Perkins’ Farm & Home Equipment TUrner 4-1229 23 Markham Rd. I AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fox. John BL. Thornhlll, will be at home to friends. relatives and neigh- bours on December 20, 1953. from 8 pm. to 9 pm. on the occasion of their silver anniversary. A most successful Christmas Pot chk Supper was held by the Ladies quiliary of Richmond Hill Sconï¬ at the Scout Hall, Thursday Dec. 10th. About 50 ladies brought their favourite dish and some canned goods for a needy cause. With Mrs. E. Butlin in the chair. Rev. A. Chote, Scout Padre. installed the offi- cers for the coming season. Santa Claus arrived and received a bountiful supply of gifts for an unfortunate family. Mrs. V. R. Johnson with daughâ€" ters Jennifer and Gillian has ar- rived from New York to spend Christmas with her mother, Mrs. M. E. Laughlin of Highland Lpne. Another daughter, Miss Madel- ine George has recently returned from Africa where she served in Missionary work. Although now in hospital, it is expected that Miss George will be able to spend Christmas with her family. Sugar and Spice Club held their Christmas Party at the Black- burns on Wednesday, Dec. 9th. Thirteen girls enjoyed a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Following the business meeting the members each received a gift of! the Christmas tree. Winners of the cards were lst, L. Patton; 2nd, W. Cartier; 3rd, J. Wain- wright. Miss Dorothy Jane Goulding. well-known radio artist of Kin- dergarten of the Air was the guest speaker at a meeting of district public school teachers held at Richmond Hill Public School last The Junior Chamber of Com- merce held its December meet- ing at Bettles Coffee Shop re- cently. Mr. George Alexander of the Ontario Fire Marshall's of- ï¬ce showed pictures on ï¬re pre- vention in the home and various types of ï¬re extinguishers in ad- dition to a ï¬lm on the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Have you noted any acts of outstanding courtesy during the Christmas shopping season. Write a letter about it to the Rotary Courtesy Campaign. Box 1, The Ligeral, and you may win an aw- ar . week. North York Farmers Market. Thornhill, has announced special Christmas Markets for Wednes- day and Thursday, December 23 and 24. The Richmond Theatre Grill is open daily from 8 am. to 12 mid- night. Until after the ï¬rst of the year the popular new restaurant will remain closed on Sunday. The annual Christmas Tree and concert will be held at the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church, next Monday evening. Supper will 'be served at 6.30 pm. F. L. Lowrie R.0. will be in Richmond Hill again on Wednes- day, December ‘23: A Richmond Hill Presbyterian W.A. met this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Blanchard, Centre Street West. RICHMGND HILL . . CLIPMASTER Good dairy farmers clip' cows to avoid contamination. reduce sediment, lower bacteria. Clipped cows are easier to keep clean. take less time. Clipping aids in the control of lice. ticks. etc.. which greatly affect milk production. For best results use the electric Clipmaster. Uses no more current .than a light bulb. Come in and see it. Inter. changeable sheep shearing head and drill head also available. Clipmaster only, ma. CHRISTMAS SEALS The Liberal ls always glad to receive social md personal items for this page and a call to TUmer 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations .women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of etch week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publio cation We wish to express our heart- felt thanks and appreciation to our relatives, friends and neighâ€" bours, who so kindly remember- ed us during our recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev. A. A. Chote and Rev. S. A. R. Woods. Mr A. Clapham c1w25 and family Mrs. Florence Varley and fam- ily wish to say a sincere thank you for the many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy exâ€" tended to her during her recent bereavemnnt in the passing of her husband, John R. Varley, with special thanks to members of Branch 375 Canadian Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, and to Dr. J. P. Wilson for kindness over many years. *1w25 CARD 0!