‘Elected Polling Subdivisions Hoope N0. 1 â€" Highland Pk 69 N0. 2 â€" Doncaster 23 No. 3 â€" Thornhill 73 No. 4 â€" .Langstafl‘ 42 No. 5 â€" Richmond Hill [8 No. 6 -â€" Elgin Mills 30 N o. 7 â€"- Buttonville 150 No. 8 -â€" Victoria Square 85 No. 9 â€" Hagerman 40 No. 10 â€" Unionville 86 No. 11 â€" Cashel 54 No. 12 -â€" Bennett’s Hse. 19 No. 13â€" Mount Joy 17 No. 14 â€"- Dickson’s Hill 15 No. 15»â€" Cedar Grove 36 No. 16 â€"- Mongolia 25 Markham Township Voted This Way Reeve Hooper ‘LeMasurier Timbers 69 207 46 23 97 12 73 126 28 42 224 19 [8 48 2 30 27 19 150 54 36 85 47 64 40 39 47 80 229 45 54 46 46 19 - 43 25 17 16 59 776 1289 671 Deputy -Reeve ‘Cl ark 186 68 77 198 37 22 108 57 79 201 87 57 57 104 106 46 Councillors Rumnex 90 148 47 86 112 93 55 190 27 48 55 21 119 51 121 39 34 - 45 133 150 58 42 23 19 24 14 20 22 30 15 43 11 102 143 92 23 26 144 104 58 170 108 24 51 51 35 58 'James ‘Lennle ‘Little n 248 107 45 80 146 31 46 162 160 90 272 126 81 89 106 152 89 1 490 991 994 1437 1782 By Wards Masters Yes I 945 2066 576 186 87 127 135 28 150 66 138 182 55 63 188 174 110 296 128 77 84 124 142 For Division 159 59 77 82 12 33 18 14 54 17 10 Community Hall at Nobleton on Tuesday evening, November 29. The new president. vice-presi- dent, and secretary-treasurer. will be elected from this group when the new directors hold their ï¬rst executive meeting in Newmarket later this month. The new directors are William Mitâ€" chell, Allan Gellately. Ernie Crosslands. Alfred Gillham, Jim Morgan, John McGinn, Edward Sullivan, Stokes Chamberlain, William Tinkemp, Jack Nattress, Charles Williams, Frank Beatty, Leo Blackburn. Aubrey Hamil- ton, Don McCutcheon. Wilfred Aitchison, W. Perry, Geo. Lister, William Grombridge, Roy Neill, William Kehoe, Nelson Thomp- son. Douglas Wellesley. Wilbert Burns, John Kudelka, who were nominated by the Vnominating committee. From the floor, the following were appointed:: Thos. Thirty-ï¬ve directors were ap- pointed at the ï¬rst annual meet- ing of the King Township branch of the Federation of Agriculture, when this organization that was formed a year ago, met in the King Township Branch Elects Directors Fed. of Agriculture He discussed the worrisome subject of re-assessment with his audience of over 75 farmers. As it is reckoned that one and a half children make up the average school attendants from each dwelling in the Township, Greetings were brought from Simcoe County Federation by Clarence McGuire. and from York County by the president, Frank Marritt of Keswick. A talk by Mr. Rimmer of the Better Busi- ness Bureau was very enlighten- ing. especially when he told of some of the many old rackets, and warned his audience of the many new methods that are be- ing used to confuse the public. The reeve of King Township, El- ton J. Armstrong. paid his ï¬rst visit to the local Federation. Tilson, Carmen Tilson, Charles Grubb, James McAllister, Gilbert Ferris, Bert Palmer, Howard Morning. Delbert Arlow, Len Glass. Stewart Mills and Ross Folliott. Cecil Belyea. Federa- tion of Agriculture Fieldman. was chairman during the elec- tion. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Thurs., Dec. 10 “Are you abiul flirting}: the den, George?" worry about early ro- placement. See us for everything ï¬ne in the building supply line.