Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Nov 1953, p. 10

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High quality balanced Methyl-Hydrate with special inhibitors to prevent rust Safe, long-lasting protection at low: you get ample, quick heat from car FULL-STRENGTH "PEHMA-FILL" ANTI-FREEZE â€" Approved. concentrated Ethylene-Glycol protects down to 62 degrees below zero: one filling last: all wlnter. Can't boil oft. Penna-Fill ls guaranteed harmless to car finish. hose or gasketsâ€"guards against rust and corrosion. Sold only in sealed containers tor~ your complete protection. A tested. nroven product PERMANgNT ANTI-FREEZE GUARANTEED EQUAL PROTEEIIUN m IHE HIGHEST PRICED mum MGFO°HIQSI€R Tllrner 4 - 1851 BUT IT WON’T KEEP YOU WARM Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS BY ORDER OF MARKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL TO THE LI'BE'RAL’, Richmond Hill, T'Hurs., Nov. 5, 1953 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY ' PROPERTIES FOR SALE Thomhill, Ont J- A! WI LLOUGHBY , ,_..-_._... mm. umy m semen for your complete protection. A tesled. ' 'odud .. .. Mala-Master “Super” Anii-Freeza No inflammable, vegetable or JONES COAL CO. John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. HEADFORD DUMP [MEMBER 31, N'fl‘IEMBER 2- to mcentmted Ethylene-Glycol protects legrees below zero: one filling last: :n't boil oft. Penna-Fill is guaranteed car finish. hose or gasketsâ€"guards and corrosion. Sold only in sealed , your complete protection. A tested. 1:! . . . ~ . . . . . . . .- . . . . . u....-....P. Imitation may le flattery- Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners) HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. See Love For Lovely Lumber Will be open to residents of MARKHAM TOWNSHIP OIL TREATED Dom DELAY ANUTHER DAY Fill up before you freeze up Irate Base, blended rust and corrosion. lowest cost. Lets car heater. dumped. ERMA-FILL” amma 5O EXPERIENCED SALESMEN al matter to be Richmond Hill AVenue 5-1143 AND SONS .98 GAL. Oliver. V, ......_.B twg weeks Vwith Mrs: Houston's parents, Mr. and Mn. Forrest ru- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Houston and wee daughter Mary from Peace River, Alta: _are jpending A report on the area convention will be given. The program and lunch committee are Mrs. E. Ma- gee, Mrs. P. Waters, Mrs. E. Had- win. Mrs. C. Brown. Roll call will be a hint for Christmas prepar- ations. The November meeting of the Maple W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Palmer on November 11, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Duke Jarrett will be in charge of the meeting and the Homemakers Club will put on a demonstration. Be, sure to see Coming Events regarding a very enjoyable ev- ening which will be held in Zion Lutheran Church on November 13. Mingle Women’s lnsfltufie Thornlea Home and School Association will meet at 8.30 p. m. Wednesday, November 11, at the school. In keeping with the date, the theme for the evening will be citizenship. Our disting- uished speaker for the evening, Mr. W. L. Burton, has chosen as his subject, “We must remember them!” The school choir will en- ‘tertain with Remembrance Day ‘music at 8:30 sharp. Come and ring a friend. I allowe’en Party Mr .and Mrs. J. Coats of New Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snider on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheppard and family of London spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr and Mrs. Victor Orr spent the week- end in Kingston with Mr. and Mrs. D. Sypes. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Webster and daughter of Oshawa were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Snider. Social The thanks of the community goes to the ladies of the Home and School executive, Mr. Arm- strong and Mr. Bradshaw for ma- king the party such a success. In th edancing light of a giant bonfire Thornlea Home and School held its annual Hallowe’en Party for the children. The var- iety and coloring of the costumes showed a great deal of planning and thought on the part of the parents of pre-school and school age children and made the de- cisions of the judges very diffi- cult. i Ist Richvale Guide Company ‘met at the school Tuesday even- ing and Captain D .Sim presented Virginia Perring with her hos- tess badge. On