DGVV Mum-Antibiotic Ointment WILL STOP MASTITIS or Your Money Back! GARGETEX contains two peni- ciliins, streptomycin and the new antibiotic bacitracin, combined. in a completely milk soiubie oint- ment, bringing the effect of (our antibiotics against mastitic infec- tions. GARGETEX works immed- iately on the internal infected ud- der tissue. promoting fast safe recovery and is guaranteed to give effective results. Get a tube of New GARGETEX today. In- structions for easy administra- tion on every package. Made in Canada by Nixon Laboratories Limited. PERR ’S PHA'IMACY Man'b Phone 164 SAVE MILK & MONEY GARGETEX 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., Dec. 17, 1953 THE 1954 MONARCH LUCBRNE SUN VALLEY ; as: usually; , w a "W m d (bled plexiglaul “Over 20 years experience back of that new V-8’ \nnouncing for 1954 J. A. MITCHELL Merry Christmas To All Sunday, December 20, will be White Rose Products Fuel Oil - Gasoline Motor Oils - Grease MAPLE Phone Maple 79Rl3 ' Canada’s most advanced V-8 g»? by Canada’s most ’ exnerienced CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON See and drive it 2 (ARRVILLE NEWS Telephone Maple 130R3 ALL NEW FOR ’54 . . .THE Christmas Sunday with special music and will be a family ser- vice, at Carrville United Church at 2.30 pm. Following the ser- vice the Sunday School children will gather in the hall to receive their gifts and treat. Carrville Public School Con- cert will be held Monday, Dec- ember 21, at 8 pm. in the school. with the Senior and Junior rooms putting on the program. Parents and friends will be very welcome. The Carrville people were very sorry to learn of the death of Mr. John Varley on Thursday. Sin- cere sympathy is expressed to Mrs. Varley and family. Immunization School Concert A COMPLETELY NEW £QALHBN8 the ultimate in beauty. . . the ultimate in driving ease . . . features a vwider~lhamever choice of longer, slimmer models experienced V-8 builder :monurchnfmmg FRONT SUSPENSION The York County Health Unit will begin immunization at Carr- ville Public School on Wednesâ€" day, January 13; 1954, at 9.30 a. m.. .Parents please take note. Ratepayers meeting at Carr- ville Public School. S. S. No. 3. Vaughan, will be held on Wed- nesday, December 30. at 8 pm. Socials John Barton and Robert Mid- dleton spent the weekâ€"end in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Middleton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ash of Edgeley had dinner Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Walker and family of'New- market. Mr .and Mrs. George Blowing of Toronto visited on Saturday with Mrs. Hayter and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams and family, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hough on the birth of a son, December 13, at York County Hospital. Newmarket. a brother for Scott, Tommy and Kenneth. ' BALL-JOINT 1 completely new feeling ofstability and road-control of the latest, most advanced overhead-valve designâ€"Canada’s newest V-8 engine, made by Canada’s most experienced V-8 builder. EFFORTLESS DRIVING EASE with Power Steering: . Power Brakes: Power Seat Power Window Lifts‘ Automatic . T ransmlssion Immunization against diphtherâ€" l ia, whooping cough and tetanus llockjaw) and vaccination ag-- ainst smallpox will be offered to‘ infants and pre-school children at Maple Clinic in Council' Chambers on Thursday. January 7. 1.30 to 4 pm. Busy Bees Mission Band Health Clinic The Busy Bees Mission Band met on Saturday, December 12, at the manse. The meeting open- ed with a hymn. The Christmas story was dramatized. A letter was read by Janet McCowan. re- ceived from the port worker re- garding the bale. Mrs. Bowman read the story from the lesson book.A game called "Chrysanthe- mum Flower†was played. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. ALLEN MAPLE NEWS LINE Telephone Maple 19.] St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Maple, will hold its usual Candle- light Srvice on Christmas Eve. December 24, at 10.30 pm. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion and a carol service as in former years. A cordial in- vitation to members of other churches and friends generally ls extended. St. Stephen’s Anglican Sunday School will hold its white gift service on Sunday. December 20, as part of the regular Sunday School service at 11 am. Mem- bers of the congregation and friends are especially invited to attend. ‘ The next meeting is on Janu- ary 16. The meeting was closed with the benediction. St. Stephen’s Anglican Church Sunday, December 13. at the close of the evening service at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, a presentation was made by Rev. D. C. H. Michell of a Bible from the members 0f the choir and a Book of Common Prayer from the congregation to Miss Margar- et Ramsay upon her resignation as organist, after serving in that capacity for the past four years. The following officers were e1- ected for the W.A.: President, Mrs. L. Laver; lst vice-pres., Mrs. D. Jarrett; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. M. E Hemphill; treas., Mrs. W. Keffer; sec., Mrs. L. Wiltshire; press secretary, Mrs. Neil Woods. The meeting closed with pray- er, after which refreshments were served. St: Stephen’s Anglican The members of St. Stephen’s Anglican Women’s Auxiliary spent a very enjoyable social ev- ening at the home of Mrs. Geo. Miller (Friendly Acres) on Fri- day. December 11. The house was gay with Christmas decorations,: and the program, games and re»I freshments were all in keeping, with the Yuletide spirit. ‘ The Women‘s Missionary Soc- iety of Maple United Church was held Wednesday December 9, in. the Sunday school room. Mrs. Harry Jackson presided over the meeting. The devotional was tak- en by Mrs. Jackson assisted by Mrs. Ernie Hemphill, Mrs. Will- iam Weir and Mrs. Edward Wal- ker. Christmas carols were sung. The following officers for 1954 were elected: president. Mrs. Harry Jackson; lst vice-president, Mrs. Helen Bailey; 2nd vice-pres, Mrs. Wilfred Keï¬er; 3rd viceâ€" pres., Mrs. Laura Wiltshire; treas- urer. Mrs. Morley Kinnee; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Ernie Hemphill; corresponding sec., Mrs. Duke Jarrett; Christian stewardship, Mrs. Leslie Laver; supply sec., Mrs. Harry Jennings. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wells en- tertained in honor of their daugh- ter Lorrie's second birthday on Decemberâ€. Those present were Mr .and Mrs. Arthur J. Wells, Mrs. Helen Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. William Bailey and family of Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan and Mrs. Wilbur Cousins. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church There was a large attendance at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, Dec- ember 11. when the congregation and Sunday school scholars sat down to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings, served in the Sun- day School room. The tables were gain decorated with evergreens. Santa’s sleigh and reindeer. A short program was then given by the Sunday school scholars, after which gifts from the tree were distributed as were a treat of candies and oranges to the child- ren. Maple United Church A good breakfast means a moderate, balanced break- fast somewhere between the starving stenographer’s cof- fee and cigarette and the old- time farm breakfast that ran all the way from fried pota- toes to pie. A good break- fast includes fresh fruit. 1 r '~ grain cereal, milk, whole grain bread or toast and a not beverage. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. 40 Winks vs A Good Breakfast The extra time spent at the breakfast table will do you more good than the last few minutes in bed. A good breakfast will make you feel more on the bit and less eas- ily tired, be you man or wo- man and be your work men- tal or physical. DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer4-1872 REPRESENTING 1- A- WILLOUGHBY AND SONS ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR‘ SALE New Work Box 206 Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Gormley, Ont. ALL MAKES WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Plumbing & Heating GORMLEY BLOCK CO. No need to use (only, time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS mtoo, you'll find its lower maintenance mm: substantial sov- hgs through the yecn. STANDARD SIZE UNITS ANDREWS 8 GRAY RICHMOND HILL Ffigidaire Sales & Service TUrner 4-1541 HEAD OFFICE: 366 BAY ST. build your home quickly! . CONCRETE BLOCKS Q CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE MEETS ALL A. S. T. M. SPECIFICATIOIE Alterations LIMITED Phone TUrner 4-1879 Phone Stoufl’ville 381Wl 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Repairs