ROXY GALA HOLIDAY AFTER SUNDAY MIDNITE 12:05 AND MON., TUES. -â€"- SEPTEMBER 8. 9 BETTY GRABLE DALE ROBERTSON in “THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE†WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY â€" SEPTEMBER 9, 10 Thornhill. Ont. To the public, Lady Lions, St. Mary's R. C. Church La- dies and girls. Richmond Hill Council, local businessmen, The Liberal, District Weeklies and Toronto Dailies, Tor- onto Radio Stations, the Brewing Companies who dona- ted advertising space and prizes, the Packing houses who donated prizes and any others not mentioned above. OUR SINCERE GRATITUDE We will be back again next year with as big or bigger and better Carnival. Congratulations to Mr. Wm. Ford of Nottawa, winner of the new Nash. ' Wishes to Thank All Those Who Helped Make the Annual Carnival & Fish Derby on Saturday, August 8 The Most Successful Ever Held “THE STORY OF WILL ROGERS†THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., August 27, 1953 RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL COMMITTEE FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€"- AUGUST 28 & 29 JOSEPH COTTEN SHELLEY WINTERS “STARS & STRIPES FOREVER†with WILL ROGERS JR. & JANE WYMAN â€" Plus â€"- ‘ John Bhillip Sousa‘s Greates Musical on Earth THURS., FRI., SAT. â€" SEPTEMBER 3, 4, 5 DOUBLE 3 DAY LAUGH RIOT “FULLER BRUSH MAN†Starring RED SKELTON and JANET BLAIR -â€" Plus â€" See Love For Lover Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd MON., TUES., WED. â€" AUG. 31, SEPT. l, 2 “FULLER BRUSH GIRL†with LUCILLE BALL and EDDIE ALBERT “TARZAN’S SAVAGE FURY†with LEX BARKER & DOROTHY HART Cupboard Doors 'AV. 5-2101 “CITY BENEATH THE SEA†“UNTAMED FRONTIER†(In Technicolor) Starring Robert Ryan, Mala Powers GIANT 3 DAYS OF WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2.00 P.M. (In Technicolor) with Clifton Webb, Debra Paget Last complete show 8.30 p.m; Yonge Street A: Woodwud Avenue (Just North of Steele's Corners) FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL Loughlin Home Supply Co., Ltd. (In Technicolor) Plus Shorts & Cartoon â€" Dealers In â€" LUMBER â€"â€" PL YWOOD â€" DOORS OPEN TILL 7.30 EVENINGS SATURDAY 4.30 P.M. (In Technicolor) (In Technicolor) â€"-- Plus â€"â€" Stop 21A Yonge St., Richvale Frames & Sash in THEATRE MARKHAM AVenuc 5-1148 Storm Sash Seven members of the Mark- Vaun W. I. attended Canada Day. at the triennial conference of the Associated Country Women of the World, sponsored by the Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Canada in Maple Leaf Gardens, Friday, August 21. The gardens were dec- orated with stocks of barley and corn, and at the rear of the plat- form was a large map of Canada. flanked with a miniature forest of Scotch Pines. Mrs. Percy Bone, a member of Thornhill W,I. was in charge of the decorations. During the af- ternoon messages to Canada from their respective countries were given by 26 delegates most of them in their national costumes most of which were very colourful. Produced by Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Limited as a public service A large roadside park at junction of Highways 5 and 24 was set aside by Hon. George Doucett, Ontario Minister of High- ways, as reserve in perpetuity to serve as a setting for memorial cairn marking the community near St. George where Mrs. Adelaide Hoodless, founder of the Wom- en’s Institutes was born. The organiza- tion she started in 1897 has flourished throughout the British Commonwealth nations and in other countries. She was moved to that far-reaching action by the death of her son from drinking sub-stand- ard milk. Today, as Federated Women‘s Institutes of Canada join the Ontario Fed- eration in welcoming ï¬rst Canadian assem- bly of the Associated Country Women of the World in Toronto recently, Mr. Dou- cett hopes that women’s influence in Onâ€" tario and elsewhere will be mobilized ag- Memorial Cairn Honors Women’s Institute Founder BA. 1-7500 LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. T. MATHEWS Phone AVenue 5-1455 THE CANADIAN EQUESTRIAN SOCIETY Notice is hereby given that The Canadian Equestrian Society will make an application to The Hon- ourable the Secreary of State of Canada for leave to surrender its charter. Mrs. M. Holmes visited Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Duxbury, Weston. DATED at Toronto, this 17th day of August. 