CHARLES HOOVER. Clerk, Township of Markham Note: Copies of the Voters’ List are supplied to Post Offices in the Municipality. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING UP 0F VOTERS’ LIST, 1953 Municipality of the Township of Markham, County of York Notice is hereby given that l have complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in Unionville, on the seventh day of November, 1953, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any errors or om- issions corrected according to law. The last day for appeals being the twenty-ï¬rst day of Novem- ber, 1953. Dated at Unionville this 7th day of November, 1953. 'AV. 5-2101 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 0 LUMBER THE LIBERAL", Riclimond Hm, Thurs., Nov. 12, 1958 NOTICE xloughlin Home Supply FLOOR SANDER T0 RENT O PLYWOOD O TENTEST co. LTD., 'Stop 21A Yonge St. RICHVALE c2w20 Standing of the teams after Friday night's bowling: J. Peters 14 Pts.; P. Hunter. 9; B. Denier, 8 pts.; G. Clyde and G. Maguire, 7; C. Geddes, 5; G. Gourley, 4; E. Clark 2. Prizes for the night were based on hidden scores and were won by E. Davison with 378 The Toronto Star held a party for their carrier boys at the Graystones, Aurora, on Wednes- day, November 4. Alan, and Ter- ry Taylor and Don Clyde attend- ed from the Lake. Hallowe'en Party At the Hallowe'en party helc'l by S. S. No. 13, Whitchurch, a silver collection was taken to buy sports equipment for the school. The principal, W .Hall, reports that two basketballs were bought with the proceeds. The pupils and teachers wish to thank all who assisted in the purchase of the added equipment. Bowling l CORRESPONDENT: TELEPHONE L/Cpl. M. Rae is spending his leave with his wife Mrs. D. Rae and his daughters Brenda and Karen. Miténd Mrs. B. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. B. Traynor spent last week-end in Huntsville. O ARBORITE OAK RIDGE§ ~ LAKE WILCOX NEWS BA'. 1-7500 MRS. E. DAVISON TUrner 4-1514 __ Twice in one week Oak Ridges was the scene of bad accidents. On Wednesday, November 4, Mr. John Johnston. Aubrey Ave., Oak Ridges, was fatally injured when he was hit by a car while he was attempting to cross the road at the Windmill Inn. On Monday, November 9. Harold Carruthers, 14 years old, was seriously in- jured in front of the Log Cabin Restaurant. He was taken to the Toronto General Hospital. The December meeting which will be held on December 1. will be a Christmas party for mem- bers. Accidents The Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Scout Movement held its Novem- ber meeting on Tuesday, Novem- ber 3. at the Oak Ridges School. Plans were discussed to assist the Group Committee with a Scout and Cub Parents’ Night as well as holding Christmas partiesdor the boys and the girls. Election of officers was held and resulted in the following group who will be sworn in at the January meet- ing: President, Mrs. J. P. Had- cock, vice-president; Mrs. W. Boutilier, Secretary; Mrs. E. Clarke, treasurer; Mrs. D. Nash, publicity; Mrs. C. Cassidy, social; Mrs. L. Hopkins, membership & visiting; Mrs. A. E. Patchell, birthdays; Mrs. G. Rowe, pro- gram; Mrs. W. Gerrard; Sewing, Mrs. J. A. Gibeault; Finance, Mrs. D. R. Gunn; uniforms Mrs. W. Campbell. and Mrs. L. Acheson with 391. Ladies’ Auxiliary Ml! help to soothe the troubled mind It’s no annoying childish bluff. Fear of the dark ls real enough. love and reassurance kind HERE'S HEALTH Family allowances now cost the Canadian taxpayers $350,000,- 000 a year. For travelling to Toledo, Ohio, the bride chose a green wool dress, matching hat, nutmeg ac- cessories and muskrat jacket and orchd corsage. On their return the happy couple will reside in Richmond Hill. The bride‘s mother received at the reception held at the Church Parlor gowned in dusty rose lace with matching hat and black ac- cessories and corsage of pink Pnnochio roses. The groom's mother assisted. wearing a gown of coronation purple crepe with matching hat and black accessories and corsage of pink pinocchio roses. ! Mrs. Jean Kirby, matron.of hon- or for her sister. was gowned in cedar Rose taffeta