Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1953, p. 1

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WILL ALL the members be advised that the Rotary Boys“ Workshop will be until Wednesday, January JANUARY 1 â€" Friday. New Year‘s Day; Public Skating Party at Unionville Arena, 2.30-5 pm Admission 35c. c2w26 DECEMBER 31 -â€" Feel better New Year's Day â€" dance the old year out, the new year in with Richmond Hill Community Swing. Lions’ Community Hall. 10 o'clock till ? Non-members please phone TUrner 4-2716. SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES T Sponsored by Aurora Recreation Commission. Aurora Lions Hall. Every Saturday night. Leo Pax- ton’s orchestra. Admission 500. c4w25 DECEMBER 25 â€" Friday. Christ- mas Dance sponsored by Vellore Junibr Farmers. at Vellore Hall. Norm Burling's Orchestra. Ad- mission 75c each. Dancing from 9-1. c2w25 :. GWILLIMBURY : 1953 Reeve . J. Pollock will demand a re- count of votes after his defeat by 23 votes. SUTTON : lie-assessment has in- creased the village's total assess- ment from $1,074,000. up to $1__ 562,785 a jump gfkalmost 50%. NORTH YORK : Building perk mits to the value of $7,979,473 gave been issued during Novem< er. NORTH YORK : Samuel J. Kel- ner of Ward 2 has been named chairman of the township Board of Education. AURORA : The 15-year-old cap- tail: of St. Andrew's (‘n""“~ ‘ v at school hockey team drowned in a pond half a mile m)“: we last week. Police said the boy. Ronald Machllan had ap- parently walked out on the froz- en pond to test the thickness of the ice. Near the centre he fell through. , SCARBORO : Township engineer Earl Baird suffered a heart attack at a hockey game last week and died soon afterward. Plowing enthusiasts of the North York Plowmen’s Associa- tion at the annual meeting held in Sharon recently named Ivan McLaughlin, Reeve of Whit- church, to head the organization {or 1954. Year by year the North _York match seems to assume lar- ger interest and importance and prestige. Hon. President, Peter Fergus- on; President. Ivan McLaughlin; lst Vice Pres., Jack Rye; 2nd Vice Pram, R. C. Baycroft; Sec- retary, L. J. Harper; Ass’t Sec.. Allan Shaw; Treasurer, Winfred Timbers. EVERY THURSDAY â€"â€" Bingo sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill. at 8 sharp. Lucky draw night. lfcll N. GWILLIMBURY : A majority of councillors has voted tp h‘i‘re NEWMARKET : Tip Top Plastics of Omaha. Nebraska will com- mence construction on a $200.- 000 plant to manufacture plastic products in the spring. On open- lng, the plant will employ about 25 people. Whitchurch Reeve, I. ‘ McLaughlin, ' Pres. North York Plowmen Directors for the various to'wn- shipf which pagticipate: a new clerk and assessor for the township. It is rumoured that a strong voting lobby of cottage residents is behind this move. BROCK TWP. : Hunters in the area have been given permission to trap beaver which are fast be- coming a nuisance. BEAVERTON : Village people showed little interest in munici- pal elections when it was necess- ary to hold a second nomination meeting to get a 1954 council even by acclamation. , WOODBRIDGE : Out of 1,117 eligible voters in the village only 234 took the time to vote this year, barely 20% of the voting potential. NEWMARKET : A motion of the 1953 council has raised the an- nual stipend of the Mayor. Reeve Deputy and council members. The. complete list of officers and directors is: Whltchurcli: E. L. McCan-on, Elmer Wells, Fred Timbers. Will- lam Simpson and Ed. Ferguson. SCARBORO : 33 per cent or 14,- 000 Scarboro citizens went to the polls last week when Reeve Oliv- er Crockford was re-elected. Associate Directors: Mury Con- nell, Bruce McMillan. Ed Logan, Irwin Winch, Ernest Davis. Robt. Timbers Harry Walker. Herbert Simpson. George .E. Richardson and Jack Wood. East Gwillimbury: Walter Rate, Harford Wardell. Sheldon Wal- ker, Titus Peregrine. Willard Cryderman. Notth Gwillimbury: W. A. King. Bernard Davidson, Frank Marritt. Murray McMillan. Lorne Holborn. Georgina Township: Stuart Taylor, Ernie Dixon, Ted Arnold and Bert Corner. News From NCXt DOOI’ Coming E vents #t-tfit please ' Club closed c2w26 clw26 4. and Betty Jane, just two months