in the contest. The four main breeds Alpine, Saanens, Nubian and Toggenberg were fairly ev- enly represented. ~ The jhdging was under‘ the cap- able direction of Mr. Fred Cole of Markham. a goat breeder with History was made last Satur- day when the North-East Group of the Ontario Dairy Goat Socie- ty sponsored the ï¬rst buck show ever to be held in this province. The event was held at “Caesar- brae". the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ada Caeser at the corner of No. 7 Highway and Bayview Ave., Langstaï¬. Words of welcome'were also spoken by Society President Dr. G. R. Bourne. Dr. Bourne. a resident of London. Ont., travell- ed the distance between London and Langstafl in his own plane, landing at Buttonville Airport. Goat breeders from across the province displayed a real inter- est in the afternoon's proceedings by entering a total of 35 bucks Reeve Alfred LeMasurler of Markham township oï¬icially op- ened the show and extended a warm welcome to all the exhibi- tors and visitors. WE’RE FOR “ICE†- IN RICHMOND HILL ARENA a! wish you birds would hurry up and ï¬nish fhis house!" mals entered in last Saturday‘s Buck Show, sponsored by the Northâ€"East Group of the Ontario Dairy Goat Soc- iety are (left to right) Dr. G. R. Bourne, ocal Groups Sponsors Dairy Goat Show Your Ford-Monarch Dealer TU. 4-1116 RICHMOND HILL EM. 6-3166 Two-tone grey and green. Completer reconditioned in our shop. Miles of trouble-free driving for only READY FOR SUMMER DRIVING! 50 Ford Custom Coach Shown admiring“ two of the ani- $950.00 R. D. LITTLE 8: SON LTD. F. L. LOWRIE R.O. OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 5., ï¬rst door north of Bus Station ‘ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 From 9.30 am. to 12 noon and the 2nd - and 4th Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Reï¬laced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled I Home Off. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre HU. 8-8949 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED ‘ Toggenberg. baby: Kerrypatch Beau. Marg Brock: 2 Gilgayrow Major Domo. V. Sowerby; Super- via, G. Punï¬eld. Toggenberg. junior: Junalde Johnny. M. Branston; Kerrycroft. C. McCauslandyTohna Sigmund, V. Sower‘oy Toggenberg. mature: Chikam- ing Captain. G. Punï¬eld. Saanen, mature: Snowflakes Mynas Custer, D. McQuaid; Win- dycrest Alert. E. McCutcheon; Lyndells Bartley. J. LaPorte. Saanen, baby: Entry. E. McCutâ€" cheon; Sylvan Acres Paschal. J. Boreham and Mr. Winteler; Bize- taym. L. & D. Morris. Following is a list of the prize winners in each class: Alpine, mature: Chang Del- Norte, D. McQuaid. many years standing. Competition in several of the classes was ex- tremely close. Prize Winners ~ Alpine. mature: Chang Del- Norte, D. McQuaid. Alpine, baby: Precieux Sang au Printemps. D. McQuaid; Francois Roi de L’Ontario, D. Maier. 'Saanen, junior: Madgthom Churchill. M. Thornton; Windy- crest Faerie Prinée, M. Alexan- der. ‘ London, Society President, M17. George Punï¬eld, Green River, holding a buck. Mrs. Margaret Brock, Richmond Hill, holding a kid; and Reeve Alfred LeMasâ€" urier of Markham Township. Top price of the sale was $3.- 000. received by.Estate of P. E. Pifer. Kenosha. Wisc., from Per- cy Jones. Denver, Colo., for a six- J. E. Houck & ’Sons, Brampton, Ontario, received! $2200. for Houckholme Starï¬e, a 9-months bull calf that went to Chambrick Holstein Farms. Rockford. 111. This was the second highest price for a bull, the top being $2,550. paid by the Kentucky Artiï¬cial Breeding Association. Louisville, Ky., to Lakeï¬eld Farms, Clarks- ton, Mich., for Lakeï¬eld Fobes Baron, whose dam is an 1140 lb. cow bred by Harvey Nigh, Spring- ï¬eld, Ont. David R. Stevens St. Mary’s. sold a six-year-old cow to T. E. Courtney, DeKalb, 111., at $2,000. and J. J. E. McCague, Alliston, a bred heifer at $1,025. 