60 feet by 40 feet and the plan is for an addition of 40 feet on the front with a width of 50 feet of brick construction and brick veneer on the old building. The main floor will have an audi- torium 80 feet by 40 feet. a kitch- en, cloak room, ticket office and entrance lobby. In the new ad- dition above the kitchen and cloak room will be a banquet hall of ap- proximately 1,200 square feet. The basement will have wash rooms, four bowling alleys, storage space, etc. The estimated cost is between $45,000 and $50,000. ley, in excavating, William Farrin in drain work and Joseph Harrison in moving the hall. No one was injured and only minor property damage occurred but traffic had to be diverted from Barrie south for a period of about an hour. The collisions occurred when cars slowing down, were run into from the rear. The police state that traffic was moving along within the speed limit, but was travelling too close together to stop in time to avoid collisions. shoulders of the road Both Messrs. Cook and Hunt have unbpunded faith in the fu- ture potential of this area, and are looking forward to having the opportunity to be of service to their many friends and acquaint- ances. During the opening week cere- monies every customer will re- ceive a lucky draw ticket making them eligible to win one of the valuable prizes to be awarded on Saturday, September~ 5. In their new stand they will of- fer a complete automobile service to the motoring public. They in- tend specializing in repairs to all makes of cars. lubrication washing, Shell gas and oil, as well as car- rying such brand name necessities as tires and tubes, batteries, spark plugs, fan belts, etc. ing the second World War. Durâ€" ing his six years’ service with the Little organization Mr. Hunt add- ed to his already expanding know- ledge of mechanics. Like his as- sociate Mr. Hunt is a local boy, married and has two children. ME flï¬hmmfls Norman Cook 1n Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, liberty,- In a†"tings, Charity. meeting of the new season of Rich- mond Hill Lions Club. All Lions please note. c2w9 SEPTEMBER 10 â€" Thursday. First SEPTEMBER 1 â€" Tuesday. School Area No. 1 Board’s-regular month- ly meeting in Thornhill School. Those wishing to interview the Board are asked to notify the sec- retary, c/o Thornhill P.O. c1w9 SEPTEMBER 13 â€" St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, Vaughan, one hundred and ninth anniver- sary. Rev. A. J. Gowland, M.A., Duï¬erin Street Church, will be the guest speaker. The male choir, under Gordon McGillivray, will lead the service of praise. *2w9 SEPTEMBER 8 â€" The regular monthly meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held on Tuesday, September 8, at 1 pm. at the township oï¬ice. c1w9 SEPTEMBER 12 â€" Saturday. An- nual flower and vegetable show, Richmond Hill Horticultural Soc., open to the public 7 to 10 p.m.. in Lions Community Hall. c1w9 AUGUST 29 -â€"- Wiener roast for Maple swimming group. parents and friends. Admission 35c. Held in Maple Park 7.30 pm. c1w9 The whole thing would have been impossible without the time and interest so freely given by all the above-mentioned people, whose generosity is deeply appreciated. NASHVILLE : An 18 month old child was almost instantly killed here last week. The small boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ryan ran to his mother at a local service station and dashed into the path of a milk truck pulling into the stat- ion. Each member of the committee will appreciate it: if they are con- tacted with offers of assistance. They ask for a true united com- munity effort for the project. This Fair was organized with the idea of knitting veterans more closely into their new and chosen communities, and showing younger members of the family the bene- fits to be gained from their local Horticultural Societies and Agri- cultural Groups. There is a special class of en- tries for essays on Gardening, which Jack Smith M.P., who al- ways takes an active interest in veterans’ affairs. has agreed to judge. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fordham of the Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety, have kindly consented to judge the horticultural entries. George Harte, well known local- ly for his interest in horticulture, and who has most efficiently taken charge of exhibits, has also arranged for Miss Jane Little, B.S.C., graduate of Cornell Uni- versity, to give a demonstration of flower arrangement which will no doubt be a high-light of the pro- gramme. r Ed Little, internationally known in horticultural circles, has promis- ed to donate some of his famous Iris bulbs as prizes. In the event of rain the Union- ville Veterans’ Club has made it’s hall available for exhibits. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Club will run a refreshment booth, where soft drinks, etc., may he had at a nominal charge. Judges It is hoped there will be many entries of flower arrangements, fruit, vegetables and handicrafts. Apart from the Fair, this will be a fine opportunity for all these families who have in common all the problems of settling in a new community, and developing their property, to get together and have some fun. There will be games and races for the children, sports for grown-ups, and a picnic sup- per. Cecil Russell of Doncaster, and George Calder of Maple are in charge of the sports program and Mr. H. A. Maynard of Union- ville, is chairman of the Grounds Committee. Old TimeSchool Fair Is Revived On September 5th, at the Union- ville. Arena grounds. the children of veterans established under Vet- erans‘ Land Act in Markham and Vaughan Townships are going to have a chance to take part in a revival of the old School Fair which they no doubt have often heard their parents talk