SUTTON : One of the oldest vetâ€" erans in Canada. Sgt. Charles H. Pringle, 95, led in Sunny- brook Hospital this week. He was a famous marksman in the 12th Regiment York Rangers and took part in the quelling of the Riel Rebellion. He operated a grocery store at Baldwin for the past 66 years. NORTH YORK : The Metropoli- tan School Board has made ar- rangements with Northern Vocaâ€" tional School whereby township students may take Art. Home Ec- onomics and Technical courses without tuition fees. AURORA : The Rotary Club is planning a program of park de- velopment on town owned lots on Cousins Drive. AURORA : Town council has giv- en a permit for location of a chicken processing plant at Ed- ward and Dunning Streets. Ear- lier planned for Cousins Drive. its proposed location was oppos- ed by residents. ‘ The thermometer is climbing slowly towards tue $50,000 goal which will mean skating for evâ€" erybody in the district. Help reach the objective by sending your cheque to the Rich- mond Hill Arena Association, c/o Bank of Nova Scotia. You also can cantribute by at. tending the big “WRESTLING FOR ICE" show next. Thursday at the Arena. MARKHAM : Ralph Furneaux. local CNIB chairman, reports that $1,578.34 was collected in the area for the Blind Building Campaign. NORTH YORK : Huï¬dreds of North York west residents were Without water for nearly two hours last week whe water pres- sure failed due to a ater shortâ€" age. {Youxi investment in our youth will provide ice in our Arena on October 1, just 31/2 months away! MARKHAM : Edgar. R._ Pilkey died of a stroke whlle m Rapid City, S.D.. e11 route to the coast. ..-. NEWMARKET : A $45,000 deben- ture byâ€"law for expansion of h)" dro-electric services for new sub. divisions was approved by coun- cil recently. STOUFFVILLE : Stouflville Dus- triCt High School Board brought down a $96,100 budget last woek. This is an increase of approx1m- ately $40,000. NEWMARKET : Council willask the County of York to take over the responsibility of the road to the new county offices at the north end of town. Have You, Invested In Artificial Ice? ARMITAGE : Tentative approval has been given for a $43,000 ad- dition to the school here. year‘ AURORA : The Aurora Corps of the Salvation Army is celebrating its 70th anniversary. BROOKLIN : A loo-home subdiv- ision is being planned for the STOUFFVILLE : Two men bare- ly escaped with their lives last week when they dashed out of an excavation under the Domin- ion Store building seconds be- fore the rear of the building col- lapsed. MARKHAM : A lifelqrgg re_s_i§ent 32‘1‘ï¬E'a'i’s’tiict Mrs. Aléx Milroy passed away last week in her 79th town $25,000. 345,000; $15,000 $35,000â€" News From Next DOOI’ $50,000 â€"$20,000 -$40,000 $30,000 Mr. C. A. Cathers, chairman of the Building Fund announced during the dance that the total fund has now passed the $500,000 mark. 1150 people paid $1.00 admis- sion each, while two district or- chestras donated their services free of charge. A large throng of happy dancers crowded the upper floor of the barn during free of charge. A large throng of happy dancers crowded the upper floor of the barn during the evening where they enjoyed round and square dancing. Down- stairs in what later will be the stables various games and con- cessions were set up. With every organization in Newmarket represented at the event, the committee in charge of the dance was headed by Mr. J. Kudelka, farm manager. Reeve A. LeMasurier outlined Council’s policy with regard to the establishment of park areas. As a condition of development of any new subdivision Council re- quires that the subdivider must agree to donate free of charge to the municipality 5 per cent of t e land for use in parks or scho 5. If Council feels that the lan so donated is not satisfactory' for park purposes, it has the power to sell the property and place the selling price in a trust fund for use in purchasing larger park facilities elsewhere in the muni- cipality. The York County Hospital Building Fund is $1,300 richer thanks to the proceeds received from a barn dance held last week in the palatial new barn on the Glenville Farms, located at R. R. 2 King township. Markham Twp. Reviews Its Policy On Park Land Hospital Realizes $1300 From Dance There is a distinct possibility that the residents of Markham Township, may have another community park within the foreseeable future. Present municipal legisla- tion provides that when the 95 acres still remaining in the former Gamble farm, located in Highland Park, are sold, the subdivider must donate 5 per cent of the land for park or school purposes. The whole subject of township park facilities was discussed at Monday‘s meeting of Markham Township council. Mr. R. Camp- bell, a delegate from the High- land Park Association, conferred with Council regarding its policy towards the establishment and maintenance of a park system. In presenting his brief Mr. Campbell stated, “We feel that