Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1953, p. 12

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TU. 4-1131 Richmond Hi” THE IDEALVChristmas gift for the woman on your list is a Sing- er Sewing machine. We have slant, straight and swing needle mod 5. Also a large selection of good lused electric and treadle machines. Call in or phone 1075 Newmarket. Singer Sewing Ma- chine, 102 Main St., Newmarket. c3w24 XMAS TREES â€" Nursery grown spruce and Scotch pine, being sold by Richmond Hill' Rotary Club. All proceeds for local wel- fare work. Choose yours early at Butler 8; Baird Lumber. Brilljng- er’s Garage, or at corner of Yonge and Lorne. Delivery if you wish. c2w25 LIFETIME all metal Ven‘etian Blinds, aluminum or steel baked enamel finish, any colour tapes, K-lrscb Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- sations. Phone 755 or write box 1496. 40 Ontario St, West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. tfc34 MASSEY-HARRIS Pony Tractor with hydraulic lift. and chains. for snow plowing that long drive- way or parking lot. TU. 4-2143. *4w25 TUf 4-1934 tween 9-5 bass, 3 couplers, used six months $150.00. Hohner, BA. 1-2800 be- HARDWOOD by the cord from Northern Ontario, cut in stove lengths, $23. per cord delivered. sides. Apply W. R. Dean. AV. 5- 1344. c2w25 BUFFET, good condition. cheap for quick sale. TU. 4-1724. c1w26 1 PR. MEN’S Ski 8001:. size 8, like new. Turn‘er 4â€"1978. clw26 ACCORDION. cream and red, 120 TRUCK PLATFORM. 7x12, stake THE LIBERAL’S Want Ads Always Pay Customers Big Dividends 12 THE LIBER’AL, Richmond Hill,’Thurs.. Dec. 24, 1953 CASH RATES. first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. 500 Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . . . 400 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 25c COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 10c min. charge 500 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion 75c BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. hvisfmas I @flmfinfls Even as the star guided the three wise men to Christ in Bethlehem. so may we find spiritual guidance in the age-old message of Christmas. along with renewed courage to work steadfastly for a world of peace and mutual understanding. ARTICLES FOR SALE ERNEST RIDOUT REAL ESTATE LTD‘ CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS RI DOU T CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w26 tfc22 Kozfin. Duncanâ€"Road Q-ROOM BUNGALOW. garage. 4 acres of land, 174‘, mgle East 'of Xonge St. Stop 23. Apply Geo. LARGE furnished room in new home with TV. Board optional. Preferably one or two gentlemen. AV. 5-2293. ‘ c1w26 BED sitting room, kitchen, 3-pce. bath. refrigerator and stove, bus- iness couple. TU. 4-3393. tfle rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for THORNHILL. $13,000 attractive 5â€"1‘oom solid brick bungalow, on John St.. 1/1, block from Yonge. call' owner Thornhill AVenue 5- 1218. . *1w26 HOME wanted for year-old hus- ky dog. spayed and inoculated_ beautifully marked black and white. good with children. R. Bolster, Concord, BA. 1-4451. 1951 STUDEBAKER Commander Regal coupe. one owner, small mileage. automatic transmission, radio. many accessories. perfect driving condition. winterized. Must sell by January 1. $1500 or best offer. Richmond Hill TU. 4- USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1887 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TO ~RENT . 0397 c1w26 c1 W26 c2w26 Compliments of the Season from WILF. HOOD Sand, gravel, 10am, and stone Phone TU. 4-1934 CAPONS, masters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Staâ€" tion, phone TU. 4-3351. tfc17 -... chanic or truck drivihé fiféf-grred. Call Bill TU. 4-1416. clw26 YOUNG MAN desires we}? MALE KITTEN. Phoner TUrner 4â€"2535. c2w25 GENERAL Landscape, planning designing; also ponds, cellars, fence rows; all types grading and levelling. Estimates given. Rep- resentative for Colonial and Car- dinal Homes, Cottages and Gar- ages. Steckley’s Contracting and Landscape Service, Stouflville 60816. tfc46 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6.