about. Hope For Large Entry RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1953 Coming Even ts At the recent Upper School De- partmental Examinations, Shirley Barnes of the Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School, headed her class with the record of eight ï¬rst class honours, and one second class hon- ours. standings for a total of nine papers. Not only did Shirley, who resides in Highland Park, top her class, she also joined the ranks of those students who may be said to stand among the high- est in the province. Shirley plans to train as a nurse at Toronto Wes- tern Hospital. It was because of her decision to enter nursing that she could not be persuaded to try for a University Scholarship. Richmond Hill council went so far on Monday night as to endorse the $540,000 purely academic school as its choice for the new High School to be built at Thorn- hill. Councillor Wesley Middleâ€" ton proposed this motion which was seconded by Councillor Jack Rice and carried unanimously. Deputy-Reeve Ken. Tomlin was not present at the meeting. Councillor Middleton expressed the View at this meeting that the Boards should build schools to ac- commodate only present-day re- quirements. He contended that some of the rooms in the new schools would not be needed for a few years and that the Board could build these additions when re- quired. “If you put up 50 rooms you heat them all whether they Little headway has been made to date in negotiations for the building of the new High and Public Schools in the area. Councils concerned â€" Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan Townships â€" and Richmond Hill District High School Board are still not in agreement as to the type of secondary school to build and are in a somewhat similar position as Richmond Hill Public School Board which cannot commence building until it is decided which of the three councils must issue the $200,000 debentures for the proposed 10-room school. Orange Home Tag Day, Sept. 19 Councillor Rice has indicated that the Parks committee of the council will do all possible to assist and is preparing to level the field. The active support of all citizens is also necessary and dur- ing the day all are urged to attend whenever they are able to cheer on these lads, none of whom will be over 15 years of age, whether they be from Richmond Hill or not. Several of the teams will be a considerable distance from home. R. Hi! Endorses $540,000 Pureiy Academic thSch. The Ontario Baseball Associa- tion has chosen Richmond Hill as the scene for their Bantam Class “C†playdowns in the form of an all day tournament on Saturday Sept. 19. Final arrangements have yet to be made and there are two or three semiâ€"finals to be com- pleted in other parts of the prov- ince before the names of the teams to appear here can be made known. Two teams sure of an entry into the tournament are Wellington (between Trenton and Picton) and our local Richmond Hill Bantams. Baseball Assn. To Hold Bantam "C" Playdowns Here Reeve Taylor Announces High Standing Shirley Barnes W. C. Gilchrist, President of Richmond Hill Rotary Club, asked permission by letter for the con- tinuance of the Boys' Workshop in the basement of the Municipal Hall. This project was started by Constable Robbins formerly of the village police, assisted by Fred Bovaird of the village staff. Mr. Bovaird is continuing his work with the boys. Permission was granted the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home to hold a Tag Day in the village on Saturday, September 19. Council commended these men for their interest in the youth of the village and gave permission for the shop to open in September. Tag Day Sept. 19 Pertaining to the Public School Board's request that council call a vote of the ratepayers regarding public opinion on the building of a $200,000 school, Richmond Hill council decided to confer with so- licitor J. D. Lucas re the 1953 amendment to the section of the Public School Act dealing with the issuance of debentures. It was thought by‘ council that ac- cording to this revision Vaughan Township would be the party to issue the debentures for the new school. Boys’ Workshop Councillor Rice replied to_ Mr. Middleton's opinion by remarking that the High and Public School Boards had been critized for “thinking ahead†but building costs may well be higher in a few years. ’53 Amendment are used or not,†he said. “This all adds up to more expense." It was also noted by councillor Mid- dleton that the above price of the school does not include the cost of the land, of a roadway or water other facilities. ‘ Mrs. Olive Puddy, proprietor of Hollies’ which specializes in ladies’ and childrens’ wear has stated this week that she hopes to be in her new shop ‘in the Craigie Bldg. by the Holiday week-end. Mrs. Puddy intends to great- ly increase the various trade lines which she handles and will be able to offer a larger selection and added shopping comfort to her customers. The whole object of such a mission is to encourage boys and girls to love God, ead their Bibles and to 21 end Sunday School reguarly. Mr. Wellington uses many musical instruments to win boys and girls for Christ. His great sur- prise will be his talking dum- my “Tiny.