NOVEMBER 16 â€" Monday. Come and see your favourite hymn or scripture verse illustrated by chalk artist Rev. Dan Thornhill. Pictures in beautiful color, il- luminated and with musical back- ground. At Gormley United Missionary Church. at 8 pm. Ev- eryone welcome. clwzo NOVEMBER 16 â€"- Monday. An Orange Rally will be held in the Thornhill United Church Hall, Centre St.. Thornhill. Under aus- pices of Thornhill L.0.L. No. 91 at 8 pm. Wor. Bro. Gordon Keyes will be guest speaker. Ev- eryone welcome. c1w20 NOVEMBER 16 â€" Monday 8 p. m. Richvale Home and School at. Richvale School. Spruce Avenue. Mrs. Geo. Jackson of Thornhill will speak on Parent Education. Mr. Kurita and his flutophone will perform. c1w20 NOVEMBER 15 â€" Sunday. Miss Mary O’Hanion of Hamilton will sing at Victoria Square United Church at two services 2.30 pm. and 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome to attend. See news item for fur- ther particulars. _ *2w19 NOVEMBER 15 â€"- Sunday. Vic- toria Square W.A. Annual Church Service at 2.30 pm. Choir reun- ion service at 7.30 pm. Pot luck supper to be served at 5.00 pm. c1w20 5 o'clock at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. Sponsored by the W. A. and Evening Aux- iliary. c1w20 2: z: x- t NOVEMBER 14 â€"- Saturday. No- tice: A bazaar will be held at the Edgeley Community Hall. Bake sale and Christmas gifts, at 3 p. gn. Everyone welcome. Sponsored m. Everyone welcomé. Sbonrsoirerdr by Edgeley United Church ladies. NOVEMBER 13 â€" All Young People ’teens and twentys are in- vited to a young people’s meet- ing on Friday evening. at 8 pm. in Richvale Chapel, Oak Avenue. Come and bring your friends. Re- freshments will be served c1w20 NOVEMBER 14 â€" Saturday. Ba- gaarj gnq Afternoon Tea from 3- NOVEMBER 13 â€" Friday. 8 pm. Square dance with the Jefferson Community Club at the school. Admission 35c. 02w19 EVERY THURSDAY â€" Bingo sponsored by L.0.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill, at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. NORTH YORK : Ratepayers have expressed strong opposition to a proposed artiï¬cial ice arena at St. Andrew’s Golf Course. LAKE SIMCOE : The York Coun- ty Parks Committee reports that over 250.000 persons visited the park at Sibbald's Point this past season. NEWMARKET : In York County Court last week, Peter Penak of Barrie was sentenced to six months in jail. Penak was the driver of a car that smashed into the rear of another car near Eagle St. on Yonge St. on Mart-‘1 20, causing three people to be burn- ed to death. AURORA : Town council will confer with military officials re- garding the housing of tanks at the Laramount St. armouries. TORONTO : A former resident of Sutton and organizer of the. summer horse show in Sutton. Alfred Rogers passed away last week. GEORGINA : Township treasur- er, W. C. Evans, has retired from his post after 41 years. Mr. Evans took over the post in 1912 from his father who had been treasur- er since 1877. AGINCOURT : Volunteer ï¬re- men in the area are being pre- vented in discovering the loca- tion of ï¬res when various tele- phone subscribers swamp switch- board operators with calls after the alarm is sounded. PICKERING : Township resi- dents in the area between Ajax and the Scarborough townline will vote on a plebiscite Decem- bet 7, on the installation of a $965,000 water system. STOUFFVILLE : Council has passed a by-law which prohibits blocking or interfering with cul- verts and drainage ditches. A maximum penalty of $50 is pro- vided for violation. MARKHAM : A Church St. resi- dent was struck in the hands and leg by shotgun pellets during the pheasant shoot ‘last week. Arriving at Richmond Hill in 1921 Mr. Bagg was for sev- eral years a rose grower for the ï¬rm of Ofl‘ield and Cot- ton, golng into business for himself on Bayview Ave. When he left Oï¬leld and Cot- ton he continued his own business at Newtonbrook where he has been up to the present time. Coming to Canada from England in 1920, Mr. Bagg was in private service there as Head Gardener to Major The Honourable Patrick Bowes-Lyon, an uncle of Queen Mother Elizabeth, at Skeynes Park, Edenbridge, Kent. Sell Newtonbrook Business Mr .and Mrs. L. F. Bagg of Newtonbrook, have sold their property and Florist business and are going to the United States where they hope to spend several months in Flo- rida. News From Next DOOI‘ Coming Events c1w20 tfcll sion 50c. Lucky draws Prizes ga- lore. Refreshments. c3w20 DECEMBER 2: Wednesday: An- nual Bridge and Euchre, sponsor- _ed by Richmond Hill Lawn Bowl- iggflClub. at Lions Commithiï¬ NOVEMBER 30 â€" Monday. 