with the township growing so rapidly, and particularly in Con- cession 1, if no deï¬nite steps are taken soon, we shall ï¬nd our- selves in the same pos’ltion as North York, where no land has been set aside for park purposes." Outlines Policy There are also a certain numâ€" ber of community centres throughout the township. Such centres are located for example at Cedar Grove and at Unionville. The most notable community cenâ€" tre. Crosby Memorial Park at Unionville. provides excellent fa- cilities for both winter and sum- mer sports. Concentrate 0n Small Parks Mr. Campbell advocated that the township concentrate on a number of small parks in prefer- ence to several large ones. Reeve LeMasurier felt it would not be economically feasible to have a park in every one of the older subdivisions as it would involve the expense of expropriation and the removal of already existing buildings. “The Curtain Club†was voted as the name for this group as, with Mr. Stuart Parker in the chair, the “charter members" met last Tuesday in the largest meeting so far. With an execu- tive Committee elected from the original interested group, the Curtain Club is looking for in- terested members to make their proposed Fall production an as- sured success. In this new com- munity effort there is a place for everyone . . . for those who want to get busy with hammer and saw and make “exotic scenery". those skilled with scissors and needles for costumes. both period and modern.. for those who want to act, for teen-agers wanting the basis of sound training. To en- courage family participation there are special family fees for two or more members of a family. And for those who feel interested but unable to take active part in production work stimulating Fall program of social activities and play study is being planned. First Money - Amid applause and cheers Business Manager Alf McLatchy handed the Curtain Club treas- urer. Gordon Lewis. the Club's first money! at the last meeting. “For myself. my wife and my daughter" said the first paid up At pfesent the matter of parks is under the direction of Council Growing interest is becoming apparent in the new local drama group being started in Richmond Hill with Mr. John P. G. Gros- venor of Centre St. as the Direc- tor of Productions. Curtain Club Plans Series Summer Drama Classes VOLUME LXXV; NUMBER 50 and the Planning Board. Mark- ham has ,not yet reached that stage in its development where the setting-up of a ï¬ve-member Parks Board as permitted under the Public Parks Act is warrant- ed. In lieu of an oï¬icial Parks Board. Mr. Campbell suggested that members consider the set- ting up of a Parks Committee to make â€"a general survey of the whole problem, with special ref- erence to park maintenance. On the suggestion of Council, Mr. Campbell will consult the Provincial Government regard- ing the grant structure for parks, and also confer with officials of the Unionville Community Cen- tre on the operation of such an organization. Farmers’ Market The Elgin Street Ratepayers’ Association has ï¬led a letter With Council and the Medical Officer of Health for York County in which they allege that the Far- mers’ Market at Thornhill is dumping papers and raw garbage behind the market before it is burnt. The ratepayers contend that such action presents a health hazard. Council will request the Health Officer to make a full report on the situation. Oppose Annexation Council has decided to stren- uously oppose any attempt by Markham Village to incorporate 3,000 acres of township land into the Village. Markham Village has officially notiï¬ed the Town- ship of its intention to make for- mal application before the Muni- cipal Board for permission to an- nex the 3,000 acres. N. Yonge Bus Line Following a series of auditions, John Grosvener will be instruct- ing in Summer classes in acting; Voice Production. Miming, Stage Movement, Make-up. Marcus Dowding will get technical mem- bers busy on the double job of “do and learn" *as they start on flat construction and lighting technique. member The Junior Group of the Cur- tain Club will be working at the same time more or less independ- ently of the senior members, put- ting on their own productions and having separate classes; but bene- fitting by the family membership policy and by Mr. Grosvenor’s ex- perience with teen-agers. Theirs will be a full program, but ad- justed to fit in with the demands of their High School work. The Junior Group will meet regularly on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 at the home of Mr. Grosvenor. As interest in the venture spreads the need for accommo- dation grows. Mrs. Jean Thom- son, Alf McLatchy and John Grosvenor are beginning a search for a room for regular meetings, classes and rehearsals and also a space for Construction work. The Reeves of the three muni- cipalities which now operate the North Yonge Bus Line, namely, W. J. Taylor of Richmond Hill, A. LeMasurier