to rent. something wanted. Tr$' a Liberal Classiï¬ed ad. Just phone TUrner 4-1261. Results ï¬lament SEWAGE PUMPS: 2 Darling Bros. Duplex sewage pumps each with capacity 50 U.S.G.P.M. ag- ainst head 25 feet when driven at 1150 R.P.M.. with 1% h.p. motor wound for 208/360 current. 3 years old. cost $1300.00 new. Best offer. Apply to Richmond Hill District High School, Richmond Hill, Ontario. c1w25 SOMETHING to sell. something LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish, any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 $295 NEW WESTINGHOUSE. “Colder-cold†8 cu. ft. refriger- ators. 2 only. Full manufacturer‘s guarantee. Regularly priced at $369.50. Pay only $29.50 down, $13 monthly. Alpha Engineering. Co. Yonge St.. 1 block north of Steeles. AV. 5-1267. c1w25 CHRISTMAS TREES. Scotch Pine and Spruce. ’nice and bushy, we deliver. Norman Bone, 30 Elizabeth St., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1443. *2w24 MODERN white and black coal and wood annex, in excellent conâ€" dltion; two pair of boys' boots and skates. hardly used, size 61/2- 7. Reasonable. Call TU. 4-2617. c1w25 MAHOGANY Governor Winthrop desk, in good condition, $35. Sewing Cabinet. Teakwood fern stand. Apply AV. 5-1368. c1w25 MASSEY-HARRIS Pony Tractqr with hydraulic lift. and chains, for snow plowing that long drive- way or parking lot. TU. 4-2143. *4w25 HARDWOOD by the cord from Northern Ontario, cut in stove lengths, $23, per cord delivered. TU. 4â€"1934. tfc22 difl‘iv’ tt Johnson, Stouffville 87206. elling Labradors for as little as $5. I c1w25 CEDAR POSTS 8’ long, 4 inch di- ameter, suitable for hog pens or chicken houses, etc., very reason- able. Phone TUrner 4-2048. c1w25 WHITE ï¬gure skates. ,size 5; hockey skates. sizes 7-8; goalie 3:315 .gloves and pants. Phone . 4-1504. *1w25 CHILDREN'S CLOTHES, girls, 3-9 yrs. Teen-ager. size 14, tur- quoise jacket, hat and mitts. TUA 4-2262. c1w25 WANT A PUPPY for Chflstm§§7 PAIR of girl's skates. size 5, $2; pair boy’s skates. size 5%, $2.; Ilso pair girl‘s white ï¬gure skates size 6, $5.00. Phone AV. 5-1198. clw25 ORDERS TAKEN this week for Christmas and New Year's Tur- keys, all weights. Don Chalk, King 165W. c1w25 libi’VSWOVERCO'AT. size 10. fawn colour. Also silver fox coat collar. TU. 4-1850. c1w25 CHRISTMAS TREES. Spruce, fresh cut. J. Curtis, Green Lane, Thornhill. c2w24 FEED OATS, baled straw, and 18 hundredweight of feed buck- wheat. TU. 4-2143. *1w25 ONE LARGE coal heater, in good condition. King 134R4. «â€" EOY'S BICYCLE, full size. good condition; used one season. TU. 4-1747. *1w25 DRESSED GEESE, 7 to 9 lbs.; ducks, 4 to 9 lbs. AVenue 5-109_6: EVENiNG CLOTHES, men’s. size 38, complete with shoes and silk hat. AV. 5-0063. c1w25 BONCAN FYFE Dining table, like new, $25.00. 103 Luca; sg._, Richmond Hill TRUCK PLATFORM, 7x12, stake sides. Apply W. R. Dean, AV. 5- 1344. ' c2w25 VHSHING MACHINE, Thor, 60 cycle. in excellent condition. Phone TUrner 4-1268. clw25 fiURKEY Sheltierr‘ plaï¬qrgrlss Eomplete, t’wo'ls'xzoz oï¬e 15’x15’. Maple 78R21. *1w25 Vï¬qETIAN BLIND, aluminum, size 86"x50", as new $10. Phone AVenue 5-2060. c1w25 CEDAR RAIL, 15c each F.O.B.; 20¢ each delivered. F. A. Morton, Keswick, phone 197W. *4w22 SMALL all metal trailer for sale SHE‘Sâ€"$36.00. Telephone 123 Map- le . ' *1w25 LARGE Essotanei gas stove. used 3 months. Maple 31R3. c1w25 TRICYCLE, large~size CCM. Just like new, $16. TU. 4-3229. clw25 RANGETTiE, s15; car heater $10. TUrner 4-2072. ' c1w24 THE LIBERAL’S Want Ads Always Pay Customers Big Dividendé CASH RATES, ï¬rst insertion 30 per word, min. charge . . 50° ' Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c min. charge 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs, Dec. 17, 1953 ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w25 c1w25 *1w25 ANY CHURCHES, organizations 01‘ private parties requiring the use of a full Santa Claus costume, apva 4 Morgan Ave.. Thornhill. Phone AVenue 5-0064. c3w23 YOUNG COUPLE with one child wish accommodation by January 3. Thornhill area preferred. AV. 5-2291. c1w25 mals for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (coï¬ect). tic“ NORTH YONGE, comfortably furnished apartment. living room, bedroom and bath. Equipped kit- chen. Separate entrance. Spacious grounds. Immediate possession. Baby or small child welcome. Phone PA. 7-5597 Aurora. c1w25 HOUSEKEEPING rooms required for young business couple, no children. Phone TU. 4-1882. .I‘HE IDEAL Christmas gift for the woman on your list is a Sing- er Sewing rnachine. We have slant, straight and swing needle models. Also a large selection of good used electric and treadle machines. Call in or phone 1075 Newmarket. Singer Sewing Ma- chine. 