WM. NEAL & SONS 0513126 1‘ 31521in Compliments of the Season IF EVERYONE who takes the wheel Would say a little prayer. And keep in mind those in the car Depending on his care. And make a vow and pledge himself Never to take a chance. ' The great crusade for safety Would suddenly advance. Your Dodge -DeSoIo Dealer IF EVERYONE could meet the wife And children with Dad gone. And step into the darkened home Where once happy faces shone. And look upon the “vacant chair" Where Dad was wont to sit, I am sure each reckless driver Would be forced to think a bit. IF EVERYONE who drives a car Could lie a month in bed. With broken bones and' ugly woundc Or fractures on the head. And then endure the agonies That many people do, They'd never need preach spfety Any more to me or you. IF EVERYONE could stand beside The bed of some close friend And hear the doctor say "No hope" Before that fatal end, And see him there unconscious, Never knowing what took place, The laws and rules of traffic I'm sure we’d soon embrace. m The W.M.S. of Victoria Square held its annual Candle-Lighting service at the Parsonage on Thursday of last week. This was a very impressive service with Mrs. Joyce in the lchair for the Worship period.‘ The meeting was then turned over to Rev. A. Huston for the election of offic- ers for 1954 and they are as fol- 'ows: President, Mrs. H. D. Mc- Cague; vice-president, Mrs H. Acreman; recording secretary. Mrs. M. Joyce; press secretary, Mrs. W. Sandie; treasurer, Mrs. R. Boynton; Christian Steward- ship Secretary. Mrs. V. West- brook; temperance and citizen- ship, Mrs. S. Boynton. Mrs. Ac- reman; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. F. McRoberts; community friend- ship and associate helpers, Mrs. W. Orr. Mrs. 'H. Smith; Mission Band superintendent. Mrs. R. 3oynton; assistant Mission Band, ,irs. D. Gee, Mrs. P. Bennett and Birthday greetings to: Rev. A. C. Huston, December 20; Alan Chadwick. December 25; Mrs. Earl Empringham, Dec- ember 28; Allan Nichols_ Decem- ber 30. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Jim Boynton of Toronto had Sunday evening din- ner with Jim’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and fam- ily. The ï¬rst euchre of the season will be held in the Community Hall on Tuesday evening, Decemâ€" ber 29, at 8 pm. Everyone wel- come- " Mr. and Mrs. Uno Ounapuu and family of Langstaï¬' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and attended the Christ- nlias Church service here with .1em. The W.A. catered to a Turkey supper on Wednesday evening of last week for the men of the com- munity and surrounding district. There were 108 who sat down to a delicious turkey supper with all the trimmings. Following the supper the guest speaker was Rev. Leslie Millen of Toronto, who had spent two years in a concentration camp in Hong Kong. Euchre The Season’s Greetings to the staff of the Liberal, and to all its readers ,is the sincere wish of your correspondent. Turkey Supper Christine was only 4% years of age when it was neccessary for her to undergo a heart opera- tion at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. After only a few weeks. her nurse was able to mark her chart with the nota- CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Telephone Stouffville 67509 of water beside t! keep the As soon ts the blow, most houses 1 (er mufflers of \w and storm windows sure that cold air Irate, but this ca much of a good thi homes are kept at temperature, many out any humidifyi dodrs may not be place. Drafts 51101 of course. but fres necessary amount c quired by the hum system are essenti 10. Inspect the tree from time to time to see if needles near any of the lights have started to turn brown. If so, move the lights. 11. Don’t let gift wrappings pile up near or under the tree. or anywhere in the house. Throw them away ‘as soon as the pres- ents have been opened. 12. When needles start to fall. lake ypur tree down and discard take it 01 7. Don't set up electric trains under the tree. 8. Never trim it with candles; use only electric lighting sets. Be sure every wire and socket is in good condition. 8. Provide a switch some dis- tance from the tree for turning tree lights off and on. Never leave them burning when no one is home. 6. Never smoke eate, pipe or cigar tree. 5. Never use cotton or paper as decorations on or under the tree unlesg they are flameproof. 