Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1953, p. 9

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)1 Dentist ’Q Ansyey Building. Yonge Street ” THORNHILL ~ AVenue 5-2181 whom: ,0: "9“? Barrister. Solicitor, N Oflice Hours_: Daily J. thinowitc‘h, Biristers, Solicitor-s, etc. John . Walsh Fergus P. Walsh “Richmond Street West I“. 6-8929 Thur”, morning, Richmond Hill 96 Yorge St. S. 'I‘Urnef 4-1652 Thunday afternoo "1. Maple ismâ€"1' Norman Todd, Rate; for insertion in this aim are available at he Liberal office, phone ' ‘momnnu. “ cg’home AVenue negi That-1mm TH DENTIST 86A YONGE ST. SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Hill l9( "8 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Kill Open eventngs TUrner 4-1462 XI P’RorESSIomL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Pl; xton & Beam Marguerite Boyle Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Valq Dr. Evenings by Appomtmem Richmond Theatre Block Yogge_§t. §., Richmond H111 A nnmA mm, SoIicltor & Not-w ‘ Public Mama. soucu‘on. noun PUBLIC cnuonn mu. _ . , v" TITâ€"nor L11 E10cution. Public Speaking Platform Department 'c Art "Hoimwoon HALL” Flay Dr. W. J. Mason {wifYonxe St. South Richmond Hill. Onhrlo Dflice TUmer 4-1780 ‘uldence TUmer 4-1863 Offloe Hours: 9.30-5 and by appointment mfister, Solicitor. m. “CHMOND HILL HOWELL “mom! Hill Oflice l‘Urner 4-2071 fhornhill Office LVenue 5-1300 William Cook T and Walsh TEACHER OF BALLET lMl'l‘ED CLASSES early to emure enrol- men! ' .«m ’I'uosdays and huruia)< \ :\\'9, Highland Park Dr. J. M. Dryer Dentist Doris Pollock TUmer 4-1261 :Tfifier' 4-20324 r, Solicitor, Notary Public e Street Richmond Hill ; Thursday afternoon £4551 Richmond Hill Ofiiee â€" 18 Toronto St. 'hono BM. 3-5877 (f. Newman MUSICAL "iv; monge I nd 'dnng‘ ton Stre on, Onta o e Auro LEGAL DENTAL by Appoilnt‘meqt rnhill School ue 5â€"1318 \g‘md Noun . Walker Notary Public 1v 91 am. to W” TAP Tfféner 4-1545 AVenue 5-1667 ‘orner ‘on of ,HI Life, Fire, Automobile, etc. INSURANCE 26 Adelaide St. W. Toronto W. SCHURMAN “General Insurance Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Hospitalization and Auto Financing Richmond Theatre Block 05 Yonu St. 8., Richmond Hill Phone TUmer 4-1652 Res. TU. 4-1986 J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 We (anfederation Lite Assoc- iation) 19 mm St. W. Richmond Hill mule! #1219 Ltfe, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness. Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Savage Insurance ' Services GENERAL INSURANCE It “to, Automobile, Plate Glass, Automobile Financing, em. MAPLE Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Ofiice hours 9 am. to 6 pm. also day 8: evening appointments 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1631 Dr. Cameron Cowan H appointment :2 0mm St. E. Richmond mu on!“ TUmer 4-1271 Residence I'm-her 4-1303 22 Centre St. E. Richmond 5111 By appointment TUrner 4-1422 41 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill Ofiice hours 2-4 pm. daily except Wednesdays Tuesday 8! Thursday evenings 6-8 pm. Other hours by appointment TUrner +1861 Evenings: Monday to Thursday Day or Night Or by appointment Thornhill AVenue 5-1311 Dr. Daphne Patrick Jack Walkington Dr. R. A. Bigford (Stop 13A near Steeles Ave.) GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. Dr. E. A. Crawford . D. M acN aughton Obstetrician 8: Gynecologist 6433 Yonge St. Newtonbrook Daytime: Mmday to Friday GENERAL INSURANCE Dr. Wm. D. Howe Dr. J. P. Wilson 2 Morgan Ava. Stop 14A Dr. R. J. Steele Roy V. Bick 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 LIFE INSURANCE