of Markham Township, and M. McMurchy of Vaughan Township, will meet with TTC officials Thursday (to- day) to consider operational pro- blems associated with the line. Markham Council has instruct- ed Reeve LeMasurier to oppose any attempts by the TTC to raise the present fare structure. The next meeting†hoped by the passior Executive to be the last “organ- love is izational meeting" before active ed, ant dramatic work meetings begin, to say will be held at the home of Mr. passing Gordon Lewis. Hunts’ Lane. June contrit 15 at 8:30 o'clock. All interested life 0 persons are cordially invited to sphere .this meetir‘ . all but The Townships of North Gwillimbury, East Gwillim- bury and Markham, having passed Brucellosis Control by-laws, the township com- mittees and inspectors have met recently with the Vet- erinarians Serving the farm- ers in these areas to get the program launched. In each of the townships, the Veter- inarians have contracted to vaccinate all heifer calves six to eight months of age at three month intervals for a flat rate of $1.00 per head without any call or mileage charge. mittances The inspectors with the co- operation of the cattle own- ers. prepare a list every three months and the committees respectfully request that farmers plan to have the money on hand or at the house to eliminate the troub- le of billing and making re- ï¬ï¬hwmfl ME “In Essentials, Unity; b Non-essentials, liberty; In a†7551195, Clarity. York Brucellosis By-Law A formal written challenge on behalf of Richmond Hill’s council has been sent to Mayor Rose, Aur- era, and his town‘s local govern- ing body to do battle in friendly fashion on the baseball ï¬eld at the Richmond Hill Fair Grounds on Friday evening, June 25, at the Lions Western Roundup. Use Live Donkeys as Mounts The RCMP shown ready for donkey baseball action recently in Western Canada. Canadian members of par- liament. stars of radio and sclgeen, are other notables to have competed in the hilarious game of donkey baseball. It is not to be just an ordinary baseball game. Every player must ride a real live donkey. The bat- ter must travel around the bases on a donkey and the men in the ï¬eld must go after the ball mounted on a donkey and, by the way, these are trained donkeys and probably know the game as well as the players. Councillor W. Middleton was overhead as saying “our Northern Neighbours may have been good ball players 40 years ago but would be ‘pushovers' now.†Coun- cillor Middleton didn’t add how long ago it was since he had played championship baseball. Clerk Russell Lynett thought it might be sometime before Noted Philanthropist High Government officials,‘ leading Canadian financiers, no- tables and friends in many walks of life thronged to Grace Church- on-the-Hill, Toronto, last Friday afternoon to pay last tribute to Gordon C. Leitch. C.B.E., presi- dent of Toronto Elevators, and of Upper Lakes and St. Lawrence Transportation Co., director of a number of companies. and noted philanthropist who died on Wed- nesday. June 2. Reeve Taylor Challenges Aurora’s Mayor Dr. Rose Pay Impressive Tribute To Late Gordon C. Leitch The service in the Church was conducted by the Rev. Dr. Jas. H. Craig, rector of Grace Church- on-the-Hill, assisted by the Rev. Canon J. E. Ward of St. Stephens Church, Dr. J. A. M. Bell, Head- master of Appleby School, Oak- ville, and the Rey. S. A. R. Wood, rector of Trinity Anglican Church Thornhill, where Mr. Leitch and his family attended regularly when in residence at Leitchcroft. Mr. Leitch was at Church two Sundays before his death. The funeral service followed the regular Anglican form with the lesson, prayers and reciting of the 23rd Psalm. The Rev. Mr. Wood read the lesson and then gave a brief but moving ad- dress in which he characterized Mr. Leitch as a good man, and. as a great man. “He received that greatness and goodness from the message of our Blessed Saviour in one word,â€"and that word is love. Few of us are wise enough to follow it, but he was one of the few†said Mr. Wood. “He loved his family. his Church. his work, his friends, and his fellow men. Mr. Leitch had tremendous faith in the future of Canada. not only because of its material possesâ€" sions. but because of his deep and abiding faith in the young. and especially the young men, of this land who will make that future great. To provide the disâ€" cipline, the training and the op- portunities which would help these young men, was for him a passion and joy. Where so much love is given out, much is return- ed, and we who loved him gather to say good bye. We mourn his passing but we thank God for the contribution he has made to the life of Ontario in countless spheres. and often unknown to all but a few.†RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY JUNE 10, 1954 Gordon C. Leitch hearing from the august Aurora group as they wouldn’t like it to be known by their electors that they lacked the aggressive spirit expected of them if they declin- ed the challenge of the rose growing village. “However we’re no pansies," he added. Councillor F. Perkins suggest- ed that if the challenge were met and Richmond Hill, as expected, drubbed Aurora then they should be willing to give Aurora a chance to redeem themselves in a regim bout on their home grounds. Sweep Main Street As A Forfeiture Councillor H. Jones asked Lion Carnival Chairman Bill Brown what Richmond Hill’s prize would be for winning. Bill hesitated and then announced there would be no prize but there would be a forfeiture â€"- the losing team to sweep the main street of the vic- torious team’s town! (Editor’s Note â€"- At press\ time there had‘been no word of Aur- ora's decision.) His work for the Navy League and the Sea Cadets is well known, and many boys from this district used to attend meetings of the Sea Cadets in Lawrence Memorial ‘Hall. The idea for a swimming pool in Thornhill orig- inated with him. He ï¬rst broach- ed the subject to Rev. S. A. R. Wood, and he in turn induced the Lions Club to conduct the campaign, which they did with great success. Mr. Leitch made the ï¬rst and largest donation of $30,000 towards the pool, and he rightly believed that as it was to be a community affair the village as a whole should share a part of the expense. He had still other ideas for the development of the park as a recreational centre, but was not spared to see them car- ried out. - or In the Thornhill district where 'he-j‘had spent many weeks, and week ends during the past sevenâ€" teen years, Mr. Leitch will be best remembered, not as a leading fi- nancial figure, but as a kindly, unassuming man who was a good neighbour, a good farmer, and a public benefactor who also did many good deeds in private. Leitchcroft which was probab- 1y his greatest hobby, had its be- ginning in 1937 when he pur- chased a farm on the third con- cession. Markham from Mr. Ar- mand Van Horne. who now lives on Centre St. In 1940 he bought the George Hoshel farm at the corner of Bayview and No. 7 Highway. and he later acquired the Carl James and ,Will Gohn farms. Mr. Leitch took a keen in- terest in developing these hold- ings as a general livestock farm and also great pride in his Ayr- shire and Shorthorn cattle, and registered Yorkshire pigs, which have won prizes at many exhi- bitions. Extensive research and testing is carried on at Leitch- croft which is used as a demon- stration farm by the Toronto El- evators (and has become widely known throughout eastern Can- ada, attracting visitors from ab- road as well. -J. D. Lanthier has been the farm manager since 1940. Guy Frazer the farm foreman and many of the other 20 or more employees have been there for years too. because Mr. Leitch was a kind and considerate employer. “It will be difficult to replace a man of his calibre,†said Mr. Lan- thier. “He took a genuine inter- est, not only in the men. but in their families. and we shall all miss him greatly.†Mr. Leitch who was buried in Mount Pleasant cemetery, is sur- vived by his widow, three daugh- ters, Mrs. James Bayly of Brockville. Margaret and Ann at home. and one son, John D. Leitch. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jones of Elgin Mills who celebrated their 57th wed- ding anniversary quietly on Wednesday, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are new residents of the community and have bought a home'in the Naugh. ton Subdivision. Celebrate 57th Anniversary Matt. Smith. subâ€"divider for the Stan Tyndall property in Richmond Hill was allowed $15,- 000, the municipality's share of the cost of construction of a sewage pumping station to be lo- cated in that area, by council at its meeting Monday night. He will pay $300 a lot (there are 135) towards educational and other costs as well as for services, wat- er, roads and sewers. This agreement was first sug- gested by Reeve W. J. Taylor and it was generally agreed this offer was sufficient. Mr. Smith had stated at a previous meeting with council that the pump house would cost $20,000 to build but council felt it would run higher than that amount. The pump house will serve more than just the new sub-division but the ex- act number has not yet been esti- mated. At first there was some discus- sion on cutting the village’s share in the pump house down to $10,- 000, “I don't think the pump house would serve any more than 139 more houses, outside of the sub-division,†said Councillor Perkins. “Why hot drop the vill- age’s share to one-half. They said the pump house would cost $20,000, so let’s pay $10,000. “You can’t build it for $20,000," said Councillor Middleton. “If we’re going to pay one- half, go for $12,500,†said Deputy- Reeve Tomlin. “We could argue the point of what is fair, $10,000, $12,500 or $15,000 but we won’t really know what is fair until we're sure how many the station will service.