old. Monday morning of last week. His mother. Mrs. Har- old Chevalier, left them in charge of Mrs. Wilda Buker, a next-door neighbour, when she had to go to Toronto for a medical check-up. Mrs. Buker had left the children only a moment ‘before young Donnie dashed into her home and said the Chesterfield was on fire. r. Middleton. The resolution received unanimous support al- though Councillor Perkins took a strong stand that any such re- vision should be the duty of the new council. “Such a recom- mendation should come from the finance committee,” he said, “and it should come up when we con- sider our budget for next year. Lin addition to pay increases all employees will benefit from a municipal ‘payment of $3.30 weekly toward health insurance. Each staff member also will re. ‘ceive from the municipality a turkey for Christmas. Homeless_ and without either clothing or household effects, the family was taken care of by neighbours. Local Lions Clubs have started drives for help for the homeless family. There are two other children, Ronnie 7 and Joan 6, who were at school at the time the fire took place. Harold Chevalier. father of the children. is a transport driver. Their home was situat- Wil ren 4-Year-Old Saves Lives of Two Sisters The presence of mind of a four- year-old Lake Wilcox child saved the lives of his two sisters. Gail When she entered the house she made a vain attempt to ex- tinguish the fire. Realizing it was a losing battle. she picked up the three children and returned to her own home to notin thy fire department in Aurora. Before the brigade arrived the fire had gained such a start that little could be salvaged and the home was a total loss. (ijounclllor Wesley Middleton. dean of council presented a res- tsolution providing pay increases for all village employees. In- creases range from $2400 to $4.00 weekly. “They are doing a good job for the ratepayers of Rich- lmond Hill and deserve it,” said On December 17 about 350 persons assembled together at the Lions‘ Hall in Richmond Hill for one of the most successful parties ever held by the Rich- mond Hill Lions' Club. While the elders were enjoying them- selves at this Christmas party. the children were being enter- tained at the Orange Home. About 80 children all told were held spellbound and open-mouth- ed in amazement at the tricks and magic performed for them by John Giordmaine. the famous magician from Toronto. For approximately one hour the ma- gician made things appear and disappear in an unnatural man- ner calculated to bewilder more than the children. The children were also enter- tained at the piano by Mrs. Whit- ton of the staff of the Orange Home. The party opened with carol singing and of course did Howard Jackman and Basil Mundy representing the Lions Club appeared before council ask- ing for some easement in taxa- tion on the Lions Community Hall. The delegation pointed out the Hall is provided free to the Girl Guides and for the Public Health Clinic and it was felt the municipality might well contri- bute directly or indirectly to this work. It was pointed out that the Hall committee was experâ€" iencing difliculty with finances and a general increase in'hall rentals was considered. Final. Session Of Village Council For Year 1953 Reeve W. J. Taylor in reviewing the work of the year thanked his associates on council and all village ofiicials and staff members for their support and co-operation. The Reeve expressed regret on the retirement of Councillor Rice and paid tribute to his public service as councillor and Planning Board member. . ’The curtain was rung down on the municipal year with the final meeting of the 1953 Richmond Hill council Mon- day evening. The year closed in an atmosphere of harmony and good will and general satisfaction with a year of ex- ceptionl aotiyity and progress. _ Reeve Taylor said a similar re- quest was considered two years ago and after consultation with the villzrge solicitor it was found there were legal difficulties in the way of any tax easement. However he assured the deputa- tion their representations would have the consideration of the 1954 council when next year’s budget was being prepared. Magician Entertains At Lions Christmas Party Wâ€" fié inangural meeting of the 1954 council will be held Monday, January 4, when councillor-elect Harold Jones Will take the place of councillor Jack Rice. I Draw For $200 Bond Pélice ofiicersVWeré instructed VOLUME LXXV. NUMBER 26 In addition to providing a most enjoyable evening for all those who attended, the Lions are hap- py to report that the evening was also a financial success and pro- duced considerable funds for Lions welfare work. 