6 THE LIBERAL,.R1chmond Hill, Thurs., August 27, 1953 It will be the wildest show ever seen anywhere at any time. Each show will roll automobiles end-over-end and side-over-side. Jump regular stock automobiles completely over huge busses and crash-dive them into seven parked automobiles, then many times rolling end-over-end. Leap motor- cycles 0!! high ramps and through space in a. contest never to be forgot- ten. The Roman Rides, where Daredevils stand on top of their cars while .the drivers take them over high ramps at high speed. The Slide- !orLite. Hell Drlving that will make your hair stand on end. This is hhe biggest program ever offered anywhere and it will be each afternoon at the ONE, Aug. sist through Sept. 12th. Besides all this you will see 1-2 of the Greatest Circus Acts in all the world, and the price is only --Reserved Seats. $1.00; General Admission, 500; Children, 60c" IT’S A BIG 35-EVENT PROGRAM of Smashing, Crashing, g and Wrecking. Three world-renowned Automobile Daredevil how: (Dick Rogers’ All-American Motor Maniacs, Billy Green’s Canadian Aces and Ward Beam’s 1952 World Champion Auto Daredevils) I'le compete one against the other in every known automobile and motorcycle thriller, to see what Thrill Show and what Daredele can Helm the title of World Champion for 1953. lnlomlional Auto Daredevil Ghampionship Gonlesl 12 Afternoons â€" Grand Stand Mon., Aug. 31 through Sat, Sept. 12 CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Torridheat, Quickheat, Gurney Furnaces ' and burners INSTALLED - SOLD - SERVICED Thdrnhi†AVenue 5'1333 112 Markham Rd. Tuesday, Sept. 8th at9 a.m. St. Mary’s Separate School will re-open Richmond Hill Separate School Trustees CLIVE BETTLES, Chairman MRS. E. McCULLOUGl-l, Sec’ty For free estimates & expert workman- ship School Opening ELECTRICAL & HEATING CONTRACTOR All pupils are asked to report at the *TELEVISION * James Johnson CALL for the Fall Term Separate School TU. 4-2089 The Married Couples Club is holding a Bake Sale outside of the church on Friday afternoon, Sep- tember 4. Anyone wishing to con- tribute to it, will be greatly ap- preciated. Please have the baking at the church by 4 pm. Pageant A number from this community took part in the pageant held at Maple Leaf Gardens last Friday and Saturday. Those who were in the choir were: Mrs. Allan Orr, Messrs. Nelson Buchanan, Percy Bennett and Douglas Parsons. Those in the pageant we're Mes‘ dames R. Brumwell, H. Barber. S. Boynton, M. Jarvis and J. Snd- er, Messrs. Sammy and Allan Sni- der and Edward Buchanan. Bake Sale There were also a number from the community who attended the pageant at Maple Leaf Gardens on Saturday and they all report Thomas Curry, deceased. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of William Thom- as Curry, late of the Township of Vaughan, (Richvale), in the Coun- ty of York, who died on or about April 24, 1953, are hereby notiï¬ed to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before October 15, 1953, after which date the es- tate will be distributed, having regard only to claims so ï¬led, and the undersigned will not be liable to anyone of whose claim he shall not then have notice. it was something worth seeing and that it would not be forgotten in a hurry. AND OTHERS [N THE ESTATE OF William DATED at Richmond Hill this 24th day of August, 1953. Joseph Henry Tustin, Executor, by his solicitor, JOSEPH RABINOWITCH, 65 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill, Ont. c3w9 Until living standards can be improved, millions of Asian chil- dren, like the youngster pictured, must work. Meanwhile. the International Labor Organization (ILO). a UN. specialized agency, seeks to eliminate harmful practices through international action. At present, voung people are sometimes sold for their services or given over to contractors on a longâ€"term indenture. Asian countries will soon meet under 1L0 auspices to discuss measures to abolish such procedures and improve employment conditions for Young workers. Notice to Creditors 1L0 Seeks to Better Child Labor Conditions Floor Sander To Rent Phone AVenue 5-2101 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stouï¬ ville 67509 Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee and John spent the week at Halibur- ton. Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Bolender spent the week-end with friends at Kitchener. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gayman on the birth of another daughter last week. Birthday greetings to Mrs. C. J. Brumwell, August 26: Mrs. R. Boynton, August 27; Margaret Sandle will be two years old on August 27. Congratulations to Mr. Levi Heise, who on August 31. will be 90 years old. Mrs. Joyce will celebrate her birthday on August 29. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Large and Margaret in Toronto. Mr. Edward Britnell of Toronto was a visitor at the church service on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral are visiting with friends in the United States. Mrs. H. McCague “gas organist at the church service on Sunday during the absence of Miss Coral Perkins who is on vacation. Mrs. Joyce was the soloist. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson, Mr .and Mrs .Percy Bennett spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family at Lake Simcoe. Mr. Moddle of Aurora, was the guest speaker on Sunday; for Sun- day, August 30, Mr. Percy Elliott of Toronto will be the guest speaâ€" ker. Mrs. V. Westbrook entertained a number of the neighbours on Monday afternoon in honour of the daughter, Mrs. Norman Mar- low, who is soon to return to her home in Vancouver after spending the past two months here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. West< brook and other friends. Those present were Mesdames B. Terry, S. Boynton, W .Sandle and Miss Grace Boynton. ‘ Sympathy of the community is extended to former residents of the community, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Eade and family in the sudden passing of Mrs. Eade’s mother, Mrs. Sinclair of Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs Wesley Helmkay of Creemore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols and family. Church News Visits: Here and There Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Anderson and daughter Janet of Elgln Mills spent a pleasant holiday in Mon- treal. Vermont and Plattsburg, recently. Returning home they brought with them another daugh- ter, Mrs. C. C. Angus and her daughter Alice Anne of Montreal. Alice and her mother will visit in our community until school re- opens next month. Mrs. Jim Matkin’s daughters. Mrs. Ernest Coish of Toronto and Mrs. Lawrence Weale of Willowâ€" dale, along with her grand-daugh- ter Bubbles Weale, spent several days last week at the Matkin's home on Brookside Road. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Threlfall, Jefferson, during the past week, were Mrs. Therlfall’s brother E. M. Jamie- son and his wife and daughter Nita; a niece Patricia from Or- leans, Mass. and a nephew. Ronnie Threlfall, from Chicago. Mrs. Don Helling’s mother and sister, from Toronto, Mrs. J. Browning and Mrs. Robert Taylor and her two children. visited Mr. and Mrs. Helling last Thursday. Away since June. Mrs. Stephen Elliott is now home again. During July Mrs. Elliott spent some time at Muskoka Lake. Later Mr. Elliott joined'her for two weeks which they spent at Algonquin Park. Following this camping trip Mrs. Elliott went on to Fairy Lake, Huntsville, before coming back home to Elgin Mills. Personals Mr. and Mrs. W. Austin, Jeffer- son, have returned home after a pleasant two week's holiday in Orleans, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Allan and their four children have moved from McLean’s Farm, Elgin Mills. to their new home in Richmond Hill. Their neighbours are sorry to have them leave this community but glad they have not moved too far away. Larry Foliott’s friends are pleas- ed to know he is now feeling much better and is able to be up and around again. Larry spent most of his summer holidays on the sick-list, with a short session in hospital, but we understand he is well on the road to good health DOW. A reception for the aker-Wood- head wedding party was held in the Palm Room of the Summit View restaurant last Friday night, following the marriage of Miss Lorna Baker, Richmond Hill, to Jack Woodhead of Montreal. At Melody Fair Mrs. G. Stockton Thing" and Mrs. G. W. Stockton of Elgin Mills, who was among those who enjoyed seeing “Brig- adoon†at last Saturday’s matinee said the acting was most enjoy- able. Coming from England just recently with her husband, Mrs. Stockton found the set-up at the big tent very novel and entertain- mg. Welcome Back We extend a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawton who have recently moved to Jefferson from Toronto. Summit Motel Congratulations and best wish- es to Mrs. Matthew Patton, Elgin Mllls, who celebrated her 83rd birthday last Sunday. August 23. The children at the Orange Home were delighted to see Mrs. C. Marshall, one of the house mothers, when she returned to her duties at the Home last Tues- day after a six week’s stay at her cottage in Muskoka. Surprise Packages We had a most interesting visit with two new neighbours in our community, when we dropped in to meet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Za- vorka at their Summit Motel this week. Mrs. Zavorka told us this ven- ture is the culmination of a dream sheh as had for some time. Last Slear, with plans only in‘a tenta- tive stage. the Zavorkas travelled over 12,000 miles through Canada and the States, staying six months on the road and visiting Califor- nia, Mexico, Florida and New York. Noticing two excellent on paint- Ings in the office of the motel we were interested to lea’m they were done by Mr. Zavorka, who enjoys painting in oils or water- colours in his spare time. Birthdays Over six hundred lucky shoppers each received a free carton of “Cokes†from Pridham’s I.G.A. store, last weekend. New Neighbours The idea behind this trip was to visit