†“Mr. Redfern said to put in a big enough. main to handle the large area west to Bathurst. If Joint Meeting Planned Representing the Richvale Ratepayers, Bryan Bailey and H. C. N unn met with Vaughan Town- ship Council on Monday to dis- cuss the water contamination sit- uation existing in the Richvale area. quBailey said that at recent ratepayers‘ meetings. the resi- dents in the area expressed the feeling that a municipal water supply was a logical solution to the problem, and urged that council should give this matter consideration. - Follow Procedure Reeve Marshall McMurchy pointed out that there 'was a proper procedure for the estab- lishment of a water area and ad- vised Mr. Bailey 'to see if the ratepayers were willing to raise a petition asking council to in- vestigate the possible cost of a municipal water supply. "We need to know the sentiment of the peopleâ€, said the reeve, em- phasizing that municipalities can- not go ahead with a project such as this without either a request from ratepayers concerned or a certiï¬cate from the Department of Health. Reeve McMurchy said that at the request of Reeve Alfred Le- Masurier of Markham Township, a joint meeting of the councils would be held to discuss the prob- lem. Council gave third and ï¬nal reading to a by-law with amend- ments to provide for the drain- age award in the Ball Subdivis- ion. Insurance Earlier in the meeting. Dr. R. M. King met with council to re- view the situation thus far. Dr. King said that investigations were continuing and added that gov- ernment health officials might be called in to assist in the investi- gations. Joint Meeting Council met with Glen Wilson of A. E. Wilson Co., Toronto, to review the township insurance policies. To the list of equipment to be insured was added the new police radio system which cost $5.000. Considering the pres- ent ï¬re policies of $15,000 on the township office and $10,000 on contents rather low in view of present costs, council instructed its agent to add $10,000 to the building insurance and $5,000 to the contents. Refuse Request CouncilPay$15,000 On Pumping Station Richvae Ratepayers Ask For Water Investigation A request by Richmond Hill Public School Board for an ex- tension of Lucas Street by coun- cil to give access to the proposed public school site was turned down. Thornhill Garbage Trustee Allan Sumner told council that the Thornhill Village Trustees have been considering establishing garbage collection in the village for some time and would like to have their plan set into action by October 1. Mr. Sumner asked council if it would in Service Large Area The original motion to pay $15.- 000 towards the cost of the pump- ing station was moved by Coun- cillor Middleton. seconded by Councillor Jones and carried unanimously. Review Police Question Deputy_Reeve Tomlin w, the opinion a local force Wo_ run into more expense with Co . cillor Jones stating that after the' initial cost of the first year, the buying of uniforms, guns etc.. “expenses shouldn’t be more than $500 at the most. A man in Richmond Hill shouldn’t drive over 300 miles a month," he said. the main is big enough to take the population to Bathurst. we can't go wrong to pay $15,000,†said Councillor Jones. Judging from reports given by Councillor Jones and Perkins re- garding police costs in neighbour- ing municipalities, council could see little difference in maintain- ing its own force or in hiring men from the Provincial police, the cost per man averaging around $4,000 per year. Council is seriously considering main: taining a village force and it is felt the Provincial police are no interested in policing the sma er towns and villages. Councillor Perkins reported on his findings from Vaughan town- ship and their feelings -toward a joint system. He said they seem- qd to be sympathetic but the question arose as to how the ï¬nes would be collected. Deputy- Reeve Tomlin did not agree to the joint policing system where 2 or 3 municipalities used a force. stating “we Want control of our own men." Councillor Jones said since our population would be increased by 3.000 very soon, “it would be better to face the facts now and get our own Reeve McMurchy replied that from the township standpoint, any of the fringe areas would have to be contacted before a decision could be given. It was decided to contact ratepayers in the Ar- nold, Smith, McMahon and Ball subdivisions. To Develop Park be possible to include some of the fringe subdivisions-in the town- ship in the Thornhill garbage ar- ea in order to reduce costs. “Checking on other municipali- ties of comparable size, I ï¬nd rates are about 2 mills,†said Mr. Sumner and added that with Thornhill’s $750,000 assessment it would ï¬gure to an approximate cost of $3 annually per home. Council gave permission to the Thornhill trustees to develop the area left for park purposes in the Ball subdivision. Road Oil Council considered a list of roads to be oiled this year in the township. In addition to stretch- es done last