The act of council in closing down the arena to further wrestling matches has sprung from the desire to protect village property and residents in the arena area. from annoyances and we understand Counâ€" cil acted on the recommendation of the John Thomas is in the company of three other ghostly persons â€"- William R. Brown. Frank Arthur Hammond and Jos- eph E. O'Neil, all of whom have their ï¬c- titious homes in or around Ottawa. We have received repeated calls this week from wrestling fans Asking why Richmond Hill council announced by letter on the night of August 11 that wrestling matches would be discontinued as of that date. From. discussion heard at council meetings we assume councillors are not opposed to the sport itself but to the rowdyism and some of the spectators mak- ing a general nuisance of themselves. police. With the end of August, the thoughts of both children and their parents, turn towards the routine of school days, and al- most before they realize it the old familiar morning call: f‘Get up quickly or you will be late for school!" will be resounding throughout district homes. , Returning to school has different meanings for a. child or his parents. For a child it means breaking summer bonds in many cases and reaching out towards new ones. It may mean laying down the fish- ing pole to pick up study books, or leaving familiar green ï¬elds he trod in' the country to don new, sturdy shoes to tread pave- ments toward his particular seat of learn- ing. It means new clothes to wear, new books to study, new school activities to beâ€"_ come associatedwith. To the father, the advent of a new sdhool year means a large cheque to be written for clothes and supplies, and also the knowledge that his son or daughter will be entering or continuing a most im- portant phase of life . . to make him or her more self-sufficient and better citi- zens. Mothers are usually a bit sentimental about the ï¬rst. school day, especially if THE LIBERAL, Richmonfl Hm. Thurs., August 27, 1968 ;. (300K, Editor In. nuluv. Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Departm ent. Ottawa†Students Prepare For New Term An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 “Gm-“WV†Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c.Sing1e Copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associauon J. E. SMITH. M.P., Publisher '~ ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Rowdyism Annoy: Council One Of The Smith Boys (libs liberal Now Mr. Cathers’ complaint is that the sample ballots, required to be posted by the Elections Act, were marked in his rid- ing for John Thomas Smith. Mr. Gathers thinks this influenced people to vote for John E. Smith, Liberal candidate in North York The four names â€" Smith, Brown, Hammond and O‘Neil â€" were picked in 1902 when Parliament revised the Elec- tions Act. Nelson Castonguay. Chief El- ectoral Officer. says that Mr. Cathers’ complaint or indeed any complaint. about the favouritism shown Smith should have been made while Parliament was in session and there was a chance to approve a change in the forms. Mr. Castonguay re- calls that there have been plenty of Smiths in Parliament and there has never been a complaint before about the sample ballot.†Jack Smith who has won three suc- cessive elections in North York asked for his comment said he thought the protests were pretty small potatoes. “In my opin- ion,†he said, “a suggestion that voters were influenced by the sample ballot is a reflection on the intelligence of the people of North York.†If. as promoter Red Garner says, rowdyism will not be tolerated, we can see no reason why the matches shouldn’t be continued. Council was not of the same opinion Monday night, however, when it gave audience to Mr. Garner and refused to let the wrestlers continue bouts every Tuesday night. Wrestling, although a sport which does not have everyone’s approval is en- joyed here in the village by a huge crowd which has as much right to see the enter- tainment of their choice as anyone else. Village business beneï¬ts from their pat- ronage and as Mr. Garner stated in his Letter to the Editor in last week‘s issue “perhaps they do get noisy and excited but that’s what they pay their money for.†they have a, child just beginning his “school daysâ€. There’s the thought that she will be parted from him for several hours a. day, when the house will seem empty without his voice and footsteps, and also that her “little man†is rapidly out- growing the baby stage. Then she takes him, looking spic and span in his new suit, to the school, where she gazes lovingly and proudly at him as she presents him to his teacher and wends her way homeward aone. After the ï¬rst shock of being left without his mother is over the little boy quickly ï¬nds friends and becomes engross- ed in his new environment, and as soon as school is out he rushes home to tell mother all that has happened. For the boys or girls entering high school there is the feeling that they are now in the “senior†class, and they begin to realize, more than ever, their responsiâ€" bilities to their school, their elders, and