LAU DERE RS Phone TU. 4-1261 3- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thursday, Sept. 10, 1953 63 Yonge St. S. Go between NOW and next April [Land you‘ll be smart‘in every meaning of the word. “Thrift Season†ship fares save money- 'you miss the crowdsâ€"and your dollar goes farther in Europe too! 55 Yonge St. S. PURSES &‘UMBRELLAS by Duval, priced from . . . . . . . . . . $4.95' to $19.95 JUST ARRIVED â€" a new shipment of full-twirling taffeta skirts, many styles & colors. Sizes 10-18 $9.95 - $11.95 WASHED 1nd IRONED SKIRTS by Lou Larry â€"â€" wool tweeds, permanently pleated o‘rlons from $9.95 ' to $15.95 A_l_l YOUR lAUNDRY SKIRTS, styled in'corduroy, gabardine, pic & pic, taffeta â€"â€" lovely new fall shades, sizes 12 to 20 . . . . . . . . $4.95 up CORDUROYS, TWEEDS, CREPES, TAFFETAS in ft multitude of styles & colors, sizes 9-15 . . . . . . $9.95 to $14.95 55 Yonge St. S. - MVWW?" I75 OESINGTON AVE., TORONTO 0 PHONE LL 2161 BUDGET BUNDLEâ€"Hive pounds for 99¢ . . . 20¢ for each additional pound. Everything completely washed and ironed, including men’s shirts. Pick-up and delivery included. TELEPHONE LIBERAL OFFICE S A V A G E' S BACK - T0 - scHooL DRESSES SAVAGE-’8 IT’S SMART T Gonveri Your Present Furnace To 0il NOW THE LIBERAL Plan EARLY~See us NOW! By “Teena Paige†LOCAL AGENT TU. 4-1261 Our famous REVITALIZED DRY CLEANING givcs you the "cleanest" dry cleaning you can get! Even old clothes get a new lease on Life when they‘re REVITALIZEDI As for being smart in the fashion- able sense- just let us show you some of the European events’ planned for “Thrift Season." Everything's in full swingâ€"from grand opera to horse-racing! Phone TUrner 4-1800 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Fabricated Concrete Specialties Ltd. 785 3rd St, Lakeview, Ont. Cr. 8-7801 Toronto Kenwood 6261 Economical The only precast tank-ever made all in one piece. Accepted by Health Units every- where. Friends of Mr. Frank Wilkins will be sorry to learn that he is conï¬ned to his bed at his home 'at Oak Ridges. Mrs. Warren Gerrard and Mrs. A. J. Harland both of Elm Grove Ave., are receiving congratulations on the birth of a daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Gerrard and a son for Mr. and Mrs. Harland. The meeting of the Scouts and Guides Mothers’ Auxiliary held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Robert Woolley was poorly attend- due to the extreme heat. Plans for the fall work were put over till a meeting to be held later in the month. The date will be an- nounced later. FCS Precast Concrete Septic Tanks We are â€"glad to report ï¬tnet Mrs. Len Smart is recovering from her recent illness. The Oak Ridges Boy Scout Group Committee will meet on Septem< her 9 to line up the work for the new season. Mr. Jack Blyth has asked to be relieved of his duties as chairman because of the pres- sure of other activities. Parents of boys desiring to join the Oak Rid- ges Troop are asked to contact the Scoutmaster Len Smart, box 4, Lake Wilcox Post Office. Mr. War- ren Gerrard will be assistant Scoutmaster and Scouts John Ap- pleton and Lawrence Comfort will be on hand to assist. The ï¬rst meeting will be held on September 9 at 7.30 p.m .at the school. The board of Lake Wilcox School has engaged fo'ur new teachers which makes a staff of seven. Stag gered hours will be in effect. Mr. George Gourlay says that the sug- gested hours are from 8.30 a.m. till 12.30 noon and from 12.30 till 430 p.m. The ï¬nal decision will be made by the principal when it is known how many pupils will be in attendance" The School Board of Oak Ridges School is having a bit of difficulty. The ï¬rm engaged to drill for water went down 475 feet and failed to secure enough water to serve the school. Another test hole will be put down this week. In the mean- time all plans to proceed with the addition to the present building are held up. The location for the new test hole has been “witched†and it is hoped that enough water will be found this week. Marilyn Lane of Fairview Ave., celebrated her 5th birthday Sat- urday of last week by a party held at her home for her little friends. The children had a delightful af- ternoon, running races and play- Wendy Kirby. 