On Thursday evening, Novem- ber 12. about 40 ladies of the Ladies Auxiliary of Richmond Hill Scouts met at the home of Mrs. Jack Wharton for their reg- ular monthly meeting. Owing to the absence of the president, Mrs. A. Blackburn was in the chair and following the business meet- ing turned the chair over to Mrs. F. Gardner as nominations were in order. The officers for the coming year are as follows: Pres- ident. Mrs. A. Blackburn; vice- president, Mrs. S. Tinker; sec., Mrs. E. Lambert; corres. sec., Mrs. W. Bunker; treasurer. Mrs. S. Osmond; press con., Mrs. A. Dewsbury; membership, Mrs. M. Williams; social, Mrs. L. Roy and Mrs. D. Fettes; program. Mrs. W. Smith: Sunshine. Mrs. B. Houle. Mrs. F. Gardner gave the lad- ies a most interesting and en- lightening talk on Scouting. A social half hour followed, The Teen-age Bible Class of St. Mary'slAnglican Church held a social evening on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dun- can Smith of Arnold Cres. About 30 young people had a grand ev- ening of fun and fellowship un- der the direction of Mr. and Mrs. E. Butlin. There were large congrega- gations in attendance for the 136th anniversary services of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Services were conducted by Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister of the church and there was special music by the choir under the leadership of Mrs. Andrew. Guest soloist at the morning service was Mr. John Oliver. A feature of the morning service was the induction of two new elders, James Butler, J. P. and Garnet Taylor. 7 The svyrhpathy of the commun- ity is extended to his family. Election of officers for the Presbyterian Y.P.S. will be held this Sunday egeping at 8 pm. in the Sudday School room following the church service. All young people of the congregation are invited. Hon. W. A. Goodfellow. Minis- ter of Welfare for Ontario, was the guest speaker in the banquet hall following the regular meet- ing of Richmond Masonic Lodge, Wednesday evening. Vrâ€"Jeek One of Willowdale‘s respected citizens and a well-known per- son in this community, George T._ Stephenson, died suddenly while on a hunting expedition at Fernleigh, last week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno who celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary on November 15._ Anthony Wilson of Englehart. formerly of Carrville renewed ac- quaintances in the district this RICHMOND HILL . . . Farmers’ Market Admission Free Time 7 Your Ford-Monarch Dealer RICHMOND HILL Brand new. two tone paint, whitewalls & other extras. The last one we’ll have this year. See it in our showroom today. OPEN EVENINGS R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. Thornhill District Lions Club Teen - Age Square Dance W75. CHRISTMAS SEALS TUESDAY, NOV. 24 ’53 FORD RANCH WAGON The Liberal is always glad to receive social ma personal items for this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations .women’s and men’s societies, lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publi- cation. JACKSON â€" ‘Weiwish to express sincere gratitude to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for their assistance, sympathy and floral offerings during the illness and loss of our beloved father. We especially thank the Rev. C. G. Higginson for his con- soling words. *1w21 The Family. WITNEY â€"â€" In loving memory of husband and father who passed away November 16, 1948; also son and brother Cecil, Nov. 22, 1931. Gone into the Light that shines so fair, Gone from the earth of sorrow and care, Resting those hands that did their best Gone, dear ones, gone to rest. CARD 0]“ THANKS â€" Always remeinbered by wife and family. clw21 The convenors are: Miss F. Richardson, Home Baking; Mrs. R. Endean, aprons; Mrs. Harry Currie, Christmas decorations; Mrs. George Fenwick and Mrs. J. Pollard, miscellaneous tables; Mrs. Duncan Smith, felt work; Mrs. G. Irwin, candy; Mrs. W. V. Brittain. plants; Mrs. Merlin Gra- ham. white elephants; and Mrs. Ray Jackson, post office. Mrs. Stan Pipher will be in charge of the tea room. McMAHON â€" Pete and Anne McMahon are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their baby daughter, Judith Anne, at Mrs. Healey's Nursing Home, Elgin Mills, on Nov. 12. A sis- ter for Dianne, Joan, Linda and Paul. clw21 A very cordial invitation is ex- tended to the community at large to come and bring their friends. There will be a ï¬sh pond spon- sored by the Explorers Grou‘p of girls. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cruickshank who cel- ebrated their 30th wedding an- niversary on November 14 when they were guests of honour at a family dinner at the home of Mrs. L. E. Burton at Preston. The Conï¬rmation Class held a Corporate Communion at St. Mary's Anglican Church last Sun- day morning. The Church was ï¬lled to capacity and Rev. A. A. Chote concluded his Conï¬rmat- ion Series by speaking on the subject: "After Conï¬rmation â€" what then?" Rev. C. G. Higginson will open the bazaar in the Richmond Hill United Church School Room on Saturday, November 21, at 3 pm. In memoriam Time 7.30 to 9.30 FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS TU. 4-1116 The Family‘ These River Valley Conserva- tion Authorities were brought into being because of a desire of the people to do something to improve their resources of soil, water, woodland and wildlife within their valley. But while there is sincere appreciation of the need of such work being un- dertaken within their boundries, To date in Ontario there are 15 River Valley Conservation Authorities including the large river basins of the Grand, Thames, Saugeen and Moira and the smaller drainage areas of the Don, Ganaraska, Big Creek and Etobicoke. Improve Resources Conservation through River Valley Authorities is a people’s movement in this Province that was born in 1946 with the passage of the Conservation Authorities Act in that year. Under this act, two or more municipalities whol- 1y or partly within a watershed may petition the Government for the establishment of an Author- ity. A11 municipalities within the area are notified and two-thirds of these must be present to form a quorum. If two-thirds of the delegates present vote in the affirmative, then the Authority is established by Order-in-Coun- oil and all municipalities whether they were represented at this in- itial meeting or not are part of the body corporate. 15 Authorities 15 River Valley Authorities Conserve Ontario’s Resources ..The most awaited news howev- er at the banquet was the an- nouncement of the winners in the competition. This Plowing Corn- petition is unusual in type in that each competitor plows his lands on his home farm and the judge, Mr. George Hostrawser of Bramp- ton, visits the farms and scores the ï¬elds individually. As might be anticipated. the entries in the horse section were limited but the highest score 'of the competition went to a horse plowman, Andrew Wat§on of Woodbridge. Andrew had a score of 81% and won the T. Eat- on Company silver trophy for winning “Class 5" for boys 16 and under, as well as the James McLean Memorial Trophy for the A very enjoyable banquet held on November 11 at Victoria Square United Church climaxed the 34th annual York County Junior Farmer Home Plowing Competition. Nearly 100 people were on hand to enjoy the even- ing which was under the very ca- pable chairmanship of Miss Jean- ette Harrison. Following the de- licious meal, the Unionville Jun- ior rarmers’ Association supplied some very ï¬ne entertainment in the form of aquartette and trio as well as a very humorous and cur- rently popular skit called "Drag- on Net". Winners Announced In his annual message to the people of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Bishop A. R. Beverley of Toronto Diocese remarked- at the Confirmation Service last Thursday: “I would like to con- gratulate your Parish on the pro- perty improvements made this year and especially on your se- lection of a new Church organ which has such excellent tone. It is encouraging to see your Church filled at a mid-week Service and to see such a large Confirmation Class the majority of which being adults." At the close of the Confirma- tion Service, the Bishop dedicat- ed the Coronation Year Church Organ which was given by the freewil‘l offerings of the people. On the side of the organ is mounted a beautiful replica of St. Edward‘s Crown which was designed and fashioned by Mr. Doug Boyd, 3 member of St. Mary's Church and renowned for Organ Dedicated 26 Confirmed At St. Mary’s Church By Bishop Bevenley PreSent Junior Farmers Plowing Awards At Victoria Sq. Banquet Richmond Hill Rotary Club will be selling Xmas Trees again this year which can be purchas- ed at Jack Brill‘mger’s Garage. Yonge St. 5.; Butler 8; Baird Lumber Yard. Yonge St. N.: and at Harry Simpson’s Dry Goods Store, in the centre of the town. or by contacting members of the Fund-raising committee, namely. Joe Rabinowitch TU. 4-2084, Harry Bawden TU. 4-1262, Jack Rice TU. 4-1696 and Bill Dodds. All proceeds from the sale of Xmas trees will be used for Com- munity Welfare work. It is most important however, that the people of a river valley be first interested in its natural resources problem and form a Conservation Authority as a cor- porate body to deal with the problems which the people them- selves regard as the most urgent. When an Authority has been or- ganized it is then in a position to request assistance both financially and technically in carrying out its program. recreational assets of the www- shed; soil conservation measures; the preservatlon of msme sites and the improvement of game and fish. When the people of a water- shedorganize an Authority there are many