Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1953, p. 13

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TEACHER OF BALLET LIMITED CLASSES Register early to ensure enrol- ment Evening classes Tuesdays and Thursdays 19 Grandview Ave. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 The Thornhill School Thornhill 78 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond 3111 Open evepmgs TUrnet 4-1462 Barrister. Solicitor, Ind Notary Public Ardill Block. Yonge and Welling- ton Streets Aurora. Ontario Telephone Aurora no DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Hill Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHILL Francis Block - AVenue 5-1772 EVENINGS - Tuesday .3: Fri. 7-9 AND BY APPOINTMENT 85 Centre W lvery Thursday afternoon TUmt 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Office - 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 TEORNHILL 1A Colborne AVen Thomas 0. Fraser Barristers. Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 86 Richmond Street West IM. 6-8929 Thug..-“ morning, Richmond Hill 65 Yonge St. S. TUrner 4-1652 Thursday afternoon Maple Banister. Solicitor, Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond Hill Barristers. Solicitors, Noun-ices,i ll. Mathews, Q.C. K. Stiver, B.A. I. E. Lyons. B.A. Jos. Vale, QC. 100 Main St.. Newmarket, Ont. Phone 12c 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 2343-4 Evenings by_ Appointment Richmond Theatre Block 05 Yonge St. 5., ‘Richr‘nopd Hill Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street THORNHILL AVenue 5-2181 Barrister. Solicitdr, Notary Public Ofilce Hours: Daily 9 am. to Marguerite Boyle Dr. M. J. Walker Barrister, Solicitor & Not“! Public 55 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUmcr 4-1780 Residence TUmcr 4-1868 Office Hours: 9.30-5 and by appointment Elocution. Public Speaking Platform Deportment Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" of Dancing BALLET - TAP Under the instruction of LILLY AUSTEN AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue, Thornhlll Plaxton & Deane Rates for insertion in this lection are available at The Liberal office, phone TUrner 4-1261 Dr. W. J. Mason Norman A. Todd, '. Rabinowitch, B.A. Floyd E. Corner Stuart P. Parker BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale Barrister. Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Office TUrner 4-2071 Thornhill Office AVenue 3-1300 Doris Pollock Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY T. C. Newman William Cook and Walsh TUrner' 4-2084 MUSICAL DENTAL LEGAL AVenue 5-1667 AVenue 5-1477 TUrner 4-1543 BA. 1-7177 Day or Nu!!! Dr. E A Crawford Obstetric!“ & Gynecologist Dr. E. A. Steele Above Hurley’s Drug Store OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 10 mm. - 12 noon; 1 p.111. - 3 p.111. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, 6 pm. - 8 pm. Or by appointment Thornhill Dr. Daphne Patrick 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Oflice hours 24 p.111. daily except Wednesdly: Tuesday a; Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. Othetlhours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill By appointment TUrner 4-1422 I; appointment 22 Centre St. I. Richmond Hill 0am TUrner 4-1271 Office hours 9 am. to 6 pm. also day a: evening appointments 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4.1631 Ofiice Hours 1! to 2 p.m. mad 6 to 8 pm by appointment MAPLE PHONE Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas) R. Langstaff Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith (Stop 18A near Steeles Ave.) GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness, Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 R. D. M acN aughton Life (Confederation Llle Assoc- 1mm) 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 19 Centre St. W. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1219 ‘General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing Richmond Theatre Block Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile. Plate Glut, etc. Toronto Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. 5433 You" St. Newtonbrook J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Dr. R. A. Bigford Jack Walkington. GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc‘ LIFE INSURANCE Dr. Wm. D. Howe Dr. J. P. Wilson Residence 'l'Urner 4-1303 W. SCHURMAN Phone TUmer (-1652 Ben. TU. 4-1986 25 Grandview Ave. Roy V. Bick AVenue 5-1379 INSURANCE MEDICAL Maple 7134 Thornhill AVenue 5-1311 EM. 3-0311 AV. 5-3337 PHONE 3 Telephone 11 Maple, OM. Ernie Brock & Son For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 Yonze St. ( at St. Clements) Telephone MAyiair 1145â€"6 Helen Simpson Lynett. SCHOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 a.m4 Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm. . Phone TUmer 4-1931 Kenneth G. Henders OPTOMETRIST Consultation by Appointment Willowdale Office: 4989 Yonge St., Stop 6A BA. 1-5327 Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales a specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one Milliken P.O., ph..Agin. 52W3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big - too small! Phone 82 Telephone TUmer 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc 'INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. TUrner 