Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1953, p. 6

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TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Horticultunl 753d“! nun 'lvu-wuâ€"n ....-v_ The Thornhill and District Horticultural Society is holding its annual Prize-Giving Night and election of officers on Tues- day. November 17. at 8 p.m. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. The election of officers will be conducted by Mr. St. C. Tennant, District Director of Dis- trict No. 15 of the Ontario Hor- ticultural Society. Members are urged to be present. All those who have won points this year will receive their prizes at this meeting. Refreshments will be served and this will provide/a time for members and friends to become acquainted. ' Women's Institute vv van... a .u ....... The next regular meeting of the Women's Institute of Thorn- hill will be held Thursday, Nov- ember 19, at 8 pm. in the Mas- onic Hall. Members of Institutes in Unionville and Richmond Hill will be guests at this meeting which will be under the direction of Mrs. Empringham. Mrs. A. Seeley, Mrs. W. Thompson. Mrs. M. Mizen and Mrs. G. Sinclair at- tended the Provincial Women's Institute Convention held at the Royal York on November 4. 5 and 6. United Church News Evening Auxiliary members, met on Tuesday. November 3, at the home of Mrs. A. Ecclestone. Mrs. F. Sibbick led in the wor- ship and discussion which follow- ed a portion of the study~book "Where’er the Sun". taken by Mrs. L. Denby‘ At the conclus- ion of the meeting lunch was served by assistant hostesses. Mrs. B. Smeilie and Mrs. H. Craig. The regular meeting of the W. A. was postponed last Thursday and in its place an Executive meeting will be held in the very near future. Cub and Scout News Cubs. Scouts and their fathers are asked to remember the anâ€" nual Father and Son Banquet which is to take place Friday, November 13, at 7 pm. in the United Church Hall. The regular Thursday meeting for “A” Cub Pack will be cancelled this Thurs- day due to the banquet. Neighbourly Notes Visiting at the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Sinclair, Yonge St.. this week is Flt. Sgt. R. K. Donn and Mrs. Doan and their two children from Montreal. Mrs. Don is the former Loraine Sin. elair, and her husband has been awarded the Coronation Medal. A welcome to the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Bailey and their two child- ren who last Saturday amidst the first snow of the season moved into their new home on Helen Avenue. Arnold Ave. Resident in Aoddept Mr. William N. Peck of Arnold Ave. sufiered cuts end bruises last Saturday when the car in which he was driving sldeswlped a Toronto-bound Gray Coach near North Bay. Mr. Peck's passenger. R. Sparks of Toronto, escaped injury although thrown from the car. A few minutes out at North Bay the collision occurr- ed. Both vehicles left the road. the car with its driver hanging out the door. continued for sev- eral hundred feet before being wrecked against a huge boulder. Mr. Pack is now Back home after being treated at the North K «23:4. u m THE LIBERAL, RECRUITING RflYAl cANADlAN MOUNTED POLICE A limited number of reâ€" cruits will be engaged in this Force during the next three months. To be eligible for engtge- ment an applicant 111th meet the basic qualifications reâ€" quired, some of which are set out ~below: PM Min-r “fanatic” Muir d :5: mm: R.C.M. Palm amio. Must be single. Heightâ€"6 feet 8 inches. Chest Measurementâ€"s “mean” average of 85 inches. Ageâ€"18 to 30 years Eminence is given to on between 19 and 25.) Educationâ€"at least eomv plefe _G_ta£le but ififerafily 7 Grade K. Richmond Hill. Thurs Bay haspital and his many friends and neighbours wish him a speedy recovery. Painter of Water-Color Blooms Your correspondent, although a little late in doing so, would like to introduce to her readers. the very interesting and charm- ing Mrs. Hope Haines. who re- cently opened the "Hope Shop“ in Thornhill. Mrs. Haines who was born in Montreal as Hope Darling came to Toronto with her husband the late T. R. King and settled in Weston. where they both became ardent gardeners. During convalescing from an op- eration Mrs. King who later ad- opted the pseudonym “Hope”. started to paint flowers. and in the space of a few months paint- ed over 100 individual pictures of more than 50 varieties of garden blooms. She later pres- ented a pair to a very close friend. Mrs. R. M. Wansbrough. who in giving a tea to which she was inviting some 200 guests. suggested she give a private showing. This showing