QUANTITY OF HAY. alfalfa. timothy, red clover or mixed, also second cutting alfalfa. Dry hay for mulching or protecting ce- ment work. Can arrange delivery. Phone TU. 4-2379. *2w23 ,‘ SEWING MACHINE SALES 82 SERVICE Freq Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring 00., TU. 4-1362. Richmond Hill. ti022 HARDWOOD by the cord from Northern Ontario, cut in stove lengths, $23, per cord delivered. TU. 4-1934. tic22 9 PC. Dining Room suite, light mum, good condition. TU. 4 2243. ' c1w24 TV ANTENNAE. 20 ft. rustproof. guaranteed for one year. $35.00; television service calls $4.50. no mileage charges. Same day serâ€" vice. Alpha Engineering Co.. yonge St.. one block north of Steeies. AVenue 5-1267 GOLDSPOT refrigerator. large. $80.00. needs repairing. TUrnet 4-1969. c1w24 CHRISTMAS TREES. Spruce. fresh cut. J. Curtis, Gfleen Lane. Thornhill. c2w24 SIDEWAin nxcch§._gig-lsf ex: cellent dition, child's to 8 yrs., $20. . TUrner 4-1426. ' r BED CHESTERFIELD, complete with mattress. good as new. Ap- ply R. J. Craigie Men’s Wear. Richmond Hill. *1w24 PLATFORM and rack body for truck, size ’1' x 12‘, good condi- tion, reasonable. Phone TUmer 4-1746. c1w24 LARGE SIZE space heater. 2 45- flal. drums, also Astral refrigera- tor. 2 Quebec heaters. All very reasonable. Phone TU. 41113. c1w24 ELECTRIC TRAIN, American Flyer, extra track and accessor- ies $85.00: Cub sweater, $3.00. new. 161 Church St. South, Richmond Hill. *1w24 LADY'S Nylon evening gown, light blue, size 12. with hoop skirt, $12.00; navy blue winter coat. heavy, size 12, $10.00. AV. 5-1450. c1w24 HARDWOOD by the cord from Northern Ontario. but in stove lengths $23. per cord delivered; orders taken for Christmas trees, large or small quantities. TU. 4â€" 1984. tfc22 STRAW. for footings, delivered anywhere. Special rates for contractors. AV. 5-1995. *2w23 n'ear new, Phone Maple '187R22. *1w24 COLEMAN oil burner. Perfect condition. Also a coal stove. Ph. TU. 4-2837. c1w24 CHRISTMAS TREES, choice pine and spruce, Orders taken now. Reasonable. Phone TU. 4-3107. c1w24 CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Pine and Spruce. nice and bushy, we deliver. Norman Bone. 30 Elizabeth St.. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1443. *2w24 LARGE Fess space heater, small Coleman space heater, Spencer cook stove. ivory. metal base. H. Lewis. Pemberton Cres.. 2,east of Bathurst, north side. clw24 NEW BRICK, 1600. Cooksville red rug. Phone Maple 138.). W6 men’s overcoats. sizes 42 and 44, one has zipper lining. nearly new. TU. 4-3367. clw24 NEW MODERN RADIO Combin- tflon record player console, blonde ï¬nish. AV. 5-0063. clw24 CHILD'S CRIB. mattress and playpen, $12.00. Phone AVenue 5-1680 after 6 pm. clw24 BOY’S Bicycle: Plapet. in goo_d EOY’S Hockey Skates, excellent condition, size 2. AV. 5-1118. PIANO UPRIGHT, $65. TU. 4- 2826. *1w24 ESSOTANE STOVE in good con- dition. TU. 4-2388. ‘ c3w22 RIFLE, .22 Browning automa- matic. TU. 4-2409. c1w24 CCM Tricycle. good condition 58. TU. 4-1468. after 5 p.m. *1w24 éohdltion. 'Apï¬ly phone TU. 4‘ 3227. c1w24 RANGETTE, $15; ear heater $10. ’TUmer +2072. clw24 BOYS' SKATES, size 6 boot. good condition. Maple 491223. clw24 “ THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Thurs. Dec. 19.771958 Wishing For A Buyer- Want To Make A Sale-Try Our Want Ads CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3e per word, min. charge . . Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10:: min. charge CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES elm-1 c1w24 c1w24 tfc21 STARTED chick bargains while they last 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 week old. Standard Quality Canadian Ap- proved chicks, Whlte Rock x Light Sussex, New Hampshire x Barred Rock, New Hampshire x White Rock, Light Suésex' x Rhode Island Red, Columbian Rock x New Hampshire. Rhode Island Red x Barred Rock. New Hampshire .x Light Sussex. Light Sussex x New Hapmshire. New Hampshire x Rhode Island Red. Barred Rocks and other popular heavy breeds. 