8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond H311, Thurs†May 20, 1964f Mrs. J. Boson Elected President Concord Home & School Assoc. The election of officers of the Concord Home and School Assoc~ lation for 1954â€"55 term was held The following were elected: President, Mrs. J. Boron; vice- president. Warren Bailie; record- ing secretary, Mrs. J. Whaley; corresponding secretary, Mrs. R. Mills; treasurer. Bert Witty; ex- ecutive members, Mrs. H. Clapp, Stan. Keffer, Mrs. J. Sissons, Wm. Baker, Mrs. M. Gilbert. These officers were inducted by Mrs. Morris, representing the York-Simcoe Council of Home and Schools. The retiring president. Mrs. R. M. McLean was presented with a corsage and pen in apprecia- tion of the service she has ren- dered the Home and School As- sociation in the past two years W. S. COOK, Editor The Richmond Hill Arena Associa- tion this week launched a campaign to raise $50,000. to provide artiï¬cial ice for the local arena. In promoting the cam- paign the members of the Arena Assoc- iation are rendering a commendable public service and we wish them every success. For many years this community has suffered the loss of healthful winter recreation because the arena is not equipped to provide artiï¬cial ice. The success of the current campaign will correct this deï¬ciency in our recreation- al accommodation. Lauriu Motor Sales M “ubu ............. In the years following World War 11 many communities throughout Ontario got busy and acquired artiï¬cial ice. This was accomplished in Unionville, Stouff- ville, Nobleton, Woodbridge, Aurora, Newmarket, Sutton and other York “Annuity u... v . V . . 7, County centres. There was some talk of a project here but it failed to material- ize, and as far as artiï¬cial ice is conâ€" cerned Richmond Hill missed the boat. Everyone recognized the desirability of such a project, but any plans which were suggested failed to materialize. Telephone TUrner 4-1261 "Authorized as second class mail, Post Oflice Departmen‘t; Subscription Rate for a brand new motoring experience Brand New Pow". New V8 Power in the SPECIALâ€"increaaod power in the V8 engines of the SUPER and ROADMASTERâ€" cyclonic power in the CENTURY. Million Dollar Ride. languished wheelbases and new front-end suspension give new riding smoodmsss and new handling one. Moï¬ buoyant . . . superbly balanced. Room-RM! lMsrlon. Mole space in the mmp‘eVJy new bodies â€"â€"more beauty with fashion Edwina and trim combined in new- ful elogsnec. WIdo-Swlnglna Deon. Nev "(agent from door: widen the doorway areas of II! ‘5‘ Mn. make it easiot to nap in and atop out. High-Visible lam-Id Funds. A handsome double-roll design with receuod Gale Ind aircraft-kype controls gives you easier rending oflnamntaâ€"plua new knee room in the from seat. Full Wid'h VOMlldw. Hood level ï¬entilamr high above the fumes and heat 0! the road brings in cooler. (tuber air. ‘Fu Exm: Good Meow". Wonderful cumm‘ optiom such u Tm‘n Turbine Dynaflow. Power Steering. Power Brakes. Electric Window Lifls. Power Ponlï¬oned From Sean. Wire Wheels, Air Condi‘ioning and other pleasure-giving feamrea. SAMPLE-DRIVE A BUICK An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 " VVVV / n Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c Single Copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association ' J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher tithe liberal The reports of the various committees indicated the Home and School had successfully per- formed its function, to foster bet- ter understanding between the home and the school and to aid the school in its functions in var- ious positive ways, one way be- ing the presentation of $100 worth of new books for the school lib- rary. There were received from the association by L. T. Redman, who represented the school board. and her efforts in the formation of the Association. Congratulations are in order for Warren. Bailie who is the new vice president for the West Area in the York-Simone Coun- cil The Banner for the best parent attendance was won by the Inter- mediate room. Sound Now the Arena Association has pres- ented a plan which is sound, feasible, and well within the means of the com- munity. It is proposed to form'a non- proï¬t corporation, raise $50,000. by the sale of $10. debentures, lease the arena from the municipality and install arti- ï¬cial ice. The arena will be operated by the Association and the debenture hold- ers repaid as operating proï¬ts permit. The experience of recent years is proof that natural ice arenas in this area do not ï¬ll the need for providing ice sport facilities for our people. If we want our young folks to have the advantages of ice sports here, we must provide artiï¬cial ice. We think it is important that this be done. Investment We trust the canvassers for this project will meet with a ready and gen- erous reception. Those who purchase the debentures offered by the Richmond Hill‘ Arena Association are really mak- ing an investment in good citizenship. The investment we are sure will pay a rich dividend community. ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor â€" a healthier and happier Markham Issues 37 Building Permits In his report for April Mark- ham township Building Inspector W. Craig stated that his depart- ment issued 37 building permits during the past month to cover a total construction costing an es- timated $186,580.00. Total fees collected amounted to $404.00. Septic tank fees collected amounâ€" ted to $42.00. The only major item of com- mercial construction is planned by Imperial Oil Limited who will erect a $14,000 service station on the 4th Concession. In the matter of residential de- velopment Mr. W. B. Moore will erect a $16,000 home on lot 9, concession 8. Mr. Herbert Birch will build a $15,000 home on lot 4, concession 2. Mr. R. N. Briden took out a permit to erect a $12.- 000 home on lots 24 and 25 in Concession 1. Mr. Leonard Wal- len plans to construct a $11,000 home on lot 4, concession 1. HE outlook is Wide. and bright for new Buick owners. . They see the world through a magniï¬cent sweep of g' in the new panoramic windshield. The wrap-around area gives 19% more_visibility to the front and the sides. Corner post "blind-spots†have been taken out for gfety and wider vision. Take a good look at the next Buick you meet. You’ll know it by its slr°k, swift and glamorous lines. It’s altogether different in a pattern of broadness that gives new symmetry of line. It’s still unmistakably Buick, but a new kind of car. And there’s much more than a "new look†to these great new Buicks. There’s brand new power. a better-than-ever Million Dollar ride, new front suspemion. new fuel economy, and a host of other advancements. Want to know more? See these new Buicks at your Buick dealer's. try them, price themâ€"and you‘ll know what beautiful buys they are in every way. I ,, Ottawa†NEWTONBROOK ONT Overcrowding ls Deplored In Report “When a 10-room school has had its capacity increas- ed to a 15-room school by the creation of ï¬ve temporary classrooms Within the original structure, it follows that many conditions far short of ideal are bound to exist,†stated Inspector George Noble in part of his report which was read at last Thursday’s meeting of Richmond Hill Pub- lic School Board. Inspector Noble pointed out, however, that solutions to some of the problems raised in his mem- orandum would be extremely difficult as long as over- crowding exists. Sections of Mr. Noble’s report were read at the meeting upon requests of ratepayers present, these sections referring to pupils’ work and accommodation. Re- ports on personnel were witheld because of their conï¬den- tial nature. Lighting, ventilation, heating, cleanliness, seating problems, limited blackboard space as well as jump- promotion and too large classes were noted, in some cases, as unsatisfactory factors. Inspector Reports Continuing, in regards to ac- commodation in the main buildâ€" ing. Mr. Noble’s report stated the regular classrooms in the older part of the building were spacâ€" ioushand those with the cloakâ€" rooms at the front have a greatly reduced front blackboard area. Artiï¬cial lighting in the older classrooms, he said. is not design- ed to give the duller side of the rooms or the blackboards requir- ed intensity of illumination. No light-meter tests were taken, but the general impression gained was one of inadequacy. A num- ber of the fluorescent tubes in various ï¬xtures were not operat- ing when inspected. Ventilation in these classrooms could be greatly improved by the provision of glass deflectors on at least two of the windows in each class- room. Storage space is generally inadequate. The regular classrooms in the newer parts of the building. the report said, were generously pro- portioned and well-lighted. Ven- tilation is possible by direct ad- mission of outside air, but there did not appear to be any provis- ion for preventing drafts. The mechanical ventilation system does \not appear to be operating. The three temporary classrooms in the auditorium (rooms 17. 