Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1953, p. 13

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Carrviiie Junior Choir had a social period following choir prac- tice Friday after school and all had a fine time. Don‘t forget Sun- day. December 13, is White Gift service so be sure to have your gifts with you. On Sunday. December 20. a family service will be held, and all parents and children are in- vited to come and will be wel- come. WA. AnnualWMeeging Carrville United Church Wo- man's Association met Wednes- day evening at the home of Mrs. George Pitts, Carrviiie Road, with 15 ladies present. This being the annual meeting Rev. Kent was present. The president Mrs. A. Read con- ducted the meeting. the theme of which was “Joy.” Mrs. DelBrocco read the scripture from the 15th chapter of John. and then gave the explanation. Rev. E. E. Kent led in prayer. The January meeting was plan- ned to be held at Mrs. Kirk’s and Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Middleton will be the social conveners. Mrs. George will read the scripture. Miss Sheppard will give a paper. The members of the Carrville W. A. were invited to the Thornhill United Church W.A. meeting on Thursday afternoon. The treasurer stated that $938 had been taken in this year. The sick and flower committee are In charge of the Christmas boxes fin- the shut-ins in the commun- y. Mrs. Read, the retiring presi- dent thanked the ladies for the wonderful support and co-opera- tion during the two years she was president, then turned the meet- ing over to Dr. Kent, who was in charge of the election of ofl'icers. Mr. Kent thanked the WA. for their kindness both in word and deed at the time of Mrs. Kent’s death. Officers elected for 1954 are: Past presldent. Mrs. A. Read; president, Mrs. J. Baker: vice- prealdenfi, Mrs. W. George; rec. 390., Mrs. R. Kirk; cor. sec., Mrs. 11. Middleton: treasurer, Mrs. ART SEWING T0 MEASURE, MATCHED, FITTED DRAPES Straight, Curved tracks in- stalled Bed Spreads, Slip Covers, etc. - For Fine Work call RUTH DELBROCCO BA. 1-2041 ‘ " I wish to extend my very sincere thanks for your expression of confidence and the excelient vote accorded me in Monday’s elec- tion. I will endeavour to prove worthy of your confidence and [assure you I will do my best toserve you on the School Board in the coming term. To all who voted for me and worked on my behalf my sincere thanks, and best wish- es to all for a happy Christmas season. I do appreciate the support 'given to me by the voters of Markham Twp. in this year’s municipal election. Thanks also to all those who worked for me during my election campaign. TO THE RATEPAYERS Richmond Hill School Section CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON APPRECIATION CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130R! ,. H. CLEMENT Geo. Pitts; pianist, Mrs. George; assistant pianist, Mrs. Oliver; par- sonage representative, Mrs. A. Read; nomination conveners, Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Read and Mrs. Oliver; flower and sick commit- Mrs. Bone, Mrs. Wood and Miss Sheppard; ways and means com- mittee, Mrs. DeiBrocco, Mrs. Bar‘- ton, Mrs. Ness. Mrs. Clement. Dr. Kent installed the officers and reminded Mrs. Baker. the new president of the responsibil- ity of her ofilce and asked all W. A. members to support her and do their various duties in the best way. Mrs. Baker thanked the ladies for electing her and said she would do her best to fill the office. Mrs. Oliver on behalf of the W.A.} expressed the regret of all members that Mrs. W. Wynn, a valued member. is moving to Hamilton the beginning of the year. Mrs. Barton also spoke on the same subject. At the close of the meeting, Dr. Kent distributed Christmas gifts to each member in the Christmas exchangea _ A social half hour was spent when therhostess, Mrs. Pitts ser- ved dainty refreshments assisted by Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Baker with Miss Evah Sheppard pour- ing tea. Home and School Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nichol], Mrs. Lewis Morris and Mrs. Bert Middleton attended the York- Simcoe Home and School Coun- cil meeting at the Charles How- itt Public School Thursday even- ng. We are pleased to hear that] John Varley is home from Sun- nybrook Hospital. We hear he was very pleased with all the cards and gifts he received while there. Fellowship Group The first fellowship group mee- ting was held Friday evening with 30 parents and children present. Rev. Kent was chairman and showed two interesting films. Jl Oliver led in carol singing. A shggt bnsiness meqting was held. Meetings are to be held on the first Friday of the month except January when it will‘be held on January 8. Program commit- tee for the January, February and March meetings are Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams, Mrs. J. Bush- ell and Dr. Brock Walker. Rev. Kent was elected chairman for the meetings and Mrs. R. Middle- ton; secretary-treasurer. The refreshments are to be provided by the members whose surnames are from A to K for January and from L to Z for Febâ€" rugry, Réfreshments Were served by several ladies and a social time was enjoyed. Phone TU. 4-1812 For a Bright and Colorful Xmas .. . Order from Richmond Hill Large assortment of Plants and Cut Flowers Flowers Wired Anywhere also Headquarters for Xmas Trees Rice’s Flowers . . We Deliver . . WW A 1:35: agaggvgamT‘Rm Kids Demand Realistic Motbr Transport ons According to a letter from the Chief Engineer of the new Met- ropolitan area filed at Tuesday’s Markham township council meet- ing the Metropolitan Council is not planning to take over the as- sets of the North York. Water Works department and the lim- ited township water area on Jan- uary 1. An earlier report compiled by the township’s Plumbing and Sanitation Committee (Councill- ors A. Lennie and C. Hooper) in- dicated that the Metropolitan Council was intending to take over the assets of the North York Water Works department at the first of the new year. In its letter the Metropolitan Council stated ‘the