nnnnn TUrner 4-2612 CEMENT WORK CONTRACTOR Septic Tanks, Sidewalks, Cement Floors High Class Workmanship at Reasonable Prices ‘ Children eligible to begin school in September must be six years of age before December 3.1, 1954. Parents are requested to present their child’s birth certiï¬cate before the child begins school. ‘GEORGE BAILEY, Secretary. S. S. No. 6 ,Vaughan Telephone TU. 4-1650 Open House will be held at Maple School Tuesday, 'June 15, from 1 to 3.30 o’clock PM. for the purpose of introducing the children who will be commencing school in September to their teacher, principal and school nurse. EAVESTROUGHING RICHMOND HILL Gormley, Ont. NEW WORK â€"- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces "0 "Nd '0 “‘e “WY, lime-consuming building materials when you can 9et your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS -N°. WW" ï¬nd "5 'Ower moinknunce "turns substantial tow ï¬n fluoth the non GORMLEY BLOCK co. STA: JDARD SIZE UNITS . build your home qmckly! {RE-SCHOOL CHILDREN OF S. S. NO. 6, VAUGHAN (MAPLE PUBLIC SCHOOL) MARIO CATENARO PAUL DUBOIS ROGER PROULX NOTICE PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given 2612 168 BAKER AVE. RICHMOND ' HILL . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE CALL ANY TIME â€"_-â€"â€"â€" MEETS MSJM. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED “Chute†some of our cotton and we will dependable coal into your bin. Our rapid manner of delivery will please you. “Shoot†your next coal order in our dir- Phone Stouï¬ville 381W1 Lgmvlce» 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill Mun-) ROOFING TUrner 4-1221 Bus. Trip ,.v_r, The next stop was at the plaque bearing the inscription “Site of Squire‘s Hall. Stoney Creek, where was formed the First Wo- men’s Institute in the World 1897. . , The group stopped in Hamil- ton for lunch and sight-seeing. The famous Hamilton Rock Gardens were next visited. Every- one thoroughly enjoyed leisure- ly wandering through the paths and becoming familiar with the names of many of the plants and shrubs used. Copeland‘s Violet House was the next stop. This visit was of special interest to the African Violet raisers. These houses. ï¬lled wit hundreds of of beautiful flower ng plants. are situated in a lovely woodland on Mills Rd. Mission Band u...- - Wednesday, June 2. 33 mem- bers of Temperanceville W. I. enjoyed a bus trip to Hamilton. The ï¬rst stop was at Stoney Creek Battleï¬eld, 1812, and the Balth House, 1795. These historic sites were of great interest to the 3299' . ’ A,__ “m; -L 4.1.- -1--.... In the absence of Mrs. Wm. Turner. Mrs. Stella Paxton as- sisted the MisSion Band with their meeting on Saturday, June 5. It was decided if the weather is ï¬ne, the group will go on a short hike or picnic on June 19. Miss Sheila Cunningham read a Bible story about Naaman be- ing cured of leprosy. The group was led in prayer by Mrs. Paxton. The program included: A story by Audrey Herrima; a poem by Roberta Morris, a solo by Evelyn Yocum. a story by Donna Jen- nings, a piano solo by Patsy Macklin, and a tongue twister by Evelyn Yocum. The children then played games after which they enjoyed the cookies supplied by Mrs. W. Faulkner. Personals _ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarke, Maple Ave., are attending an anniverâ€" sary dinner at the Town and Country Club' tonight, Thursday, June 10. Personals Sorry to hear the McCutcheons are leaving the community. They have sold their home on Spruce Ave. and are moving to Woburn Ave.. Toronto. Mr'. and Mrs. Mc- Cutcheon have three children. Jean, Bobby and Glen. Jean has been attending Richmond Hill District High School and is in Grade X. She topped her class in both Christmas and Easter ex- ams. Bobby attends Richvale School. Mr. McCutcheon is the owner of Graphic Arts Machin- ery Ltd. Mr. and Mrs. Cliï¬ord Ewing of Singhampton spent the week-end with Mrs. Ewing’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Park- er, Spruce Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Collier of Richmond Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilton, Wedge- wood subdivision, Willowdale. on June 5, to celebrate Mr .Wilton’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Butler, accom- panied by Mrs. Freeland. motor- ed to Montreal to meet Mrs. Preece, mother of Mrs. Butler. who arrived from England for a three weeks’ visit here. Miss Gertrude Lever, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. E. Durie and Beverly spent Sunday with the farmer’s brother. Mi‘. .Harold Lever, R. R. 5, Markdale. The Richvale school junior girls baseball team beat Powell Rd. junior girls to the tune of 40-5 on Monday, June 7.77 Little Marion Simpson took part in the dance “Soldiers†giv- en as part of the entertainment on the same evening. Mrs. Maurice BeS'non had as her guest this week. Mrs. Bert Cullin of Toronto. Mrst. J. Smith, Oak Ave., is spending a few days with Mrs. Meisner, Fenwlck, Ont. Mrs. Jackson Taylor and Janét spent Saturday with Mrs. Tay- lor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. B Dejeans, Londqn, Qnt. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webb of Churchill visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Thompson, Hunt’s Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thomp- son and Billy spent Sunday vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thomp- son of Weston._ Mrs. Chris Longmore and son Brian of Vancouver, who have been visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ben Thompson. Hunt's Lane, has gone to St. Catherines to spend a few days with her brother, Mr. Andrew Ryce. Stork Shower ' Miss Marion Yocum took part in the Guide display at the enter- tainment night held June 8 at Oak Ridges school; A stork shower was given on Monday evening, May 31, for Mrs. Hewitt Carrville Rd. E., at the home of Mrs. Jones, also Carrville E., by her friends and neighbours. Those present were Mrs. Remego, Mrs. Warwick and Mrs. Rukaruck, all of Oshawa, Mrs. McKenzie, Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. Falcon, Mrs. Rogowski, Mrs. Gal- lagher, all of Carrville Rd. E. and Mrs. Charles Gibson, Spruce Ave. Obituary Friends of Mrs. Arthur Bailey, former resident of Spruce Ave., Richvale ,will be‘ sorry to hear that she passed away at the Quen Elizabeth Hospital, Toronto, on Monday, June 7. The funeral will be held from Wright & Tay- lor’s, Richmond Hill. Mrs. Bailey had been a victim of rheumatoid arthritis for a number 'of years. Her cheerful- ness throughout her years of suf- fering was an inspiration to all who knew her. She was president of the Richvale Red Cross during the war years. Since leaving Richvale. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have been residing on Poyntz Ave.. Lansing. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare were Deepest sympathy is extended CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 3, KING _____â€"â€"â€" Phone TU. 4-3059 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. STANLEY FICHT RICHVALE NEWS Telephone TU. 4-3023 recent guests of Mr. and Mrs Lorne Ash of Belleville. s It was a pleasure to have for- mer members of Temperanceville W.I. take the bus trip to Hamil- ton with the group. They were Mrs. George Thompson, Mrs. Raymond Jennings, Mrs. Alex Bishop and Mrs. Robert Ball. Other guests were Mrs. Bell of Jefferson and Miss Jessie Gell- ately of iKng. Mr. Eldon Folliott had an un- fortunate accident with his car at Thornhill this past week. Al- though considerable damage was done, the driver escaped without injury. Mr. Ewart Jennings has his foot in a cast after suffering a broken and splintered bone in his foot when a section of a farm implement fell on it. It is hoped it will heal quickly. Hospital Fund The York County Hospital Building Fund (:ammsina .y- Temperanceville School Sectio is almost completed, thanks to Herbert Routledge, James Gil- ham, Chas. Henshaw. Jack Mack- lin. Burton Palmer, Wilbert Jen. nings and Ewart Jennings. A total of $152.75 has been collected up to date. W.A. & W,M.S After various business mat- ters were discussed, Mrs. Parker, our health convenor, introduced Dr. Walker, a young dentist from Thornhill, who gave a very in- teresting talk on Preventative Dental care. Dr. Walker also gave facts and ï¬ ures on various sub- jects conne ted with the dentis- try ï¬eld. At the conclusion of his address, Mr. McTavish, prin- cipal of the school thanked Dr. Walker for his enlightening talk. Mrs. Coghill read a letter sent to the Home and School Assoc. from the Charles Howitt com- munity club stating that in a re- cent canvassing campaign $143.25 had been collected. This amount was handed over to the Home and School Assoc. and this sum along with the Home and School fund was used to order a good movie projector. The Charles Howitt Home and School Assoc. held its regular monthly meeting on Monday. May 31. Mr. Gottschalk called the meeting to order. This was his last meeting as president. as new officers were installed later in the evening by Mrs. Hilda Le- Masurier. The new officers were then in- stalled: President, Mr. Coghill; vice-presidents, Mr. Winterï¬eld and Mrs. Dair; treasurer, Mrs. Brash; recording sec., Mrs. Loa- der; corr. sec., Mrs. Coghlll and ï¬ve executive members, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Lunau, Mrs. Rasmus- sen, Mrs. Bickerstaff and Mrs. Meadows. The June 17 meeting of the W. A. and WMS will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Hare, with Mrs. William Hodgson of Kettle- by asrguest speaker. Mrs. Hodg- son is the rural vice-president of the WMS. Visitors are cordially invited. The roll call is “A thought from the Upper Room". Lunch committee is Mrs. Wesley Lloyd and Mrs. Wm. Turner. There will be a garden tea at the “Pink Villa", Eaton Hall Farm on Wednesday, June 17. from 3 o'clock on. in aid of the York County Hospital Building Fund. Temperanceville W. I. has been asked to assist with the tea. The‘ auction of the box lunches proceeded. 