I: GIVE At the regular session ,of the Presbyterian Sunday School on Sunday morning, the Sunday School Mother of the Year will be presented with a bouquet of flowers. Mrs. Jas. Johnston. Past Grand Mistress of Ontario West. L.O.B. a; Mrs. W. Cook, Deputy Mis- ress of Empire L,O,B.A.; Mrs. tan Ransom Sr., and Mrs. E. taig are attending Grand Lodge Sssions in Windsor this week. Mr. C. E. Little returned from Sunnybrook . Hospital Wednesday where he was recuperating from a heart attack suffered two weeks ago. Mr. Little’s condition is reported as favourable. A much needed street light has been erected near the entrance tg tlie Lifons Eommunity Hall for e ene it o the public ‘ use of the Hall. makmg RICHMOND HILL . . Richmod Hill Women’s Insti- tute willneet on Thursday, May 13, in tl Presbyterian Sunday School Run. Mrs. Ralph Will- iamson, V10 is a teacher of New Canadianclasses at R.H.D.H.S. will be nest speaker. Also on the progzm will be several cf the membrs of the Leaside La- dies COm‘lunity Choir. A hearty invitationis extended to all wo- men 10 mend. Mr.an1 Mrs. Douglas Carter and 71m G. F. Carter of Bala spenfsurday in Huntsville with MRS; Douglas Carter's brother andiamily. Mr. Carter has gone to Inntsville to accept a new oSion and Mrs. Carter will fol- ousome time later. Ihemical and organic Fertlllzers, Higl quality Peat Moss, etc. Agrcultural Service EVERYTHING Recen baptisms in St. Mary‘s Anglican: Church include, Marc Allan, 50 of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Schrette of Pearson Ave., Lang- staff, C201 Judith Wendy, dau- ghter of/Ir. and Mrs. R. S. Pon- sford ofVIcKay Drive, Richvale. Nina L1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Blackman of Orillia, Ontario. Ne:t Wednesday evening, the Rev. ‘mhur A. Chote will show a setpi. coloured slides showing the W11: 'carried out in the Ru- ral Tllning School of the Dio- cese ( Toronto. This will be at 7.30 m. when the Mid Week Fellowï¬p Group meet. Will'm Mundy ,son of Mr. and M1. Basil Mundy of Centre Street Vest was among those graduahg from the Trinity Col- lege Stool of Divinity. Gradu- ation cremonies were held at Trinity ollege last Thursday ev- ening. ’ ReVR. H. M. Kerr, B.A., B.D., will mduct the service for the Richmnd Lodge this Sunday ev- ening t the Presbyterian Church. Membrs are asked to meet in the baement of the church and procee to the church in a body. Iichmond Hill Scout Mothers 31" holding their annual May dmer at the Summit View Res- taRant, on May 13. Tickets may be‘n‘ocured by calling TU. 4- 261\01‘ TU. 4-1315 so we may ljnon'how many to ‘expect. LAWN SEED GLOVES & ‘r- j“ ZOSTUME JEWELLERY \‘ 100 LOVELY HATS FROM ‘ a, v_ ' $3.98 up -*‘ IADELEINE MILLINERY & ACCESSORIES 33]) Yonge St. (at Fairlawn) HU. 8-5406 2 Car Stops below City Limits Open till 7 pm. â€" Friday till 9 p.m.‘ rnder the auspicesof St. Mary’s Anglican Church Women’s Auxiliary Dr Faludi will be the guest speaker, his topic being Development of York County in relation to the Metropolitan Area of Toronto†[‘ickets $1.00 obtainable from W.A. Members or Miss Robinson I. R. 1 Richmond Hill In the line of {Urner 4-1602 ;UNCHEON hundreds to choose from OTTO PICK Reduced Prices on The Liberal is always glad to receive social ma personal items {or this page and a call to TUrner 4-1261 will receive courtéous attention. This newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations ,women’s and men’s societies. lodges and other groups. While copy will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, it is desirable to have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publi- cation. Remember Mother’s Day IN LIONS HALL ON Wednesday - May 12 HANDBAGS $2.98 up All Welcome at 1 o’clock To enable the citizens of North York. to become better acquaint- ed with activities and training of Guid‘e's & Brownies. the parents as well as the general public are invited to attend, and see dem- onstrations of badge work, ï¬rst aid and signalling. Mr. Frank Elvin Wellwood. B. A. So, a former pupil of Rich- mond Hill High School, has been appointed Deputy Commissioner of Buildings for the City of Tor- onto. Mr. Wellwood is a son of the late Rev. N. Wellwood. The Friendship Circle Club held its monthly euchre at the Legion Hall, Carrville Ed, on Saturday, April 24. A pleasant evening was spent. There were nine tables and winners of the prizes were: ladies, Mrs. E. Con- ner, Mrs. E. Titshall, Mrs. T. Conner; men Frank Tltshall, George Carter, J. Launs. Draw prize, a pair of vases, was won by Mrs. Isabel Bonner. Lunch was At the rally to be held on Sat- urday, May 15, at the Richmond Hill Arena the Girl Guides & Brownies of York Division. will be honoured by the presence of the Chief Commissioner of