Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 May 1954, p. 12

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12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., May 20, 1954 A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames King Sideroad LlFE INSURANCE! A NEW SAVINGS INCENTIVE PLAN AVAILABLE ONLY AT . . . EMA/CE OF 7716‘ OLD WORM Ill 77/5 #54270; 70/30le A films :49: com (14/770955 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL 8. PUBLICITY MON. 1.. r. CECIlE, o.c., mmsrsn Store Fixtures (INT/131019 ll/(ES A'le fiVfA’S [Mt/EMA” 5EAWSPO7'5 WHERE YOU'LL BE FASC/NATED BY ms 624N050! OF NATURE. Ask for our free descriptive booklet or write to your nearest branch of The Bank of Nova Scotia Mb WW, your Ontario Travel Hostess, invites you to use this coupon for m FREE information about Ontario. at no cost to you Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES plus Sash General Woodworkhg ES TU. 4-2550 TU. 4-2550 Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mathieson all from Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Donaldson, Carrvllle Rd., W. Don Spears, Roosevelt Drive, celebrated his seventh birthday with a party on Saturday, May 15. His guests were: Linda and Nancy Nelson, Trudy Gordon, John Brash, Bill Radnor, David Lunua, Chucky Parker, Wayne Winter- field, Billy and Jimmy Perry, Gary Markle, Don’s older brother Bob, younger sister and brother Sally and Stephen. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lambie and San ta of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bailey, Avenue Road. Mrs. M. Bailey of Forest Hill, Toronto, spent Sunday with her son Mr. E. Bailey and family of Avenue Road. Beverly Markle, Trudy Peck. Diane Hall. all of Westwood Lane and students of Mrs. Austin’s School of Dancing, Thornhill took part in the recital held Wed. and Friday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Quantz, Toronto, have taken up residence on Roosevelt Drive in the house formerly occupied by Mrs. Rad- ner. Mr. and Mrs. R. Duval, Carr- ville Rd. E., attended the T.C.A. bowling-banquet held at Wilson Height Gardens, Toronto on Fri- day evening May 14 Mr. H. A. Nixon from Moncton, N.B., is visiting with his daugh- ter with his daughter, Mrs. W. Norris J12, Birch Avenue Mrs. Wm. Mirrlees, Duncan Rd., spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. T. Armstrong in Stayner. New rural mailboxes (King size) containing 10 cubicles for mail, have been erected on Yonge St. for the use of resi- dents of Westwood Lane and Roosevelt Drive. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hewston and Miss Jafiray, all of Toronto vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hewston, Carrville Rd. W., on Sunday. Arc & Gas Welding Personals Mr. and Mrs. B. Over of South Bend. Indiana, were recent vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Turnbull. Carrville Rd. 1N. Government Certified Welder Comer Clark & Hendérson PORTABLE EQUIPMENT AND GENERAL GARAGE REPAIRS Oscar’s Garage AVenue 5-2288 Are you eligible? Yes, if you‘re under 46 and over 6 and in good health. You, your wife and your children can all participate in individual plansâ€"one of the finest ways to encourage your youngsters to save! What about payments? Eas ! You make them monthly in person or by mail. An your payments earn interest. Medical examination ? No. You just have to let us know you’re in good health. Who pays the insurance premiums? The Bank of Nova Scotia. Can you cancel the contract? Certainly ! At any time. You get back all you have paid in, plus interest, minus a charge to cover the Bank’s services. ,- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. STANLEY FICHT RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU. 4-3023 Hugh Adams. Birch Ave. is progressing favourably after a bout of pneumonia}. The 2nd company of Richvale Guides won the shield at the Di- visional Rally held at Richmond Hill, Saturday, May 18. with the 2nd Company of Guides placing fourth. The Brownies won third place. A great deal of credit is due the leaders of these organizations who spend their time and effort in training the girls. The leaders of the 2nd Richvale Co. of Guides are Mrs. Gottschalk and Mrs. Bradshaw; lst Company, Mrs, Lawson, Mrs. Jarman; Brownies, Mrs. Bigley, Mrs. Norman, Mrs. Paul DiEtrict Commissioner. Meeting There were 19 mothers present at the last meeting of the season of the Richvale Assoc. of Guides and Brownie Mothers held at the home of Mrs. Jarman. Spruce Ave.. Thursday evening. May 13. Plans were made for camping re guides and brownies. Before the meeting closed, Mrs. R .. Paul, District Commissioner for Guides who is retiring, was presented with a silver dish in appreciation of her work during the last five HDavid ‘Baker. Edgar Ave. was rushed to hospital Monday morn- ing for an appendectomy. Mr. Charles Fagan, 222 Oak Ave.. has returned to work after a recent illness. Guides & Brownies years A girls' softball league has been formed which will be known as the K. V. W. for King, Vaughan and Whitchurch. The teams playing in the league will be from King, Maple, Vellore and Oak Ridges. The president of the league is Clark Archibald of King, secretary.tneasurer Mrs. Robert Woolley, Oak Ridges; dir- ectors John Dew, King. Tom