102 Main St., Newmarket. c3w24 BED sitting room, kitchen, 3-pce. bath, refrigerator and stove, bus- iness couple. TU. 4-3393. tfc19 near Orlando, housekeeping. Par; ticulars M‘s. Von Besser, Yonge- hurst P.O.' *1w25 HOUSE. small, furnished or un- furnished. garage, good well. Electrically equipped kitchen, suit couple. near Thornhill, 130 Clarke Ave. c1w25 DEAD 8: CRIPPLED farm ani- THORNHILL DISTRICT. $1,000 down. Handyman opportunity. 3 rooms and garage. Good well and pumping system, Full price $4,- 900. Immediate possession. T. D. Oakley Real Estate, 45 Yonge St. N. TU. 4-1951. c1w25 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 suit one or two adults, in village; TU. 4-1547. c1w25 LARGE oneâ€"room furnished ap- artment. including bath and kit- chenette. PA. 7-5597, Aurora. SMALL COTTAGE in Florida 8 PIGS, 8 weeks old, large white Yorks ,top quality. Phone MA. 5750. c1w25 hond male dog, 2 yearsvolci. Phone TU. 4-1519. *2W24 COMFORTABLE furnished room REGISTERED siNer grey Kees- 6 WEEK OLD Chick Bargains While They Last: Pullets, Cocker- els, Non-Sexed, Barred Rocks, White Rock x Light Sussex, New Hampshire, Light Sussex, Col- umbian Rock x New Hampshire, New Hampshire x Barred Rock and other popular heavy breeds, $39.95 per hundred. Assorted Heavy Breeds, $38.95 per hun- dred. Also younger started chicks and day old, Canadian Approved chicks at bargain prices. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ont. c1w25 REGISTERED SUFFOLK RAM. Phone Maple 187R13. *1w25 START good chicks early, for full production when egg prices best. Good advice to follow. We have a few started. At present prices you’ll also ï¬nd Cockerels real bargains. Bray Hatchery, c/o Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. Sussex and New Hampshire. Mép- 1e 57R4. c1w25 and ducks. Gordon'Cullen, TU. 4-1900. c2w24 40 HYBRID PULLETS, Light XMAS TREES â€" Nursery grown spruce and Scotch pine, being sold by Richmond Hill Rotary Club. All proceeds for local wel- fare work. Choose yours early at Butler & Baird Lumber. Brilling- er's Garage, or at corner 'of Yonge and Lorne. Delivery if you wish. 02w25 CHRISTMAS turkeys, chickens FOR SALE cont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT TO RENT WANTED c1w25 c1w25 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfe15 STORM SASH, window frames and sash, door frames, made to order. Aubrey Nicols, Elgin Mills, Ont., TU. 4-2211. *8w20 ALL KINDS carpenter work, trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-1177. tfc40 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc43 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. Lfc CUSTOM MOWING. ploughing, discing, cultivating, also back ï¬lling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview, south of Mark- ham Rd. TU. 4â€"2342. tfc51 GENERAL Landscape, planning designing; also ponds, cellars, fence rows; all types grading and levelling. Estimates given. Rep- resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes, Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley’s Contracting and Landscape Service, Stouï¬ville 60816. “C45 SAWS and all kinds of carpenter tools sharpened by expert. Mod- erate prices. 125 Elmwood Ave. c4w22 LARGE SEPTIC tanks installed anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone. loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. A. G. HALL â€" builder of qual- ity, custom and NBA. homes; remodelling a specialty. King 171214. tfc39 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- ogto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- IF YOU WISH to learn to drive well, call TU. 4-2781. Thompson's Driving School, 5 Duncan Rd., Richvale. tfc18 M. EINBODEN & SON Concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. BAldwin 1-0633 or TUrner 4-1090. tfc42 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 11-1061. FLOORS SANDED and ï¬nished, new or old. Floor Treatments (Canada) King City. King 27R12. c5w23 CHIMNEYS â€" built and repair- d, free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone AV. 5-1100. tfc23 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have