I THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hm, Thurs. Dec. 10. 1953 The Thornhiil and District Horticultural Society will be holding a Christmas show and meeting on Tuesday, December 15, at 8 p.m.. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. This will be their ï¬rst Christmas Show and it promises to be an excellent one. The displays will include a wide variety of Christmas decor- ations such as cox-sages. door- hangers. wreaths, mantle. table and window decorations. Plenty of ideas for your home will be shown. R. C. Poulter will show colored pictures of loeal scenes, the Santa Claus Parade, and pictures of the pageant held at the United Church Sesqni-Centennial cele- brations. A number of beautiful slides taken by Miss Geraldine Wesley during her trip through the Gaspe and Eastern Canada will be shown. Dr. E. E. Kent will speak briefly on the mean. ing of Christmas. E. Kohler will have a display of Christmas dec~ orations which will be for sale. Library News This winter marks the begin- ing of the third year for the aub and Sketch Chm. It Is the wish of club members to bring together everyone interested In Art, whether landscape. portrait- ure ,still life or elementary draw- Shg. Therefore this term will in- clude these subjects and med- lums. It has been announced that. as usual. the Thomhill Library will be closed from 11.80 am. on Saturday, December 19, until its opening again on Monday, Janu- ary 4, at 7 pm. The fall term of the Daub and Sketch Club included the sketch- ing of lo 1 girls. Norma Fugler, Helen an Marion Fraser. Marâ€" lon. who paints with the group is also a ballet student and posed in her own ballet costumes. The winter term starts JanuAry 6, registration closing January 15. Contact Mrs. Grant at AV. 5-2208 for further information. Thornhlll Nursery School Mrs. E. N. Procunier‘ director of Wendy Hill Nursery School was guest speaker at an evening meeting of the Thornhill Nursery School, held last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Fairfleid. speaking on the subject “Your Child and music." Mrs. Procunier regaled the parents with demonstrations of the ac- tion songs used at Wendy House to stimulate the child‘s natural creativeness. She explained that with the small child. participa- tion, not perfection, is the aim in music. which he feels is one of the ï¬nest avenues of personal and emotional expression. Mrs. Ralph Robinson presided over the meeting which was ar- ranged by Mrs. R. Fairï¬eld. Re- freshments were served. Horticultural Society TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 At a recent meeting of the Richmond Hill Lions Club it was announced that over $375 has been spent on local wel- fare in the period from July 1. This does not include a large amount contributed to- wards Crippled Children: funds. In addition over $500 has been used in boys and girls work including scholarships, Guides and Health Unit ren- tals ,and children’s recreat- ion. Welfare and Boys and Girls work totals slightly o‘ver $900 when several other prgjects are included. V The loci] biting to be commended for its contribu- tion to the community in these ï¬elds. Lions Contribute To Welfare Thornhi“ And District News support at the polls last Monday. It will be my constant endeavour to work for all the residents of Markham Township and do erything I can do to further their interests in every way‘ To all those who gave me their votes and Mrs. Kathleen James My Sincere Thanks The annual meeting of the Parish Guild was held Tuesday. December 1, in the Church Hall. at which time the Rector, Rev. S. A. )1. Wood conducted the elec- tion and installation of officers for 1954. Prior to the election. Rev. Wood spoke to the members for a few minutes on the forth- coming "Every Member Canvass.†Reports were read from the sec- retary, treasurer and bazaar con- venor. > ‘ Officers im- the coming year are: Honorary president, Mrs. S. A. R. Wood: past president. Mrs. L. Wood; president, Mrs. R. By- ford: lst vice-president. Mrs. C. H. Wood: 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. H. Biggs: recording. secretary. Mrs. D. Moore; corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. Bolton; treas- urer, Miss E. Whittemore; pub- licity, Mrs. H. Garland; social The special Christmas meeting of the Thornhlll Home & School will he held in United Church hall on Monday. December 14. at 8.15 p.m.. featuring the Christ- mas story with tableaux by the children and carols by the school choir. under the direction of Mr. Hugh Martin and Mrs. J. R. El- llott. There will be special en- tertainment and refreshments. A large attendance of parents is ex- pected. Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. S. Hepburn and family of Arno1d Avenue, spent the week-end at Slmcoe, Ont. Welcome to the district is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Small and family who recently moved Into their new home on Uplands Avenue. Centre St. Resident Pisse- The sudden death last Wednes- day of Mrs. A. Clapham, the for- mer Eva Parkinson of Centre St. Thornhill. greatly shocked the entire community. Mrs. Clap- ham, who was born in Thornhill. 45 years ago. and who attended school here. died at the Toronto Western Hospital following an operation. Wednesday morning. The funeral service was conduct- ed by Rev. S. A. R. Wood from the Chapel of Wright and Taylor, Richmond Hill. on Saturday. De- cember 5. with interment in the Thornhill cemetery. ' The pall- bearers were Messrs. Wm. Clap- ham. J. Clapham, W. Clapham, D. Valance, L. Hackett. and Wr‘n. Wignell. Mrs. Clapham, who was a member of the Thornhill Women's Institute. won the hearts of all those who met her with her cheery and pleasant disposition. The deepest sympathy of the community is extended to her husband and two daughters, Bet- ty (Mrs. Moorley. Richmond Hill) and Marilyn, The sympathy of the commun- ity is also extended to the family of the late David Ridden. who died suddenly at his home on Elmbank Road. Thornhill. Dee- ember 6. He is survived by daughters Muriel (Mrs. E. Pnrn sous). Jean (Mrs. W. R. Linton) and Irene. Mrs. Billings of Yonge Street has been admitted into the Torâ€" onto Genernl Hospital with I heart condition. Trinity Church Notes Men’s Loyalty Dinner Approximately 100 men enjoy. ed dinner in the Church hall, last Friday evening. The meal was prepared and served by the Trin- ity Church Caterers assisted by members of the Parish Guild. Rev. A. J. Jackson, Rector of St. Hilda‘s Church. Fairbanks, was guest speaker at this dinner held in connection with the “Every Member Canvass and Visitation" which began officially on Sunday. Parish Guild Mr. and Mrs. M. Thorpe have moved from their home on Camp- bell Ave. to Willowdale. -ue Lmeral ls always pAnnaCu to puoush news of nudes: in the Thomhill area contributed by its readers. Our representa- tive in Thomhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street. Thornhul. TELEPHONE: AV. 5-1513 Tuesday evening, December 1. the members of the Evening Aux- iliary held a Christmas meeting with members of the Afternoon Auxiliary and others as guests. Girls of Grade 5 of Thornhill School presented a Christmas pageant and the Christmas theme was carried out in the devotions conducted by Mrs. J. R. Elliott and Mrs. H. Johnson. Following this members took part in carol singing. A number of suitable solos were sung by Miss Pat Er- rlngton of Willowdale accompan- ied by Mrs. Geo. Russell. Every- one enjoyed and participated in the contest “People in the Newsâ€, and a very interesting travel ï¬lm was shown by A. Martindale. w. H. Biggs The remainder of the evening took the form of a Christmas party, with the members enjoy- ing a number of interesting and deï¬nitely amusing games. Santa Claus managed to make his an- nual visit to the Guild while ev- eryone was enjoying delicious re- frgï¬hments at the gaily decorated ta 9. Form up your own set: or come alone. Either way you will be assured of a wonderful evening, if you come to the Trinity Church Hoe~Down Christmas Dance. in the Church Hall on Tuesday, Dec- ember 15. at 8.30. Tommy Thomp- son and the "Harvesters" will be on hand to see that even the be- ginners at square dancing will enjoy themselves. Bring along a box lunch. United Church News White Gift Sunday The traditional White Gift Service Will be held Sunday. Dec- ember 13. at 11 am. The White Gifts received will be made up into hampers for distribution to the less fortunate families of the area. Baptisms will be held at 4 The members met in the church hall on December 3. with 23 members present. Mrs. Ryan. a member of the church choir gave a beautiful nendition of "O Holy Night†followed by a few words spoken by Mrs. E. N. Meuser in respect of two members who have passed away, Mrs. R. Simpson and Mrs. E. E. Kent. Several members took part in a Christ- mas pageant and a number of timely hymns were sung. Hostess- es for the evening were Mrs. Morton. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Brilllnger. convenor, Mrs. A. Crawford; membership convenor. Mrs. D Ball; and bazaar convenor, Mrs‘ Announcements have been made of the Christmas Services. The annual Carol Service by the choirs will be held Sunday even- ing, December 20, at 7.30 pm. and at 11 a.m.. on the 20th a special Christmas Service will be held. On Christmas Day, a fam- ily Christmas Service will be held at 10 am. Hoe-Down Club Evening Auxiliary Refreshmehts served by Mrs. M. Stewart, Mrs. 1". Simpson. Mrs. G. Kelson and Mrs. R. Tam- blyn brought a pleasant close to the evening. Personals Congratulations to winner of a prize Willowdale Dance. Thornlea Home and School will hold its December mketlng on Friday, December 18, when the pupils of Thornlea School will entertain with a Christmas con- cert. THORNLEA NEWS a ....... @ @eeflmayegâ€˜ï¬ Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5â€"3467 Bill Frazer. draw at a Two families of the subdivision who have beenrour neighbors for some tlme are leaving the com- munity. The Jackson family of Woodward Ave. have sold and are going to take up farming. The Andersen family, 25 Grandvlew Ave. have sold and will live for a short while in Thornhlll and then will be moving to a new lo- cation for Mr. Andersen’s work. Accident To complete a trlology of works of fact We recommend “Comments on Cain". by Tenny- son Jesse, also a book describing famous trials. including one from the Courts of France. Moving We Were indeed sorry to hear of the accident in which Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, 21 Woodward Ave, were involved last week. Mr. Taylor's car collided with anoth- er at Finch and Bathurst Sts.. and both were hurt quite serious~ ly. Mrs. Taylor suflered a brok- en neck, and Mr. Taylor, multiple injuries. Mrs. Taylor was expec- ting a child in a few months. The driver of the other car was chars» ed with reckless driving. I By the Thomhill Librarian I This week this space will be deVOted to one of the most inter- esting and entertaining branches of reading; books of both (act and ï¬ction dealing with Law and Crime in all its aspects. On the shelves of the Library are to be found many books by the best authors of this type of work, and for those who are interested a visit would be well repaid. As a beginning none could be better than a work of fact. "Fam- ous Trials", by the Earl of Birko enhead, Lord Chancellor of Eng- land, who as F. E. Smith, took a very active part in many trials. both civil and criminal, as coun- sel both for the prosecution and the defence. This work describes such notor- ious trials as those of Crippen (c'hiefly famous for being the ï¬rst case in which wireless telegraphy was used in the apprehension of a criminal), Captain Kidd ( a no- torious pirate), Warren Hastings (indicted for treason) and many others. Another work of fact. written with a strong thread of humour pursuant throughout. is “The Confessions of an Uncommon At- torney", by Frederick Hynes. This work deals with the business and workings of a very old es tablished English law ï¬rm whose history and connections 30 book hundreds of years. Written also in language for the layman this book is well worth reading. For the reader who prefers pure ï¬ction there are many books by famous authors from which to choose. Most of the authors of detective ï¬ction have their own special detective about whom they write in every book. Dorothy Sayers and the whim- sical Lord Peter Whimsey; Aga- ta Christie and the boastful Poir- ot; Rex Stout and huge Nero Wolf and the inimitable Archie Goodwin; Josephine ’l’ey: Mar- gery Alllngham; Michael Innes (whose “Sawbones Deceased" de- serves special mention) and Mig- non Eberhart are just a few of the writers who will give the res der many pleasant hours. The trial: are described with great clarity, legal phraseology, to say the least confusing to most laymen, being kept to a mini- mum, making for the better en- joymeth of the regder.‘ About Books And 1 Reading CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Drury Ave. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Telephone Mr. and Mrs. John Condon of Kingsmill. 