Can- ada, Mrs. D. E. S. Wishart. This will be her ï¬nal appearance as Chief Commissioner before her retirement at the coming Domin- ion meetings. Also present will be Central Area Commissioner, Mrs. D. R. Gunn. There will be a flag raising and later a Campï¬re presenta- tion of awards and badges. served by the ladies A special meeting of the Af- ternoon Branch of St. Mary‘s An- glican Church was held last Wed- nesday, April 28, at the home of Mrs. D. H. Storms, Westwood Lane. It was the occasion of the honoring of Mrs. F. W. Hall, of Centre St. E., by the presenta- tion of a W.A, Life Member cer- tiï¬cate and gold pin, as a token of many years of faithful serâ€" vice. Following the presenta- tion, tea was served, and a social hour spent by the members and guests. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt of the Rich- mond Hill Women's Institute, Mrs. A. Morrison of Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute, Mrs. Chas. Hooper of Buttonville W.I.. Mrs. C. Sinclair of Thornhill W.I., and Mrs. D. Allen of Maple W.I., are attending the Presidents’ Con- ference at the O.A.C., Guelph, this week. ‘ * t * Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Hardy Hill accompanied by Capt. G. Hep- burn and Mrs. Hepburn of Tor- onto have returned from a 10 days tour through Virginia re- turning by Chesapeake Bay and the Delaware Valley. While in Williamsburg, they attended a candlelight concert of flautists in period costumes in the restored governor’s palace. Original in- struments including a harpsi- chord of the pre-revolution per- iod were used for the concert. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Loughlin of 49 Highland Lane have returned home after visiting for three months in Douglas, Arizona. and Aqua Prieta Sonora, Mexico. Douglas, which is the third lar- gest city in Arizona and has 'an altitude of 4,000 ft., has an ex- cellent climate for those suffer- ing from bronchial asthma. Mr. Loughlin’s health is much im- proved after this trip. County In Relation to the Metro- politan Area of Toronto. Tickets are available from any W.A. member or Miss Robinson or the Mansbridge Meat Market. St. Mary’s Anglican W.A. is sponsoring a luncheon at the Lions Hall on Wednesday, May 12 at 1 pm. when Dr. Faludi will be guest speaker. His topic will be “Development of York FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE CLUB On May 8, 1954, the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society pres- ents its ï¬rst flower show of the year. It is the “Daffodil Show†under the convenorship of Mr. Wm. campbell. It should be wonderful to see all our local daf- fodils on display. You too can show your daffodils. All you have to do is take your blossoms to the Lions Community Hall on Satur day, May 8, between the hours of 4.30 and 6.30 pm. Bring your own container and Mr. Campbell will be there to assist you in display- ing your flowers to the best ad- vantage.An entry fee of So will be charged for each entry to a max- imum of 50c. Judging will be by Mr. Ernie Kohler between 6.30 pm. and 7.30 pm. The public is invited to come and see the Daff~ odi_l Show in the evening. Born in 1860 at Jefferson, Mrs. Lynett was the eldest dau- ghter of Irish immigrant parents, James McWilliams and Teresa Hocter, her parents coming to Canada in the 1850’s. There were seven boys and two girls in the McWilliams family and Mrs. Lynett was the last to survive. Mrs. Lynett ' predeceased her husband, Frederick J., who op- erated a creamery business in Richmond Hill before his death in 1918. During the evening there will be a plant sale for members on- ly. Plants, bulbs and bushes will be brought in with name tags at- tached and all members can buy' these at a very nominal price. Mr. Joe Boyer will be looking af- A pioneer of this district, Mrs. Margaret M. Lynett, died at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday, at the age of 94. Mrs. Lynett had been admitted to the hospital following a fall two years ago when she broke her hip. Prior to this time she had been living with her son, Jack, at Kleinburg. O’Brien â€" Jenkins Nuptials Spring flowers decorated the Alter of St. Mary‘s Catholic Church, Richmond Hill, on April 24 for the marriage of Kathleen Veronica Jenkins. daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jenkins and the late Ernest Jenkins to Mostyn Athony O’Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Terence O’Brien, Richvale. The nuptial mass was celebrated by the Rev. Frederick McGinn and Liturgical music throughout the mass was provided by the Choir of the Church of The Martyrs, Bradford. The bride was given in marâ€" riage by her brother, Robert Jenkins, and wore a cocktail length redingcoat gown of French blue lace over nylon tulle and satin. She wore a finger-tip veil of blue illusion net trimmed with Chantilly lace falling from a transparent coronet studded with seed pearls and tiny sapphires. The bride carried a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. The maid of honour, Miss Rita Pender wore a gown of pink lace with matching pink flowered hat and ,carried a bouquet of red roses. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Roberta Jenkins wore a O’Brien-Jenkins Nuptial's At St. Mary’s Catholic Church DaughterOflmmigrant Parents Dies At 94 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ryce of Richmond Hill are pictured following their recent marriage in the ansgar Lutheran Church, Toronto. Mrs. Ryce is the former Mary Christen- sen who is employed at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Richmond Hill. Horticultural Highlights By Richmond Hill Horticulturists May we convey our congratula- tions to the local Junior Chamber of Commerce for their “Beautiï¬- cation Week.†It’s a grand idea and the Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society think highly of it. The funeral- was Thursday from the F. Lynett Funeral Home, 3299 Dundas St., west, Toronto, at 9.30 am. to St. Mar- y’s Catholic Church, Richmond Hill for Requiem High Mass at 10.30 am. Interment was in the family plot at St. Luke’s Ceme- tery, Thornhill. ter this part of the evening. Be sure you are a member so that you can get these wonderful buys. You can join at the Daffodil Show on May 8. May 8 is a great day. That is also the time when members get their premiums. If you, as a member, can’t pick up your pre- mium, please see that it is pick- ed up for you as the uncalled for premiums will be sold. - When you get your chrsyanthe- mums, plant them in a sunny lo- cation in good well-drained soil. Don’t let them get dry. Set them out 12 to 17 inches apart. Give each plant a handful of complete plant food. If you chose del- phiniums as your premium put them in a sheltered spot if you can. These plants do best in a sunny, well-drained place in your garden. Surviving is one son, Jack, of Kleinburg, a niece Mrs. Roy 0’- Connor and nephew James Doyle. Mrs. Lynett was an active member during her lifetime of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, in Richmond Hill, and was its old- est member. She was active in church work and through this and her activity and interest in village life acquired a host of friends. During World War I Mrs. Lynett took an active part in Red Cross work. Terence O’Brien, Jr.. brother of the groom was best man. The ushers were Monty O’Brien, Ger- vase O’Brien and Ernest Jenkins. During the signing of the reg- ister a lovely rendition of “Be- cause†was sung by Mrs. Con- stance Savage. The wedding breakfast was held in the dining room of the Richmond Theatre Grill where the bride's mother received in a Lavender lace dress with a corsage of pale yellow ros- es. The groom's mother assisted her in a gown of grey lace with corsage of yellow roses. After the breakfast, a recep- tion was held at Casa Blanca, Richvale, home of the groom’s parents. For a wedding trip to Montreal, P.Q. the bride chose a Mauve suit and floral coolie hat with grey accessories. She carried a grey fur jacket, a gift of the groom. The bride’s headdress, brides- maids ’hats, and hats worn by the principals of the wedding par- ty were all created by Rudolph of Toronto. floor-length yellow nylon gown with a matching yellow flowered hat and carried a nosegay of Spring flowers. Richmond Hill and District Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society wishes to announce that speakers are available to any in- terested groups. The panel con- sists of Dr. Lillian Langstaff, Mrs. H. H. MacKay. Mrs. W. C. Cowan and Mrs. J. E. Smith of Richmond Hill; Mrs. Gordon Pur- ves of Buttonville; Dr. R. J. Steele, Thornhill, and H. E. Le- Masnrier of Langstaff. Address requests to the chair- man. Mrs. Malcolm Thomson, 109 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill or Turner 4-1364. HARDEN, Rose â€"â€" At the Toron- to General hospital, Sunday, May 2, 1954, Rose Harden, of 21 Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill. widow of Harold Harden. dear mother of Mrs. Taggart (Jean) of Kingston and Cyril, at home. Resting at Wright and Taylor’s funeral home, Richmond Hill. Service on Wednesday at 2 o’clock. Inter- ment Prospect Cemetery. Cancer Society Chooses Panel You can’t beat Craigie’s for satisfaction â€" with mer- chandise and service. LYNETT, Margaret M. â€" At Our Lady of Mercy Hospital, on Tuesday, May 4. 