Saturday, Rich‘ l vale lst and 2nd Guide compan- ‘ies enjoyed a four mile hike, on I which all the girls passed their fire lighting ,stalking and track- ing tests. Several of the Guides also obtained their hikers’ badge. They proved themselves excell- ent cooks after building a fire and preparing a full course din- ner. The Black Cats Hockey team wish to thank all those who gave donations to support the team. All players from 16 to 18 please be at Unionville rink at 8 p.m. Monday, November 9. Home and School Hockey Jean Winger of Mill Rd. was instantly killed in a car accident at Napanee. Ont., on Friday, Oc- tober 31. Jean had been making her home with her grandmother, Mrs. Jillings of Mill Rd., and our deepest sympathv is extended to the Jillings family. Guide News Mr. Frank Sinclair of Yongeâ€" hurst Rd. received his 25 years service badge from the Rive"- thorn Canadian Legion Branch on Saturday, October :51. Ml“ Sinclair who is 84 years of age, was also honoured as one of the oldest active members, and given a complimentary life membership button. Sympathy A demonstration was held at the‘ home of Mrs. Thompson. of Duncan Rd. It proved a very in- teresting evening. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johns spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Lemon of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thompson and children along with Mrs. Har- vey Ducksberry from Weston en- joyed dinner with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johns of Yongehurst Rd. on Saturday last. Social Notes Barry Rollinson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rollinson, Garden Ave., celebrated his 4th birthday at a Hallowe’en party at his home on Oct. 27. Little friends helping him celebrate were Di- anne Sannerwell, Ritchie Chenâ€" Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Patterson. No. 7 Highway were Mr. and Mrs. W. Hunt and the Misses Hazel and Hilda Stephenson of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Thirgood, Ray- mond and Keith spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sauve at their hpme in Armour Heights. Mr. and Mrs. H. Glassey, Bar- bara and John spent Sunday with Mrs. Glassey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bath at their home in Rockwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. mond and Keith with Mr. and Mrs‘ home in Armour THORNLEA NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. D. Allen Telephone Maple 19.! NORTH RICHVALE Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Correspondent: Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4â€"2238 MAPLE LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. T. MATHEWS Phone AVenue 5-1455 l The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Desprey, on the death of their seven-year-old son, Abbey. who was knocked down and killed by a truck on Yonge St. at Newton- brook last week. During the summer Mr. Desprey started to build a home on Garden Ave. and expected to finish the basement in time to move into it before winter. Suffering greatly from the shock of their son's tragic death, Mr .and Mrs. Desprey de- cided to go to Nova Scotia for a few days rest. During the past week-end while the Despreys were still away, kind friends and neighbors from Newtonbrook got together and finished the base- ment, ready for them to move in- to. on their return from Nova Scotia. An‘ opportunity for boys aged 16 to 18 within a radius of 7 miles of Thornhill to become members of a hockey team. is of- fered by the Thornhill Hockey team, who have been admitted to the North York Hockey League. Boys in the above age group are invited to try out for the team next Monday. November 9, at 8 pm. at Unionville. Further in- formation can be obtained from David Barbour, AV. 5-1355. Congratulations to Mrs. R. Mc- Arthur and Raymond Thirgood on their winning a bag of groc- eries each at the cooking school held in the Farmers’ Market on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. R: Stewards‘on, No. 7 Highway reports several dwan Iri§ in full bloqm i_n her garden. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Norman, Jim and Lynda. and'to Mr. and Mrs. J. Greenfield Junior who have re- cently taken up residence on Garden Ave. ery, John Ziegler, Barbara and John Glassey, Elizabeth and Cal- lista Henderson and Lynda Mc- Ilwain. Model LD-87 REFRIGERATOR GENERAL ELECTBJQ V 4 Burner Range Oven Control, Oven Light and Appliance Outlet FORMERLX $235.00 ' Sale Price GENERAL ELECTRIC Free Gift With Every Purchase Phone Orders Accepted . Results for the first evening of team bowling in the Lake Wilcox Bowling League are: teams cap- Mrs. L. Gibbons. ’Moray Ave. held a baby shower for Mrs. C‘ Smith, on Thursday, October 29‘ Bowling Team standing for the Lions Club Bowling for Wednesday, Oc- tober 28 are: Jackasses 24; Wind- bags 19; Rosebuds 16; and Droopy Drawers 1]. Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. Coll- ins, Moray Ave., on Friday, Ocâ€" tober 30 in Toronto, a daughter, a sister for Ricky. ‘ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm Good, Wildwood Ave.. on Sunday November 1 at Humber Memor- ial Hospital, Weston. a son. Mrs. Frank Wilkins and her daughter, Mrs. H. Rooney, left last week to visit relatives in 0t- tawa. Later Mrs. Wilkins will return with Mrs. Rooney to spend sometime at her home in Atiko- kan, Ont. Personals William Gould of Cedar Brae, a former resident of Oak Ridges and a brother of Mrs. Jack Blyth, is in the Western Hospital, Tor- onto, with a badly fractured leg. He was in collision with another car recently near Mount Albert. Mrs. Robert Woolley fell re- cently and suffered an injury to her ankle. It is more than a sprain but the doctors do not think a bone is broken. The rummage sale held recent- ly in the Oak Ridges School un- der the auspices of the Home and School Association cleared about $160.00 to swell the funds of the organization. The commit- tee in charge assisted by all the members worked hard and gath- ered an enormous amount of good used clothing and “white ele- phants" which sold rapidly. Personals SAVE $46.00 OAK RIDGES - LAKE WILCOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: __ TELEPHONE TUmer 4-1514 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hi] All Hours TUrner 4-1812 lullulllllllllflllllllllllmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllumllllllllllllllllllultl CU'l FLOWERS. FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP (mmn\Imui\l\u\1\m1\\mnmuumummummummummnmmnu Hallowe'en was very quiet this year with very little damage done. The children of the Lake were out in full force shelling out. Later they attended a party held at the school. Several films were shown. Some of the winners were Best'art in the school. Kar- en Stein; Grade 1 art. Brock Young, best costume Karen Stein: Best comic Allan Taylor. Best Block Lettering Valerie Cobb. S. S. No. 1 Whitchurch held a Hallowe’en party on Friday at- ternoon for the pupils and their mothers. MRS. E. DAWSON tained by J. Peters and R. Hun- ter 7 pts.; B. Denier and G. Clyde 5 pts.; E. Clarke and C. Maguire 2 pts.; C. Gourley and C. Geddes 0 pts. Mrs. D. Geddes and Mr. G. Post with scores of 203 and 225 had high single flat for the evening. Hallowe’en » FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Rota-Cold design provides a con- stantflow of chilled air from the new “cold-slope” baffle through- out the cabinet . . . keeps foods juicy-fresh. The Rota-Cold has the newest kind of automatic de- frosting â€" controlled by the “Frost Limitor” â€" which re- moves frost only when necessary. No pans to empty . . . no food to move. Over 8 cubic feet of food storage space is provided, including a full-width freezer, which holds up to 39 lbs. of froz- en foods. FORMERLY’ $389.00 Sale Price $299.00 Fully Automatic Defrost By .E.’s Frost-Limitor SAVE $90. 6186 YON GE STREET NEWTONBROOK BAldWin1-1384 94 Benson Ave. Forced warm air furnaces, oil fired (or coal) completely installed with duct work. etc. Aero Silver-flame Oil Burners for converting your present coal furnace. (Terms arranged) BACKED BY FACTORY SERVICE FOR 1 YEAR AV. 5-2101 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 0 LUMBER Please note a Change of Hours NOW OPEN 8 am. to 5‘p.m. Daily SATURDAYS .8 am. to 4.30 pm. Loughlinflpme Supply Model 11-341 DON GIPFEN HEATING 0 PLYWOOD C TEN TEST ‘ree Gift With Every PUTCI’IBSC Up to 24 Months to Pay Backed By Factory Service CO. LTD., Stop 21A Yonge St. RICHVALE PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED NB DOWN PAYMENT Ol’ ear ARBORITE Phone TU. 4-1542 BA. 1-7500

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