18, and 19) have just fair artiï¬cial lighting and very inadequate ventilation. the report read. The access to rooms 18 and 19 is dirv ectly through room 17. This was a very distracting condition. Of the three rooms. room 18 was the only one .which began to meet minimum accommodation stan- dards.‘ The two temporary basement classrooms have reasonably ade- quate nraitural Iight_. Room 7: Mr Noble reporYed, appeared A General Melon Valu- of glass area difficult to heat. but could be ventilated during non-teaching periods by using theAexhpust fan: In actual practice the fan. said the inspector, did not appear to be used extensivelv. Room “‘ i: ventilated by the direct admission of outside air, with no draft con- trol. The building appeared none too clean during the period of inspec- tion. Mr. Noble pointed out in his report. “The conditions of the grounds was a contributing fac- tor, but lack of organization in the caretaking service appeared to be a factor also. Mud tracked into the entries was not removed fol- lowing assembly, and was carried to all parts of the building as the day wore on. Each new assem- bly added to the accumulation. The kindergarten floor was es- pecially dirty. This floor should receive some attention between morning and afternoon sessions. If the caretaking staff were en- couraged to paint unï¬nished ad- ditions and alterations in the classrooms. the appearance of the building would be considerably enhanced. In referring to the accommoda- tion.‘ in the Municipal Hall, the report stated Room 12 had ade- quate light, rather limited black- board space. and appears hard to heat. Room 13 is not well lighted and also appears difficult to heat. The fact that water and toilet fa- cilities are limited and semi-pub- lic creates problems, but the tea- chers appeared to have adequate organizational procedures to care for these problems. The playâ€" ground facilities are an asset. Pupils are well supervised at all times. The rapid influx of Young child- ren has created some seating pro- blems. In room 14 especially. it was noted many seats were too large for the pupils, this situation creating postural and writing problems, The smaller children cannot reach the fountains in the basement without dangerous gymnastics. The cleanliness and general ef- ï¬iciency of the kindergarten room could be improved if ward- robes or rod coat hanger ar- rangements and overshoe shelves were provided for the use of these children in the front entry hall of the building." At the Orange Home, Mr. Nob- le’s report continued that in‘ Room 11 the artiï¬cial lighting is poor and temperature control is sometimes difficult. The tempor- ary front blackboard and the un- avoidable intrusion of the sound of activities beyond the partition separating. the two classrooms cause some inconvenience. Room 9 was stated as small, hard to ventilate and maintain at a com- fortable temperature and poorly lighted. Room‘8 was said to be reasonably well lighted naturally. The artiï¬cial lighting was said inadequate for blackboard use on a dull day. There does not appear to be undue intrusion of sound from the adjoining classroom. Emergency exit is via a wooden ladder up the wall to a ground level window. An air-condition- ing unit has been installed. Ac- cess is through Room 3 only. Room 3 has adequate natural light, the report said. The black- board lighting is inadequate. The room is less adapted to class- room use than Room 8. The con- tinuous operation of the refrig- eration unit makes concentration difficult. Emergency exit is via a wooden ladder up to the wall to a ground level window. Water and toilet facilities are adequate but inconveniently lo- cated. Good organization has in large part overcome this prob- lem. A drinking fountain acces- sible to rooms 3 and 8 would be a deï¬nite asset. " In referring to pupils’ work, the Inspector’s report stated that because of ‘the limited opportun- ity for participation in so large a group the kindergarten children have not developed self-reliance to any marked extent, and have had to be manipulated through many of the activities. Language and speech growth was reported as encouraging as was intellec- tual readiness for reading and number experiences. ' Three of the four Grade 1 classes revealed a disturbing de- gree of immaturity in behaviour and