8.15 p.111. Assistant Concert Master of the Toronto Symphony will head a glittering group of rising Stars of the Musical World at second concert at Lions Community Hall Tickets available from Richmond Hill Lions. c1w20 NOVEMBER 28 â€" Saturday. Christmas Bazaar under the ausâ€" pices of Trinity Church Parish Guild to be held in the Trinity Church Hall, commencing at 3 pm. Do your Christmas shopping at the many interesting a"" ~ tractive booths. c1w20 NOVEMBER 28 â€" Saturday. Vic- toria Square W.A. Annual Christ- mas Bazaar and Tea at 2.30 o’- clock. c3w20 NOVEMBER 26 â€" Thursday. Square dance at Farmers’ Market, Thornhill. Caller Les Clarke. Auspices Thornhill Boy Scout Group Committee. Admission $1.50 per couple. 8.30-12 p.m. G.A. Cooking School in the Lions Community Hall at 8 pm. Spon- sored by the Richmond Hill Wo- men's Institute. Prizes galore. Tickets 50c. c1w20 Community Club. Bridge, euchre, cribbage, etc. Refreshments. prizes. Pair of pillows to be auc- tioned. Admission 35c. NOVEMQER §6‘â€"‘ Thursday. I ,,,_. __ ...u.._,. m...“ sponsored by the Langstaï¬ Home and School Association to be held in Charles Howitt School from 9 pm. until 1 am. Square and mod- Iarn dancing. Refreshments. 75c each. c2w20 m. Card-night at Jeï¬ersondécï¬ogi sponsoreq‘ byirtihe Jeï¬erson School NOVEMBER 20_ 'â€"_Friday: 8 p _. an“: Wu. . NOVEMBER 18 â€" Wednesday. SCHNEIDER'S Supper in Presby- terian Schoolroom. Travelogue and other ï¬lms. Admission $1.00. Auspices Evening Auxiliary. NOVEMBER 20 â€"- Friday. Dance NOVEMBER 18 â€" Wednesday. Charles Howitt Home and School Card Party at Charles Howitt School. Time 8.15 pm. Admission 50c. c1w20 When a similar six man dele- gation under the chairmanship of Mr. Robert Castelletti attend- ed Monday requesting a report on the investigation Council was unable to give them any concrete information. Attempts to contact Mr. Norton at his home proved futile. The members were at a loss to explain why no written or verbal report had been submitted to them. Further criticism was Last September 29th Council on the strength of a number of complaints by a grouo of wri- dents instructed Mr. Norton to investigate and make a written report to them on a garage and storeroom on Briggs Avenue and a trailer on Bayview Avenue which people were residing in contrary to the township by-laws. Alleged failure by Markham townships Building Inspector R. Norton to make a written report to Council as recently requested by them came under “fire†at Monday’s Council meeting‘ Markham Council Wants A Written Report From Itsi Building Inspector Ratify New Fire A greément The 1952-53 graduates of the Powell Road School at Thornhill are seen group- ed around their principal, Mr. G. Learn after being guests at a banquet given by the Powell Road Home and School Association on November 6. Over 70 guests including the school staff attended the dinner which was con- VOLUME LXXV. NUMBER 20 c1w20 c2w20 c1w20 fldwell Road 6W“ Foreign travel expenditures in Canada in 1952 amounted to an estimated $275,000,000 against an all-time peak of $336,000,000 spent by Canadian travellers in other countries. Taking a lead from Vaughan township, Road Committee Coun- cillor Clark.has once again visited the Department of Highways to request a restoration of the cut made by the department last spring in the townships road budget. Councillor Clark report- ed he is very encouraged in his talks with the highway officials. The Buttonville W.I. have of- fered to share the cost of a new flagpole for the front of the township offices at Buttonville. On motion of Deputy-Reeve LeMasurier and Councillor Len- nie and carried by Council the