CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED 0 You can get a suit made from a blend of “Orlon†and wool soaking wet and slill retain neat trouser creases. "Orlon" and wool blended fabrics quickly lose unsightly wrinkles. housewife. She ï¬nds that a (3-1-1. Cellulose Sponge saves her a lot of workâ€"no constant dipping in the water pail because these sponges are ultra-absorbent; the flat surfaces cover large areas quickly and when squeezed dry they do double duty as a Chamois. Available in smart colorsâ€"blue, green, coral, yellow and buff. Did you know ////A 'wmoow-c EANING’S A wmz," OOPS! Take it easy, young lady . . . But polythene, 'one of chemistry's modern, lightweight plastics, is the secret of her “weight- lifting" act. She's holding a 93/4 pound polythene carboy used for storage and transport of chemicals. More familiar uses of versatile polythene are in flexible, handy "squeze" bottles, and protective ï¬lm bags for fruit and vegetables. OOPS! T; |l98 STREET. NAME. RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA (Inch. over 25 You") 86 IAYMURST 5L, TORONTO 2| Please send me full information on qualifying for TV. who are trained to high Canadian Standards. YOU can become qualiï¬ed, if you are 17 to 30, have some High School education, and are interested in technical work; Mail Coupon NOW for full information. Picture News from C-I-L 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawm 2 Car Stops Below City Limits Open Till 7 pm. Friday Till 9 pm REQUIRE? g «wryniAAN/N vmzeuwsv. MADELEINE Millinery & Accessories “Some‘wiu guy noiloElâ€"my lunch bucket co “1. floor!" â€" Canada’s Giant New Industry “Exclusive but not Expensive†SEE MADELEINE - - - - SAVE $1.00 1000 LOVELY HATS TO CHOOSE FROM' CASUAL and MODEL HATS $3.95 up Smart HANDBAGS and GLOVES This Coupon is good on any one hat in November We also carry GIRLS HATS y We Can Supply Everything in the Building Line When it comes to build- good deal if you choose from our selection â€" from siding to flooring, we have it! ing supplies, you’ll get a ‘EDUCATION‘ says this pretty young PHONE NO. AGE MONTREA HU. 8-5406 231120 Did you know that since 1949 July has displaced June as the most popular month for marriages in Canada? Canada’s National Parks had their beginnings in 1885 when a 10-square mile area around the hot Banff mineral springs was re- served for public use. Canada's famed Hudson Bay â€" a veritable inland sea â€"â€" is 595 miles wide, 800 miles dong. There *are more than 14,000 public eating>pl_acAesA in Canada. Most Canadian families spend more on cigarettes annually than they do on health _services. The program opened with The Queen. and a welcome by Mr. W. Sanders. chairman. Grace was said by Rev. C. H. Chambers. of Thornhill Presbyterian Church. After dinner, Mr. W. Biggs. pro- posed the toast to the Queen. in the absence of Mr. R. Fisher. past president who was ill. Mr. Hallman. inspector of the school area. gave the graduates in word of congratulations and expressed the hope that they would con- tinue their education. Mr.G. Learn. principal. proposed the toast to the Graduates and Miss Hazel Legault responded. The guest speaker, Revs Chamâ€" bers. spoke to the students and gave them the message to push onward to better goals in life and always to strive to live to the final reward of being ready for the farther beyond. ‘ Mrs. J. Hill. thanked the speaker, for his en- courageing message. On Friday. November 6th. the Powell Road Home and School gave a banquet in honour of the graduates of the 52-53 term who have successfully gone on to high school. Over seventy per- sons sat down to a delicious sup- per. and enjoyed the evening. Mrs. G. McCallum, convener and her assistants deserve a hearty vote of thanks for the beautiful decorated tables in school col- ours and the plentiful table pro- vided. Thanks also goes to all who donated to the occassion. At ï¬rst advertising occupied a relatively minor place in Am. erican newspapers, but by the middle of the eighteenth century many printers were becoming prosperous from the publication of three. four, and ï¬ve pages of miscellaneous advertisements. Gradually, as the confusion among the jumble of advertise- ments grew. want ads concerning one class of commodity or ser- vice were grouped together to facilitate the reader‘s ï¬nding what he was looking for. Credit for “classifying†the advertisements is given to Ben- jamin B. Day, who founded the New York Sun in 1833. Wants ads have furnished one of the richest sources for his- torians seeking to learn about the everyday life of Americans. News stories in colonial newspapers often were colored according to the publisher's ideas. but want ads were honest and forthright, telling researchers about the needs and interests of our ancestors. 