DATED at the Township of Markham this ninth day of November, 1953. u ANDFURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Monday, the thirtieth day of November, 1953, at the hour of eight o’clock in the afternoon at the Township Office, Un- ionville, in the T0wnship of Markham shall be the time when and the place where the appointment of persons to attend at the polling places and at the ï¬nal sum- ming up of votes by the Clerk. 'AND TAKE NOTICE that I do hereby certify that the above is a correct statement. of the question to be submitted to the elecors as aforesaid. TAKE NOTICE that the following question will be submitted to the vote of the ratepayers of the Township of Markham on Monday, the seventh day of December, 1953, at the same time and at the same placesvas for the taking of the annual vote for election of members of council, namely Township 0f Markham Friday, November 27, 1953 Nominations will be received between 1 pm. and ' 2 pm. on the above date TOWNSHIP MEMORIAL HALL, VELLORE Are you in favor of the division of the Township of Markham into wards for the election of members of council?†mu. Notice of Submission of fluestion To Ratepayers Candidates For Council Rear TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN for the year 1953 MODEL J PHONE TU.4-2060 Our SHEET METAL SHOP 'onsult us for Expert Eavestroughing and ‘ , Sheet Metal Work RiChard Bostock CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk, Township of Markham NOMINA'i .‘INS HEATING CONTRACTOR Richmond Hill of 45 YONGE STREET NORTH will be held in WE ARE MOVING J. M. MCDONALD, (BEHIND T. D. OAKLEY REAL ESTATE) 0F 011 Please Be Advised That lRemember-Ave are Authorized Agents for Pease, Anthes-Imperial and Conroy Furnaces Torridheet, Coronet. True Flame and Arco Flame Oil Burners. ' Returning Officer 24-Hour Burner Service also Complete Oil Burner Sales, Service & installation The pupils with their teacher George Green of the senior room at Carrville School .enjoyed an instructive and educational day down at the Ontario Museum and the Parliament Buildings at Queen’s Park. They ï¬rst visited the Museum, having their lunch in the restaurant there. They were taken from there to the Parâ€" liament Buildings. Each child was given a jig-saw puzzle of the province. Mrs. Chevis also went on the trip to help in the care 'of the children. The December meeting was planned to be an evening meet- ing at the home of Mrs. George Pitts. This will be the election of officers. Mrs. George and Mrs. DelBrocco are devotional conven- ors and all are to bring a few sandwiches or cookies for lunch. The hostess Miss Sheppard as- sisted by Mrs. George, Mrs. Will- iams and Mrs. Bone served lunch. Carrville School News it was revealed they had cleared over $80 this year. They also made and sold doll ornaments and cleared enough to buy peach petal dishes, which consist of 109 each of dinner plates, small plates, cups and saucers and six sets of cream and sugar. This committee has worked very faith- fully with the help of other mem- bers and are entitled to a great deal of credit. The cent-a-day money was turned in by Mrs. Wynn and over $40 had been given. The W. A. voted to give the building com- mittee $150 to help them clear their debt. The names were exchanged for the__Christmas rmeeting. Mrs. Read asked the ladies to observe a two minutes silence in memory of Mrs. E. E. Kent, who was an honorary member, and who had passed away that day. M1}._Bead ledyin prayer. Following the reading of min- utes the business was discussed. The tea and bake sale which was held on October 30, cleared over $30. The Ways and Means Com- mittee turned in their books and Those pouring tea were Mrs. L. Wellman, Queensville. Mrs. J. Barton in the afternoon and Mrs. R. Kirk and Mrs. H. Ness and Mrs. J. McEwen in the evening‘ Others who assisted were Miss Nancy Kirk, Miss Evelyn McCar- thy of King, Miss Jean Ash of Edgeley, Miss Katharine Price of Holly, Miss Ann Walker of Sharon, Miss Dorothy Baker, Mrs. Sheldon Walker of Sharon, Mrs. C. Price of Hally. Mrs. J. Baker Mrs. D. Wilson of Toronto and Miss Gretta Middleton. Sympathy Carrville community was shock- ed and saddened by the news re- ceived of the passing of Mrs. E. E. Kent. We would like to ex- press very sincere sympathy to Rev. Dr. E. E. Kent and his fam- ily during their bereavement. The November meeting of the Carrville United Church Wo- man's .Association met on Wed- nesday‘ afternoon at the home of Miss E. Sheppard. There were 15 ladies present and Mrs. A. Read presided over the meeting. The theme of the meeting was Fell- owship." Trousseau Tea Prior to the recent marriage of Miss Marion Middleton, Mrs. Robert E. Middleton entertained at a trousseau tea assisted by Mrs. Chas. Ash, Edgeley, and Mrs. John Ash. Concord. Rev. B. E. Wellwood of Rich- mond Hill occupied the pulpit at Carr-ville United Church on No- vember 8 and gave a very en- couraging message. which was most ï¬tting due to the passing of our minister's wife. Mrs} Baker read the scripture and explanation. to the CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON (ARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130113 The third instalment of the current year’s taxes is due ' The Vaughan Women Workers’ bake sale planed for November 14 will be postponed to 21 due to the Santa Claus parade. Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after 0ut-of-town guests came from Brantford, Ingersoll, Victoria Harbour, .Warminster. Orillia, Elora, Toronto, Thistletown, Queensville, Keswick, Newmark- et and Sharon. Convalescing We are pleased to hear that John Varley who has ‘been very ill at Sunnybrook Hospital is making satisfactory? progress. Mrs. A. Hayter is vicitina hnr niece at Long Branch for a few days. Women Workers TAXES We are sorry to hear that Mr. Frank Woolcott is suffering from pneumonia and is in a nursing home at Richmond Hill. His many friends hope he will soon be home again. So‘cial Notes Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood and Drew had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Purvis at Newtonbrdok. " Mrs. H. Ness visited on Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Rutherford at Newmarket. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker at Newmarket. November 12, 1953 a motor trip to Northern OntariJ, Quebec and Elora, Mr. and Mrs. Ash will live at Edgeley. vv-ul n vno U Robert, Gretta and Nancy. Middleton spent Saturday after- noon with their sister, Mrs. Jas. Asihi at Edgeley. ‘At the reception at the church hall, the bride’s mother received in a dress of imported French lace in navy blue with grey hat and matching accessories. She wore a corsage of red roses. For travelling the bride chose a toast brown gabardine suit with forest green accessories and green top coat. She wore a cor- sage of yellow roses. Following Following the reception the bride and groom and attendants called on Mrs. Ada Witney of Concord and Miss Minnie Rea- man, who were unable to attend the wedding. ' , The groom’s mother assisted her wearing a dress of Periwink- le blue silk faille, trimmed with mink, with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses. The groomsman was Mr. John Ash, Concord, cousin of the groom, and ushers were Alan Teskey, cousin of the bride, Will- iam Ash, brother of the groom, and Robert Middleton, brother of the bride. Miss Gretta Middleton, sister of the bride, was flower girl, and wore a floor-length dress of aut- umn rose taffeta, the skirt in tiered design with contrasting bustle sash. Her headdress and nosegay were of blue flowers. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of ny- lon tulle, featuring alencon lace panels in skirt front and bodice of alencon lace over taffeta with mandarin collar. Her shoulder- length veil of tulle illusion was caught to a beaded headdress and she carried a cascade of pink roses and white baby Chrysanthe- mums. The bride wore a gold chain bracelet with heart locket which is over 50 years old and whiph was her grandmother's. She was attended by the groom’s sister, Miss Jean Ash. who as bridesmaid\wore a gown of Coronation blue taffeta, with tulle inserts forming a bustle back. Her headdress was of matching tulle and she wore matching nylon mittens. She car- ried a cascade of dusky pink roses. ASH-MIDDLETON Bronze .gold and white chrys-' anthemums and Maiden Hair fern decorated the altar of Carr- ville United Church on Saturday. October 1'7. for the marriage of Marion Murel Middleton. daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs. Robert E. Middleton of Carrvllle and James Edward Ash, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash. Edgeley. Dr. E. E. Kent officiated at the double ring ceremony. Mrs. Wm. George assisted at the organ and‘Mr. Jack Oliver, uncle of the bride, sang “The Lord's Prayer†and “Be- cause.’ On Thursday evening a Ken- Dor Cup-N-Saucer party was held at the home of Mrs. R. Middle- ton. There were 21 ladies pres- ent and enjoyed a quiet evening of games. Those who received prizes for highest points in con- tests were Mrs. George. Mrs. ,Wynn, Mrs. Read. Miss Dorothy Baker, Mrs. McEwen and Mrs. Wm. Baker. Mrs. Chas. Lilley and Mrs. McLaren received the door prize. .« Home and School Can-ville Home and School As- sociation will meet in the school on Thursday evening. There is to be an auction sale as one of the features of the evening. Parents and friends are invited to come. Anyone may donate home baking or1 candy if they wish for the 58 e. Cup-N-Saucer Party waning NOVEMBER 14 DECEMBER 5 R. Lynett, ' Village Clerk, Richmond, ,Hill Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bigford have returned after a week's hol- iday through the Haliburton Highlands and the Ottawa River district. The latest Maclean‘s Magazine was noted, from the advertising and article layouts through to the ï¬nal edge trimming and labelling for mailing. Social Mrs. Edward Kyle was the del- egate to the Slst Convention of Central Ontario Area Women‘s Institutes which was held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Nov- A very interesting evening, planned by St. Andrew’s Presby- terian W.M.S. was spent by some 440 people of Maple and Concord district ,when they journeyed to the Maclean-Hunter Publishing plant at Lansing recently. Within the beautiful building a guided tour was made of the entire plant and every step in the printing pro_c_:ess was explained. Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a frame house and con- tents on the property of J. Chef- fero some time over the week end. Presbyterian W.M.S. A solo “God’s Tomorrow" sung by Mrs. David Martyn was greatly enjoyed. The last chapter of the study‘ book “Africa†was given by Mrs. George Matheson. Tour Maclean-Hunter Plant ART SEWING Straight, Curved tracks in- stalled Bed Spl’eads, Slip Covers, etc. For Fine Work call St‘ Andrew’s Presbyterian W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. R. D. MacNaughton on Wednesday afternoon, November 14. Mrs. C. H. Bowman presiding, opened the meeting with a poem, followed by hymn 58 and prayer offered by Mrs. W. Hodge. The scripture lesson Ephesians 6, verses 10-20 was read by Mrs. T. Witherspoon. TO MEASURE. MATCHED, FITTED DRAPES A surprise birthday party for Mrs. Lorne Wells was held at the home of Mr .and Mrs. William Weir, Tuesday evening, Novem- ber 3. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells, Mr. and Mrs. William Hallowell of Con- cord, Mr. and Mrs. William Bail- ey of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hinchey of Willowdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Knight ,Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey of Maple. Fire The first meeting of the Home- making Club wlll be held Tues- day evening. November 17, at 7.15 pm. at the home of Dorothy Jarrett. The new project “What shall I Wear?" will be started. This is an invitation to all girls of Maple and district who are in- terested in this project, to attend. United Church Please note change in, service time of Maple United Church and Sunday School service. Sunday School 10.15 am. and Church Service at 11.30 am. Surprise Party The day also marked the oc- casion of Janet’s birthday and she and her mother served lunch. complete with birthday cake and candles. Heather on behalf of all thanked them for their kind- ness. ‘ Homemaking Club The Busy Bees Mission Band Hallowe’en party was held Satur- day, October 31, at the home of Janet McCowan with Heather Miller in the chair. Peggy Joslin read the scripture. Twenty-six answered the roll call by naming a “Hallowe’en Costume". Mrs. Bowman read the ï¬rst story from the new study book “The Round Window.†Janet McCowan, Patricia and Nora Lund and Nancy Gudat were in charge of the games pro- gram. Many of the children were in costume and the commit- tee awarded prizes to Nancy Gu- dat and Nora Lund, as Grandma and Grandpa, to Donna: Reid for the funniest costume. Linda Johnson won among the juniors. Heather Miller was the winner of a contest. The older girls then bobbed for apples, while the smaller ones looked for candy which had been hidden around the room. Busy Bees Mission Band Mr. and Mrs. James Ash of Edgeley are pictured fol- lowing their recent marriage at Carrville United Church. Mrs. Ash is the former Marion Middleton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Middleton of Carrville. RUTH DELBROCCO BA. 1-2444 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Telephone Candidate's personal expenses . . . . . . . i Postage. . . . . . . . . . . Hire of Premises . . Services . . . . . . . . . . Travelling expenses & hire of vehicles . Goods supplied . . . . Advertising . . . . . . Maple 19.] Receipts. contributions. etc. $5,569.34 1 Dated at Temperanceville, this 10th day of October, 1953. EDWARD C. HILL. Official Agent. Dated at Temperanceville, this 24th day of October, 1953. Summary of Return of Election Expenses of There is below set out. as re- quired by Section 63 (5) of The Canada Elections Act, a summary, signed by the official agent, of the .return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of Jack Smith, one of the candi- dates at the recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held in the above-mentioned electoral dis- trict, which said return is on ï¬le at my office and may, on pay- ment of a fee of twenty cents, be there inspected and extracts tak- en therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months next after the 10th day of October, 1953. being the day upon which the said return was furnished to Mrs. James Pollock has re- turned from Aiderwood where she has been visiting her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orvilla Bayes for four weeks. A daughter. Zelma Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bayes in Strath- cona Hospital Toronto, on Octo- ber 19. United Church W. A. ember 4. 