1954, Margar- et M.. beloved wife of the late Frederick Lynett, Richmond Hill, dear mother of Jack and aunt of Mrs. Roy O’Connor, James Doyle and the late Mrs. James Hammall. Funeral on Thursday from the F. Lynett Funeral Home, 3299 Dundas St. West, Toronto, at 9.30 am. to St. Mary‘s Church, Rich- mond Hill for Mass at 10.30 a. m. Interment St. Luke's Cem- etery, Thornhlll. *1w45 Mrs. Rose “Harden, 21 Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill, who had lived in the village for the past six years, died at the Toronto General Hospital on May 2 at the age of 63. Mrs. Harden had en- joyed fairly good health until last Christmas. Born in Sussex, England, Mrs. Harden came to Richmond Hill from Toronto. She was prede- ceased by her husband, Harold _Harden, who died in 1930. f Surviving relatives are one daughter Mrs. Taggart (Jean). of Kingston, and a son Cyril of Richmond Hill; and three grand- children. The funeral service was from Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, on Wednesday at 2 pm. Rev. C. H. Higginson conducted the service. Interment was in Prospect Cemetery, Tor- onto. LANCELLOS â€" In loving mem- ory of Sophie Lancellos of Scotland, who passed away May 5, 1653, while holidaying in Canada. One year has passed since that Pallbearers were Roy Masters, William Ellison, William Web- ber and George Ducker. In ï¬lemuriams BASKERVILLE â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mo- ther. Elsie Elizabeth Basker- ville, who passed away May 7, 1950. In our hearts your memory lin- gers, Sweetly tender. fond and true, There is not a day, dear mother, That we do not think of you. â€" Lovingly remembei'ed by husband Silas, Beulah and James. *1w45 sad day The one we loved was called away. God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts, she liveth still. â€" Lovingly remembered by Alec, Isabelle and family, also by daughters and son in Scotland. *1w45 gag vsuow sum m «’7Tflnkl’fn IQ unq Mlgs. 1:951; HARDEN @hituarie {TOBACCO .‘s not NICOTINEm 3:. fleatbs TU. 4--2063 *1w45 IICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH In. c. G. HigginsOn, 3A.. 3.3.. Mhis‘er SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 MOTHERS’ DAY 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Mother‘s Day Service 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer May 16 â€" Anniversary Services. preacher Dr. George C. Pidgeon The glorious news that Jesus Christ arose from the dead is the good news we teach. Surely all parents want their children to know the Person and power of the Risen Lord. Why not bring your children to our Mission and support it? Special choir of mothers 10 mm. â€"â€" Church School Sunday School Mother of the Year will be presented with a bouquet of flowers 'I p.m. â€" Evening Worship Richmond Lodge members will attend this service. 3rd After Easter MOTHERS’ DAY ‘Behold, I am alive for evermore’ 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School RICHMOND BILL PBESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. MAY 9. 1954 MOTHERS‘ DAY I! am. â€" Worship Service CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. MAY 9, 1954 Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. 1). 11 am. â€" Divine Worship Festival of the Christian Home LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. A. R. Jones Service. Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.m -- Prayer Meeting Thurs. 2 pm. â€" Women's Mia- slonary meeting ’I‘gesday, 8 pm. â€" Young Peop- le’s Meeting '81'. BARNABAS MISSION Anglican Richvale - Langstnfl’ District fleets every Sunday morning in the Howitt School SUNDAY, MAY 9. 1954 MOTHERS’ DAY ‘,Forsake not the law of thy mother" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Teen-age Bible Class 11 am. -â€" Holy Baptism 8; The Litany Sermon â€" “A Good Mother†Junior Congregation 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer and The Rector WEDNESDAY â€" Mid-week Bible Fellowship Slides on the Rural Training School Lord, let not groundless fears destroy The mercies now possessed; I’ll praise for blessings I enjoy, And trust for all the rest. SUNDAY. MAY 9, 1954 11 a.m. â€" Sermon ‘The Gospel and Man’s Dilemma 11.15 am. â€" Sunday School Saturday 7.30 p.m. â€"â€" The Young Life Club will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Aris, 19 Meadowview Blvd. and Mother's Day 0 pm. â€" Evening Service 5 7.3 9.4 a.m. â€" Sunday School Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 2.30 pm. â€" Church Service and Sunday School RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST MISSION SUNDAY, MAY 9. 1954 Sunday School . . . . . . . . . . 3 pm. Gospel Service . . . . . . . . 