Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1953, p. 7

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Co edemtion nfLife 'IOTIC‘I’ YNE ONIS YOU IOVI The Young Adult Group of the Richmond Hill United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Mill 51.. last Tuesday evening. Emerson La- vender, teacher of history at Richmond Hill District High School. was the guest speaker and gave an interesting local ad- dress on “York County A Cen- tury Ago." Mrs. J. Mabley of Benson Ave.. was hostess Thursday evening to the Sugar and Spice Club. New members welcomed were Jean Ashworth and Phyllis Mableyi Card winners were: B. Basker- ville. D. Saul, J. Wainwright. Hostesses of the evening were W. Cartier and M. Styan. A Corporate Communion for those being confirmed on Thurs- day evening is being held Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock service in St. Mary's Anglican Church, Richmond Hill. The Rev. A. A. Chote will be preaching on the topic “After Confirmation â€" what then?" v A Great Chapter meeting for the laymen o! the Anglican Chur-1 ches of this Deanery is Being held on Tuesday evening at Newmark- et. Those representing St. Ma-i ry’s Church at this meeting will include Messrs. H. Stanford. C.: J. Hart. D. Boyd. H. Kane and Bill Scrivener. UHL. Miss Edna Izzard attended the Graduate Dinner held at Trinity College last week in honour of Mrs. Klrkwood, retiring dean of St. Hilda’s College. at a: in no Stuart Parker, Walter Smith, Dennie Featherstonhaugh. Bill Hall, Paul Morley, Barry Smith, braved the elements last Satur- day to see Varsity beat Western. It i t t The Rev. E. Morley. formerly of St. Paul's Church. Toronto, is to be the guest preacher at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Rich- mond Hill, on Sunday evening, at 7 o’clOck. Anyouinnoedofnnystemafic uvingl plan that will protect your future. come what may? Your Confederation nan will be glad to explain complete details for you! 4-”.-- , 333M 158} ‘Kég quoN Jaau epue The hunters were successful in shooting eight (flegr; Fa only 810 a month. If: plan ‘1'] guarantee her $4,384 at age 60! In Idditiou, her policy contains Gabriel-alien’- Disability Benefit. 1" $0 Ihould become totally din- Iblod through accident or illneu balm-o use 50. this special benefit guarantees to keep putting aside 810 I month for he! as long as she is to disabled. until the guaranteed valuebpeylblo. Alvema day for ent. Councillor Floyd Perkins and Don Giflen of Richmon‘d Hm joined a paryy of hunters at Com- RICHMOND HILL . . . A busy Toronto annex womm, qodBOJnmakingphmnowfmn film month trip through Europa when Ibo "tires. She has started a systematic loving; plan with l Gonfodontion Ufa Policy. To Receive $4,384 ASSOCIATION For Full Infarmaubn, Can: Representative P. G- SAVAGE 5t. marp’s Qngliwn 'thurtb Bishop A. R. Beverley Richmond Hill, Ont- E. Smith, Mrs. Smith, Miss rna Smith are in Ottawa to- !or the opening of Parliam- Thursday â€" Nov. 12 â€" 8.00 pm. CONFIRMATION & ORGAN DEDICATION The Liberal is always glad to receive social ma personal items for this page and a call to TUrner #1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations .women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- eepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publi- cation. 1 [In mcmoria‘ms CARD OF THANKS KENT â€" Words cannot adequate- ly express our gratitude for the many expressions of sympathy and acts of kindness shown to us in our recent sad bereavement. To our many friends we say a sincere thank you. Rev. E. E. Kent and family. clwzo clasp, His patfént face to see: To hear his voice. to see his smile As in the days that used to be. But some sweet day we’ll meet again Beyond the toil and strife. And clasp each other's hand once more In Heaven. that happy life. â€" So sadly missed by his fam- ily. clw20 us, And met us face to face. Ours is he by an ownership Nor time nor death can free; For God hath given to love to Its own eternally: â€" Ever remembered by Fath- er. Motlf’er and brother Donald. I"1w20 t t t t PAXTON -â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Edward Paxton, by wife Stella and children Judith and Wayne. But one year has passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither and decay But the loye of Al-llm who sleeps , , , . t _ beneath Shall never fade away. What would, we give his hand to HADVum â€" m louug memory of our beloved son and broth~ er, Robert Bruce Hadwen, who passed away suddenly Novem- ber 17. 