CCM BICYCLE. boy's. perfect condition. generator and light. 3- speed sprocket $40; also CCM bi- cycle. boys, perfect condition. new generator and light. new tires. $30.00: Lionel train set. suitable for hobbyist. extra track and switches. worth $140.00: will take best offer. Phone Parkview 7-4324 Lopatrtello. c1w21 BARGAINS for the home crafts- man: Dressed white pine shelv- ing 10" width. 12c ft: 112" sash pine. dressed. 220 bd. ft. Dressed sheathing. $1.05M. Taylor‘s Saw- mill. TU. 4-1581. *lw31 1953 60 CYCLE Frigidaire, also 60 cycle washing machine. both nearly new; 3 pc. bedroom suite with spring and mattress; 8 inch steel culvert. 16 ft. long. TU. 4- 2846. *1w21 DOMESTIC FUEL oil tank. used only temporarily for water stor- age for two weeks: 150 gal. cap- acity $37.00. AVenue 5-1520. THOR Washing Machine $20; jacket water heater. $10: Coney fur coat, size 16. $25 or best of- fer on all items. TU. 4-2119. 2 COATS. grey and wine. size 7. $3.50 each: also high chair $2.00; Baby Tenda with matching foldâ€" ing chairs. maple. $15.00. TU. 4â€" 2463. *1\\‘21 BRAND NEW Roy Refrigerator. over 9 cu. ft. capacity. large freczer chest. also large vegetab- lc crisper, reduced from $399. to $289. AVenue 5-1267. c1w21 PIANO. upright. with bench, good condition. Apply Mrs. John Mc- Quillan. 2 Oak St., Richvale. A OIL BURNER. Coleman. good as new. sell reasonable. E. Mans- bridge. 17 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. Ont. (‘2w20 ALWAYS THE BEST VALUE. Square Dance with Richmond 'Hill Community Swing in the High School Gym. Monday. Nov. 23. 8.30 ptm. c1w21 FUR COATS repaired and re- modelled. Expert work at low icost. Also savings on new coats. Phone Dennis Underhill. TU. 4- 2806. ‘ c4w21 2 QUEBEC HEATERS. reason- able, One nearly new. Maple 64 312. c1w20 RANGETTE. one year old. good condition. Automatic oven con- trol $35. Maple 31R2. c1w21 EITOWNIE uniform, 8 yrs.; m- cycle and one child's jeep; also 2 Quebec heaters. TU. 4-1997. GARDEN Tractor Empire, 1% h. p. complete with snow plow. 32" sickle bar and cultivator $100.00. Phone Maple 65R4. c1w21 AFRICAN VIOLETS, 25 varieties. small and flowering plants. TU. 4-3166 or call 53 Benson Avenue. Richmond Hill. c3w21 GOOD RMBER HONEY. 30 1b pails a} 15cAper l‘b. L9} 6.~Con l dormley. Stouffville 60414. B. Kays. *3w21 COAL AND WOOD RANGE. Findlay, almost new, white por- celain ï¬nish. Reasonable. Maple 24R32. c1w21 ACME coal or wood burning heater cooker with ovep $25. Hy- dro water heater $45. Automatic electric incubator. open to offers. Jones .218 Garden Ave., Lang- stafl‘. . *1w21 BROODERVSTOVE, coal. 300 chick capacity, $10. Maple 85114. ’ c1w21 SPACEKHEATER. complete with oil barrel. Phone AV. 5-1001} h GODEï¬ie.’ excellent condition. TU. 4-1607. *1w21 aRCULAR SAW, power 8" with 1/. h.p. motor and $40.00. Phone Maple 65R4. 2 VIOLIEJS (one 40 yrs. old). (one 90 years old. marked Hopi), King 117W. c1w21 SNOW FENCE. 20 rolls. ‘nearly new. Reasonable. AV. 5-1889. 12' THE LIBERAL, Richmogd Hill, Tihurs†NOV. 19, 1953 fl CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ,ADS SNOW FENCING. 650 feet. $55. Phone Maple' 65R4. c1w21 WALNUT vanity dresser and double bed with springs, $30. AV. 5-2301. c1w21 CAR HEATER; one 10â€"rung lad-- der (guaranteedt. Mears, Garden Ave.. Langstafl. *1w21 DRESSLER C631 and wood cook stove. Suitable for farm knchen. TU. 4-2638 WASHING MACHINE, Mraryrtag CEDAR RAILS. will deliver Maple 156M HUDSON Seal Cape. $50.00, TU. 4-2806. *1w21 BICYCLE. man's. C.C.M. $15.00. Phone Maple 65R4. c1w21 Our Want Ads Never Warm The Bench They All Get Acï¬ion CASH RATES. ï¬rst insertion 3c per word, min. charge . . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of .. COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c min. charge CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c . . . . . . Classiï¬ed odyertis_ementzslshould he in as early in the wee! , _--_. __ Ily...l_-...l....