7 pm. Masonic Hall, Just north of Stop light All welcome. SPECIAL : The boys and girls are asked to bring their mothers on Mother's day ,to hear Rev. Mr. E. Bailey from Christian Alliance Church (HORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Seniors and Intermediates 11 am. â€" Nursery (2-3 yrs.) Beginner, Primary, Junior All welcome Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 an. PHILL. 2, v. 5: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus_ Hour, CHML 9 é.m. Sunday 3 pm. â€" Sunday School A flower for every mother pres- ent. Mrs. Margaret Scott, Soloist Convention of Ontario & Quebec Rev. Percy C. Buck, 3A., 3. TI. “The Friendly Church" SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 11 am. Mother’s Day Service â€" Theme, “A Mother â€" One of the Best" Dedication Service Minister, Rev. Calvin Chunben. Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Sunday School Thomhfll Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector 81'. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. TIL. SUNDAY, MAY 9. 1954 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH THORNHILL PBESBYTEBIAN CHUBCE CHURCH OF CHRIST 3rd After Easter NOTICE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., May 6, 1954 Edgeley Afternoon Worship . .. . 2.30 p.m. Sunday School . . . . . . 1.30 p.m. Hope Church Service ...... 10.30 am. Sunday School .. . . . . 11.30 11.111. Maple Sunday School ...... 10.15 mm. Church Service . . . . . . 11.30 am. MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. E. H. Unstead, Minister (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. E. J. Fischer SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 Morning Service Sunday School 10 a.m Church Service .. . . . . . . 11 am NIW'I'ONBBOOK 3m CHURCH One Block :m of You†On Madawuska Ave., Stop "I Pastor F. Vaughan, B. TI. MOTHERS’ DAY SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School Qualiï¬ed Teachers Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. â€" Morning Worship The pastor will bring a special Mother’s Day message. The choir will sing. Flowers will be pres- nolds died at the Village of Map- le, in the said County of York, on the ninth day of February. 1954, and any persons having claims against the said estate are required to ï¬le same with the un- dersigned on or before the ï¬f- teenth day of May, 1954, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to claims ï¬led. ' By WALSH AND WALSH, 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto Their Solicitors. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of April, 1954. . MORLEY KINNEE and AEMILIUS WILSON, Executors, ented ’to all mothers preseht‘ 4 pm. â€" Evening Service IT’S FAMIL‘Y NIGHT The pastor continues the series on “Letters to the Seven Church- esâ€. The choir will provide spec- ial music. There will be a pres- entation to the largest family present. COME TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY!, T0 CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARRY REY- NOLDS, late of the Village of Maple, in the County of science this Sunday evening. Mr. Fred Peer, well-known Bib- le teacher will begin a series of addresses dealing with many per- tinent Bible questions for the month of June, beginningMay 30 PLAN TO ATTEND Belleville, Ont. Also see “God of Creationâ€, a natural-color sound ï¬lm produc- ed by the Moody Bible Institute School of Science. Don't miss this wonderful colored sermon on SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 10 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Class 7 p.m. â€" Evening Service Speaker Frgd Iieer, formerly of A L L M A K E S Washing Machines Repaired BUT IT WON’T KEEP YOU WARM TUrner 4 - 1851 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH TAKE NOTICE that Harry Rey- of Maple, in t York, deceased Thornqm, Ont. SUNDAY, MAY 9, 1954 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. TU. 4-1541 See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. I ONES COAL CO. NOTICE Richvale Enquire About Pledge Cards Chapel Oak Avenue lmitaï¬on may be flatteryâ€" Yonge Street A: Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners) OIL TREATED There’s no ï¬ner coal in the world than .this famous Pennsylvania hard coal. For more than eighty years it has been giving complete heat- ing satisfaction in millions of homes. This winter. don’t be satisï¬ed with less than the best. Phone us for Red Trademarked Famous Read- ing Anthracite. \SPECIALS Apple Juice Bran Flakes AYLMER FANCY Peaches KELLOGG’S Sunkist Oranges Selt Serve RICHMOND HILL Javex New Potatoes MITCHELL’S No-RubbingWax :2? 45c FRESH DAILY LocalAsparagus CALIFORNIA CONCENTRATED :3:- 15c :15.“ 25c Dog Food N0. 1 FLORIDA MORLEY’S Tomatoes 2 :13 31c MAPLE LEAF Weiners OLD ENGLISH CUDNEY CHOICE SOCIETY Size 288’s 29c nu. Large Pkg. 20 oz. MARKET PRICES Cello Pkg. Richmond lwlill tbs. AVenue 5-1143 23c 15c HALVES 25c 25c