members will on instruction of the Health Unit cement the top of the Doncaster Community well. In opposing the new rates Councillor Hooper remarked, “Richmond Hill has taken a lot of territory from the township and now they want more moneyâ€. An- attempt by Councillor Hooper to have the matter referred to the Fire Committee for further con- sideration proved unsuccessful when a resolution moved and sec- onded by Councillors Lennie and Clark was passed by a majority decision of Council. other Business In referring to Richmond Hill as, “an excellent group of vol- unteer firemen,†Deputy-Reeve LeMasurier, stated, “we certainly couldn’t supply our own fire pro- tection at that priceâ€. “The in- troduction of Richmond Hill’s new fire alarm call system has increased their overall expenses,†added Councillor Clark. Over the opposition of Council- lor C .Hooper the other members of council approved an increase in the fire fighting costs paid to the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade. In future Markham township will pay a $300 standby fee plus $50 for each fire call. Under the former agreement the township was assessed a $200 standby fee plus $40 a fire. Last year Mark- ham paid Richmond Hill $930.00 for fire protection while in 1951 the annual bill amounted to $720. In return-Markham township re- ceives a 20% annual subsidy from the grovince towards these fire costs. ‘forthcoming when one member of the delegation stated that in conversation with the building inspector several days after Coun- cil had passed its resolution Mr. Norton had said, “that Council wouldn’t take action on any re- port he might make concerning the matterâ€. Deputy-Reeve A. LeMasurier “What is this Council going to do when one of our em- ployees ignores its instructionsâ€. “When handed instructions from Council,†stated Councillor W. Clark, “the building inspector should automatically report back to Council.†Reeve W. Timbers promised to contact the building inspector im- mediately and secure a report from him. Ratify Fire Agreement “I think you’re going to the wrong place," said the Lion. stopping the youngster. “Do you w5nt me to grove it, Mr. Hart?†replied 3 def- initely masculine voice. While passing out treats at the recent Hallowe’en party held by the Richmond Hill Lions Club, one of the Lions noticed one of the masked children in skirt and ribbons pushing through to the “lit- tle boys’ room.†mfl Thursday’s Chuckle "In Essentials, Unify,- ln Non-essentials. liberty,- In 0†Things, Godly. vened by Mrs. G. McCallum. Following the dinner, the program included the presentation of school pins to the 26 graduates by Mrs. E. Baxter. It is ex- pected that the graduates banquet will become an annual event at Powell Road School. The annual election of officers conducted by Clarke E. Locke, Honorary District Commissioner, resulted as follows. Chairman-D. I. Wright of Oriole, re-election of P. Woodger of Thornhill as Secâ€" retary and Arthur Smart of York Mills as Treasurer. Executive Board-M. Bennett of Lansinfl. E Watters of Yorkminster, G. Hunt of Willowdale. P. Stiff of Willow- dale. W. Drew of Langstaff. H. Butt of Richmond Hill, D. Nash Harry Swabey a former Scout Master of Thornhill and well- known to many in the district. donated some time ago, ten acres of his farm property in Orangveille, to be used as 3 Scout Camp site and now known as Camp Glen Cross. Mr. Swa- bey is Camp Warden and reports that this site is being used more every year. ‘ ‘ Mrs. Gardner of Richmond Hill gave a thorough and interesting report on the work of the Ladies Auxiliary. Following the dinner meeting reports were heard from various committees, one of which was a very satisfactory Financial Re- port. The District Commission- er’s report on Scouting showed an increase in the size of the district up to 2.000 boys where five years ago it was only 550. He also stated that all indications point to just as large an increase in the next five years. The guests then heard two talks, one from Queen’s Scout David Silcox, from the lst York- minster Troop, who spoke on his visit to England for the Corona- tion with the contingent