- ARTICLES FOR SALE ns; ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per Insertion 75c 1 NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . { . . . . . . 50c ï¬ed advertisements should be In as early in the week as possible but. not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES clw21 c1w21 c1le c1w21 clw21 c1w21 King. stand. clw21 clw21 c1w21 DEMOCRAT Sleigh. two horse; snow plow. will ï¬t jeep or adap- table for tractor. Mower with tractor hitch: hay rake. cultiva- tor; 3 tires 500x25 and 550x17: also 500' 1*" black and galv. pipe. Maple 156M. c1w21 GOOD milking goat. Freshens April 4; also buck if desired. King 11R4. clw21 PULLETS. 100 hybrids. Light Sussex and New Hampshire. Ma- ple 57R4. c1w21 COCKER LOVERS CH. CAROLINA COTTON PICKER strain of beautiful blond puppies for sale. Excellent show pros- pects. J.N.C. Hill, Thornhill‘ Phone AV. 5-1301. *1w20 SPECIAL SALE while they last 2. 3. and 4 week old Standard Quality Canadian Approved chicks, all popular heavy breeds. 2 week old non-sexed $23.95. pullâ€" ets $24.95. cockerels $24.95. 3 week old add ï¬ve cents per chick. 4 week old add 10 cents. Money Maker Quality add one cent, Ex- tra Proï¬t add 2\cents, Special Mating add 3 cents. Assorted breeds deduct one cent per chick. Also day old heavy breed pullets as low as $15.95 per hundred: non-sexed $16.45. Rhode Island Red cockerels $8.95. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fer- gus, Ontario. c2w20 PINE TABLE or desk, bookcase glass doors; cupboard washstand: barroom chair; walnut open side- board; oval walnut living-room table: glider couch frame: fall leaf garden table. AV. 5-1571. LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish, any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St.. West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 TRADE 1950 Sedan, 22,000 orig- inal miles. 35 miles to gal, for best panel truck offered and take over 10 payments of $24.00. Apply Shell Service Station. Thornhill. *1w20 HAVE you the Bray price list'.’ Some broiler cockerels available for December delivery and start- ed chicks. Ask about these. Get pt. lets now for good summer egg markets. Fred Wise. Richmond HURRY, HURRY. 'just arrived the all new swing needle. free arm sewing machine â€" ï¬rst on the market at its price. See it now _ at‘Gunnar Tailoring or phone for a demonstration, lim- ited supply. tfc21 ’37 DODGE 1/; ton panel, good condition. TU. 4-2708. *1w21 good tires. reconditioned motor. Maple 156M. c1w21 TRUCK. Fargo, 1948. 1% ton, platform body. good condition. 30 Harding Blvd., Richmond Hill. *1w21 Hill PIANO & BENCH, excellent conâ€" dition $225. AV. 5‘1708. c1w21 USED REFRIGERATORS and stoves received through our fall opportunity sale; also new an- nex. Excellent bargains. No reas- onable offer refused. Answell Limited. Thornhill. AV. 5-1123 01‘ BA. 1-3475-6. c1w21 CASE OF Blacksmith’s taps and dies. 14†to 1". $25.; 3 h.p. Mas- sey-Harris gasolene engine, $35. Trade either for double shotgunn or what. 22 BSA target rifle. peep sights, perfect. $35. 131 Yongn St. 8.. Richmond Hill. c1w21 USED CARS AND TRUCKS CHEVROLET 8 cwt. army truck good running condition, heater. defrosters and permanent anti- freeze $95. TU. 4-2393. c1w21 ROASTER OVEN. adjustomatic Westinghouse. cooks complete meal for 8 to 10 people. uses on- ly slightly more electricity than a toaster, reduced from $59.50 to $49.50. AVenue ‘5â€"1267. c1w21 TV ANTENNAE. 20 ft. rustproof, guaranteed for one year. $35.00; television service calls $4.50. no mileage charges. Same day ser- vice. Alpha Engineering C0,. Yonge St., one block north of Stee'les. AVenue 5-1267 1937 STUDEBAKER SEDAN FOR SALE cont. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE 40c 25c 50c 500 c1\\721 clw21 tchl CHALK REFRIGERATION Sales and Service_ Commercial, Farm, Household. Repairs to all makes, 24 hour service anywhere. Phone King 165W. tfcl7 ALL KINDS carpenter work, trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc43 MANURE Well rotted cow manure ,deliver- ed in 2 yards or more. Phone BA. 1-7232. *3w19 LARGE SEPTIC tanks installed anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. A. G. HALL â€" builder of qual- ity. custom and N.H.A. homes; remodelling a specialty. King 17R14. tfc39 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Siaewalks. cement work. tile beds, soft water cisterns, carpenâ€" try work. For prompt service call AVenue 5-1100. *4w18 TREE TRIMMER for Public Ut- ilities. steady employment. Call after 6 p.m.. 216 Richmond Street. Richmond Hill. c1w21 FALL PLOUGHING, sodding, landscaping. Guy-Mac. AV. 5-21 7 1. tf c1 1 SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam, manure and ï¬ll. L. Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc51 trim, general carpentry. Phone TU. 4-1614. E. Craig, 48 Hall St; STORM SASH, window frames and sash, door frames. made to order. Aubrey Nicols, Elgjr} ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. tfc FOR FAST, eï¬icient service and repairs on your washing machine. electric motors. ranges. vacuums, pollshers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric. WANTED salesman for establish- ed route. experience not necess- ary. guaranteed wage and com- mission ,hospitalization. Phone Av. 5-1556 after 6 pm. *2w21 CAPABLE housekeeper for three persons, Richmong Hill. Sleep in or out. Business mother. Phone TU. 4-2828 between 6 and 8 p. m. tic-21 ing, decorating. I5hone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-1791. tfc13 IF YOU WISH to learn to drive well. cal] TU. 4-2781. Thompson’s Driving School, 5 Duncan Rd.. Richvale. tfc18 CHIMNEYS â€" built and repair- ed, free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone AV. 5-1100. Concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. BAldwin 1-0633 or TUrner 4-1090. tfc42 NORTH YORK SODDING Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-5877. *29w42 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-1061. DEAD STOCK removed from your farm plfomptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 ces, please call Ground 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2 FEMALE cooks and kitchen as- sistant to be trained for work in the new Richmond Theatre Grill. There are also a few vacancies for waitresses available. Apply in writing Box 90 The Liberal. GOOD DEALERS to represent our ï¬rm in a reserved district. Goods well known. You can eas- ily earn from $60.00 to $75.00 a week. Nice assortment of Christ- mas gifts and Christmas Cards. $18.00 needed. Details: Jito: 5130 St. Hubert. Montreal. *2w20 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have an opening for an ener- getic man with initiative and neat appearance, experience not necessary. complete training and managerial supervision. late mod- el car essential. For appointment call Sales Manager S. J. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176, evenings TUrner 4- 1574. DAVID McLEAN LIMITED WELL DIGGING, septic tanks. TU. 4-1700. *1w21 FOR YOUR Alterations, repairs Mills, Ont AV. 5-1556 éfter 6 p.m ADAM POHL, Plasterer. TU. 4- 1385. c24w20 Reid‘ RICHMOND SOD SUPPLY, sod- ding and rototilling, flagstone and rock stone. TUrner 4â€"1812. tfclB SAND, GRAVEL, crushed stone. loam and ï¬ll and custom garden plowing Amd discing. sod. flasâ€" stone anti light gardening. Smith Cres. Pho'ne AV. 5-2211, LAW. ANYTHING in painting, paper- MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED M. EINBODEN & SON TU: 4-2211. *8w20 722 c30w49 c4w18 *3w20 clw21 c1w21 tfc42 tfc13 tfc15 tfc39 SAT., NOV. 21:- Auction sale of surplus overstock consisting of used cars, trucks. farm imple- ments and machinery ,tractors. threshing machines, combines, milking machines, 1 boat, cruiser complete with motor, bulldozer, electric motors, appliances, re- frigerators_ number of machinery parts, new galvanized piping, and a numerous lot of tractor. tires, truck tires, car tires, and other useful new articles. Property of John B. White, Brougham, Ont., on No. 7 Highway. Terms on small articles cash. Terms can be arranged on any article over $30000, by paying approximately oneâ€"third cash. Sale at 12.30 noon. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WED. NOV 25. 1953 â€" Auction sale of household furniture. etc.. Allis Chalmers model B tractor, Cockshutt rubberâ€"tired wagon. side rake. etc. Property belong- ing to Scrace Bros. Mrs. Hockley, Mr. Wideman\and Mr. Foster. At Prentice’s Auction rooms. Frank- lin House, Markham Village. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. no reserve. Ken 8.: Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. THURS. NOV. 26 â€" Auction sale of Holsteins. fresh and springer cattle, 125 pigs, milk cooler, Hin- man milker. implements.‘ etc; also 1500 bales of mixed hay (ex- ira good). 200 bus. barley, 600 bus. Beaver oats. The property of Stewart Burnett at lot 13. Con. 4‘ Whitchurch, half mile south of Vandorf. Farm lease expired. Terms cash. Sale 1 pm. Sellers and Atkinson. auctioneers and sales managers. c3w19 WORK WANTED for man with half ton truck. Anything consid- ered Box 85 Liberal. 02w20 HOME OWNERS. Contractors. Best quallty gravel for drive- ways, etc. Also topsoil. ï¬ll, and black muck. Delivered at very reasonable rates. Call Bernard DeFerrari. Maple 54R12. *2w21 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES or to buy existing lst or 2nd mort- Sages. W. W. Conroy. Broker. 56 Avon- dale Ave., Willowdale, Ont., phone BA. 1-7484. c1w21 BRICKLAYER and labourer want week-end work, Riqlvaleâ€" Rich- mond Hill area. TU. 4-2816. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 28 â€" Auction sale of herd of Register- ed Holstein cattle, threshing ma- chine. IHC tractor, farm stock. implements. hay. grain. furniture, etc“ on Highway 1 mile north of Maple. in Vaughan Twp. Prop- erty of BRYDON LLOYD. Sale at 12.30 noon. Terms cash, no re- serve. Farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice. audioneers. RUGS, BROADLOOM â€" save 50 "'n. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets. woollens. etc. Dom- inion Rug Weaving Co. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc21 IT IS NOW 15 months since the ï¬rst floors in Canada were treat- ed with “Bourne†Plastic. They are in this area, and the enthus- iastic owners will be pleased to show them. Both old and new floors look wonderful when treat- ed with “Bourneâ€. and require no waxing. Floor Treatments (Canada) King, Ont. King 27R12. c2w21 3 OR 4 DOLL CARRIAGES, in good condition, reasonable. 7 TU. 4â€"1712. *1w21 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals for speedy pick-up ‘phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill 'I‘Urner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (collect). tfc44 CEMENT FINISHING. serving your locality. machine troweled, dustless floors. colored or plain, our specialty; also waterprooï¬ng. Call Fuller's Dry Goods Store King 59R21, Oak Ridges. . tfc18 GENERAL Landscape. planning designing; also ponds, cellars. fence rows; all types grading and levelling. Estinl'ates given. Rep- resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes, Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley’s Contracting and Landscape Service, Stouï¬ville 60816. tfc46 YOUNG MAN desii‘es work â€" mechanic or truck driving pre- ferred. Call Bill TU. 4-1416. BUYING CARS. trucks for scrap- ping. TU. 4-1700. *1w21 SAT, DEC. 5 â€" Auction sale of 75 acre farm, good bank barn. two good frame dwellings. M-H tractor, farm implements, etc, on lot 34. con. 4 Pickering Twp. Property of John Byrne. Sale at 1 pm. Terms for implements. ~ash, No