FERGUSON TRACTORS $1540.00 ï¬nally an but: white boot wlth Ihaped top: destqned be trim. n9 contort and dexterity. Welt leather soles. Ioltd leather heels. Fitted with beautuully chrome plated ï¬gure skates of latest design. "Mmtercrdt" quanta! throughout â€" at Canadian The savings! Misses elm It to 2 Women's sizes 3 to 9 Smith Crescent Won - Guards. my): - grade lath ï¬nish Tube 3km“ have hadened blades Ma's m -5 to 12. Pair Etched 1:31: W I-lnlnq; ‘reu padded mm; TUrner 4-2612 MARIO CATENARO CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices SAND, GRAVEL,VCRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, SNOW PLOUGHING m, 8.95 N; 9295' FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT HOCKEY OUTFIT San! Semi-Pro. Two-Tone or. Jiffy Installation any spark plug. .79 .94. Keep spark plugs dryâ€" frec from all and mois- Nn. Give qulck, but» ten-saving stuns _ even Jn wettest weath- ~ Spark Plug Protectors So! of 6 5.9 msn. Smooth. lop-grab leather: Black Use Our Christmas 8! all popular HM sins. Reinforced wedge type tooth bin Into ice and packed mow, give extra fractionâ€"prevent skid- ding. Set of 6 chain: to B. W â€" nuke winter driving laid Welded steel duck-I anchored to steel 3H. plot as.“ vnfhorproof mum mom. Ali sins â€"Io (I: can and Iigln nicks. "Lug Grip" Tire Chains Emergency Tire Chains 5°"! 1.15 Lay-away Plan % Wave/52%!†0'6 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND HILL L. W. REID Hell AVenue 5-2211 Warm. soft mohair -â€" on. the fits, all can. FUR MUFF High speed, vacuum type, no baflery drain. Blows away steam, sleet and has}. Wes 3.65. Steering VWheel “1C0 Defroster Fan 1.59 .39 Muff Thornhill 1.19 LESS THAN TEN DOLLARS! That's a triflan prie- ior neat cover: when they're made like these! Durable ï¬bre plaids. interwovenwllh color. . . . Cu! no they really ï¬t like second upholstery. These handsomely woven plaid ï¬bre sea! covers are cut to the exaa measurements of your make and model out. Your choice of smart blue or maroon cloth trim wit sparkling yhile Exiruded Plume Piping. The man two-tone gray background is given an extra lift will the mum-tone plaid efled in brith cheerful calm that will harmonize will: mosl car interiors. Easy .9 inslallâ€"or we will install them lot you at Ilia“ additional cost. AUTO SEAT COVERS WORTH $18.00 Clear transparent finish seals our weather, cov- roxlon and moisturs. Spray type disguises. I’m-9h black or brown rubber. Smurf waffle do- slgn. Size [9" 3: IS". A CTC bargain! All-Purpose Speedometer Siorm Mat Cable Grease 'I’ongh block or brown Speciai graphite protect rubber. Smart waffle doâ€" against rust, min and sign. Size [9†x IS". A wear . . . II any ton- CTC bargain! perchlm. I98 I29 'PLAs'nc I spur ‘ ï¬lm‘s. Chrome Protector 1 .29 BUY FOR THE CAR â€" or for Christmas giving. Big 54" x 68" ALL-WOOL Mom Robe. Handsome plaids â€" Red, Bun, Green a: Blue~Groy predominant: 34nd; hand-rolled hinge. Entity worth up to 7.50 . . . . . . . . . I All-Wool MOTOR ROBE For Mrs. Ross Hard and Mrs. Walter Craig who have been 111, we wish a speedy recovery. Frazer Craig and his father at- tended the hockey game at Maple Leaf Gardens last Saturday ev- ening. Frazer is our new “Teleâ€" gram†newsboy and for obtain- ing ï¬ve new subscriptions he won two complimentary tickets to the hockey game, as well as a tank- ful of gasoline. Congratulations to Will Clark who was elected Deputy-Reeve of Markham Township. Let no one say that local people failed to exercise their franchise. At But- tonville Hall the vote appears to have been quite heavy. Miss Mary Rodick entertained members of, Brown's Corners church choir last week. Neighbourhood Notes Correspondent: Mrs. E“. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone Agincourt 335.12 BUTTONVILLE Flashing chrome. ruby red level. Deflect- gus fumes, proved: bumper tarnish. COMPLET! FOR FRONT and REAR Exhaust Deflector 1.10 Please keep in.mind the date of the Temperanceville School concert. December 21. Details were given in last week’s issue. WJ. News On the afternoon of December 3 and 4 Miss Meyers of the De- partment of Agriculture Women's Institute Branch was the dem- onstrator on Supper dishes pres- ented in the church basement. Thirteen members attended on Thursday and fourteen on Friday. The meals both days gave spec- ial emphasis to the beneï¬cial uses of milk and cheese in our diet. The ï¬rst afternoon's meal consisted of home-made tomato soup, pork and bean salad and as dessert fruit tarts which contain- ed cream cheese. The second afternoon the menu consisted of baked potatoes, oven cooked sli- ced carrot and onion rings, beef loaf cups with piquant sauce tossed salad and baked custard with caramel salice as dessert. Both meals were delicious. Each member received a cook book containing many more useful and appetizing recipes. The WA. and W.M.S. will meet at the home of Mrs. John Ume- hara on Thursday, December 17, at 2.30 pm. The topic will be taken by the W.M.S. The tall call will be answeared by the paying of fees for 1954. Would members please bring their mite boxes. Reports will be given by officers. Mrs. B. Palmer and Mrs. Fred Boys were elected as nominating committee at the November meeting to prepare a slate of of- ï¬cers for the year 1954. ‘The ‘December lunch committee is \Mrs. Frank Bell and Mrs. John ‘Umehara. ‘ On Sunday evening the con- gregation had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Galbraith speak on behalf of the Gideons. It was a service with much food for thought as well as an insight into the work done by the Gideons. Mr. Galbraith also sang a much appreciated solo acompam‘ed‘ by the organist, Miss Ruth Bey-t non. The afternoon of December 12 at 3 o’clock the Mission Band will hold its Christmas enter~ tainment. The superintendent, Mrs. M. McClure and the memâ€" bers are looking forward to hav- ing as many parents as possible present. Children are asked to be at the church at 2.30 pm. sharp and bring all necessary costumes or articles needed. its annual Christmas entertain- ment in the form of a pot luck supper and short program. The usual custom of a hot diSh and dessert being provided by the ladies would be greatly appreciat- ed. Santa will arrive and pres- ent the children with gifts from the Christmas tree. All parents are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the evening with the child- ren. On Sunday, December 13, a White Gift service will be held. Both Sunday school pupils and the congregation will have the opportunity of giving fobd, cloth- ing or toys to less fortunate peop- le. The gifts will be sent to the Fred Victor Mibsion to be dis- tributed. ' On the evening of December .116. the Syndjsy school will hold The W. A. bazaar was held in Temperanceville church Sunday School rooms on the evening of December 2. Members of the or- ganization are grateful to those of the community who attended the bazaar and also those who contributed articles to be sold. A number of gentlemen were al- so present to enjoy the pie and ice cream served. The proceeds amounted to approximately $62. The children of the Sunday School received $6.10 from the candy counter. This money is for the M. & M. Fund. Church Activities Mexican artist Leon Helguera hails the Universal Declaration ho? Human Rights in a new United Nations commemorative stamp shown above. It will be issued on 10 December, the date the Declaration was adopted by the U.N. General ASSC 'Dly ï¬ve years ago. The. stamp will be printed in two denominago‘ns, the 3¢ in blue and the 5¢ in red, in a ï¬rst and ï¬nal edition of 2,000,000 copies, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, a. n. 3, KING Phone King ann‘ _._._...____ W'ew U.N. §Mmp_ Honors Human Rights TEMPERA‘NCEVILLE NEW riculture Women's :11 was the dem- IPDer dishes pres- church basement. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Palmer and Sharon were dinner guests of Mrs. M. McClure ‘on her-birth- day last Saturday. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Manley were guests ofPMr. and Mrs. E. Phillips on Spnday. 