1952. Truly missed because dearly loved. We cannot think of him as dead, Who walks with us no more Along the path of life we tread; He has but gone before. Still has his silent ministries Within our hearts 3 place, A: when on earth he walked with The November meeting of the Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary was held Wesdnesday evening. Plans were made for the auxil- iary's booth at the bazaar which will be convened by Mrs. Wm. Campbell. Mrs. Russell Tilt will convene the afternoon tea. During the evening the tradi- tional “class sock" which is about 4 yards long and which was knit on by the whole class was found still to be in good shape after 21 years. Foliowing a short deVotional service toy animals for the ba- zaar were stuffed and finished. The Girl Guide Tea and Bak- ing Sale was well attended and the girls wish to thank all those who gave donations and who tur- ned out to make the event such a success. Among those who at- tended were: Mrs. E. Redelmeier, Dist. Commissioner; Mrs. Gunn. Area Commissioner; Mrs. Wilson. Deputy Provincial Commissioner and Mrs. W. Redelmeier. It was announced that the Schneider's Supper would be held on Wednesday. November 18. Mrs. Robert Ross, Mrs. J. Parker. Mrs. Russell Tilt and Miss Mabel Mackie, along with the president. Miss Mary Gray, are in charge of arrangements for this supper. A reunion was held last Fri- day night ln the village when the members of the class of '32 of Richmond Hill High‘School got together to regale each other with tales of the good old days at R.H.H.S Among those staff members who taught the class and who {at- tended the reunion were Mrs. W. A. Sheppard, Miss Helen Shaw, Mrs. Hardy Hill and Miss Edna Izzard. Miss Jones and Miss Shoe- botham were i unable to attend but sent their best‘regards. Mrs. Shirley Hicks and Mrs. MacTaggart have returned from a week's visit With Mrs. Clarence Mylks of Brockville who is con- valesclng after breaking her arm. No election of officers was held at this .meeting but was planned for th 'mext meeting to be held Novem er 22 when it is hoped more young people will be pres- ent. The age group is generally 16 and over but anyone close to the age limit is invited to attend. It is planned to hold the meetings two Sunday evenings a month fol- lowing the church service. The young people of the Pres- byterian Church are organizing a Young People's Society. the first meeting of which was held last Sunday evening following the church service. kéép We have a quke complete stock of C.C.M. Parts and Accessories. See our windows. 24 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-210) Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded COMPARE OUR PRICES Groomsman was Ronald Hall of Oshawa, and ushers were Gerald Paxton of Richmond Hill and Harold Forster of Victoria Square. At the reception held at the King George Hotel, Newmarket, the bride’s mother received in a gown of silver sculptured nylon with blue feather hat and black accessories. She, wore a corsage of red roses. The groom’s mother assisted her wearing a gown of coffee tone pure silk with match- ing hat and black accessories and a corsage of red roses. For travelling to Buffalo the bride donned a grey flannel suit with white hat and green acces- sories and wore a white gardenia as a corsage. Mr. and Mrs. John Donaldson, Richvale. announce the engage- ment of their daughter Margaret Lettie to Mr. Gerald Tustin. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Tustin of Tor- onto. The marriage to take plac quietly November 21. ‘ Mrs. Harry Londry was matron- 3f_honor and wore a rust color- :d gown of velvet designed with .ialter top and gored skirt. A rust colored nylon tulle stole covered her shoulders. She wore a matching velvet cap and carried a bouquet of yellow and bronze Chrysanthemums. Mrs. James Mingo, as bridesmaid, was dress- ed in a similar style in green vel- vet A and Miss Christine Hall, junior bridesmaid, wore a gold velvet gown with matching cap and carried ‘a bouquet of yellow and blue Chrysanthemums. Upon their return Mr. and Mrs. Hall will reside in Richmond Hill. Out-ofâ€"town guests attended the wedding from Belleville. Windsor, Detroit and Hagersvllle. URBEN â€"- To Fred and Peggy. May Ave., Richmond Hill. a daughter, Nancy Irene, at Mrs. Healey’s Nursing Home on November 4. 