Lions Club Carnival-Draw AURORA 7.30-8.00 P.M. Peewee Hockey 8.00-8.30 P.M. Figure Skating Exhibitiloré by Unionville Skating \ C u 8.30-8.45 P.M. Comic Act by Figure Skater! 8.45-9.15 P.M. Lions Broom Ball Game 9.15 P.M. Public Skating The Richmond Bowl WEDNESDAY, mac. 23 AT UNIONVILLE ARENA . for Television & other Valuable Prizes Richmond Theatre Grill CHARLES DAVIES MARKHAM - UN IONVILLE We are pleased to have played a part in supplying and installing carpet throughout the building. Simpson’s Extends Con ratu S on the occasion of the opening of the new Richmond Hill Bowling Alley and restaurant. for the Success of Decorating by Program a Best Wishes and ONTARIO ations On Friday eVening of last week a number of friends and-neigh- hours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart to hold a miscellaneous shower for Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rumney (nee Joyce Healey) who were married recently. Personals Birthday greetings to Miss Barbara Empringham who will be four years old on December 10. Wedding anniversary greetings to Mr .and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis on December 5, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Orr on December 6, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Collard on December 10. I The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. will be held Thursday, December 17, at the parsonage. Please fl‘ote the change in day and date. The election of offic- ers‘ will take place. As this will be the last meeting for the year, the members are asked to please be present. Since the allocation is down somewhat. it is request- ed that all members try to make it up to the reQuired amount. S. S. Concert The annual Sunday School Christmas concert will be held in the Sunday School room on Wed- nesday evening, December 23, at 8 p.m. Bridal Shower There is to be a turkey supper for all the men in the commun- ity in the Sunday schoolroom on Wednesday evening, December 16, at 7 pm. The guest speaker will be Rev. Leslie Millen of Toronto, who has spent several years in a concentration camp in Hong Kong. Tickets may be pro- cured from H. Collard, F. ‘Gee, P. Bennett, L. Hart, A. Orr and E. Empringham. W.M.S. The annual White Gift service will be held on Sunday, Decem- ber 13, during the Sunday School period at 1 pm. The gifts will be sent to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Men’s Banquet The Christmas meeting of the Mission Band will be held in the Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon, December 12, at 2.30 pm. All the girls and boys in the community are invited to attend. White Gift Service yMore than 40 million dollars of new buildings and equipment are represent- ed in the “keyed†structures shown in the above photo based upon an' aerial View of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited, plant at Windsor, Ont. Sketched by the artist are the new buildings, those under construc- CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle, Victoria Square VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stoufl'ville 67509 Did you know that in the ev- ent of an atomic attack on a city the size of Toronto an estimated 40,000 living casualties will re- quire approximately 60,000 pints of blood and plasma immediately from the Red Cross Blood Trans- fusion Service. Stretching exercises for the various parts of the body should be emphasized in the build-up for tgxe coming hockey season. Here i an exercise designed to stretch those all-important back thigh muscles. Stand with the feet comfortably apart, toes pointing straight ahead. Bend the knees and place your hands flat on the floor about two feet in front of the toes. Straighten the legs slowly until they are completely straight. As you improve in your flexibility gradually move your hands closer to your toes. 1y. run 30 seconds as fast as pos- sible. /Do these workouts on al- ternate days and rest on the sev- enth. Really go to work on this schedule and get the jump on your opponents. Back .Thigh Flexibility Free, relaxed jogging for two or three minutes then 10 or 15 fast bursts of 15 yards, slowing gradually and jogging back ,to the starting point between each burst. These bursts should be taken from a standing start with the feet comfortably apart, knees slightly bent and body square to the direction in which the ath- lete will be running. One start should be made with the left leg moving ï¬rst, the next with the right. The athlete should be helped by somebody else who can start him .by a hard clap of the hands. After the session of short sprints the athlete should jog off his fatigue by doing two or three minutes of a slow. re- laxed jogging. §econd Day: The athlete should do distance work made up of variations of speed. Start off with 4 minutes of easy running. Sprint 20 yds. and walk 50 yards for 4 minutes. Run at.a good pace for 1 minute. Jog slowly for 2 minutes. Run backwards at best speed for 25 yards, turn and run forward best speed for 25 yards for 1 minute. Jog easily for 2 minutes. Final- Hockey Build-Up Schedule In preparing for the actual start of the hockey practice season it is wise to work on cerâ€" tain fundamentals of condition- ing so that the player will be in a sound enough basic condition to take part in the training plan once the season gets under way. Since hockey is deï¬nitely a lung, heart and leg activity, the best possible conditioner is running. However, just going for a long. easy run is not sufficient. Cer- tainly it will develop condition of a kind but not the kind near the level of condition desired. The ideal pre-season program should include lots of sprint work as well as distance work. A sample week‘s workout of this type is given as an illustration. First