various motels and to stu- dy the best features of all. The result is, the Zavorka’s have in- corporated the very latest details into their own business, through plans which Mr. Zavorka drew up and executed himself. Mrs. Patton had been away on a two weeks' trip to Kirkland Lake and returned home on Saturday in time to celebrate the happy oc- casion of her birthday next day with all her family. Many happy returns of the day to the Barrow twins. Billy and Bobby, who will be six years old thhis Saturday, August 29. Road Trouble Situated about 100 yards in from Yonge Street at the bottom of the Hill, this part of Brookside was the scene of what could have proved to be a bad accident last week when two trucks, one pro- ceeding West, the other east, met at this critical spot just as one of the children living in the vicinity was starting up the hill. Since there was no “jumping- off†place at that point the eastâ€" bound truck swerved sharply to the right to avoid hitting the child and the front wheels of the truck went off the road. Spectators said had the truck rolled even a few The narrow road space near and across the large culvert on Brook- side Road is proving a source of consternation to motorists and pedestrians. There is no shoulder on the south side of the road at this spot, and only a few inches extra room on the north side with a drop of about six feet at least to the land on the south side. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road, Telephone TUmer 4-2334 A By-Law of the Board of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Rich- mond Hill to raise by way of loan the sum of $8,000.00 for the pur- poses hereinafter mentioned. WHEREAS the Board of Trust- ees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Rich- mond Hill require to borrow the sum of $8,000.00 for school purpos- es, namely: to build and equip a two room portable school and for such purpose to issue debentures there- for bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum which is the amount of the debt intended‘to be created by this by- law; Sunday school will re-open at St. John‘s Anglican Church (Yonge St. at Jefferson) on Sunday morn- ing, September 13, at 11:15 am. That is the Sunday following the re-opening of day school. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in ten (10) annual instalments of the respective am- ounts shown in the second column of Schedule “A†hereto which is hereby declared to be and form a part of this bylaw; Those using this road are an- xious to have something done ab- out widening it or failing 'that a sign or warning be erected. St. John’s Sunday School inches more in its precarious posi- tion. it would have upended. AND WHEREAS it will be nec- essary to raise during the respec- tive years of the said period of ten years the respective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule "A" hereto to pay the yearly sum of principal and interest as they be- come due; the whole rateable property rate- able for Separate School purposes in the said Village of Richmond Hill according to the last revised assessment" {ollfl is, $254,402.00. AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Hazard of Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill is $34,- 507.55 and no part of the principal or interest is in arrears. Trustees of the Roman Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill 1. That for the purposes afore- said there shall be borrowed the sum of $8,000 and debentures of the Board of Trustees of the R0- man Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each bearing interest at the rate of six per centum (6%) per annum computed from the ï¬rst day of September; 1953, and hav- ing coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest annually. 2. The debentures shall be dated as of the ï¬rst day of September, 1953, and shall be payable in ten (10) annual instalments on the ï¬rst day of December in each of the years 1954 to 1963 inclusive, and the‘respective amounts of princiâ€" pal payable in each of such years shall be as shown in Schedule “A†hereto anneked. 3. The debentures as to both principal and interest ghall be ex- pressed in Canadian currency, and shall be payable at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Richmond Hill, Ontario. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 4. The Chairman and Treasurer of the said 'Board shall sign and issue the said debentures, and the debentures shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said Board. The interest coupons at- tached to the debentures shall be signed by the said Treasurer and his signature thereon may be writ- ten. stamped, llthographed or en- graved. ‘6. The said sum of $8,000.00 so borrowed and interest thereon and the said debentures shall be and the same are hereby made a charge upon the school-house property and premises and on the real and personal property vested in- the said Board of Trustees of the R0- man Catholic Separate Schools for the Village of Richmond Hill and upon all the Separate School rates of the said Board to be hereinafter imposed until the said debentures and each and every one of them together with all interest thereon shall have been fully paid and sat- isï¬ed. 5. During the ten years, the cur- rency of the debentures, the res- pective sums set forth in the fourth column of Schedule "A" hereto shall be levied and collect- ed annually by a special rate suf- ï¬cient therefor over and above all other rates in the same manner and from the like persons and pro- perty, by, from, upon or out of which other Separate School rates are levied, raised and collected for the said period of ten years. 