At this point the Society join- ed in extending to Phil Delf, the retiring president, its sincere thanks for the excellent leader- ship he had given over the last two years. Mr. Willard Simpson. alias Santa Claus. arrived in the nick of time to present Mr. Delf with an electric clock and a plant for Mrs. Delf. Mrs. Pherrill. the secretary. received a DuBarry cosmetic kit for her services dur- ingthe pas_t_ year. , J1 AAAAA.‘ The meeting was then adjourn- ed to the other Hall to View the Christmas wreaths. table centres. door sprays, etc.. which had been judged by E. Kohler. un,,,, of’Mrs. Scott, prepared turkey sandwiches. The results of the show were: Christmas corsage: Mrs. Thor- neycroftLAMx-s. M_lzen. uv v.v-_ ..---. -._.___. i500:- .Hanger Spray: Dr. A. Scott. Miss H. Welsht vbaberranger Wreath, Dr. A‘ Scott. Mrs. RileyL "ï¬iiilï¬f'rable 'Cemn. P. Delf, Mrs. P. Horton. Window decoration, E. '1'. Pher- rill. WCoï¬ee Table Decoration, W. Lennox, Mrs. Hamilton, iMantie arrangement. W. Len- nox, Mr. Delf. Original Arrangement, Mn Horton, Mr. Deli. 7 Junlors: qur Sprw. Alvin Thompson. Helen Fraser. Christ.- maa table arrangement, Alvln Thompson, Allan Findlay. Presbyterian Church News Sunday School Party Dr. E. E. Kent was present and brought the Society a thoughtful Christmas message. "The Beau- ty of Christmas": n 7-,." :_:_ Refreshments were served from a gaily decorated table on which the most signiï¬cant object was a roast turkey. A chef, hat and all. hppeared and with the assistance 7 Christmas Modernistic Arran- gement, Mrs. Hamilton, ,Mrs. Mizâ€" The Presbyterian Sunday School held its annual Christmas Party on Friday, December 18, attended by the children, their parents, and other members of the congregation. Following sup- per. a program of carol singing was held in the church. After this two colored ï¬lms were shown in the church hall, one called the “Brightest Night", the Nativity Story and the other the story of a Little girl's Dream. The young- er children sang two carols, and as a climax to the evening. all the children took their white gifts and placed them under the tree. The minister. Rev. Mr. Cham- bers received them for distribu- The evening got off to a good start with some slides taken and shown by R. C. Poulter. 1954 pres- ident. Colored plctures of the Un- ited Church Sequin-Centennial, local scenes and the Santa Claus parade provided an enjoyable half-hour. Miss Geraldine Wes- ley also showed some beautiful shots taken on a trip to the Gas- pe country. i Life memberships were pres- ented to the following by John F. Clark, secretary of the On- tario Horticultural Society: Miss Florence Clubine. Miss A. Coop- er, Mrs. W. Lundy. Dr. W. Lundy. Mr. E. Nicholson and Mr. W. A very seasonal tone was added to the meeting with the carol singing led by Mr. and Mrs. Don Davidson. TELEPHONE: AVENUE 5-1513 Thornhlll Hortlcllturalr N979 “.The Thornhil: Wand District Horticultural Society held a Christmas show and social even- ing. Tuesday, December 15. in the United Church Sunday School Hall. Ness 4 THE L‘RERAL, Richmond Hill, T111111, Dec Thomhili And District News Scott, prepared turkey LA URIA MOTOR SALES 33‘ Kid†A creche. placed in the chancel of the Church, and made by T. Pherrill. was among the season- al decorations placed in Thorn- hill United Church for the annual Christmas Service. Over 550 persons were present and a pub- lic address system was installed in order that those seated in the Guild Hall were able to take part in the entire service. Amongst the‘magniï¬cent music heard that morning were two carols by the combined choirs â€" “Come Ye Lofty Ones" and “Birthday of a King." Soloists were Mrs. L. Burke, contralto, who sang “He Shall Feed His Flock". and Mrs. H. Ryan, soprano. whose selection was “Come Unto Meâ€. Dr. E. E. Kent baptised the fol- lowing children during the im- pressive service: Richard Camer- on, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Hill. Willowdale. (great-grand- son of N. J. Smellie, Thornhlll; Susan Leslie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Hallowell, Concord; Keith Douglas, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Baggv Paul Street. Thornhlll; and Robert Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gibson, Ar- nold Avenue, Thornhill. Mrs. C. Thompson. president of the Woman’s Association, on behalf of that organization, pres- ented Hymnaries to the Choir in memory of the late Mrs. E. E. Kent who was a faithful member of both these organizations. These were graciously received by Mrs. N. L. Morton. president of the choir and dedicated by the minis- ter. , The singing of the carols com- bined with the timely sermon of Dr. E. E. Kent “There's A Song in the Air!