†Mr. Wellington, a well- known leader for child and youth will begin his series of meetings on August 30 at 11 am. and 7 p.m., then continue through the week Monday to Friday at 10 am. The morn- ing school sessions will be primarily for children but parents are welcome to at- tend. Two special week night services are planned for Tuesday and Thursday even- ings at 7.30 pm. Christian movies and ï¬lms accompanied by recorded music will be shown. Rev. Frank Wellington, a 20th Century Pied Piper will be holding a week of services both morning and evening at Richvale Chapel beginning Sunday, August 30. Expects To Move By Holiday Musical S toryman . Coming To Richvale Chapel “Hollies†recommendation of local police. Mr. Garner said that he had promoted wrestling shows . here and elsewhere for many years and he had no desire or intention of countenancing anything in the na- ture of rowdyism. He said when notified by council of the comâ€" plaints he had arranged for a spec- ial police officer to attend all bouts, and for the last two weeks as far as he was aware there had been no objectionable occurrences. Reeve Taylor and councillor Jack Rice, Chairman of"the Arena Commission, made it clear that council action was taken on the recommendation of local police. Mr. Garner said that he had promoted wrestling shows . here “I will take every possible precau- tion to keep order and I ask you to reconsider the matter. I’ve put Reeve W. J. Taylor thanked Mr. Garner for coming to council to discuss the matter and suggest- ed councillors hear Mr. Garner and give the matter further considera- tion. WrestlingeShows Are Cancelled In Arena On Advice Of Police Richmond Hill Village council Monday night decided to stand by its decision to discontinue wrestling shows in the arena. Red Garner, well-known local promoter, who has staged the shows here and throughout the district over a number of years appeared before council and asked that coun- cil recons'der the matter and permit shows to continue for the rest 0 the Fall season. Mr.-Paul McConvey who is in charge of sales for the Richmond Hill Develonment Company and associated with Clifford Rogers, Toronto Realtors completed sale of the prop- erty. Mr. McConvey stated that judging by the number of enquiries by ï¬rms interested in establishing in this district Richmond Hill should have a bright industrial future. “Red†Garner Meets With Council The company is expected to eventually employ 350 or 400 persons both male and female. Two or three key men will be brought from England and the rest made up of lOcal labour who will be trained in this. ï¬eld. At the beginning there will be about 25 persons employed and others added as conditions permit. The Richmond Hill Development Company Incorporated which is under the capable direction of President Bryan W. Newkirk Jr. has pioneered numerous land developments in both this country and the United States. At present the ï¬rm is completing projects in both Florida and North Carolina. Mr. C. W. E. Scott, the ï¬rm’s Canadian Secretary, has taken an actiVe part in the Richmond Hill project, as has the well knonm planning consultant Dr. Faludi. Commencement of the building which will contain 7,000 square feet and be designed for immediate expansion is ex- pected to start by September 14 and be in production before Christmas. It will be constructed of brick and steel with temporary offices. A further extension to the plant is an- ticipated by February 1954. _ The parent company is Ratcliffs (Great Britain) Limited, Tipton Stafl’s, England; and was established by the Ratcliff family in 1789. President of the ï¬rm is Mr. Martin Ratcliff, who is ably assisted by his two sons Francis R.__Rgtcliif Vice- President and General Manager, and Kenneth Ratcliff, Sec- retary-Treasurer.. The English ï¬rm offers employment to 450 people. ' ducts. The parent company has been supplying the Canadian Market with its products for sometime and the steadily in- creasing trade has warranted the setting up of a Canadian plant to provide better service by cutting down transportation 1.3..- .i After viewing several locations the Ratclifl’ ï¬rm chose Richmond Hill because of its strategic position to the big in- dusrial area of Ontario, its ideal transportation facilities, and an adequate supply of local labour. ‘ This is the ï¬rst sale of any property by the Richmond Hill Development Company which controls approximately 300 of the 1000 acres annexed last January by Richmond Hill from the township of Markham. The 10 acres were sold from the southern portion of their holdings. No objectionable features such as a large smoke stack or odors will be associated with the plant which will specialize in rolling strips of copper and brass for manfacturers who in turn process the strips into ï¬nished products, such as auto- mobile radiators, electrical ï¬xtures and numerous brass pro- time. Ratcliifs (Canada) Limited are planning to erect a Roll- ing Mill to be located on Yonge Street directly north of the former village limits. The 10-acre site which will ensure a. large enough area for fliture expansion fronts on Yonge St. for 560 feet and runs back 800 feet at its northern boundar and 600_ feet at its southern boundary. 7 Industrial development of major importance for this community was made public today by Reeve W. J. Taylor. Of unprecedented interest to the people of Richmond Hill and district was Reeve Taylor’s announcement that a large Brit- ish ï¬rm has purchased a 10-acre site preparatory to erecting a Canadian plant in this village. Begin Building in Sept. Producing By Christmas The Liberal Want Ads Phone Turner 4-1261 TO SELL. RENT 0R HIRE HELP . . . . . USE THE WANT ADS THAT ARE STILL PRICED TO MAKE ANY TRANSACTION PROFITABLE HOME PAPER OF THE ousrmcr SINCE 1315 Councillor Rice said his decis- ion was based on reports received from the poliCe.†The police felt that if the shows were not stopped some serious trouble might de- velop. I thought we should back up the police," he said. a lot of hard work into building up these shows,†he said. There will be no issue of the Liberal published September 3, the staff taking holidays from Aug. 29 to Sept. 8. The oflice. however. will be open to receive ad. copy and news from contributors or corres- pondents. The next paper published will be on September 10. N 0 Paper Sept. 3