'and a bull calf at $1475., the latter being the last son of the noted Marks- man. The annual sale held in con- nection with the national con- vention of the Holstein-Freisian Association of America on June 3 at Grand Rapids. Michigan, brought, a total of $86,625. on 99 head for an average of $875. Sev- eral Canadian Holsteins were amongst those sold. Raymondale Farm, Vaudreuil, Que., paid $2,050. to Carnation Farms. Carnation, W'ash., for Carnation Norlhman. the Reserve Allâ€"American Junior Yearling hull of 1953. Canadian Holsteins Sell Well AtUnitedStatesConventionSale Mr. Marritt then spoke on types of Sprayers and choice of booms and nozzles for various jobs. making many timely sug- gestions regarding sprayer oper- ation. With the aid of several sprayer parts to explain his points. he prepared his audience On Friday last, about 60 own- ers of farm weed Sprayers and custom operators attended a weed spray school at the Department of Agrriculture, Newmarket, orâ€" ganized by County Weed Inspec- tor Frank Marritt of Keswick and Agricultural Representative W. M. Cockburn. Opening'with an educational ï¬lm on the use of 2-4~D, the program included a discussion'of weeds’ and the Menâ€" tiï¬cation of several specimens of troublesome ones. some of which had been sprayed a few days be- fore. This was handled. by Mr. K. E. Fallis of the Crops. Seeds and Weeds Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Congratulations are in order to Chairman Richard Down of Rich- mond Hill and the members of the Show Committee who did such an excellent job in organi- zing the event. The Show Com- mittee would like to express their thanks and deep apprecia- tion to the following ï¬rms and persons who so generously don- ated prizes: T. L. Wilson & Sons. Whitevale; Ralston-Purina Co.; Simpson‘s Drug ,Store. Weston; Master Feeds, Leitchcroft Farms, Langstaï¬; Mr. Wilf Dean. Thorn- hill; Mr. and Mrs. G. Punï¬eld; Mr. and Mrs, Olott, Mr. Morley, Miss M. Stephens. Mr. D. Mc- Quaid, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Skelding. Mr. Swain, Mr. & Mrs. F. Brock, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Down, Mrs. J. Boreham, Mr. Winteler. Mrs. Ada Caesar, Mr. Russell Wilby. Nubian. baby: Windy Crest Zarâ€" l'ad. D. Skelding; Windy Crest Rosebank Herd. E. Hassel; Sylvan Acres Batu Climber, B. Light- hart. R. Down, Chairman Show Com.. Nubian, junior: Julian Nob Brutus. G. Bunï¬eld. York Farmers Hear Informative Lectures On Weed Spraying Nubian, mature: Valley Park- hill Senor, D. Skelding. 4 Photo by Stefariiiik [North Yonge Bus Lines Gives Richmond Hill Small Profit Since 1941 the value of gold produced in Canada has dropped from $205,000,000 to $151,000,000 Amongst the bidders were Ed. Don George, former World Champion wrestler, who has es- tablished a Holstein herd near Buffalo, and Col. J. C. McLean, chief test pilot for the U.S. Army Air Force. ' year-old cow. 23 head sold $1,000. or more with eight tween $2.000 and $3,000. The afternoon session featured a discussion panel under the chairmanship of W. M. Cockburn. assisted by Mr. Fallis. Mr. Pearce. Mr. Marritt, D. C. Warner of CI. L., Jas. Neale, representing Ni- agara Sprays, Burlington, and Morley Cook of Armitage, who operates a custom sprayer. The audience participation was most responsive and made the discus- sion period an outstanding suc- cess. cipal sprayer 6perators A similar school with an equal- ly good attendance had been conâ€" ducged three weeks previously for road superintendents. town- ship weed inspectors and muni- for the ï¬eld demonstration in"the afternoon. Mr. Frank Pearce of the Dow Chemical Co. gave a pre- view of some of the new develop- ments in chemical weed and brush killers. some of which might not be released for a couple of years yet. Mah' Agricultural Representa- tive in York, and has continued to the present day. ~ Judge Two Classes At Shur-Gain Farm. the boys judged two classes of dairy cat- tle and two of swine. From there they went to Maplewood Farms for a class of Guernseys and from thence to Don Head and Summit Farms where they judged South- down sheep. Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cattle. During the afternoon. reasons for placing on four classes were given to the judges at the Department of Ag- riculture. Newmarket. Banquet Mileage for the ï¬rst quarter in 1954 Was 154.704. compared to the same period in 1953 of 164,- 680, a decrease of 9.976 or 6.06 per cent Junior Farmers from York County gathered at Shur~Gain Farms, Maple. on Saturday. May 1, for the annual Livestock Jud- F'r‘q Competition. This competi- tion commenced as an annual PV- ent about 1915 when J. C. Steck- The North Yonge Bus opera- tions for the ï¬rst quarter, Januâ€" ary. February and March of this year. showed a proï¬t of $1,584.14 compared to a proï¬t last year of $3.623‘28. Cora Brodie-Bob BeynOn Win Jr. Farmers 4H Trips The competition concluded with a Junior Farmer 4-H Club Award Banquet at the King George Ho- tel in Newmarket. The ban- quet was chaired by Eldred King of Markham. president of the York County Junior Farmers’ Assoc. At this event the boys _were joined by a number of 4-H Homemaking Club girls and their leaders who had come to receive the awards for their work during the year from Mrs. Mabel Borg- strom, Home Economist. Wins Chicago Trip The winner of the trip to the 4-H Club Congress at Chicago was Miss Cora Brodie, Gormley. Only one delegate per year can be sent on the Chicago trip and the award is made for general proï¬ciency and activity in 4-H Club and Junior Farmer work. Winners of Provincial Honours for the completion of 12 Home-; making Club projects were Cora Brodie. Gormley; Jean Brumwell, Gormley; Gladys Gingell, Union- ville; Betty McGill. Queensville. Leadership certiï¬cates were also issued to four Club Leaders who have been in charge of clubs for ï¬ve consecutive years. These were Mrs. George Kelly of But- tonville; Mrs. Irving Rose. Union Street; Mrs. E. Phillips, Temper- KENNETH H. DOYLE FIRE â€" AUTO â€"- CASUALTY 83 Westwood Lane, Richvale General Insurance AV. 5-0067 for The Federation is assisting the schools in preparation of their albums by making a grant of a fixed amount to each school tak- ing part in the contest. Valuable prizes are offered for the best albums, and every school taking part in the contest will receive some recognition for its efforts. Pupils in the following school sec- tions are participating: Oak Rid- ges, School Sections Nos. 2, 4, 5, 10. 18. 22, 23 and 24-2. In addition to‘ illustrating the need and methods of conserving soil, waters and wood lots in or- der to make the area more pro- ductive economically, the objectâ€" ive of keeping or making it a more pleasant, beautiful and in- teresting place in which to live may also be illustrated in the albums. It is hoped that by this means pupils will develop the habit of looking for and appreci- ating beauty and interest in their surroundings. ‘ A special programme for all the participating pupils has been arranged for the afternoon of Pupils ina number of., lic schools in King ToWnship are this month _vying for honours in a Conservation Contest sponsored by the Federation of Ontario Nat- uralists. The contest is modelled after one held last year in the Kearney district was featured in an article in one of the large Toronto Dailies. The purpose of the contest. which is between schools rather than individual pupils, is to stim- ulate interest in conservation on the part of the students. It con- sists of the preparation of a scrapbook or album presenting. by means of photographs with descriptive captions, conditions in the area served by the school illustrating good conservation practices or the need for them. For the month of March the report showed a net operating proï¬t of $611.65, compared with a loss of $138.87 for March 1953. Passenger revenue for March 1954 amounted to $30,538.72 com- pared to $29,528.70 for the same period last year, an increase of $1,010.02 or 3.42 per cent. Oper- ating expenses for March 1954 were $29,932.28, compared to $29,862.86 in March 1953. an inâ€" crease of $69.42 or .23 per cent. The winner of the USA. Bus Trip in the boys' section was Bob Beynon of Maple. This award is made on a point system where