6 year old daugh< ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kirby and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Suter, Boyle Drive, is recuper- ating at her home after a recent operation performed in Sick Child- ren‘s Hospital, Toronto. We are pleased to report that Bob Hamblyn of Fairview Ave. re- turned home from the hospital on Friday of last week and is pro- gressing favourably. The ‘sympathy of the community also goes out to Mr. Leahy of Rug- gles Ave on the death of his m0- ther in Toronto recently. The community was saddened last week by the passing of Mrs. Florence Bickmore of Garden Ave., who died Thursday, Septem- ber 3, in Toronto Western Hospi- tal. Florrie, as she was called by her many friends will be sadly missed by them, and deepest sym- pathy goes out to her son Harry, her daughter Violet (Mrs. D. Ab- lett) and her brother Fred Morris and their families. Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt spent Sun- day in Orillia, and on Tuesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holt were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hounsome and Mr. and Mrs. W. Carr all of Cookstown. Mr. and Mrs. H. White and son Don spent a pleasant holiday the past two weeks visiting relatives in Lindsay and Cambray. M}. and Mrs. N. Hicks and famâ€" ily returned Monday from a very enjoyable vacation spent at Picton. Mrfand Mrs. R. Suten spent a very enjoyable holiday at Picton, the past week. Captain and Mrs. E. Thirgood and daughter Carol of Ottawa and Mr. and Mrs. A. Mathews spent a very enjoyable holiday last week at Brock’s Beach, Georgian Bay. After spending the past six weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mathews, Carol returnl ed to Ottawa with her parents on Sunday. OAK RIDGES & LAKE WILCOX NEWS OVER 100,000 Conroy GANADIAN Toridheef Oil HOMES USE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. C. L. STEPHENSON TELEPHONE TUmer 4-1261 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. T. MATHEWS LANGSTAFF NEWS Prompt delivery Phone AVenue 5-1455 Burners Ronald Gourlay spent last week with friends in Toronto. Lloyd Shafer returned with him for the week-end and accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Gourlay and the family to Niagara Falls on Sunday. They arrived jjust in time to see the steel barrel come down the river after its trip over the falls. The Oak Ridges Bantams lost out in the ï¬nal game but they played good ball all summer and 'made a ï¬ne showing in this their ï¬rst year. Manager Walter Geary and Coach Gord Rowe are very proud of their team and the Lions Club, their sponsors, feel well re- paid for the time and effort they put into the summer’s work with the boys. PitcherIDale Boyle and Norman Roberts, catcher, and team members Richard Margerum, John GaHoway. Danny Geary, Glen Wright, Keith Barnsdale, Ernie Rule, Johnny Comfort and Paul Wright, with subs Roy Geary and Larry Wall, were worthy repres- sentatives of Oak Ridges at home and abroad. An umpire of the Ontario Baseball Association was heard to remark at Newcastle on Saturday that it was the best game he had umpired all summer. The score at Newcastle Saturday afternoon was 5-2 for Newcastle Enough fans from Oak Ridges at- tended the game to make a char- tered bus necessary, and all ex- press satisfaction with the good showing the team made. To reach the Ontario Championship play-off in their ï¬rst season was a remark- able achievement. Miss Edith Geary will attend Normal School this year in Toron- to. 081; Ridges Bantams Glen Boyle and Gary Sears of Oak Ridges both students at Aur- ora District High School spent part of the holidays at the cadet camp at Ipperwash. Mr. Keith Fleming, a former resident of Oak Ridges and Mrs. Fleming spent the week-end at the Ridge Inn and attended the C. Mr. A. McIntyr5 is home again after another three weeks in hos- pital in Toronto where he received further treatment for the injuries suffered last fall in an accident on Yonge Street. Socials Mrs. 0. Harrison was hostess on Tuesday evening when friends ga- hered to honor Miss Doreen Downs whose marriage to Mr. Geo. Weston takes place on September 19. Many beautiful and useful gifts were showered on the young couple. a Another new store is going up on the lot immediately north of the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ry- man. An unconï¬rmed report has it that the Rymans are opening a shcbe store. Five members of the RCAF Who are taking'part in the air show at the CNE are staying at the Ridge Inn. Mr. and Mrs. John Topper spent a few days last week at the Ridge Inn, before taking up residence in their new home in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woolley and family spent the long week-end at Honey Harbor. Quite a happy re-unlon took place at the home of Mrs. George Charlesworth. Garden Ave., when her sister Mrs, James Menzies of Glasgow, Scotland, arrived for a six month visit. Mrs. Menzies who previously lived in Canada has been away for twenty years. At present she is holidaying with another sister in Haliburton. After a short vacation she will make her home on Garden Avenue. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. S. Pattison on the birth of twin boys on Saturday, September 5, at St Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Mother and babies are doing well. Mrs. Pattison is the former Betty Chenery of Garden Ave. Mrs. Ellam gave a very interest- ing report on the A.C.W.W. pag- eant and conference held in Maple Leaf Gardens recently. Mrs. W. Thompson spoke about her recent visit to England and the Corona- tion and read a letter of thanks from the recipient oftblankets and sheets sent to her during the reâ€" cent floods in England by Mark- brought to a close with refresh- ments served by Mrs. Suter, Mrs. Roy and Mrs. McKean. The regular monthly meeting of the Mark-Vaun W.I. was held on Thursday, September 3, at the home ovars. D. Morrison, Briggs Ave. Mrs. Morrison, vice presi- dent, presided. After the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. R. Hamblyn, convenor of Agriculture and Can- adian Industries. introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Hudson of the Dept‘ of Lands and Forests at Maple, who spoke on our Canadian Forests and also showed very in- teresting slides on the subject. ing games. Her guests were de- lighted with her many gifts, and all enjoyed the balloons, ice cream and cake. Among the guests were her grandmother, Mrs. Lane of Richvale, her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. C. Klinck of Toronto, Donna and Brenda Lycett, Lynn Tomlin, Charles Garner, Yvonne Edwards, Dana Floyd, Garry and Gail Masters, Adele Costoï¬, Jen- nifer Gooding, Mac, Lenore and Russel Willar, Caroline Iris and Brian Corner. - 24 Hour â€" 1 year â€" Engineered Installation. warranty. Service. pay in: an ordinary innallaï¬on. the price you Would Healing Comfort a! Luxury Automatic Honoured guests were the bridal party of twenty-five years ago, which included Mr. Hately's sister, Mrs. A. Crawford, who was the maid of honour; the bridesmaid, Mrs. Mary Nichol Kay, and the best man, Mr. Harold Moore, a brother of Mrs. Hately. Looking happy on this special occasion, Mrs. Hately wore a becoming frock of blue sheer, with a pink corsage of pink flowers made by Mrs. A. McDonald. A large Wedding cake ‘ was in the place of honour on the 1long tea table, and low bowls of gay zinnias, and white wedding bells, made a pretty picture. Punch was served from a sterling silver loving cup that had an interesting history. It belongs to the Craw- ford family, Guelph, and had been won many years ago by a grand- father, Andrew Crawford, a Scot- tish farmer, whose famous Clydes- dale horses had won the cup for him three times successively, in England. During the afternoon Mrs. E. Palmer and Mrs. A. Kayes, Toronto, poured tea. Both these ladies are aunts -of Mr Hately. During the evening, Mrs. Lewis Moore, a sister-in-law, and Mrs. Lloyd March, Mrs. Hately‘s sister, presided at the tea table. Many gifts and flowers were received as i remembrances of this happy occas- i ion. Included among the many guests were Mr. and Mrs. James Frances and daughter Dorothy who are visiting in Canada from Eng- land, Mr. and Mrs. James March and Jack March, Detroit, Miss Norah Savoury, New York, Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford. Guelph; A young couple who were mar- ried in Coventry, England, on August 14, are making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Berenski, Eaton Hall Farm for a short time. They will move to their own home at the farm where Mr. Golding is herdsman. Before her marriage, the bride was Miss Joan Snell, a teacher of physical education in Coventry schools. Saturday was a very happy day for Mr. and Mrs. George Hately, when almost two hundred of their friends called during the afternoon and evening, to express their good wishes to their hosts, who were celebrating their silver wedding. of the senior grades, and Miss Dorris Patton, teacher of the first grades. there is a new teacher, for the intermediate room. He is William Pulford, who comes from Weston, and was a graduate of the Toronto Normal School in June. He will have grades 3 and 4, to be- gin with, and there were 23 pupils present’to greet him on opening day. The largest class in the school is grade 2 with the twenty beginners of last year. Miss Pat- ton, the teacher of the little folk, attended a six weeks’ summer course at Dalewood School, Ham- ilton, this summer. Miss Dennis spent two weeks taking an extra course at the Ontario College of Education. Cartoon There will be about 104 children at King City School 8.5. 