2 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thurs†Nov. 12. 1953 The volunteer or lay worker is playing an important role in the educa- tion of the individual, by visiting the patient or family; by raising money to aid in research: by making dressings for those in need as well as gifts, some in the form of bed apparel. The work is limitless. Byrne Hope Sanders, editor of Chatelaine, when addressing the Con- ference claimed that if women. with their power potential, seriously put. “It is time we came out from under the bushel and identiï¬ed ourselves with other social service organizations", stated Mr. Maurice Grimes, executive secretarSI of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. Speaking at one of the Round Table Conferences at the Convention in Toronto last week Mr. Grimes felt that in our effort to take away the fear of cancer and regarding it it as something to hide we should be more open about the identity of the or- ganization assisting the medical pro- fession in their great work. On grounds of national interest, the federal goverment encourages the pro- vision of new hospital beds and makes other grants for the expansion of health services. Ottawa might make an agree- ment under which at the option of a province some of this money could be used to maintain or improve existing facilities. But in so far as it seemed to assume a share of the direct reponsibil- ity for the operating costs of a speciï¬c service within the jurisdiction of a pro- vince, it would risk being accused of in- terference with provincial rights. Moreover, the programvof federal health grants has always been describ- ed as a preparatory step toward a fed- Because Ontario's hospitals went into the red by nearly $24,000,000 last ear, Premier Frost wants federal help. {'0 the annual meeting of the Ontario Hospitals Association he outlined a plan by which Ottawa would permit grants for hospital construction to be used par- tly for maintenance, perhaps on a fed- eral-provincial matching basis. But however attractive this plan may look to Mr. Frost, the federal government is likely to view it as politically dangerous and as harmful to the policy of promot- ing the adoption of health insurance. Who are the worst offenders? They are not, as might be suspected, the chil- dren of the village. No â€" because Pedestrians repeatedly not only break traï¬â€™ic laws, but turn a deaf ear to their own common sense, when they dart from between parked cars into the path of oncoming traffic; when they zig-zag merrily through vehicles stream- ing north and south in a frantic effort to reach the other side of the street; when they jay-walk at the corner of Yonge and Centre Streets. casting ven- omous glances at the motorist who is forced to wait for another light change, or to risk his own safety in getting through'after the pedestrian has reach- ed the diagonally opposite aornez from which he started. Much has been written about the responsibility of the motorist in making our highways safe for all who use them. But the pedestrian must remember that he should bear an equal share in that responsibility. Number 11 Highway, Yonge Street, is Canada’s busiest high- way, a fact which motorists and those who cross it on foot should always bear in mind. A church in a community is a vis- ible embodiment of our faith. It wit- nesses to our interest in our Christian heritage. It witnesses to our concern for the maintenance and transmission of that heritage. The church in the community proclaims that here are people who pray, people who look up to God in worship and who endeavour to do justly. and to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church next Sunday will observe with special services its one hundred and thirty- sixth anniversary. This and similar anniversaries tend to remind us of the important place the church occupies in our community and national life. Many years ago when our Canad- ian west was being opened up for set- tlement, a minister approached an offic- ial of one of the land companies with the suggestion that he should donate a lot in one of the towns for the erection of a church. This suggestion was scornfully rejected. Why. he was ask- ed, should the company donate land for a church. “How many lots will you sell,†asked the Minister, “if it becomes known that there is never to'be a church hereâ€. When he had thought it over the land company official gave the lot for the church. ‘ 0131): liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 18'. W An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 '<"‘"“'7"‘ Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c Single Copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Olfice Department, Ottawa" Ontario's Stand On Health Insurance Editor Cancer And The Volunteers Church And Community The Pedestrian Tool Volunteers, lay workers, men and women of the community and district, may we by our presence at the Charter Night next Wednesday night in the Lions Community Hall. show our doc- tors that we are ready to do everything in our power to help them in the battle against cancer in our own particular community and eventually the popula- tion at large. Cancer is no respector of persons. It is most prevalent in children from one to fourteen years. In the child the common cancers are of the blood (leu- kemia), brain, kidney. adrenal glands, bones and eyes. No cure