was fol- lowed by a public showing at Mallory's Galleries. “Hope” later started painting Canadian wild flowers of which she had hoped to make a complete collection. The early set was broken up when the late Dr. James Goodwin purchased a great many. The fact that this artist has never taken a lesson in her life has amazed many people. including the late Au ustus Bridle, art and music crit c, whose complimentary press notices are among her most priz- Ied possessions. “Hope.” now Mrs. William Halnes who opened her shop in October. is well qualified to a â€" vise you regarding the suitable framing of your pictures She carries a complete stock of frames as well as many beautiful paint- ings in her Yonge Street shop, and looks forward to a long stay in this community. Trinity Church Notes The Parish Guild met last Tuesday in Trinity Church Hall and final preparations were made for their Annual Christmas baâ€" zaar which will take place on Saturday, November 28. at 3 o’â€" clock in the church hall. Lions Club Bingos Commence The York Farmers’ Market is where the Thornhill Lions Club will be holding blngos this year. Commencing on Wednesday, No- vember 18. at 8.15 sharp the first of these evenings will take place. with a jackpot of $300.00 and many door prizes. Don’t forget the date, November 18 at the Farmers‘ Market. RU MNEY-HEALEY White Chrysanthemums and candles decorated Trinity Church, Thomhill on Saturday, November 7 at 3 o'clock, for the wedding of Madeline Joyce. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Henley, Thomhill, to Mr. Philip Harry Rumney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumney. Victoria Square. The Rector. the Rev. S. A. R. 'Wood officiated. The wed- ding mUsic was played by Mr. Wm. Howard who also accomâ€" panied the soloist Mrs. Jack Rdmney. The bride given in marriage by her father chose a gown of ivory corded taffeta, styled with portrait neckline edged with bertha of Guipure lace. Her fin- gertip veil of tulle illusion was held in place by a poke bonnet of pleated tulle illusion edged with matching lace ,and she wore a pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. She carried a cascade bouquet of Joanna Hill roses and white pompom chrysanthemums. The bride’s attendants, Mrs. Douglas Wilcox, matron of honor and Miss Catherine Wood, brides- maid wore ballerina length gowns of rose shot blue taffeta, styled with portrait neckline. They wore pearl necklaces and pearl-trim- med matching headdressesi Their flowers were cascade bouquets of deep cream Chrysanthemums. Mr. Jack Rumney, brother of the groom was best man and Mr. George Rumney, brother of the groom and Mr. Ronald Healey, brother of the bride, were ushers. A Guard of Honour by the lst Thornhill Girl Guides of which the bride is Captain was formed as she left the church. For the reception which was held in the church hall, Mrs R. Healey received the guests in a teal-blue two-piece dress trim’ med with navy velvet and pearl beads and navy accessories. She was assisted by the groom’s mo- ther wearing a dress of brown and gold shot tafieta with turquoise accessories. For travelling through the Eastern States. Joyce chose a grey suit with gold velour hat and matching handbag and shoes of (an snakeskin. Upon their reâ€" turn the couple will reside in Vic- toria Square. ’lne Liberahis alWhga puma to H the Thornhill area contributed by its readers. Our representa- tive in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street, Thornhill. TELEPHONE: AV. 5-1513 waning Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests atfending the wedding were from Hamil- ton, and Brantfotd. Prior to her marriage presen- tations Were made to ,Joyce by the lst Thornhill Girl Guide Company. the Local Association of Girl Guides in York Division Council of Girl Guides. Trinity Church choir and business associates. I By the Thornhill Librarian I There are many reasons: why people live beyond the limits of big cities. the opportunities to watch and study the eternal mir- acle of the changing seasons, the summer birgi visitors. and those that remain with us all the year. the flowers that cheer our walks from March to September. It is readily admitted that the best ties and mysteries of nature is in company with a well informed friend; lacking such a companion, we can turn to many books to an- swer our questions. Â¥ We have on our Thornhill Li- brary shelves many books which will prove delightful and profit- able fireside companions. Some of these volumes are dogâ€"eared and worn and the format by no means modern, but within the