1953. A sister for David and Paul. Mother and baby fine. c1w20 Given in marriage by her fa- ther,‘ the bride chose a white strapless gown, the bodice being of lace over taffeta and the bouf- fant skirt of net over taffeta. The dress was completed by a jacket of lace over tafieta featuring ‘a Peter Pan collar and long point- ed sleeves. The bride’s‘ finger- tip veil was caught to a Juliet cap and she carried a bouquet of white Chrysanthemums. Standards of white, yellow and bronze Chrysanthemums formed the setting for the marriage of Joyce Irene Bozik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bozik, Newmarket, .to Warren Morley Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morley B. Hall, Richmond Hill, on Sat- urday, November 7, at 7 pm. at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, New- market. Rev. J. '1‘. Rhodes offic- iated at the ceremony. Organist was J. F. Willis and Mrs’. Ross Hall, aunt of the groom, was the soloist and sang The Lord’s Pray- er and Because. BODDX “Men and Lloyd Boddy. Richvale. announce the birth of their son David Kim- berly, November 5, 1953, at the Women‘s College Hospital. Tor- onto, a brother for Lynn. *1w20 Wauren Hall Weds J. Bozik Warren Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hall, Rich- mond Hill, is pictured following his marriage to Joyce Bo- zik of Newmarket, on November 7, at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Newmarket. @ngagtment Richmond Hill Hardware Mrs. Gordon Purves was a del- egate at the Cancer Society Con- ference which ran concurrently with the WI. at the Royal York last week. Mrs. Purves reports a great urgency among society workers to render greater assist- ance to sufferers. In this regard a bridge and euchre to raise funds for the Cancer Society Christmas Gift Cupboard has been planned by the Buttonville W.I. for the evening of Novem- ber 30, at Buttonvil e Hall. Sup- port this deserving cause by rounding up your friends and bringing along your own table Eueéts, Gift: of jam: and jel‘ Delegates to the Central On- tario Area Women‘s Institutes' Slst Convention held at the Roy- al York Hotel Wednesday. Thurs- day and Friday of last week were Mrs. James Rodick, Mrs. McGim- pson, Mrs. A. Miller and Mrs. F. H. Leaf. Great interest was evi- denced in the girls’ session on Thursday morning at which girls from Club 15 at Buttonville moâ€" delled nightwear they had made during the past year under the capable direction of Mrs. Geo. Kelly. Jean Brumwell. Aileen Easton and Gladys Gingell each displayed garments. At the Thursday luncheon the guests were introduced 'to Frank Ped- die Toronto lawyer turned actor, who spoke to the assembly in a voice better known to his aud- ience as that of Thomas Craig of the Farm Broadcast. At the closing session on Friday morn- ing. Mrs. Garnet Francey. retir- ing district president. tendered the courtesies to those who had worked so hard to make the con- vention helpful to the many del- egates who attended. Cancer Society Work Last week the neighborhood suffered a loss in the passing of Mrs. Fred Tennyson, the former Irene Walker. who had spent most of her lifetime in and ar- ound Buttonville. Mrs. Tenny- son had been active in church and community affairs until a year ago, when a heart condition forced her to partial invalidism and eventually caused her death. Surviving are her husband, a daughter Mrs. Len Parker of Toronto, and a son Lloyd of But- tonville. as well as her mother, Mrs. Walker and several broth- ers and sisters, among them Mrs. H. Patterson and Mrs. Harry Boadway. To the bereft family we extend the sincere sympathy of the community. W. 1. Convention Two excellent speakers feaâ€" tured the Thankoflering service at Brown's Corners United Church held on Wednesday, Nov- ember 4. Mrs. G. A. K. Howe, president of Centre Presbytery W.M.S. and Mrs. Fear, immediate Past President. Mrs. Howe gave a very fine devotional on the Pow- er of Prayer and Mrs. Fear's talk was inspirational. Twp