The members of the W.A. are ,asked to take note that their ï¬rst meeting of the new season will At thhis time a guest speaker will take place on September 3 in the Church Hall, commencing at 2230. be present. Thomhill Guides Return The Thornhill Guides who at- tended camp with their leaders Miss Joyce Healey and Miss Ev- elyn Thorneycroft have returned home after a very pleasant camp- ing trip at Doe Lake, Muskoka. The girls worked on Emergency Helper, Pioneer, Woodman and Swimmers badges. They enjoyed two hikes â€"â€" one breakfast one at which they cooked pancakes and the other a supper hike with hamburgs. An overnight hike was planned for the older girls but had to be cancelled on account of rain. The Thornhlll Guides at- tending were: Margaret McArthur, Carol Langman, Phyllis Russell. Mary Lou and Norma Fugler. Nan- cy Watts, Nancy Bowes and Rose- mary Curtis. Nelghbourly Notes Fifty children attended the Weiner Roast last Friday evening. August 21. This event ended the activities of the Thornhill Play- ground for another very successful season. We are sure that all the children who have attended this daily. programme, very thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and would like to thank Mrs. Byford, who for the second year has given the children a summer to remem- ..-_. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richardson of Arnold Avenue are home foll- owing a quick trip through Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. Upon entering Nova Scotia near Amherst, the couple were pleas- antly surprised to be piped in by a Highlander and his bag-pipes. United Church News TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 ber‘ Thornhill And District News OPEN A { SAVINGS ACCOUNT AT Discover money’s talent for opening opportunity a hidden talent Mr. and Mrs. A. Ball of St. Thomas visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball of Yonge Street last week end. Wins TV Congratulations to Mrs J. Tutt of Yonge Street who last Friday evening became the owner of a beautiful 17†General Electric Television set. The set was the ï¬rst prize drawn at the Loblaw’s Store at Finches on Friday even- ing. When speaking to the lucky winner, we found that she was still unable to believe her good luck. Sick List All members of Thornlea Home and School please be advised that September 9 is the ï¬rst meeting of the Home 8: School this year. Elec tions for the 1953-54 executive will be held and an interesting program is planned for your entertainment. Executive Meeting Mrs. Grace Wright is nomina- tions convener with Mrs. Ann Cur- tis and Mrs. Edith Ward as com- mittee members. We were very sorry to learn that David Harley of Yonge St. has been stricken with polio and was sent last Friday to the Isolation Hospital. We understand that Da- vid is coming along very well and it is hoped that he will be back home again some time this week. This little chap is well known to many in the village and all his friends wish him a very speedy re- covery. Also on the sick list this past week-end was Mrs. W. Smook of Riverside'Boulevard. Mrs. Smook is home recuperating from an op- eration that took place on Satur- day. Her friends and neighbors hope that she too will have a speedy recovery. Attend Reunion Congratulations to Mrs. Brock who won four 151: prizes and sev- eral others at the goat show in Oshawa on Saturday. Master Kerry Brock contributed to the success by winning a lst prize in Showmanship. Wendy and Beverley Rodgers of Elmcrest, Thornhlll, competed at the Creekside Horse Show, Will- iamville, New York, the last week end. Thornlea Home and School ex- ecutive met at Thornlea school on Friday evening and decided to hold elections at the general meeting on September 9. Mr. and Mrs. P. Woodger spent last week-end at the 30th Anniv- ersary of “Gilwell†in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and family from North Bay are visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson on Bayview. Mrs. Rivers and children spent a delightful holiday when they m0- tored to Cleveland to spend a few days with Mrs. River’s sister, Miss Clancy. Horse Show Misses Marion and Dorothy Fra- zer with Miss Joan Condon are spending the week at Lake St. Pet- ers. Home 8: School Wendy rode Easter Parade to lst place in the amateur Working Hunter and Beverley went to the ï¬nals of the knockdown and out stake class. Wendy was also the winner of a fourth ribbon in the pleasure hack class. Shower Miss Barbara Bruce was guest of honor at a shower given by Mrs. G. Frazer and Mrs. G. Bar- low on Friday evening. The many guests assembled at the home of Mrs. Frazer to wish Miss Bruce every happiness in her forthcom- ing marriage on September 5 to George Duncan. The Liberal is always pleased to publish items 0! interest in the Thornhil] area contributed by its waders. 