Day: Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver of Mapâ€" le attended the church service here on Sunday with Mrs. Oliver‘s sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. Mr. Nelson Buchanan arrived home on Saturday night after spending the past week at the International in Chicago. The Sports Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins and family of Richmond Hill. Sports is designed to help you improve your health and charge publications featuring the latest information in the sports eï¬iciency. It has av- ailable for a minimum ï¬eld of sports and physical ï¬tness and conditioning. To get this valuable information tioh and those which are planned as part of Chrysler’s vast expansion program. When the work is completed, according to E. C. Row, President and General Manager (inset), Chrysler of Canada will have facilities to more than double its present production of passenger cars and engines, An Official Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival Mr. Pullen is married and has three children. He is quite inter- ested in church activities. On his 25th anniversary he re- ceived a cash award from the company and congratulatory mes- sages from Lawrence M. Cazay- oux, Divisional President, nd L. W. Beebe, vice-preside t in charge of operations throughout this area. ' . Mr. Clifford Pullen, of Elgin Mills, recently celebrated his 25th anniversary with A & P Food stores and joined-more than 500 New England Division Employ- ees in the company’s 25-year club. Honoured Elgin Mills News (Cont) all you need do is join Sports College. Aurora RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL AURORA BUILDING CO. LTD. In her address Mrs. Bowman was her usual sparkling self, captivating her audience with her informal chat of her work, its new branches, and how it is pro- gressing and expanding. Mrs. Bowman does a very important work with cerebral palsy patients, with particular attention to the defects in their speech. She calls ithem “special children†and ac- complishes a great deal of her ‘success through her very great love for these handicapped lyoungsters. Of course everyone will be on hand on Friday evening for Head- ford Sunday School's annual Christmas Concert and Christ- The small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyndall was baptiz- ed in church on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Huston, being given the name of Mardi Annette. The grandpar- ents on both sides were present for the ceremony. It was pleasant to see E. Rut- tan in church on Sunday with little Wendy Christine. Hope to see Donnie and his mother at the Christmas tree on Friday. Headford Home and School Association met Tuesday evening in; for the December meeting. After the business session. Miss Pat Hardy played a series of recordings telling the old Christ- mas story. Mrs. Dorothy Bow- man, speaker of the evening read a playlet she had written of a mother in difficult circum- stances. persuasively changing her several chiidren‘s requests for Christmas gifts into presents to be given to others even less fortunate than themselves. This part of the program was quite spontaneous, Mrs. Bowman not knowing beforehand of our in- tenltion to have Miss Hardy's rec- or s. The folk of Headford communâ€" ity gathered at the school Fri~ day evening, despite the unseas- onable thunderstorm to hold a party and make a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. Harland Horner, recently married. The gift was a silver tea service and tray, brought forward for prescentation by Rosemary Leek and Jeannie Clark. Refreshments with ic'e cream and cake brought to a close what was described as a “rollicking time" Home and School Miss Pat Hardy was guest so- loist at one of the women’s or- ganizations of Yorkminster Bap- tist Church in Toronto one even- ing last week. The regular executive meeting is cancelled {or this month. Mr. and Mrs. George» Barker, and Mrs. Wm. Wellman were in Hamilton on Friday last, calling on Miss Rhoda Barker. HEADFORD NEWS Opening Saturday, December 12th Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acremnn R. R. 2 Gormley, Ont. Phone TUmer 4-2236 RKHMOND BOWL General Contractors for Construction Conglatulations to John W. Bowset, President and mas Tree. We have a note from Santa Claus that he will be there, so don’t miss it. ' White Gift Sunday will be ob- served in church on December 13. with a joint service of church and Sunday school at 10 in the morning. The children have a deï¬nite part in this service, so it is hoped that the parents will be out to support their efforts. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porter. Mr. Laurie Porter and Mrs. Philby of Scarboro were guests at the week- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Dec. 10, 1953 T0 the Electors of Markham Township friendly co-operation of all citizens of the your deputy-reeve I will endeavour to Work ham township, and to that end I invite the Township. for the good of all the ratepayers of Mark. Electors of Markham Township To those in Markham Township who worked for me and voted for me in this year’s municipal elec- tion I extend my sincere thanks. May I at this time wish the 1954 Council every success. I extend my thanks for the splendid sup- accorded me at the polls on Monday. William L Clark C. H. Hooper Ontario end of Hal and Mrs. Acreman. Mr. and Mrs. Bert West Toronto. cousins Johnson, visited with sons on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherk and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cummer Lee on Sunday. Murray and Lorraine Acreman entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hill. Chuck Jr. and Bonnie of Toronto at dinner Sunday even- ing. before Murray left for Sud- bury. Gower of of Merrill the John-