†produced another very memorable Christmas Ser- vice. In the evening, another large congregation was present to hear the choir’s annual Carol Fetival. The program gave an excellent variety of Carols from many lands. Solos were taken by D. Davidson, baritone, Mrs. L. Burke contralto and Mrs. H. Ryan. so- prano. In the famous and well- loved American carol “We Three Kin s†the solo parts were taken by . Davidson, R. Flatt and W. Watson. The oï¬ering of this beautiful service was for the Choir Memorial fund. They plan to present in the near future, a lectern in memory of the late Mrs. E. E. Kent. Christmas Day Service At 10 am. on Christh Day a short family service will be taken by Rev. Mr. Kent. Choir Pnrty At the Christmas service, new choir gowns were received and dedicated. These gowns are a gift from a member of the con- gregation. They are deep red with white collars and tabs. and the caps are of the deep red. The soloist for the occasion was Mrs. Gordon Patterson. contralto. United Church News Following the evening service last Sunday, the members of the Senior Choir were graciously en- tertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Stanley Robinson. Mer- rymount Farms, Thornhill The group enjoyed a very pleasant period of Carol Singing qccom- panled by Don Leno. Delight- ful refreshmeets were served with Mrs. L. Timbers. eldest dau- ghter of Dr. Kent, and Mrs. N. L. tion amongst the poor. To close the evening, the children went up to receive their bags of candy and oranges. Happy Hour_ W Because of the Holiday season. there will be no Happy Hour un- til the ï¬rst Friday in January. New Choir Gowns Dedicated The Liberal is elm.†.09“er to publish iuems of interest m the Thomhlll area contributed by its readers. Our representa- tive in Thornhill is Mrs. Betty Ball, 14 Helen Street. Thomhill. TELEPHONE: AV. 5-1513 1953 PONTIAC & BUICK MODELS To CLEAR at GREAT SAVINGS ~ Full New Car Warranty; 2037D Laurenï¬an Sports Coupe - Hard top - Heater - Radio - Anti-Freeze â€" To carry through with the Christmas theme. three ï¬lms were shown: “The Night Before Christmas†“Excerpts from Dick- en’s Christmas Carol" and one on Carols â€" illustrated while they ithey we1:e played} The staff of the Thornhill Pub- lic School entertained their fam- ilies at a turkey dinner on Satur- day. December 12. The party was held in the Thornhill School in the Craft Room which had been just redecorated by Mr. Percy Simpkins. Presents were exchan- ged around the gully decked Christmas Tree. Everyone en- joyed musical numbers by sev- eral of the children followed by movie ï¬lms of the trip taken to Midland by the Senior grades in the Fall. Home and School News The Thornhill United Church Hall was the scene on Monday. December 14_ of a Very memor- able Christmas meeting of the Thornhill Home and School. The singing of “0 Canada" accom- panied by Mrs. Faith Vardon, op- ened the meeting, which was at- tended by a large number of par- ents, as Well as the school child- ren taking part in the entertain- ment. Dr. E. E. Kent gave a very inspiring Christmas mess- age followed by the Christmas Pageant under the direction of Mrs. Kathleen Elliott. The read- er was Mrs. Mary Atkinson who read the Christmas Story from the Bible against a background of Christmas Carols sung by 50 voices of the Thornhili Public School choir. The school children performed the tableaux of the story as it was told. in a picture frame setting, making very im- pressive scenes against the black background. All those taking part deserve a lot of credit for their performance especially Norma Fugler and John L'Aven- ture, who took the parts of Mary and Joseph and 'who held their positions during the entire 30 minute production. The part of the Angel was taken by John Gib- son, the Shepherds by Jim Mc- Ghee. Nelson Edwards and John MacNeil; the Wise Men by Nicol Tanquiy, Steven Crutcher and Sandy Kelson. Also during the pageant two students gave beau- tiful solos, Dennis Robinson, a harmonica 8010 of “Away in a Man er" and Marion Fraser a voca number, “Gentle Maryâ€. The audience also participated in some of the carol singing. Morton, president of the choir. pouring tea. Mrs. M. in. » ganist. who is flying to England on December 27 for a month's va- cation, was presented with a tok- en of appreciation for her hard work. During her absence, Mrs. D. Davidson will ofliciate at the organ. Y.P.U. On Saturday evening in the Church Hall, the members of the Young Pébples Union gathered for an enjoyable Christmas Par- ty. A committee including Mrs. Doug Kemp. Barbara Statton and Betty Empringham arranged a very interesting program of games and song. Thomhill School News To end this enjoyable evening, a very delicious supper was serv- ed. during which a announce- ment was made by r. Ladell to the effect that the new wind of the Thornhill School would def- initely be opened on January 4. Trinity Church Notes Trlni Church held its 12th annual andlelight Carol Service on Sunday, December 20. A packed Church lighted entirely by the 225 candles enjoyed to the full the singing of the old Christ- $400.00 off (I DALDD PONTIAC - BUICK SHOW ROOM AND USED CAR LOT OPEN UNTIL 10.00 P.M. 206m Lommion Sedan $350.00 oï¬ Sorry, No Trade-ins At These Prices At the morning service last Sunday. the Rector announced that the Every Member Canvas was in its ï¬nal stage. The busi- ness of the Christmas season has made it difficult to get in touch with many people, and repeated calls have been necessary to ï¬nd Parishioners at home. The Cam- paign has now reached the $20.