1104 Bay Street Congratulations CONCRETE & CINDER BLOCKS Supplied by Maple Block & Tile Limited RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL GIBSON & POKORNY RICHMOND BOWL With Best Wishes for Success to COME IN AND Cï¬â€˜ FULL DETAILS T'Urner RICHMOND BOWL Architects from md Mrs. C. Herman ot Gravenhurst who celebrated her 76th birth- day on December 4, was the hap- py recipient of a radio, presented to her by her family. at a party given in her honor by her three daughters, Mrs .R. Holmes and \Mrs. H. Suter of Langstaff, and Mrs. F. Smith, Arncliï¬â€™e Cres- cent, Toronto, where the party was held. Mrs. Herman is very proud of her 19 great grandchild- ren, and was very sorry some of them were unable to attend her birthday party because of dis- tance. Great grandchildren at the party were Crystal and Ellen Suter, Wendy, Jimmy and David Kirby, Beverly Smith, Judy Cur- tis, Patsy and Ricky Jess. Grand- children present were Barbara, Douglas and Jim Suter, H. Suter Junior, and R. Suter and their wives, Mrs. W. Kirby, Mrs. R. Curtis, Mrs. R. Smith and their husbands and Mrs. I. Jess of Hamilton. Others of the family included among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. R: Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. H. Suter Sr. of Langâ€" staï¬. Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith of Toronto, Mrs. A. N. Robinson of Stratford and Mrs. Herman’s bro-‘ ther and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. ‘H. Myers of Toronto. Socials Mr. and Mrs. A. German, Lang- staff Road West spent the week- a close with delicious refresh- ments served by Mrs. Holt, Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Thirgood and Mrs. Hamblyn. Honoured The regular meeting of the Mark-Vaun W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. R. Hamblyn, on Thursday. December 3, with the president Mrs. A. T. Mathews presiding. During the meeting, Mrs. Ellam gave a very interest- ing report on the area convention held in the Royal York Hotel re- cently. After a short business session, the members gathered around the Christmas tree for the usual Christmas festivities of games and carol singing. Winners of games Were Mrs. Ellam. Mrs. Bentley and Mrs. Vanhorn. A skit entitled “Two kinds of Greenhorns" presented by Mrs. A. T. Mathews and Mrs. W. Kir- by was thoroughly enjoyed. A happy birthday to you was sung in honor of Mrs. Mary Holmes. Members each received a gift from under the tree, and a very enjoyable evening was brought to LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. A. T. MATHEWS Phone AVenue 5-1455 [eng at Niggara Falls. Toronto LAUNDERERS m LIBERAILIEigï¬mqnd Hm, Thum, Dee. m, 195: You can rely on Toronto’s leading laundry and dry cleaners. Top quality work, prompt pick-up and delivery. 11.536 35 SAFE AND SAY -â€" "THE TORONTO LAUNDERERS' WAY‘ 175 ossmcroï¬â€™Avau TORONTO o mom ..__________, 68 Yonge St. S. A welcome is extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. McCoy, who have taken up residence in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. N. Hicks and family at the corner of No. 7 Highway and Yonge Streets. Ernest N'icholisoxrépent a few days last week at the home of his grandson. R. Bryant and family at Brantfard. your washduy chores Don’ t be chained to sincere thank you. sound and complete educational system School Section, I wish to say a and workers in the interests of a To my many loyal supporters Barbara C. Langstai THE LIBERAL LOCAL AGENT for the Richmond Hill and let us "TAKE OVER†TU. 4-1261 Mr. and Mrs. George Forester had as Sunday supper guests, Mrs. E. Paxton and family. The 4-H Homemaking girls with Mrs. E. Phillips as their leader had their ï¬rst meeting of the seaâ€" son on Saturday afternoon. The senior girls. Irene Mashinter. Ed~ na Christensen, Ruth and Flor- rie Beynon had four junior girls. Clara Herrema, Donna Jennings, Elsie Anderson and Patsy Mack- lln join the club. The project they are now working on is “What shall I Wear?" Mrs. John Mack- lln will assist the leader. 4-2991 351-15 TEMPERANCEVILLE Richmond Hill LL. 2161