Blue twill material all My steel frame, wflh d. Id - giltâ€: F9 a can Mun-(Ion hummer. socket met and screwdriver setâ€"for car, home and other upsh- 2.19 “A. Chrome plated: 2- .t. the: tut-heating clonal“ with safety shut-011. numllton B e I e I Food Mixer mu. when, ‘7th 1nd kids. with cord. COMBINATION lz-PIEOE COLOURFUL TARTAN You. W m ALL-WOOL moron ROBE Smith Crescent SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, SNOW PLOUGHING DELUXE AUTO BABY SEAT Smut mine design In black or brown rubber. She 19" x 15". mamnnmmanmnmaamxmamnmwgnmnnmammg ELECTRIC KETTLE 12.95 Enflll flflllflnlnll I'lnl' m-Punposa EXHAUST STORM MAT namcron 5923501133 2.75 FROM CANADIAN TIRE .98 Village Taxi Phone AVenue 5-1155 Shlnless steel umâ€" !!! “Ade: conun- ï¬lm d' "5.g.,,_ a.“ 1. 01'. be“ e-opaner. Autonuflally chm maï¬gmm SPORTSMAN'S KNIFE 1.15 . W. REID THORNHILL practical Chrome. Vi“: brig ruby red Jewel TOASTER Keeps battery loaded with power {or winter starting. 00-1: 9. Wu GENERAL ELECTRIC BATTERY CHARGER @reetingg 1.10 AVenue 5-2211 from Hg liloâ€"approx. M" x 08"â€"whh deep handâ€"rolled hinge. Wide colour choice. H.511 and value ............. Wedguhaped ro- mnts back an. Fibrewuvo I n d lent F1. on M21315 whecl. dressy useful. Chrome and plastic. DRIVER'S CUSHION Attractive z-cell model with bulb and batteries. Chrome and black e‘nsmel. OLLYWOOD MAGNETIC CIGARETTE SPINNER . DASH TRAY LIGHTER High-Powered FLASHLIGHT 1.1.9 Thornhill m3h ' Nfllhed aluminum; 0001 plane handla. n, Nimble EEO-wan bslo. Extra value! 8-CUP ELECTRIO TIMESAVER AUTO PEROOLATOR WASH BRUSH 7.50 ï¬sh} {a Atmcuvo m e t I l- phsï¬c; hold; Hind? time - saver What; to wall _ REVOLVING 51:5qu NAIL WHEEL WHEEL MUFF 3.39 1.19 2-SLIOE 10" RAW TOASTER BRAOE -. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS “A Very Merry Christmas to All . Our Readers" School Christmas Concert It was somewhat like "old times" when the Jefferson School children put on their annual Christmas concert in St. John’s Parish Hall on Tuesday of last week . . . but everyone present agreed that never before had the children acted. sung or recited so well and for the ï¬rst time the ballet was demonstrated by a youthful newcomer to this com- munity, Milo Ringorn. The costumes were beautiful, especially those worn by the young actors in the Nativity play, and throughout the evening the children showed the results of the careful directing they had re- celved from Miss Audrey E. Leary_ principal and Miss M. Creasy and Mrs. F. Tate, junior teachers. Dickson Miller. chairman of the school board, opened the pro- ‘jram with a word of welcome to the parents, friends and pre- school children who ï¬lled the hall to capacity and asked all to join in the singing of O Canada. Grades 1 and 2 sang a “Wel- come Song", followed by “Frosty the Snowman†and “Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer", completely captivating and charming the audience as only “sixes†and “sevens†can. Finished in gleaming chrome phte, ï¬tted with temperature indicator nnd remonble “1110 15,93 [fldl . . . . . . . . A . . A . . . - - A 4.19 WAFFLE IRON AND SANDWICH TOASTER CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. G. ROBERTSON Brooknide Road, Telephone TUrner 4-8834 Automflc nation. DeLuxe model with chrome knob; 6 d n-volt model- value. Other: hon: 39 wann‘ Frank Pridham was the reader for the Nativity Play which was presented with feeling by the seniors. The costumes, which must have taken a great deal of work and thought, lent themselves well to the nature of the play which conveyed so much mean- ing t9 the audience. The senior boys came next with a very humorous play en- titled ‘Mudvale Gentleman's Ald,‘ and really made the most of the situation. "Christmas Symbol" by Grades 1 and 2 was next, followed by the Intermediates’ play, “What do you suppose Christmas Means?†Next came two plays. “Our Presents or \Presence†and "The Five Sentences" by the juniors. Grade 4 girls put on an enter- taining play entitled “Christmas Stockings" in which the “stock- ings†deplored the naughty manners of their owners. Following the "Silent Night Pantomime", Donald Leno play- ed Christmas carols during a short intermission, with the aud- ience joining in the singing._ Dickson Miller, chairman of the Jefferson School Board, an- nounced he will not stand for re-election when the annual rate- payer’s meeting and election takes place on Wednesday. Deâ€" cember 31. at Jefferson Sohool. Keeping in step with this mod- ern age the Seniors did a play called the “Time Machine." past and present, which was well re- ceived. Gowned in a lovely dress of blue satin, Milo Ringorn twink- led across the stage in a ballet dance that was enjoyed by all, to be followed by a skit by three of the juniors called “Getting and Giving". Throughout the program there were songs from trios and a well- organized chorus, Mrs. Stan Leno accompanying at the piano. The ï¬nal chorus, “We Wish You a Throughout the program there were songs from tries and a well- organized chorus. Mrs. Stan Leno accompanying at the piano. The ï¬nal chorus, “We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Yearâ€, closing the program. A silver collection was taken at the door as the audience left and the proceeds will help to de- fray the cost of costumes and scenery. The Christmas-tree