- 000. mark and the committee ex- presses every conï¬dence in its being brought to a successful con- clusion. The canvassers wish to express their gratitude for a cor- dial and sympathetic reception they have received wherever they have gone. An extremely ï¬ne piece of work has been done for which the whole church is proud and grateful. Brownie. Guide 8: Cub Parties Brownies mas Carols under the direct.on of the organist and choirmaster, C. H. Davey. The choir sang 3 var- iety of less-known Carols. A Polish carol “Born is Little Jes- us" was sung by the Junior choir and the French-Canadian carol “Whence Come You Good Shep- herd†in which the juniors were assisted by the Senior Choir were two'of the most attractive num- bers. This carol and a lullaby based on an old Scottish air. and the words of an Alsatian were especially arranged for the choir by Mr. Davey. In the latter the solo part was taken by, Mrs. Rog- er Priestman. This annual Carol service has become one of the features of the Christmas season in Thornhill, and was enjoyed as it always is by those who were present Every Member Canval The Brownies of Packs 1 and 2 held a Christmas Party for their mothers last Tuesday, December 15. One of the events of the af- ternoon was the enrollment by Brown Owl, Mrs. J. MacNeil of the following girls: Sheila Stew- art, Karen Anderson and Ellen Jackson. There was also a pres- entation of the Collector's Badge to Suzanne Ball. Patsy Kelson and Ann Rogers; the Knitters Badge to Suzanne Ball, the Swimâ€" mers to Dorothy Fugler, and Pat- sy Kelson and Writers to April Featherstonhaugh and 'Angela Mickleborough. The girls pres- ented their mothers with gifts that they had made themselves, and a very pleasant afternoon was completed with games, songs and refreshments. Guides The United Church Hall was the spot‘chosen for the “A†Pack’s Annual Christmas party last Thursday evening. This party was arranged, Planned and provided for by the boys’ fathers for the Cubs and their mothers. Dr. E. E. Kent addressed the gathering with a short Christmas message. The guest speaker was C. V. Nunn, Registrar of Scouts for On- tario, who related a most inter- esting and timely story of the boy who lived Christmas â€"â€" the well-known Lord Baden-Powell. Another guest of the evening was Miss Gwen Herbert who is in charge of the distribution of badges in the Provincial office for Boy Scouts. Miss Herbert, to- gether with Mr. Nunn led the boys and their parents in a per- iod of Carol singing. The climax of the event was the refresh- ments served by the fathers as- sisted by members of the Thorn- hill Scout Troop who were also Last Thursday in the Trinity Church Hall. the Guides of the 1st Thornhill Company together with leaders_ enjoyed their annual Christmas Party which included a program 50f music and games. An exchange of gifts and delight- ful refreshments provided by the girls brought a very pleasant at- mosphere to the otherwise busy Guide meeting. Cubs â€" “A†Pack Full New Car Warranty 2037D Lourenï¬on Spam 2269 Pathfinder Sedan. The ways to improve under- standing of their problems, the ’Forum members found, are for the farmers to be aware of the difficulties themselves and dis- â€"cuss them with their friends and associates. To invite officers or members of the Canadian Assoc- iation of Consumers to Farm Forum meetings was suggested as another means of creating "B" Pack The boys of “13" Pack held their ï¬rst Christmas Party since it's beginning, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 15th. The main event of the evening was the presenta- tion of the Cub Flag to the Pack by Mrs. Whyard, president of the Ladies Auxiliary. who bought the Flag for the boys. This group who also provided the refresh- ments for the evening certainly deserve a great amount of credit for all the work they have done for the Cubs of both packs in so many ways. "B" Pack especially expresses their appreciation of the Auxiliary's help in making this ï¬rst Christmas Party for them so successful. Over 80% of the parents turned up for this oc- casion. showing the great amount of interest given the boys and their, leaders in Cub work. Two guests were present to entertain. the group, Doug McCallum of the McCallum Manufacturing There was a good attendance at Mission Sunday School Christ- mas party on Saturday last, some of the children took part, Miss Mabel Baker played the piano for the Carol singing there was a picture a Christmas movie and a travelogue. Each child received