'At the end of the evening, the draw was made for the $200.00 Savings Bond. After a short in- troduction by the Lion President Hugh MacKay the draw Was made by Lion Reeve Tom Taylor, who also took the opportunity of wish- ing all those present a very Merry Christmas. Winner was W. A. Burnie, 23 Yonge St. 5., Richâ€" mond Hill. and seller of the lucky ticket was Harold Mortson. also of the village, who received a $25 prize. The Richmond Hill Lions Club wishes to thank all those who made the evening a success by their support, work and attend- ance. to make a genéral survey of the parking situation in the village and report to council. This action was taken on resolution of coun- cillor Middleton after a lengthy discussion of the subject. The mothers and Lions who at- tended the Oljange Home with the children were entertained to tea by the matron. Mrs. Freethy. Meanwhile at the Lions’ Hall, Lions deputy-reeve Ken Tomlin and Bill Brown kept the Bingo games proceeding at a rapid pace. During the games, frequent turk- ey draws were announced by Lion Frank Schissler. In all some 50 large, fresh and succulent turkeys were taken home from the Lions’ Hall that night. Deputy-reeve Tomlin said he was still of the opinion the on- ly‘solution was the installation of parking meters and no parking within 50 feet of all intersections. Higfi tribute was paid to the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade and an increase voted in brigade members“ share of receipts from outside fires. “We have the best volunteer fire department in Can- ada." said deputy-reeve Tomlin. not conclude until the children’s open mouths were well filled with oranges, candies and eskimo pies provided by the Lions. Councillor Perkins said the business people are payin heavy business tax and shoul have more consideration. “A year ago, the merchants asked for one hour parking and I supported it at that time. I still think it would help,” he said. A by-law was passed prohibit- ing U\tums on Yonge Street. _ Harold Mackie was granted tax exemption on farm land from as- sessment for garbage collection, street oiling and fire protection. Toronto daily papers will be asked to provide accommodation for route boys so that wrappings would not be littering the streets. Reeve Taylor on behalf of the council extended thanks to mem- bers of the Planning Board. “They have a demanding responsibility and they are rendering import- ant public service to this com- munity,” said Mr. Taylor. Reeve Taylor commended the local press for fair and thorough coverage of council meetings. "I think it is in the public interest that all public bodies should have all their proceedings report- ed for the ratepayers." said the Reeve. “We never have closed meetings,” said deputy-reeve Ken Tomlin. at the end of this year. The resignation was ac- cepted by council with re- gret and Reeve Taylor and members of council express- ed sincere appreciation for the public service rendered by Mrs. Hill as a valued mem- ber of the trustee board. The matter of appointment At Monday night's meet- ing of the Richmond Hill Village council. a .communi- cation was read from Mrs. P.C. Hill. village appointee on the Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School Board. tendering her resignation as trustee. Mrs. Hill‘s term would not expire until Dec- ember 1954. but she asked to be relieved of her duties of a successor ‘ the 1954 council Mrs. P. C. Hill Retires From High School Rd. ME mmm "In Essentials, Unity,- In Nonvcssentiah. Ufiertr; In 0” Things, Charity. appointment was left for Mr. George Jones_ former resi- dent of Pemberton Crescent Richvale, passed away on Decem- ber 20th 1953 in his 99th year at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ada