1953. Three'sitches were required to close a {rut in the lower lip of Keith Thirgood ,suï¬â€˜ered in a fall at his home on Thursday of last week. Keith is the 2â€"yearâ€"old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood, of Fairview Ave. The evening pageant. depicting Canada’s history from the time it belonged to the Indians to the present day ‘was very inspiring and thoroughly enjoyed by over 12.000 W.I. members from all parts of tthe world. Julie Mor- rison. the daughter of Mrs. D. Morrison, a member of Mark-Vaun W.I. took part in the pageant. Also taking part were Mrs. Morrison, and her mother, Mrs. Mizen of Doncaster, a member of Thornhill Members of Markâ€"Vaun W.I. are reminded that the ï¬rst meeting of the season will be held Thurs- day, September 3. at the home of Mrs. D. Morrison, briggs Ave. the ï¬rst street north of No. 7 High- way off Bayview. ' The guest speaker will be Mr‘ G. Hudson of the Department of Lands and Forests at Maple, who will also show slides. Sorry to hear Mrs. F. Bickmore. Garden Ave. is conï¬ned to bed again. We hope she will be well soon. Congratulations to Mrs. C. Thir- good upon winning a basket of groceries at the Loblaw Store in Willowdale. Mrs. A. T. Mathews and grand- daughter Carol of Ottawa had Sun- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. Matthen and family, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson re- turned last week from a very plea- sant week spent at Barrie. Wasaga Beach and surrounding districts. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pocklington and family returned on Friday of last week from a very pleasant hol- iday at Lake. Simcoe. Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood of Fairview Ave. ,were Mr. and Mrs. R Sauve and daughter Gail and Mr .and Mrs. H. McLaughli and son Garry. . NOTICE Peter Wright Secretary were required to the lower lip of .suï¬â€˜ered in a fall Thursday of last Lower: The Memorial Cairn, which was unveiled by Her Excellency, the Lady Tweedsmuir, when. Baron Tweedsmuir (John Buchan) was Governor General. Those in picture, from left to right, are Mrs. J. A. Charlton, R. R. 1 Paris, Past District President, North Brant; Mrs. M. M. Moore, R. R. 3 Ayr, District President, North Brant; and Mrs. E. R. Hunt, Bur- ford, District President, South Brant. ainst the selï¬shness, bad manners and re- fusal to think of others which is the cause of most traffic accidents. In Ontario alone in 1952, traffic accidents resulted in 1,010 deaths; thousands of injuries; and millions of dollars worth of property losses. Upper pictures: House where Wom- en’s Institute founder was born, near Memorial Cairn; and the red brick schoel which she attended as a girl. Famous hydramalic au- tomatic transmission - Custom built radio - air condition type healer - metallic paint - good ï¬- res - low mileage - one owner since new - priced to sell $1 a W A .00 1949 OLDSMOBILE 6 Sedan 6167 YONGE ST. BA. 1-5388 SPECIAL†30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY I948 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1949 DODGE Club Coupe 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANT? o 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY 0 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY 1951 DODGE Club Coupe 1950 AUSTIN Sedan Maroon - Completely refinish- ed in our own shop - no rust h' . N' S .00 mars: 1047 Light green finish - Air condit- ion heaier - Custom radio - .00 ............ s1297 Vermont green finish - Air con- dition type heater. Seats have been covered since new. A ï¬ne Siisisizgh, $1649“ Dark green - Clean throughout Economical transportation .,- Low initial outlay - Makes an :zigi'xd car ............ 