Either two or three teachers will be connected with the Grad team as coaches and the Grads plan to play in a House League with High School teams. Since the Grads were considered to be affiliated with the school it was thought fair to give them a cut in rental price. All parties interested please take notice. Dated at Maple this 27th day of October, 1953. Inlsm_IcI 3mm NEWSI Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of Vaughan will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers at Maple on Mon- day. November 9. 1953, at 1.00 o'clock P.M.. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the as- lessment roll for the Municipali- ty of the Township of Vaughan for the year 1954. 11 O’Clock Curfew A group of 10 Richmond Hill District High School graduates who have formed a basketball team were given permission by the Board at Monday night’s meeting to use the gym every Wednesday night from 9 to 11 at the re- duced rate of $3 a night. Regular charge is $6. The J un- ior High School team will occupy the floor from 7 to 9. LET J4MES J. DO IT Board Rents Gym To’Grads 2 Hours A Week Reduced Rate Court of Revision clerk of Vaughan Township TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN J. M. MCDONALD, S space is reserved for the family which has never had bills they were hard-pressed to pay. . . The family which has never had an emergency too big for their savings. We haven't found that family yet. We doubt if it exists. It is for the families who aren't in this picture that we are in business. Because for them there must be a dependable outside source for the money they need. We provide this money service in a sensible. businesslike way. by making prompt cash loans when they are needed. We do not advise borrowing unless it is necessary. But we do help over 570.000 Canadians every year when a loan is the best solution to their money problems. ï¬OIISEHOLD FIIAIGE Esfablished in Canada 1928 It was discussed whether the teachers involved could take charge of certain caretakin duties such as locking the schoo and seeing the school is cleared by 11 pm. but the Board felt, as expressed by Trustee Mrs. Gladys Hill, “We have a big investment here and we should look after it. We should be willing to put in a caretaker for the night." The caretaker is paid $2 for every night he works. It was first suggested by Trus- tee V. P. McMullen that the gymn be~glven free of charge because the High School will be using the gymn the same evening as the Grads and the Grads will give cor'npetltlon for school teams. When caretakng fees were taken into consideration the Board felt a $3 rate should be charged.‘ that 30 cents a night per person was cheap entertain- ment for the Grads. Trustees had also received complaints that the school was not being cleared by 11 pm. by those using it for recreational purposes. It was agreed to no- tify these groups that this time limit must be adhered to and if not, further measures will be taken. The final motion to give the Grads a cut rate of $3 was moved by Trustee Mrs. Gladys Hill and seconded by Trustee Campbell Smith, and was carried unan- imously. ing when you call us. We are prepared to meet any emergency in your home. You’li get the idea about quality, low cost plumb- care. Hurry! We plumb for people who Hurry! bowled its first-league games at the Richmond Bowl Octobér 26 with eight teams present. Vi Home was high scorer for single and triple. her score being 214 and 524. Basketball practices start this Week at the High School and the sound of the leather sphere hitting the hardwood has made many of the lads eager to get down to some serious workouts in preparation for a heavy schedule. Basketball is a game that all shapes and sizes can participate in although All-American Coach Adolph Rupp says that he won’t look at a player unless he is tall enough to bump his head on the gym doorway. Tall boys in high school are still at the awkward stage therefore the little speed merchants still have a place in the game. The coaches ï¬gure that his year’s football season developed some needed aggressiveness in the lads who lacked it last year so watch for a “hustlinl ball club". I have watched the Little Big Four games for 20 years and I have never seen’ a poor game and good sportsmanShip has always prevailed. The question has often been asked, “Which have the betâ€" ter teams, the private schools or the high schools?