my walk..dr1’ve.. careful; ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Geo. H. Deuce", Miniuer ' SW? V0 LKSWAGE N WILL BUILD SALES AND PROFITS! and to extend to everyone my best wish- and a prosperous New Year. RICHMOND HILL es for a bright and happy Christmas me by my many friends and supporters appreciation of the honour bestowed on THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, 'I'hurs., Dec. 10, 1953 Richmond Hill Public School Section ‘2‘;- 195 GT ROLA ALL KINDS CARPENTER WORK I REPAIRS MILTON .l. HEISE I would like to convey my ‘sincere BUILDER & GENERAL CONTRACTOR Every minute this van is making economical deliveries, it is making new customers for you. The big advertising ma on this modern, distinctive: looking vehicle will be seen, will be looked at, wlll bulld salon lor youl The wide low-level doors, the 162 cu. ft. of pay-load space, the 30-mile- to-gallon economy, make this 34 ton vehicle ideal for Appliance Dealers, Dry Cleaners; Bakers. etc. Enjoy a demonstration today. No obligation. CECIL MABLEY EGLINTON & CALEDONIA MOTORS TURNER 4-168! “Illl“llllll\lllllll‘lllllflllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\lllllllllllllullllllfllll CU'I FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP mum“unmnnuumnmuuumunmlmu|mumuumnmmnum When the Fellowship group of Teston United Church met Mon- day evening. the members were entertained with a series of col- oured travel pictures. They were shown by Jesse Bryson. who mo- tored to the West Coast last spring. It will be White Gift Sunday in the three United Churches of Rev. M. R. Jenkinson’s charge this ceming Sunday. The parcels wrapped in their white paper will be placed on the altar during the service. and will later be taken to the Fred Victor Mission in Torâ€" onto .for distribution during the Christmas season. On Saturday a week ago a Dutch family. Mr .and Mrs. E. G. Davesa, and their eight dau- ghters and one son, arrived to stay for a while with Mrs. Da- vesa's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Roalsa. Mr. Real- sa is manager at Graybrook Farm, Eversley side road. The new com- ers looked for a house this week, and found one in the village of Bradford large enough for them. Mr. Davesa is not a gardener. but had a shoe repair business in Holland. Personals 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TUrner 4-1812 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. JOHNSTON. KING, ONT. KING CITY NEWS s27*“1‘90152 Phone King 551!“ When the sudden storm threat- ened to cut off the electricity, it looked as though the tea room would have to close but all went well, and extra sandwiches had to be made because of' the ï¬ne attendance. This was their most successful bazaar and the enthusiasm of the membership helped to make it a ï¬ne community social afternoon. The sale was opened by the presi- dent, Mrs. Fred Curtis. vBefore many minutes every tempting cake on the home baking table had been sold. ‘and the ladies were ï¬nding gifts and aprons on the fancy work counters. The ladies of the W.A. of Ev- ersley Presbyterian Church are happy to report that over $200 has been realized for their work, through the Christmas bazaar which was held on Wednesday afternoon, in the Sunday School rooms of the United Church at King City. Born 64 years ago in Lochwin- noch, Scotland. the late Mr. Mur- doch,"came to Toronto as a young man of 22 years. Soon afterwards he came to King Township, where he lived for almost 40 years. the last 28 having been spent on his own farm at Strange. He retir- ed from farming a year ago. and since that time he had not en- joyed good health. He is sur- vived by his widow. the former Miss Lydia Ireland, who was born in King Township, and two sons, William and Robert, who live in Streetsville, and a daughter, Margaret, now Mrs. Fred Baguley of Schomberg. Eversley Ladies Realize $200 On Saturday afternoon many members of the Township paid their last respects to the late Rob- ert Murdoch of Strange, who passed away at his home. Tues- day, December 1. The funeral was held from the funeral parlors in Aurora, with Rev. M". R. Jen- klnson conducting the service. Interment was made at"King City Cemetery and the pallbearers were Norman ' McMurchy Alfred Gillham, Walter Monk- man, Fergus LaWSon, George Helganq Lowrle‘Boys. Gary‘Herrema wrote his exam- inations for entrance to Kempt- ville Agricultural College while he attended the Royal Winter Fair. He will begin his Agricul- tl‘xral course next year. John Martin. who was 16 years old on December 8, was pleasant- ly surprised by his young friends when the Teenagers Club gave him a party on Friday evening. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Harvey. A big birthday cake which delighted John and his young friends, was the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morrison. Mrs. B. J. Langdon. Mrs. Mat- thew Bell. and their daughters, Miss Janet Langdon and Miss Julia Bell, attended the concert in Eaton Auditorium last week. when the artists were Miss Jeanne Pengelly and Ernest Vinci. The concert marked the 25th anniv- ersary of Miss Pengeiiy's debut as a famous Canadian of the con- cert stage. . Miss Carol Muske flew to Vic- toria on Friday to spend the win- ter there with her father. Flt. Cadet Terry Ussfler left this past week-end for the Air Force station at Penfold. Alta.. after a fortnight’s leave spent with his parents, C01. and Mrs. J. F. N. Ussher. Nancy Lake Farm @bituarp Robert Marsh $32 Down â€" $15 Moulth INCLUDES ' COMPLETE INSTALLANON ' Antenna . 