4-1671 RICHMOND HILL Ambulance Service .Funeral Directors W. J. Smith & Sdn Painting FUNERAL DIRECIURS AMBULANCE SERVICE WRIGHT AND TAYLOR Dr. J. T. Sheppard GENERAL BUSINESS BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE General Insuranca Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 Paper Hanging Spray Painting Arthur G. Broad, VETERINARY SURGEON 213 Oak Ave.. Richvale ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Interior and Exterior Ken & Clarke 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUmer 4-2082 By Appointment TUrner 4-1311 CHIROPRACTIC OPTOMETRIST REAL ESTATE VETERINARY R. H. Kane AUCTIONEER Richmond Street Prentice AUCTIONEERS Centre Street Maple, Ont Clubine & Alexander PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Phone Maple 541'33 or AV. 5-2441 Painting, Paperhanging, etc. ‘Your home deserves the Best” HAVE YOUR CHIMNEYS CHECKED BEFORE WINTER! ' Also Brick and Block Work Friends will be pleased to learn that Miss Karen Jones. of Lansing, who has been in Thistletown Hospital for several months, suffering from polio. is able to be home again. Although she still has braces on her leg and must be very quiet, Karen is much better. Mrs. Jones was the former Verna Cherry. Mrs. Edna Brubacfier called on several on Monday to say good- bye as she leaves from Montreal on Friday for another missionary ter_n_i_in Nigeria, Africa. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to you to attend the Young People's service in the United Missionary Church on Monday night, Nov. 16. at 8 pm. Rev. D. Thornhill of St. Catharines will giv_e an illustrated chalk talk. Did you read in a Toronto daily recently the publicity given the Country Kitchen? This is the store on Avenue Road operated by our own ‘A‘Henderson Sisters." V The lady teachéVrsWH-gha the. 10- cal schools attended the Women Teachers’ Federation banquet at Country Acres, Newmarket, on Thursday night. Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass. Liability, Burglary, Accident and Sickness Farm Inquiries Invited Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Ash were hosts at a birthday party in honour of Mrs. Ash's father, Al- begt Rumble of Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Climenhage of Fort Erie spent the week-end with friends and relatives. We miss Mr. .133. Stevens ar- ound the corner and hope he may soon be improved in health. Miss Reatha Steckley and Mr. Bruce Steckley spent the week- end at "Homecoming" at Mes- siah College, Grantham. Penna., where their sister Margaret is attending. Mrs. W. Henderson has return- ed after, spending two weeks with her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cassel. Preston. Friends weré pleaséd tor see Rev. Jos. Cober over the week- end. Mr. Cober is spending the winter with his daughter at Fordwich. Miss Marilyn Sider. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sider of Lansing. WAs one of the debu- tante who was presented recent- 1y to the Governor-General of Canada, the Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey. Mr. Peter Sider. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ada Sider, was rais- ed here. Certainly we‘ve had a variety of weather. On Saturday the heavy snow made driving diffi- cult. but it also brought delight to the children's hearts. As one little boy put it. “This is .what I've been praying for.” M. Beryl Rana Chartered A ccountant l8 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD NEWTONBROOK AV. 5-1167 Vic. Davenport 100 Highland Park Blvd. Box 789 Newtonbmok PHONE AV. 5-1666 G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes A. Rollinson K. J. Timney INSURANCE AGENCY Phone TU. 4-1791 DECORATING or General Repairs TU. 4-2049 Richmond Hill Phone Stoufl'ville 67 104 Richule, Ontario Correspondent: Mrs. Chas. Milsted Free Estimates TU. 4-3138 GORMLEY Kazipur Nurseries CARRVILLE RD. EAST LANDSCAPE GARDENING Telephone sold to clear estate. Terms on Property : 10% day of sale, balance within 30 days. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms on chattels : Cash Immediate Possession of House Executor-s : Russell Grove and Edwin Byer PROPERTY B-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE with electric lights. good cellar. first class roof. It is situated on a good lot. 190 ft. frontage and 135 ft. depth well located near school and church, at lot 23. con. 8. Markham Twp. There is also a garage, 12x15: 3 greenhouse, 8x20; 8 good well with a pump and tank in the greenhouse for water sup- P y. glass complete 70 Grape Hampers 50 Apple Boxes Step ladder Oil drum Quantity of Firewood Electric Lawn Mower, near new, rotary type Many other articles No reserve as property must be WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 18 Harriet Morning Star received her Golden Bar. Jacqueline Ein- baden her Golden Hand. Carol Bursey and Marie Hayes each re- ceived their Dancer's Badge. MISCELLANEOUS 200 Greenhouse Flats 19 Hot Bed Sash, 3 x 6. with Last Wednesday night District Commissioner, Mrs. Paul present- ed various badges to the Brownies and conducted an enrollment ceremony. Sharon Brown and Frances Paul were enrolled as Brownies. Mrs. Stanley Baker of Cari-ville Rd. entertained about twenty guests at a shower on Friday evening in honour of Miss Letty Donaldson