0nt., celebrated their Diamond Wedding anniversary on Sunday, December 6, and their son Bert Condon and his wife and family were very pleased to be up there with them for the week~end. It was a double cele- bration for Mrs Condon Sr. as it was also her 80th birthday. We wish her many more celebrations of both. Lynn Condon is staying with her grandparents for the winter months and is really en- joying the school up there. She will be coming home to spend Christmas with her family. Socials AV. 5-2116 We are proud of Powell School for receiving a letter of congrat- ulations and merit from the Safe~ ty League for having kept Elmer flying for the special length of time speciï¬ed for receipt of same. The Powell Road Home and School family square dance will again be held Saturday, Decem- ber 12, at Henderson Ave. school. Come along wlth your youngsters and enjoy the fun. Children up to grade 8 are admitted free when with their parents and they only pay 25c each so it’s an econom- lcal and funâ€"pqcked night. Diamond Wedding The Monday night Com- bines League is now in full swing at the Richmond Bowl with some ï¬ne scores being turned in. Mens that scores: Syl Sa~ vase 294. Dave McKenzie 278. Tom Nolan 261, John Mnbley 243, Bill Hunt 241, All Stong 250, Dave Brown- lee 226. Gerry Paxton 223, Cliff Cox 229. Cam Cowan 215, Jim Crean 215, Chas. Chapmgn r 219. Bést lady flat score goes to Audgey Bovah- 151. League Scores Combines Nationally Known Name Brands - Guaranteed New Merchandise SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th The following consigned merchandise to be sold at your prices â€" dinette sets, occasional furniture, cookware, silverware, kitchenware, knife sets, ironing boards, table cloths, sheets, pillowcases, toys. gift sets, electrical appliances, cookers, broilers, toasters, coï¬'ee makers. irons, radios, clocks, electric lamps, leather goods, hillfolds, wallets, handbags, electric drills, drill bits, tools, hardware, jewellery, watches. pen and pencil sets, cameras, paints, ï¬shing equipment, and many other valuable items for everyone. FREE GIFTS “LIBERAL BILL" IN PERSON AUCTION SALE Stouflville Sales Pavilion Your Christmas Shopping at prices You want to pay VALUABLE PRIZES The feature of the evening will be a short skit “Mr. and Mrs.†presented by members of the ex- ecutive. Mr. Ralph Perry of Tintern, Ont, will give a short talk on the Christmas theme. Re- freshments will be served. Every- one is given a cordial invitation to enjoy this Christmas meeting. After the last two weeks of lively bowling the team standâ€" ings are as follows: Parrots 58. Redwings 5i, Canaries 48. Spar- rows 47. Hawks 44, Orioles 41. Wrens 38, Robins 35. Crows 31, Larks 27. Weekly prize winners for the past Week were: Oliver Lahonen 678. Ann Pyke 653. High averages are held by: men, Ivor Francis 219. followed by Cec. Turnbull 209: ladies. Ann Pyke 170. and Ella Turnbull and Ivy Hudson with 169 each. Good flat scores were made by Ivor Francis 695. Len Gazey 853, Stew Cole: 646, Harold Bell 622. Lad- les’ good flat scores were made by Phyllis Minor 627, Ann Pyke 590. Grace Todd 554, Mildred Collins 542. The Christmas meeting of the Concord Home and School will be held at the school. Monday, Decâ€" ember 14, at 8 pm. and will take the form of a Christmas concert. Pupils of the school who are takâ€" ing piano instruction from Mrs. Pirie will give selections. Mr. Plrie will sing and the pupils of the school will join in singing carols. There will also be I! sing- song for all those present. Don't forget the turkey roll will be coming up Thursday, Dec- ember 17 with 10 turkeys to be won, so let's have a good turn- out. “One and School CONCORD 8. DISTRICT MacDONALD & HARRIS, Auctioneers Highland Park Bowling R. R. 1. Maple Telephone Maple llORS Mrs. Raymond Stuart Sale' Starts 1 pan. Terms of Sale â€"â€" Cash or cheque (Highway No. 47) LIQUIDATION SALE ’ANYONE CAN BID “Exclusive but not Expensive" 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fail-lawn! 'MADELEINE Mininery & Accessories Thornhill, Ont‘ See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Richmond Hill We are pleased to announce to our many friends and customers that we have been ap- pointed to handle the complete line at The full line of Massey-Harris tractors, combines and implements, complemented by the amazing Ferguson tractor and attaching tools enables us to provide the farmers of this district with the most comprehensive array of modem mechanized equipment for proï¬table farming. GOMEANDS‘EEUS H. W. MORTSON From over the hill-“he nevct workcd and never will 2 Car Stops Below City Links Open T111 7 pm. Friday T111 9 9.1!. Ferguson Products Yonge Street At Woodward Ava-o _(Juat North o! Steele's Cor-m) Massey - Harris SEE MADELINE Save on Lovely Xmas Gifts Special low prices on Handban â€" m m Corde, leather. pnent, velvet. FIRM LARGE SELECTION 0" Smart Glovaa. Soarls a; CoflIMC January and SURPLUS MERCHANDISE TU. 4-173! 'AVenuo B-llfl