a gift, hot sausage rolls and cookies and orange drinks were served. Mrs. Vester, Clarke Ave. won the turkey at the ratepayers raffle. Mrs. M. Monson, Morgan Ave., the chicken and Mrs. E. R *The Ladies Club gave a dona- tion to the Mission, which was gratefully received by the Superâ€" intendent. Farm Forum In discussing the topic “Tell- ing the Farmers’ Story" at a meeting of Edgeley Farm Forum on Monday evening, December 14, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Darlington, the Forum mem- bers considered the best ways of getting along with other sections of the public and keeping the public informed on agriculture. Who, How and Why The problem facing farm or- ganizations is how best to tell the public who they are. what they are doing. why they are doing it and how they are doing it â€" in other words they seek to build soundly toward good public re- lations. Some of the facts of farming that the Edgeley Forum mem- bers ï¬nd town and city folk should be better informed on, are the prices farmers receive for their products in relation to those the city people have to pay for them, also the capital invest- ment that is necessary to operate a farm. Improve Understanding ‘ CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. It. 1 Maple ed in the party 6167 Yonge St. - Newfonbrook Iom‘hs DONCASTER NEWS EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Maple 11033 2069W Pathï¬nder Deluxe Correspondent: Mrs. H. Mlzen 27 Seccomoe Ava. Phone AVenue 5-1570 Brand New ’53 Automobiles Company in Toronto, \.'no is a personal friend of Mr. Cham- bers. the Akela. completely mys- tiï¬ed everyone with his magic tricks. while Ted Carthwaite of Willowdale, who was once a Scout himself entertained with his ac- cordian, and told interesting stor- ies of his Scouting days in 1912. The ï¬rst meeting of “B†Pack for the new year will be held on January 5 in ‘the Scout Hut. Thomhill Nursery School Loughead, Glen Cameron also a wmuer. Even the little Nursery and Kindergarten children had their own Yuletide parties. Mrs. Gage, the school's instructor. directed the parties for the boys and girls and their mothers last week at the Nursery School on Uplands Avenue. The children enjoyed the games arranged {Or them and the seasonal sing-song and Christ- mas Tree. Through the courtesy of the T. Eaton Company. guts of apples, oranges and candies were distributed before the little ones returned home. and Prosperous New Year. Mrs. K. A. Sheperd, Procter Ave“ gave a Christmas party to the neighbors children on Thurs- day Dec. 17th from 3 to 6, after the games a lovely supper was served, and each child carried home a gift. Mrs. Iesaac Watson and Mrs. Ken Lane of Maple visited Mrs. Ed. Witney Wednesday after- noon. Mr .and Mrs. Arthur Manwar- ing of Toronto visited Mrs. Ada Witney and son John on Sunday. Mr .John Bay of Toronto spent Sunday with his sistpr and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Witney and family, and also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bay_ at t a: t To all the people of Edgeley, I extend best wishes for a very Merry Christmag agg a Happy . Ann Rï¬ssell spent the weekend with her Aunt and Uncle. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ieamey, in Toronto. Mrs. Good’child (in Henderson Ave., has two boys staying with her for awhile. ‘ Last week Mr. James Witney, who has been ill for some time at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Chas. Ash, took a turn for the worse, we sincerely hope he will be feeling better soon. The Ladies Club extends to all the shutins in the Park a happy and peaceful Christmas. better rural-urban relations. - Asked what they would rec- ommend by way of good public relations if they were on the ex- ecutive of a provincial or nation- al farm organization. the mem- bers suggested the circulation of more literature explaining the work and objectives of their or- ganization. Social and Personal The annual Christmas concert held Thursday evening. Decem- ber 17, in Edgeley Community Hall was presented before a cap- acity audience by children of the Edgeley Public School.- under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Brooks. ‘ VWK‘KKIHWIMKK‘WWW NOW OPEN Wmmm¢mnnwmwmw=mnumm “Exblusive but not Expensive" 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairléwnb 23 Markham Rd. Perkins’ Farm & Home Equipment 6.".0. - VAUXHALL MADELEINE Millinery & Accessories LENNOX GROCETERIA Season’s Greetings SEE MADELEINE - . . . Save on Lovely Xmas Gifts Special low prices on Handbags â€" 200 Styles Corde, leather, patent, velvet. plastic Phone TU. 4-1229 FREE DEMONSTRATIONS Before you buy a Television be sure to see the new Northern Electric T.V. at 2 Car Stops Below City Limits . Open Till 7 pm. Friday T111 9 pm. .,U l 0,, 0'30 0;, fen . hon 177 LENNOX AVENUE RICHMOND HILL LARGE SELECTION OF Smart Gloves, Scarfs & Costume Jewellery BA. 1-5388 Richmond Hill HU. 8-5406