2 week old pull- ets $23.95; non-sexed $22.95; cockerels $24.95: 3 week old Rhode Island Red cockerels. $15.95. assorted breeds $1.00 per hundred less: Money Maker Quality add $1.00; Extra Proï¬t add $2.00: Special Mating add $3.00: 3 week old add 5c 4 week old add 10c; 5 week old add 15c; 6 week old add 20c per chick. Twaddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. c1w24 TRANSPORTATION available from Langstafl' to Duï¬erin and Eglinton. leaving 8 am. return- ing 4.45 pm. AV. 5-1036. clw24 HOLSTEIN BULL, well bred, serviceable age, Melvin Baker. lot 29, con. 2 Markham. Phone TU. 4-2214. c1w2,4 FOX ‘HOUND PUPS, 10 weeks, black and tan. See V. Ivanofl‘, 174 mile east of Bayview, north side of No. 7 Highway. 12le and ducks. Gordon 'c'unen, TU. 4.1900. 02w24 £5 PULLETS, 7 hybrids, New 14 BARRED ROCK, 18 Light Sussex hens. Apply Lame Shan- non, Observatory Lgne. *1w24 DECEMBER Bray Chicks. Cock- erels, pullets. or mixed. And a few started. Ask for new pricelist and 1954 literature. Bray Hatch- ery, Fred Wise. Richmond Hill. THE IDEAL Christmas gift for the woman on your list is a Sing- er Sewing machine. We have slant, straight and swing needle models. Also a large selection of good used electric and treadle machines. Call in or phone 1075 Newmarket. Singer Sewing Ma- chine. 102 Main St., Newmarket. ‘ c3w24 GIRL‘S Figure Skates, size 6% good condiiion necessa'ry. TU. '3; 1673. *1w24 be in good conditidn. Pï¬ohe TU‘ 4-1516. c1w24 hond male dog, 2 years'olci. Phone TU. 4-1519. *2W24 Hampshire and laté Suï¬ss'ex.rl5hr. AV. 5-2494. ch24 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering. Richmond.Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY‘ 6237 (collect). n tfc44 PASSENGERS wanted between Richmond Hill and. Bradford. Phone TUrner 4-2152. c1w24 good watch dog or pet, reason- able. TU. 425.15. c1w24 _REG_ISTER§D §llver grey Kees- GIRLS’ SKATES. size 1 or 2. good condition. TU. 4-1427. clw24 FREE to good home, spayed Ker- ry Blue. TU. 4-2506. c1w24 pom. CARRIAGE, large. must .‘RANSPORTATION FUR COATS repaired and re- modelled. Expert work. Also sav- ings on new coats. Phone Denis Underhill, TU. 4-2806. c4w21 USED CARS AND TRUCKS CARS, trucks. bought for scrapâ€" ping. TUmer 4-1700. c1w24 WIRE fox terrier, male, all white. CK_§I_ST_MAS_ tlgrkeys. chickéï¬s 20¢ each delivéred. F. A. Morton. Keswick, phone 197W. *4w22 BUDGIES. ready for training. Excellent talking strain. Hens $4, males $10, breeding hens $5 Mrs. S. Allen, Unlonville 89.1. c3w22 PRIVATE SALE. 1950 Pontiac, radio, heater, cas or terms. TU. 4-1279 after 5.30 .m. c1w24 1953 CHEVROLET, air condition- ing, heater ,undercoated. other extras, is in excellent condition. Apply on Saturday and Sun- day. W. H. Burns, Brookside Rd., TU. 4-2264. Can be ï¬nanced. rebuilt motor. needs radiator, best offer. TU. 4-1104. *1w24 CEDAR RAIL, 15c each F.O.B.; 1938 CHEVROLET 89 ton panel, FOR SALE cont. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED 50c 40¢ 500 S'AWS and all kinds of carpenter tools sharpened by expert. Mod- erate prices. 125 Elmwood Ave. c4w22 CHIMNEYS â€" built and repair- ed, free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone AV. 5-1100. tfc23 CUSTOMCRAFT cabinet making recreational furniture, kitchen cupboards, window display prop. TU. 4-1927. clw24 FLOORS SANDED and ï¬nished. new or old. Floor Treatments (Canada) King City. King 271112. c5w28 STORM SASH, window frames and sash, door frames, made to order. Aubrey Nicols, Elgin Mills, Ont., TU. 4-2211. *8w20 GENERAL Landscape. planning designing;‘ also ponds, cellars, fence rows; all types grading and levelling. Estimates given. Rep- resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes, Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley’s Contracting and Landscape Service. Stouflville 60816. tfc46 SOMETHING to sell. something