Tay- lor. Vellore, Herb Joslln, Maple, and E C. Hawman. Oak Ridges. Mrs. Duckett. Westwood Lane returned home May 14 after a two week visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Patterson, Belleville, New Jersey. Richvale Chapel “Voice of the Deep" is the scientific colour film to be shown at the Chapel on Sunday May 23. It deals with underwater sights and sounds. Sick List Any girls interested in joirfing a team, contact Mrs. Robert Woolley at TU. 4-2578. Form Girls’ Ball Team Miss Dinah Wilcox entertain- ed her friends at her birthday party o_n Sgturday. The May meeting of the Tem- peranceville W.I. was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Thompson on May 12. The roll call ‘A basic difi‘erence in people’ was replied to by both humor and noticeable characteristic differences in peo- ple’s personalities. During the business period it was decided that the W.I. would have a dis- play of hobbies at the Aurora Horse Show. A trip to Hamilton is being planned on June 2. Anyâ€" one wishing to take this trip con- tact Mrs. Everett Phillips or Mrs. Nelson Thompson. Those canvassing for the Red Shield campaign collected $100.00 for this fund. Gormley Women’s Institute generously donated $30.00 to the Women’s Auxiliary of York Coun- ty Hospital. Other donations re- ceived from Institutes and friends of the Hospital include preserved fruit and jam, apples and vege- tables. Two wheel chairs pur- chased recently by the Auxiliary are already in use at the hospital. Guests, patients and staff all en- joyed the “open house” held on Hospital Day, May 12, atvthe York County Hospital in Newmarket. High School students were spec- ial guests and toured the hospital in large groups. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ellas (Betty Bovair) who were married on Saturday in Victoria Square United Church. - A miscellaneous shower was held on Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hawkâ€" ins in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewellyn (Norma Sider) of Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pattenden and family left this week for their home in North Bay. Mrs. Patten- den and the children have been staying with Mrs. Pattenden’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ste- venson since before Christmas. Congratplations to Patsy and John Kerr and Donna Constable on the fine performance they gave at the dance recital last Fri- day evening. W.M.S. Mrs. ,Bovair of Midland is spendi g this week with Mr. and Mrs .Roy Bovair. Mrs. Beulah Jones had supper on Sunday with Mrs. Ida Leary. Miss Luella Heise, Miss Wes- The May meeting of the St. Paul’s W.M.S. was held at the J. Efian last Thurs- Mrs .Howard Clark was nomin- ated honorary president and was the only great grandmother pres- ent at this grandmother’s meet- ing. day afternoon. Mrs. L. Egan, Mrs. J. McNeil and Mrs. G. Bur- bidge assisted Mrs. H. Ballan- tyne with the program covering Chaptey 4 of the Study Book. Further discussion and com- pletion of arrangements were made for the W.M.S. Sectional noon dinner next Wednesday, May 26, at which the St. Paul's ladies are catering. It was also decided to enter- tain the Mission Band at an early evening meeting on June 10 at the church, when the bale will be packed and the children will en- joy games and refreshments. Institute For the June lst meeting of the Vellore Women’s Institute, a representative from the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests is go- ing to show colored pictures which should prove very interest ing to all. Mrs. Fish of Aurora spoke of her very great respect for the Women’s Institutes. Speaking of comic books and the influence they have on children, the speak- er suggested that this might be a project for future action. The Council of Women is already pro- testing the covers of these and other literature and with the great influence of a group of women much would be accomâ€" plished in this regard. Mrs. Fish spoke of a housewife whose in- terest in another, a Russian who was to be returned to Russia ag- ainst her will, said “If it isn’t our business whose business is it?” She felt she must do some- On What Children Eat While it haslbeen known for a long time that there is a definite relation between what children eat and the way they perform in school, the results of a recent sur- vey in a neighbouring city are rather startling. Children Meeting the Regu- (2 or more servings) . 49% Meat (1 serving) Milk (1 or more servings) . 95% Only one child out of four had a good breakfast and on- lar Daily Rehuirements Citrus Fruit \1 or more servings) . 27% Green & Yellow Vegetable (1 or more servings) . 37% Other Vegetables & Fruits 1y one in three a good lunch or dinner. At the same time many children had numer- ous servings of soft drinks. cake ,etc. CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.D.H DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK THE M.O.H. REPORTS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 3. KING Phone TU. 4-3059 3 or more servings . 65% CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED ‘ Phone stoutmue 67104 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT â€" Mrs. Thomas Taylor VELLORE NEWS Telephone Maple 1891131 GORMLEY 43% Mr. and Mrs. Ora Ramer Markham were supperguests Mr. and Mrs. George Barrett Saturday night. Study â€" Tweedsmuir History Material, Mrs. R. Smith. Program â€" Citizenship and Education by the convenor, Mrs. H. Moorby. Sale of Plants. Hostesses â€" Miss Armstrong and Mrs. H. Moorby. A Mi. and Mrs. C. Milsted‘ had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Smith of Queens- ville. The Gormley branch of the W. I. will meet on Wednesday. June 2. at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. Roll call Did you vote? If not, why not? Mrs. 'Johfi Bond is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Brown of Toronto. Emily Murphy who lives at Churchill, was the instigator of court proceedings which passed the legislation enabling Canad- ian women to become members of the Senate. We now have four women in the Senate. lay of Willowdale and Mrs. T. Bossert of Boyle are enjoying a motor trip to Virginia: Master_ Mervin_ Kelly enter- tained his friends on Monday on She occasion of his eighth birth- ay. Sports It looks mighty like the start of the ball season with the opening game against Richmond Hill at Vellore on Thursday, May 20. fol- lowed by another game at Vellore against Elia on Monday, May 24. thing about injustice and start- ed a train of events which led to the release of the Russian wo- man. The very lovely solo, “Mother Machree" was sung by Mrs. Fred Boys. Mrs. Fred Hare was her accompanist. We are pleased to report Mrs. Ralph Empringham is able to be home from Toronto General Hos- pital and Mrs. Earl Empringham is home from York County Hos- pital, NewmarketL The following teams comprise the men's league: Richmond Hill, Vellore, Downsview, Concord, Maple, Elia. Mrs. Charles Henshaw thanked Mrs. Fish for her inspiring words. The players are sizing up nice- ly and we expect big things this season. so we want a lot of local support. With Mrs. Fred Hare conduct- ing the auction sale, a number of articles chiefly aprons, brought proceeds amounting to $20.00. The sale was fun and proved to be a very easy way in which to boost our funds. Our appreciation to all who donated and purchased articles. K warning to all players to be on the playing field by 7.15. At the meeting in King for the setting-up of ofiicers for the girls league, the name of K.V.W. Girls' Softball League was adopted (the K.V.W. standing for King, Vaugh- an and Whitchurch Townships). The following officers were el- ected: President Clarke Archi- bald, King; sec.-treas., Mrs. W. R. Woolley, Oak Ridges; directors Herb Joslin, Maple. Tom Taylor. Vellore, Capt. E. C. Hawman, Oak Ridges; John Dew, King. Mrs. Kay Hefiron, Vellore, has consented to assist in organizing the Vellore girls. Any of our 10- cal girls wishing to try for the team kindly contact Mrs. Heffron, Miss S. Kerr has been elected captain of the girls team. The Vellore 'Athletic Club has in preparation a draw to assist our local sports. A very delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Charles Henshaw, Mrs. Norman Rumble and Mrs. W. Jennings. Personals Mr. and Mrs. A. Simpson and Mrs. Simpson Sr. of Toronto were guests of Mr and Mrs. E. Simpson on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs: Aubrey McGill and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. E. Paxton. Little Peter and Mrs. Harvey Mashinter are spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Byne of Toronto. Mr .and Mrs. VErik Thomen spent Sunday in Cobourg with Mrs. Thomen’s parents. 21/2-3-4 yr. olds 9-12.00 a.m. 41/2 & 5 yr. olds 1.30 - 4 p.m. Registration up to June 18 for information telephone TU. 4-2879 Send for used motor and boat list. Expert Motor Repair Service. Re-opens - Sept. 1 Three and Four Nursery School CLOSING JUNE 18TH Morrison’s Sporting Goods EVINRUDE MOTORS Newmarket, Ontario New & Used Tariff Rates oxv mun aMARKHAM'fi 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY, 7 8c 9 RM. SATURDAY MATINEE, 2 RM. Manna" MAc RAE x GENE NELSON Pdwm v.“ vâ€" lIhI-VVII ucunuc bIVUl unmmuunc can" an n ROLAND KIBBEE 5 DEVERX EHEEIMII Indâ€"Aâ€" MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY MAME Norman Wisdom & Massey-Harris Clipper Combine, completely over. hauled ' Massey-Harris 8-foot Power Binder 28” Case Thresher 22” Waterloo Thresher 24” Mount Forest Thresher 4-foot Massey-Harris Goble Disc (Demonstrator) 2 No. 44 Massey-Harris Tractors No. 101 Junior Massey-Harris Tractor Ford Tractor with Plow, Loader, and 6’ Mower Massey-Harris No. Hayloader (new) Used Tractor Plows (various makes) Massey-Harris “Pony” Tractor and Implements ‘ ANOTHER OLD-FASHIONED INSTITUTION WE DONT HEAR SO MUCH ABOUT IQ THE WEDDING ANNIVERSARY”! Giant Twin Comedy All Laugh Show 3 Fun Filled, Laugh-Packed Days FEE SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY TEACHER OF BALLET PRESENTS in this year’s recital 4 NEW BALLET PRESENTATIONS Dean Martin - Jerry Lewis plus " Money From Home” DORIS POLLOCK Trinity Church Parish Hall BROOK ST., THORNHILL FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1954 AT 8 :15 RM. ADMISSION 50c Tickets at. the door or call AV. 5-1318 " Trouble In Store” and DIVERTISSEMENTS Margaret Rutherford DON’T MISS THIS SAM LEVENE GEORGE GIVOT i The old-fashioned institution of fair dealing is kept very much alive here. “3%? 9m. JACK E. lEONARD

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