}. GORDON YOUNG LIMITâ€" CUSTOM MOWING, ploughing, discing, cultivating, also back filling and grading. Lance Willis, Richmond Hill, lst house east side of Bayview, south of Mark- ham Rd. TU. 4-2342. tfc5l ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc A. G. HALL _ builder ot'qual- ity, custom and N.H.A. homes; remodelling a specialty. King 17R14. tfc39 BLOCK LAYING and boné?$ work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flo‘od, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-2311. tfc43 ALL KINDS carpenter work, trim or building of any kind. Geo. W. Purnell, 53 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. TUrner 4-1177. tfc40 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. tfc42 LARGE SEPTIC tanks insfalled anywhere. Workmanship guaran- teed. Phone Newmarket 651. SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges, TU. 4-1061. RUGS. BROADLOOM â€"â€" save 50 %. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets. woollens, etc. Domâ€" inion Rug Weaving Co. Phone TU. 4-1804. tfc21 ALTERATIONS and repair work sidewalks, cement work, tile beds. soft water cisterns, carpentry work, For prompt service, call AVenue 5-1100. tfc23 STORM SASH, window frames and sash, door frames, made to order. Aubrey Nicols. Elgin Mills, Ont, TU. 4â€"2211. *8w20 M. EINBODEN & SON Concrete contractors, septic tanks and drain repairs. BAIdwin 1-0633 or TUrner 4-1090, tfc42 FLOORS SANDED and finished new or old. Floor Treatments (Canada) King City. King 27R12. IF YOU WISH to learn to drive well, call TU. 4-2781. Thompson's Driving School. 5 Duncan» Rd., Richvale. tfc18 CHIMNEYS â€" built and repair- d, free estimates. Expert work- nanship. Phone AV. 5-1100. tchB ing, decorating. Phone K. Railin- son. TU. 4-1791. “(313 DAY CARE available for childâ€" ren a d babies in registered nur- se's ome. TU. 4-2647. c2w25 DRESSMAKING expert in wed- ding and evening gowns. Martin Ahlbom. 115 Ruggles Ave., Rich- mond Hilli *3w25 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 manure and fill. L. Willis, TU; 4-2342. “€51 SNOW PLOWING lanes and driveways. W. Gooderham. BA. 1-3114. , *11w25 ANYTHINGV in painting, paper- SAND & GRAVEL, stone, loam, MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYMENT WANTED LIVESTOCK WANTED POULTRY WANTED c51w27 c30w49 c5w23 tfcl3 NWKQEMW Choose your Television Christmas Gift from the store where individual attention and service are guaranteed. THANK YOU The Richmond Hill Ro- tary Qlub wishes to thank all thelresidents of Rich- mond Hill and District who patronized the Club’s sale of Christmas trees, all pro- ceeds from which will be used for local welfare work and to help make our com- munity an even better one in which to live and work. nmwmmwmmmm YEREX ELECTRIC SOMETHING TO SELL, some- thing you need, something to rent, work or help wanted, Tny a Liberal classified. The‘ results will amaze you. Just phone TU. 4-1261 for quick results from a minimumum investment. WWKW BRAY Canadian Approved Chicks. Start now to plan for the best egg prices starting early summer. Extra cent on every Grade A Large soon adds up. Ask for December-January pric- es. Some started. Bargains in cockerels. Bray Hatchery, c/o Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. c1w26 DEAD & CRIPPLED farm ani- mals for speedy pick-up phone Banner Rendering, Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2498 or Toronto LY. 6237 (collect). tfc44 HOMES for two kittens (brother and sisterJ.ideal Christma's presâ€" ent. Phone AVenue 5-1839. clw26 er Natural Sciencé Servircejw'fil. 4â€"2507. c3w26 E. F. Wright Real Estate, 51511;, Yonge St.. Willowdale. Phone BA. 1-4343. c5w23 RABBITS, "lagure, 5:6 lbs. "m3; REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We have an opening for one exâ€" perienced salesman to work in the Thornhill. Richmond Hill area. It you desire high earn- ings and willing to work for them come in and talk it over with A. OPPORTUNITY to establish yourself in permanent business selling nationally advertised pro- ducts for home and farm. No inâ€" Krestment necessary. Man between 25 and 55 preferred. Write Dept. O-R-5 The J. R. Watkins Com- pany, 350 St. Roch St., Montreal. ASSISTANT caretaker wanted for Richmond Hill District High School, duties to commence Jan- uary 1, 1954. Apply in writing to Harry Charles, Box 131, Rich- mond Hill, stating previous em- ployment and salary expected. c2w25 CLERK-STENOGRAPHER with experience. Shorthand. typing. filing and general office duties in Richmond Hill office. Apply in writing to Dr. R. M. King. York County Health Unit, Newmarket. tfc24 BABY SITTER. will provide transportation. TU. 4-2669. Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS Give your engine “zip and zing”. A tune-up will make it sing with pep and power at peak performance. Feel the difference as you roll along. TUNE-UP FOR MILES OF SMOOTH MOTORING Richmond Hill TU. 4-1552 HELP WANTED 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED c5w23 clw26 This service is made av- ailable to communities ac- ross Canada through the sale of TB Christmas Seals and is one which deserves the support of every Canad- ian. If each person avails himself of the free chest x-ray, a large percentage of tuberculosis can be cured in the formative stages. The National Sanitarium Association has announced that of the 935 people who received TB chest x-rays at the Richmond Hill Clinic earlier this year. only one active case of tuberculosis was discovered. This impres- sive record indicates the success achieved by this As- sociation which is trying to stamp out TB. Robert Craigie IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 935 Attend Richmond Hill Chest X -ray J. M- McDONALD MARSHAL McMURCHY Richmond Hill Let us in the humble spirit of the shepherds, find renewed inspiration in the message of Christmas. Boxing Day Civic Holiday equipment for profitable farming. The full line of Massey-Harris tractors, combines and implements, complemented by the amazing Ferguson tractor and attaching tools enables us to provide the farmers of this district with the most comprehensive array of modern mechanized H. W. MORTSO We are pleased to announce to our many friends and customers that we have been ap- pointed to handle the complete line of MEN’S & BO_YS’ WEAR Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill December 26, 1953, will be observed as a Civic Holiday in the Municipality of- the Township of Vaughan. All residents of the township are requested to govern themselves accordingly. Clerk Ferguson Products It is Massey - Harris COME AND SEE US and muummmaum TU. 4-1 Reeve 722 GLASSES FITTED BROKEN LENSES REPLACIfiD OPTICAL REPAIRS Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home Office 3242 Yonge opp. Park Theatre â€" RU. 8-8949 mlummnuuuu\muumIlnuImunImmmnu“nmunuuunumnmmnulumm“IummmI\l\mmnnmmmmIiilmuummnlmum“! 8o “Ill EYES EXAMINED S i 'k x Inlllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllull“l1ll\ll\lllllllllllIn!“l“Ill1llmulllllllll“lllllllllllllllllllllllllIlll“llllllllIlllllllmlllflllfilllllllmullmmll'1‘ ‘ “\I -F TU. 4-1116 RECONDITIONED MACHINES For Service Call AVenue 5-1275 or CHerry 1-6680 :Tmnuuummuumuummunnummummuuuummummmmuuuummuuuummunnnuumnummmmmumnummuulmmumnu K, unumunm In? ,xh“ Ellllllllllllllllllllll“llllllllllllllll!lllllll|“ll\ll\\\lllll\lllllllll|ll|\llllllIll“lll“IllllllllllllllllllllllllllN111ll“llllllllllmllllllmll1‘“llll‘llllllllllllllllW 37 Buick Sedan, new tires 50 Austin Sedan, reconditioned 3“an:«new:mlxnmamwmmmmmmmemgmcmv 49 Dodge Sedan . . 47 Pontiac Coach . . 49 Mercury Sedan, radio 49 Ford Coupe, new slips 50 Prefect .. 50 Chev. Sedan . .. 50 Ford Coach, radio 50 Monarch Sedan, overdrive 52 Kaiser Sedan TURNER 4-1651 AND CUSTOMERS Q “Warp merry (Ebrigtmag gnu gé 1931313}? 332m Eearg SIMPSflN’S DRY GOODS R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. WISHING mm mums; SIMPSON’S DRYGWDS New Cars Are Here ! ! Used Cars Must Go ! ! MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM Your Ford-Monarch Dealer 168 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Sales & Service NEW ELECTRIC PORTABLES $79.50 and Up -â€" also â€" SEWING MACHINES OPEN EVENINGS . BIRKENHEAD F. L. LOWRIE, R. 0. will be It 41 YONGE STREET SOUTH First Door North of Bus Station WEDNESDAY. JANUARY. 13 FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12 NOON and the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month Optometrist RICHMOND HILL DOWN PAYMENT $520 EM. 6-3166 . . . . . . $75 $280 $240 $440 $250 $395 $360 $460 $460

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