ac- tivities in all Junior Farmer and 4-H Club work are given consid- eration, The competition of the day was not largely attended but the calibre of the judging work was very high and brought forth many worthy winners. Judges Challenge Trophies in the Jun- ior competition were won as fol- lows: Beef (John Gar‘dhouse Tro- phy). won by Donald Brodie, Gormley. Dairy (Gordon Duncan Trophyr. won by Gary Herrema, King. Sheep (D. W. Baxter Tro- phyl, won by Andrew Watson, WUodbridge. Swine (Boynton Bros. Trophy), won by Bruce Fieldhouse. Woodbridge. Junior Team. coached by Dun- can Watson, Woodbridge. Jim Darlington. Maple, Andrew Wat- son. Woodbridge. Bruce Field- house. Woodbridge. There was a decrease of 3.60 per cent in the mileage operated. and passengers for March in- creased by 3.22 per cent. anceville and Miss Marion Eyes. Queensville. Nine girls also re- ceived County Honours for the completion of six Homemaking Club projects. Bogs’ U.S.A. Trip The judges at the competition were Mr. Gerry Walker. King: Mr. Geo. Williams. Toronto, and Messrs. W. M. Cockbum and E. K. Pearson of the Department of Agriculture. Newmarket. Award List Senior Championship (Hon. Geo. S. Henry Shield). won by Angus Morton. Queensville. Jun- ior Championship «Col. Geo. B. Little Shield), won by Donald Brodie, Gormley. C.N.E. Novice Shield, won by Jim Darlington, Maple. Inter-Township Team. won by East Gwillimbury Township, team comprised of: Angus Morton, Queensville, Dave Crone, Mt. Al- bert; Lloyd Balsdon, Queensville. The net result to Richmond Hill for the ï¬rst quarter of 1954 wa§ a proï¬t of $364.33. A complete listing of the aw? ards is as follows: Sponsor Contest Conservation Highlighted In King Township Schools Thursday, June 17. at Oak Ridges School. o The Federation of Ontario Nat- uralists is to be congratulated for its fine efforts in the interest of conservation in the King Town- HL€_ __~7 ship area Dogs running at large are proâ€" ving the Usual spring problem to the residents of the municipality. Police report they handled 22 dog complaints in May. Township officers seized liquor on four different occasions during the past month, and also recov- ered one stolen car and one stol- en bicycle. Other vital statistics contained in the report were: Accidents in- vestigated 23. Court summonses issued 58. Obtaining money by false pretences (worthless che- ques) 2. Domestic complaints 4, Fires attended 5, Funerals at- tended 5, Dances attended 1. As a safety aid for children crossing busy streets in school areas, Police Chief C. Wideman has recommended in his May re- port to Markham township Coun- cil that the members secure free of charge from the Coca Cola Company a supply of school crosâ€" sing signs. These signs which feature a picture of a policeman holding a placard with “slow school zone", on them are avail- able at the rate of two signs for each school section. Canadian tariï¬ duties are among the world's lowest, an average of only 7%% of value being collected on all goods entering the country in 1951. Three' out ofWEJé’rwaive Can- ada's hotels are located in Quebec or Ontario. Police Recommend Markham Get Free SafetyCrossingSigns According to the latest ï¬gures contained in a York County equalized assessment report just released Vaugh- an Township now has the largest population of any municipality in the County. These ï¬gures. compiled by the County Assessor. show Vaughan Township with a population of 11.636, foll- owed closely by Markham Township with a population of 11,406. The drop in Mark- ham’s‘population is due in part to the recent annexation by Richmond Hill of a 1,000- acre tract of Markham Twp. Although slightly smaller in population, Markham's bus- iness assessment is consid- erably in excess of Vaughan Township’s. Markham Town- ship has a business assess- ment of $195,455.00, while Vaughan‘s business assess» ment totals $56,250.00. Populations of surround- ing municipalities include Whitchurch Township 5,618, King Township 7,846. Aurora 3.543. Richmond Hill 3.310. Markham Village 