0.5]. 0' Holland “on†bad Wench Over 70 Enjoy Home 8 5mm Banquet For Powell Rd. Both Greeks and Romans used the walls of their houses as places to scratch or paint inscriptions concerning their aï¬airs. Many such inscriptions were found when Pompeii was excavated. The oldest newspaper paragraph ï¬tting the description of an advertisement appears to have been a “want ad†for a book on botany, printed in an early German newsbook in 1591. Notices of arrivals and sailings of ships, with lists oi’ cargoes, are found in most sixteenth-century English newspapers. The ï¬rst paid advertisement in an American newspaper appeared in the second issue of the Boston Newsletter (May 1, 1704). It was about two anvils which had been lost, and read: Lost on the 10. of April last off of Mr. Shiffen’s Wharff in Boston. Two Iron Anvils. weighing between 120 and 140 pounds each: Whoever has taken them up, and will bring or give true Intelligence of them to John Campbell Postmas- ter, (also editor of the newspaper) shall have a sufficient reward. In Greek mythology. when Psche ran Mercury, “to proclaim her in public, and him who shall ï¬nd her.†Advertising has existed as far back as man used written sym- bols. and probably well before that. Back In early Babylon the merchants employed barkers to describe their wares to passers- by. The ï¬rst written advertisements were want ads. They were announcements on papyri offering rewards for the return of run- away slaves and bond servants. Lost articles were also sought through those early want ads. Want Ads Are Not New; They Are as Old as Recorded History. WWWadfld hmmmldestpamtwm mmmmm Donothingtorelieveflnmod HERE’S HEALTH Here And "were hen Psche ran amy, Venus requested in public, and announce a reward to Manufacture of ï¬shing tackle trade unionists in a population of close to $2,000,000 annually. Canada produces more kinds of knitted wool outerwear than any other country. trade unionists in avpdpul'atioh of 15,000,000. Public education in Canada is under the jurisdiction of the Canadian railways rates are comparable with those of any other country in the world des- pite the fact that there are so few people to support the vast sys- tems. Radio & T.V. Repairs Two thirds of Canada‘s nationâ€" al income is derived from the domestic market, proving that Canadians are the best market for Canadian products. Wash day item: There were 104,322,096 clothes pins made in Canada during 1951, latest year for which ï¬gures are available. This event is going to be an annual one for Powell Road, we are sure, with the wonderful sup- port and favour it is receiving. The entire teaching staff and Mrs. Morris of Home and School council were also guests at the banquet. Latitudinally. Newfoundland, newest of Canada‘s provinces, is in the same parallel as France. Following the presentation the photographer took several pic- tures. one of which will appear in this paper and Mr. I. J. Slighte gave a vote of thanks to the ladies for the evening. Those receiving their pins were: Edward Banas, Bruce Bark- er. Robert Biggs. Gail Bowers, Sharon Burgess. George Camerâ€" on. Patricia Collins. Sandra Gib- son. Terrance Higgs. Hazel Le- gault. Elizabeth Lilleyman. James McKinley. Helen Medcalf, Paul Medcalf. Ronald Medcalf, Roy Metcalfe. Donald Nicholson, Mar- lyn Wood, Helen Ostroski, Robâ€" ert Parke, Allan Podorodeski, Donald Raeburn, Rauni Rasanen. Sandra Slighte. Shirley Smith and Marilyn Taylor. Mrs. E. Baxter then presented the grads with their pins and gave them the lovely booklets prepared for the occassion. Mr. Learn also gave each one’a year book on the school area. Mr. S. Griffiths of the school board added his congratulations and left the thought with the boys and girls that they could someday have an "Old Boys and Girls As- sociation" for Powell Road. Baby carriages were made in ‘anada as early as 1885. Telephone TU. 4-3290 ianada ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE M. Lovell has roughly 1,200,000 £1 special treat. Filied with warmth and good- ness, a steaming tureen seems a symbol of hospitality. A Welcome to your family and friends. Everyone athers gladly around the dining able. Or they pick up their own chowder bowls from the buflot. then settie comfortably around the liv- ing room to feast and chat. Grand makings for the chowder pome right from you?! been shelf. Creamy rich con‘dens In; shroom soup or chicken up as t 6 base. Golden kernels gimp. Cï¬bes of rosy ham or some ' er turkey to round out the _ j, H er. How's that 'tor a bow!!!