with rounded neckline trimmed with bugle beads, elbow-length sleeves and ballerina skirt. Mrs. Lorraine Smith and Mrs. Barbara Frost who also attended the bride Were gowned in matching dresses of peacock green. Their matching hats were embroidered with bug- le beads and they carried white baskets of yellow and bronze val- encia mums and talisman roses. Best man was Cal Miller, bro- ther of the groom. Ushers were Eric Hadwen and GeorgerMiller. During the signing of the reg- ister Les Robson played the or- gan while J. Burke sang “Through the Years." At the close of the ceremony Mr. Burke sang The Logd‘s Prayer. The bride, given in marriage by her father chose a gown of white taï¬eta tï¬mmed with lace featuring long pointed sleeves and V-neckline, embroidered with seed pearls. The skirt ended in a chapel train. Her long veil of tulle illusion was caught to a Juliet cap highlighted with seed pearls and she carried a cascade of white carnations, baby poms and white leaves centred with a white orchid. Michael Miller Weds Irene Hadwen Standards of white Chrysanthe- mums, carnations and potted ferns, palms and candelabra dec- orated Teston United Church for the wedding of Rilla Irene Had- wen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hadwen, Maple, to Michael Kenneth L. Miller, son of Mrs. B. W. Miller and the late Mr. Miller, Maple, at 7.30 pm. The Rev: M. R. Jenliinson of- ï¬ciated at the ceremony. On Tuesday last, four ladies Mesdames, R. Roe. W. Birch, M. Lowery and C. Steeves journeyed from Toronto to enjoy dinner with Mrs. M. Holmes of Yonge- hurst Rd. Mrs. M. Williams, Mrs. F. Gard- ner and Mrs. M. Blackburn at- tended the York Central District Annual dinner and general meet- ing at Thornhill on Friday, No- vember 6. Frank Fryer of Yongehurst Rd. suffered two broken ribs and facial cuts on Sunday last, when the car in which he was a pas- senger, went out of control on the slippery roads and collided with an on-coming truck. Bill Dawson of Yongehurst Rd. is out and around again after be- ing on the sick list for the past week. A euchre was held at the home of Mrs. J. Sims, on Wednesday afternoon, November 4, in aid of Richvale Girl Guides. Winners were: lst. Mrs. F. Littleford, Mrs. E. Lambert and Mrs. D. Brown, Personals A going-away-party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of Mill Rd. on Saturday, October 31 for Mrs. A. Bolton, sister of Mrs. Ellis, who was leaving for her home in Florida, USA. Friends and relatives enjoyed a wonderful supper, followed by dancing and a regular old fashioned sing-song. Euchre Winners TRANSITION: A little more than 50 years ago, the Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way introduced to Canadians their ï¬rst internal combustion self-propelled rail car (INSET). This month (November) the CPR is placing in service four of the very latest in self-propelled cars â€"- the Budd RDC’s. Patterned along “Toon- erville Trolley†ines, the old gasoline- powered, single truck rail car was 13 feet long and carried 14 passengers. To- day’s 90 ft. Budd car carries 89 persons and is air-conditiioned. Old 502, the NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. BLACKBURN Phone TU. 4-2238 The Guide Mothers Local As- sociation will hold its meeting on Thursday, November 12, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. M. Farman, 177 Spruce Avenue. Last Week At Richvale School Hallowe'en parties were in order, and after enjoying a cos- tume parade and games. the pu~ piis consumed much food, which included ice-cream provided by the school board. Grades 5 and 6 were very sor~ ry to lose June Malinsky and Bill Leithead, who have moved away from the community. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The school is practising singing hymns for the Remembrance Day Service. $35.00 was the sum reaâ€" lized from the sale of Poppies, Grades 5 and 6 being at the top of the list. On Friday Grades 5 and 6 held a Red Cross meeting and the pupils displayed many fine hobbies. ' RICHMOND HILL Our local stores are the display rooms and ware-‘ houses for the world’s ï¬nest products. Efï¬cient banking, insurance, real estate and other business services are also available to the people in our community. The readers of this newspaper ï¬nd Loui- advertising columns a dependable guide to ’the point of saleâ€"a useful source for up-to-date Inews and/informationrabout‘these goods 3nd lservicem V ' "r inewspaper is aLmember of the>AuditVBuIegu pf Circulations.; ' ' ï¬ery-“adveFt-iser‘sh'ï¬ild khoiv aboï¬t A.B.C.‘ The Bureau is a cooperative, non-proï¬t asso- ciation of 3,450 publishers, advertisers and ad- .vertising agencies. Working together. these buy- m and sellers of advertising establish standards In oder'that‘aliiIertisIï¬g’expeï¬ditï¬res ma? Be inade with us on the basis of known values, as ?required for any sound business investment, this 7-..“. “pomsâ€"runs AS A' aAsIc‘MFAsun: or AoVii‘fislic VALdi ï¬rst of the breed in Canada, was also air-conditioned, but in a primitive sort of way â€" she had open sides. Unim- pressive as the old car was. she con still lay claim to being the fore runner of the modern, stainless steel, streamlined rail diesel\ cars which today are provid- ing service between Montreal and Mont Laurier, Toronto and Detroit and North Bay and Angliers. The original rail car, built in 1902, operated from Mont- real’s old Place Viger Station to Ste. Therese. A Guide to the Point of Sale THE LIBERAL This coming Monday, November 16 the Home and School will hold its general meeting at the school at 8 pm. Mrs. George Jackson from Thornhill will speak on “Parent Education" and Mr. Kur- itas’ Flutophone Band will enter- tain the parents. Come out and support your school. MEMO TO ADVERTTSFRS Each candidate will be allowed time to present his platform and will be given an opportunity to answer questions. ' CHARLES HOWITT PUBLIC SCHOOL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, at 8 pm. Would candidates who plan to be present please advise the secretary at AVenue 5-2238 or AVenue 5-1398 on or before November 16. SOUTH WEST THORNHILL PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION To all candidates for Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Councillors and School Board Trustees for the year 1954, Township of Vaughan The membership of the undersigned association and the residents of the surrounding districts have requested an open meeting to meet and hear‘ the plans of all prospectiv ecandidates for office for the year 1954. NOTICE Clarke’s Pharmacy Hannah’s Variety Store Reaman’s Variety Store Fleischer's Pharmacy Mary’s Variety Store OAK RIDGES Campbell’s Service Station Conno's Grocery Davison‘s Store Marshall's Garage Palliste'r’s Service Station Hawman’s Store ELGIN MILLS E. Hall’s Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery McCowan’s Store Perry’s Drug Store TEMPERANCEVILLE Fred Hare’s Store KING CITY Armstrong’s Store Perry’s Drug Store 'for paid circillatioh, rules arid methdds for audit: ing and reporting the circulation: of newspapersl and periodicals. to make a thorough audit of our circulation records. The FACTS established by his qudit are published by the Bureau in A.B.C. reports which are available to you, our advertisers. These re- ports tell you how much circulation we have, where it goes, how it is 801d and other FACTS essential to the proï¬table use of newspaper advere tising. Ask us for a copy of our A.B.C. report; At regular interVaIs bne of the Bureau’s Iarge' atafl‘ of experienced circulation auditors visits us YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: For Your Convenience Paris Auto Supply Ltd. 'ALL MAKES , WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS RICHMOND HILL PHONE ‘flh-ner 4-1261 MAPLE Frigidaire Sales & Service TUrner 4-1541 HIGHLAND PARK Klimitz’s Pharmacy THORNHILL Harley‘s Drug Store Thornhill Pharmacy CONCORD Mrs. Lapping’s Store UNIONVILLE Queen's Hotel Arnold’s Supermarket BUTTONVILLE RICHVALE YV. Costoff’s Store E. Durie‘s Variety Store Marinoff’s Store C. Turnbull’s Grocery Dennis’ Snack Bar DONCASTER F. Richardson's Store E. Westacott’s Store Jones’ Grocery Store LAN GSTAFF Morris’ Grocery Store Hadley's Store