0n; representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thomhlll. THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 32-3 The old fashioned clothes in the pageant were gathered from all over the Country and a number of Thornhill ladies were able to loan some very effective costumes. Am- ong those donating were Mrs. L. Jamieson, Mrs. H. Mizen, Mrs. C. Sinclair, Miss E. Francis and Miss Boyle. This reunion took place at Blue Springs near Acton. This was a reunion of persons taking the Gil- well Training Course which is the highest training course for Scout- ing. This course originated by Lord Baden-Powell in England consists of a correspondence course as well as a week’s practical training. Some 85 persons from all over Ontario as well as many places across Canada registered at this camp and thoroughly enjoyed themselves visiting with many of their old friends. All of these people who have successfully pass- ed this rigid course are entitled to wear the Gilwell Beads which are worn on a leather thong around the neck. The next time you see a Scout or Cub leader look to see if he or she is a “Gilwellian.†The A.C.W.W. or Associated Country Women of the World Con- ference held last week in Tor- onto was attended by several mem- bers of the Women’s Institute of Thornhlll. Mrs. P. Bone was chairman of the decorating com- mittee and Mrs. H. Mlzen took part in the pageant. Also pres- ent on Friday were Mrs. C. Clif- ford, Mrs. A. Seeley. Mrs. W. Ball, Mrs. H. Farr, Mrs. B. Heaslop, Mrs. C. Thompson anti Mrs. W. Thompson. Dawn Wilson, Sherry ‘Sissons and Gillian McTaggart-Cowan have returned home following a very happy ten day vacation at the Anglican Church Camp on Lake Couchlching. The Byer family are leaving the district after residing here for the last ten years. They will make their home near Niagara Falls: J. Mitchell visited his son and family, W Mitchell, Clarke Ave, for a few days and called on some of his old friends. Ladies’ Club Mrs. Rowbottom'was hostess on August 8 at a bridal shower for Miss Byer on Morgan vAe., who was married last Saturday. Twen- ty were present. Mrs. J. Steele, Morgan Avenue, donated some old fashioned cloth- ing to be used in the pageant. Speers-Byers At a quiet ceremony at Thornhill United Church on August 22. Ev- elyn Ruth Byers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Byers, became the wife of Mr. John Speers. The Reverend E. E. Kent performed the marriage rites. The Ladies' Club will hold its ï¬rst meeting of the season on Sep- tember 8, at Henderson Avenue School. Will all members try to attend at 8 p.m. sharp. A.C.W.W Convention Those attending the A.C.W.W. Pageant at Maple Leaf Gardens from Doncaster were Mrs. A. Seeley, Mrs .0. Clifford, Mrs. A. Crowhurst and Mrs. Mizen. Mrs. Crowhurst and Frances took part in the folk dancing and Mrs. Miz- en was in the drama group. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride chose a grey fall suit and wore a corsage of red roses and carnahons. She was attended by Miss Janice Bragan. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. C. McKenzie, Morgan Ave., on the birth of a son at Grace Hospital, Toronto, on August 29. The sympathy of the community is ex§ended to Mr. Mottershaw and family, Oak Ave. Mr. Motterâ€" shaw's father passed away last week in Toronto, in his 937th year. Personals Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. Wenger’s, Proctor Ave,, were Mr. and Mrs. E. Wenger, uncle and aunt from Chicago and cousins from Lapier, Mich. After the reception held at the home of the bride‘s parents, the happy couple departed on a motor trip to the United States. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seeley of Sec- comoe Ave., spent a few days vis- iting relatives in Hamilton last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Drake and fa- mily of Seccomoe Ave. stayed two weeks with Mr. Drake’s parents at Sherbourne, Que. Mr. and Mrs. Angel and son, of Clarke Ave. took a trip to Picton last week while their two girls stayed with their aunt at Angus, near Barrie. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Drake from Quebec are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Morrison. Mrs Taylor from Toronto visit- ed her daughter, Mrs. Turner, at Clarke Ave., for a few days. Mr .and Mrs. Gatehouse were at their cottage over the week-end at Glen Rest Beach Lake Simcoe. This week visiting them are Mr. Gatehouse's brother, L. Gatehouse and his wife, David, Jane and Diane from Noranda, Que. Helen and Marion Knott spent two weeks with their aunt at Lake- view. Correspondent: MRS. H. MIZEN 27 Seccomoe Ave. Phone: AVenue 5-157 0 waning Doncaster FOR BARGAINS PLEASE SEE PAGE Thornhill has many claims to fame. Some belong to the past and some to the present. There was a devout hired girl whose mir- acles startled the countryside and who, until the day she died was known as Holy Anne. There was the famous town of German Mills, from which the lumber was float ed down the Don‘ to build the Town of York. Today, not a trace re- mains of German Mills and all that is left of the Legend of Holy Anne is a cement-covered well. Today our claim is more enduring. Not so long ago Thornhill was the home of Franz Johnston, Fran- klin Arbuckle, Manley MacDonald, J. E. H. MacDonald and Mazo de la Roche. They too have gone but within the area now live more au- thors, illustrators and painters than many people areaware of. In the Juvenile section there is George Tait’s “Wake of the West Wind†and Jack Hambleton’s “Ab- itibi Adventureâ€. Both these au- thors are Canadians and both books are illustrated by Thoreau Mc Donald who lives here. Those ut- terly delightful books about dogs, ,‘Septimus the St. Bernard†and “Horace the Hound that Howled" were both written and illustrated by Ruth Collins. Miss Collins, who is a cartoonist, lives here too. In the Adult section you can ï¬nd Billy Button’s “I Married an Ar- tist" illustrated by her husband Angus MacDonald. A little fur- ther removed from Thornhill lives Angus Mowat and until recently. his son Farley Mowat. Angus Mowat’s “Carrying-Place" and “Then I’ll Look Up†circulate reg- ularly and our copy of Farley Mow- at’s “People of the Deer" is wear ing out and ready for replacement. Our Library shelves hold their work and we are proud of it. On Colborne Street lives Fred Haines, whose gifts of his paintings for prizes in our annual Library Night have “lifted the mortgage†more than 'once. And further down Colborne Street, until a year ago, lived Hilda Hahn (Mrs. Harry Hooke) whose illustrations for fai- ry stories are breath-taking in their delicacy and exquisiteness. NOTE: Beginning the ï¬rst of September the Library will resume its usual hours. Monday 7-9 pm. Tuesday 3-5 pm. Thursday 3-5 pm. Friday 7-9 pm. Saturday 930-1130 am. We have an this m’Thornhm _ and a Library too. We are most fortunate and I hope you realize it. Personal and Social Notes Among those who attended the “Dominion of Destiny" pageant in Maple Leaf Gardens on Friday af- ternoon and evening were Mrs. James Spencer, Mrs. Frank Locke, Mrs. W. Maglnn, Mrs. Alfred Bagg, Mrs. E. Phillips, Mrs. W. J. Dalâ€" ziel and Miss Ella Whitmore. Birthday Greetings Congratulations, Mr .and Mrs. Don Mitchell on the occasion of your third wedding anniversary, September 2. Birthdays are being observed this week by the folloWing people: Helen Spencer, 7 years old August 28; Mrse. John Young Jr., August 29 and Mr. John Young Sr., Aug~ ust 30. We extend best wishes for a happy birthday to you all. About Books And Conupondent: Mrs. R. Stuart, 11. R. 1 Maple Tel. Maple 110123 “ALICE IN WONDERLAND" Cartoon (Colored) Gary Cooper Ruth Roman "Looking At Life†“There Auto Be A Law†Cartoon News Cartoon SEPT. 3 - 4 Thurs. & Fri. “JIM THORPE - ALL AMERICAN†Burt Lancaster Phyllis Thaxter “So You Want To Wear the Pants†“Sporting Courage" By the Thornhlll Librarian EDGELEY NEWS DOUBLE FEATURE SEPT. 1 - 2 Tues. 8; Wed. “F.B.I. GIRL†Reading (Adult) Cesar Romero Gene Evans AUG. 29 - 31 Sat. & Mon. “DALLAS†(Color) “Flop Secret†News News Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Baxter. 81 Highland Park Blvd., who observed their 7th wedding anniversary on Monday, August 17. Leaves Community Sorry to hear one of the hard workers for community doings. Mr. Harold Bell and family, 37 Woodward Ave., is moving this week, but we are glad they won’t be too far away in their new resi- dence at Stop 10 Yonge St. area. Harold has done much to promote the Highland Park Bowling, and it is hoped he will continue to be with the teams. The new season will open at the Willow Thursday, September 10 and teams are now in the making. Anyone wishing to bowl should contact any execu- tive member of the Highland Park Ass’n. Social Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. L. Wamica, 53 Drury Ave., on the arrival of a son Mr .and Mrs. Peter Ritchie, 48 Grandview Ave. have returned from a pleasant two weeks vaca- tion at Bonnie View Lodge, Hali~ but-ton; Ont. David and Ronald Davis, 52 Woodward Ave., spent 12 days at North Scugog Camp recently. Shir- ley Davis is now enjoying two weeks holiday at McAdam Jct., New Brunswick. Donald and David Jackson, 53 Woodward Ave., enjoyed camping at North Scugog camp, for 12 days also. A shower was given in honor of Miss Pauline Bin-ell and Mr. Murray Hawkins last