party, when all the children of the school give and receive gifts, took place at the school on Tuesday after- noon this week. Blrthday Party / Little Glen Hellings celebréted his second birthday on Wednes- day, December 16, with a birth- day luncheon attended by six little boy-friends, two of the’ guests being cousins of Glen's. Those two enjoyed “getting into the act" when his presents Were unwrapped were: Stephen Tayâ€" lor, Paul and Gary Hodgins of Toronto; Ronny Williams. Rich- mond Hill and David and John Robertson. W. A. News Following a report on the Di- ocesan Board meeting by Mrs. Maurice Beynon, president of St. John's W.A., plans were com- pleted for the annual Sunday School Christmas party which will be held on Wednesday, De- cember 30. This Wednesday the WA. will decorate the church for the Christmas season. There will be a service of Holy Communion at St. John's Angli- can Church at 11:15am. Christ- mas Day. Next Sunday there will be the annual Christmas ser- vice and Communion. New Teacher for Jr. Grades The board and students will be very sorry to lose Mrs. Frank Tate who so kindly came to their assistance in November and ag- reed to each the children until Christmas vacation. Mrs. Tate has worked very hard to bring the class standard up to date and the children have worked ‘right along with her, the result being a sat- isfactory report card for each pupil. ‘ Mrs. Nelson Thompson was re- turned to office as lst vice-presi- dent of St. John’s W.A., in the regular monthly meeting held at the home of Mrs. Giles Kerswill, Jefferson. on Wednesday of last week. The Rug Committee also gave a report on the amount collected to date for a new carpet to be laid in the church chancel. The fund is still open for further con- tributions and it is hoped the ob- jective will be met early in the new year. With the re-commencement of the school term in January, the junior grades 2 to 4, now housed in the old Jefferson school, will have a new teacher. This is not the ï¬rst time Mrs. Tate has ï¬lled the bill at Jeffer- son and the Grade Four children have enjoyed studying under the teacher they had at the parish school when they were in Grade One. The board is 1: nounce that Miss will take over cla: school In January. Miss Little, who is now a resi- dent of Hamilton, but will be moving to this district after Christmas, comes to Jefferson School with an excellent back- ground and the highest refer- ences. H. E. Plewman, formerly with the Hamilton Board of Educa- tion said Miss Little has an un- usually ï¬ne gift of understand- ing with children and has had considerable experience with girls in CGIT groups. Chairman of Board Retires Supper will be served in the Parish Hall at 5.30 pm. for the children of the Sunday School and their parents. A graduate of Delta Collegiate Institute, Hamilton, Miss Little later ent ten years on the staff of St. aul’s Anglican Indian Res- idential School, Cardston, Alber- ta, ï¬rst as a matron and then as a teacher. During the years 1941 to 1946 she taught Grades 1, 2 and 3. For the past six years Miss Lit- tle has been an assistant to the Bishop's Messengers, at St. James’ Mission, Endeavour, Sash. where her duties consisted chief- ly in supervising the various children's organizations and a Nursery School for pre-school children. classes pleased Dora . '. Little the old Mr. Miller made his announce- ment at a recent meeting 0! the school board with Jack Barry, president of the Jefferson School Community Club, and Ross Ker- win. Chairman of the lst Jeffer- son Scouts and Cubs Group Com- mittee. The Board ruled that they would proceed at once to pur- chase insurance covering proper- ty damage. The question of in- surance for the pupils, covering bodily injuries. is to be brought before the parents at the rate- payers' meeting on December 31. One of the principal discussions of the meeting was the question of purchasing insurance, both for the school and the pupils. We are very pleased the Board has seen the merits of pupil-in- surance, which covers each child in the event of bodily injury. at a very nominal sum during the school year. It is necessary that 80% of the pupils subscribe to this insurance plan and we hope that all parents will make it a point to come out to the rate- payers’ meeting and vote their consent to this major step. Pupil-insurance is not a new thing by any means and most scbgols already carry it. Mr. Miller also announced that Hugh Martin is the new music teacher at Jefferson. Mr. Martin has been teaching singing to the children at the school each Mon- day and it was through his able instruction the children made such a ï¬ne showing in the sing- ing at the school concert last week. The engaging of a new teacher. Miss Dora J. Little, for Grades 2 to 4 Was also announced at the board meeting and Mr. Miller said Miss Little had spent two days at the school with Mrs. Frank Tate in order to become better acquainted with the child- ren before taking up her duties in the New Year. Speaking of [the monthly edu- cational trips arranged by the Jefferson Schosl Principal, Miss Audrey E. Leary, Mr. Miller said they have proved most interest- ing and beneï¬cial to the‘students. Mr. Miller then called upon Jack Barry to make a full report of the activities of the Jefferson School Community Club for the