covers are the answers to your questions. When the roads are snow-blocked and winter winds howl about the eves. sunny sum- mer days can be recaptured â€" Even to dream 0‘ them is to dis- The cold fox-10m midwinter rev- eries. Lulled with the perfume of old hopes new-blown No longer dreams, but clear real- ities. To the lover of streams ahd fields and woods, John Burroughs ls our supreme guide and com- panion. Burroughs lived and wrote about the New England countryside, but the flora rm! fauna of New England are so similar to ours that wa: " :n be r “d to our town- et al. Burroughs is no academ- 1c naturalist, anu his keen eye missed little. Recently I was reading his essay on The Fox and noted his comments on Renard‘s of lving on top of a stone wall in such a position that he could have a good view of sur- rounding fields. Last winter while out on a fox hunt I noted a stone wall dividing a field. I re- called lBurroughs‘ observation of the fox’s partiality for sicne walls. Sure enough, Mr. Fox leaped from the wall and his pre- datory days are over. Our library shelves contain a' number of other books by natur- . alists and once again I cannot re- . sist the temptation to intrude my personal preferences. That strange character W. H. Hudson's “Book of the Naturalist” is a fine collection of essays. Hudson wrote of the fields and woods of England, but the true lover of 1 nature should not be limited to his local terrain. ‘ The bird lover must not miss “Flashing Wings” by Saunders. We are right at home with his book as it is the result of Saun. ders’ observations in the Toronto area. “Birds in Your Backyard” is a recommended book for those who cannot go too far afield. Thompson Seton was a Canadian pioneer in nature writing and his “Wild Animals at Home” is most- ly about our native animals. There are also several volumes of Wm. Beebe books. Beebe has a large reading public, and I would ‘venture the opinion. the largest reading public of all natural his- tory writers, but his subjects are imostly of the tropics. About Books And Reading Arthur Heming's book. “The Living Forest" is perhaps not quite within the category of the books mentioned above, but I am prepared to defend my dictum that it is one of the best ten boys’ books ever printed. Some day I shall do a whole column on it. We have recently acquired “Nature Notebook" by Robert Candy. This is Mr. Candy‘s first book, and we hope that there will be a steady flow of books of this type from his pen. I can thor- oughly recommend it to boys and girls and it will be found of great value to Boy Scouts ,and Girl .Guides who are working for their Naturalist Badges. We do not have Roger Peter- sen's “Field Guide to the Birds". This is a book which should be carried In the pocket or ready for quick reference. It is the ornithologist's final authority of identification. More than 20 pupils of the Thomhill Public School compet- ed in the Library Poster Compe- titionl The high quality of the posters is such that they will all be used. With some difficulty the Board finally chose the posters of Marion Fraser and Marylou Fug- ler as the winners of the First and Second prizes. respectively. The prizes will be awarded to the winners on “Library Night". to be held in February. Finally. I emphasize that the fullest enjoyment of these books comes only to those who go out and see for themselves. WATER HAULED For Dry Wells, Cisterns, etc. RAY FERGUSON Wexfow' PL. 5-1334 Mrs. Raymond Stuart B. R. 1. Maple Telephone Maple 110R3 Edgeley Farm Forum The opening meeting of the Edgeley Farm Forum for the. season was held at the home of‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chapman on November 3, when an interesting discussion on “The Agricultural Representative and the Farmer" took up the evening. Many points were considered in answering questions on how they thought their very busy Agricultural Rep- resentative could reach more farm people without having to increase his own activities. It was pointed out that at the present time Edgeley forum members are using the services 0f their Agricultural Represen- tative in obtaining from him in- formation on pasture mixtures, grain varieties. soil testing. crop competitions. Calf Club activities. weed control. etc. Reading the bulletins he sends to them also proves helpful, This Forum be- lieves that the kind of help need- ed most is already being given to ‘those who will listen and accept it. To help the Agricultural Rep- resentative reach more people. the members thought more far- mers should attend the meetings sponsored or called by their Ag. Rep. and that he should be re- lieved of the task of serving on various committees in the Coun- ty so that he could have more time to devote to other work. The organization of a township Fed- eration of Agriculture was sug- gested. Miss Dorothy Gribble a popular young lady of Thornlea district has received many fine gifts in honour of her forth-coming mar- riage to Mr. Earl Jordan of Ac- ton. The members oi the Thorn- hill Market presented her with a beautiful ‘ lamp on Saturday morning and on Monday evening Mrs. W. Archer of Finch Avenue gave Miss Gribble a linen shower Several people from Thornlea were present. Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Honour Bride-To-Be Fellow workers of the Sanga- mo Electric Co. for whom Miss Gribble has worked for 10% years gave her a deep grained coffee table. Personals Mr. and Mrs. L. Hickman of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Gribble on Sunday. Misses Susan Ball, Shirley Rampster and Melody Maynard were enrolled on Tuesday night at Thornhill as Brownies. Mrs. K. Richan, Mrs. Bradshaw Mrs. George Jackson are taking refresher nursing courses put on by Central Registration of Nurs- mg. Mr. and Mrs. John Gribble of John St. announce the engage- nent of their daughter Dorothy to Mr. Earl Jordon of Acton. The wedding will také plabe at Woodbridge on Saturday, Nov. 14. THORNLEA NEWS EDGELEY NEWS NORTHBOUND Leave Arrive Toronto Stop 27 8.10 8.20 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 y.‘ anuonwohouuaow aocooaccoooooeq @WFHP?QFF?P?P“PPPPFN bhhep coco: H O? NIB 06 H30 12.20 1.00 2.20 3.40 11.40 8.20 8.40 8.50 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 1.40 2.20 3.00 3.30 3.40 4.20 4.40 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.40 I7.00 7.20 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 WEEKDAY 1.40 4.15 Mrs. Miriam Kent Passes Service Sat. At Thornhill Notwithstanding t h e d a y' 5 storm and the difficulties of traf- fic,’ the funeral service for Mrs. Miriam Elsie Kent. wife of Rev. Dr. E. E. Kent. minister of the United Churches at Thornhill and Carrville. was attended by an assembly which filled the Thorn- hill church last Saturday after- noon, November 1. Mrs. Kent died suddenly. at mid-week. at Western Hospital Toronto, which she had entered only a few days earlier. In addition to the people of the two congregations to which her husband ministered. Mrs. Kent had many other friends in the Toronto area and in the country about Webbwood, Angus and Thornton, where Dr. Kent form- erly held charges. Their sorrow was made the keener by the shock of her death’s unexpectedness. Many beautiful floral offerings from church organizations and others spoke both of the affect- ion in which Mrs. Kent was held and the sadness brought by her death‘ At the brief church service Rev. Gordon Domm, minister of Bathurst United Church. Toronto. Past Chairman of Toronto Cent- re Presbytry of which Dr. Kent is present Chairman. paid moving tribute to Mrs. Kent as a woman personality who would be remem- bered with affection for her own kindliness and remembered with gratitude in various communities because of her devotion and faith- fulness in the work of the church and her contribution to other good causes. Organ music for the service was played by Mrs. Winnifred Heath and the choir of the Thornhill church led the congregation in the singing of “Rock of Ages”. As the funeral cortege moved to the Thornhlll cemetery the clear, singing tones of the organ chimes carried ap- propriate selections over the air from the church tower. At the cemetery the committal service was conducted by Rev. Fred Smith, minister of. Oak United Church, Toronto, an inti- mate friend of the Kent family for many years. Next Sunday morning Mr. Smith will be the preacher at a service in Mrs. Kent's memory at the Thomhill church at 11 o’clock. Pallbearers at the funeral were members of the official board of the Thornhill and Camille con- gregations. The honorary pall- bearers were K. S. Duncan. W. A. Ladell and W. R. Linton, of Thornhlll Board of Stewards and William George, Robert Middle- ton and John Oliver, of Carrvllle Board of Session. Active heaters from the Thornhill church ses~ sion were Eric Shulver, N. L. Morton, Gordon A. Crutcher. C. Grant Gibson, A. I". Martlndale, and J. D. McGhee. Surviving Mrs. Kent, in addit- ion to her husband, afe two daughters and three sons. The daughters are Shirley. now Mrs. Linton Timbers, of Milliken, and Miriam, at "home. the sons Ernest, of Langstaff and Archie and Don- ald, both at home. Mrs. Kent is also survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Galley, of Robina Avenue, Toronto. but formerly of SOUTHBOUND Leave Arrive 81:01:27 Toronto 11.40 w999fl9¢9w9wrrwwwvrrp H 09. NDONQNO‘NOflNOhNhMONhON OOOOOOOOOQQOOOQOOOGOOG 11.00 11.40 NORTH YONGE BUS 10.20 11.00 11.40 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 6.10 8.20 9.00 6.20 8.20 RICHMOND HILL SERVICE ' PLEASE CLIP THIS FOR CONVEN‘IENT REFERENCE ime Table in Effect Nov. 9th, 1953 Tunes above haw horizontal line In before noon. alone below an alter noon. Tunes below double horizontal line Ire after midnight. NORTHBOUND Leave Arrive Toronto Stop 37 8.20 9.00 9.40 10.20 “.