2 this year it is expected. The attend- ance last year numbered ninety- seven. Ten beginners were regis- tered on Tuesday for Grade 1, and four new pupils were transferred from otherischools. Besides Miss Eva Dennis, Principal. and teacher SEPT. 12 . 14 Sat. & Mon. ‘QPERATION PACIFIC" John Wayne Patricia Neal lPLANTATION MELODIES’ “A PECK 0F TROUBLE†Cartoon News “THRIFTY CUBS†Cartoon I Sabu "M M SOAPY OPERA†DOUBLE FEATURE “JUNGLE MANHUNT" CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON, KING. ONT. Phone King 55314 DOUBLE FEATURE SEPT. 15 - 16 Tues. 8.: Wed. “SWAMP FIRE†Johnny Welssmuller Virginia Grey “MY PAL GUS†Joanne Dru Richard Widmark , Johnny Welssmuller Sheila Ryan “SAVAGE DRUMS" 1 Lita Baron SEPT. 10 - 11 Thurs. & Fri. KING CITY NEWS $39.50 new 24 monthly payments of News News $17.50 For the price of a few stamps â€" to say nothingï¬of the work you save â€"â€" you can advertise a forth- coming function in the “Coming Events†column of The Liberal. Telephone TUrner 4-1261. According to those who went to the Exhibition on Thursday of last week, with the two buses that were rented by the Women’s Institute, they chose the most pleasant way to spend a very hot day. They said that as it was Music Day at the Ex. it was very comfortable to sit in the park and listen to the music, and enjoy the breeze that was blowing from Lake Ontario. Fifty-two persons were at the Ex- hibition from King that day, and were comfortable travelling in two buses. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon from Toronto, to Hillcrest Cemetery. Woodbridge. The late Mrs. Semple, who was before her marriage, Miss Viola Jarrett, is survived by_ her hus- band, a brother, Charles B. Jarrett, and four sisters, Mrs. Patton, Mrs. J. Mathewson, Mrs. G. F. Holley, and Mrs. A. R. Greene, Ithica, N.Y. Mrs. James Semple, a sister of Mrs. James Patton, passed away at her home, 101 Beresford Avenue, Toronto, on Sunday, August ‘30, after an illness of a few days. Anne Sclater Lewis is the baby girl, born to Dr. and Mrs. David Lewis. Baltimore, Maryland, on August 31. Dr. and Mrs. Lewis and their little son, Wilson. made made their home with Mr. Walter Monkman, when they lived in King City for a year, while Dr. Lewis was an intern at Sunnybrook Hos- pital. . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Renninson, Lansing, have returned from their wedding trip to Washington and New York City. Thep spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. George Billings. Mrs. Renninson is a sis- ter of Mr. Billings. Another Sun- day visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Bill- ings, was Mr. Billings’ uncle, Mr. Hilbert Robinson, Beeton. Mr. and Mrs. David Watt, Caledon; Mr. and Mrs. James Burns and Mr. E. Brown. Erindale, and many others from Edgeley. Newmarket and neighbourhood. Mrs. Sherman Bower, Halifax, spent a few days last week in King City with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Wells. Select Smart Styles of Quality Mer- chandise from such nationally advertised brands as Arrow, Forsyth, Savage and Steteson. SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 o LOCATED Just directly south of his former establishment at 24 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill TO BE HELD ON OF HIS MODERN MEN's-x. 30st momma STORE Be sure to visit our New and Enlarged facilities designed to serve ; you better and which we think you deserve. BOB’S ON SATURDAY Will R ROXY 112 Markham Rd. Torridheat, Quickheat, Gurney Furnaces and burners '2 Seeing You At For free e‘stimafes & expert workman- ship CALL « MONDAY T0 THURSDAY -- SEPTEMBER 14-17 MUSIC! FUN! LAUGHTER! with Doris Day and Gordon McRae in ELECTRIGAL & HEATING CONTRACTOR In Technicolor with George Montgomery and Helena Carter 4 DAYS OF TOP MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY & SATURDAY â€"- SEPTEMBER 11 & 12 Laughs Galore In This Full-Length Feature starring Laurel &' Hardy in James Johnson “BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON†2 SHOWS NIGHTLY 7 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2.00 P.M‘ “BONNIE SCOTLAND†“THE PATHFINDER†(In Technicolor) Plus Short Subject & Cartoon Plus 6425 YONGE of Highland Pk. BA. 1-5218 AV. 5-1267 THEATRE MARKHAM TU. 4-2089