to buy. something to rent. Try a classiï¬ed ad. Phone TU. 4â€"1261. SOMETHING TO SWAP? '41 Hudson. good running condition. What have you got? TU. 4â€"2070. *1w244 IF YOU WISH to learn to drive well, call TU. 4-2781. Thompson’s giving School, 5 Duncan Rd.. chvale. tfc18 M. EINBODEN a; SON Concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. BAldwin 1-0633 or TUrner 4-1090. tfc42 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-1061. LARGE SEPTIC tanks installed anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. ALL KINDS carpenter work, trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hfll, TUrner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings. basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc43 A. G. HALL -â€" builder of qual- ity, custom and N.H.A. homes; remodelling a specialty. King 17R14. tfc39 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, -upho}stering, cabinet work, wood carvmg. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ing, decorating. Phone A. Railin- son. TU. 4-1791. tfc13 SAND VAND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E'. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. tfc42 CUSTOM MOWING, ploughing. discing, cultivating, also back ï¬lling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview, south of Mark- ham Rd. TU. 4â€"2342. tics! FOR FAST. eï¬icient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges. vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces. please call Ground Electric. 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfcls DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- OPPORTUNITY to establish yourself in permanent business selling nationally advertised proâ€" ducts for home and farm. No in- vestment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-R-5 The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. c5w23 We have an opening for one ex- perienced salesman to work in the Thornhill, Richmond Hill area. If you desire high earn- ings and willing to work for them come in and talk it over with A. E. F. Wright Real Estate, “51% Yonge St., Willowdale. Phone BA. 1-4343. c5w23 WELL DIGGING. TUrner 4- 1700. clw24 ANYTHING in painting, Vpapgrâ€" REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Owing to our increased volume of business we have openings for two energetic men with initiative and neat appearance, a late model car is essential but experience not necessary, excellent working conditions. For appointment call Sales Manager S. J. Carlisle at AVenue 5-1176. Evenings TUrner 4-1574. FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 CAPABLE Housekeeper wanted for 3 persons, 101 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill, sleep in or out. TUrner 4-2828. tfc23 WOMAN to do housework by the day. Phone AV. 5-1151. c1w24 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER with experience. Shorthand. typing. ï¬ling and general office duties in Richmond Hill .office, Apply in writing to Dr. R. M. King. York County Health Unit. Newmarket. ‘ tch-t YOUNG MAN to work in grocery store. Apply in person to Domin- ion Stores. Richmond Hill. c1w24 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE SALESMAN DAVID McLEAN LTD c30w49 c51w27 c1w24 tfc13 RELIABLE experienced young lady available for baby sitting, afternoons and evenings. TU. 4- 1703. c2w23 A SINGLE MAN, 21 years ot‘age wants part time work near Lang- stafl. Any evening, Phone after 6 p.m. AV. 5-1008. c1w24 EXPERIENCED stenographer available in New Year, part time, or immediately for homework. TU. 4-1726. *1w24 THREE English Foxhounds, one female and 2 males. on Saturday. December 5. in vicinity of Elgin Mills. wesL Eglinton Hunt Club. please call GRover 0929, reverse charges. clw24 HOUSEWORK wanted 9-4, $6 daily. TU. 4-1073. Call between 1-3 pm. clw24 DUTCHMAN, 6 ft. tall, wants work in factory or anything in Bradford, Aurora or Richmond