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 8.20 9.00 9.40 10.20 1 1.00 1130 5.20 6.20 1.00 1.30 2.30 3.30 1.40 3.40 Barking. England, where Mrs. Kent was born. as well as by three brothers. Fred Galley. Wil- fred Galley and Edward Galley. all of Toronto. The following poem was com- posed by a member of the con- gregation in honour of Mrs. Kent. She was like a queen and full of grace Her goodness mirrored on her lovely face. A certain something left her as she passed by And caught the heart and held it with a tie. How wonderful to have known her awhile The Ladies Club met for its regular meeting on Tuesday. November 3, at the school, with 20 ladies present to sign the pet- ltlon for a Charter After the us- ua] business, Mrs. A. Morrison introduced Mrs. Blackburn of Langstafl who gave a very inter- esting talk and demonstration on spinning and weaving. jlans were made for the bazaar and the Christmas party. Personals Ladies Club Friends of Mrs. Torpe, Clarke Ave., will be sorry to hear that she is confined to her home through leKness’ Mrs. Hughes of 65 Clarke Avenue is also ill. Mr. and Mrs. John Angel. of Clarke Avenue, entertained a few friends on Sunday for din- ner. the occasion being their 12th wedding anniversary. A welcome to new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Saunders and son, who have moved to 83 Clarke Those attending the Slst con- ventlon of the Women‘s Institute held in Toronto last week, were Mrs. Crowhurst, Mrs. H. Pratt, Mrs. C. Clifford and Mrs. H. Mi- zen. Ratepayers Meet A very interesting meeting was held by the Doncaster Ratepayers on November 4. A picture was shown by Mr. Martindale on the history of, the Bell Telephone Mr. LeMasurier. Deputy-reevo of Markham Township was the guest speaker. The nomination for new officers was held, voting t‘o be carried out on November 21, at Richardson's store, Morgan Ave. Men-women. We have a sensa- tional plan whereby you can make $50 weekly and more, in spare time by selling our complete line of dry goods and yard goods; No experience needed. Samples fur- nished. Free Particulars. REX TRADING CO. (Dept. 76) 5752 Park Ave., Montreal, Que Then keep the memory of her tender smile. Earn $50 Weekly Correspondent: Mrs. H. Minn 27 Seceomoe Av... Phone AVenne 5-1510 12.15 12.45 1.15 1.45 2.15 2.45 3.15 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 SATURDAY DONCASTER SOUTHBOUND Lone Arrive Stop 27 Toronto 8.40 10.20 11 .00 11.45 12:45 11.40 8.30 555555555555 ‘JAJAJAJJJAI, 132334555667 8.20 4.15 910 10.20 1 1.00 i l .40 9.40 10.20 11.00 “.40 12.10 6.10 8.20 2.30 *TELEVISION* INSIALLED ‘ SOLD . SERVICED BLACKBURN'S Thornhi” AVenue 5'1333 1.30 3.00 Torridheat, Quickheat, Gurney Furnaces and burners 1.40 112 Markham Rd. For free estimates & expert workman- ship 81/4 oz. Flannel Back Jeans, warm and Men’s reg. $5.65, special sale price $4.25 ELECTRICAL & HEATING CONTRACTOR Duries Variety & Hardware Boys’ reg. $4.25, special sale price $3.25 Door Prizes WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18 th Manufacturer’s Clearance EXTRA SPECIAL James Johnson The Thornhill District Lions Club PRESENTS A NEW SERIES OF CALL at the York Farmers Market, Thornhill Addition-l trips are opented from Toronto to Steele’s Ave. throughout the day, and to F inch Ave. durlnx rush hours. Leave Arrive Toronto Stop 27 NORTHBOUND 11.40 3.40 10.20 11.00 12.20 1.00 1.40 2.20 3.00 3.40 4.20 5.00 5.40 6.20 7.00 7.40 8.20 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 BINGO 11.40 5‘9?!“ use» coco SUNDAY-HOOLIDAY at 8:15 sharp $300 JACKPOT 5.30 8.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40 I216 Richvale Starting durable 1.1-.c. INFORMATION Telephone TR. 4545 Admission 50c SOUTHBOUND Leave Arrive Stop 27 Toronto 11.40 PwNS??9?wPN~rP ONOON‘ONFONIhCN 99009096000096 H 630 NH“ O: 11.00 11.40 TU. 4-2089 6.10 6.40 7.40 8.40 9.40 10.20 11.00 11.40

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