5, 6. Others who attend- ed were Mrs. Andrew Snider and Mrs. D. Allen. Mrs. William Mose of Elm Creek, Manitoba, has returned home after spending several weeks with her cousins Mrs. Isaac Watson and Jackson Cook. Several members of the St. Stephen’s Church attended the special services In St. John’s An- glican Church, Oak Ridges. at which the Rev. Harold Frankham of England, was the guest speak- er. Mrs. Orland'Downey a d Mr. and Mrs. Bert Robson visi ed ov- er the week end at Eau Claire near North Bay with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cameron. The devotional will be in charge of Mrs. M. Palmer. Mrs. Lorne Wells will be the soloist. The regular meeting of Maple United Church W.A. will take place on Wednesday evening. November 18, at 8 pm. in the Sunday School room. Mrs. Sam- uel Horwood of» Brampton Fam- ily Court will be the guest speak- er. THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT YORK NORTH SUMMARY OF RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES Total Total DELAYED UNDISPUTED CLAIMS DISPUTED Electoral District of JACK SMITH FRED G. HARE, Returning Officer Nil N11 CLAIM $1,000.00 729.44 190.00 539.76 $5,569.34 $5,569.34 45.00 1,787.00 1,278.14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs,, NOV. 12, 1958 11 Hire of premises Goods supplied . Advertising Receipts, contributions, etc. $ 208.42 10 Dated at Temperanceville this 10th day of October, 1953. Summary of Return of Election Expenses of Dated at Tem eranceville, this 24th day of Oct er, 1953. FRED G. HARE, I Returning Officer. There is below set out, as re- quired by Section 63 (5) of The Canada Elections Act, a summary, signed by the oï¬icial agent. of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of Donald Scott, one of the candi- dates at the recent elec ion of a member to serve in the ouse of Commons of Canada held in the above-mentioned electoral dis- trict, which said return is on ï¬le at my office and may. on pay- ment of a fee of twenty cents. be there inspected and extracts tak- en therefrom at any reasonable time during the six months next after the 10th day of October, 1953, being the day upon which the said return was furnished to THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT Electoral District of YORK NORTH SUMMARY OF RETURN OF ELECTION EXPENSES DELAYED UNDISPUTED CLAIMS Nil Total Total PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION SHOWING HOW A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY CAN BRING NE W INCOME AT LOW COST. This course is being sponsored by your local Jay- cees as a non-proï¬t Community Project designed to make you enjoy rather than dread the prospect of making a speech; whether it be to a group of close friends or to a group of strangers. (M'JMu. IMiss) I LIVE ATâ€" 10! mm! ANNUITY TO START TELEPHONE l nndofsiand that Information qlvan abovo will be held conï¬dential Our stomach butterfly chaser is the amiable and very apt Mr. Stanley H. Deeks, a graduate of the Dale Carnegie Institute’s basic and advanced courses in Public Speaking. To speak well you must relax â€" to relax you must enjoy yourself and that is exactly what you will do if you take this course. For further information see next week's edition of The Liberal or phone James Baird‘ during the day at TU. 4-1125 - Commencing NOVEMBER 23, 1953 DISPUTED DONALD SCOTT ublic Speaking & Personality Development RICHMOND HILL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE DOUGLAS CARTER, Official Agent THE DIRECTOR, CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITIES. DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR. OTTAWA (POSTAGE FREE) Richmond Hill District High School ’Nil INSTRUCTOR â€" S. H.†Deeks ASSISTANT - James Baird CLAIM COURSE FEE â€" $15.00 $ 20842 $ 208.42 AT THE MUSIC ROOM 16 Week Course 39.00 90.00 79.42 Sponsored by PLEASE PRINT DAT! or BIRTH Candidate's personal expenses . . . . . . . . Postage . . . . . . . . . . Hire of premises . Services Goods supplied . . 0 Advertising . . . . . . Dated at Whitchurch, this 16th day of October, 1953. C. EARLE TOOLE, Official Agent. Receipts, contributions, elc. $4,818.54 1 Dated at Temperanceville, this 24th day of October, 1953. FRED G. HARE. Returning Officer. Summiry of Return of Election Expenses of There is below set out, as re- quired by Section 63 (5) of The Canada Elections Act. a summary. signed by the official agent, of the return of election expenses made to me by him on behalf of Cecil A. Cuthers, one of the candi- dates at the recent election of a member to serve in the House of Commons of Canada held in the above-mentioned electoral dis- trict. which said return is on ï¬le at my ofï¬ce and may, on pay- ment of a fee of twenty cents. be there inspected and extracts tak- en thereirom at any reasonable time during the six months next after this 16th day of October, 1953, be the day upon which the said 1e urn was furnished to THE CANADA ELECTIONS ACT Electoral District of YORK NORTH SUMMARY OF RETURN 0! ELECTION EXPENSES Total Total DELAYED UNDISPUTED CLAIMS DISPUTED C. A. CATHERS Nil Ni] CLAIM $431654 $4,316.54 490.18 386.15 530.00 315.00 947.93 1,647.28