5846.00 Bargain 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 CHEV. SEDAN .513 7 43°“ LAURIA MOTOR SALES T0 MEASURE, MATCHED, ’ FITTED DRAPES Straight, Curved tracks in- stalled Bed Spreads, Slip Covers, etc. For Fine Work call A cordial invitation is extended to every woman in the community to attend the meetings of the W0- men's Institute. Its meetings are arranged around its motto â€" “For Home and Country." It is a non- sectarian, non-political organiza- tion and welcomes those of every nationality. The Women‘s Institute will meet on Thursday, September 10. in the Sunday School room of the Pres- byterian Church at 2 pm. Bring in your Talent Money and tell how you made it. This will be the His- torical Research meeting and the subject is Yonge Street in Rich- mond Hill since 1794. Ten members of the Women’s In- stitute ‘attended “Canada Day†sessions of the A.C.W.W. held in Maple Leaf Gardens on Friday, August 21. Women from 26 for- eign countries and the ten prov- inces of Canada ï¬lled the huge Gardens and thrilled to the pres- entation of “Dominion of Destiny" a dramatic and musical calvacade of the History of Canada presented by the Federated Women’s Insti- tutes of Ontario. Will those members of the W0- men's Institute who wish to take advantage of the chartered bus to the ONE. on Tuesday, September 1 please contact Mrs, L. Zuefelt or Mgs. J. Pollard immediately. ART SEWING DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK September 8, 1953 The above day. will be a very important day for over 3000 children who will enter school for the ï¬rst time and for about 17,000 who will re- turn to school after a happy and healthy vacation. May I enquire if you have had your child or children examin- ed by your Physician and your Dentist for the correction of physical or dental defects? Your child is entitled to your best care and attention and every way by which you can assist him to secure the most good from the available edu- cational facilities. Our hope is centred on our Junior Popula- population. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H Richmond Hill Women’s Institute RUTH DELBROCCO BA. 1-2444 To These FinevCars We Give A Toasf “You Pay The Least and Get The Most!" Mechanic or Handyman B. ........ $493.00 1942 DODGE SEDAN ......... $643.00 1940 DODGE CONVERTIBLE I947 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 1949 DeSOTO Sedan I952 DeSOTO Sedan 1952 DeSOTO Firedome Eight Sedan Powermaster Six - Radio - Air conditioning - Sun visor - un- dercoating - Seat covers - wind shield washer - white wall tires - lifeguard tubes - Gypsy green ï¬stsahllii: $2 793.00 Dark blue finish - Simplimaiic transmission - Driven by orig- inal owner since new - A dis- tinctive car for the most dis- 23335‘3? ........... $1496†Maroon finish - Hydramatic transmission - Custom radio - heater $9 9 5 .00 Gypsy Green Metallic finish - Power Steering - Power brakes Torque Converter - Automatic transmission - Custom Radio - Air conditioning - Undercoat- ing - Sun visor - Seat covers - Windshield Washer - 13,000 miles. Original price of this :3: 32:34.??? 53497.00 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY 0 30 DAY 50/50 WARRANTY BUT IT WON’T KEEP YOU WARM! TUrner 4 - 1851 c/rite or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, [Urner 4-1879 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Plumbing 8 Heating New Wo‘rk Box 206 RICHMOND HILL ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE J- A \X/l LLOUGHBY ALL KINDS CARPENTER WORK I REPAIRS JONES COAL CO. ' ANDREWS 8 GRAY RICHMOND HILL 206 Phone TUrner 4-1879 MILTON J. HEISE BUILDER & GENERAL CONTRACTOR lmitalion may be flatteryâ€" HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAYST. OIL TREATED I947 MONARCH Sedan 1949 DODGE Sedan 1951 DODGE Sedan 1950 CHEVROLET Sedan Thére's no ï¬ner coal in the world than this famous Pennsylvania hard coal. For more than eighty years it has been giving complete heat:- ing satisfaction 11: millions of homes. This winter, don't be satisï¬ed with less than the best. Phone us for Red Trademarked Famous Read- ing Anthracite. Light grey finish - immaculate condition 3 .00 Radio - honor Alterations Light grey finish . Air condit- ion heater - thoroughly recond- 2:23;??? ......... ‘1297‘00 Dark blue finish - Air condit- ion heater - One 5 .00 owner since new Black - Air conditioning typo heater - Very low mileage - $2133: ............. ’ 1696'†Bargain Odginal grey ï¬nilh - air condition type heater . good ï¬rst - clean intol- ‘0'. Newtonbrook BA. 1-5389 SPECIAL†1949 DODGE eiub Goupo $345.00 $295.00 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN ‘lO97'°° TURNER 4-1681 Richmond Hill AND SONS Repairs