week at the home of Mrs. H. Hawkins, Steeles Ave. W. After the happy couple had opened the gifts and had thanked their friends, numbers were drawn and three lucky ladies, Mrs. James Sherman, Mrs. B. Hartwell and Mrs. J. Jennings Jr. each received a bouquet of gladioli. Mrs. Nasko was also the winner of a game and received the “mus- ical parcel as a prize. Murray Hawkins entertained the guests by playing selections on his accord- ian. Later in the evening lunch was served by Mrs. H. Hawkins, Miss Beverley Hawkins, Mrs. Leathers and Mrs. J. Hawkins. Personals We are sorry that Mrs. Carter is quite ill and we all wish her a YONGE STREET ELGIN MILLS ~ TELEPHONE TU. 4-1191 GORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1, Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 PAGET’S AUTO SERVICE HIGHLAND PARK NEWS FOR A-4O SOMERSET CONCORD NEWS MRS. WALTER SANDERS R Dun-y Ave. Telephone: AV. 5-2116 There are two reasons why more than 80,000 Canadians now drive Austins. One of them is a sensible economy that brings motoring costs down to earth. The other is Austin performance. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at both. To begin with, the low ï¬rst cost is the complete price with no extras to buy. It includes: Super-heater with air-conditioning. Durable, comfortable foam rubber cushioning. ‘ THE IDEAL ANSWER TO THE HIGH COS! OF MOTORING,$EE Fall is fast approaching and with it all the community activities com- mence. On opening of school on September 8, the Powell Rd. Home and School Ass’n. goes into action again by holding ï¬rst executive meeting of season at the school. During the summer season some of the appointed officers have had to leave our neighborhood, but we feel sure there must be some new- comers who'would like to work in this association which works for children the world over. Anyone desiring to take active part will be most welcome by the present executive and would be welcome at the executive meeting or contact W. Sanders ,president, AV. 5-2116 for information on Home and School. Home and School Sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Geo. Sirrs, Mar and Helen, 31 Drury Ave., on ther'sudden pass- ing of Dr. Sirrs, while they were vacationing in Nova Scotia. Congratulations are extended to Shirley Barnes, 54 Woodward Ave,. who headed her class at Richmond Hill District High School in the Upper School Departmental exams. Shirley is among the students ob- taining best standing throughout the province. Her excellent re- sults were 8 ï¬rsts and a second, quite a record for our Shirley. She will go in training for a nurse at Western hospital, Toronto, and we wish her every success in this very worthy ï¬eld of work. We are pleased to know that James Hannis of Concord Floral is able to be back at work again. Ten weeks ago he had the misfortune to injure his left hand very se- verely on broken glass. James has been with the Floral Co. over 12 years. To Miss Yvonne Gillespie, Aug- ust 25; Mrs. Gillespie and Sandra Bowes, August 28; and Mrs. Fred Thompson, Elia, August 29. ,We extend many happy returns of the day. Wedding Anniversaries spgedy recovery. On Friday, August 28, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Buchanan will be ob- serving theh‘ 27th wedding an- niversary and September 2 is Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompsons’s 12th wedding anniversary. To both these ï¬ne couples we extend hear- tiest congratulations. (Half Mile North Of Richmond Hill 0n Highway No. 11) (without a built-in mortgage) Forced warm air furnaces, oil ï¬red (or coal) completely installed with duct work. etc. Aero Silver-flame Oil Burners for converting your present coal furnace. (Terms arranged) 94 Benson Ave. 61 CROSBY AVE.. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1764 R; COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Long-wearing,genuineleatherupholstery. Powerful 12-volt electrical system. Non-stalling electric windshield wipers. Directional signals. TU. 4-1131 The operating cost is far and away below averageâ€"giving owners savings up to 50¢ on each operating dollar. And the performance is excellent both in trafï¬c and in day-long comfort on the open road. Prove it! Ask for a demonstration today. TORONTO - HAMILTON - LONDON - SAluuA - KITCHENER - WINDSOR - PETERBOROUGH ‘ CANADAS LARGEST REALTORS "’ Richmond Hill Office 8 Yonge St. South Rentals from $8 to $12 per year DON GIIFEN Sand â€" Loam â€"- Gravel ' Top Soil â€" Fill or Fertilizer prompt delivery HEATING StouFFville Creamery Phone Stouï¬ville 186W DALTON HICKS FOR SAFE - CONFIDENT BUYING AND SELLING Your BRANCHES: ‘Ciï¬y or Provincial 90x0: oxlra In tome anal SUBURBAN SPECIALIST MAyfair 0397 Phone TU. 4-1542 BA. 1-4144 l-MSI