of leukemia, commonest form of child cancer. has been authenticated. states Dr. W. L. Donohue of the Hospital for Sick Child- ren. This fact alone should make every citizen eager to do his utmost in this humanitarian wgrk. It seems reasonable to think that a comprehensive health insurance scheme in Ontario would greatly relieve the problem of hospital ï¬nance. Patients’ bills would be paid, and although the in- surance funds would have to be supple- mented by provincial grants. federal participation could be sought and might be gained when several provinces are ready for it. their minds to it. we would not have to wait ten long years before the riddle of cancer was solved. In Britain, the ï¬nancial plight of the hospitals has been greatly relieved by the national health service. In Brit- ish Columbia before the provincial hos- pital insurance scheme was introduced, more than half the bills of many insti- tutions were unpaid. The BC. hospi- tals today, however, though still plagued by rising costs, are ï¬nancially much bet- ter off. eral-provincial health insurance scheme. Premier Frost, however, seems luke- warm about the project. His argument that health insurance could not be con- sidered until the province has had many more hospital beds could be used indefâ€" initely as a delaying tactic. And some of his supporters are advocating more federal aid not as a means to achieve health insurance sooner, but as an al- ternative to it. No. the offenders are adults, the same adults who may be approached by a school child with the trustful request, “Will you please take me across the road ?†The culprits are we, who are so busy, so hurried ,so anxious to get to the other side of the street that we are willing to‘gamble life itself in a mad dash! If we are honest each one of us must admit that we have‘on more than one occasion been a thoughtless pedes- trian, and that many times, had it not been for the careful and considerate motorist, we might have suï¬ered the consequences of our rashnéss. Surely we can do a’s well as the ï¬ve and six year olds! someone (parents and teachers both) has done an excellent job in teaching them_ the laws of self-preservation. The children wait for the light (unless drag- ged across the street by some impatient adult); they wait for the school cross- ing guard and obey his instructions; they do not run from between parked cars even to retrieve a treasured ball, because they have been taught that to break traffic laws and safety rules is an invitation to death or painful injury. In extending congratulations and good wishes to the Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church on its 136th anniver- sary we couple with it our congratula- tions and good wishes to all churches in the community. May they ever contin- ue to be a light for those who seek the way, a strength to all in the battle of life, and a comfort to those who mourn. May the Christian Church ever prosper in its labours for the hallowing of fam- ily life, for the teaching and guiding of the young, for the diffusion of know- ledge and the promotion of righteous- ness. The tall and gleaming church spires in Richmond Hill and other York County communities are landmarks of the vis- ion, faith and energy of our forefathers who at the sacriï¬ce of effort and means erected temples for the worship of God. They are symbols of a Christian com- munity. We live in an age in which great advances have been made in secular knowledge. We have mastered new technical skills and have acquired vast new power. Whether these new powers will be used for men’s beneï¬t or man’s hurt 'will depend largely upon whether our spiritual culture can keep pace with the secular. Every effort to enlarge and enrich our spiritual culture is there- fore to be welcomed most heartily. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor J. H. Sanderson, T. H. Trench and H. A. Nicholls of the local exemption tribunal will sit in the Council Chambers Thursday. Fri- day and Saturday to hear claims for exemption from miï¬lary ser- vice. Those going to the King and Vaughan plowing match to be held at Col. Pellatt's tomorrow will be met at Eversley Station, Schomberg and Aurora railway and convoyed to the grounds ab- out a mile distant. NOVEMBER 10. 1892 Mr. Speight. of the ï¬rm of Speight and Van Nostrand, sur- veyors. Toronto. was in the vill- age on Monday and laid out the new track to be used in connec. NOVEMBER 8. 1917 Reeve w. H. Pugsley is making a public appeal for volunteer ï¬remen to operate the village ï¬re equipment. Mr. Leonard Clement enter- tained his Sabbath School clags of boys of Hope Tuesday afternoon by giving them a motor trip through Maple and Richmond Hill to Toronto where the sights of the Museum and Lake Ontario caused much interest. The question of sewers will not be put to a public vote this year as a complete estimate of the project is not completed. Mn. 0. L. Wright has present- ed a handsomely framed photoâ€" graph of Richmond Hill‘s ï¬rst Reeve. Abraham Law to the vill- age. The photo will be hung in the Municipal Hall. Local hydro cuts are being ex- perienced to conserve the pres- ent supply of electricity to meet with the rising demand in the area. The women of the local Red Cross Society have packed 77 Christmas boxes for the local boys serving overseas. At the end of 1948 the control and administration of the Rich- mond Hill