an opening for one ex- perienced salesman to work in the Thornhill, Richmond Hill area. If you desire high earn- ings and willing to work for them come in and talk it over with A. E. F. Wright Real Estate, 54511/2 Yonge St., Willowdale. Phone BA. 1-4343. c5w23 DRESSMAKING expert in wed- ding and evening gowns. Martin Ahlbom, 115 Ruggles Ave., Rich- mond Hill. *3w25 ANYTHING in painting, paper- ing, decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-1791. tfc13 DAY CARE available for child- ren and babies in registered nur- se’s home. TU. 4-2647. c2w25 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN Owing to our increased volume of business we have openings for two energetic men with initiative and neat appearance, a late model car is essential but experience not necessary, excellent working conditions. For appointment call Sales Manager S. J. Carlisle at AVenue 5-1176. Evenings TUrner 4-1574. FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 OPPORTUNITY to establish yourself in permanent buslness selling nationally advertised pro- ducts for home and farm. No in- vestment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-R-5 The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, 350 St. Roch St.. Montreal. c5w23 ASSISTANT caretaker wanted for Richmond Hill District High School, duties to commence Jan- uary 1, 1954. Apply in writing to Harry Charles, Box 131, Rich- mond Hill, stating previous em- ployment and salary expected. c2w25 OPPORTUNITY to establish yourself in permanent business selling nationally advertised proâ€" ducts for home and farm. No in- vestment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-R-5 The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. c5w23 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER with experience. Shorthand. typing. ï¬ling and general office duties in Richmond Hill office. Apply in writing to Dr. R. M. King, York County Health Unit, Newmarket. tf024 MISCELLANEOUS HELP WANTED DAVID McLEAN LTD c51w27 c30w49 c1w24 tfc42 tfc13 Houses Wanted Early winter enquiries have brought a heavy in- crease in prospective pur- Chasers. We can provide a selection of clients for any property oï¬'ered us for listing. A friendly and efficient service by Toronto’s largest north suburban realtors. Call AVenue 5-1176 or BAIdwin 1-1121, ï¬ve direct lines to central. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS are easy to place. Just dial TU. 4- 1261. Hundreds of satisï¬ed cus- tomers will tell you that a Libâ€" eral Classiï¬ed pays off in results. HEAD OFFICES. THORNHILL MEMBERS TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD STRAYED two Holstein heifers from lot 32, concession 2. Vaugh- an Twp. Phone King 11R21. c1w25 David McLean Ltd. FEMALE HOUND, blue tick. Re- ward. John Elliott. TU. 4-1645. ' *2w24 TRANSPORTATION wanted be- tween Bayview Ave. and down- town Toronto, 8 am. and 5 pm. Please contact during the day at EM. 3-5981. â€"- Local 273. Miss Joelle Caron. *1w25 STRAYED to Lot 13, Con. 4 Vaughan, Holstein heifer. Owner may claim by identifying and paying expenses. Maple 112R22. c2w24 SMALL LOT wanted mond Hill or district, cash it reasonable. TU. HOUSE wanted. $2,000 cash, 4 to 6 rooms, semi or ï¬nished, fur- nace and plumbing. Richmond Hill or south. Reasonable carry- ing charges. Possession now or early spring. Phone TU. 4-1464 evenings. c1w25 TRANSPORTATION care of elderly peréon. T15: ,4- 1547. -*1W24 chanic or truck driving préferr- ed. Call Bill, TU. 4-1416. c1w25 WIDOVY d_e_sir_es baby sitting or FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES or to buy existing 151; or 2nd mortgages. W. W. Conroy, Broker. 56 Avon- dale Ave., Willowdale, Ont.. phone BA. 1-7484. c1w25 YOUNG MANVdesires work, me- ALTERATIONS and repair work sidewalks, cement work, tile beds, soft water cisterns, carpentry work. For prompt service. call AVenue 5-1100. tfc23 RUGS, BROADLOOM â€" save 50 %. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets, woollens, etc.-Dom- inion Rug Weaving Co. Phone TU. 4-1804. 1:13:21 manure and ï¬ll. L. Willis, TU: 4-2342. tfc51 SNOW PLOWING lanes and driveways. W. Gooderharh. BA. 1-3114. *11w25 SAND & GRQYELJ stone, loam, MISCELLANEOUS Be Happy Ones ! Stop you-r car where the shopping’s ï¬ne, the view’s grand or the food’s good. But don’t let car trouble stop you. Get a check up here now! Hunt 8. Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS May A" Your Stops EMPLOYMENT WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 (continued) FOUND LOST will pay 4-1638. in Rich- c1w25 Young married man to learn restaurant business from bottom up with the thought in mind of becoming manager of one of a chain of better class restaurants; with better than average future. Restaurant experience not nec- essary, but neatness of appear- ance, cleanliness, willingness to work and ability to get along with employees and public is. Apply Box 95 The Liberal. KWWEW DON’T LET THE BATH BE A HAZARD Just when a small child is nice- ly installed in his bath, the tele- phone may ring. It is difficult to ignore that ring. but during the few minutes’ absence from the bathroom, baby may be in grave danger. Even very small young- sters can turn on the hot water tap, and can be scalded in a few seconds. Or they may turn on either tap and drown ,if they are left alone. If the phone must be answered, it is safer to remove the child and wrap him in towels while the call is answered. As most parents ï¬nd out, a small child’s capacity for getting into danger is boundless, and it re- quires much thought to prevent trouble. HELP WANTED CAPONS, toasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-3351. tfc17 4-2535. MALE KITTEN. Phone TUrner Credit for "classifying" the advertisements is given to Ben- jamin E. Day, who founded the New York Slm‘in 1833. Wants ak have furnished one of the richest sources for his- torians seeking to learn about the everyday llfe of Americans. News stories in colonial newspapers often were colored according to the publisher’s ideas, but want ads were honest and forthright, telling researchers about the needs and interests of our ancestors. Notices of arrivals and sailings of ships, with lists of cargoes, are found in most sixteenth-century English newspapers. The ï¬rst paid advertisement in an American newspaper appeared in the second issue of the Boston Newsletter (Méy 71, not). It was about two anvils which had been lost, and read: Lost on the 10. of April last off of Mr. Shiï¬en’s Wharf! in Boston. Two Iron Anvils, weighing between 120 and 140 pounds each: Whoever has taken them up, and will bring or give true Intelligence of them to John Campbell Postmas- ter, (also editor of the newspaper) shall have I suï¬icient reward. At ï¬rst advertising occupied a relatively minor place in Am- erican newspapers, but by the middle of the eighteenth century many printers were becoming prosperous from the publication of three. four, and ï¬ve pages of miscellaneous advertisements. Gradually. as the confusion among the jumble of advertise- ments grew. want ads concerning one class of commodity or ser- vice were grouped together to facilitate the reader’s ï¬nding what he was looking for. Both Greeks and Romans used the walls of their houses as places to scratch or paint inscriptions concerning their aï¬airs. Many such inscriptions were found when Pompeii was excavated. The oldest newspaper paragraph ï¬tting the description of an advertisement appears to have been a “want ad†for a book on botany, printed in an early German newsbook in 1591. Choose your Television Christmas Gift from the store where individual attention and service are guaranteed. In Greek mythology, when Psche ran away, Venus requested Mercury, "to proclaim her in public, and announce a reward to him who shall ï¬nd her." Advertising has existed as far back as man used written sym- bols, and probably well before that. Back in early Babylon the merchants employed barkers to describe their wares to passer!- by. The ï¬rst written advertisements were want ads. They were announcements on papyri offering rewards for the return of run- away slaves and bond servants. Lost article were also sought through those early want ads. Want Ads Are Not New; They Are as Old as Recorded History. YEBEX ELECTRIC Richmond Hill TU. 4-1552 LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY WANTED c2w25 DRY LAND SWIMMER The non-swimming vacationlst who spent hot sunny days on the beach, watching others having fun diving and swimming, will prob- ably have determined to remedy the matter before next summer. There are facilities for taking swimming lessons in many Can- adian communities and these clas- ses are usually available during the winter. Knowing how to take care of oneself in the water is