reserve. farm sold subâ€" ’ect to reserve bid. 10 percent on clay of sale. terms for balance made known. Ken‘s: Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. ‘ c3w21 CUSTOM MOWING. ploughing, discing. cultivating, also back ï¬lling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview, south of Mark- ham Rd. TU. 4-2342. - tfc51 SALE REGISTERS MISCELLANEOUS (continued) EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED c1w21 c1w21 FURNISHED ROOM. share kit chen for 2 men. TU. 4-1109. FURNISHED COTTAGE, even convenience at bus stop. adults. Winter months. AV. 5-1633. c1w21 COMFORTABLY furnished room TRANSPORTATION wanted from Richmond Hill leaving 6.30 am, to city and return, le'aving city about 4.30 p.m. Phone TU. 4- 1765. , *1w21 TRANSPORTATION Good Building Lot, 123 ft. x 364 ft., Elgin Mills, near Yonge St., $14 per foot. $6.900 Unï¬nished but livable. 4- mom bungalow on town water. Four piece bathroom. A bar- , gain for the handyman. $13500 'Ilhree bedroom bunga- low, brand new in exclusive area south of Richmond Hill. Oil heated. 'fully insulated. Op- en brick ï¬replace. Attached garage and breezeway. Priced right with $4,000 down. Canada‘s Largest Realtors TU. 4-1131 MA. 0397 Your Suburban Specialists suit one or heated. TU 2 BRIGHT ROOMS with sink and cupboards, reasonable. AVenue 5-2487. ’ c1w21 3 ROOMS, main floor. self-con- tained. heated Abathroom. privi- leges. 6434 Yonge St., just north of Stegles. *1w21 Richmondeill torBay and King. arriving downtown 9 a.m.. leav- ing 5.15 pm. TUrner 4-1839. ., WILL FINDER of antique silver bracelet left in Dairy Bar. Mon- day;~ November 9, please call TU. 4-1658. Reward. c1w21 ‘Sign of Service’ BED sitti_ng room. kitchen. 3-pce. bath. refrigerator and stove. busâ€" iness couple. TU. 4â€"3393. tfle THORNHILL on Yonge 317$ room apartment: self contained. suitâ€" able for business couple. AV. 5â€" 0058. . tfc20 2 persons from Stop 14A Yonge to University and Dundas. arriv- ing 8-8.30 a.m.. leaving 4.30 pm. AV. 5-‘1469. c1w21 UNFURNISHED flat, containing two rooms, sink and continuous hot water. Privileges. Suit one or two adults. Apply 68 Steeles Ave. East. Reasonable. c1w21 SELFâ€"CONTAINED 3â€"room apt. all convenieces. Located in Rich- mond Hill, one block from bus lihe. Apply The Liberal Box 89. , c1w21 TRANSPORTATION available at 7.10 am. from Stop 15A, arriving Massey-Harris 8 a.m.. returning 4.30 pm. AV. 5-1713. clw21 TRANSPORTATION wanted for DOOR KEY attached with string to large button. Please return to Liberal office. clw21 CAPONS, masters and fowl, highest prices paid. ‘Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Staâ€" tion, phone King 91R14. tfc17 Imam“!ummmummmmummuuunuuuuuummum .uuuu1mummmmMwmunmunmmmmmmm rent. Richmond Hill Hardware‘ TU. 4-2101. tfc18 $85 MONTHLY. Thornhill, com- fortable 3â€"room self-contained apartment in McNeil building; adults only, references, lease. For appointment call D. H. McLean, at AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd.. Realtors. clw20 TRANSPORTATION available at 7.10 am. from Stop 15A to King and University arriving 7.40 a.m., returning 4.30 pm. AV. 5-1713. clw21 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for TRANSPORTATION OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO RIDDUT POULTRY WANTED TO RENT LOST two gentlemen, oil 4-1547. c1w21 TUrner 4-1131 8 Yonge St. S. wanted c1w2] c1w21 1937 Chev. All in real good con- dition These Cars ére Priced Right for a fluick Sale 1952 Kaiser 1952 Henry J, Clearance Sale overdrive 1951 Ford, radio overdrive 1951 Henry J. 1952 Austin 1947 Willys Station Wagon We are now prepared to cut all kinds of duplicate keys with our new power driven duplicator machine. 