“ THANKS We wish to express our heart- felt thanks and appreciation ‘to our relatives, friends and neigh- bours and to Rev. E. C. Moddle of Aurora who remembered us in our recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS Irene and Michael Miller, now of 189 Richmond Street West, Richmond Hill. wish to thank all those who so generously gave to the community shower in their honour and who have not already been personally thanked. elm/25 CARD 0]“ THANKS CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. L. Espey and family wish to extend grateful thanks and apâ€" preciation to all the kind friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and gifts received during her stay in Peel Memorial Hospital. *1w25 CARD 0F THANKS BONE â€" In loving memory of a dear Father’ and Grandfather, Wilbert Bone, who passed away December 20, 1952. â€" Ruth, Walter and Children c1w25 The Young Adult Group of Rich- mond Hill United Church held its Christmas meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fenwick. The hostess was assisted by Miss Beulah Baskerville. A special col- lection was taken up to be used in local Christmas welfare work. AGAR â€" At York County Hos- pital, on Tuesday. December 1, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ag- ar, Alliston, a daughter, Kath- leen Diane. St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold a Christmas Eve Choral Communion Service beinning at «11 pm. The Christmas Day Serâ€" vice'will be held at 10 am. Christmas morning. The annual Candlelight Carol Service will be held on Sunday, December 27 at 7 pm. The Saturday morning Story Hourlat Richmond Hill Public Library will be closed for three Saturdays ,December 19 to Jan- uary 2. It will re-open on January In memoriam FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS Richmond Hill Th_e Mashinter Family Powerful, dr-ceohd motor rlgM Inside Oh. cosy-grip hundk. Ten dollars was sent to the Hospital for Sick Children and three magazines subscribed for to be sent to the Link Institute in Wales. Fruit cake and shortbread were served with a cup of tea to end a very excellent Christmas pro- gram. Hostesses were Mrs. C. Duncan. Mrs. H. H. MacKay, Mrs. D. Lamb. Mrs. G. Moorley. Mrs. K. Blanchard and Mrs. J. Gillies. Mrs. A. L. Phipps and Mrs. J. P. Wilson presided over the tea tab- 1e. Miss Lois and Master John Perkins again gave much enjoy- ment with their solos and the litâ€" tle song they sang together about Popping Corn. Mrs. Catherine Duncan sang two of the lesser known carols which were. also much enjoyed. ,Mrs. G. Irwin and Mrs. W. Middleton were pinch-hitters for Santa Claus and took charge of the exchange of Christmas gifts. Mrs. H. H. MacKay and Mrs. R. Fox presented an original skit depicting two women on a local bus en route to the city to do Christmas shopping. They ï¬nally decided they could buy all they needed in Richmond Hill. Mrs. W. Sayers and Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt demonstrated candy mak- ing, both recipe§ being uncook- ed ,easily made and tasty. It was decided to have the birthday party take the form of a pot luck luncheon at the Jan- uary meeting. At this meeting also four members will be pres- ented with Life Memberships in the W.I. as an appreciation of their labours on behalf of this Branch. ‘ Splendid reports were receiv- ed from the convenors of the Cooking School, Snack Bar at Community Fair, Sale of Christ- mas Cards and sewing. Returning from overseas after a short time in Toronto in 1922 he moved to the Carrville dis: trict where he has lived ever since, taking an active interest in community affairs and espec- Christmas was the theme of the December meeting of Rich- mond Hill W. I. on Thursday, December 10, with the program in charge of the Executive. Rev. J. N. Hepburn was guest speaker and brought a Christmas mess- age telling a true story about a 25 cent piece which stressed the fact that while one may not be able to do much for someone in need even a small eï¬ort will help. Born in England he came to Can- ada at the age of seventeen. for a time lived in Toronto. He en- listed ln the service of Kin and Country early in World at I and was in the Army from 1914 to 1918 serving overseas in dif- ferent theatres of war. The funeral service was held Sunday afternoon from Wright and Taylor Funeral Chapel and was largely attended by friends and comrades in