projects which it may undertake and these may include flood protection, water conserva- tion mecol'ros such as small dams and ponds, improvement of sum- The River Valley Conservation report is intended to serve as a blueprint by which the Authority can get on with its job. The Auâ€" thority may carry out any of the recommendations which it conâ€" siders the most urgent, assistance and direction of which are given by‘ the Conservation Branch of the Department of Planning and Development. Undertake; Projects the Authorities are not equipped to carry out extensive investiga- tions which would indicate where such work should be done and the sequence of carrying it out. Consequently, the Conservation Branch of the Department of Planning and Development un- dertakes such work as a service to the Authorities. and by means of surveys and reports they ap- praise the conservation need of each watershed and submit a report to the Authority in which the conservation measures nec- essary to the undertaking are set forth in detail. The Home Plowing Competi- tion has a long and honoured traâ€" dition in York County and all winners are to be congratulated. It is sponsored by the York Jun- ior Farmers‘ Association and is under the direction of W. M. Cockburn, Agricultural Repres- entative and E. K. Pearson, As- sociate Representative of the On- tario Department of Agriculture, Newmarket. The Junior Farm- ers' Association extends a partic- ular vote of thanks to the various donors of the trophies for the competition. . Class 1, Walking Plow â€" Ki- wanis Club of the Golden Mile trophy â€" Jack Shadlock, Agin- court. Class 2, Tractor -- Jack Fraser wrist watch â€" Archie Cameron, Woodbridge. Class 4, Tractor â€" Weston Lions‘ Club Trophy â€" John Pugh, Stouï¬ville. Class 6, Beginners’ Class â€"' F. Perkins‘ set of wrenches â€" Ber‘ nard Taylor, Sharon. Class 7, Ladies’ Tractor â€" Clarence Gra- ham silver cream and sugar â€" Mary Gough, Milliken. Clark Young Special to four youngest plowmen â€" lst Roger Meyers. Gormley, 6 years old; 2nd. Elaine Forsythe, Stouffville, 10 years old. Mrs. Gloria D. Allen, June Rose Bettridge, Mrs. Edith Butlin, Janis Elizabeth Butlin, Nancy Elizabeth Dean, Arlene Joan Dunn, Mrs. Janet A. Dunn, Gayle Ann Fuller, Beverley Ione Hig- gins. Mrs. Gwendoline C. Jack- son. Jocelyn Margaret Lewis, Norma Hazel Lenton. Mary Lou- ise Mason, Agnes Louise Munroe, Mrs. Vesta M. Purnell. Mrs. Con- stance Snaith, Helen Patricia Smith, Mrs. Jennie Mary Goodier, John Ferris Allen, William Da- vid Brown, William J. C. Boyn- ton, Donald Murray Fettes, Frederick Jas. Fletcher, Howard F. B. Jackman, DOnald Ross Large, Walter John Wynn. The Choir under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Armstrong sang H. Crackell's "Rend Your Heart." The names of those confirmed included: Confirmation Class his craftsmanship best land in boys’ and beginners’ classes and the Marion MacGreg- or Trophy for champion land. Other Winners RICHMOND HILL ROTARY CLUB Sunday Next Before Advent 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Adult Devotional Ser- vice We need you. You need our Lord. Cars will pick up children on Oak and Spruce St. at 9.40 am. Watch for cars with church sign. Anglican Richvale - Langstaff District Meets every Sunday morning in the Hewitt School ‘Be still and know that I am God’ SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Convention of Ontario 8: Quebec Rev. P_e_rc'yï¬C, Buck. B.A., B. Th. Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1953 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship Sunday School â€" 9.45 am. â€" Intermediates (11 and over) 11 am. â€" Junior, Primary and Beginners (4 to 11) Nursery Dept. (2-3 yrs.) LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH " Pastor Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed., 8 pm -- Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 pm. â€" Women's Mis- THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH sionary meeting Tuesday, 8 pm. â€" Young Peop- le’s Meeting “The Friendly Church†SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 Thomhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 10 a.m. -â€" Adult Bible Class 11 a.m. â€" Morning Service SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 11 am. â€" S_err_r1_qn: ffA day of good tidings†Friday 7-8 pm. â€" Happy Hour Sat, 7.30 pm. â€" Young Life Club RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 11 am. â€" Worship Service 10 a.m. â€" Church School 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship "0ft Misquoted" 7 pm. â€" Evening Service “Everyman’s Decision†SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22. 1953 MISSIONARY SUNDAY Minister, Re_v.r Carrlvln Chiming. Next Before Advent “Go yet into all the world and preach the Gospel" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Teen-age Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer “The Master said: GO!