24 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2101 Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded COMPARE OUR PRICES WE BUY ALL KINDS OF CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED Richvale Motor Sales An excellent programme is being planned for the annual Commencement Ex- cises of Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School on Friday evening, November 20. In addition ~to the presentation of Academic awards. prizes and scholarships, the pro- gramme will include orchest- ral and choir numbers by the students under the dir- ection of Eugene Lazar. The guest speaker will be Inspec- tor S. Rendall, Miss Shirley Barnes will be valedictor- ian for the graduating class. On Thursday evening, November 19, Intermediate certiï¬cates.-athletic and 0th; awards will be presented. 22A Yonge St. Phone TU. 4-2081 AGRICULTURAL SERVICE TUmer 4-1602 Check into those strange knocks and squeaks immediately! They’re warning signals that major trouble is on the way. Drive in today and save big expense later on! ‘ Discontinuing cal Fixtures Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS store All Stock on hand to be sold at greatly re- duced prices. Commencement November 19-20 Yerex Electric CHECK NOWi Richmond Hill Hardware At R.H.D.H.S. USED CARS OTTO PICK 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 76 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Electri- in the 61 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-2091 Richmond Hill 51 PONTIAC POWER- GLIDE SEDAN radio, air control, heater 1950 DESOTO SEDAN air control, heater 1950 DODGE SEDAN 1949 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS $295.00 42 CHEVROLET SEDAN TU. 4-1116 radio, slips, air condition- ing 49 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN Body and motor perfect 3 to choose from radio, air condition, heater & seat covers Angora Gloves & Hood Sets, assorted colors, boxed, cello- phane front Ibex Flannelette Blankets, double bed 70x90, a'ssorted borders low mileage. black beauty All the above cars have been carefully checked and reconditioned in our service department and carry our 30-day 50/50 warranty. Ladies’ Monarch Knit Nylon Cardigan Sweater Coats, assorted radio, air control, heater whitewall tires & seat covers Radio & air conditioning one owner. spotless Boys’ Nylon Blend Station Wagon Coats, Masterwool, satin covered lining, up to I 14 yrs. New Fall Dresses, velvets, taffetas, failles, orlons, wools & Winter Coats TURNER 4-1651 SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS Dodge & DeSoto $795.00 1948 DODGE SEDAN “$95.00 37 PONTIAC COACH Name Your Own Deal WINTER CLEARANCE of M USED CARS DEPENDABLE USED CARS R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. 52 KAISER SEDAN 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN 50 CHEVROLET DeLUXE SEDAN WM. NEAL 51 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN radio and heater Two-tone green, one owner 50 MONARCH CLUB COUPE $1250.00 $1095.00 $1525.00 $1350.00 $695.00 F 0rd -M onarch OPEN EVENINGS $75.00 39 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1.947 .VIEZ“( l “EDAN new paint job reconditioned $495.00 1950 PREFECT SEDAN 35 miles to the gallon Metallicgreen,,one owner 2 to choose from 51 MONARCH SEDAN Automatic drive‘ custom radio w/w tires. excellent con- dition For prompt. efficient, con- ï¬dential service call AV. 5- 1176 or BA. 1-1121. Five dire ect lihes to central. In the last 45 days we, have sold 14 properties in Richmond Hill district and 12 properties in Thornhill area. We are desperately in need 'ofvhomes in Richmond Hill and Thornhill districts. David McLean Ltd. HEAD OFFICES. THORNHILL - MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 50 PONTIAC FLEETLINE SEDAN radio and whitewalls 7 passenger job 50 FORD STATION WAGON 50 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN radio and heater Spotless condition 49 MERCURY SPORTS SEDAN SOLD 40 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE RICHMOND HILL $695.00 $295.00 $3.49 $6.50 “$4.95 $13.95 EM. 6-3166