their friends. The new Collegiate dreams, and works for, that day when he Or she will be hand- ed the coveted diploma which entitles one t6 either enter college or take one’s place in the business world. "The Eternal Question" Many years ago when a young minister. I went to see a very sick man in a remote Newfound- land settlement. It was more than fifty miles from the nearest rail- way which ran only occasionally. The people were kindly and hos- pitable, but, through no fault of their own. extremely limited in educational advantages. The poor man was suffering from some disease I did not under- stand. but was in constant pain. He had suffered so much that his face was actually out of shape. In his distress of mind and body he had often wondered if there was a God of mercy and infinite love. These misgivings he had passed on to the neighbours and so the ward got around that he was a doubter â€"â€" later some said he was an nthiest. This stigma deeply hurt him and his devoted wife. Doubt about the goodness and even the existence of God is a very reasonable thing. Some of the finest and most. sincere people who have ever lived have been assailed by doubts. Confronted with bitter experiences and deep disappoint- ments they were staggered and be- wildered. This is the theme of the Book of Job. As cruel misfortune fell up- on hlm he began to wonder wheth- er there was any scheme in the world and openly voiced his con- cern. He was for a time a sceptic â€"â€"a reverent scepticâ€"â€"â€"but still a sceptic. There have been millions like him. If I may turn aside for a minute I should like tosay that I have known scores of high-mind- ‘ed sceptical men and women whose downright sincerity has deeply moved me. The friends of Job were little help to him; many of their answers were smug" and complacent. They even Implied that his misfortunes- were divine punishment. The pic- ture is dramatic and almost cruel in‘its realism. Surely nothing in the world hurts the cause of true religion. more than the smug and silly answers some make to men wrestling with doubt. The best thing that can be said of these. men is that when they saw how AUGUST 9. 1853 One of the old Toronto dailies has this to say about the great prospects for Richmond Hill 100 years ago: Lots for Sale Our columns contain plenty of evidence of the effects of railtvays. On all parts of the Northern Road villages are being laid out, and lots are for sale. The Richmond Hill station has been established where no house stood before, and Mr. Holmes who owns the adjoin- ing land and who-gave the ground for the station, is about to dispose of building lots. The land is roll- ing 'â€"- presents a prett'v aspect; and is well ï¬tted for residences. It is seventeen miles from Toronto but as distance is an entirely {diff- erent thing under the’ railroad sys.-‘ tem from what it was before. we must consider it as no more than _4 or _5 miles away; for it can be reached in three quarters of an hour. But the station is the cen tre of a great many roads. and we have not the least doubt will soon collect a considerable village at- ound it. In this light. the‘sale presents a favorable opportunity to business men. Mr .Robert Holland, for many years a resident of this village passed away last Tuesday at his home. - Tuesday evening as Mr. Thomas Palmer was‘ driving (load of grain through a gate leading to the barn, the front axle of the wagon gave way and he wga thrown against the fence striking his head and causing painful injury. -On August 12. the formal open- ing of S. S. No. 2 Vaughan and Markham took place. During the ceremony, Rev. W. W. Bates. rec- tor of the- parish was in the cha‘ir. In 1811 an earlier school was ded icated on this same site. The Week“: News From she World â€" The Royal Military College, Kingston ,is to be lit by electricity. Four thousand cab “min are on strike in the city of Paris. Crops in this district are ï¬rst class this year, although the Wes- tern crop is, for the most part. very poor. over 100 cars have been burned by striking Erie’ & Lehigh switch- men at Buffalo. She-cm] cars will be run on the Metropolitan railway for the con- venience of Exhibition visitors. Richmond Hill Order of A.O.F. will hold court this Friday evenâ€" iug The village constable should keep a sharp look-out these nights The political campaign in North York was conduct. ed in the best tradition. No personalities were intro- duced and there was no mud-slinging. The case of each candidate was stated in circulars and other literature. The appeal was made to reason, not to passion.» It would be hard to envisage a more decorous campaign in the whole of Canada. Both candidates were men whose private affiliations belong to the ancient order of Freemasonry and the modern order of Lionism, both of which teach the high- est codes of citizenship and ethics. In the case of both candidates such principles were given practical applica- tion. The defeated as well as the successful candidate may take pride in having fought a model campaign. Excerpts {ton ï¬hc ï¬les of The Libenl Home paper of tin Richmond Hill district since 1878 AUGUST 25, 1892 AUGUST 25. 