1.913, Woodbridge 1,909, and Stou- flville 1,893. Vaughan Twp. Has Largest Population In York County This corporation is engaged .in the development of resi- dential and industrial land in Southern Ontario. We have for immediate sale in our Bayview Ave. subdivisions in the Village of Richmond Hill, the following: 450 fully serviced residential building lots. 1000 feet of planned shopping centres, front- age on Bayview Avenue. ' 40 acres of choice industrial land with railway facilities. Wishes to Announce the Establishment of a Toronto Office LocatedL at 540 Bayview Avenue, TORONTO Phone MO. 3587 ANNOUNCEMENT JOHN A. BAILEY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 540 BAYVIEW AVENUE, TORONTO John A. Bailey. President and Managing Director All enquiries will be given immediate attention JOHN A. BAILEY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED The odd thing about square dancing is that the people who watch get just as much fun out of it as those who dance. Which is probably the reason why the Thomhill District Lions Club has announced a gigantic square dance competition to be held in conjunction with the Lions An- nual Summer Carnival at Thorn- hill. June 23 and 24. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Thurs.. June 10. 1954 To be awarded to the winning Dance Team at the Gigantic Square Dance competition to be held in conjunction with the Thornhill Lions Annual Summer Carnival on June 23 and 24. “1 The Two-step a peared 'n} 1890 and the fox-tro in 1910. =11 of these dances contributed some- thing to a type of dancing which is regaining some of its former position. That is the barn dance or square dance. The wonderful trophy shown above will be an annual Chall- enge Trophy and will be awarded the winning square. In addition cash prizes in the amounts of $1 0 for ï¬rst, $80 for second, and $4 Bolero, Polonaise. Tarantella); Polka. and the Highland Fling5 are but a few. - '- >- Since those very early days. dancing has evolved into many variations. The minuet, Quadrille, Most authorities agree that dancing originated among primi- tive peoples, and that in the be- ginning it was an expression of united feeling and action. Square Dance Competition 8 YON GE ST. S. “Sign of Set-vim†0 VACANT LAND . BUSINESSES Brading's Brewery Challenge Trophy M0. 3587 CANADA’S LARGEST REALTORS Offices Throughout Ontario Listing Now or Expert Annals-ll of For Anything Snbnrbu! â€" Call REAL ESTATE LIMITED As the total number of entrie; must be limited. those not select- ed will have thegr entry fee re- funded. All sets will be called to dancp one dance to the caller provided by the Thornhill District Lions Club. and each set will be re- quired to dance a change of its own chossing in not over seven minutes. for which change the set must provide its own caller.“ Entries. already coming in, must be made on the entry form which should be fully completed, and these entry forms must reach Dave Booth .Secretary. Thornhill District Lions Club PO. Box 100. Thornhill. Ont. by not later than June 12. Entry forms shouuld he obtained from the Lions Club Secretary. Rules and regulations are also available and the entry fee is $4. which assures top flight competi- tion. Music will be supplied by Bob Scott‘s orchestra and regular calls will be done by Tommy Thompson. These features along assure success of the competi- uon. for third. will also be awarded s’, Yonge SL. 'nounces that the ' pet of a brand-new _l’i Rotary Power LaWn Wélï¬ in3a draw held for fheir customers was Mrs. B. .EHiSt. of Lawrence Ave;, [Richmond Hill. ‘n The ï¬rst tournament will be on July 1. when a mixed trebles tournament will be played for the J. A. Green. Trophy. LLING Richmond Hill Lawn Bowl- ing Club opened the season Monday night with a good at- tendance of players. Presi- dent Bill Savage welcomed some 15 new members who have joined the club this year. er or $100.01) of fré'eia'u‘r'égy stock. The lucky bérson had the choice of a power lawn mow~ Mixed Trébles Tournament YING . FARMS . HOMES PHONE TU. 4-1131