year, several new portions of road have been added to give a total mileage of oiled road at 27.6 miles. The process requires approximately 2,800 gal- ?ns of oil per mile. This year's ender price on oil was 22.3c per gallon. EVERY THURSDAY â€" Bingo sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall. Richmond Hill. at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. ‘ ' " " tfcll FRIDAY â€" Every Friday Bingo Army, Navy and Air Force Club, Stop 120 Yonge St., at 8 pm. Ad- mission 35c. tfc49 LAKE WILCOX Community Hall Jamboree - Every Sunday Night 8.30 pm. Refreshment tickets. Adults 50c, children 25c. Enter- tainment free. tfc44 JUNE 10 â€" Thursday. Markham Twp. Property Owners Assoc. meeting at Cherry Hill Farm, No. 7 Highway, Unionville, at 830 p m. Mi'. Fred G. Gardiner, Q.C., Mayor of Metropolitan Tor- onto, will be guest speaker JUNE 11 â€" Friday 1.15 pm. Rummage sale at the North York Veterans’ Hall, Stop 120 New- tonbrook. in aid of Thornhill and District Assn. for Retarded Chil- dren. c1w50 JUNE 12 â€"- Saturday 7.30 to 10 pm. Iris Show of Richmond Hill Horticultural Society at Lions Community Hall. Exeryoue wel- come. also JUNE 13 â€" Sunday. 3 to 6 pm. Visit to garden of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Little, 27 Vaughan Road, HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1870 Don’t Go Around In Circles If you are looking for a different job â€" someone to buy a used article, a service -- no need to waste a lot of time and energy â€" JUST RUN A “LIBERAL†WANT AD. Phone TU. 4-1261 Coming Events c2w49 force before the increase." A meeting of the Police Com. mittee will be held on June 14 when the question will be dis'- cussed, their recommendations to be brought back to conic“ Congratulate Jaycees , ’ égï¬ï¬Ã©iiwéipEeâ€"gsgavits tion to the Jaycees for' the group for beautification _ 'aWi also agrfé, J Jé‘e'ic Smith. MP. 181-. regarding high freight - Richmond Hill. to seed: they could be lowered in'coni‘parision to that of the metropolitan area. Councillor Jones enquired into the tennis courts to the back of the Municipal Hall and whether they could be used as a parking lot since the club was not active this year. Council stated it would be interested in buying the lights from the club and would contact the executive regarding this matter. Receives Estimates Council received estimates for the installation of sewers and water for the area east of the railway tracks in the village on a local improvement basis. Total cost for sewers was given at $94,- 372, $55,780 to be the owners’ share, and $38,592 the village’s share. This breaks down to 20 cents annual rate per foot front. age over a 20 year period. Total cost of the water would be $70,- 801, $52,935 the owners’ share and $17,886 the village's share. The breakdown runs at 19.42 cents per foot frontage for a ‘20 year period. Before ‘ further steps are taken this information will be forwarded to the people concerned for consideration. Repair Arena Councillor Jones was given per- mission to go ahead with repairs to the east side of the arena, cost to be around $200. He said the top walk was badly in need of repair and made a dangerous walkway for people using the arena‘ Elton Armstrong, Reeve of King township is prepared to go out after some of the industrial growth that is happening in the Metropolitan fringe municipal: ities. - “Our township can offer lots of local labour,, good roads and railway facilities," said Mr. Arm- strong. adding that the township has had an aerial map prepared showing desireable industrial sites. King is famous for its lovely views and offers large areas suitable for both large and small estates. The Reeve said that a properly organized trailer camp would be a welcome addit- ion to the township. A recent development in the township has been the donation of a 50 acre park site by Thorn- ton Bales in memory of his fam- ily. A memorial cairn is to be erected and the park area devel« oped in the near future. ' for members and friends of Soc? iety. c1w50 JUNE 14 â€" Thornhill L.O.L. No. 91 will meet in the Masonic Hall, Thornhill. c1w50 JUNE 14 â€" Monday. $100 jackpot Bingo at Community Hall, Spruce Ave., Stop 22A at 8.15 pm. JUNE 22 â€"- Tuesday. Strawberry Festival to be held in Victoria Square United Church Sunday School room from 6.30 pm. to 8 pm. Sponsored by the Married Couples Club of the Church. A variety program to follow. Admis- sion: Adults 75c, children, 12 yrs. and under 35c. 02w50 JUNE 26 â€"- Saturday. Our Lady of Grace Church, Aurora, Garden Party, Yonge and Maple Sts. Sup- per served 5â€"8 pm. Lucky draw. bingo and games. c3w50 JUNE 23 â€" Wednesday. Teston United Church Strawberry Fes_- tival. Supper served from 5 p. m .to 8 pm. Admission 75c, chil- dren 50c. c2w50 JUNE 26 â€" Saturday at 5 pm. Fun Fair and Garden Party un- der auspices Vof Victoria Square \\'.A. At the home of Mrs. H. F. Collard. 03w“ King Township Seeks Industry c1w50