Marguerite Boa; Register early to ensure enrol- ment Evening classes Tuesdays and Thursdays I. Grandview Ave. Highland Park AVenue 5-1318 The Thornhill School of Dancing BALLET TAP Under the instruction of LILLY AUSTEN AVenue 5-1278 Arnold Avenue, Thomhill i Thomhill Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist 73 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill Open evenings TUrner 4-1462 DENTIST 55A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Hill Dal-ï¬lter. Sollelmr. and Hour: Public - Axum Iloek. Yonge and Welling- ton Street: Aurora, Ontario Telephone Aurora 00 TBORNHILL Punch Block - AVenue 5-1772 BVININGS - Tuesday 3; Fri. 7-9 AND BY APPOINTMENT Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street THORNHILL AVenue 5-2181 89 Cantu W. Thomas 0. Fraser THORNHILL 1A Colborne AVer Ivory Thursday afternoon TUnor 4-1551 Richmond Hill Toronto Ofï¬ce â€" 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 waster, Solicitor, Notary Public 0. Yonge Street Richmond Hill Barristers. Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh U lichmond Street West IM. 6-8929 Tau...†morning, Richmond Hill as Yonge St. S. TUrner 4-1652 Thursday afternOO". Maple Evenings by Appointment Richmond Theatre Block O! Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 IWFESSIONALAND BUSINESS DIRECTORY _==_â€"=,~==-â€"___â€"â€"__â€";â€"_- Darrin». Solicitor, Notary Public Office Haul-g: Daily 9 am. to Dr.'M. J. Walker J. Rabinowitch, B.A. Elocutlon. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Barrister, Solicitor & Nohw Public u Yongo St. South Richmond Hill, Ontario Oflice TUrner 4-1780 Residence TUmer 4-1863 Oflice Hours: 9.30-5 And by appointment I. Mathews, Q.C. K. Stiver, EA. |. E. Lyons. B.A. Jos. Vale, Q.C. 100 Main St., Newmarket. Ont. Phone 12(. 230 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Plaxton & Deane Dr. W. J. Mason Rates for insertion in this lection are available at The Liberal office, phone TUrner 4-1261 Norman A. Todd, Floyd 13. Corner Stuart P. Parker TEACHER OF BALLET LIMITED CLASSES mnms'rzn, soucx-ron, NOTARY punuc nlchOND mm. A H Mathews. Stiver, Lyons & Vale Doris Pollock Barrister. Soyicitor. ‘etc. T. C. Newman Infill-CI. Bunvuvx, cw RICHMOND BILL THORNHILL Richmond Hill Oï¬ice TUrner 4-2071 Thornhlll Oï¬ice AVenue 5-1300 William Cook and Walsh Ph'one WA. 23434 MUSICAL DENTAL lEGAL AVenue 5â€"1667 AVenue 5-1477 TUrner {-1543 Day or Night BA. 1-7177 OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday 10 1.111. - 12 noon; 1 pm. - 3 p.111. Evenln‘gsi MondayA to Thursday, Or by appointment Thornhill AVenue 5-1311 Dr. Daphne Patrick 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill OKice hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesdays Tuesday a: Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. Other hours by appointment TUrner 4-1861 22 Centre St. 1:. Richmond Hill By appointment TUrner $1422 Iv appointment 12 Cenho St. E. Richmond Hill 081% TUrner 4-1371 Residenoe TUmer 4-1308 Office hours 9 am. to 8 pm. Also day & evening appointments 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1631 (Stop 13A near Steele; Ave.) Dr. Cameron Cowan MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstafl’ Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness, Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 R. D. M acN aughton Life (Confederation Lilo Assoc- iaflion) 19 Gunï¬re St. W. Richmond mu Dr. E A Crawford ‘General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass. Hospitalization and Auto Financing Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yon" St. 8., Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-1852 Res. TU. 4-1986 6433 Yonge St, Newtonbrook Savage Insurance Services GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, etc. Toronto J. Roy H errington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE Obsutrician 8; Gynecologist Above Hurley’s Drug Store Roy V. Bick Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. Wm. B. Howe Jack Walkington ‘6ENERAL INSURANCE Film, Automobile, Farm, etc. LIFE INSURANCE Oï¬icc Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 pm. 7 W by appointment 7 Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. E. A. Steele W. SCHURMAN (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1879 TUmer 4-1219 INSURANCE MEDICAL Maple 71R4 AV. 5-2387 EM. 3-0311 PHONE 3 Telephone 11 Maple, Ont. Ernie Brock & Son For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District 2518 Yonge St. ( at St. Clements) Telephone MAyialr 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, SCHOOL DAYS Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 am. Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm. Paper Hanging Spray Painting . Phona TUrner 4-1931 .‘ 213 Oak Ave.. Richvalc Kenneth G. H enders OPTOMETRIST Communion by Appointment Willowdale Ofï¬ce: 4969 Yongc St" Stop 6A BA. 1-5327 TUrner 4-1432 Richmond Hill Telephone Prentice AUCTIONEERS Li'censed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario Farm Stock, Implements. House- hold Furniture, Real Estate Sales a specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rate! Dual service for the price ot‘one Milliken P.O.. ph.,Agin. 52W3 Markham P.0., ph. Markham 346 No sale too big - too small! Phone 82 Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Pro rties, etc INSURANC Fix-e, Automobile, etc. TUx-ner 4-1671 Ambulance Service RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1311 W. J. Smith & Son Painting Interior and Exterior BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND SERVICE .Funeral Directors GENERAL BUSINESS Dr. J. T. Sheppard VETERINARY SURGEON Richmond Street General Insurance FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE WRlGHT AN D TAYLOR Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Arthur G. Broad, ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS 21 Bedlord Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUmer 4.2062 By Appointment Ken & Clarke CHIROPRACTIC OPTOMETRIST REAL ESTATE VETERINARY AUCTIONEER R. H. Kane Centre Street Maple, Ont. Clubine & Alexander PLASTERIN G CONTRACTORS Phone Maple 541-33 or AV. 5-2441 Painting, Paperhanging, etc. ‘Your home deserves the Best†Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass. Nursery Xmas Trees ‘4' private veterinary practise in Koole St. South, King City. 18 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD NEWTONBROOK AV. 5-1167 18 Years all-round experience in veterinary practise. Highway No. 7. 1 mile east of Yonge 5840 Yonge St., Newtonka Ratepayers ‘ Twp. of Whitchurch VETERINARY SURGEON Phone King 92112 Keele Street South. King City Townsend Motors 100 Highland Park Blvd. Box 789 Newtonbrook PHONE AV. 5-1666 G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes Last day for payment of 1953 Taxes DECEMBER 15. 1953 JOHN W. CRAWFORD, Tax Collector M. Beryl Barri; Chartered Accountant Evangelist Speaks At Chapel Announces the establishment of Christmas Trees Liability, Burglary, Accident and Sickness Farm Inquiries Invited A. Rollinson J. W. Farquharson. well- known evangelist in this country and the United States, will speak at Rich- vale Chapel. Oak Avenue, Richvale, all this week and through to Sunday. Decem- ber 20.7 Saturdays excepted. Don’t mihs this ity to hear what teaches about the SCOTCH PINE, SPRUCE AND BALSAM Meetings begin at 11 am. on Sunday mornings, at 7 p. m. in the evenings, and each night at 8 pm. 7 ' K. J. Timney INSURANCE AGENCY FOR SA LE Phone TU. 4-1791 Dr. K. H. Heder or General Repairs TU. 4-2049 Richmond Hill DECORATING Dr. K. H. Heder SPRUCE. BALSAM. SCOTCH PINE. Richvale, Ontario Phone 92R2 King Free Estimate: LANGSTAFF future opportun- the Bible Kazipur Nurseries CARRVILLE RD. EAST LANDSCAPE GARDENING Radio & T.V. Repairs Body & Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven't heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave.. Stop 22A Yonge St, Richvale For appointment, ph. TU. 4-2401 Just as there are some foods that are to be eaten in plenty, there are others that should be avoided because of their detri‘ mental reaction on the body or lack of nutritional value. Such foods are: all fried foods, unless expertly fast-fried, most cakes and pies. fatty meats and thick, fatty soups and gravies. If the athlete has a" special liking for sweet stuff and cakes and cook- ies, he should eat those made from whole wheat. White sugar should also be avoided and honey used in its place. This is one of the most important diet changes the athlete can make. Also be sure to eat enriched bread if you prefer white bread. Richvale Auto Body? The Knothole Club visited the John Innes Community Centre on Wednesday night last and watch- ed a display of fancy swimming and lifeâ€"saving in the beautiful pool, lit with underwater lights. Afterwast the lads were invited to have a swim and Denny Mill- and won a cup for coming ï¬rst in the “pigeon†race. Knothole Club Mrs. Roy Fisher of Feversham. who until recently lived here, spent a week visiting friends in Richvale, and returned home on Sunday. Watch Your Diet Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker and David of Toronto. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith with Carol- Ann and Robert Jr. from the Quensway, paid a visit to the Norman McDermott‘s on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Doyle whose little daughter was born on Monday in the Women's College Hospital. Happy birthda)7 to 7 Bobby Clarke, ï¬ve years old on Monday. About a dozen friends held a surprise birthday party for Mrs‘ F. Birchall, on Friday evening. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Shroeder whose infant son was born at the Newmarket Hos- pital on November 28. who is head of the Children’s Li- brary at the George Locke Mem- orial Library in Toronto, spoke on books which interest children and read particular chapters from some of these. One of the lists of reading which Miss Armstrong has and recommends is: Fifty Books No Child Should Miss. At the close» Miss Armstrong invited the parents’ questions which she answered freely. Refreshments were serVed. ‘ Socials At their last meeting before the new year. the Charles Howltt Home and School Association. through the efforts of the conven- er, Mrs. Ellis. presented a very enjoyable program on Children's Reading. Miss Helen Armstrong, The next meeting of the Charâ€" les Howitt Home and School will be of particular interest to fath- ers. There will be further details at a later date. Home and School Also discussed at {he meeting were plans for the Guide and The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Scout and Guide Movement held its December meeting on Tues- day, December 1, at the Oak Rid- ges school. They held their Christmas party for the members at this meeting. Winners of prizes for the various games and contests held were: Mrs. Hadcock, sunshine bags, Mrs. E. Davison, drawing contest; Mrs. D. C. Young, guessing game; and Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. Hadcock and Mr. Foster, were the winners of the card game. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ouellette, 2nd Concession. held a housewarm- ing party in their new home on Saturday. December 5. Ladies’ Auxiliary Born to Mr. and Mrs. F. Park Evergreens. on Wednesday. Dec« ember 2, at Newmarket Hospital a daughter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ash on Wednesday, December 2, at Neymarket Hospital. a son. LAKE WILCOX Telephone 'I‘U. 4-3290 ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE TUrner 4-2486 M. Lovell Correspondent: Mrs. J. J. Taylor Telephone TU. 4-2269 OAK RIDGES - LAKE WILCOX NEWS Telephone RICHVALE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. E. DAWSON _ TELEPHONE TUrner 4-1514 __ The one and only purpose of Thornhill Reader is to express appreciation of the community contribution made by these wom- en who give freely of their time to make library service available to the people of this area. Very ‘often, I have no doubt. they give ‘time at personal inconvenience. And I’m afraid that some of us who use the Library are apt to be careless about letting them know that we are grateful to them for what they do. Admit- tedly. and naturally in all the circumstances, the shelves have their deï¬ciencies; libraries don’t become all that they might be in a few short years. But whatever the deï¬ciencies of the shelves. one thing my experience and my observation of the experience of others has told me. These wom- en who give their time as Thom- hill Librarians make the Library a pleasant place to go and one where all the helpfulness poss- ible is given the people who make use of it. I, for one, am grate- ful to them. However. even in these days when high living costs make mon- ey scarce, it is not this leniqncy that impels this note. Nor am I concerned to know how many hours the Thornhill Librarians devote to meditation upon “dig- nity, patience, self-control, and benevolence†and the acquisition of “thousand-fold richer" re- wards in this life, and some in- surance for later on. ‘ Alas. I greatly fear (and as a Mere Man it any be wiser here for me to be iscreet to conceal my identity rather than valorous.