Hill. Telephone King 5324. c1w24 Experienced Stenographer. (dicta- phone) desires work part time, 12 years experience. Apply Box 97 The Liberal. *1w24 CLEANING woman available on Monday. Also baby sitting. Refer- ences. Experienced. TU. 4-3057. *lw24 RELIABLE girl wishes baby sit ting, Saturdays and evenings. Must provide transportation. TU. 4-1010. clw24 CHRISTIAN COUPLE, no child- ren, desire unfurnished house, four to ï¬ve rooms. reasonable rent, urgent. TUmer 4-3375. Mr. Hull. c1w24 WOMAN wants day's work, also baby sitting. Phone TU. 4-1071. *1w24 WILL LOOK AFTER two childâ€" ren, age 1 to 5 years, from 8 a m. to 5 pm. TUrner 4-1806. WANTED'two rooms with board in comfortable home. Apply Box 96 The Liberal. *1w24 APARTMENT or house, unfur- nished or furnished. urgently re- quired by couple with two well- behaved daughters (aged 5 and 1). Very careful and reliable tenants. Write Box 92 Liberal. *1w24 BUSINESS executive requires an unfurnished 3 or 4 bedroom house for a family of 4 adults. Would like occupancy early in new year with lease for a year or more. Please write M. A. Daly, 675 Roselawn Ave, Toronto. Ont. clw24 FEMALE HOUND. blue tick. Re- ward. John Elliott. TU. 4-1645. ANY CHURCHES, organizations or private parties requiring the use of a full Santa Claus costume, apply 4 Morgan Ave., Thornhill. Phone AVenue 5-0064. c3w23 2-ROOM FLAT, separate en- trance, large pantry and,clothes closet. $35.00 month, 2 children welcomed. Phone TU. 4-2771. HOUSE wanted up to 10 miles Jorth of Lansing cut-off by CGE engineer and family, 2 small children, rent up to $80.00. Ap- ply Box No. 2 The Liberal. *1w2-‘x BED sitting room, kitchen, 3-pce. bath. refrigerator and stove, bus- iness couple. TU. 4-3393. tile suit one or two adults, in village, TU. 4-1547. clw24 3 SELF CONTAINED rooms, pri- vate entrance, indoor facilities‘ Wilcox Lake. TU. 4-3332. c1w24 COMFORTABLE furnished room, business couple. Stop 24 Yongé St. TU. 4-1792 after 8 pm. 3 ROOM FLAT, unfurnished, in Richmond Hill. Phone TU. 4-2688. c1w24 ROOM and board available for two. 22 Hunt Ave. Apply,Rich- mond Hill, TU. 4-1300. *1w24 FURNISHED Cottage, winter months, adults, conveniences, at car stop. AVenue 5-1633. clw24 ALTERATIONS and repair work sidewalks, cement work, tile beds, soft water cisterns, carpentry work. For prompt service. call AVenue 5-1100. tfc23 RUGS. BROADLOOM â€"â€" save 50 %. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets, woollens. etc. Dom- inion Rug Weaving Co. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc21 SAND. GRAVEL. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill; Snow Ploughing L. W. Reid. Smith Crescent Thornhill. AVenue 5-2211. ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam. manure and ï¬ll. L. Willis, TU. 4-2342. tfc51 rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101‘ tfc18 MISCELLANEOUS (continued) ROOM furnished apartment, EMPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TO RENT TO RENT LOST clw24 *2w24 *1W24 clw24 clw24 Canada’s Largest Realtors TU. 4-1131 MA. 0397 Your Suburban Speoinlish We kindly im7ite you to list yogr property with us. For, caiefu'l, efficient and con- ï¬dential service call ‘Slgn of Service’ We are in urgent need of houses. farms, and small busin- esses (ol- jvaitring clients. WANTED BLUE kerchief, on Wright St. Richmond Hill. Owner may have same by paying for this advertise- ment and identifying it. Apply Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. STRAYED to Lot 13. Con. 4 Vaughan. Holstein heifer. Owner may claim by identifying and paying expenses. Maple 1121222. c2w24 Our greatly increased vol- ume of house sales has de- pleted our listings. We are desperately in need of homes in all districts and price ranges. For prompt, efficient, con- ï¬dential service, call AV. 5- 1176 or BA. 1-1121. Five direct lines to Central. CAPONS, toasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion. phone TU. 4-3351. tfcl'! David McLean Ltd. HEAD OFFICES. THORNHILL MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 4-1 131 OFFICES THROUGHOUT ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL RIDOUT It is mywish at this time to extend my sincere thanks to all the people who voted for me and I will do my utmost to f ulï¬ll the trust and conï¬dence you have placed in me. POULTRY WANTED To the Voters of Richmond Hill and District WANTED FOUND Thank you again. 