High School passes from the local High School Board to the hands of a District High School Board. The new Board will consist of appointed mem- bers representing Richmond Hill, Vaughan Twp., Markham Twp. and Woodbridge. A county rep- resentative may be requested by the Board. The village of Richmond Hill is asking for contributions toâ€" wards the new library quarters. Work has commenced and the cost is estimated at $3,500.. The local Women's Institute has giv- en $1.760 towards the project and the village Council has granted $500. Conservation of culture to Dr. Bannigan means the preservation of enlightenment, the attempt to keep it intact and pointed out that this conservation rests al- most entirely on those people While in New York. Betty visit- ed the United Nations and be- came so interested that she over- stayed the time of closing and had to be reminded that they were shutting up for the night. Folk School Hour Our speaker last week was one that is no stranger to the Folk School . Dr. Joseph Bannigan. Engineer and Community Prog- rammes Director of Arts and Crafts, spoke to us on the conser- vation of culture. Betty spoke of her trip to New York City to attend the American Adult Education Association Con- ference. From what Betty heard from the other delegates. Mark- ham has 3 Folk School that can’t be matched on the North Ameri- can continent. Betty has made close contacts and gained many new ideas plus.a new perspective. It is a good thing to get away from your special endeavour for a short while for when you get back you will be able to see the trees in spite of the woods. Joyce Henley and Phil Rum- ney were ma'rried on November 7. at Thornhill. Thls is the folk school‘s ï¬rst marriage, Joyce and Phil having met at the Folk School three years ago. The Folk Dance flaw in particular and the whole folk school in general. wish them happiness and good luck in cal-load lots. Folk School Jottings In the absence of Evelyn Lapp. the Cedar Grove songbird who led our singing so successfully, Betty Comfort has taken over and is doing a ï¬ne job. Evelyn will be back after the Operetta H.M.S. Pinafore has completed a sched- uled run at Aglncourt. What We Share At Cherry Hill Farm Twelve different solid colours and 48 two-tone combinations are available on the new 1954 Dodge cars now on dis- play in Dodge-DeSoto showrooms across Canada. This emphasis on colour is carried through to the car’s interior where two-tone colour combinations in trim and upholstery harmonize with the exterior body colour. A,new, more massive looking grille sets off the in- NOVEMBER 4. 1948 1’ Way Back When Excerpts from the ï¬les of The Liberal Home paper of the Richmond Hill district since 1878 THE NEW I954 DODGE MAYFAIR LEADS IN BEAUTY Th winners of the grocery ham ers donated by the Ladies’ Auxiliary and drawn for at the Legion Hall; Can-ville last Mon- day evening were Alfred Glasâ€" son. May Ave.; Miss K‘athleen Bonner. Hunts Lane and Bob Craig. 99 Rosethom Ave., Toron- to. Poppy Chairman. F. B. Titshall. The Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary Branch 375 would like to thank Mr. Smith for his gen- erosity and support through his paper and also for allowing us to have The Liberal window to dis- play poppies and wreaths. We would like to thank the young taggers for the wonderful job they did on Saturday and also for the generous suppbrt of the public. The poppy campaign was a wonderful success. Thanking you. one and all. Your Poppy Chairman. F. B. TITSHALL. Legion Draw No need to send a lot of notices about that function your club is staging. Use 3 “Coming Events" notice in The Liberal. Low in cost. it will command much at- tention. Telephone TUrner 4- 1261. The Window was decorated by Comrade Edith Titshall and Com- ragier George Brummell. Prof. Kent well known in this section of the country will give one of-his entertainments com- bining. science, music, etc.. Wed- nesday evening in the Masonic Hall. An illuminated balloon will be inflated and sent up in op- en atmosphere after the enter- tainment if the weather is favor- able. Admission 10c and 15c. Mr. W. G. Fee of Toronto, gen- eral organizer of the Advanced Prohibitionists was in the village in the forenoon to organize a Prohibition Club here. Coloured dinner sets. 97 pieces for $7.50; best white tea cups. 80c doz.; toilet sets, 10 pieces $2.25, at the concrete. tion with the Agricultural Soc; iety's Fair. The Committee of Manage- ment is advertising for tenders for 30 cords of hardwood. beech and maple. to be delivered to the High School by the end of March. 1893. On one of Dr. Bannigan’s many trips arroud Canada, he visited with a tribe of Indians at Baffin land. who had become extremely skilled in the art of basketry One of the pieces he brought back was a beautifully wrought sewing basket made of Baffinland wild grasses. 