‘ to reveal it) that the several Thornhill Librarians would scan1 cely speak in those lofty words of yesterday. As a Library men-H her I have not found them con- cerned to improve my character. though perhaps there is need. Or found them giving solemn warn~ ing against enjoyment. Neither have they carried discipline to its severe extremes but have, ev- en relaxed ï¬nancial discipline on occasion, perhaps, when calculat- ing the ï¬nes clue upon books I have been too lazy to return on time. “Consider that the great object of life is not enjoyment, but ‘the formation of right character; that such a character cannot be form- ed except by discipline, and that the trials and difficulties of dom- estic life, if met in a proper spir- it and manner, will. in the end, prove blessings rather than evils, by securing a measure of eleva- tion, dignity. patience, self-con- trol, and benevolence. that could be gained by no other methods. The comfort gained by these vir- tues ,and the rewards they bring, both in this and in a future life are a thousand-fold richer than the easy, indolent life of indul- gence. which we should choose for ourselves." One of the books coming to my attention is one which hasn't been mentioned by the Thorn- hill Librarian in her weekly col- umn in The Liberal. Nor is it to be found on her shelves. My at- tention has been recent but the book is old. It was printed in 1849, the third edition of a work ï¬rst issued in New York a few years earlier. It has to do with household affairs and woman's world. In one passage its au- thor addresses women in this wise:‘ l Librarians 14nd I A Book Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Taylor. Glen-El-Tee Kennels. Yonge St.. motored to Noralee and Timber- idge Kennels at Zellenople. 20 miles outside of Pittsburgh, Penn. recently. to view the Sheliand Sheepdogs there. Mrs. Hotchkm of Toronto vis- ited with her daughter Mrs. C. Mayes, 2nd Concession on Mon- day, December 7. Lake Wilcox Bowling: stand- ings of the teams following bowl- ing on Friday. December 4: G. Clyde 31. R. Hunter 28, C. Gour- lay 27. J. Peters 22, C. Geddes 20. G. Magulre 16, B. Denler 15. E. Davlson 9. Prizes for the night were based on the hidden score of 481 and were won by T. Dob- son with 483 and Mrs. D. Geddes wlth 479. Brownie Christmas Party to be held Dec. 11 and the Scout and Cub Christmas party to be held December 16. Both these parties will be held at the Oak Ridges school. Bowling Youhavelï¬lldayshNewOrleou-ontï¬sdeï¬gtnful 11-day tourâ€"time to visit all the famom spots in one of America's most mysterious and fascinating cities. Pirates' Alley, Napoleon House, the Old Slave Market, Versailles Oak and the quaint shops and resorts of the Old French Quarter are inst a few of the sing you've always wanted to see. Going there and back by bus adds Wraï¬aymenttoyoortrip. . “MAWhna-Jdaidthhanl navy other WW Vacation. "Gay Paris†of America By A Thornhlll Reader THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Thurs., Dec. 10,1953 in Telephone TU. New Work - Alterations- Repairs The Liberal is at your service. We publish a well printed weekly paper that will give you advertising very good cOverage in this area. A phone call to TURNER 4-1261 will bring 3 representative to your door. NeWepaper Advertising is the advertising Vehicle that has proved beyond dOubt to be of greatest value to retail merchants. It ï¬lls all their requirements and has been the m0st important, single factor, in the success of so many. ’ a great extent by carefully planned adVertls- ing. As a control medium advertlsing can be of considerable value in keeping sales as an economic level. Retail merchants now- ever, especially those in small communities are confronted with the need of a very flex- ible advertising medium, one that can be used regularly throughout th. entire year, yet pliable enough to suit the needs of the moment. Also, it must be one that can be tailored to ï¬t any budget and at the same time give maximum. coverage. Due to fluc- tuating prices it must be advertising that can be planned to reach the buying public within two or three days. - THE ONE PROBLEM common to all bus!- nessmen is â€" how to keep sales volume at a satisfactory level. This can be overcome to The Problem Of The RETAIL MERCHANT ROGER PRDULX Free Estimates Gladly Given “Home Paper of the District Since 1878†PLUMBING & HEATING Come in and compare the quality Ind prices of Master Dairy Feeds THE LIBERAL Ca" Any Time 221 Lawrence Ava. ROUND "I? rm FROM TO!†5 (What-II) ELUDB NOTE. .0“ FOR 9 mm (Zianud $11 5-"â€"5 Richmond Hill