of Scouts sent from Ontario. Scout Charles Stewart of the lst Willowdale Troop related his story of the Canadian Jamboree held this summer in Ottawa. At theiconâ€" clusion of their talks the’boys presented a bouquet of flowers to Mrs. Jackson Taylor. The largest attendance on rec- 0rd, 142, was present last Friday, November 6, at the York Central District Annual General Meeting held in Trinity Church, Thornhilll The dinner was served by the ladies of the Trinity Church Ca- terers, the guest speaker of the evening being Jack Atkinson, Field Commissioner for Central Ontario, who .gave a very impres- sive talk on the importance of the methods in Scouting. He stressed the elasticity of rules. and pointing out that programs should be planned to fit the oc- casion. He also stated that Scout- ing has the finest programes for boys anywhere in the world, hav- ing rules that can be adopted for any occasion and circumstance. Mrs. Russell Tilt is in charge of the Afternoon Tea which Will be served from three to ï¬ve o’- clock and a warm welcome is ex- tended by the ladies to anyone in the community to visit the ba- zaar and enjoy a social afternoon with them. Scouters Of York Central Hold Their Annual Meeting Thornhill Convenors of the bazaar are Mrs. N. Malloy. fancy work tab- le; Mrs. F. Schissler, Mrs. K. Blanchard. home baking; Mrs. D. Armstrong, pantry shelf; Mrs. G. Topper, plants and vegetables; Mrs. D. Lamb, Touch and Take table. The choir will spons r a home- made candy booth an the Even- ing Auxiliary a miscellaneous table. There are also several beautiful quilts to be offered for sale as well as an added feature of original hand-dressed dolls made by the ladies of the con- gregation. . I . Wright Chairman Mrs. J. N, Hepburn will offic- ially open the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Bazaar on Saturday, November 14, at 3 p. m. in the church parlors. A gol- den opportunity is afforded here for early Christmas shoppers. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 14 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12th 1" In addition, Clark E. Locke was re-appointed as Honorary District Commissioner, and H. C. Rogers of Thornhill was appointed as au‘ditor for the coming year. In closing the Annual meeting the new Chairman D. 1. Wright remarked that the members of the Executive, the Leaders, the Group Committees and Ladies Auxiliary had a big job ahead of them in moulding the characters of the boys in Scouting who would be to-morrow’s better citizens. , -__ A long service medal was pre- sented by Frank Worth to Elliott Terry of Lansing. This medal is awarded to those having at least 10 years of faithful and efficient service as a Scouter. Mrs. Terry Jackson appointed the following as District Cub Masters: Mrs. P. Woodger, Thorn- hill, Mrs. Betty Smith, Richvale; Doug Wardell, Newtonbrook and Jim Conroy, Willowdale. Art Davis appointed Fred Gummor- sall of Lansing and Russ Gold- man of Willowdale as District Scout Masters, Following the election of offi- cers a sincere vote of thanks was given to Jackson Taylor who has filled the position of Chairman most satisfactorily for the past three years. It was recommended by the group that the Provincial Com- missioner reâ€"appoint Frank Worth of York Mills as District Commis- sioner. The following Assistant District Commissioners re-appointments were also made: Mrs. Terry Jack- son, Thornhill, for Wolf Cubs, Arthur Davis for Scouts and John Show for Rovers and Training. Harry Swabey was reappointed as Camp Warden and a new office of Deputy Camp Warden was fil- led by Cecil Smith of Richvale. of Oak Ridges, A. Hill of Union- ville, N. Summers of Wilson Heights and W. Pierce of Agin- court. In Lion Allan Hill's report for the“ Safety Committee, it was an- nounced that the village council has endorsed the recommenda- tions made by the committee. The council has promised to investi- gate the various requests immed- iately. Lion James Langstaf‘f, reporting for Welfare, thanked President Hugh MacKay re- minded the members that Lion Rand Phipps will show pictures of the Coronation at the next meeting. Lion