beauâ€" tiful solos were sung by Mrs. Kerr of Brougham. The presi- dent, Mrs. Wm. Rodick welcom- ed guests from Milliken and Vicâ€"y toria Square and Mrs. S. J. Eng- lish supplied the music. Tea was served in the church parlours by a committee which included Mrs. On Wednesday evening of last week GGIT members from this area attended the International Fair at the Church of All Na- tions. Queen St. West. It was Finnish Day and at dinner the girls enjoyed the special Finnish dishes which were the feature. Among those I attending were Janet Oakes, Mary Hooper and Judy Hord. The next CGIT meeting will be held November 16 in Brown’s Corners Church, Baby Booth committee serving. Mrs. Fred Tennyson A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lent and family who are occupying the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Morley Jones. _ M. Sherman, Miss M. Rodick. Mrs. D. Hood, Mrs. Chas. Boyn- ton and Mrs. Spears. (“Vâ€"Ne; wish} Speedy recovery for Mr. Elmore Hill who is in hos- pital at the present tgmle.‘ John Craig is home again af- ter spending a week in the Hos- pital for Sick Children. It was feared at first that John had con- tracted pneumonia again, but it was discovered that he was suf- fering from a flu type germ sim- ilar to the one that seems quite prevalent at the moment. 9,, Correspondent: Mrs. EH. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Agincourt 33512 BUTTONVILLE â€" Photo by Stefaniuk SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 11 a.m. â€"â€" c t L2,.‘\".ce 10 am. â€" Church Sr‘hnr“ 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH I Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 10 a.m. â€"- Adult Bible Class ll’a.m. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH and Firesiae Hour Preacher at both services, the Rev. H. H. Lackey of Claremont “uh After Trinity 8.30 am. -â€" Holy Communion 9.4;) mm. â€" ya.._‘.;y ocwm and Teen-age Hlble Class 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Conflrmees Corporate Commun- xon “After Confirmation â€" what hen?” 7 p.m. â€" The Rev. E. Morley Guest Preacher “Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out.” I love to step inside a Church, To rest. and think. and pray; The quiet. calm, and holy place Can drive all cares away. Bishop A. R. Beverley, M.A.. D.D. Confirmation Service â€" 8 p.m. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1953 Mrs. Ferris Allen, the former Gloria Ryce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryce. North Battleford, Saskatchewan, who was married recently at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1'5, “The Friendly Church" SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 Preacher at the morning service, Rev. Grover Taylor. B.A., of the SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1953 11 am. â€"â€" Topic “Keeping To- geiher" 11.15 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Young _Life Club in SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1953 24th After Trinity 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Adult Devotional Ser- vlce We need you. You need our Lord. Cars will pick up children on Oak and Spruce St. at 9.40 am. Watch for cars with church sign. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY, 'NOVEMBER 15, 1953 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 mm. â€"- Morning Prayer Convention of Ontario & Quebec Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A., B. Th. I Weston Baptist Church Subject: ‘Praise Changes Things You are cordially invited the mafiée. Friday 7-8 pm. -â€",- Happy Hour THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH 2.30 p.m. â€"â€" Church Service and Sunday School Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 11 a.m. â€" Memorial Service for the late Mrs. E. E. Vent Preacher â€"- Rev. Fred Smith, Oak United Church, Toronto 4 pin. â€"â€" Baptism Sunday School â€"- 9.45 am. â€" Intermediates (11 and over) 11 am. â€"- Junior, Primary and Beginners (4 to 11) Nursery Dept. (2-3 yrs.) All welcome. : Anglican Mchvale - Langstafi District Meets every Sunday morning in the Hewitt School ‘Be still and know that I am God' TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Minister, Rgv, Calvin Chambers, Thomhill Rev. S. _A. R. Wood. B.A., Rector (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. 