90 day Service warranty 0 One year guarantee on TUBES - PARTS - ANTENNA St. Andrew’s W.M.S. met on Wednesday. December 2, at the home of Mrs. T. Witherspoon, with the president in the chair. The devotions were taken by Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Wither- spoon. Mrs. Magee read the story of several famous hymns and their authors. White Gift service will be held in Maple United Church Sunday School on Sunday, December 13, at 10.15 am. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian W.M.S. H. Unstead extended greetings from the Maple, Edgeley and Hope groups, and Rev. O'Brien, minister of Windermere church, spoke at the dinner hour. Windermere members invited Edgeley, Hope and Maple teach- ers to be their guests at a dinner heLd a_t Edgeley. Conference chairmen Messrs. Ron Maitland. Arnott Goodwin, John O’Neill and Forbes McFar- land, were group leaders. Rev. E. The Sunday School teachers and officers of Windermere Un- ited Church, 50 in all, arranged a conference that was held at Maple United Church, Saturday. Dec- ember 5. They invited the tea- chers and officers of Edgeley. Hope and Maple Sunday Schools to join with them in the discus- sions. ,,n__- ‘â€" ........ 5. After the business session. th guest speaker, Mr. Hudson of the Department of Lands and Forests showed a ï¬lm “This Land of Oursâ€, after which he gave a report of the duties of each group working at the Department of Lands and Forests station at Ma- ple. The meeting adjourned and light refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 6, at 8 pm. sharp. United Church The Anglican Women’s Auxil- iary held Saturday, December 5, was well attended. The proceeds amounted to nearly $400. The la- dies are very grateful to their friends for all their help and pat- ronage. Hope Community & School Club The Hope Community and School Club meeting held in the school December 2, saw the presi- dent. Laurence Clarke presiding. Arc-.. LL_ L i The M.R.A. executive ‘ and members would like to thank the people of Maple and surrounding district who helped to make thelr recent dance a success. The proceeds will be put to good use in the~community centre building project. St._“Step_hen"s Anglican Church Mrs. Edward Walker and daughter Elizabeth spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McPherson of Oakville. M.R.A. Mrs. B. C. Rochester of Oak- ville spent the week-end. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Currie and son Richard spent Sunday with Mrs. G. W. Bailey. Their many friends it; the com- munity wish them all a very spggdy gecovery. Friends of Mrs. R. Ramsay will be glad to learn she is improving favorably, after breaking a bone in her ankle, a short time ago, also that Mrs. John Neufeld is recuperating nicely after under- going an operation in St. Mich- ael’s Hospital a week ago. Miss Marilyn Snider underwent an emergency appendectomy on Fri- day, December 4, in St. Michael's Hospital. Lethbridge. Alberta, where she is in training, At the Tuesday meeting Lion Aubrey Gordon was appointed to form a ground observance stat- ion in King City. that will be sponsored by the local Lions CluE. At the next meeting. Rcv. Correspondent: Mrs. D. Allen Telephone Maple 19.! Social Notes E. c. Moddle of Au’rb’rfï¬n bé the guest speaker. F. O. McGuire explained that the Barrie Filter Centre takes in the territory to the edge of the city of Toronto. and north to the line of North Bay. Service clubs in all the villages and towns with- in this district are setting up voluntary observation stations. and King City is one of the last places _to form such a group. King City Lions Club heard a lecture on the function of the Ground Observation Corps. its value during peace and war. at their regular meeting on Tues. day. November 29. The speaker was Flying Ofï¬cer McGuire. who was introduced by George Schoultz of Schomberg. who is chlef observer of the Group Ob- servance Corps which was organ- ized in that neighboring village las twlnter. A. Gordon To Form Observance Station AsLowas MAPLE Yerex Electtic J. A. MITCHELL White Rose Products Fuel Oil - Gasoline Motor Oils - Grease LONG PLAYING GLENN MILLER Vols. 1, II, III, IV, .V 10†â€" 3.45 Melachrino Strings 12†Music for Dining Music for Relaxation Music for Reading 12†â€" $4.45 RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1552 MAPLE Phone Maple 79R13 ESTABLISHED OVER - 50 YEARS HARRY CHARLES, R ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE New Work Box 206 19 Centre St. W. Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Congratulations to . . . RICHMOND BOWL RICHMOND THEATRE ‘ GRILL hon) J. A. \)(/||_[_QUG|~|B\/ AND SONS ‘ «fox/v 002 MW ALL MAKES WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Plumbing & Heating ANDREWS 8 GRAY RICHMOND HILL : 206 Phone TUrner 4-1879 Savage Insurance Services General Insurance Frigidaire Sales & Service ‘ TUrner 4-1541 and have plenty of money for Christmas Shopping in I954! HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY'ST. Life â€" Fire â€"- Automobile ‘5, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1879 REPRESENTING Alterations Write or Phone TU. 4-1219 BA. 1-5218 AV. 5-1267 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN of Sfeeles Richmond Hill Repairs