1 Some boxes hdld lucky prizes. One box held a box of chocolates and in several oth- ers fountain pens proved to be the prize. A nice proï¬t waa derived from the auction of the lunches as well as enjoyment of the food. A thank you to everyone who came out and helped make this very full evening a success. T'he WMS will be taking the service at Temperanceville Un- ited Church on June 20 at 7.30 Final plans have been made to organize a York County Women‘s Institute Rally in Sharon Hall, Saturday, June 19, at 1.30 pm. 'Mrs. Gordon McPhater. provincial president, will be at the meeting. Those attending will join the York Pioneer and Historical Soc- iety for the annual picnic at Sharon Temple. Tea At Lady Eaton's to Mr. Bailey in his loss. Charles Howitt Home and School WJ. News Unemployment insurance ben- eftit payments at $7,603,667 in October, 1953 were one-third more than the previous October. Septic Tanks Pumped . Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 ATL M A K 13â€"Sâ€" Washing Machines Repaired Sanitary Contractor PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. TU. 4-1541 York County Guernseys Bring High Prices In American Saie The high standard of excell- ence of Guernsey cattle in York County was revealed recently at the McDonald Farm Sale held at Cortland. New York. The sale is considered to be one of the out- standing annual events in Guern- sey cattle circles since only cattle of outstanding quality are accept- ed as consignments. Ernest Crossland of Crossland Farms, Newmarket. received $3800.00 each for two cows sired by his former herd sire, Fore- most Royal Design. The two cows. Crossland Foremost Donna and Crossland Foremost Daffodil, both of which are graded Excell- ent in selective registration. are full sisters and established an outstanding record in the show ring last fall. YOUR HYDRO QW__ Safeguards Ontario ’8 Airlanes Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by Wrmng to your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. Maplewood Farms owned by Today . . . tonight, airplanes wing their way along the airlanev of Ontario, guided surely on their ot‘ise by beams of electrical waves. A dependable supply of low-cost electric power has been a major factor in making air transporta- tion in Ontario, safe and economically sound. Electricity supplied by Ontario Hydro powers all major installations in the Province’s airports. It operates the transmitters that bring last-minute weather reports, the radar and direction ï¬nding equipment “that enables the crew to "see in the darkâ€, and the modern, airport signal and guide lighting that has helped to reduce hazards to a minimum. It is another example of . . . ONTARIO HYDRO AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS FREE! Finance Charges FREE! Accessories Free - Free- Free How FREE Can You Get? LAUBIA MOTOR SALES 6167 Yonge Street SURE we can probably give you all these things, too, if we cam- ouflage the discount allowed or the trade-in allowance on your presentcar. IF this type of advertising is tempting you.to buy downtown, come in and see us first and then compare the deal. Lenient GMAC terms to suit any purchaser. IN A SERIES . . . Mr. J. S. Glen, Maple. received $2500.00 for a daughter of Way Acres Levity Sherry, a cow which is rated as one of the outstanding Guernsey cows in North America and who last year made a world’s championship record for produc- tion as a four year old. of 17,980 lbs. of milk and 821 lbs. of fat in 305 days on twice a day milking. Fraserdale Farms of Concord received $1750.00 for a Senior Yearling daughter of Kenver's Harp Ideal Sheila, Grand Cham- pion at the 1952 Royal Winter Fair and producer of 14,276 lbs. of milk and 731 lbs. of butter fat as a two-year old. Of the 44 trading countries in the world, '31 collect a higher per- centage of tariff duties than does Canada. YOUR HYDRO (AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS WILLOWDALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Thurs., June 10, 1954 11 KESWICK WELL DRILLING KESWICK, ONTARIO Beatty Pump Sales and Service Quality Workmanship at Reasonable Prices. Phone Queensville 42J04 JOB PRINTING THE LIBERAL TU. 4-1261 BA. 1- 9388