†7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer The Rector “Be not afraid, only believe'“ I love to step inside a Church, To rest, and think, and pray; The quiet, calm, and holy place Can drive all cares away. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., Minister RICHMOND HILL. ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. m, Richmond Hill Hydro Electric System In order to string new Wires on Yonge Street north from Dufl’erin Street it will be necessary to interrupt service to customers. Every effort will be made to keep these interruptions to a minimum and we ask your co-opera- tion. Weather will be taken into ac- count so as to cause a minimum of in- convenienca Toeton ST. BARN ABAS MISSION THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Spray & Paint Contracting Spraying Orchards, Brush, Weeds, Whitewashing Pa-inting_â€"â€" Spray and Brush Interior and Exterior NOTICE - HYDRO Please Watch for Posters Jena Benedictus Rector SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 COME TO CHURCH 11 am. -â€" Sunday School and adult class An earnest appeal is extended to all those in the Richvale area to join us and attend these ser- vices. It will help very much to encourage future progress. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Special music and Testimony Night. Hear the ‘Oakwood-Aires’ from Toronto, also the Richvale Ladies Trio. Tuesday 8 p.m. â€" Bible Study Friday, 7 p.m. â€" Happy Hour You will receive a great blessing in your soul while attending any one of these services. Studies in the Tabernacle .â€" Subject “Within the Holiest of All.†Only two messages left in this series. Our guest soloist for this service will be Mrs. Kemp. This church is co-operating with the Jesse Hendley Campaign in Toronto, Nov. 16-22 BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 Boise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed, 7.30 p.m.: Prayer Meeting Oak Ridges Services in Oak Ridges School House 10.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service qus.;_8 p.m. _â€"__ Prayer Meeting a messége from Exodus 7 13.m.uâ€" VEverning Service ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1953 Church Service . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sunday School . .. . . 10 am. Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. I Timothy 2-5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, ' the man Christ Jesus. One Block East of You†On Madawaska Ave., Stop 1213 Pastor F. Vaughan, B. Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship ‘The Redemption of God’s People' CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1953 2.30 p.m. â€" Church Servicé and Sunday School Rev. E. H. Unstead, Minister §I_JNI)AY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 in Homes of the Community Vaughan (3rd con.) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service Concord 10 am. â€" Sunday School MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Edgeley Afternoon Worship Sundfay School Hope Sunday School . . . Church Service .. Maple Sunday School . . . Church Service . . . NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH in Concord School House CHURCH OF CHRIST School 10.15 Service 11.30 School . . . . . . 10.30 Service . . . . 11.30 m Worship 2. 0 pm School ...... 1.30 pm Richvale Chapel Maple’im Oak Avenue [I For Service at it's Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy iRICEiHOND HILL DAIRY TUrner 4-1261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TUmel’ 4-1701 Richmond Hill Formerly of Gerrard Helntzman Work guaranteed, Free estimates Phone Liberal Ofï¬ce James J. Wall Plumbing - Heating OAK RIDGES PHONES ONTARIO Aurora 46-J ' King 111 STUART PAXTON THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Nov. 19, 1953 5 Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 BF Goodrich I.................. Sanitary Contractor SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Sheet Metal Work Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Fairbanks - Morse Pressure Systems Yonge St., Richmond Hill Phone TUmer 4-2133 COLD STORAGE LOCKERS PIANO TUNING Williams’ Sunoco Service Station Phone TUmer 4-1016 E. CHARITY and Repairing S. Hoffman TIRES Rentals from $8 to $12 per year Stouflville Creamery Phone Stoufl’ville 186W TELEPHONE, IUR...4ER-.4-1622 Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Cabbage NO. 1 GRADE Potatoes FIRM GREEN MORLEY’S CANADA PACKERS’ Shortening Spaghetti Pork & Beans Pumpkin 12.,“ 19c FLORIDA JUICE Oranges M 29c METCALFE’S Cake Mix LIBBY’S BRIGHT’S CHOICE Peaches STOKLEY’S FANCY AYLMER FANCY SHERRIFF’S BEEHIVE Corn Syrup Honey Pod Peas SPECIALS 25cm - 33cm Chocolate HERE! 1 lb. 10 lb. Bag 2 lb. Large Heads 20 In. Tins 20 oz. Tins 25c 29c 25c 29c 19c 35c