Veterans organ- izations in which he had been an active worker. Mam! beautiful floral tributes were evidence of the sympathy of a wide circle of friends. Some weeks ago he had a serious operation at Sunnybrook from which he recovered satis- factorily and had returned home. Last Thursday he su ered a heart attack and was rushed again to Sunnybrook where he passed away. John W. Varley, “Jack†as he was fondly known by his friends, a well known and highly esteem- ed “old soldier†of the district passed away suddenly at Sunny- brook Hospital last Thursday, December 10 in his 75th year. Widely known for his‘ work in Veterans organizations he was a kindly and friendly citizen who always welcomed the opportunity to extend help to others. Funeral Sunday For Vetegan John W. Varley of Camille [‘E TONS of succulent turkey, like the one proudl shown here by Romei Chan-est} chef instructor for the Canadian National ailways, will be servei aboard C.N.R. dining cars this Yuletide. More than 22.000 special Christ} ma dinners will be served over the holiday season, topped oï¬ with plun oudding a la CNR’s own special recipe. Richmond Hill Women’s Institute The funeral service was held at Wright and Taylor funeral chap- el on Sunday. December 13, at 3.30 pm. The service was con- ducted by Rev. E. C. Moddle of Aurora and interment was in the Maple Cemetery. The pallbearers were cousins, Harold Bishop, Ken Woods. Peter Jones. Herb Jones Jr“ Bill Smith and Ron Baker. He is survived by his father, sisters Effie (Mrs. Melvin Baker), Isobel and Irene and brothers. Thomas. Harvey, Edward, Mel- ville and Frank. Stanley Raymond Mash'mter. son of Samuel Mash‘mter and the late Mrs. Mashjnter of Maple. passed away at the Ontario Hos- pital, Orillia, on Thursday even- ing, December 10. He was in his 22nd year. The Friendship League would like to take this opportunity of wishing all Richmond Hill bowl- ers a Merry Christmas and a New Year of high scores. Flat scores of 500 and over was led by Mrs. W. C. Cowan’s 567, followed by Ruth McMullen 520, Daisy Howe 543, Iris Leish- man 501. Ethel Carlisle 512, Lucy Dickie 502. Pat Tinker bowling a 513 flat is one of the most im- proved bowlers ln the league along with Maud Benjamin, Win Young and Reta Hall. With 75 per cent of"the girls having perfect attendance to date the Thursday afternoon FRIEND- SHIP LEAGUE is now well in the grove. Many who have never bowled before are turning in games that any bowler would be proud of and handicaps are being rapidly reduced. Fliendship League Reducing Handicaps Not wanting to slight the An- glicans it is assumed the same party tried to gain entrance into St. Mary’s Church next door. Part of a stained glass window in the chancel was removed and was found Friday morning lean ing against the side of the church. The prowler wasn’t successful in entering, however, even though the window was quite accessible. That prisoner with the religious convictions has a counterpart at large in this district for last Thursday night Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church was enter- ed and 81,5 dozen knives, an elec- tric kettle and money from the Sunday School birthday box were stolen. A kindly old lady was visiting a penitentiary one day and stop- ped to ask a prisoner if he had any religious convictions. “Yes ma‘amâ€, he answered, “I’m in here for stealing from a church.†The late Mr. Varley is survived by his widow Mrs. Florence Var- ley, one daughter Laura, Mrs. Alex Stevenson, I son-in-law Alex Stevensonlof Lansing, four grand- children Doreen, Alex. Edward and Norman Stevenson, and two brothers-in-law Tom Kemp of Carrville and James Kemp of England. Presbyterian Church Rabbed Interment took place in Can'- ville cemetery and the last post was sounded by James Butler J.P. Honorary palI-bearers were: Frank Lamb, George Bradfield, Walter Reaman and Ernest Bone. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. C. G. Higginson of Rich- mond Hill United Church and a guard of honour was provided by Legion and Legion Auxiliary members. Pall bearers were Sydney Sparkes, Harry Keane, Frank Titshall, thn Sanders, Al- bert Jarvis and Steve Arbon. ially veterans activities. He was a charter member of the Rich- mond Hill and Vaughan Veterans branch of York County Veterans and for many years gave freely of his time and \energy on behalf of veterans work, particularly the Poppy Fund which he directed for many years. He was a mem- ber of Richmond Hill Branch of the Canadian Legion. STANLEY R. MASHINTER @bituarp ELGIN MILLS E. Hall’s Service Station Pridham’s Store Joe Weber’s Grocery McCowan’s Store - Perry’s Drug Store Fred Hare’s Store Clarke’s Pharmacy Hannah’s Variety Store Reaman’s Variety Store Fleischer’s Pharmacy' Mary’s Variety Store OAK RIDGES Campbell’s Service Station Conno’s Grocery Davison’s Store Marshall’s Garage Pallister’s Service Station Hawman’s Store Armstrong’s Store Perry’s Drug Store Edgeley Afternoon Worship . . .. 2.30 Sunday School . . . . . . 1.30 Hope Church Service . . . . . . 10.30 Sunday School . . . . . . 11.30 Maple Sunday School . . . . . . 10.15 Church Service . . . . . . 11.30 (Candlelight Service) ST. JOHN’S â€" OAK RIDGSE (Yonge St. at Jeï¬erson) Christmas Day Holy Communion 11.15 a. Sunday, December 27 Holy Communion 11.15 3 (Carol Service) Rev. E. H. Unstead, Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1953 munion . . . . . . . . . . Sunday, December 27 Evening Prayer . . . . . ST. STEPHEN'S â€" MAPLE December 24 â€" Christmas Eve Candlelight Service of Holy Com- MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Christmas Day Holy Communion . 10 am‘ Sunday, December 27 Morning Prayer . . . . . . . L 10 am Evening Prayer . . . . . . . . 7 p.m‘ ALL SAINTS ; KING [HORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Convention of Ontario & Quebec Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A., B. Th. "The Friendly Church" SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1953 Christmas Sunday 11 o’clock The minister will speak on “A Faded Tax Receipt". A hearty Christmas welcome to all who worship with us. THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister, Rev. E. E. Kent. ’l‘h. D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 Christmas Sunday 11 am. â€" Christmas Service Baptisms 7.30 pm. â€" “Carol Festivalâ€, by the choirs Sunday School -â€" 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate 11 am. â€"â€" Nursery. Beginner, Pri- mary only Christmas Sunday 11 am. â€" Dedication of new choir gowns Sermon â€" “Carillon of Praise" Friday, 6.30 pm. â€" Annual Christmas Tree Program SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1953 Thornhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 Christmas Sunday 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 5 pm. â€" Candlelight Carol Ser- vice There will be no service at 7 pm. Minister, Rgvt Calvin Chambers, RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 3.1)., Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1953 9.45 a.m. â€" Sundaw School 11 a.m. â€"- Worship for Christmas 7 pm. â€"â€" Choral Festival Service (The Church and Junior Choirs) 4th in Advent “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" 8.30 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Teen-age Bible Class 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer The Rector 3 pm. -â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer “The Friend of sinners†Some couldn’t care less. God couldn’t care more! Christmas Eve Service - ll p.m. Christmas Day Service - 10 am. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1953 Christmas Sunday 11 am. â€" Worship Service 10 am. â€"- Church School 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. TIL, Rector SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1953 YOU CAN PURCHASE THE LIBERAL EACH WEEK AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: TEMPERANCEVILLE For Your Convenience THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHRISTMAS SERVICE: RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL ST. MARY’S CFURCH Christmas Sunday KING CITY MAPLE Anglican .. 2.30 pm 1.30 p.m 10.30 pm 11.15 a.m 11.15 a.m Queen’s Hotel Arnold’s Supermarket Mrs. Lapping’s Store BUTTONVILLE J ones’ Grocery Store F. Richardson’s Store E. Westacott’s Store HIGHLAND PARK Klimitz’s Pharmacy THORNHILL Harley’s Drug Store Thornhill Pharmacy RICHVALE W. Costoff’s Store E. Durie’s Variety Store Marinoff’s Store C. Turnbull’s Grocery Dennis’ Snack Bar . . . a saviour which is Christ the Lord.