C THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, Thurs., May 20, 1954 5!! THIS! DEM!†RICHMOND Hill. Richmond Hill Hardware “ 24 Yonge St. New Toke-Home Colour Selectorâ€" You choose from 148 colour samples in your home! ‘I’ CANADOAN ""5me mum-m um. . U QUEEN" OUAY, WEST, TORONTO. ONTARIO Gormley, Ont. 1h. rial“ place to choose paint colours is in you: home, when you an be sure they'll match drapes, rugs and furniture. Pittsburgh's new Take-Home Colour Selector gives you 148 actual colour ample: for foolproof “at home" selection. Mkmgwslesthymbuypammr developed. Youflitymrï¬ttsburghDealeronlyooceJosetafuflm of colours. You choose your colours at home. Then call your Pittsburgh Dealer and order your paint by phone. The 25c you paid for the “Ice-Home Colour Selector will be deducted from the price 0‘ 'yourordoroflgallonormomofpaim. NEW PAINTS WITHOUT “PAINTY†ODOUIII FOR “CLOSED WINDOW“ PAINTING choose your colours or homeâ€"Buy your Point by Phone! If painting odours are keeping you from doing your spring paint- ing now, henc‘s good news! There‘s no lingering 'mw" odour With Pittsburgh Rubberizod Satin Finish. You can actually paint with the windows closed. It dries to the touch in 15 minutes, dflesoompletelymonchouranditglidesonthewans. Youcan pint a mom in an afternoon. {H PITTSBURGH PAINTS CANADIAN mac" mum mm. NOTICE TO RATEPAYEBS Public dump will be open to public at following places on following dates: West Side: Mrs. Percy Ash’s dump, Concession 1, CFRB Sideroad, May 22 and 24, June 4 and 5. East Side: Jacob Giove’s dump, Lot 16, Con. 7 east, May 22 and 24, June 4 and 5. No animal or vegetable matter “to be dumped in these places. JOHN W. CRAWFORD, GORMLEY BLOCK CO. IO and to use costly, timo-consuming building materials vbcn “can get ourhome eroded quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS .â€" , m5 find its low" maintenance mm: whtantiai su- ~mem STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH O CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS C BACK-UP TILE MEETS IILL A.S.'I'.M. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED ‘s's Clerk Phone Stouï¬ville 381W1 Mrs. Merrill Johnson, Mrs. Herb. Smith, Mrs. Deverell and Mrs .Acreman, with other mem- bers of Victoria Square W.M.S. were guests for luncheon of Mrs. George Joyce on Wednesday of last week.As this was the Bale meetlng and the Study Book hav- 1113 been completed, the March program was used, which gave us considerable information on the reasons for a bale. Most of the articles for the layette to go in the bale were on display, to- gether with a quilt top which was sold. Several other small ar- ticles were sold to form the nu- cleus of a fund to take care of the Observer project, handled last year by the Victoria Square W.A. but undertaken this year by the Supply Committee of the W.M.S. Headford W.A. met at the home of Mrs. Ben Terry Tuesday evening last with a good attend- ance. The devotional was in charge of Mrs. Terry, with Mrs. Wm. Wellman and Mrs. Roy Simpson assisting. Fees were handed to Mrs. Huston for Assoc- iate Memberships in the Victor Home, to be forwarded by her. Announcement was made of the annual Garden Party at the home on June 2. Donations of candy were brought in to be made ready for sale at the Minstrel Show the following evening. Mrs. Terry ably demonstrated the making of paper flowers. A scrambled flow- ers contest, followed by delicious refreshments brought the even- ing to a close. At the service in Edgeley Unâ€" ited Church on Sunday afternoon, Rev. E. H. Unstead dedicated a baptismal font which was pres- ented by the Woman's Association of the Church and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stong and unveiled by Mrs. Arthur Avery, president of the Woman’s Association. Follow- ing the dedication, Terry Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Da- ment received infant baptism. Social Notes Group 3 of Headford W.A. was responsible for procuring the Minstrel Show put on by the Sharon Junior Farmers in But- tonville Hall last Wednesday ev- ening. Home-made candy was sold by Mrs. Clark's group dur. ing the intermission. Mrs. Stew- art Rumble presented Wes. Clark with a gift in appreciation of his efforts in selling so many tickets. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gay, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gay were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hal Acreman. Headford W.A. held its annual church service Sunday evening. A very splendid message in song was provided by the Stouï¬â€˜ville Ladies’ Quintette, assisted by our own choir. One of the W.A. projects for this year has been equipping the choir with new gowns, which they wore for the ï¬rst time Sunday morning. The gowns were dedicated by Rev. Mr. Huston. Rev. Mr. Hardy, father of the Headford school teacher, gave a very thought- provoking address on Trumpets of Israel. A half-hour of fellow- Dedication Service Tili‘iia and Mrs. Alf. Bag: are re- turning this week_end from Brit- ish Columbia where they have spent tile gas} days, a 1-“, n Mrs. Duncan of Vancouver ar- rived on Saturday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Deverell for a visit. Mrs. Foster and her daughter Janet of Hamilton was a week- end visitor with Murray and Lorraine Acreman. Mrs. Paul Snider, Mrs. E. Phil- ipps, Mrs. Chag Agnew. Mrs. C. H. Boake, Mrs. Bert Cook, Mrs. F. Locke. Mrs. Jas. Spencer, Mrs. Mrs. Chas. Ash is convalescing at her home after being a patient in the Toronto General Hospital for three week where she under-l went a serious operation:~ Among those celebrating birth- days this week are Mrs. Frank Locke and Homer Whitmore, May 17; Sam Stanley, May 18: Linda Dament and Mary Wood, May 22; Many happy returns of the day to you all. W. J. Dalziel and Mrs W. Mag- inn ,attended the 52nd annual meeting of West York District Women's Institute. held on Fri- day .in the Presbyterian Church, Woodbrldge. Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Maginn attended as delegates. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Stanley who celebrated their wedding anniversary, May 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Whit- more on their 34th wedding an- niversary May 19 and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanley on their 37th wedding anniversary, May 21. SAVE $ 5 S EVERYTHING IN PLUMBING AND HEATING Bathroom Sets and Powder Room Sets in white and colour Sinks -â€" stainless steel and porcelain enamel Pressure systems and sump pumps Open Wednesday and Friday ev- enings and all day Saturday. We pay all freight Write Dept. RHL or visit our showroom 6MBESPONDENT: Mrs. Raymond Stuart, R. R. 1 Maple CORRESPONDENT : MRS. H. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUmer 4-2236 HEADFURD NEWS EDGELEY NEWS Telephone Maple 11033 ship followeg the__service We wish Bon Voyage to Mrs. Ben Terry who left Mondav to visit her mother in Vancouver. Mrs. Terry expects to be away 101‘ a month, and during her absence. her family will be cared for by Mrs. Connie George from Tim- mms. The Edgele Women’s Institute met Wednes ay, May 12. at the home of Mrs. R. J. Darlington. The roll call "What I have gain- ed as a W.I. member" brought forth varied replies but all ag- reed that the educational and so- cial aspect of the meeting were most beneï¬cial. Saturday will long be remem- bered by Edith Joyce, who with Barbara Currie of Richmond Hill, was awarded and received her “Gold Cord", a much coveted honor in Guiding at a Rally of York Division held in Richmond Hill. Edith received her cord from Mrs. D. E. Wishart. Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides in Canada. President Mrs. James Spencer presided and welcomed guests Mrs. C. H. Snider. Mrs. Earl Jackson and Mrs. George Snider and daughter Lois to the meet- ing. Miss Ella Whitmore reported that there had been a good res- ponse to a community appeal for used soft white cotton and linen material to be used as cancer dressings. On behalf of the members. past president Mrs. rChas. Agnew pre- sented Mrs. Clarence Stong with a gift. Mrs. Stong is moving this week to her new home in Weston. A draw on a hand painted vase donated by Mrs. Hassels of Con- cord was won by Miss Ella Whit- more. Miss Whitmore also won the door prize. Mrs. Bruce Kef- fer's name was drawn for a prize donated by Mrs. Bert Lachow- ski. The members are anticipating with pleasure a visit to the Dept. of Lands and Forests Research Station at Maple on June 3. Mrs. Spencer reported on the conference for Women's Institute presidents held last week at the O.A.C., Guelph, and Mrs. Chas. Agnew outlined the work of the Provincial F.W.I.O. Boand. Ways and means of raising money werge §l§o ‘discussed and ftï¬vrvag decided that each member would earn $200 in talent money before the July meeting. For Service at it's Best . Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHNOND HILL DAIRY 1W IHLS MILK! For new exciting trim colors ask to see Ranch Tones with LOWE BROTHERS TITAN WHITE TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 CORRESPONDENT . L__ Mrs, Chas. Hooper, Buttonville W. I. president, was a delegate at the Women's Institute Con- vention in Guelph May 6 and 7. On Wednesday evening of last week, Mrs. James Rodick and Mrs. Chas. Hooper were guests when Wexford W. I. celebrated its 30th anniversary. Attend Open House . MRS. F. H. LEAF B. B. 2 Gormley â€" Ph. Aginoonrt 335.12 ter Banquet on Monday. May 31. The girls were very sorry to learn that two of their popular leaders will not be with them next year. Miss Francis Baker plans to be married early this summer and Miss Pat Hardy has been accept- ed as a teacher by the North York School Board and will not be living in this area. On Wednesday evening of last week, Mrs. James Rodick and Mrs. Chas. Hooper were guests when Wexford W. I. celebrated its 30th anniversary. Attend Open House When Richmond Hill District High School held open house on Friday evening of last week there were several parents from this locality present. Of the pup- ils performing in the gymnastic display, we noticed Barbara Rich- ards and Margaret Brodie in the groups of Scottish Dancers, and Marjorie Barber in a waltz. Mar- jorie was also in a gymnastic dis- play with Judy Wilcox. ‘ (in a tour through the rooms. Lynda Leaf was discovered dis- secting a frog in the science lab. Christening The choir, under the direction of Mrs. S. J. English sang two anthems. Mr .and Mrs. Tom Turner and Mr .and Mrs. Turner Sr., of Tor- onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner and David on the day of David’s christening. Extend Sympathy Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Rene Calvert, whose brother, Mr. James Ash of Toronto and Unionville, sue- cumbed to a heart attack recent- 1y. Family DayVSVervice Two special services featured Family Day at Brown’s Corners Church. At Sunday School, the Misses Nancy Brown and Dorothy Hooper played special organ and piano selections and Betty Hus- ton sang a solo “Life’s Lovely Things". Beverley Burr and Grace Rod- ick each told an excellent story. Many fathers and mothers were in attendance. At the church service the crowd made chairs in the aisles necessary. There was a service of baptism and many proud gran!)- parents were in attendance. The granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sherman were presented by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Couperthwaite. Lynda Irene Jones, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay was presented by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Jones of Union- ville. Master David Turner was the only small boy in the group. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Turner of John St: An enthusiastic group of CG. LT. and Explorers met at Brown’s Corners Church on Monday even- ing of last week. Plans were laid for a Lilac Tea to be held in Vic- toria Square Church on the af- ternoon of Saturday, May 29, and also for the Mother and Daugh- BUTTONVILLE NEWS You don't have to be a mechanic to lo I portoct ring iota or make other automotive repairs. Wo lonn yon tho tooll Inll provide I'll“ woy-to-tollow, step-by-step instruction that remove the mystery ot the operation and repair ot your our. Special l‘roe "know-how" intornlatton service includes: Brakes, Steering, Front End Suspension, Motor Jobs. Clutch and Ignition. Fix It yonrreltâ€"savo on original oqniplnont- quality parts and love costly labor ohorgos. WE SHOW YOU HOWTO SAVE 'IXAMPLE: I949 Chevroletâ€"Includ- lng Ch some Llnlngs rlvefed to your luck. I on: and Tool Loan ServIce. BRAKE CYLINDER REPAIR KITSâ€" Idoneical to original equipmentâ€"Save up to 50%. Master Cylinder Ropolr Km , . . . , . . V . . . , . . _ 34 to .93 Wheel Cylinder Repair Kits y . . . . r . . .59 to 159 Bulk. Bleeds! Hose a . , . . r . . '35 Hydraulic Brake Cylinder Honing â€" Per cylinder .. .1 lo _50 Co‘mplele Brake Rellning ii). bly ap- poiniment. Gd batter pedormanco by replacing ALL worn Ignition pom. Kit Includes Rotor, Condenser and Set of Points. Original pariipnlorlt guallAty. __ CHRYSOTILE BALANCED BRAKE SETS â€"lndlvldually englnurod for your go; “'I easy to do a good "brake lo ". LWHEEL SETâ€"MOST POPULAR GARS wheels) Save on Ignition Cells and Cable. qu [Myst popular fuzzâ€"ï¬n (for 2 IGNITION TUNE-UP KIT 3.30 ’° 4.98 SAVEâ€"BONDED LINED BRAKE SHOE EXGHANE APPROVED HYDRAULIO BRAKE FLUID Do It Yourself and Save 50% to 80% on Your Next Repair Job . . . $25.00 BRAKE JOB OOSTS YOU ONLY 6.38" '1226 ‘° 2.40 427!) ‘° 4.98 "4 page. â€" hr Fovd ov Clwv. leoc "lino"- how". m 1.98 REPAIR MANUAL New Work Plumbing 8: Heating NO EPECIAL TOOLS NEEDED TO INSTALL A NEW MOTO-MASTEB MUFFLER Loci m,- drop iargod, milled and mum "on Muted noel. Ex- oollom mural purpose lob Slauï¬g'col" 125 TAILPIPES 255 to 4.93 EXHAUST PIPES 2.10 to 8.50 DUAL EXHAUST SYSTEMSâ€"For Folds. Step up power. lxlnmoly tough, llglmnl In box- ond wrench net; cleanly touched 12-point locket openings. 4! dog. out". 12 opanlngl. Slum %" to I" . ‘ . . . 4.20 COMPLETE MOTOR REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM GRINDSNG and TRUING BRAKE LINING RIVETTING BRAKE CYLINDERS RECONDITIONEO CYLINDER SLEEVES INSTALLED CYLINDER REBORING CYLINDER HEADS REFACED FLYWHEEL GEAR INSTALLATION V2" Forged from Ielected “eel and heat heufed. Set in- cludes universal lolnt, valve grinder, I oeder handle and popular In sockets. Si.â€'.".‘."7. 1 0.85: AS ABOVE â€"' but In use-] ful metal box .. 12_35‘ Save on complete MAGHIIE SHOP SERVICE 4-cyl. 12 Ring: G-cyl. ‘8 Rings 6-cyl. 24 Ring: 3.60 5.35 3-95 Myl. 24 Rlngl MI. 32 my... £3313 mg, 7.15 ’ 9.30 can and truck: Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phones TU. 4-1322 & TU. 4-1879 Open-End Wrench Set ANDREWS 8 GRAY 6-H}. WRENCH SET SQUARE DRIVE 33-Pc. SOBKET WRENCH SET 10.10 ‘0 13.50 Alterations GUARANTEED PARTS EQUAL on BETTER THAN omamAL EQUIPMENT "-90. «t; V" hexagon dvlve, In- almflng eight 2- Int uockm from 7/16" 00 15/I '. 0M handle, notch-t and adapter ‘ . . . . 2.69 7-tooB-ln-Iâ€"powarful double lover action gives 2000-lb. bulldog grip. Holds all shapes, round, square or ltregulal. 7-lnoll .. 1.98 Io-lnch .. 2,39 Adjust auiomaiicaliy to road and load condi- tions. Fur supevlor to new car original equip- ment. You save up to 50%. SHOCK ABSORBER AND KNEE ACTION FLUIDâ€"Approved. 20-01. . V . . . . . . i . FRONT w H E E L susriui PARTSâ€"Replace worn am with exactly engineered col springs. «6., at big savings. VlSE-GRIP WRENCH Socket Wrench Set VALVE REFACING and RESEATING MOTOR BEARINGS REBABBITED CRANKSHAFT CLUTCH REBUILDING PISTON PIN FITTING PISTON GRINDING A perfect ual, even when surface: on warped; use wlflu or without gasket .34 PLASTIC GASKET Repairs GRINDING