INSURANCE OFFICE HOURS Office Hours I pm. and 6 to 8 pm by appointmenl MEDICAL Maple 711114 EM. 3-0311 PHONE 3 AV Ambulance Service RICHMOND HILL REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties. etc INSURANCE Fire. Automobile, etc. TUrner 4-1671 Prentice AUCTIONEERS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties' of York and Ontario Farm Stock. Implements, House- hold FurnitureL Real Estate Sales 8 specialty At Fair and Reasonable Rates Dual service for the price of one Milliken P.O., ph.,Agin. 52W3 Markham P.O., ph. Markham 346 No sale too biz - too small! . Funeral Directors Phone 82 FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone TUrnef 4-1432 Richmond mu Kenneth G. H enders OPTOMETRIST consultation by Appointment - Willowdale Office: 4969 Yonge St... Stop 3A ' BA. 1-5327 Dr. W. Allan Ripley WRIGHT AN D TAYLOR Leave Maple 8.10 am. Leave Richmond Hill 9.10 am Leave Maple 3.00 pm. Leave Richmond Hill 4.30 pm For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge 8;. District 2518 Yonge St. ( at St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett, Ernie Brock & Son Genera Insurance Dr. J. T. Sheppard GENERAL BUSINESS W. J. Smith & Son Painting VETERINARY SURGEON Arthur G. Broad, VETERINARY SURGEON Langdon’s, Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND ' SERVICE Paper Hanging Spray Painting TUrner 4-1311 Ken & Clarke 213 Oak Ave.. Richvale M Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2062 By Appointment REAL ESTATE CHIROPRACTIC Interior and Exterior ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Phone TUrner 4-1931 OPTOMETRIST R. H. Kane VETERINARY AUCTIONEER Richmond Street SCHOOL DAYS Centre Street Maple, Ont Ont The Christmas concerts that were held last week were well attended. The children did their parts well and the teachers are to be congratulated for the fine pro- grams. Of course Santa Claus ar- rived at the close of each concert. which made the children happy. then he gave out the presents and each child was given a bag with candy. nuts and an orange in it. Skating Party A very Happy and Prosperous New Year to everyone! Christmas Concerts Mr. Gordon Mortson took a bus load of children to a skating party at Unionville on Saturday afternoon. Sunday School Meeting The annual Sunday School meeting will be held Tuesday ev- ening. January 5, 1954 at 8 p.113, at the home of Gordon Mortson. It is requested that all the tea- chers, officers and nyone inter- ested in Sunday school work please be present. Personals Miss Lillian Nichols. nurse-in- training at the Ottawa Civic Hos- pital. spent the Christmas week- end at her home here. Lillian says that she enjoys her- new work very much. We wish her every success. Miss Olive Glover of Toronto spent, the Christmas week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mum- berson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and Ray spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs, Walter Cook and Florence at Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westbrook and family in Toronto. Mrs. I. McIllmurray. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Willows spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridley and family at Whitby. Mr. and Mrs, Rolph Boynton spent Christmas Day with Mr. R. E. Sanderson and Mabel. Body & Fender Repairs » Complete Refinishing If you haven’t heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends ' All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave" Stop 22A Yonge St, Richv-le For appointment, ph. TU. 4-2401 Richvale Auto Body Radio & T.V. Repairs Clubine & Alexander PLASTERING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging, etc. Phone Maple 54r33 or AV. 5-2441 Designing, Drafting and and Estimating for all types of Houses and Bldg Construction Economical and fast service Phone TU. 4-2101 Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass. Liability. Burglary. Accident and Sickness Farm Inquiries Invited VICTORIA SQUARE “BLUEPRINTS” Speculative or Custom Correspondent: Mrs. W. Sandie, Victoria Square Phone Stoufiville 67509 Telephone TU. 4-3290 ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROMPT SERVICE 100 Highland Park Blvd Box 789 Newtonbrook PHONE A". 5-1666 ‘Your home deserves A. Rollinson Phone TU. 4-1791 M. Lovell K. J. Timney INSURANCE AGENCY or General Repairs DECORATING G. C hassie Richmond Hill Richvale. Ontario Free Estimates TU. 4-2049 BUILDER the Best” Homes Mrs. Bryce. mail carrie'r‘on R. R. 1 finds it impossible to thank each one indix’ridually for gifts and cards reéeivéd from her un- derstanding customers and takes this opportunity of saying thanks a million and 'a' Happy and Pros- perous New Year to all. ‘ Dr. and Mi‘s. Earl MacNaugh- ton. Elizabeth. Mrs. A. Robinson of Guelph and Mr. and 'Mrs. Da- vid Martyn of Toronto Were holiday .visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. MacNéughton. Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen_ Brian. and Mr. and Mrs. Kennth Walker spent the Christmas holiday with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Batema’n in Detroit. ' « I ‘ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. H. ROBERTSON l V Brookside Road, Telephone TUmer 4-2334 ' “A Happy New Year to all-our In the‘absence of Miss Leary..the readers." ‘ r ’photo was accepted by Mrs. E. A. Personals Terry. school trustee. Miss Virginia Beatty. Miss Ron- nie Beatty and William Ritchie spent the festive season at Dryâ€" noch Farms. ' Miss Elizabeth Flood. Jefferâ€" son, arrived home from Montreal in time to spend Christmas with her family. ~ Sorry Jackie' Hall had to stay in bed during the Christmas holiâ€" days but we understand she is u and around, again now. ~ ~ : Mr. and Mrs. Don Hellings and children. Glen and Gail, spent Christmas in Toronto With their parents. ' ' Mr. James Duncan of Coniston is spending the holiday season at the home of his son‘. George Dunâ€" can Sr., ElginiMills. ' 7 Mr. and Mrs. H.’ G. Robertson and family ‘spent Christmas at Nanticoke. at the home of Mr. Robertson's sister, Mrs. Holland Ma". .lvl. . that Bob Threlfall e1 tal, under observati urday morning. Bob ill health for some hope he-will soon be to improvement. Members of L.OlL. No: 955 Nottawa visited the Ora_ng_e_Home last week-and presented Christ- mas gifts to the children. Presâ€" ent were Andrew Kidd, Won'Past Grand Master. of Stayner; W. 'M. L.O.L. 955 Nottawa. Joseph God- den; Oliyer Tracy of R. R. 1 C01- lingwood; Rev. JOhn Bell of Dun- troon; Clarence Brock of Not- tawa. _ A ' ’ ' Cubs Holdpohcert '~ troon; Clarence Brock of Not- tawa. _ A ' ' ' Cubs Holdpo'ncert '~ . _' It was a highly entertaining evening when the' lst Jefferson Cub Packput on their concert at St. John’s Parish Hall. Tuesdéy evening, December 22. Ross Kerwin, chairman of the Group Committee acted as Master of Ceremonies and the boys put ev- erything they had into making the show one to be remembered by their audience. :- The scenery-which was painted by the Cubma'ste'r E. Ensor. was excellent. > ' ' - The opening. number, the “Grand Howl’f, saw .all the boys on stage 'and was followed by a speech of welcome by Mrs. Terry Jackson, Assistant District Com- missioner for York. Mrs. Jackson spoke about the services gender- ed by a .