ratepayers’ meeting and’also ask- ed Ross Kerwin to supply in de- tail 3 report on the Scouts and Cubs for the beneï¬t of those at- tending the annual meeting. All reports are to be mimeographed and each ratepayer attending will receive a copy for his or her per- usal. We urge ’all members in this district to come out to the an- nual meeting and exercise their right to vote. Vote as you like but vote. To Make Debut Over BBC The programme will commence at 3.30 p.m., London time, and we are hoping for good reception on this side of the "pond", since it is over three years Since last we heard that Well‘remembred voice. One of the Biblical songs of Dvozak, “I will Sing New Songs of Gladnessâ€; two songs by Shu- bert, one of Brahms and an Eng- lish song, “Go Not Happy Dayâ€. the words by Stevenson and the music by Frank Bridges are the selections Miss Eppes has chos- en to sing on December 31. School News Things are really down to a “science†in the school 01’ learn- ing today and if you happened to see an eager junior or senior from Jefferson School scribbling quickly in a note-book bearing the title, ‘Natural Scie’nce’. last Friday afternoon its because they were jotting down details about their interesting trip to various greenhouses in Richmond Hill and vicinity. We were among the lucky mo- thers who receved two American Beauty roses from H. J. Mills’ greenhouses where the juniors Your correspondent has just received word that her sister, Evelyn Louise Eppes will make her ï¬rst appearance with the BBC, London. on New Year's Eve, on the BBC Overseas broad- cast. , mm FLOWER snop' . . their interesting trip to various 23 YONGE st SOUTH a greenhouses in Richmond Hill and vicinity. ' = . . We were among the lucky mo- R'd‘m‘md I†80 Y onge St. S. Richmond Hill thers who receved two American An Hours Tumor 4.1812 Beauty roses from H. J. Mills' J greenhouses where the juniors mumnmmnummuummmmmmmm Phone TUrner 4-0001 Malthy’s Service Staiion ï¬gs made a memorable round of in- spectlon. I The seniors visited Mills’ and the Bedford Park Greenhouses and they too saw how roses were grown. At Bedford Park they saw how ice was made for the packing of roses for shipment. Miss Leary was presented with “Though the weather outside was frosty" inside Jefferson school the atmosphere was warm and friendly when good friends met together last Friday night for the annual Christmas party and dance put on by the Jeffer- son School Community Club. a lemon Weighing three and half pounds by Paul E. Angle The spontaneous and care-free crowd numbered close to 75 members and guests. Their en- thusiasm was noticed especially when they all joined in the slng‘ ing of the well-loved Christmas carols towards the close of the evening. But ï¬rst there was the square- dancing‘ and a most enjoyable demonstration of folk-dancing by the guests from Cherry Hill Farm. The folk-dancers, gown- ed in picturesque costumes and led by Carson and Margaret Whalen. were well-applauded by the community club members for their interpretation of several Danish folk-dances. Following the ï¬nal number. the Cherry Hill dancers each chose-a partner and whirled them about the room in a very catching dance that we predict will be a popular addition to the regular semi-monthly dances of the Com- munity Club. A buffet luncheon was served, during intermission, in the south room of the school. Miss Evelyn Lapp, of Cedar Grove, who is a teacher at Cherry Hill Farm, led the carol singing, taking the carollers back over the well-rememberedsongs of Christ- mas, as well as instructing them in several new carols, among them being a negro spiritual, “Go Tell It On The Mountain". As is the cuStom at this time of year, the Club extended the compliments of the season to all and in appreciation for the time and effort Carson and Margaret Whalen have put into making the square dances such a happy suc- cess presented them with a plant. Also remembered with gifts were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wriggle- sworth and Miss E. Lapp. The lubky draw for the 6 lb. Christmas cake was won by Mrs. Arthur Gibson, Summit Farms and door prizes were won by the following: Sharon Law, Mrs. N. Henry, Mrs. A. Neill, Mrs. Fred Law, Mrs. Thos. chk, Clarke McNalr, Nor- man Burnett and-Jean Huff. mumum“mum“mmmnmmmumummuummmn Carson Whalen. vice-president of the J.S.C.C. thanked the Cher- ry Hill Folk-dancers for their share in the evening and F. Chevis voted the club executive a special word of thanks for the best party ever. CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS J .S.C.C. Holds Annual Party FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION HIE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs†Dec. 24, 19M 7 New Work Box 206 Richmond Hill Plumbing & Heating garbage in the village will be carried out on Thursday, December 24, but the collection on the west side of the village regularly carried out on Friday will be held on Monday, Deo- ember 28. Year’s week with the Friday collection of January 1, postponed to Monday, January 4. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL R. Lynett, Clerk ANDREWS 8 GRAY RICHMOND HILL Notice is given that the usual collection of GARBAGE COLLECTION H 0L1 DA Y WEEK Happy Highway same procedure will be followed New Alterations in Phone TUrner 4-1879 and Repairs