1910 A Model Campaign -â€" Newmarket Era & Express great was the affliction of Job: “They sat upon the ground seven days and seven nights and spake not a word with him. for they saw that his grief was very great." I have buried a good many babes and little children during my min- istry and nolhing has exasperated me more than to hear neighbours say to the bereaved: “You loved this child too much. so God. be- cause jealous. took it away." Could anything be more callous or cruel? Then some years-ago a man and his wife visiting Niagara Falls one Sunday afternoon in winter. were standing on 1'! piece of ice when it snapped and drifted down the go- rge to destruction. Several people wrote to the local newspapers pointing out that these people were pleasure-seeking on the Sabbeth day and invoked divine displeas- It is hard to believe that in this day and age people can have such conceptions of the God Jesus re- vealed; infinitely tender and kind and loving. The problem of suf- fering is as old as humanity. I revere and respect my brethren in the ministry; most of them are sincere and intelligent men,-but when I hear a man saying: "Be- lieve in Christ and everything will be perfectly clear, all mysteries will be solved." I feel he doesn't know what he is talking about. Jesus never professed to solve all mysteries, all He did was to put a key into the hands of his followers to open and understand the love of God and to know that in spite of all suffering God is good and grac- ious. He creates a mind and disâ€" position of heart which makes it possible for us to accept the will of God with deepest faith in His wisdom and goodness}. ure Cardinal Newman‘s beautiful hymn suggests a Christian frame of mind; one of faith and trust. I do not ask to see the distant for those bent on mischief. Last Sundasy night .a number of boards and large stones were placed a‘c- roés Yonge Street in front of the Palmer House. scene, One step enough for me. Our quotation to-day is a saying of Jesus: "He that followeth me, shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." Last Saturday evening saw the presentation of a Band Concert and ice cream social on the High Schqol lawn. The Richmond Hill Band will give another conter’t this Saturday at the Public School. Dr. Butt, a prominent Newmar- ket citizen passed away at his home last‘Sunday. AUGUST 22. 1918 On Monday, the publisher of this paper received letters from the Mating Dept. of the Imperial Oil Cot. stating that his son Goldwin Starr McMahon had lost his life when the oil tanker on which' he wils se'r'ving was torpedoed 35 miles from Hafltax. Organization names which lap- pear on the 1918 Village Dirpctory and which have‘ now disappeared from the local social life are: R. H, Band. United Farmers, mucus: Lodge, I.0.0.F.; Court Richmond, A.O.F‘; 1.0.1“. and Camp Elgin, S.O.S: SCOUT NEWS 2â€" Last Friday evening Scouts Robert Mansbridge“ Edward. Mansbridge. Wilfred Dean, Stanley R‘an'som and Bernard White all passed their Ambulance Tests and receiVed their badges. The Women’s Farm Department. Toronto, states that it is being swamped with requests for farm» erettes and dairy maids. For éxv periepced girls the wages start at $25 a month with board. , Mr. C. Hardy, a. farmer near Stouï¬ville had an extra good yield of als'ike‘ clover thléyear and sold‘ the 12 acre‘ crop for $248 to Stiver Bros. at Unionville; See tthe 1918 Maxwell at Oliver and flick, Richmond Hill. made in Windsor, on B; patriotic, buy goods made a't hoine. Elgin Mills and Jefferson were all aglow by the number of officers surrounding that district last SM urday‘ in search of the bandit who robbed- the King City bank. Newmérket won the Mackenzie King cup emblematic of the base- ball championship of Ontario and York Counties. Deputy-Reeve T. M. Baker of Vaughan Twp. has completed his harvesting and threshing 18 days alter the ï¬rst binder cut. Mr. Baker reports a very. good crop and has 3.000 bushels of ï¬ne grain in his granary. ' The muniCipalities o! Newman-k- at and Aurora are still discussing the purchase of the radials north of Richmond Hill. The purchase price will be $150,000. AUGUST 21. 1930 I “Dear Mr. Editdr†Re: New 'l‘hornhlll High School Dear Mr. Editor: I have through the excellent coverage in the “Liberal†followed closely the development of plans for the new High School in the “South End" of the area. The building of a new High School without accommodation for Vocational Options would be a major mistake. It would not pro- vide for the needs of the majority of young people in this area†Wilfred" Dean is speaking for us. he knows our requirements and he has our full support. It is altogether reasonable that the Richmond Hill High School Board should be composed to a major extent of residents from the "North End“ of the area but I hope they will be fair minded and realize our needs. I do hope that editorially and in every other way possible you will press for a full public hearing on this important matter. . Yours truly. Pat McTnggart-Cowan, Thomhill I believe a Public Meeting in this area would convince the Board