Howard Jackman an- nounced to the members that the Directors were being approached on the advisability of erecting a stage at the end of the Hall. The ï¬rst concert received ex- cellent comments and the future concerts promise a high calibre of artists. Reports A. J. Gordon, Don Had- wen and John Cave of King have recently purchased 45 acres in Maple, in the south western side of Keele St., from the Presbyterian Church north and west. They intend to develop the prop- erty as a residential subdiv- ision, and will begin ,opera- tions as soon as their plans are approved by the Metro- politan Planning Board. At the regular meeting of Rich- mond Hill Lions Club last Thurs- day it was announced that the ï¬rst of a series of musicales was a great success. Ticket receipts totalled $269.50 and, while the actual proï¬t was small, these musical evenings are intended to follow in with this year’s theme of Canadian Culture rather than to be a fund raising venture. The next concert will be held on November 30 and will feature a pianist, a violinist, a soprano and a baritone. All of these peop- le are popular Canadian artists and the Lions hope that there will be a good turnout to hear the negt programme. The making of dressings for the Richmond Hill District Can- cer Society will commence soon. This is an appeal for used white household linens, tablecloths, sheets .pillow cases. flanelette, soft white shirts, unbleached cot- ton, brown wrapping paper, and the cellophane bags in which some of our foods come. If anyone has any of these items. please phone TUrner 4-2138 and arrangements will be made to pick up the parcels. These dress- ings will be kept locally and will be distributed free without pub- licity to those who need them. Series Planned Music Lovers Welcome Lions Club First Musicale Cancer Society Seeks Dressings Purchase Land For New Subdivision mmlL for teacher's r6051 20‘ Cement blocks, sand, Mrs. Lewis is in charge of Grades two and three which are located in the portable. The following is a breakdown of the actual costs involved in the erection. T. Heaton as per contract $7,638. Trenching, laying sew- ers. water pipes, etc. . . . . . . $244. Electric wiring 50. Teacher's Desk 48.25 Pupils desks (45 desks, 5 backs) 135‘ Fu_rniture 78; Equip. The building is heated by a thermostatically controlled space heater which is automatically fed from a 200 gal. storage tank. The classroom is adequately lighted by six large ceiling ï¬xtures and ï¬ve special blackboard lights. The staff and students are ï¬nd- ing the portable unit quite com- fortable and the construction da- ta proves that the building is more than just a shell. The en- tire roo'f, walls and floor are in- sulated with 3†batts and the floor consists of linoleum and plywood laid over a sub floor. Chairman Clive Bettles‘of the St. Mary’s Separate School Board of Richmond Hill-this week made known the ï¬gures concerning the new portable school unit which is already in use. Erected by T. Heaton of Wexford, Ont.. the building itself cost $7,638.00. The equipment and installation of services cost an additional $658.- 65. This is‘the ï¬rst portable un- it to be erected in Richmond Hill. The unit was opened on the ï¬rst of September and at present accommodates 42 pupils with a maximum capacity of 50. The class room measures 24’x36 ft. and the building includes a teach- er’s room and washrooms. Well Constructed R. Hiil’s First Portable School Erected At A .Cost Of $8,296 Mr .Smith will assume his du- ties on January 1. A former school teacher. he was one of 11 applicants for the position of clerk-treasurer. At a meeting of the York County Council last week, ï¬nal approval was given to move the County seat to Newmarket. On January 1, 1954, the County Council headquarters will be moved from Adelaide St. in Tor- onto to the home of the late Hon. E. J. Davis in Newmarket. The County has accepted as a gift, the 22-acre estate and an lB-room house from Miss Mabel Davis, daughter‘ of, the former Warden of the County for 1884. The value of the property has been estimated at $100,000. Appoint Treasurer Council has also announced the