111., Rector 'nwnsfiAY, NOVEMBER 12 Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. BARNABAS MISSION RICHMOND HILL ST. MARY’S CPURCH 1953 1953 Church Service Sunday School SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1958 Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 13.11:. I Timothy 2-5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1953 Edgeiey Morning Worship . . . . . . 11 a.m. Sunday School ........ 10 am. Hope Sunday School . . . . . . . 9.30 am. Church Service 10.30 am. Maple Sunday School 10.15 a.m. Church Service . . . . . . 11.30 am. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed., 8 pm â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs, 2 pm. -â€" Women's Mis- MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Heise Hill (Gormley) Sunday & Monday â€" Bible Con- ence 10 am. â€" Morning Session 1.30 pm. â€" Afternoon Session 7 p.m. â€" Evening Sessiol Wed., 7.30 p.m.: Prayer Meeting Oak Ridges Services in Oak Ridges School sionary meeting Tuesday, 8 pm. â€" Young Peop- le's Meeting Pastor F. Vaughan, B. Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1953 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Dean Rev. W. G. Brown, M.A., will be the guest speaker. Mr. Brown will speak on, ‘Home and Foreign Missionaries and Christian Education’ 7 pm. â€" Evening Service The pastor will continue the set. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1953 11 a.m. â€"- Sunday School classes i_es on “The Tabernacle” Subject this week “Within The Holy Place". These sermons are illustrated by a large colored chart. BRETHREN 1N CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1953 for all ages. Parents welcome 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Speaker: MR. J. B. GILLIES .Thomhill Let us turn out to welcome and hear this well-known friend of Richvale’s. Friday, Nov. 13. 7 p.m. â€" Happy Hour Special marshmallow roast will be provided for all children. Friday. 8 pm. â€" Young People’s Night This opening Young Peopl"‘° nv‘o- gramme will be conducted by the young people of Oliver Gospel Chapel, Toronto. Everyone welcome. House - 10.45 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 p.m. â€"- Evening Service Tues., 8 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Megting ih Honies of the Community Vaughan (3rd con.) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Morning Service cancelled Concord 10 am. â€" Sunday School Rev. E. H. Unstead. Minister One Block East of fonts 011 Madawaska Aye... Stop 123 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer in Concord School House CHURCH OF CHRIST Richvale Chapel Oak Avenue THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs}, Nov. 12, 1953 Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work guaranteed, Free estimates Phone Liberal omoe STUART PAXTON TUrner 4-1261 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service TUrner 4-17 01 Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Jam» J. We" Plumbing - Heating OAK RIDGES PHONES ONTARIO Aurora 46-1 Sanitary Contractor SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone BE Goodrich i Sheet Metal Work Esso‘ Oil Burners Fairbanks - Morse Pressure Systems PIANO TUNING Phone TUmer 4-1016 Williams'w Sunoco Service Station Yonge St. Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-2138 COLD STORAGE For Service at it’s Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy BICHDIOND HILL DA! RY Loam and Fill and Repairing S. Hofiman E. CHARITY C. STUNDEN Rentals from $8 to $12 per year Dealer for StouFFville Creamery Phone Stoufiville 186W TELEPHONE TUR JER-4-16‘22 King 111 Tomaio Ketchup .111.“- 21c COUNTRY KIST Cut Wax Beans AYLMER FANCY Apple Juice HORSESHOE FANCY SPECIALS E. D. SMITH’V’S' Sockeye Salmon 35c E Peas 332:?" 2 11.? .37c BURNS DELMAR Margarine TOP OF THE MORNING Coflee PUREX 0R WHITE SWAN NO. 1. GRADE NEW BRUNSWICK DEW KIST Toilet Tissue Grapefruit 10 ,Self Serve RICHMOND HILL GRADE A FRESH Pullet Eggs FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS Potatoes MORLEY’S 2 29c mec HERE! 1 lb. Bag :3“ 99c Rolls FRESHLY GROUND 93c 25c 49c 96’s

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