†â€" Luke 2:10-11 LAN GSTAFF Morris’ Grocery Store Hadley's Store Children who have not yet at- tended the Sunday School but hope to in the New Year are also most cordially invited. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 10 am. -â€" The Lord's Supper 11 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Adult Class 7 pm. -â€" Mr‘ John Farquharson “Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy for unto you is born FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 7 p.m. Mothers, fathers and children arehmqst cordially Welcome. J. W. Farquharson, well-known evangelist in this country and ‘ the U.S.A. The Annual Christmas Treat in Homes of the Community Vaughan (3rd con.) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service Concord 10 am. â€" Sunday School COME AND HEAR BRETHBEN IN CHRIST CHURCH SUNDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1953 Christmas Sunday Heise Hill (Gormley) ‘10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School ll'a.m. â€" Morning Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.30 p.m.: Prayer Meeting Oak Ridges Services in Oak Ridges School ' House . 10.45 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tu_es., 8 pm. _â€"- Prayer Megflng NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East 0! Yonu On Madawaskn Ave.. Stop 123 Pastor F. Vaughan, B. 11:. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 Christmas Sunday 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Sermon “O Holy Night" Christmas music by our Girl's Choir 7 pm. â€" Evening Service The Girls’ Robed Choir will pres- ent a Christmas Cantata. This will be an evening of music in our appropriately decorated auditorium. A brief message from the pastor, “Good Tidings" Everybody Invited 4th in Advent 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Adult Devotional Ser- vice Saturday, December 19 â€" 2 pm. â€"- Christmas Entertain- ment A good year must have God in it. Cars pick up the children on Oak and Spru‘ce St. at 9.35 a.m.’ Watch for the cars with Church Anglican Richvale - Langstaff District Meets every Sunday morning in the Howitt School “0 Come Let Us Adore Him†SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evenint at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. I Timothy 2-5: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Christmas Sunday 7 2.30 pm. -â€" Church Service and Sunday School ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1953 Christmas Sunday Sunday School Church Service LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. A. R. Jones Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed., 3 pm â€" Prayer Mee,ting Thurs‘, 2 pm. â€" Women’s Mis- Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1953 sionary meeting Tuesday, 8 p.m. â€" Young Peop- le’s Meeting in Concord Séhool House ST. BARNABAS MISSION CHURCH OF CHRIST UNIONVILLE DONCASTER Richvale Chapel CONCORD Oak Avenue sign Plumbing - Heating OAK RIDGES PHONES ONTARIO Aurora 46-J King 111 TUmer 4-170! Richmond Hill IOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOO STUART PAXTON TUrner 4-1261 III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Formerly of Gemrd Helntzman Work guaranteed, Free estimates Phone Liberal Office Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Sheet Metal Work Dealer for Esso‘ Oil Burners Fairbanks - Morse Pressure Systems THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Dec. 17, 1953 5 SAND and GRAVEl Crushed Stone Yonge St, Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-2133 For Service at it’s Best Try Your Friendly Locai Dairy RICHNOND HILL DAIRY Sanitary Contractor James J. Wall COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Impggmg Williams’ Sunoco Service Station PIANO TUNING Phone TUrner 4-1016 Loam and Fill E. CHARITY and Repairing S. Hofl’man Rentals from $8 to $12 per year C. STUNDEN Stouffville Creamery Phone Stouï¬ville 186W IELEPHONE TUR. 4824-1622 Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S Navel Oranges 2:32 49c w- IMPORTED Brussel Sprouts cm- 25c No. 1 GRADE Waxed Turnips 1.. 5c Stufled Olives ALIFORNIA CLUB HOUSE MAPLE LEAF Mincemeat . it.“ 43c OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE Cranberry Sauce :12."- 23c STOKLEY’S FANCY Tomato Juice 2 in? 25c Hard Candy m 35c QUAKER Quick Oats Mixed Nuts SPECIALS XMAS MIXED SELECTED ’ : 39c Lge. Pkg. is? 486 34c