6. The said sum of $8,000.00 so borrowed and interest thereon and the said debentures shall be and the same are hereby made a charge upon the school-house property and premises and on the real and nnrennal nronertv vested in. the 7. The said debentures may con- tain any clause providing for reg- istration thereof authorized by any Statute relating to Municipal de- bentures in force at the time of the issue thereof. ‘ Read a third time and ï¬nally passed this 13th day of August, AD. 1953. (Seal) Schedule “A†To By-Law No. 5 Year Principal Interest Total 1954 $600.00 $599.67 $1199.67 1955 600.00 444.00 1044.00 1956 700.00 408.0 1108.00 1957 700.00 366. 0 1066.00 1958 800.00 324.00 1124.00 1959 800.00 276.00 1076.00 1960 900.00 288.00 1128.00 1961 900.00 174.00 1074.00 1962 1000.00 120.00 1120.00 1963 1000.00 60.00 1060.00 Read a ï¬rst and second time this 13th day of August A. D. 1953. J. C. BETTLES. Chairman THEO Van WIERINGEN, ’h-easurer AND WHEREAS the amount of NOW THEREFORE the Board of By-Law No. 5 $8000.00 600.00 700.00 700.00 800.00 800.00 900.00 900.00 1000.00 1000.00 J. C. BETTLES, THEO Van WIERIN GEN, Treasurer Chairman I'IHQ‘JIIEI" Iii-EVIIIII' l _I"-II‘ â€" .ug ~w*-v.._ ._-V..u_ -_ 7, stock safelyâ€"protecting field crepeâ€"end solving temporary fencing need; uickly and with the minimum outlay in “me or materiel. One charged wire goes the work of an entire full size ordinary fence. Lain! improved duin ensures greater efficiency and dependable, frouhle-free eervice. Extra-Ion; battery life, a sirong repelling (hormleu) shock end reliable ell-weelher operation. FEATURES: Heavy-gauge, weatherproof auto body eteel uneâ€" finished in fire engine red, houses foolproof mechanism end e-volt battery. Flasher signals when fence is shorted. Complele with 56 insulators, 50 washers. fence clips. ground clamp and instructions. CTC Super-Value (Battery extra $3.89) ..... I MASTER ELECTRIC â€"_The_ _low-¢_:ott mollfod of holdln ,Auum l-_-l__ .“ . WHEEL- BARROW WHEEL Makes a power plant of any second-hand car or truck engine. Automatically maintains uniform pulley speed. Cuts gas con- sumption as much as 50%. For 3;“:Ifrf‘f'r 15°12? 37-95 Roller W bearing --with ï¬re and tube. Equipped with heavy duty 16"x4". 2-ply tire and lube. Use on any whaal- barrow. Saves effort. Complete . .. ...... . Fence Pliers â€"- Heavy duty, drop-forged steel; hardened and tem- pered jaws; 3 wire cut- ters; wire puller and splicer. 10†long . . . . . 1_25 Combination Fence Pliers -â€"Mnde of drop forged tool steel; has 2 wire cutters. Maple pul~ ler, splicer and wire stretcher. 10" long. 33 value . pared jaws; 3 wire cut- wire cuttors. Ihpl ters; wire puller and ler, splicer and splicer. stretcher. 10" 10" long . . . . . long. 33 value . MbR-POWER “Hi-Water Type" FARM TRACTOR BATTERY %a\ CTC PRICE ' 11“" With Trade-III Richmond Hill Motors, Washing Machines, Radios, Toasters, Electric Kettles, Mix-Masters, and all other appliances It is unlawful to ride bicycles on the BICYCLISTS Richmond Hill Police Force Any offenders will be prosecuted GUARANTEED APPLIANCE REPAIRS FAST SERVICE ON Instant action ball and socket H. LeCUYER sidewalks in the village. 'TRAILER nucnon mp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tractor Flller Tubing â€"mo-v 1m Phone TUmer 4-156! 2.59 RICHMOND HILL A TTENTION u l a Atuclul to tractor, gun a Regular Us! Price Vall.‘ etc. $23.55 Eliminalol oldatyle many Shock-resistant hrd- methods of carri- b . in; grease flin- ru bor tau Sb. 8â€" comma“ with 15/16" x 14/10" x 8%". .pechl mound" Guamteed 2 yearn. bolts. 12.75 Tractor Cushion â€" Thick "Dun- lopillo" foam rubber. abuorbn nhoch and jolts. Given cool oomfort/ Walerprool cover ............ Wheel Spinner â€"Slurdy palm-nip knob clamp] to steering wheel of truck. gr tgjackor. henna- sleering oonggL Excoll-nt value Rotary Hand Pump â€"Continuoua flow; 10-5.]. par minute, lucflon lift 10 IL xï¬-in. ntandard pip. thread lulu _‘ and outlet. 42-h. long Iuckion pipe Plunger Type Hand Pump â€" Fin all sizes of drums and bcrrclu, m- pletcly emptying them. Spout “would to take 1%†hone. Dru" nlolino. fuel oil. lube oil. etc. . .. ... x ’16†diam. Length . . . u. u.... 138 ma; TYI......3_98 anus: fl Phone TUrner 4-1381 Grease Gunâ€"W type; develop. up to 10,000 lbs. working pru- sure; {or all hydraulic ï¬ttings. Length 21"; barrel nize 11' x 2%â€. CT_C uupor- GUN HOLSTER fl 1 .39 J .uuu... u“ ‘ I ........ 459 V