'The story of Louis Bar- beau. the French Canadian wood- carver was also told and some of his work shown. In closing. Dr. Bannigan told the story of how the people of Tobermory became interested in Arts and Crafts and then made their special hobby pay by selling it to the summer Tourists. More about the Folks School next week. THE LEGIONNAIRES Branch 375 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. Richmond Hill To get the most out of the lat- er years. Dr. Bannigan Iwho is over 70) suggests those of us over 40 start now, preparing for an enjoyment of arts and crafts up- on retirement. He spoke of the man 82 years old who when ask- ed how he was feeling answered, "I am as good as I ever was for one hour of the day." This old chap's answer is quite true - as we get older we are as good as we ever were. but only for a lim- ited period of each day. This lim- itation can make the enjoyment of arts and crafts that much greater. who have retired. It was pointed out that Can- ada's population is becoming, “olderâ€. This meaning of cour- se, that the largest group of peo- ple, those between 15 and 64 years of age only increased the last 10 years 15% while the group over 65 years and over in- creased 41%. This was brought out by the speaker to point up the fact that we should begin to think of retirement at a fairly early age. To think of retirement of course. implies also that we should think of something to do in our retirement. creased use of chrome that accentuates the longer body lines. Included in the Dodge Mayfair luxury series is the 4- Door Sedan shown above, a Mayfair hard top, and a Mayfair convertible. Completing the range of Dodge 6 cars for 1954 is the middle line Dodge Regent series and a lower priced Dodge Crusa- der series. There seems to be a lot of in- tolerance in the world today; yet I believe it is on the wane in spite of appearances. Several years ago a friend of mine asked me what I liked best in people. I was not prepared for the ques- tion but if I were asked now. I should have a ready answer. I like toleration. The picture of the Roman Catholic, William Byrd. playing the organ in Lincoln Ca- thedral, and those different groups using the same buildings in Alsace-Lorraine, make delightâ€" ful reading. “One thing more I have taken with me into life from this little church that was Protestant and Catholic at the same time. I mean religious tolerance. These Catholico-Protestant churches, which had their origin in the ir- responsible edict of a ruler. are for me something more than a historical phenomenon. They are a symbol to show that the differ- ences which separate churches to- day are things which are destin- ed ultimately to disappear. When I was still merely a child, I felt that it was to be something beau- tiful that in our village Catholics and Protestants worshipped in the same building. and my heart ï¬lls with joy today when I set foot in it. I should like all the churches in Alsace which are still used by both confessions to remain so. as a prophecy of, and an exhortation to. a future of religious unity upon which we must ever keep our thoughts ï¬xed it we are real- ly and truly Christians." When the famous missionary and musician. Albert Schweitzer was a lad living in Lorraine. where his father was the pastor of the local evangelical congrega- tion at Gunsbach. the same build- ing was used by Catholics and Protestants at different hours. a practice which prevailed in Al- sace-Lorraine in many districts for a long time. Schweitzer felt that this custom had a salutary effect on both groups, and in his Memoirs of Childhood and Youth he had this to say about it: We hue than on hnnd '- on which I could not have .- committed myself." WWW‘I scornful? I do not think so. From all we know about him, he was a deeply religious and chari- table man, quick to recognize the sincerity of others and to do good whenever the opportunity pres- ented itself; this in a time of much bitterness and lntolerance. illi‘lflhmll "I see few faults in others i I have frequently seen this ad- mirable quality in musicians; scores of times, at the close of a service, soloists, organists,‘ and others have calmly told‘ me of their church affiliation which frequently was that of a different viewpoint. Yet they entered in. to the spirit of the service with reverence and apparent enjoy- ment. They had no sense of be- ing disloyal to their own church; they had a feeling of being one in basic purpgse. TOLERANT MUSICIANS Nearly four centuries ago the English musician, William Byrd. although a Roman Catholic in re- ligion, played the organ in the Anglican cathedral at Lincoln and held the position as organist there during most of his life. He was one of the best known composers and wrote many notable composi- tions, among which was "Psalms and Songs of Sadness and Plety.†Byrd remained loyal to his own church during his long life but was also happy to make his con- tribution to the Protestant Church . . . a service which. he said, made him very happy. It is an interesting and inspiring les- son in tolerance. What did the musician think about during the sermons? Was he critical or nunmunmmmmmmmwmnmmm-I TODAY’S QUOTATION How’s Your Supply Of Counter Check Books? Sunday Afternoon Our quotation today by Goethe: By Dr. Archer Wallace The Liberal JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT is Telephone TUrner 4-1212 Wednesday & Thursday â€" Nov. 18 & 19 rr. Rlcbmund Monday & Tuesday â€"â€" November 16 & l7 Friday & Saturday â€"â€" November 13 & 14 JANE GREER TIM BUNSIDINE IHH'Mh-mw-lflm-ï¬uh-hfll-h. BOBWIILIAMS-TDMMOKIDN mam-JOHNARMER andREDDUST You’ll You'll You'll You'll- ORV! You'll GHIIOKLE! lMlGll! - LOVE... “19,70 Bum “you Bentham“ I'M†Damn Saloonth ROBERT BASSLER ‘ RICHARD SALE ' ISOBEL LENNART 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 p.m. Saturdays & Holidays â€"â€" 6 p.m. heart-warming story of a funster and a youngster! MW‘ 1/4