‘women's auxiliary. and how such an organizationcould assist the cubs and scouts; This was followed by “The For- tune Teller's Play"; after which the poem;_The Tender Pad, was recited. It is expected that an auxiliary composed of sCout and cub. moth- ers will be formed in the near future for the lst Jefferson Troop and Pack; ' ‘ Mrs, Terry Jackson .surprised the cub mothers with a group picture of.the' pack. in_fuil uni~ form, for each of them. Photos were also presented to Mrs_. T.ér- ry Jackson. .Mrs. Betty Smith (who was present but unable to take part in‘ the‘program owing to a bad case of laryngitisu. Mrs. A. Gibson and Miss Audrey Lea- ry, principal of Jefferson School. Kazlpur - Nurseries CARRVILLE RD. EAST LANDSCAPE GARDENING . Telephone TU. 4-1040 U nionvillé_Pl umbing ANB' ' Heating -. r ['nionville Keele Street South, King City M. Beryl: Barr-0w Chartered _ Accountant. 13 HIGHLAND PARK BLVD” NEWTONBROOK Av. 5-1167 ELGIN MILLS - . (Sonny) 'Simons Viv Davenport- Dr. K, H. Hater VETERINARY SURGEON TUr‘ner 4-2486 Septic Tanks' Inétallea Repairs A :Specialty Block, .hrick. concrete and drain'imrk Fast Chimney Service were All work mgdaramee'd Phone. King 92R2 re very Threlfall Free Estimates I very sorry to hear 1relfall entered hospi- observation. last Sat- ling. Bob has been in or some time and we ll soon be on the road CORRESPONDENTLMRS. I). ALLEN MAPLE NEWS Telephone TI}. 4.3138 Phone , 53 hear JEFFERSON NEWS Maple ' 19.1 Mr. ‘and Mrs. H. Bryan spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. add'Mrs. Manuel. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Edwara Walker and Elizabeth spent Christmas in Oakville. with Mr. and Mrs. E. McPh'erson. ' ‘ Mothers Please Note Immunization against Diph- theria_ Whooping Cough and Tet- anus lLOijawD and vaccination against Smallpox will be offered 10 infants and pre-school child- r'en at Maple Clinic on Thursday. January '7, at 1.30 to 4 pm. " Mrs. Arthur Gibson received a special 'word of thanks for her partiqipation in the concert as pianist. Not 'only did she play for the “big night" but Mrs. Gib- son had attended every rehearsal during the past two and a half months in order to help the cubs. . During intermission the lst Jefi'erson Scouts sold refresh- ments. all of which were donated by Harry Pridhtam, raising seven dollars for their funds. A silver collection taken by the cubs add- ‘ed $16.00 to their funds. . The next item on the list was “Moonlight Night in the Jungle." 'The scene was darkened and the moonf cast its light directly on the boys as they sat around in a cir- cle _'in ‘the centre of the stage chanting cub songs. “Pyramids” was a precision .drill_ by all the boys and their Akela in a very splendid manner. Carol singing followed, during which Mrs. Gibson played the The “Shadow humorous “dis operational pro well done. ,Just bef' Ross Kex‘w Board for during the sob for 'he St. John’s terest in : the occasi< which piano. thanked them for the time and energy they had put in to make the concert so successful. the in- terest they have shown towards our boys and their help in mak- ing good cubs. ' ~‘ The evening closed‘ with the f‘Mouse Howl" and a closing prayer by Mrs. Terry Jackson, af- ter which Norman Burnett dis- tributed bags of candy and or- anges to all the children present. St; John’s Sunday School Supper Board for the use of during the past year 501') for 'her help; the St. John’s Church ft terest in supplying t the occasion and pre: master and Mrs. E. E gift. : In making thi tion‘ to the Ensors, 1 thanked them for th energy they had put the concert so succes: ‘ The; annual supper for