“ ‘ syringe to savor with reliéhes wranberry sauce and celery) and mix hungry cornbread! Wedges 0! pumpkin pie Fppear as dessert. Mushroom Chowder Canadians visiting the United States for more than 48 hours spend an average of $88 each, according to Federal statisticp. Winnipeg-to-Brandon was the ï¬rst railway mail service route organized in western Canada. That was in 1882. 1 cup cooked ham, ï¬nely diced 1 tablespoon butter or margarine l5 cup ï¬nely chopped onion 1 cup cooked 1 can (1% cup) ham, ï¬nely condensed diced cream of mush- l tablespoon room or chicken butter or soup margarlne l soup can milk 59 cup ï¬nely 1 can (2 cups) chopped onlon cream style corn Brown bum in butter; add onion: cover and cook until limp. Blend n soup and milk; add corn. Heat -ut do not boll. Serve garnished with chopped green parsley. Turkey c‘howder: Cooked tgflgy CHOWDER supper can be a. County Appliances Sale Price Lowest prices in the Metropolitan Area. G. E ELECTRIC KETTLES $10.50 Friends For Chowder Supper G. E. FLOOR POLISHERS $44.95 For Guaranteed Satisfaction in TV Repéirs, consult us â€"â€" we have our own Service Men & Installation Crews ADMIRAL TV 17†Sets -- Table Model NAQDOWN PAVMENT“ ,3 Free Gift With Every Purchase We also feature a complete line of Westinghouse and General Electric Television Virtually an unknown art in Canada a few years ago, ballet now is being studied by some 20,000 students in registered schools. In non-agricultural industries, employing nearly 4,000.00 one- quarter of workers are women. may be used in the chowder instead of ham. Then add 1 cup turkey when adding corn. Use 2 table- spoons ohopped pimiento tor gav- nlsh instead of parsley. Steakburger -WIth Gravy Gracel Platter: ‘Shape a. tender ateakbur- ger from the plentiï¬ul ground beet now on the market; and you have somethlhg to grace your most hand- gome platter. Use a cap of good beet gravy to put extra richness: into the burger. First m}! 35 cup gravy with 1 pound ground book 1 tablespoon minced onion; 3‘, cup dry bread crumbs. 3th and pepper. Form mlxmre lntqgne large bur- ger. about much $1M, Bro’ll until done and well browned. Also broil .plneapï¬le slices with the men Arrange burger on platter. pin apple around 19. Sgoon red current jelly Into centh of each pineapple ‘sllce. it torth to serve 4. Bake Beam 'n' Sausage: Tempt. lng oven dinner on a cold night El a juicy casserole of beans and porn! tobped with browned sausage. Flrsl‘ brown 8 to 8 sausages in skillet; brown 2 slices 0! plneapple also‘ Meanwhlle pour 2 cans of beansi and pork into a caaserole; place‘ sausage and pineapplé on top. Slltlak casserole into oven to bake 31v 350°F. about 30 minutes or “null sausage is done.‘ UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY SOUP SCOOPS THE. LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Nov. 12, 1953 Any group or Organization wishing to use the Area Schools for meetings or social events are re- quested to please contact the Secretary two weeks in advance of the desired date, so that a schedule may be set up. A Permit form will be sent to a responsible officer of such Organizations, and the Principal and Caretaker of the school concerned will be notiï¬ed in advance of the date. The Richmond Hill and District Unit REFRIGERATORS FROM $199.00 UP Cancer 61 CROSBY AVE» RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1764 RA AT 8 RM. at the Lions Community Hall, Centre Street East, A good attendance is hoped for by the executive. NOTICE TO ORGANIZATIONS Wishing to Use the Schools of Township School Area No. 1, Markham and Vaughan Society extends a cordial invitation to be pres- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 Sand -â€" Loam â€" Gravel Top Soil â€" Fill or Fertilizer prompt delivery CHARTER NIGHT DALTON HICKS G. E. IRONS $1 0.50 6186 Yonge Street Newtonbrook BA. 1 cut at its Charter Night Richmond Hill. BA. 1-1384 of the Canadian BA. 1-4144