†Wel‘I from what I have seen over the years, I would say that the private schools have. the slight edge. ‘ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ I took in the Little Big Four championship game in St. Cathar- ines last week between St. Andrew's College of Aurora and Bishop Ridley College of the Garden City. This game was a real thriller with both teams ï¬ghting hard all the way to the ï¬nal gun, The teams played so well that they both deserved a win. so what hap- pened? . . . the game ended in a tie 17-17. Ridley College. being last year's champions, are permitted to retain the crown for another year. We won’t give you a rehash of the game in this column but we would like to give you an idea of how the Little Big Four situation differs from the High School set up. First of all there are two oth- er teams in the league besides the above mentioned squads. They are Trinity College School of Port Hope and Upper Canada College of Toronto. Just one game is played with each team and it’s do or die in every contest. Each team is allowed to dress only 20 men whereas the high schools can dress 24. This, the coaches. claim. makes the boys more aggressive because substitutes are scarce. It wan’t so long ago that you couldn't be substituted in this league un- less you were carried off the ï¬eld with an injury. The private schools have a smaller group of boys to choose from but they make up for it in team spirit and ability. They start cut- ting their teeth on a football about four years before most High School boys. Their team spirit is built up due to the fact that they eat together, live together and have ample time to talk football with one another and with their coach. In the High School. after prac- tice, the boys have to think about how they can get home after the school busses have long since departed ’and you don’ think of foot- ball when you are on a lonely road trying to hitchhike home in the dark. The private schools have an excellent following of former Grads. At last Saturday's game there were about 2500 spectators and giving a rough guess I would say 60 per cent of them were former students not only from a few years back but from 40 and 50 years. This indicates the feeling that these grads have for their former school. Do ybu see this in High School football? After the game, the visit- ing players, parents and fans are guests at a tea sponsored by the host college. Legs For Football The closer you analyze the game of football, the more you realize the tremendous part that a football player’s legs have in his successful playing of the game. For example: the strong- er legs he has, the better the football player can block, charge or tackle because it is the legs that give these manoeuvres the power they need to be success- fully used. Then too, it is the football player's legs that drive him ahead or enable him to dodge when he is carrying the ball. When throwing or receiving a forward pass it is the player‘s legs that enable him to jump high in the air to catch a pass or to fade away from the charging opposition who are trying to stop the passer from getting the ball away. Yes, there is not a play in football, the success of which does not depend mainly on leg power. leg drive or leg ability and co-ordination. So take a hint and work right through until next season trying to develop your legs to the high‘ est possible degree. If you do. you will see' a tremendous lm~ provement in your play when you run ‘out on the gridiron next year. You can do a wonderful job on your legs if you use the leg exercises and drills that are listed in “The 2C Football Train- ing Program†Bulletin. So make sure you get a copy and get down to work. Remember, by working on your football muscles and on your football skill, during the off- season you can make sure you will be playing better football next season! ls Diet Important In Skill Events? The Sports Clinic The High School Staff has a basketball team called the “Won- der Five" Which annually comes out of retirement to play the Sen- iors. It’s a big affair with the entire student body in attendance and a half time jam session by part of the orchestra. The date has been set for November 12 because the teachers want to catch the Rhillers in poor condition. The staff is considerably strengthened this year with the addition of Bill Babcock formerly a star player with Aurora and Dick Lanspeary, 3 Windsor basketball product. It should be quite a game! There is a popular idea that diet is not important in activities such as sprinting or baseball. Though there is a certain amount of truth in it the theory is not valid. When an athlete pays