8 Yonge Dick Mills tfc24 Young married man to learn restaurant business from bottom up with the thought in mind of becoming manager of one of a chain of better class restaurants; with better than average future. Restaurant experience not nec- essary, but neatness of appearâ€" ance, cleanliness, willingness to work and ability to get along with employees and public is. Apply Box 95 The Liberal. Chicken pox has gained quite a hold on the little ones of the neighbourhood. At present Judy Mayer. Adele Costoï¬, Philip Ad- ams, Stevie Sims and Jimmie Lawson are suffering from this complaint. Dean Wainwright underwent a tonsllectomy operation at New- market hospital on Tuesday, De- tember 8. Mrs. C. Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Thompson from Barrie are spending a row days with Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Johns. Yonge- burst Rd. Last week~end Mr. and Mrs. Johns enjoyed a visit from Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Thomp- Last Week at the School Grades 5 and 6 won the attend- ance badge for November with 98% of the pupils in attendance. The children held their Junior Red Cross meeting last week and are doing extremely well at con- ducting the meetings. Several methods are used to help swell the Red Cross funds, one of them being quite successful. Offenders. such as gum chewers, ï¬nger-nail biters, pencil tasters, receive a summons from the room police- man and appear before the jury where they are tried, and ï¬ned, the ï¬ne being put in the Junior Red Cross Fund. Personals HELP WANTED Is attendance slipping? Then remind your members of that forthcoming meeting by listing it in the “Coming Events" column of The Liberal. It’s low in cost. ALL KINDS OF CLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED Be Happy Ones! Stop your car where the shopping’s ï¬ne, the view’s grand or the food’s good. But don’t let car trouble stop you. Get a check up here now! Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS AGRICULTURAL SERVICE TUrner 4-1602 May All Your Siops NORTH RICHVALE Correspondent; Mrs. M. Blackburn Telephone TU. 4-2238 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 OTTO PICK to see the 40 Plymouth Club Coupe 41 Dodg MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS 50 Monarch Club Coupe Two-tone green ‘SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS TU. 4-1116 Girls’ Sanforized, lined blue denim Jeans, 8-1-4 yrs. Boys’ Sanforized lined blue denim Jeans, 7% oz. denim, up to 16 yrs. Menfs Sport Shirts, assort- ed cloths, patterns & shades, S,M,L, & XL Boys’ Nylon Blend Gabar- dine Station Wagon Coats, fur collar Ladies’ heavy satin Dress- ing Gowns, “Fashioned by Conrad†TURNER 4-1651 SIMPSON’S DRYGOODS PRICED ron WINTER v @[LEEXBEEB 49 Plymouth Sedan 53 Consul Sedan 1000 miles New car warranty R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD, 50 Austin Sedan Automatic, Radio, Undercoat, power steer- ' ' ing and power brakes Nylon Whitewalls, 3000 Miles List Price $3840. we the WW 1191311“!!th $1695.00 $1295.00 $525.00 $27 5.00 $895.00 Your Ford-Monarch DBaler 168 Yonge S;,‘North, Richmond Hill -1116 EM. 6-3166 WHERE ON WED. DECEMBER 16 You are invited EXECUTIVE CAR 53 MONARCH SEDAN N 0 W $2995.00 $1595.00 51 Monarch Sedan Radio & air conditioning 50 Ford Custom Sedan one owner 50 Prefect Sedan 41 Dodge Sedan 49 Ford Sedan Reconditioned RICH MON D HILL E$3.98 $3.98 " $3.95 $13.95 $15.95 $1095.00 $495.00 $250.00 $895.00