Grainger, Toronto. Born in Wales. Mr. Jones was a pioneer in the Birmingham Eng- land Steel Mills. On retirement 40 years ago he came to Canada and became well known around Richmond Hill being one of the oldest residents in the vicinity. Funeral services took place from McDougal and Brown Funeral Home. 1491 Dauforth Avenue on Wednesday December 23 at 1 o'clock. At the morning service, the minister, Reverend C. G. Higgin- son spoke on “The Joy of Christ- mas" and in the evening brought a Christmas message to his con- gregation. The music for the services was under the direction of organist and choirmaster H. G. Fowler and special anthems, choral and solo work were prepared for this special occasion. At 11 o’clock, Mrs. A. Caseley and Miss Joyce Wilde were soloists and at the choir. Festival Service in the ev- ening, the combined church choir and junior choir presented a spec- ial programme of music with Mrs. B. Willis as guest organist. His wife Elizabeth predeceased him some years ago. He is sur- vived by his only daughter Ada Grainger and his seven sonsv David and William of Birming- At the Richmond Hill United Church last Sunday two beautiful and varied services presented to the congregation and guests of the church a pageant of Christ- mas. Former Resident Dies In 99th Year Interment was Hill Cemetery. Toronto Special Services Mark Christmas At R.H. United RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th,1953 $25,000 Loan To Maple , Community Centre am A special notice re holiday week garbage collection in Richmond Hill appears in this issue. Citizens are urg- ed to note change in arrange- ments'and coâ€"operate by plaâ€" cing garbage out on the proper days. East of Yonge Street reg- ular collection will be as us- ualgon Thursday, but west of Yonge St., the collection scheduled for Friday will be carried out on ’ Monday. December 28. Last week Vaughan Town- ship council gave first and second reading to a motion to raise by loan $25,000 to assist in.‘ the renovating and enlarging of the Commun- ity Centre at Maple. The project will be a memorial in commemoration of those from Maple who served in Her Majesty’s forces. The motion was presented by Deputy-Reeve Albert Rutherford and seconded by Councillor John Perry. Con- tributions were received ear- lier in the year for the pro- ject from the Maple Lions Club and the Community and School Association in addition to many private don- ations during the canvas. It is ekpected that the renovations will (cost about $50,000., and work is pro- gressing well on schedule. The Pun/isher, Editors and L ‘ The Liberal fand ms seven sons, nd William of Birming- ngland, Harry. George. Robert and Bernard of Garbage Collection in Richmond On mat blessed night, the world was hushed with yonder, find peace in our hearts and renewed faith in a world in and hope arose anew for all mankind . . . Christ thé Saviour was born. Today, we pray {of His guidance, that we may which men everywhere shall live in good will and under- standing with one another. “equalized assessment will raise the amount. Our share will be from $4.000-$6.000.” A two third vote of County Council in favour of the Health Unit could make it operative in all of York County. Councillor McCarron stated that he did not think County Council had the power to enforce the health unit against the wishes of Township councils. The clerk was instructed to notin J. Sytema that council de- clined his account for $50.00 for digging a drain_ on the grounds that council is not responsible for the outlet. A bill received from Mr. Sytema “forgdigging 500 yards of ditch to relieve extra water which flooded his property The question of appointing a township health officer was dis- cussed. Council feels that no change should be made, until after the new York County Coun- cil has rulefi on the York County Health Unit. Clerk J. Crawford stated that the health unit, if continued, will not have to oper- ate under its one mill levy, that At a meeting of Whitchurch Township Council on December 15 a letter was read from E. E. Patterson of Agincourt RR. 1 asking that Whitchurch Council petition the Provincial Govern- ment to call a meeting to