the‘chi‘l- dren of St. John’s Sunday Schqol and their parents takes place to- night,jWednesday, December 30, a_t_ 8_p._m‘ in the Parish Hall. SUpper will be supplied by the members of the W. A. _ fHeld from last week) Wedding Anniversaries jBest wishes for continued hap- piness to Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Smith '(nee Connie Ingles) who will have their first wedding an- niversary on Sunday, December 27. Lucky Winner 7 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert Gowan (nee Lorrine Brown) who will celebrate their first wedding anniversary on De- cember 24th at their home in St. Stephens. NlB. - .The children and staff had a wonderful party at the Orange Home last Thursday night when the Richmond Hill Lion’s Club took over proceedings for the evening. John Passmore was master of ceremonies for the most enjoyable concert and the Lion’s provided quite a thrill for the children by bringing along a marvelous magician, Following tea most of the members made a tour of the building‘ Donald Chowan. Maple Ave. was one of the lucky people who took-home a turkey from the Lion’s Club bingo last Thursday night. Another winner was Art Dobson. greens keeper at the Summit Golf Club; Orange Home News On Saturday the children and staff went to Newmarket where they were entertained by the Newmarket Lion’s Club. Square-Dancing The Jefferson School ‘Commun- itv Club will hold its first dance of the new year on Friday. Januâ€" ary 8. at 8 pm. t before Kerwin l for tht g the p or 'her h EHIBAEII A “Wind. at,” [W Ouieagokadydmmfimmdpqhm boddingsondmauymofcdwmoredoseuem b mysterious "Chm", the Mexican, Russian Japanese sections,creafiugumehopofisofabsorbingiuhe¢edbfivediscemhg h'avefler.You'fiaddpleos-ebyoer~ipbygoinghefiiuth ‘display” Cl proceedings the pro: thanked a use of was a precision the boys and their 'y splendid manner. |g followed, during Gibson played the Play 1881‘; Mrs. Gib- the wardens "of h for their'in- mg the hall for presented Cub- E. Ensor with a ; this presenta- rs, Mr. Kerwin ,- the time and put in to make program was a most concerning 25 and was the the . the in- towards in mak- ended Schnol school 5. Gib- most in- for THE ;LIBERA{L.vR~iei1fieend~HflL Thu-rs" mxssx 3333333333333323 BALANCED l '_ ALL cussts or Including the Following Feeds: \L) Master Calf Starter Grower _ (2.) Gainmaker 24% Dairy Concentrate ’ ‘ (3) Master Dry & Fitting Feed ' (4) Master Sweet Lass. We know you will he‘séttsfled with your ' compatiéon; = We‘;’_-'.' welcome your ‘ enquiries: ‘ '. FEEDS fly :7 MRI UVE 5706!! f ' I . . l , , ' FIJI IEAIING ' ’ *- ‘ "‘ ANIMALS l DOGS THORNHflL” PHONE ' AV. 5-1344 Smith Crescent Torridheat, Quickheat, Gurney Furnaces - and burners For free estim {He’sâ€"Efe;pert warkfilah- 'ship 1 i SAND, GRAVEL, CRUSHED STONE, LOAM & FILL, SNOW PLOUGHING 112 Markham Rd. ELECTRICAL & HEATING ‘ CONTRACTOR Gormley, Ont. James Johnson GORMLEY BLOCK CO; In M 00 use cosfiy, timeme hiding materiak wh- 'p&can_gefadmhomé erected quickly with mNCRETE BLOCKS â€"- too, you’ find its lower maintenance Mum Womb! sov- hg'nhrou‘gllflue'yeon. . j STANDARD SIZE UNITS CALL POULTRY FARM UVE 5706!! F U I I E A I I N G ANIMALS l DOGS Cohie in and compare the quality and prices of “ Master Dairy Feeds M build your home quickly! L. W. RE“) . CONCRETE BLOCKS o CINDER BLOCKS I BACK-UP TILE MEETS ALL A. S.'I'. M. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED AVenue 5-2211 EfiVICE STATION . TUmeMfiflflI Phone Stoufiville 381W1 mm“ aouvocomo (Suki-diam} KWDESHOTEL ROO‘ FOR2MGHT$ 5379â€"“- chemo») TU. 4-2089 Thornhill

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