appointment of J. L. Smith of Queensville and' clerk of the township of East Gwillimbury as clerk-treasurer of the County. He will succed Miss Hilda Merrick‘ who has been County treasurer since 1944. At Separate School C. Council Approves Move Of The County Seat To Newmarket A report from Lion George Harte showed that about 250 children under 10 years of age attended a most successful Hall- owe’en party recently in the Lions Hall. Lion George said that if even one child was saved from being injured on the high- way, the party was well worth it. Children from the area and the L.T.B. & Orange Home had a wonderful time and received a big “shell-out†bag after the en- tertainment. The Lions who gave so much time and effort for the project are to be commended. Lion Mel Parisi for his contribu- tion of a wheel chair to be loaned to anyone in need. The president announced that Lion Bill Brown has been ap- pointed chairman of the barm- val Committee. Hallowe’en Party at the Masonic Hall, King City. At the same meeting, the nomination of the ï¬ve trustees of Union School SectionArea No. 1 will be held. Should more names be submitted than are re- quired an election will take place on Monday, December 7, from 10 am. to 7 pm. Nomination Day for reeve, deputy reeve. and three councillors for the governing of official business for the Township of King 'has been set for Friday, November 27. at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. November 27 Nomination Day King Twp. Official statistics show that in the next four years the engin- eering courses of Canadian uni- versities will graduate only 50 percent of the engineering tal- ent required to ï¬ll immediate needs of the Dominion. For the past few months, no printed schedules have been av- ailable and the only means of securing information was by a phone call to the city at a cost of 25 cents. Copies of the schedule will be placed on posts at strategic points in the district. Both the Village Council and the Richmond Hill W. I. were in- strumental in having this com- plete schedule brought to the public attention. As an aid to that very large section of our community which travels on the North Yonge Bus Line the TTC has published an up-to-the-minute bus schedule which appears on page 6 of this week’s edition of The Liberal. of thé icost Administration Cost: Publication by-law 5 covering issue of Deb. printing, postage. reg- ulations, adv.. etc. $125.32 The Department of. Education hgs _approved a grant on $6,500 etc. . . . . . . . . . Venetian Blinds New Bus Schedule Released This Week ' Leading doctors in research raced the progress of their work. stressing always the necessity of early diagnosis as the best means towards possible cure. Dr. T. C. Routley, one of the original mem- bers of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety,, said that we cannot let down our efforts until the king- dom of cancer is overthrown. All doctors were appreciative of the great contribution made by the Women's Committee. A visit to the offices where the work of the Toronto unit is car- ried on revealed the amount of Everyone who has any reason 'or using the schedule is‘ advised 0 clip it out in order to have it 'eady for handy reference. Delegates from all parts of Onâ€" tario, including Richmond Hill and district, and representatives from the other provinces, attend- ed the Tuesday conference to learn how to assist by their ef- forts the daily fight against can- cer. To help educate the public to overcome its fear of can- cer and to stress the importance of 'early diagnosis, isthe strongest weapon mankind has yet against cancer, said Mrs. Hugh Walker of Memorial Hospital, New York. Mrs. Walker was addressing the opening sesion of the Trend Workhop Conference of the Women’s Service Committee, Ontario Division, Canadian Cancer Society, held in Toronto last week. Describing the work of the Women’s Auxiliary she stressed the need for fund raising as the important work of the volunteer to carry on research and treatment. Referring to property depre- ciation, Mr. Hughes commented that in the case of Downsview Airport, the Government