organ- ize an authority to conserve the resources of the Rouge River and Dufferin Creek and their branch- es. Council agreed that this was a good step and will so request the province. Whitchurch To Ask Province Organize Rouge River-Dufferin Creek Conservation Authority “The producers have carefully avoided the temptation to which most directors have succumbed. The glorious lines given to Caes- ar and to Marc Antony have tempted them to give these roles such prominence that the play ends with the third act. The rest is anti-climax. However. in this spreen version, Brutus and Cass- ius played by James Mason and John Gieldgud dominate through- out. The play is, as Shakespeare intended, the tragedy of Brutus. And the great lines which close the play take on their due signi- ficance. haetro-(Eoldwvyn-Rlayer gave a private screening of Julius Cae- sar to the Heads of English De- partments in the Toronto area. Miss Edna Izzard, Head of Richâ€" mond Hill District High School English Dept. was one of the 25 invited. She reports that this film is remarkable as a produc- fion of Shakespeards great tra- gedy. There ls an interesting inter- pretation of Shakespeare’s inten- tion in writing “Julius Caesar”, which gives it meaning for our time as well as for his own. It was first produced at the time of the Essex rising, an attempt to dethrone the aging Elizabeth. Shakespeare saw the parallel be- English Teachers at Preview Shakespeare’s "Julius Caesar’.’ Christmas is a time when we like to remember those who during the year have rendered special service. High up on this list with those in rural areas is the mail man, who with unfail- ing regularity in all kinds of weather brings the daily mail. Everyone likes to know Dr. F. H. Van Nostrand was ap- that service is appreciated, pointed to the Aurora District and your mail man is no e.\'- High School Board for 1954-55 caption. Your expression of and C. E. Edwards was appointed thanks at Christmas will be to the Stouffville District High appreciated throughout the School Board for the same coming year. period. Remember Your Mailman It was revealed at the meeting that the county levy is $14,603.73 and falls due on December 20. Council recently ordered an addressograph model 6380 graph- otype machine b39, and cabinet with frames and plates. General Bills amounted to $1.837 and Road Bills to $10,170.- 74. Stop signs will be erecte‘d on the 7th Concession 1%, miles north of Lemonville. Council decided to have a map of all township roads drawn and will study same in an effort to make stop signs uniform throughout the township. It was brought out that in some townships all con- cessions are through roads and all side roads are stops. Ray Carmen will be notified he cannot operate a taxi in the township without adequate insur- ance in accordance with township by-law. A resolution was moved by E. K. McCarron and seconded by D. Graham thatg the application of George A. Villinere to operate a bowling alley and restaurant at Mussellman's Lake be refused. A letter from D. 0. H. advised that the North Lake Wilcox Road be recognized as a township road and expenditures on same be eligible for subsidy. Lorne Evans made a lengthy report to council of the work for the year of the township Plann- ing Board. Next year’s Board will prepare a zoning map setting out industrial sites. »Dr. F. H. Van Nostrand was ap- pointed to the Aurora District High School Board for 1954-55 Council agreed to pay the town of Aurora 21 $250.00 retainer fee for fire services and $60.00 for two hours and $10 for each ad- ditional hour. Stouffville will re- ceive the same retainer. due to- lowering of culvert on the 5th conceSSion just north of Pine Orchard. The Road Superintendent S. Davis was in- structed to proceed with the work of lowering the culvert on the No. 11 Highway at Oak Ridges, King township having agreed to pay $350.00 towards the cost. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer have ar- ranged for student groups to see the film after January 15 for the reduced price of 75c. They have also arranged a contest for Eng- lish students in connection with the film. when they behold Their infants .quartered by the ' hands of war." The Essex rising petered out, partly because Elizabeth would make no move to protect herself or call.up the militia to protect the City, and partly, perhaps, be- cause the Londoners understood their Shakespeare. tween Elizabeth and Caesar. Both had given their nations peace and good government in very troub- led times. He purposely emphas- ized Caesar’s weaknesses. Now Elizabeth was neither deaf nor epileptic, and however she liked to be flattered_ her great states- men were not flatterers. Any Lon- doner could see the parallel. Any Londoner could draw the infer- ence. With the overthrow of that sagacious and most courag- eous old queen would come the disaster which Mark Antony truly prophesied for Rome. “Blood and destruction shall be so in use. And dreadful objects so familiar, That mothers shall but smile Staff of that “th4 situation Quite out of keeping with the Christmas spirit of Peace on Earth and Goodwill Towards Men, Councillor C. Hooper cl ed out his career on the 1953 arkham township council last Monday, in a \velter of unsubstantiated accus- ations and charges against Reeve W. Timbers, Deputy-Reeve A. Le- Masurier and Councillor W. Clark. Mr. Hooper, defeated in a bid to capture the Reeveship. will not be returning in the New Year. Wants To Meet At Buttonville In a disjointed address Coun- cillor Hooper leap-frogged over a wide range of subjects“ from swill feeding to the recent'Mun- icipal elections. Mr. Hooper, who was determined that Monday’s meeting should have been held in the new Buttonville ofiices and not at Unionville was high- ly critical of Reeve Tmbers’ al- leged “failure” to move the of- fices on Monday. “I told you.” replied Reeve Timbers, "that we would move today providing the new building was ready". Makes Serious Charge Councillor Hooper made a charge of a serious nature when he stated that both Reeve-elect LeMasurier and Deputy-Reeve- elect Clark. “were elected by cor- The rooms were gay with Christmas decorations, and gold- en flowers. chief being a bas- ket of 50 vari-colored roses, which were the groom’s gift to his bride of December 21, 1903. Small Christmas trees that had been dusted with gold, and decorated with many glass balls. flainked the fireplace. The tea table was set, buffet style, in the dining room. The three tiered golden wedding cake, had an arrangement of 25 golden roses at each side, the gift of their daughter, Anne, and Hope To Control Swill Eeeding A Golden Wedding Day at the Christmas season made a delight- ful occasion for the celebration that will be long remembered by the family and friends of Mr. and Mrs. James Patton, Who were at home to their many friends on Monday, December 21, their 50th wedding anniversary. All after- noon and evening friends and neighbors numbering over 200, called to congratulate the bride and groom. and share in the hap- piness of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Patton received their guests, the hostess wearing a gown of peri- winkle blue with a shoulder cor- sage of golden roses. The happy couple were showered with good wishes and gifts, including a huge bouquet of over 100 blooms of golden yellow ’mums, which was a gift from old friends in the village ,and a handsome televis- ion set, which was a remem- brance from the family. C. Hooper Ends Term In Fluny Of Chaiges Although the Council is wait- ing for confirmation, there is lit- tle doubt that the by-law will re- ceive government approval. The plan is to be available to any present employees, including police. office staff and road men who desire it_ although it will not be compulsory. New employees joining the staff, however. will be required to subscribe to the plan. Recreation Committees Council discussed briefly the new appointments to be made by recreational committees for the township of Vaughan and local committees at Thornhill, Nash- ville and Kleinburg. No appoint< ments were made at this meet- ing. Pine Grove Busses The Reeve and Council voted to attend a meeting with Wood- bridge council and the bus oper- ator to discuss the possibility of re-establishing the schedule. Cc- cording to government legislation, bus schedules may not be chang- ed without consent of the Dept. of