not only a pleasant way of taking exerciseâ€"it is also the sort of knowledge that could save one’s own life or another’s. Once mas- tered, the skill lasts a lifetime. The reports of these studies, supervised by Dr. L. T. White, who is in charge of the labora- tory, will be submitted to an ad- visory committee of eight. This committee, with equal federal and provincial representation, acting under the federal/Depart- ment of Agriculture and the On- tario Department of Lands and Forests, will recommend co-oper- ative exgeriments. Architects for the project were the well-known Toronto ï¬rm of Craig 8; Maddill. Studies are now being made on tree diseases and tree-destroying insects, which destroy an esti- mated 14 per cent. of the prov- ince’s usable timber yield. twice as much as forest ï¬res. Recommend Experiments Sealed'in the cornerstone were souvenir coins and newspapers as well as a dedication of the build- ing. Compliments of the Season from .I-Ie expressed his pleasure at the success of the joint under- taking, stating that “the Prov- ince of Ontario has set one of the ï¬nest examples here of co-opera- tion with the Federal Govern- ment to help protect the life of our Forests which are so essen- tial to the life of Canada." Dr. J. C. Bouchard, Assistant Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, officiated at the cere- mony with the Hon. G. Arthur Welsh, Provincial Secretary and Acting Minister of Lands and Forests in the absence of the Hon. Welland S. Gemmell, who is ill. Finest Examples The laboratory, which is said to have cost over $300,000, was com- pleted last July and although oc- cupied since August, it will not be officially opened until spring, it is understood. Cornerstone laying ceremonies took place Wednesday of last week at Ontario's new Forest Pathology Laboratory with offic- ials of Dominion and provincial governments participating. Lo- cated at the Department of Lands and Forests Southern Research Station near Maple, the labora- tory. which was built by the On- tario Government, will house joint research work in forest dis- eases. The federal Department of Agriculture will staff and ad- minister the project. Sand, gravel, 10am, and stone Phone TU. 4-1934 New Forest Lab. Is Opened At Maple WILF. HOOD EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED BROK N LENSES REPLACED O TICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" RU. 8-8949 :2-ummuuumummmmuu\mmummmuml\mmmmuu\\nuu\\\m\\\u\\\\\\\m\uumnu\x\\\\\\\\mm“numxnnmnum“mmmmm g£-\\lllllllullmllull\ll“ll“lll\\llllllll\\lllllllllllllll““mumllllllllllllllllllllmlllllll‘lllllllll1111lll\m“lllllllllllllll\\l1.\1l\llllll\ll“llululllllmfl; i memxmmammwmamhmwmmnmm gmxzmmmmmuxmxmumxmummxmm TU. 4-1116 All above cars equipped with heaters and winterized 49 Plymouth Sedan . . . 48 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . 42 Chevrolet Sedan . . . . . . . 41 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . 49 Pontiac Coach, radio . . . . . . 49 Ford Sedan, radio . . . . . . 50 Prefect Sedan . . . . . . 50 Ford Coach, radio . . . 50 Monarch Sedan, overdrive .. $1150 51 Monarch Sedan, radio . . . . . . $1495 51 Plymouth Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . $1195 52 Kaiser Sedan . . . TURNER 4-1651 We have a complete stock of Christmas Gifts for the entire family and toys for the children. AT COMPETITIVE PRICES SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS SIMPSUN’S DRYGODDS R. D. “THE & SON LTD, Compare These Prices Anywhere ! ! Winter Get Your Weldrest Nylons boxed at RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE Will be open from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M., December 18, 19, 21» 22, 23 and 24, For Your Christmas Shopping Convenience. We have a complete line of Ladies’ wear, Men’s Wear, Children’s Wear, Yard Goods, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ATTENTION XMAS SHOPPERS Avoid The Rush SHOP NOW AT MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN EVENINGS Your Ford-Monarch Dealer 168 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill F. L. LOWRIE, K0. will be at 41 YONGE STREET SOUTH First Door North of Bus Station WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12 NOON and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month Optometrist RICHMOND HILL . . . . . . $1295 EM. 6-3166 Values ~ $845 $950 $750 $695 $150 $150 $495 $895