that Mr. Dean‘s recommendations should be followed. Dear Mr. Editor In receni issues of The Liberal much comment has been published concerning the projected new High School in Thornhilj. Unfor- tunately, in all this comment there has been a complete lack of fac- tual data which would give the ratepayers something on which to base a considered opinion. At the outset it appears evident from the ratepayers point of view in the area which will be served by the new school that there is a strong opinion favouring the in- clusion of vocational options on the same basis as that of the Rich- mond Hill High School. It also favours a gymnasium but this only if it éan be had without seriously affecting the tax picture. We think it is about time for the High School Board to obtain com- petent advice from experienced architects relative to building costs of different proposals and then to place that information before the ratepayers in any reasonable man- ner the Board sees ï¬t so that the building costs can be properly related to taxes. After taking the grant icture into account. if there is no much difference in the tax rate between a purely academic unit and one with practical options (and we doubt that there is) then we feel sure that all ratepayers would say give us the pracical-options. The same would apply to the gym. One other aspect should be tak- en carefully into consideration ~â€" the needs of the community. We all deplore the cOSt of education in‘present times but in doing so we must not forget that we are duty bound to provide that form of edâ€" ucation necessary to give our chil- dren a solio foundation on which to base their future This aspect alone dictates the inclusion of practical options and is borne out by statistics in Richmond Hill High School where the vast majority of pupils are taking the practical option course. In the ï¬nal analysis it will be the Councils of the Municipalities involved who will decide and ap- prove the amounts for debenture issues, ,OurlCounclls are to be commended for the Watchful eye they maintain! on the debenture debt but when considering an is- sue such as that of the High School they should take cognizance of a situation when the ratepayers a!- tected are prepared to pay a lit- tle more to let a completely satis- factory educational unit. Yours truly. The Thornlea Association R. A. Boyfér President A group of. our neighbours have spent some time discussing the question of the type of high school which would be best for our ages. The concensus seems to be as follows. 1._Even thdugh all the classrooms will not be needed immediately now because we should build for the future 1;) Additions to buildings cost more 'on a unit basis than equiv- alent construction It the time of initial building. (bi With all indications pointâ€" ing to a continued increase in building cost it would hardly seem prudent to defer any cop- structio‘n which would result in an overall increabed outlay. 2. The decision as to whether the building should provide for physi- cal education or practical options is a very difficult one. However here are some of our considera- tions. Dear Mr. Editor-â€" (b) All our children.will not be continuing. their formal education at 1 university. For those who will be going†to 'work directly from school, the practical options provide the only real solution to rounding out their educations. (at Physical training could be arranged for out of doors for some months of the year. to) Those of us who are inter- ested in hiring graduates have found that students with purely acedemic training do not normally measure up to those whose ace- demic training has been augment- ed by some practical subjects. 3. The real concern of our group however. was the method to be used in reaching a decision. Will our representatives be thinking of the welfare of our children or will they be thinking only of costs? In other words are they concerned with the tax rate or the future of our country? Are they thinking of the cost of the school as an expense or as an investment? Will they be thinking of school as they knew it or will they have an eye to the future and attempt to pro- vide for all modern improvements? Or to sum up, will they really be acting as our representatives or will they be acting as individuals? Our group would be very much interested in hearing opinions from others who have children of school age. A Group a! Thomhillers 1:; Richmond 3" Telephone TUrner 4-1212 Wednesday & Thursday â€"- September 2 & 3 Coming Direct From Downtown Toronto ~14 Walt Disney’s PLYMOUEEADVEMURE Friday & Saturday -â€" August 28 & 29 Monday & Tuesday â€"- Aug. 31, Sept. 1 Disney’s True Life Adventure Mon., Tues., Wed. â€" Sept. 7, 8, 9 Matinee Monday and Tuesday at 2 p.m. “BEAR COUNTY†Saturdays & Holidays â€"â€" 6 p.m. “ PETER PAN’ ’ 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 p.m. Social queen! Broadway babe! They set off the most hilarious MANeuvors ever ' staged on land, or sea ...or on the screen! and COLOR HY TECHNICOLO Maplntm by Am soon ma IinEweHShm {and on n Hove! by hidinmd Rm ,GEORGE JESSEL HENRY KING n ALLAN SCOTT