went to some length to locate in an un- populated area only to have hundreds of people move into the Mr. Hughes assured Council that the airport would be under very- strict supervision by depart- ment officials and added that Miss Orr has an excellent train- ing record. /' At Toronto Conference Cancer Soc. Speaker Stresses Need For Funds For Research Mr. Hughes emphasized to the council that the landing area had been inspected and approved by a government inspector and would be suitable only for light aircraft. He added that only in a case of extreme emergency could a large com- mercial type plane attempt to use the runway. “Some of our residents fear that over-exhuberant students might become a nuisance over the village of Maple,†said Reeve Marshall McMurchy. At last Monday’s meeting of Vaughan township coun- cil, Mr. Hughes of the Department of Transport met with the council to discuss the matter of the proposed airport near Maple. Mr. Hughes, who is a Civil Aviation Inspec- tor for the Department of Transport emphasized to Coun- cil that he was not in any way representing Miss Orr but was there to clarify the situation. Mr. Hughes brought with him conï¬rmation from the Department of Transport Legal Department to the effect that the by-law passed ear- lier by Vaughan township to prohibit airï¬elds in the townâ€" ship has been declared invalid. 37 Assessments VA ppealed Vaughan Airport Bylaw Declared To Be Invalid HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 31.20 130.20 Advertised In The Liberal Means Extra Sales $8,296.65 658.65 F. H. E. KANE Popular proprietor of County Appliances, 6186 Yonge Street. Newtonbrook, in this latest addi- tion to the Newtonbrook business section Mr. Kane is featuring such nationally advertised prod- ucts as those manufactured by General Electric, Westinghouse, and Admiral. In bringing a wealth of exper- ience to his new position and as- sisted by a competent sales and service staff Mr. Kane is looking forward to having the opportunity to serve the people of this dis- trict. I The Richmond Hill and district unit is receiving its charter next Wednesday evening. Nov. 18. All interested in promoting this worthy work are invited and the local organization members hope for a large and representative attendance. it and also for the delegates who attended and sat in on the round table conferences listening to the wealth of information received by the questions and znswexs. This will be taken back to the various units with the enthusi- asm and inspiration received by them to carry on with much greater effort and understanding in assisting the medical profes- sion in their courageous fight against this baffling disease. The conféreï¬ce was highly suc- cessful from either standpoint of Vthoserwho were responsible for work being done. Shelves upon shelves of dressings were stand- ing in readiness for use when re- quested and the gift cupboard was stacked with articles to be’ parcelled or already tied up in Xmas wrappings. Council gave ï¬nal reading to a bylaw to change the name of Clarke Street in the township to Clarkehaven St. Residents on the street made the request in view of the resulting confusion to service and delivery men caus- ed by another street by the same name in Markham township. The Court of Revision sat last Monday afternoon in the Council Chambers at Maple to consider 37 assessment appeals. Of these. 21 were confirmed, the others re- ceiving minor adjustments. Six appellants appeared before Coun~ cil to present their objections. Change Street Name area indicating that property values were increased as well as business connections being im- proved. He added that he was sure that within a short time. the local residents would find the airfield an advantage to the com- munity as has been experienced in other communities in Ontario. Court of Revision Miss Alice Kane and Miss Marguerita Bagshaw of the Boys and Girls Division of the Toronto Public Library will present several stories for children in Puppet Shows at the Richmond Hill Public Library Wednesday, November 18 at 3.30 pm. Puppet Show November 18 â€" Photo by Stetaniuk