at- tention to his dietand eats prop- erly he gets the following divi- dends: (1) Better general health. (2) More energy and endur- ance Of course, if he is in an activ- ity requiring endurance he has a special need to eat properly be-_ cause the demands on his body are greater. Should Everyone Try To Become A Champhm? Everyone. if they are so be as (3)Avoids indigestion, constipa- tion_and lack of pep._ Maple Ladies Bowling League Maple Ladies Bowling Club An Ofl‘iolal Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival happy as possible and as sound individuals as possible, should evaluate. their potentials and do everything they can to develop their talent and capabilities ac- cording to their desires and res- ponsibilities. The old saying. “Anything worth doing is worth doing right" seems to apply here. Then too, by trying to become a champion you learn many less- ons and develop many skills and attitudes that make a better per- son. Don’t forget, you can be- come a champion in good atti- tude. courage, sportsmanship and ï¬tness as well as in gctual com- petition. Team standings following the October 29 games are: Sparrows are in the lead with 37 pts, followed by Canaries 35; Parrotts 32; Redwings 27: Hawks 25: Orioles 24; Wrens 22; Robins 21 Crows 11; Larks 11. Weekly prize win- ners were Ivor- Francis 708; Barbara Hudson 707. Good flat scores turned in were Ivor Francis 708; Herb Hudson 707; Ella Turnbull 659; Cec. Turnbull 619; Bar- bara Hudson 617. Bill Ellis Good Goingâ€"November 12 to Novembet 15 inclusive. Returnâ€"Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 22nd. SPECIAL LOW RAIL PARES ROYAL AGRICULTURAL VIIIII'ER FAIR Membership in Sports College is free and everyone can join. To take advantage of the many services Sports College oï¬ers just send a letter to Sports College, Box 99, Toronto 1. Ontario and say you would like to be- come a mem‘aer. TORONTO, NOV. 1 3 - 21 Highland Park Bowling FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR 1H: ROUND nu TO THE Last Monday at the Richmond Hill ï¬eld the High School Jun- iors wound up the season in sec- ond .place in the C.O.S.S.A. leagâ€" ue. Newmarket was the doormat of the group this year. therefore the local juniors played a “rel- axed" form of game which made for better timing and fewer inâ€" juries than in previous games. the scoring was done in the first half. The Hill eased 01f in the second half when Coach Ellis put in his second string boys who have patiently been sitting on the bench throughout the more crucial games. . omens With Screen Pass R. H. Juniors Trounce N’mkt 29-6; Place Second C.O.S.S.A. Richmond Hill Hockey Club will drop out of the Midget com- petition this year due to the fact that their competition has artific- ial ice on which to practice. This gives their opponents an edge over the Hill boys who have to play against these teams without any practice because of lack of ice in the village. Another hardship for the club is the fact that High School boys are allowed to participate in one sport per season only. that is, in the winter season either hockey or basketball. If they play hockey they must forerzo "“M‘s " ‘ school and if a few hockey games are played due to Inc o natural ice it is a disappointment to the boys. One good point. however, is the fact that more time can be given to develop the Pee Wees and Bantams with the dispersal of the Midgets. The competition includes Woodbridge, Alliston, Newmarket, Nobleton & Aurora. Insurance For Payers Parents of any player in the Pee Wee group may insure their youngster for the prive n? W "" per season. This will cover the player from the time ut: .e. ‘ VJ home until! he returns home. This offer ismade available by the local club‘s affiliation with the O.M.H.A. Robbie Keith opened the scor- ing for the Rhillers on a well-ex- ecuted pass thrown by Bob Miner. The attempted convert was wash- ed out by the placement being blocked. ~Newmarket's McKnight retaliated soon afterwards by plunging over from the 5 yard line. It was converted by Mort- This made the score 6-5 for Newmarket but the Greenshiljts didn’t appear worried because they rolled to four majors in the second stanza. Soderberg's 60- yard kick tied the score at 6-6 Midgets Drop Out Of League BILL BALL MOTORS LTD. 5642Yonge$t.,Willowdale-BMBMI : toe, thanks to the perfection and efï¬ciency engineered into Oldsmobile’s famous automatic transmission, a transmission that makes light work of even the heaviest traï¬ic. Thrill . . . Io surging Rocket power. The