whose marriage to Gerald Tustin of Willowdale is to take place next week. It was a delightful evening and the bride-to-be received many beauti- ful and useful gifts. Brownies At the Armistice Day Parade on Sunday at the Armouries five men of the 3rd Armoured Regi- ment of the Governor General‘s Horse Guards were presented with the beautiful Queen‘s Coro- nation Medal. One of those so honoured was Sergeant K. D. Bradshaw of Richvale. Accomp- anying the medal which was pre- sented by officer«commanding Lt. Col. J. D. Crashley was a scroll on which below the Queen’s insignia. appear the words: Buckingham Palace. By command of her Majesty the Queen the ac- companying medal is forwarded to Sargeant K. D. Bradshaw to be worn in commemoration of her Majesty's Coronation 2nd June. 1953. Entertained Donna Guthrie, Westwood Lane has been ill with complications following a severe cold. Armistice Day “Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boddy to whom an infant son has been born last Wednesday, in Women‘s Col- lege Hospital, a little brother for Lynn. Mr. Stanley Ficht, of Carrville Rd. who was seriously ill when he suffered repeated seizures some weeks ago is now able to be up and around again. his friends will be glad to know. Mr. William Beveridge. form‘ er Cub Leader of "B" Pack suf- fered a severe heart attack on Wednesday of last week and was taken to St. Michael’s Hospital where his condition remained critical for forty-eight hours. He has taken a turn for the better but will need to remain in hos- pital for some time. AUCTION SALE An estimated 4000 people watch as Mme. V. L. Pandit and UN. Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjéild walk along a ramp of the General Assembly bulldlng to begin the outdoor ceremonies held on U.N. Day at United Nations Headquarters. Flags of U.N. member nations are held by the honor scout guard at the left. Delegates from the 60 member states were present at the lestlvities whlch wer sponsored by the American Association for the United Nation 8-RO0M STUCCO HOUSE 8; LOT Garage & Greenhouse also Miscellaneous Artlclen AT LOT 23, CON. 8. MARKHAM TOWNSHIP The property belonging to the Estate of the TUrner 4-2486 A. S. FARMER. auctioneer. LATE MARY COBER U.N.’s Eighth Birthday Marked CORRESPONDENT: MRS. J. J. TAYLOR Telephone TU. 4-2269 RICHVALE NEWS On Wednesday evening a spec- ial evening’s entertainment with refreshments was provided for over two hundred Star carrier boys and their parents at the Greystone Restaurant in Aurora. Among those attending from Richvale were Jack Hartford and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hart- ford. Bobby Martin and John Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher. . Congratulations are extended to Mr. William Kaufman. 158 Spruce Avenue who will observe his ninetyJecond birthday on Sunday, November 15th. On Friday evening at 8 pm. a Young People's group will meet at Richvale Chapel on Oak Ave- nue. and a cordial invitation is extended to the Teens and Twen- ties in the community. Masquerade Party Last Friday evening the Guides held a enjoyable masquerade party at the home of their cap- tain. Mrs. H. Gottschalk. Sixteen girls were present. all in costume and acted out what their cos- tume represented. For this El- ena Nelson came first and Donna Gordon second. Best costhme prize went to Yvonne Renton. second to Elaine Gordon and third to Elena Nelson. The four hostesses. Kay Hotchkin. Elena Nelson, Joyce Wright and Yvonne Renton served refreshments. Guests of honour were Mrs. Rob- son, Mrs. Marshall of Markham and the leaders. Banquet Remember the 2nd Richvale Guide Company’s bazaar at the Charles Howitt School on Tues- day, the 17th from 7:15-9 pm. Home and School Mrs. George Jackson of Thorn- lea will be guest speaker at the Richvale Home and School on Monday Nov. 16th. Do plan to attend. Mr. Kurita's Flutophone Band will provide music. This new Nixon product is easy to use and quite inex- pensive. If you are having breeding troubles due to Vaginltis drop in and let us explain this new proven treatment that is so simple to use. ‘ Available now at: Fleischer’s Pharmacy Richmond Hill TU. 4-1521 in Cattle After extensive experimen- tation. Nixon Laboratories have devlopea an effective treatment for VAGINITIS IN CATTLE NOW YOU CAN TREAT VXGINITIS ,. "2 A5 A ee‘Viudy City” Interlude io mysterious “Chinatown”, the Mexican, Russian and Japanese sections, creating a metropolis of absorbing inferesf 00 the discerning traveller. You'fl add pleasure in your kip by going the M wayâ€"by bus. Qicogokacfiydmkoufi‘ddfiwsmdpom,modem buildings Wy centre: 0? Mural activity are close neighbours THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. 'I'hurs.. Nov. 12. 1953 J8 SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, CUSTOM GARDEN PLOUGHING & DISCING, SOD, FLAGSTONE, & LIGHT GRADING Smith Crescent New Work - Alterations- Repairs Telephone TU. 4-1650 'Free Estimates Gladly Given ROGER PRUULX PLUMBING & HEATING Come in and compare the quality and prices of Master Dairy Feeds Ca” Any Time L. W. REID AVenue 5-2211 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill ROUND 7" FA" FROM VORONYO (Subiod Io dung.) NCLUDES HOTEL ROM FOR 2 NIGHTS 537% (2 incmon) Thornhill

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