AHighways. At a mid-month meeting last week, Vaughan Town- ship Council passed a by-law which will provide a pension scheme for‘township employees. This has been the subject of discussion for considerable time while the various plans were being investigated and has now reached the finalizing point. Over 20 township employees will stand to benefit by the plan. . Mr. & Mrs. J. Patton Of King Celebrate Golden Anniversary Council received numerous complaints from residents in the Pine Grove Area arising from the change in schedule of busses between Pine Grove and Weston made by the Roseland Bus Co. Cou'ncil vapproved a $10 grant to the Sick Children’s Hospital. Drive-In Theatre ' Vaughan Bylaw Provides Employee Pension Pian Pass Drive-In Theatre HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Hooper remarked rk had ignored the If you wish to £01- THE LIBERAL by mail anywhere in Canada. 1 year $2.50; to the United States $3.00 per year. A subscription to the Home Paner is a gift. which will be enjoyed and appreciated not only at Christmas but throughout the year. GIFT SUBSCRIPTION foreman Ovilla (‘uscag fines for this offence. In taking up Councillor Hoop- er‘s threat to boycott the meet- ing, Reeve Timbers retorted. "If you don’t want to carry on then just leave the room." At this point Mr. Hooper took the Reeve’s advice and left the meeting. Swill Feeding Councillor Hooper was ex- tremely vague in his alleged cor- ruption charges at Langstatf and failed to cite any specific instance of election fraud. Hooper Leaves Meeting low up your charges." replied Clerk Hoover, "then the law pro- vides that they must be made in writing". PENETANG : E Mr. and Mrs. Patton were mar- ried in the parsonage at Weston by the Rev. Mr. Reid. After their wedding they left for Bracebridge to spend their honeymoon there, for on that same day Mr. Patton's sister Emma, and her husband, John Anderson were celebrating their silver wedding day. Pouring ‘te‘a‘ 'were two sisters. Mrs. R. Badger and Mrs. G. I". Holley, three nieces, Mrs. Charles Barnes. Mrs. Jack Walker and Mrs. Robert Rudy; also Mrs. G. Stone. Mrs. W. A. Carson. Miss Eliza Fisher, Mrs. .Ross Walker, Mrs. M. R. Jenkinson, Mrs. M. Wilson. Mrs. T. L. Williams, Mrs. A J Gordon, Mrs Cecil Walker. Miss Doris Patton, Mrs. Gord. Sinclair. Family and relatives who were present were sons E]- wood of Toronto and Ewart, King City, their wives and children. Robert and Allen and Susan of Toronto, and Jim, Joan, Bill, Nancy, Barbara and Larry of King; and daughters. Mrs. John Neild, (Anne) of Toronto and Miss Audrey and Miss Hilda of Toronto; also Mrs. Patton’s sister, Mrs. G. F. Holley and her son John, of Toronto. and Mrs. Patton's youngest brother, Mr. Charles Jarrett and Mrs. Jarrett of Toronto; and Mr. Patton’s only sister, Mrs. R. Badger (Sarah). of Toronto and Mrs. Robert Rudy of Tavistock. Council gave third reading to a by-law to permit the erection of a Drive-in Theatre on part of Lot 1. concession 5. in the town- ship. Accounts Council passed the following salary accounts for the year. Joseph Snider. caretaking township hall, $40; Phillip Mc- Farlane. raising pheasants, $35; Arthur Walwyn, raising pheas- ants, $15; George Calder, raising pheasants, $17.50; James Chefero, caretaking township dump. $120; Donald Allen‘ 2 days valuing sheep. $10; Marshall McMurchy, salary as Reeve, $400; Albert H. Rutherford. salary as deputy- Reeve, $350.; John Perry, salary as councillor, $350; Wm. Agar, salary as councillor. $350.00; James Robson, salary as coun- cillor, $350.; Darrell Goulding, planning board, $150; George Lake, planning board, $150.; Les- lie Laver, planning board, $150.; J. M. McDonald, planning board $100.; J. M. McDonald. assess- ment commissioner, $200.; Treas. Sick Children’s Hospital. $10.; Treas. Maple Fire Brigade, at- tending fires, $180.; Marshall Mc- Murchy. salary. planning board. $100.; Albert Rutherford, salary. planning board, $100.: John Per- ry, salary. planning board, $100.: James H. Robson, salary, plan- ning board, $100.; Wm. Agar, salary, planning board, $100. her husband, .1. F. Neild‘ nce that Pen- nette motorists town

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