famous Oldsmobile "Rocket" engine sets the pace in power standards with a l65-horsepower rating, an 8 to l compression ratio and a high-capacity. lZ-volt igni- tion system. Here’s all the power you’ll ever need, balanced with brilliant operating economy. Idle Ila Mae/of ‘ The minute you take the wheel of an Oldsmobile your lesson in pleasure starts! You’ll sense that you’re drivin one of the ï¬nest cars of your lifetime. . .the ï¬nest ldsmobile ever built! Both the Super 88 and Classic 98 represent a pinnacle of automotive achievement ! They’re acked with horse- power! They’re deep in comfort! They re bathed in beauty! Feel. . .rhe spectaculuv response of Oldsmobile's proven Auto- matic Tiansmission. Flashing getawav is yours at the touch of then Bob Miner went right down the centre for 70 yards and a TD. Richmond Hill decided that their converts were not working when they place kicked so they mixed things up a bit by having Robbie Keith run one over for the ex- tra point. Peter Smith. a ï¬rst year line- man ,picked up a fumble and‘ scampered 30 yds. to rack up an- other score which was converted by Bob Miner skirting the end. The Juniors kept pouring it on and the two big Ricks, Rick Sod- erberg and Rick Fleehner sifted through to block a Newmarket punt and George "you take the ball" Putnam scudded off for another 5 points. Miner conver- ted. Little Jimmie' Pollard ï¬n- ished the rout by kniï¬ng over on a plunge play. Use Spread Formation 'l'he Rhillers had their spread formation pass plays working but kept to the ground on the theory that you don’t have to risk a pass when you can gain at will by the ground route. Zinkan played a flood game as did Soderberg on the line. Munro was “old re- lumle" as always at the end pos- ition. Well that's ll; for another year and the boys improved a great deal which means that next year we will be just that much further The “Blackcats†hockey team for Thornhill and District has entered the North York Juvenile Hockey League. A work-out for players is to be held in the Union- ville Arena next Monday evening November 9 at 7:45. ahead Thornhill Dist. Hockey Te_a_lp All boys ages 16-18 who liVe in a sevenâ€"mile radius of Thornhill, and who would be interested in Lrying out for the fwm 'mtact David Barbour at AV-5-1355. [Mil/Ill!!! WATER HAULED In NY. League For Dry Wells, Cisterns, etc. RAY FERGUSON Wexford PL. 5-1334 Experience...Power-Ride Chassis' new comfort. From front to rear, Oldsmobile's new chassis is stronger -â€" more durable! At every vital point, ball or roller bearings reduce friction, provide extra assurance for lowvcost, trouble-free service. This rugged, deep-braced frame is the foundation of a ride unmatched for balance. stability and comfort. (o Eerformance, it's Oldsmobile 9 eauty. There’s a new " wer look†to the bold from end and the sweep of the raised rear fen- ders. And color? Oldsmobile positively radiates, with the widest selection of colors, inside and out, in Oldsmobile history! Bask...in Oldsmobile's new beauiy. If anything can _equalj_)l_dsmo_b.i.lc THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Mun-5., Nov. 5, BILL DRINKWATER MOTORS KING, ONTARIO Phone King 50 TUrner 4-2612 When in town drop into our showroom and see the new Gem Home Freezers now on display in two sizes. MARIO CATENAIO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices Vertical Model, 11 cubic feet Horizontal Model, 15 cubic feet We also have a 20 cubic foot which can be secured on short notice. Richmond Hill HOME FREEZERS Any group or Organization wishing to use the Area Schools for meetings or social events are re- quested to please contact the Secretary two weeks in advance of the desired date, so that a schedule may be set up. A Permit form will be sent to a responsible officer of such Organizations, and the Principal and Caretaker of the school concerned will be notiï¬ed in advance of the date. And Oldsmobile ofl’ers you a world of optional features, lucked from the future by the industry’s most orward-Iooking research and design men. Visit your dealer soon and get acquainted with Oldsmobile. From the moment you take the wheel you’ll agree that Oldsmobile is the “Big Feature†car of the year! NOTICE TO ORGANIZATIONS Township School Area No.1, Wishing to Use the Schools of HAROLD W. MORTSON Markham and Vaughan 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL DEMONSTRATION ARRANGE FOR A TODAY...YOUR TRIAI. SPIN Wlll. TELL YOU THE SE “BIG FEATUP'" CARS ARE THE VALUE OF THE YEAR! GiNERAl MOTOII VAlUI TUrner 4-1722