{ SEflSflN S "NBS Mn... 1! :nunne Pkn'dmn: “char E. C. lmnshridge & Stafl NORM’S SHOE REPAIR onge St. N. Phone TU. 4-1549 RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO . WW, “Mâ€! May a joyous Christmas usher in a New Year of happiness and good Health for all our cherished ï¬riends. “we is our wish to d o" W unis‘mwbebhe Hmmm {he Happiest, Healthiest and Most. Prosperous New Year of all. Ghev‘o‘c saws Mrs. Wynn who has been a member of the executive asked hat her resignation be accepted as she is leaving our community take up residence in Hamilton. The regrets of the association were expressed to Mrs. Wynn as she has been a very valuable worker in Home and School work in our own association. Ratepayers’ Meeting The annual ratepayers meeting will be held at Cai‘rville School (in Wednesday evening at 8 pm. on December 30. There will be a trustee appointed to replace the retiring one. Everyone is urged to be present at this meeting. WKK'EW-"Y-‘E‘E’ï¬tflfléï¬iégflhï¬lfl Choose your Television Christmas Gift from the store where individual at- tention and service are guar- anteed. “REX ELECTRIC OI] Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130R3 Richmond Hill TU. 4-1552 (ARRVILLE ..Left to right, Brenda. Barbara and Bonnie Harvey. triplet daughters of Mr. arid Mrs. Lloyd Harvey. Gormley. The three girls celebrated their fourth Your Librarian believes in a Santa Claus. The notes to Santa tossed into the ï¬replace have been many and varied. One of the very ï¬rst to be writ- ten was a request that on Christâ€" mas morning under the Library's tree would be a set of The En- cyclopedia Britannica. What a lovely smell of printers’ ink and leather! and what pleasure and proï¬t it would bring to inquiring minds on Library night! And one night another note was blown from Thornhill to the North Pole, asking the extra means to buy all those foundation books which are only borrowed a few times each year but to which the discerning reader should have ready access â€" Bronte, Dickens. Austin, the great travellers such as Marco Polo and Nansen. the great thinkers ancient and mod- ern. books on religion like New- man's Apologia pro Vita and Fra- ser’s ‘Golden Bough', Men of Freedom. â€" and all in handsome covers. clever illustrations and ï¬re t"ne on good paper. One night I wrote a big long letter to him asking that a deed of a certain property be prepared tn "The Thornhill Public Library Board. its successors and assigns" and duly signed and sealed. And I saw ever so clearly a ï¬ne old home with big rooms for the cir- culating Library and rooms for the children and a room for Can- adiana. And the sign by the wide doorway said something like this â€"- “This Library building was donated by John Doe 0 this Township for the use of all hdse who love books, and as a perpet- ual memorial to himself and his family". And I saw generation after generation reading that sign and remembering with gratitude John Doe and his good works. Here is a Christmas suggestion, to those friends who live outside the Village limits, give a Library Membership card, only $1.00. A Merry. Christmas and may Santa put lots of books beneath the Christmas tree. Disease can be transmitted from person to person in public eating places by those handling food or by lack of care in cleans- ing dishes and tableware. Chip- ped china offers a harboring place for germs; cracks in dishes pro- vide a spot from which it is dif- ficult to remove dirt and germs. It is wise to patronize only those restaurants which feature cleanli- ness. Where there is evidence of neglect or signs of dirt or ver- min, the restaurant should be re- ported to the local health author- ities so that the problem can be “ectified for public protection. Disease Transmission About Books And Reading By the Thomhill Librarian Glass Meat Market W. L. GLASS Proprietor WfNTMENԠbirthday on December 13, and were snapped here by The Libâ€" eral photographer just as they were about to enjoy three birth- day cakes. Two of the trio, Bren- \ mmmmmmmmee KWE WW; Merry Christmas This greeting is sent to you from Silver Mills. Just a little mill started some twenty-one years ago. Kept going because you as friends and customers kept it going by doing business with us. So friends, regardless of _what tongue you speak or how often you come to our mill, we wish you a happy Christmas because it is nice to be happy, and a prosperous New Year because if you pros- per, so do we. So let’s all be happy and pros- perous. To those who have not seen our mill, come in and see it, you do not have to be a. customer. For ThOse Who Want The Best G 1 v E GENERAL ELECTRIC ULTRA VISION THORNHILL, ONT. . COOPER & SONS A Call From You Will Bring A Car T« SILVER MILLS, TESTON, ONTARIO ANSWELL LIMITED da and Bonnie are almost iden- tical, so much so that even their mother has difficulty telling them apart. Phones: AV. 5 - 1123; BA. I - 3475-6 glmxlxuxwrgxuwemuxuxmmmmm THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thurs, Dec. 24, 1953 3 St. Mary’s Anglican Church RICHMOND HILL “0, Come let us adore Him!†CHRISTMAS EVE â€" 11 pm. â€" Choral Communion CHRISTMAS DAY â€"â€" 10 am. â€" Choral Communion BOXING DAY By resolution of the municipal council R. Lynett, Clerk W. J. Taylor, Reeve CHRISTMAS SUNDAY â€"â€" 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Children’s Church Service 11.00 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7.00 pm. â€" ANNUAL CANDLELIGHT CAROL SERVICE May the Light of Christmas guard and guide you always CIVIC HOLIDAY NOW? $529.00 Boxing Day, Sat., Dec. 26 in and for the Village of Former Price $589.00 ' PLUS ANTENNAE COMPLETE RICHMOND HILL is declared a