existing Markham township water agreement will still fall under the jurisdiction of North York township. Reeve W. Timbers expressed surprise at the information re- marking that, "one of the main reasons for setting up the Metro- politan area was to solve the various transportation and water problems in the Toronto area”. Metropolitan Area May Not Take Over North York Water The members will purchase no new furniture fpr the Buttonville offices until the staff is settled in its new quarters and requirements analysed; The letter in question was the result of Council’s efforts to ar- range as suggested by the Plumb- ing and Sanitation Committee an early meeting with the new Council in order to discuss Mark- ham’s )water problem. High School Site The Council will shortly ar- range a meeting with the Rich- mond Hill District High School Board to discuss the matter of roads and water connected with the board’s new school site in Thornhill. Council plans to have its Solicitor, Engineer and the chairman of the Planning Board attend this meeting. Road Budget Road Committee Chairman, Councillor W. Clark informed the members of plans to meet soon with the Minister of Highways re- garding a possible restoration of the $25,000 cut made by the De- partment in this year's road budget. The whole Council will visit the Minister and at the same time it is planned to discuss the long verdue subsidy on the Thorn ill sidewalks. Other Business To makers report they cannot et by.with faulty imitations of automo iles, trucks, tractors and/trai era With the present generation of small fry. _ ‘ - . . u o . . A “A MIA“ n, v. nun... -- .As a E’e'sult, manufacturers of thege miniature units, popular as Chrystmas gifts, are going the limit 1n making their small models reahgtic, down to @he last detgil. Shown here is a typical example. This younister is gettin a real thrill out of his replica of a modern tractor-true and semi-trai er. The semi-trailer is an aluminum reproduction, to exact scale; of Fruehauf's latest model “Road-Star" which features light we: ht construction along airplane lines as well as extreme sturdiness. T is same sturdiness, according to a leading manufacturer of playthinga. will enable the mode! to withstand the rugged usage to which young- sters subject this type of plaything. r‘. a v VIV.VV.V\D V.V.V\vmwwwww\nb‘x After Hrs. TU. 4-3119 To Markham Township Electors ported me in the election. I shall humbly endeavour to serve the ratepayers to the best of my ability. I wish to thank all who worked and sup- A. G. (Arch) Little The Council approved the fol- lowing schedule of payments for election officers: Returning of- ficers; $30.00; Deputy Returning officers, $10.; Poll Clerks, $8.00; Constables $6.00; Double Polling Booth, $12.00; Single Polling Booth, $10.00. , In a fine spirit of sportsman- ship Reeve Timbers congratu- lated the successful candidates in Monday’s votjng and also thank- ed the members of the 1953 Council for the support and co- operation they had given him during the year. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS In the Estate of Bertha Palmer. All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of Bertha Palmer, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, Splnster, Deceased. who died on or about the 26th day of August, 1953, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceaSed on or before the 15th day of January, 1954, full particulars of their claims. Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. . Dated at Toronto this 3rd day of December, 1953. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION 12 Ormsby Crescent, Forest Hill Village, Executors, by Ross, Ross & Field, 1109 Star Building, Toronto, Ont. c3w23 253 Bay iStregt, Toronto, and The Christmas meeting of Richmond Hill Horticultural Society will be held tonight, December 10. at 8 p.m. at the Lions Hall, Centre St. east. ’ Christmas decorations will be a feature of the meeting which will be under the chairmanship of Philip Delf. There will be ‘a program of Carols and everyone is in- vited to participate in this evening. in Cattle After extensive experimen- r tation Nixon Laboratories have developed an effective treatment for .VAGINITIS IN CATTLE. This new Nixon product is easy to use and quite in- expensive If you are hav- ing breeding troubles due to Vaginitis, drop in and let us explain this new proven treatment that is so simple to use. _ Available now at: VAGINITIS PERRY’S PHARMACY NOW YOU CKN TREAT Xmas Meeting Tonight CECIL R; DAVIS, MAPLE Telephone 164 See A SPECIAL MATCH CAME between ACORN - WILLOWDALE lADlES and BRUNSWICK - BALKE. Two of the Nation’s Top ladies 5-Pin Tam: â€"_ PLUS 4â€" C RICHMOND BOWL Come out Saturday night and see the unveiling of the world’s most attractive 8 Lane Bowling Installation. Whether you are a seasoned bowler, a rookie, or just like to watch, you are assured of an evening of fine entertainment when the greatest array of tal- ent to appear in this district will put on bowling exhibitions. ‘ I s E E I I 31b “" wonurs 5-PIN cHAMPIfiN Thrill to the sight of these gleaming, streamlined lanes ., ,. automatic foul lines .., attractive masking units . ,. quiet ball returns .. .. plus Brunswick’s patented range finder, the greatest teaching device in Bowling’s history. Inspect the beautifully designed lobby area, ,. .. '- tastefully decorated,‘ richly broadloomed, completely modern and restful BOWLING, the continent’s most active participant sport is fun for the entire family Get up a party & enjoy this health- ful recreation. An exhibition of 10 pins by two of Toronto’s outstanding stars ON "THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF RICHMOND HILL’S PREMIER RECREATION CENTRE At Richmond Hill’s Own . THE » RICHMflNfl BOWL BOB SHARRON vs. ART HICKS THE No.1 NAME IN BOWLING BRUNSWIBK CONGRATULATES The Brunswick-Balke Collender Company ' of Canada Limited Head Office in Toronto Tommy’ Mallen 13 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hin, Thurs., Dec. 16, 1958

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