work habits. Achievement has coincided generally with ab- ility. Independence in reading is relatively undeveloped. Progress in the Grade 2 class- es has been generally satisfac- tory. Mr. Noble stated in his re- port. Greater emphasis upon language a_sp_ects of reading was port. Greater emphasis upon language aspects of reading was recommended. The Grade 3 classes are making good progress on the whole. The Grade 4 pu- pils are making fair to well above average progress. Some of the Grade 5 pupils who were “jump promoted†from Grade 3- to Grade 5 are experiencing diï¬i- culty with the Grade 5 program. So, too, are some‘ of the Grade 6 pupils who were “jump-promot- ed" two years ago. Generally speaking, the report said, Grades 5, 6, 7 and 8, aside from the us- ual number of slow learners. are making highly satisfactory pro- gress. “There are a number of speech problems and cases of extreme learning disability represented in the school. In a school system as large and as cosmopolitan as Richmond Hill’s. such problems are bound to occur. When accom- modation becomes somewhat more stabilized, a survey might be undertaken to help locate and make organized administrative provision for meeting the needs of these children." In reply to the Inspector's Re- port the Board stated it realized these conditions existed but was unable to do anything about the situation until the new school is built. Trustee Tinker stated the caretaking, “isn't as bad as it sounds. The inspection was taken during a muddy season plus the fact there is not adequate school yard to accommodate the pupils. We could clean the school possib- ly three or four times a day. We haven’t shelved this report by any means but have taken action on matters which can be remedied." Several questions were asked by other ratepayers at the meet- ing, Mrs. Barbara Langstaff en- quiring as to the improvements to the school library. Secretary James Grainger read from the report “supplementary reading and the library were being added to regularly." L. D. Clement. president of the Home and School Association, who was present at the meeting stated the Board should be pleas- ed to receive such a report be- cause it gave support to their ac- tions regarding a new school. The subject of staggered classes and the kindergarten were also discussed. Principal Scott stating he was having dif- ï¬culty organizing a schedule. that even it top teachers were placed in charge of these classes the pu- pils were bound to lose under the staggered system which will be- gin in September. He said the staggered classes would some- what disrupt the transportation system because some pupils must be at school around 8.15 am. and return home around 12.30 pm. Asked by the ratepayers pres- ent if the Board would continue the kindergarten, Chairman Jas. Pollard stated, “there will be a kindergarten this year. We have no idea of giving it up. Accom- modation isn't available at the main school to hold the kinder- garten and, when the new school is built the kindergarten will be transferred there." The number of pupils regis- tered at present is 798. In the Fall, the Board has estimated. two more classmoms will be needed thus necessitating the staggering of four of the present classrooms which new number 21. ' It was also pointed out at the meeting that since the village has exceeded a population of 2500. no government grants will be given- for any maintenance work done at the schools. SCARBORO : Work has bgun on the new $2,300,000 hospital. Can- vassers are spearheading a cam- paign to raise the remaining $675,000, in voluntary contribu- tions still needed. The Priceless 93 YONGE STREET SOUTH Telephone TUrner 4-2791 RICHMOND HILL WE’RE FOR ICE Book Weddings Early and Avoid Disappointment lagerquist studio Telephone TUrner 4-1212 Sunday, May 23, 12.05 Midnite Monday & Tuesday â€" May 24 & 25 Matinee Monday 2 pm. and continuous from 6‘p.m. Wednes'aay & Thursday â€" May 26 & 27 GIGYUUNG JEAN HAGENPULLY BERGEN-HENRY MORGAN Plus D II mil mt Dam" . cm mm we . Miran?» - Scrun n :4 M0! mu 1 wmmm-mmwmmmmumm xmï¬mbï¬wm â€â€˜ mm BIRTHS m JANET lEIEII Friday & Saturday â€" May 51 E 25 CHARLTON HESTON Please note Wed., Thurs., May 26, 27 Last complete show 8.30 pm. MIMI! MR “IE FIRST “ME! starring . . is the story of two men, one red, one white, on whose man-to-man fight hung the fate oi an entire (ranï¬erl THE INCREDIBLE ESCAPES... THE AMAZING LOVE STORY... OF THE MOST FABULOUS DARE- OEVIL WHO EVER LIVED!