4. Place the tree in the coolest part of the house, away from radiators, heaters or ï¬replaces. Don’t let it block an exit. If it must go near a radiator, turn that radiator off. DON'T BANISH FRESH AIR 1. Choose a small tree. It’s just as pretty and is less of a hazard than a large tree. 2. Keep it outdoors until a day or two before Christmas. 3. When you set it up, stand it in water . . . or use a live tree in a pot of earth. To minimize thé danger, may we suggest some simple but ef- feqtivgr safety precautions: That tree is highly combustible. Filled with pitch and resin, it will ignite very easily and burn so furiously that it is almost im- possible to extinguish. Bringing it into the home brings in a def- inite and serious ï¬re hazard. The festive act of “bringing in the Christmas tree†is also a po- tentially dangerous one. Tree Presents Top Xmas Fire Hazard The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. will be held Wed- nesday evening, December 30, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Cecil Nichols. The topic will be tak- en by. Rev. A. C. Huston. The election of officers will also be held, so it is requested that all the members be present. Perkins; assistant. Mrs H. D. McCague; Baby Band superinten- dent. Mrs. W. Sandle; supply sec- retary. Mrs. R. Beatty; supply committee. Mrs. I. Mclllmurray, Mrs. C. Walker, Mrs. L. Nichols, Mrs. N. Brodie, Mrs. F. McRob- 'erts, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. R. Glov- er. Mrs. H. Deverill. Mrs. V. Westbrook. Mrs. E. McMurray. Mrs. Nicklin and Mrs. McKen- dry. CGIT and Explorers Candlelight A very impressive Candlelight service was held Sunday evening by the CGIT and ‘ Explorers groups. The choir was composed of members of these groups. Sev- eral of the girls took part in the service and took up the offering. The guest speaker for the occas-. ion was Rev. Robert Morris of Toronto, whose subject was “Light.†‘ outdoor Mrs. S tion “Good recovery". The H05. pita] for Sick Children is now making its annual Christmas ap- peal to its supporters through- out Ontario to help wipe out an operating deficit of $210,476. Sandie Boynton: pial assistant, 2; Baby Band rs. W. Sandle; ictoria he cool breezes s have their win- weatherstripping ws applied to en- r does not pene~ can become too hing. Since most at a fairly high 1y of them with- fyin agent. in- ie t‘le healthiest ould be avoided 'esh air and the t of moisture re- :man respiratory itia]. Containers the radiator or or lay a cigar- down near the pianist Square help Mrs AVenue 5-1333 THORNHILL 9 3' y 3" _ z} 51 Yonge St. TU.4-2141 ‘Kflmï¬ï¬‚mflfl “HWW‘EKKKKKNKXKK‘EI‘! muhnnmmuuuhummmn asaéaéaxmmmmmw RICHMOND HILL CAFE Charles Hoover Township Clerk By virtue of a resolution adopted by the Township Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham, Boxing Day, Saturday, December 26, 1953, is hereby declared 21 Civic Holiday. All citizens are requested to govern themselves accordingly. . For a Joyous and Merry Christmas and an abundance of everything that’s good for the New Year. And so our heartiest good wishes to you and yours â€" At Christmas time we like to pause for a moment and look back over the year now closing. There is a real satisfaction and pleasure in recalling the happy associations with old and new friends whose friendships with the seasoning of time become more real and lasting. We want you to know we value yours most deeply- Ira D. Ramer Warren S. Ramer Boxing Day Civic Holiday Markham Township Mansbridge Jewellers RICHMOND HILL Christmas is more than “Santa and a tree†. . to all it brings a message of peace and good will - . .V and it is in this spirit that we extend our sincere greetings to you and your family. CHRISTMAS 1953 ur Friends and Customers BING LEW, Prop. Phone TU. 4-1282 May the true spirit oi the First Christmas shine brightly in the hearts of you and your family today and ev- ery day. Win. Timbers Reeve THE LIBERAL. Richmond H111, Thum. Dec. 24. 1953 9 ' mnmwesmwrmxmm BLACKBURN’S APPLIANCES Paris Auto Supply Ltd ALL MAKES WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS Frigidaire Sales & Service TUrner 4-1541 Base & A erial Extra $299.00 BAldwin “I!